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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redeeming Susanna Cox: A Pennsylvania German Infanticide in Community Tradition

Spanos, Joanna Beth January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Diminishing the Discipline Gap: Restorative Justice as a Promising Alternative in One Urban School

Long, Polly 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Parental Aggression-Related Beliefs and Behaviors as Predictors of their Children's Aggressive-Related Beliefs and Behaviors

Sedlar, Aaron Edward 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The role of learners in the management of discipline in urban secondary schools in Kwazulu-Natal

Subbiah, Charmaine 30 November 2004 (has links)
Since 1994 the South African government has implemented principles of equity, redress and social empowerment in broader society and in education. Consequently, corporal punishment was banned in schools and new methods of managing discipline were introduced. Moreover, decision-making power is decentralised to School Governing Bodies on which learner representatives serve in secondary schools. Thus, the latter are also involved in the management of discipline. This study explores the learners' role in the management of discipline in urban secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal. Current perspectives on school discipline and an overview of the learners' role in discipline management in the South African context were provided. A qualitative investigation used interviews with learners and educators in selected schools to collect data. Findings suggest that learner involvement in discipline can be positive but lack of training and poor communication impede the full deployment of learners in this regard. Finally, recommendations for the improvement of practice are made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

Public opinion on sentencing in Pretoria

Pitfield, Doreen Jennie 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The study explores the beliefs and wishes of respondents in Pretoria concerning crime seriousness and criminal sentencing in South Africa. It is suggested that in a democracy, the legal system must reflect the values of the individual citizen if it is to achieve a legitimacy based upon the concepts of moral consent and universality, and argues that this can only be achieved when all citizens have a voice. The study undertakes and reports on a survey of 400 units, across race divisions in and around the City of Pretoria by initially emulating, and thereafter extending, the British Crime Survey. The thesis offers seven chapters divided into two primary components. The first component, chapters one to four, systematically debate the historical/theoretical foundations of sentencing practice (both globally and in respect of South Africa), and identifies the inherent problems faced by contemporary criminal justice systems. The study utilises sentencing literature to provide an in-depth appraisal of theoretical paradigms and, thereafter, evaluates the successes and failures of various sentencing options. The second component, chapters five to seven, unpack the Pretorian research in relation to various other foreign research surveys, and culminates by offering a South African sentencing guide (severity index) based upon the research findings. The findings identify the people of Pretoria to be punitive. Respondents are shown to regard rape and driving whilst over the legal alcohol level causing the death of an innocent victim as the most serious crimes, followed by deliberate murder, selling illegal drugs and terrorism. Percentage differential between these "most serious" crimes is negligible. Many respondents indicate long prison sentences or the death penalty for these specific offences. Overall, Blacks prefer imprisonment whilst Whites are shown to be more conservative and more amenable to other sentencing options. Gender differences in relation to seriousness and sentence scores are slight, but females and the older age group are noted to be more fearful of being victimised even though this fear is not supported by actual victimisation rates. The study justifies the motivation fot the inclusion of public opinion into sentencing policy by recording a 72 percent positive response to people involvement in the sentencing of offenders. / Hierdie navorsing verken respondente in Pretoria se menings en verwagtinge aangaande die erns van misdaad en vonnisoplegging in Suid·Afrika. Die uitgangspunt is dat die regsplegingstelsel veronderstel is om die waardes van die gemeenskap te reftekteer, gebaseer op die konsepte van morele eenstemmigheid en universaliteit, en argumenteer dat dit binne 'n demokrattese bestel slegs kan realiseer as alle inwoners inspraak daarin het. Die navorsing en rapportering gaan oor 'n opname van 400 eenhede in en om die stad Pretoria oor rassegrense heen. Die Britse misdaadopname het as vertrekpunt gedien vir die ontwikkeling van die opname. Die tesis bestaan uit sewe hoofstukke wat verdeel is in twee hoofkomponente. Die eerste komponent, hoofstukke een tot vier, debatteer sistematies die histories/teoretiese begrondings van die vonnisopleggingspraktyk (beide globaal en ten opsigte van Suld-Afrika), en identifiseer die inherente probleme waarmee kontemporere strafregsplegingstelsels gekonfronteer word. Die navorsing gebruik vonnisopleggingsliteratuur om 'n in-diepte beoordeling te maak aan teoretiese paradigma om die sukses en mislukking van die verskillende vonnisopleggingaopsies te evalueer. Die tweede komponent, hoofstukke vyf tot sewe, behels die navorsing in Pretoria in vergelyking met verskeie ander buitelandse navorsingsondersoeke en bereik 'n hoogtepunt deur 'n Suid-Afrikaanse vonnisopleggingsgids (ernsindeks) voor te hou, gebaseer op die navorsingsbevindings. Die navorsingsbevindings identlfiseer respondente van Pretoria as strafgeorienteerd. Respondente beskou verkragting en bestuur van 'n motor terwyl die persoon se alkoholbloedinhoud oor die wettige perk is en die dood van 'n onskuldige slagoffer veroorsaak, as die ernstigste misdade. Dit word gevolg deur opsetlike moord, die handel in onwettige dwelmmiddels en terrorisme. Persentasie afwykings tussen die "ernstige" misdade is onbeduidend. Menige respondente is van mening dat lang termyne van gevangenisstraf of die doodsvonnis vir hierdie misdade toepaslik is. Oorhoofs gesien, verkies Swartmense gevangesetting, terwyl blankes meer konserwatief maar ook meer ontvanklik blyk te wees met betrekking tot ander vonnisopsies. Genderverskille in verhouding tot die erns- en die vonnistellings is gering, maar vroue en die ouer ouderdomsgroepe vertoon groter vrees vir viktimisasie, alhoewel hierdie vrees nie ondersteun word deur werklike viktimisasieratio's nie. Hierdie navorsing onderskryf die motivering vir die oorweging van die gemeenskapsmening in formulering van vonnisopleggingsbeleid met die resultaat dat 72 persent respondente gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid in die vonnisoplgeging voorstaan. ' / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

