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Strafwirkungen und Rückfall - Lässt sich mit Hilfe prozesserzeugter Daten der Strafrechtspflege der spezialpräventive Anspruch des Strafrechts prüfen? / Effects of Punishment and Reconviction – Is it Possible to Evaluate the Prevention of Recidivism on the Basis of Criminal Record Data?Hohmann-Fricke, Sabine 06 June 2013 (has links)
Spezialprävention – im Sinne der Verminderung von Rückfällen durch Resozialisierung,
Abschreckung und Sicherung – gilt als eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben des
Strafrechts. Dem entgegengesetzt schreibt der Etikettierungsansatz der Bestrafung
einen negativen Effekt auf die Legalbewährung zu. Was die deutsche Strafrechtspraxis
in dieser Hinsicht bewirkt, ist allerdings weithin unbekannt. Kriminologische
Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der Wirkungs- und Behandlungsforschung zeigen
keine eindeutigen empirischen Befunde. Zudem sind sie meist zeitlich und räumlich
eng begrenzt.
In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob sich der
spezialpräventive Erfolg des Strafrechts mit Hilfe von Bundeszentralregisterdaten
empirisch prüfen lässt. Die Arbeit stützt sich auf Daten und Auswertungen, die im
Rahmen der Legalbewährungsuntersuchungen 1994-1998 und 2004-2007 erstellt
wurden. Diese dort präsentierten deskriptiven Auswertungen werden kritisch analysiert;
die Datenanalyse wird durch den Einsatz quasi-experimenteller und multifaktorieller
Methoden dort verfeinert, wo es notwendig und sinnvoll erscheint.
Mit Hilfe dieser Methoden soll der Frage der – positiven oder negativen – Wirkung
der Strafen nachgegangen werden, indem Effekte von personen- und tatbezogenen
Prädiktoren kontrolliert werden, um den Effekt der Strafe auf die Wiederverurteilung
zu isolieren. Darüber hinaus wird eine deskriptive Analyse der Legalbewährungsdauer,
nach unterschiedlichen Sanktionsformen vorgestellt und mit Hilfe
von Ereignisanalysen differenziert.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch unter Berücksichtigung anderer Prädiktoren eine
schwächere, aber eigenständige Sanktionswirkung zu beobachten ist. In der Mehrzahl
der Fälle zeigen sich geringere (monatliche) Rückfallraten nach weniger eingriffsintensive
ambulante Sanktionen als nach schwereren Sanktionen. Hier von
negativen Sanktionswirkungen zu sprechen ist dennoch voreilig. Weitere differenzierte
Analysen für homogenere Tätergruppen und regionale Vergleiche erscheinen
notwendig. Möglichkeiten und Chancen für weiterführende Auswertungen
werden sich auch durch die Fortführung der Rückfalluntersuchungen ergeben.
