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女性領導者之後效懲罰行為對部屬評價與工作表現的影響:內在歸因及意圖歸因的中介效果 / The Impacts of Female Leaders’ Contingent Punishment Behaviors on Subordinate’s Evaluation and Work Performance:The Mediating Effects of Internal and Intentional Attributions陳怡廷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣社會對於性別平權的提倡與重視,有越來越多的女性投入職場,然而在高階領導階層的男女比例還是有明顯的差距。本研究希望以實驗法深入探討領導者在組織當中展現特定管理行為效果的性別差異,即男、女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為對部屬的影響。由於後效懲罰行為時常會伴隨生氣情緒展現,又後效懲罰與生氣情緒皆屬違反女性刻板印象行為,預期相較於男性領導者,女性領導者展現此管理行為時會受到部屬比較低的評價和工作表現。研究一透過閱讀後效懲罰短文情境並操弄領導者的性別,僅在部屬對女性領導者評價上發現些微符合預期的證據。研究二改採實際模擬互動情境,操弄領導者性別、給予的回饋並及情緒圖片,結果發現女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為時,確實較男性領導者有較低的評價及工作表現,且利用路徑分析發現內在歸因及部分正向意圖歸因的中介效果。綜合兩個研究可以凸顯女性領導者執行特定重要管理行為時所面臨的困境,並期許兩性在職場上能有更平等的發展機會。 / Despite women’s increasing worforce participation, the gender gap in organizations has not changed appreciably nowadays. Women are still underrepredented in leadership positions in Taiwan. This research reveals a delimma female leaders may face when exhibiting Contignet Punishment Behavior, which is not only an important but a counterstereotypical management behavior. Since Contignet Punishment Behavior is always accompany with anger expression, we conducted two experiments to examine whether people are biased against female leaders when they exhibited it. Although study 1 showed only a small tendency that female leader is less evaluated than male leader, we found participants did give less evaluation and work less when they received contingent punishment from female leader than male leader, and the mediating role of internal and positive intentional attribution also found in study 2. Overall, we reveal penalties for women when they display important menagment behavior which is perceived violating gender-stereotypic prescriptions. Implication and practical applications are discussed.
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Analýza trestněprávní terminologie v českých překladech vybraných románů F.M. Dostojevského / Analysis of Criminal Terminology in the Czech Translations of Selected Dostoyevsky's NovelsTymofeyeva, Alla January 2018 (has links)
(in English): This thesis focuses on a review of the criminal terminology in the Czech translations of five novels by F. M. Dostoevsky. The paper covers the following novels: 1) Crime and Punishment; 2) Demons; 3) Notes from the House of the Dead; 4) The Brothers Karamazov and 5) The Idiot. The main objective of the manuscript is to analyze the legal terms in these novels and to ensure accurate translations into the Czech language from a legal and linguistic perspective. These findings may be of significant assistance in future translations of these Dostoyevsky's novels into Czech. Analýza trestněprávní terminologie v českých překladech vybraných románů F. M. Dostojevského Analysis of the Criminal Law Terminology in the Czech Translations of Selected Dostoyevsky's Novels ALLA TYMOFEYEVA Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Stanislav Rubáš, Ph.D. Praha 2017
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L'encadrement normatif de la détention dans les camps de concentration nationaux-socialistes / The normative framework of concentration camp internmentBertrand, Nicolas 05 July 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de l'encadrement normatif de l'internement concentrationnaire. Ce concept désigne les règles et procédures produites et appliquées par les administrations concentrationnaires et encadrant le quotidien des détenus internés dans les camps de concentration nazis. Notre étude est pragmatique. Elle se fonde principalement sur l'analyse des archives des administrations concentrationnaires : les règles et procédures concernant l'internement des détenus édictées par les administrations centrales et leur application au niveau du camp de Buchenwald principalement. Cette approche permet de démontrer que l'internement du détenu n'est pas caractérisé par l'arbitraire. Il se déroule au contraire conformément à un encadrement normatif aux caractéristiques spécifiques. Malgré des imperfections formelles dues à leur fondement spécifique sur la Volonté du Führer (Führerwille), les règles et procédures concentrationnaires encadrent l'ensemble de l'internement du détenu : les contacts avec l'extérieur, la répression disciplinaire, le travail forcé et la mort. La participation du personnel SS et civil ou des détenus au fonctionnement du camp se fait ainsi conformément à un encadrement normatif. Cela explique en partie pourquoi les différents acteurs, croyant leurs actes fondés et justifiés par cet encadrement normatif d'allure pseudo-juridique, participèrent au fonctionnement des camps. / The object of this thesis is to study the normative framework of concentration camp internment. The term ‘normative framework’ refers to the rules and procedures established and applied by the concentration camp administrations and which governed the internment of those prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. Our study is pragmatic. It is based primarily on the analysis of concentration camps’ administrative archives: the rules and procedures issued by central administrations concerning the internment of prisoners and their application, mainly at the Buchenwald camp.This approach demonstrates that the period of internment was not characteristically arbitrary. Rather, it occurred in accordance with a normative framework with specific characteristics. Despite formal imperfections due to their specific foundation in the Führer’s Will (Führerwille), concentration camp rules and procedures governed the inmate’s entire internment: contacts with the outside, punishment, forced labor and death. The participation of SS members, or employees of firms using detainee labor or even detainees themselves, was carried out in accordance with a normative framework. This explains in part why the various actors, believing their actions grounded in and justified by this pseudo-legal framework, took part in camp operations.