The impact and influence of the constitutional court in the formative years of democracy in South Africa

Maduna, Penuell Mpapa 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to assess the impact and influence of South Africa's Constitutional Court in the first two years of our democracy. To achieve this objective, some of the definitive and controversial cases already decided by the Court have been selected and analysed in an attempt to glean some jurisprudential perspectives of the Court. It focuses on the work of the Court over the past two years. It deals with the evolution of South Africa into a democracy, and analyzes the South African legal system prior to the beginning of the process of transformation. It briefly surveys the evolution of our constitutional system, dating back from the pre-1910 colonial period and provides a broad outline of the legal system in the post-April 1994 period of transformation. It analyzes the Court from the point of view of, inter alia, its composition, jurisdiction and powers. The Court is also contrasted with courts in other jurisdictions which exercise full judicial review. The Court's emerging jurisprudence is examined. A review is made, inter alia, of the Court's understanding of, and approach to, the questions of the values underpinning the post-apartheid society and its constitutional system, and constitutional interpretation. The right against self-incrimination and South African company law and the two relevant Constitutional Court cases are discussed. The collection of evidence by the State and the constitutionality of provisions relating to search and seizure and the taking of fingerprints are looked into. The Court's approach to statutory presumptions and criminal prosecutions; some aspects of our appeals procedures; an accused's right to be assisted by a lawyer at state expense; the question of a fair trial and access to information; capital punishment; corporal punishment; committal to prison for debt; and the certification of constitutions is analyzed. Two of the cases in which the provinces clashed with the national government on the distribution of posers between provinces and the national government are discussed. The conclusion is that the Court has, overall, hitherto acquitted itself well in the handling of particularly the controversial quasi-political questions that arose in the cases it has decided. / Constitutional, International & Indigenous Law / L.L. D. (Law)

Étude sur le châtiment corporel des enfants chez les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec : conflit entre loi séculière et loi divine?