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L'exécution capitale à la fin de la Renaissance : discours et représentations / Capital punishment at the end of the Renaissance period : writings and representationsEsnault, Claire 28 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier certaines représentations – écrites et imagées – des exécutions capitales en France, dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et les premières décennies du XVIIe siècle. Ces exécutions sont nombreuses à une époque marquée par d’importants troubles politiques et religieux. Elles ont lieu en place publique, se veulent édifiantes et exemplaires pour les spectateurs, et affirment l’autorité du souverain, qui restaure l’ordre dans le royaume.Cette étude s’organise autour des trois figures fondamentales de la punition : le roi, le peuple et le condamné. La punition entretient toujours un lien très étroit avec l’autorité qui châtie. Nous verrons que les réflexions de Foucault autour du supplice se vérifient dans certaines sources, mais que les écrits et les images ne font pas obligatoirement de ce spectacle une affirmation de l’autorité royale, ni de la justice divine, parfois problématiques. Dans les sources écrites, les spectateurs réagissent souvent à l’exécution capitale et il arrive que les auteurs expliquent les violences populaires dans un cadre extra-judiciaire, comme une tentative de rétablir l'ordre et la justice. Le condamné, lui, est à la fois « acteur » du supplice à travers son comportement sur l’échafaud et « victime ». Ce travail, qui envisage des contextes politiques et religieux différents et compare des sources très diverses, entend montrer que la littérature et l’iconographie construisent une image complexe du spectacle de l’exécution capitale, en particulier à travers les motifs de l’ordre et du désordre qui les traversent. / Our thesis focuses on the representations – textual as well as illustrated – of capital punishments in France, during the second half of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century. This period, marked by significant political and religious troubles, saw a large number of public executions, aimed to be edifying and admonitory examples for the audience and to assert the sovereign’s authority to restore order in the realm. This study is centered around the three crucial characters of the punishment: the king, the public and the convicted person. The punishment is always closely linked to the authority which chastises. We’ll see that Foucault’s thoughts about capital punishment are relevant for some sources, but that the writings and the images do not necessarily present this spectacle as an assertion of royal authority, nor of divine justice, sometimes problematical. In the written sources, the audience often react to the execution and authors also attempt to re-establish justice and order during the descriptions of violent popular actions. As for the convicted, they are both “actors” of the executions, through their behaviour on the scaffold, and “victims”. Some traits appear in the convicted’s representations, considering their sex, their age, the religious beliefs of the authors and the different types of texts and images where the convicted are depicted. This study, which considers different political and religious situations and compares very diverse sources, aims to show that literature and images give a complex image of capital punishments’ spectacle, especially through the motifs of order and disorder.
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Corporal punishment of children in Nigerian homesAzong, Julius Awah January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa
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Antecedents and Reinforcements of Luxury Fairtrade Purchasing and the Halo Effect of Reporting Fairtrade PracticesNicelli, Patricia C. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents and reinforcements of fairtrade purchase intention and to examine the effect of reporting good fairtrade practices on consumers’ punishment behavior. A stratified sample of 240 English-speaking, American, adult subjects was collected online. First, the Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM) (Foxall, G., 2007) was modified and four manipulations varying luxury/commodity product type and open/closed purchase settings were presented. The results of paired-sample t-tests demonstrated closed purchase settings did not increase luxury purchase intention by itself. A split-plot ANOVA combining closed setting and the participant’s fairtrade learning history did not produce significant results, but post-hoc testing revealed a significant effect of positive learning history on purchase intention. Two separate, repeated-measures ANOVA found that utilitarian reinforcement was not affected by purchase setting, but informational reinforcement was significantly increased by the presence of others. Second, four manipulations of good/bad press events were presented without/without the firm’s fairtrade performance history mentioned in a news article. A two-way, between-subjects ANOVA produced insignificant results for the effect of information on willingness to pay. Importantly, the type of event significantly affected willingness to pay, accounting for 18% of the variation, with positive events generating higher willingness to pay than negative, regardless of whether fairtrade performance information was included. This study suggested firms would benefit from including cues for the social reward aspect of luxury fairtrade purchasing in marketing efforts and from preventing missteps rather than bragging about past practices. Future research suggestions included further analyzing the effect of information on punishment of bad corporate actors, investigating the credibility of self-declaration of fairtrade certification versus independent certification labels, and incorporating the effect of culture into the BPM.