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La justice pénale devant la Cour de Parlement, de Saint Louis à Charles IV (vers 1230-1328) / Crime and justice before the Court of the King, from Saint-Louis to Charles IV (c. 1230-1328)Tuttle, Liêm 15 November 2014 (has links)
La justice pénale constitue, à partir du règne de Saint Louis, une part importante de l’activité de la Cour du roi. En effet, tandis que se développe, notamment grâce à son intervention, un véritable « État de droit » dès le milieu du XIIIe siècle, le nombre d’affaires pénales portées devant elle ne cesse de s’accroître, et leur résolution constitue bientôt un domaine où s’élabore une politique judiciaire spécifique dont il y a lieu de déterminer les objectifs, les moyens et les résultats. Les décisions prises par ce qui devient le « Parlement » tendent à s’inscrire dans le prolongement des idées du temps sur le devoir incombant à la royauté de punir les infractions et de maintenir la paix, tout en révélant une confrontation régulière des juges aux difficultés inhérentes au caractère composite de l’organisation judiciaire et à l’enchevêtrement des coutumes, privilèges et autres droits propres. L’application d’une justice conforme aux idéaux de la royauté passe de manière nécessaire et préalable par la fixation d’un cadre judiciaire et juridique respectueux des droits acquis, mais également porteur d’obligations pour les juges pénaux du royaume. La cour souveraine les contraint ainsi au respect d’un certain nombre de principes, hérités pour partie de ceux qu’elle-même définit comme les fondements du procès pénal dans le cadre de son propre « style » naissant. La manière de résoudre le trouble provoqué par l’acte délictueux devient donc essentielle : après en avoir défini les éléments nécessaires à l’imputation d’une faute punissable, la cour applique et fait appliquer des peines toujours minutieusement « arbitrées » selon l’importance du dommage et l’intention coupable manifestée. La poursuite des crimes, le règlement de juges, la résolution des litiges entre juges et justiciables, sont autant de lieux privilégiés de la défense de la « chose publique », la cour s’assurant par là que les « crimes ne demeureront pas impunis », même si la part de la miséricorde demeure toujours réservée : ils seront traités par voie de droit, c’est-à-dire selon un droit pénal royal conforme à « ce que recommande la justice / As early as the reign of St. Louis, criminal justice represents a major part of the work of the Court of the King. Indeed, from the middle of the thirteenth century, while a true “State of law” is being developed, especially through its daily activities, the number of criminal cases risen before it increases steadily. Their settlement becomes soon an area where a specific judicial policy is adopted, of which it is necessary to determine the objectives, the means and the outcome. The judicial decisions taken by what is becoming the “Parliament”, tend to fall in line with the ideas of that time about the duties of the monarchy concerning the punishment of offenses and the maintaining of peace, while revealing that the judges are confronted on a regular basis to the difficulties posed by the composite character of the judiciary, and the entanglement of customs, privileges and personal laws. Applying justice consistently with the ideals of the monarchy makes it a necessity and a prerequisit to set a judicial and legal framework, respectful for acquired rights, but also binding for criminal judges of the kingdom. The sovereign court forces them to respect a number of principles, partly inherited from those it itself defines, in its own developing procedure, as the fundamentals of the criminal trial. The way to solve the disorder caused by the criminal act becomes essential: after defining the elements necessary for the attribution of a punishable offense, the court applies and enforces penalties that are always meticulously “arbitrated” accordingly to the damage and to the guilt. Thus, the prosecution of crimes, the settlement between judges in criminal matters, or between the judges and private persons are all privileged areas for the defense of “public good”: through those, the court makes sure that “crimes do not go unpunished”, even if room is always left for mercy, and will be dealt with through law, that is through a royal criminal law in accordance with “what justice recommends”.
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Sparing the Rod?: Social workers and corporal punishmentBrannon, Christopher Omer, Tanghal, James Oliver 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a survey that would provide professionals with an idea as to the thoughts, feelings, and values that social workers held regarding physical punishment towards a child. Social workers stand in a position to intervene in the intergenerational transmission of violence.