Pacheco Espino Barros, Adriana January 2010 (has links)
Résumé La recherche présentée ici porte sur la manière dont les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec évaluent la compatibilité entre leurs croyances religieuses et les lois qui limitent le recours au châtiment corporel à l’égard des enfants. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse à la façon dont ils résolvent les conflits éventuels entre leurs croyances puisées dans la Bible et ces lois. En ce sens, la Bible prescrit dans plusieurs de ses versets, notamment dans le proverbe 22 :15, d’utiliser le châtiment corporel comme moyen pour chasser une inclination au mal qui serait innée chez les enfants et d’effectuer ce châtiment à l’aide d’une verge. De ce fait, de nombreux protestants conservateurs emploient des objets (cuillers en bois, bâtons, baguettes) pour administrer ce châtiment à leurs enfants. Or, ces pratiques entrent en contradiction avec l’article 43 du Code criminel du Canada qui limite et encadre le recours au châtiment corporel et avec la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse du Québec qui protège les enfants contre des traitements pouvant s’apparenter à de la maltraitance et qui risquent de compromettre leur développement. La méthodologie utilisée est une méthodologie qualitative mixte basée d’abord sur une série d’observations non participantes in situ à des services religieux et des ateliers d’enseignement doctrinal dans quatre congrégations protestantes conservatrices (deux Églises évangéliques, une Église pentecôtiste et une Église baptiste) suivie d’une série d’entretiens auprès de trente-neuf protestants conservateurs québécois francophones appartenant à ces congrégations. Ce matériel a été complété par une analyse documentaire des écrits produits par ces groupes et des écrits d’autres organisations conservatrices consultés par ces groupes. L’analyse des données a permis de dégager chez les protestants conservateurs à l’étude trois différentes attitudes face à l’incompatibilité entre leurs préceptes religieux et les lois séculières : une attitude de conciliation qui se traduit par un effort d’accommodement de ces préceptes à la loi ; une attitude d’omission face à la loi séculière où l’individu opte pour une désobéissance passive de la loi ; et une attitude contestataire face aux autorités où la désobéissance aux lois est envisagée comme une forme de militance. Nous examinons les éléments qui influencent ces différents positionnements face aux lois. En plus de répondre aux objectifs visés, la présente recherche constitue une étude approfondie du discours des protestants conservateurs québécois francophones sur le châtiment corporel des enfants et de leurs pratiques. / Abstract The goal of this research is to study how French-speaking conservative protestants from Quebec evaluate the compatibility between their religious beliefs and the laws and regulations limiting corporal punishment of children. The specific issue is how they resolve eventual conflicts between their beliefs derived from the Bible and the legal framework. Several verses from the Bible, in particular Proverbs 22:15, prescribe corporal punishment with a rod in order “to drive it far from him” a supposedly innate child’s inclination to evil. Hence, many members of conservative Protestant groups use objects (wooden spoons, sticks, rods) to inflict corporal punishment to their children. This practice puts them in contravention of article 43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which limits and frames the use of physical punishment, as well as with Quebec’s Youth Protection Act, that protects children from mistreatment, or whose security or development is or may be in danger. The study applies a hybrid qualitative methodology based on a series of non- participant observations in situ of the religious services and doctrinal workshops at four conservative protestant congregations (two Evangelical churches, a Pentecostal one and a Baptist one) and interviews with 39 French-speaking members of such congregations from Quebec. Observations and interviews were supplemented with documentary analysis of material written or consulted by these groups. From the analysis of the data, we derived three different attitudes of the protestant groups considered in the study when contradiction arises between religious doctrine and the law: conciliation, with an effort to accommodate religious beliefs to the precepts of the law; omission, which results in a passive disobedience of the law, and a challenging attitude vis-à-vis the authorities where disobedience to the laws is considered a form of militancy. Different elements are taken into consideration in the decision-making process that leads to the different attitudes. In addition to its original goals, the research constitutes a detailed description of the doctrine of corporal punishment of children by conservative protestant French- speaking congregations from Quebec and several examples of its practices.

Penitenciární péče ve věznici Kynšperk nad Ohří z hlediska sociálně pedagogického / The penal carew in the prison in Knyšperk nad Ohří in light of social pedagogic

Vorlíčková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is presentation of the theoretical and practical activities of the Czech Republic Prison Service in a resocialization of convicts from the social pedagogy perspective. The theoretical part of the thesis is defined by the basic theoretical issues related to rehabilitation of prisoners, an interpretation of the legal measures, methods of educational function and activities of teaching staff involved in a re-education of prisoners. An activity treatment program of prison Kynsperk nad Ohri in terms of socio-pedagogical and convicted points of view is analyzed in the empirical part of this thesis then.

Étude sur le châtiment corporel des enfants chez les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec : conflit entre loi séculière et loi divine?