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An assessment of the implementation of learner discipline policies in four high density secondary schools in the Graaff Reinet district, Eastern Cape.Bilatyi, Nkosana Carlon January 2012 (has links)
This study assessed the implementation of learner discipline policies in the Graaff Reinet District in four township Secondary schools. The study arose as a result of the decline of learner discipline in secondary schools. This study is located in the interpretive paradigm and adopted a qualitative research approach in the collection of data. It employed triangulation to collect data and obtained valuable information on the implementation of learner discipline policies. Four township secondary schools in the Graaff Reinet District were purposively selected for the sample in this study. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups of learners and parents Data has revealed that schools were using different strategies to implement learner discipline such as Code of Conduct, Disciplinary hearing, Safety and Security Committee, Educators, Corporal Punishment, Alternative methods to Corporal Punishment and the role parents. Data revealed that there has been no success in implementing learner discipline strategies. There were a number of limitations in implementing policies to maintain learner disciplines which were identified in the study. There were inconsistencies like educators not supervising learners in detention classes, some of the educators were sabotaging the system by not putting into practice the measures and strategies which were put in place to maintain discipline and so forth. The School Management Teams did not capacitate the Representative Council of Learners so as to assist in the monitoring of discipline. The Department of Education is not supportive in the maintenance of discipline in the schools under study in Graaff Reinet District. To address disciplinary problems, the study has the following key recommendations Policies should be crafted by all stakeholders for ownership and there should be collaboration in implementation of those policies.. The Code of Conduct should be issued to all learners at the school at the beginning of the year in the language of preference, with school rules. Learners should know the consequences of transgressing the Code of Conduct. SMTs should adopt different management styles so as to take action against educators who are failing the system of maintaining discipline. Educators should realise that it is their duty to maintain discipline in schools; therefore they should stop complaining about disciplinary problems. Educators should engage the Department of Education to conduct workshops in building capacity of educators to maintain learner discipline. Schools should establish partnerships with other sister Departments such as SAPS, Social Development, Correctional Services, Health to, maintain learner discipline.
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Transformations in the Canadian Youth Justice System. Creation of Statutes and the Judicial Waiver in QuebecPinero, Veronica B. January 2013 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis were to observe how the Canadian youth justice system has dealt with the regulation of the transfer of young offenders to the adult court and how the Canadian statutes have regulated the imposition of adult offences for young offenders.
For this, I drew a distinction between two levels of observation: first, I observed the process of "creation of statutes" by the political system. Second, I observed the process of "understanding and interpretation of statutes" by the judicial system. The notion of "political system" includes the legislation enacted by Parliament, parliamentary debates, and reports published by the Government of Canada. The notion of "judicial system" includes the decisions of the Montreal Youth Court.
For the first level of observation ("creation of statutes"), I observed and analyzed the work of the political system for the period 1842 to 2012. Starting in 1857, many statutes regulated different aspects of the criminal law system as it applied to young people. The first statute to deal with youth offenders comprehensively and different from adult offenders was the Juvenile Delinquents Act (1908); this statute was replaced by the Young Offenders Act (1982). The current statute is the Youth Criminal Justice Act (2002).
With regard to the Juvenile Delinquents Act (1908) and the Young Offenders Act (1982), I observed how the political system regulated the mechanism of transferring a young person to the adult court. This mechanism allowed the youth court to decide a question of jurisdiction: whether the young person would be processed and sentenced within the youth justice system, or whether the young person would be sent to the adult court for him to be dealt with and sentenced therein. With regard to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (2002), I observed how the political system has regulated the imposition of adult sentences by the youth court. This statute replaced the mechanism of transfer under the two previous statutes by the imposition of adult sentences within the youth justice system.
For the second level of observation ("the understanding and interpretation of statutes"), I observed how the Montreal Youth Court had understood and interpreted the statutory provision that allowed the youth court to transfer a young person to the adult court for the young person to be dealt with and sentenced therein. My period of observation is from 1911 to 1995.
I argue that both the political and the judicial systems have been strongly influenced by the theories of deterrence, denunciation, retribution, and rehabilitation. The influence that each theory has exercised on each system varies. The political system, originally focused on the rehabilitation of young people, has been slowly “contaminated” by the most punitive theories, such as deterrence and denunciation. This shift started in the 70’s and slowly increased over the years. Conversely, while the judicial system does not seem to have been originally influenced by the theories of rehabilitation, its focus has slowly shifted towards this objective as the primary goal of their intervention towards young offenders since the 70’s. However, the “successful rehabilitation” of a young person has become a goal in itself, where “unsuccessful offenders” have been transferred to the adult court and dealt with the adult punitive justice system.