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Recherche sur le droit des attroupements et rassemblements "Contribution à l’étude de l’ordre public en droit français" / Research on the law governing gatherings and assemblies "Contribution to the study of public order in French law"Alzu'bi, Hadeel 25 June 2019 (has links)
En droit français, le régime des attroupements et rassemblements est au carrefour des droits administratif et pénal. Il dépasse le droit de manifester reconnu et protégé, tout en étant une nouvelle manière pour les citoyens de manifester leurs opinions, souvent véhiculées par Internet. Ces prises de position ont souvent pour point commun leur caractère spontané et immédiat, ainsi que leurs formes très éclectiques. Polysémique et évolutif dans son contenu, l’ordre public limite les atteintes à la liberté de manifester dont il est le corollaire. Dès lors, un équilibre entre les deux est exigé, illustré par la tolérance de l'autorité administrative d'un certain degré de désordre. C'est aujourd'hui la seule manière de concilier l'intérêt du pouvoir et des attroupements mobilisés dans la rue. Le maintien de l’ordre est l’une des missions principales des forces de police. Les dispositifs de prévention et les opérations de rétablissement de l’ordre troublé doivent obéir à la nécessité et à la proportionnalité reconnues à l’échelle européenne et nationale, assurant ainsi la légitimité des interventions policières. L’objectif poursuivi de cette recherche est de tenter de définir un régime juridique des attroupements unique, fondé sur l’ordre public dans un système cohérent et pertinent, indicateur du degré démocratique des systèmes contemporains. Ce fil directeur prend appui sur les textes, sur la jurisprudence, ou sur la doctrine mais aussi sur la pratique du maintien de l’ordre. / In French law, the rules governing gatherings and assemblies sit at the crossroads of administrative and criminal law. They go beyond the right to protest, which is recognised and protected, whilst also being a new way for citizens to demonstrate their opinions, often conveyed via the internet. Such positions often share a spontaneous and immediate nature, as well as taking highly eclectic forms. Polysemous and constantly evolving in terms of its content, public order limits the freedom of demonstration of which it is a corollary. Consequently, a balance between the two is required, illustrated by tolerance on the part of the administrative authorities of a certain degree of disorder. It is currently the only way to reconcile the interests of public authority and gatherings mobilised in the streets. One of the main tasks of police forces is to maintain order. Preventive mechanisms and operations intended to re-establish public order must be guided by necessity and proportionality, which are recognised at European and national levels, thus ensuring the legitimacy of police intervention. The aim pursued by this research is to attempt to define a single set of rules governing gatherings, based on public order within a consistent and relevant system, which is an indicator of the level of democracy in modern systems. That guiding principle is based on legislation, case law and jurisprudence, as well as the practicalities of maintaining public order.
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La faute lucrative / Lucrativ faultFournier de Crouy, Nathalie 22 September 2015 (has links)
Notre étude a pour objectif d'une part de comprendre pourquoi dans notre système juridique, certaines fautes peuvent profiter à leur auteur et d'autre part de les empêcher. Pour ce faire, dans une première partie, nous qualifierons la faute lucrative. Cette étape de qualification nous permettra de mettre en lumière l'unité de la notion de faute lucrative, en dépit de sa diversité de visages ; unité reposant sur des caractéristiques qui lui sont propres. A travers l'examen de chaque composante de la faute lucrative, nous mettrons en exergue les failles du Droit qui alimentent les stratégies spéculatives sur la violation de la règle de droit. La diversité de l'élément légal nous amènera à ausculter différentes disciplines du droit privé, dont principalement le droit pénal, le droit de la concurrence et le droit de la responsabilité civile. Les insuffisances de chacune de ces disciplines nous conduiront à proposer la reconnaissance par le Droit, de la faute lucrative, dans toute son singularité afin d'en ajuster le régime. Cette consécration en droit positif s'effectuera par la création d'une nouvelle circonstance aggravante, le dol lucratif, en droit répressif et l'assimilation de la faute lucrative à la faute intentionnelle ou dolosive en droit de la responsabilité civile. Cette réception de la faute lucrative en Droit justifiera l'élaboration d'un régime adéquat à la faute lucrative, poursuivant un objectif de dissuasion. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposerons donc un régime dissuasif, conçu à la lumière de la théorie économique de la dissuasion. Ce dernier reposera sur des modalités substantielles et procédurales, garantissant à la fois l'efficacité et l'effectivité de la sanction dissuasive. Au titre des premières, il s'agira d'augmenter le quantum chiffrable de la sanction, afin qu'il devienne au moins égal au profit illicite. Mais pas seulement : il s'agira également d'aggraver le quantum non chiffrable de la sanction, de sorte que le coût d'une faute ne puisse pas être intégralement anticipé, maîtrisé par les opérateurs économiques. Inévitablement, l'objectif de dissuasion des sanctions aura pour effet d'aggraver la responsabilité de l'auteur d'une faute lucrative. Aussi les modalités confiscatoires et dissuasives devront être passées au crible de la qualification de sanction répressive. Il en résultera une distinction nette entre le champ de la dissuasion et celui de la répression, le premier étant plus large que le second. Une sanction civile non répressive, simplement normative pouvant donc être dissuasive. Notre thèse a donc pour objectif de proposer une méthode de traitement des fautes lucratives afin de renverser le rapport coût-avantage d'une violation de l'ordre public. / Under french law, some faults can provide to their author more than the fault costs to them. In others words, some faults can procure an illegal profit because Law doesn't confiscate it or not efficiently. For example, it can be a cartel on prices, a violation of private life by a paparazzi magazine, or a fraud on consumer goods.... The aim of our thesis is twice. Fistly, we will try to understand why such behaviour is possible : what is the legal classification stage, after which we will propose a definition of lucrative fault in tort law, criminal law and competition law. Secondly, we are going to suggest a legal processing, method to deter this misbehaviour, what is the second step of our demonstration. Thus, in support of the economic model of deterrence by Gary Becker, we will determinate the conditions of effectiveness of a public punishment and of a private punishment. Among them, we will make the difference between the choice of the punishment and the probability of being decided.