Pacheco Espino Barros, Adriana January 2010 (has links)
Résumé La recherche présentée ici porte sur la manière dont les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec évaluent la compatibilité entre leurs croyances religieuses et les lois qui limitent le recours au châtiment corporel à l’égard des enfants. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse à la façon dont ils résolvent les conflits éventuels entre leurs croyances puisées dans la Bible et ces lois. En ce sens, la Bible prescrit dans plusieurs de ses versets, notamment dans le proverbe 22 :15, d’utiliser le châtiment corporel comme moyen pour chasser une inclination au mal qui serait innée chez les enfants et d’effectuer ce châtiment à l’aide d’une verge. De ce fait, de nombreux protestants conservateurs emploient des objets (cuillers en bois, bâtons, baguettes) pour administrer ce châtiment à leurs enfants. Or, ces pratiques entrent en contradiction avec l’article 43 du Code criminel du Canada qui limite et encadre le recours au châtiment corporel et avec la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse du Québec qui protège les enfants contre des traitements pouvant s’apparenter à de la maltraitance et qui risquent de compromettre leur développement. La méthodologie utilisée est une méthodologie qualitative mixte basée d’abord sur une série d’observations non participantes in situ à des services religieux et des ateliers d’enseignement doctrinal dans quatre congrégations protestantes conservatrices (deux Églises évangéliques, une Église pentecôtiste et une Église baptiste) suivie d’une série d’entretiens auprès de trente-neuf protestants conservateurs québécois francophones appartenant à ces congrégations. Ce matériel a été complété par une analyse documentaire des écrits produits par ces groupes et des écrits d’autres organisations conservatrices consultés par ces groupes. L’analyse des données a permis de dégager chez les protestants conservateurs à l’étude trois différentes attitudes face à l’incompatibilité entre leurs préceptes religieux et les lois séculières : une attitude de conciliation qui se traduit par un effort d’accommodement de ces préceptes à la loi ; une attitude d’omission face à la loi séculière où l’individu opte pour une désobéissance passive de la loi ; et une attitude contestataire face aux autorités où la désobéissance aux lois est envisagée comme une forme de militance. Nous examinons les éléments qui influencent ces différents positionnements face aux lois. En plus de répondre aux objectifs visés, la présente recherche constitue une étude approfondie du discours des protestants conservateurs québécois francophones sur le châtiment corporel des enfants et de leurs pratiques. / Abstract The goal of this research is to study how French-speaking conservative protestants from Quebec evaluate the compatibility between their religious beliefs and the laws and regulations limiting corporal punishment of children. The specific issue is how they resolve eventual conflicts between their beliefs derived from the Bible and the legal framework. Several verses from the Bible, in particular Proverbs 22:15, prescribe corporal punishment with a rod in order “to drive it far from him” a supposedly innate child’s inclination to evil. Hence, many members of conservative Protestant groups use objects (wooden spoons, sticks, rods) to inflict corporal punishment to their children. This practice puts them in contravention of article 43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which limits and frames the use of physical punishment, as well as with Quebec’s Youth Protection Act, that protects children from mistreatment, or whose security or development is or may be in danger. The study applies a hybrid qualitative methodology based on a series of non- participant observations in situ of the religious services and doctrinal workshops at four conservative protestant congregations (two Evangelical churches, a Pentecostal one and a Baptist one) and interviews with 39 French-speaking members of such congregations from Quebec. Observations and interviews were supplemented with documentary analysis of material written or consulted by these groups. From the analysis of the data, we derived three different attitudes of the protestant groups considered in the study when contradiction arises between religious doctrine and the law: conciliation, with an effort to accommodate religious beliefs to the precepts of the law; omission, which results in a passive disobedience of the law, and a challenging attitude vis-à-vis the authorities where disobedience to the laws is considered a form of militancy. Different elements are taken into consideration in the decision-making process that leads to the different attitudes. In addition to its original goals, the research constitutes a detailed description of the doctrine of corporal punishment of children by conservative protestant French- speaking congregations from Quebec and several examples of its practices.

The role of learners in the management of discipline in urban secondary schools in Kwazulu-Natal

Subbiah, Charmaine 30 November 2004 (has links)
Since 1994 the South African government has implemented principles of equity, redress and social empowerment in broader society and in education. Consequently, corporal punishment was banned in schools and new methods of managing discipline were introduced. Moreover, decision-making power is decentralised to School Governing Bodies on which learner representatives serve in secondary schools. Thus, the latter are also involved in the management of discipline. This study explores the learners' role in the management of discipline in urban secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal. Current perspectives on school discipline and an overview of the learners' role in discipline management in the South African context were provided. A qualitative investigation used interviews with learners and educators in selected schools to collect data. Findings suggest that learner involvement in discipline can be positive but lack of training and poor communication impede the full deployment of learners in this regard. Finally, recommendations for the improvement of practice are made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

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