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Nákladová analýza moderního způsobu trestání / The Cost analysis of the modern way of PunishingVágner, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to compare the cost effectiveness of an imprisonment and a fine. Firstly, the thesis explores the theoretical view of economics, economic calculation, and the view of criminology and penology. Further, the thesis quantifies costs of the most important factors: the cost of realization of punishment, the cost of limitation of economic activity of individuals, the cost of change of health, and a cost of effect on prevention and protection. Lastly, the thesis gives suggestion on convinience of various types of punishment for different types of offences.
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Fyra avrättningar och en benådning : Bödelsvärdet och tidningspennan i Sverige 1874 - 1910 / Four executions and one pardon : The executioner’s sword and the newspaperman’s pen in Sweden 1874 – 1910Carlsson, Clas Göran January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Four executions and one pardon The executioner’s sword and the newspaperman’s pen in Sweden 1874 – 1910 This study examines how three murder cases who lead to a death penalty sentence for the five accused persons are covered in selected contemporary Swedish newspapers. Four of the five condemned persons, three men and one woman, were executed. One man was pardoned. The circumstances in each case are unique. The 1874 murders of Mauritz Upmarks and Johan Larsson in Malmköping, by Gustaf Adolf Eriksson Hjert and Conrad Pettersson Lundqvist Tector, led to the last public executions in 1876 in Malmköping and Visby simultaneously. The murder of Hanna Johansson by her husband, Per Nilsson, and her mother-in-law, Anna Månsdotter, led to the last execution of a woman in Sweden. Her son Per was pardoned. Finally I examine the robbery and murder of Victoria Hellsten at the Gerell exchange office in Stockholm in 1910 by Alfred Ander that led to the only time a guillotine was used in Sweden. It was also the final execution in Sweden. My aim is to examine how selected national and local newspapers covered these crimes, trials and finally the executions. Are there any traceable differences regarding the treatment of the woman on trial in the articles compared to that of the men? Do local and national mewspapers differ in their reporting? I found that there is a great similarity between the local and the national newspapers with a few exceptions. The woman was not subject to favoritism, but rather more critically judged by the writers and the population in her village. Previous studies and literature with connections to my study complete the materials that are used in this examination. My conclusion is that all newspapers that I selected have a negative attitude towards the capital punishment and describe the executions as something horrendous in varying degrees. The descriptions of the perpetrators are matter – of – fact while the victims are treated with sympathy. The newspapers differ in some details but generally their coverages of the murders, trails and executions are of the same pattern. A few newspapers present surprising opinions and individual thoughts. I found that while one cannot claim that the newspapers were demanding a banning of the capital punishment they contributed to the ongoing debate on the subject. There is no favoritism displayed in the articles. The woman and the men are treated equally. My conclusion is that the answers to my questions were found in the selected material. / Sammanfattning Undersökningen omfattar omständigheterna kring fyra mord vid tre tillfällen samt rättegång och avrättningar av fyra av de fem gärningspersonerna, Hjert, Tector, Anna Månsdotter och Alfred Ander och hur dessa skildrades i samtidens tidningar. Förutom tidningar har avhandlingar och böcker varit underlaget för uppsatsen. De fall som granskats är signifikativa i så motto att det handlar om de sista offentliga avrättningarna i vårt land, den sista avrättningen av en kvinna i Sverige och enda gången giljotinen användes i Sverige. Hur beskrevs dessa kriminalhistoriska händelser i pressen? 