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The transformation of South African Correctional Centres of Excellence through equitable unit managementMasina, Joseph 29 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the Unit Management into the South African Correctional Centres of Excellence. The focal point is based on the case management, multi-disciplinary approach, monitoring, and human rights of offenders. Unit Management was adopted into South African correctional system in 1995 under the leadership of the former Minister of Correctional Services Dr Sipho Mzimela. Unit Management was firstly practiced at Goodwood Correctional Centre of Excellence in the Western Cape. The concept of Unit Management was viewed as a strategic change by the Department in ensuring the core business of the Department and the rehabilitation of offenders. In an effort to examine the application of Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence and how Unit Management influences the rehabilitation of sentenced offenders, a study was conducted to acquire knowledge and perspective from the available literature. In ensuring good and proper work, the researcher employed a qualitative methodology. The researcher collected data by means of structured questionnaires. Data were analysed using SPSS system for statistical reasons. Frequency tables were used to simplify the analysis per section and category. The findings from this study revealed that there is no monitoring of Unit Management taking place into the Correctional Centres of Excellence from management, there is no management involvement. It also revealed that the human rights of offenders are not respected during the implementation of Unit Management. The findings revealed that multi-disciplinary approach is dysfunctional owing to lack of professional staff. The findings also indicate that efforts to implement Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence are a failure owing to the abovementioned factors. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Penology)
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Trest smrti jako odpověď na vzrůstající trend brutálního násilí / Death penalty as a response to the growing brutality of criminal offensesBrühlová, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
The "Death penalty as a response to the growing brutality of criminal offenses" diploma thesis discusses the increasing trend of the violent and brutal criminality and the resolution possibilities of the situation. As the main goal of this thesis, the author deals with the idea whether returning the death penalty back into our justice system would be the right response to the increasing degree of brutality of violent criminals. In the theoretical part, the term "death penalty" is explained in general, as well as its history and use. Next the thesis acquaints us with the use of the death penalty on our territory in the past and its legislative question in our history. The next part of the theoretical part is a comparison of the several past years in the development of violent criminal offenses and their brutality in the Czech Republic. The empirical part of the thesis is focused on the research of the public opinion of the citizens of the Czech Republic and the USA regarding the degree of the increasing trend of brutal criminal offenses as well as their opinion on the use of the death penalty. The development of criminality in the USA is described here, as well as the use of the death penalty there. Another point is the evaluation of the situation of the use of the death penalty in the world. The...
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Criminal law in IslamRahim, Ismail 06 1900 (has links)
English, with some Arabic text / After justifying my rationale for this study, I have briefly propounded anthropological and philosophical perspectives for the institution and development of law in human society. Thereafter I have focused on the criminal law of Islām. With regards to invariable penalties for certain offences and variable penalties for others I have also stressed the oft-neglected issue of rehabilitation. Besides, I have also appraised criminal procedure and then concluded by refuting objections raised against Islāmic criminal law by critics.
In sum, the following comes to light:
• The Islāmic laws encompass all facets of criminality.
• Islām believes in nipping the evil in the bud: treating the wound and then applying the plaster. If it comes to the worst that the wound becomes incurable, then for the betterment of the patient and others, it may as well be amputated. Its aim is not to castigate the criminals; rather to reprimand them and bring reform in the society.
• How crucial this topic is and how urgently it should be addressed.
• How temperate the Islāmic laws are in weeding out crimes from the societies.
• Crime is a crime, whether it is perpetrated by an individual or state. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)
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