1876 avrättades Hjert och Tector, i Lidamo, Södermanland, respektive Visby, Stenkulla backe, Gotland, för morden på Upmark och Larsson som begicks i Malmköpingstrakten 1874. År 1890 avrättades Anna Månsdotter för mordet på svärdottern 1889 Hanna Johansdotter i Yngsjö i Skåne. Den medskyldige sonen Per Nilsson benådades och satt i fängelse till 1918, då han släpptes. Alfred Ander avrättades 1910 i Stockholm för rånmordet på Victoria Hellsten på Gerells växlingskontor i Stockholm samma år. Tiden för undersökningen omfattar 1874 - 1910 och är inriktad på de nämnda fallen. Tidningsbevakningen av mordfall under den period jag undersökt var en annan till omfånget än idag. En- och tvåspalters reportage, utan illustrationer, var normen. Ett referat från en riksdagssession kunde få lika stort utrymme då som ett mord, till skillnad från idag. Texterna är ibland förvillande lika, inte minst bland lokaltidningarna, som inte hade sin utgivningsort i händelsernas centrum. Men det finns också avvikande artiklar. Skedde brott, eller avrättning, på utgivningsorten, eller i direkt anslutning till detta, kunde lokaltidningarna bli väl så individuella skildrare som rikspressen. Dessutom påverkade det antalet artiklar. Ett tema är om kvinnor och män behandlades olika i samband med denna typ av brott där svaret blir att inget visar på att så var fallet. Förutom offren och gärningspersonerna tar uppsatsen upp prästens roll liksom skarprättarens, polisens och domstolarnas. Men fokus ligger på tidningarnas skildringar av de ämnen uppsatsen behandlar: tidningarnas skildringar av fyra mord, gripande av de skyldiga, rättegångar och avrättningar.
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Perception of Punitive Childhood Experiences, Adult Coping Mechanisms and Psychological DistressMcCune, Linda Wheeler 12 1900 (has links)
Differences in college student's psychological well-being, extrapunitiveness, and intropunitiveness were related to the presence or absence of maltreatment during childhood years, and its acknowledgement by the student. Subjects were 56 male and 85 female undergraduate students at the University of North Texas. Subjects were given structural scale v.3 of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Extrapunitive (E), and Intropunitive (I) indices of the Hostility-Direction of Hostility Questionnaire (HDHQ), and the Physical Punishment scale (PP-scale) of the Assessing Environments Questionnaire (AEIII). Results indicate no significant differences in psychological well-being, extrapunitiveness, or intropunitiveness, which would be explained by the presence of maltreatment or its acknowledgement.
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A permanência dos princípios judaico-cristãos do perdão e da pena no atual direito penal brasileiroRocha, João Franco Muniz da 29 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-29 / This Works studies, departing from Deuteronomy, Law of Aliance principles permanence, arisen from divine source and commited to Chosen People obedience, in Brazilian Law. Considered as natural Law, since it is, already, in each man heart, it has directed, has led Jewish people destiny, based on a social equilibrium attained through, with pardon concession, in case of Law violation. Decalog, especially, in regard to the commandments related to rapports among men, assumes a Project of Life role that survived through History, to all the occurred changes. Among the last ones, secularization and radical transformations in economics and the aims pursued by State. Those Jewish-Christian religion principles permanence that rule penalty and pardon, in modern Penal Law from State source, meant for disciplining behaviours in so diversified society, is permanence, mark of the sacred / Este trabalho estuda a partir do Deuteronômio a permanência de princípios da Lei da Aliança, de origem divina, e posta à obediência do povo escolhido na lei penal brasileira.. Considerada como uma lei natural, por já estar no coração de cada um, ela dirigiu o destino do povo judeu com base em um equilíbrio social obtido com a concessão do perdão quando da violação da lei. O Decálogo, especialmente nos mandamentos que dizem respeito às relações entre os homens, assume o papel de um projeto de vida que sobreviveu ao longo da história a todas as mudanças ocorridas. Entre as últimas, a secularização e as radicais transformações na economia e nos objetivos perseguidos pelo Estado. A permanência daqueles princípios da religião judaico-cristã que regem a pena e o perdão, na Lei Penal moderna de origem estatal, disciplinando comportamentos em uma sociedade tão diversa, é um sinal de permanência do sagrado
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