Spelling suggestions: "subject:"purchase anda"" "subject:"purchase ando""
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Similarity, Familiarity, and Credibility in influencers and their impact on purchasing intentionAl-Darraji, Zainab, Al Mansour, Zahra, Rezai, Shilan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelo de gestión de compras para reducir las entregas tardías en comercializadoras de productos de transporte de fluidos en Lima, Perú, aplicando AHP Fuzzy y Filosofía LeanCisneros López, Renato Ramón, Hurtado Alcántara, Jorge Jair 02 April 2020 (has links)
En un entorno cambiante y altamente competitivo, es un desafío satisfacer las entregas de los productos en términos de cantidad, calidad y / o tiempo correcto, siendo este último el principal problema de los comerciantes. Un factor importante es mantener proveedores confiables y competentes, ya que el descuido puede afectar negativamente los indicadores del tiempo total de los procesos, el suministro y la cantidad de pedidos entregados. De la misma manera que sucede con la falta de estandarización y medición de procesos que reducen la capacidad y la productividad. Este documento busca abordar estas brechas al proponer un modelo de cinco pasos que integra la gestión del cambio para capacitar y sensibilizar a los trabajadores sobre la aplicación y el beneficio de los nuevos métodos de trabajo. Dentro de la etapa Do, los pronósticos se aplican para anticipar la demanda variable. AHP Fuzzy para seleccionar y elegir proveedores en función de múltiples criterios. Herramientas Lean para estandarización de procesos y mejora continua. El estudio es una novedad, porque se aplica en los comerciantes y se integran herramientas que generalmente son implementadas en las industrias. Además, se buca trabajar con proveedores social y ambientalmente responsables. Este modelo fue validado en un comerciante peruano de tuberías y accesorios, logrando un aumento del 40% en la entrega a tiempo al cliente de la muestra analizada. / In a changing and highly competitive environment, it is a challenge to satisfy the deliveries of the products in terms of quantity, quality and / or correct timing, the latter being the main problem of the traders. An important factor is to maintain reliable and competent suppliers, as carelessness can negatively impact the indicators of total time of processes, supply and quantity of orders delivered. In the same way that happens with the lack of standardization and measurement of processes that reduce available capacity and productivity. This document seeks to approach these gaps by proposing a model of five steps that integrates change management to train and sensitize workers to the application and benefit of new means of work. Within the Do stage, forecasts are applied to anticipate the variable demand. AHP Fuzzy to select and choose suppliers based on multiple criteria. Lean tools for standardization of processes and continuous improvement. The study is a novelty, because it is applied in traders and tools that are generally implemented in industries are integrated. Also, it is proposed to work with socially and environmentally responsible suppliers. This model was validated in a trader peruvian of piping and fitting, achieving a 40% increase in on-time delivery to the customer of the sample analyzed. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Factores claves del comportamiento del consumidor mayor de edad de Lima metropolitana que influye en la intención de compra de productos funerarios a futuro en parques cementerio / Key factors that influence purchase intention in consumers from metropolitan Lima who are eighteen years and older to acquire funerary products for the futureRivera Estrada, Horacio Jerry, Torres-Calderón Arrieta, Andrés Sebastián 09 September 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los factores claves del comportamiento del consumidor de Lima metropolitana mayor de edad, que influyen en la intención de compra de productos funerarios a futuro en parques cementerio. Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de brindar un sustento valido a la industria funeraria para alinear las necesidades de los consumidores con la oferta de valor de los parques cementerios realizando una investigación mixta. La investigación cualitativa se aplicó a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a expertos en la industria. Posteriormente se aplicó la investigación cuantitativa, donde se encuestó a una muestra representativa de la población.
El primer paso para la investigación fue la búsqueda y análisis de las principales teorías que explican el tema. Seguidamente se aplicó la investigación cuantitativa y tras su análisis, se concluyó que la hipótesis general es aceptada. Se concluyó que los factores que influyen en el comportamiento del consumidor y la intención de compra en orden de relevancia son: 1. Personales, 2. Sociales, 3. Psicológicos y 4. Culturales. Esto permite definir a los participantes del mercado estrategias y decisiones más relevantes con respecto a los consumidores. Secundariamente se concluyó que los cuatro factores son relevantes para el comportamiento del consumidor. Además, se descubrió que a diferencia de lo que indica la teoría, no es el factor cultural el más relevante, sino los factores personales. Finalmente, se recomienda el uso de la herramienta de investigación cuantitativa y el marco teórico para futuros análisis de la industria. / The present investigation has as objective to identify the key factors that influence the consumer behavior on future funerary products in the Metropolitan Lima area. The end investigation was to provide a valid source of facts that would allow the industry to align its value offer to the public needs. To reach this goal, a mixt research was done, for the qualitative research, three industry experts where interviewed. For the quantitative research, a representative sample was surveyed.
The first step for this investigation was a profound theory research and its analysis. Next, the application of the quantitative research, and after its analysis, it was conclusive that the general hypothesis was accepted. The key factors that influence consumer behavior on purchase decision in relevance order are: 1. Personal, 2. Social, 3. Psychological and 4. Cultural. This allows the market participants to define their strategies and decisions in a relevant manner to the consumers preferences. Secondly, it was concluded that this for factors are relevant for consumer behavior. Also, it was discovered that differently to what the theory states, it is not the cultural factor the most relevant but the personal factor for the consumer behavior in this specific market. Finally, the use of the present research tool and theory for the future analysis of the funeral industry. / Tesis
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Going for the plant-based (legen)dairy alternative? : An exploratory study on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards plant-based dairy alternativesRosenlöw, Emma, Hansson, Tommie January 2020 (has links)
Global food production, and consequently consumption, contributes significantly to total greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, there is a need for a shift towards more environmentally friendly consumption patterns. This includes moving away from current levels of dairy consumption, where plant-based alternatives can serve as more environmentally friendly options. This research sheds light on an emerging product category, namely plant-based dairy alternatives, which can serve as options or substitutes for traditional dairy products. The purpose of this thesis is to explore consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards plant- based dairy alternatives, as well as the factors that influence attitudes and intentions respectively. To achieve an in-depth understanding of the topic, this study is of qualitative nature, using an abductive approach and interpretive philosophy. The primary data is collected through interviews with 16 consumers in the selected target group. Further, this research has developed a modified theory of planned behavior (TPB), to add to current consumer behavior research. The findings of this research show that the majority of the participants have a positive attitude and furthermore intention to purchase plant-based dairy alternatives. Furthermore, several factors influence consumer attitudes, which are subjective norms, health consciousness, taste, knowledge, environmental concern, animal treatment, and appearance. Moreover, purchase intention is affected by two factors, namely price, and curiosity.
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The Effect of Celebrity Endorsements on Gift-Giving Purchases: An Application of the Elaboration Likelihood ModelAnghel, Christine 07 July 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine how effective celebrity endorsements are in regards to the type of gift purchase one decides to make (i.e., buying for someone who has a high significant meaning to the buyer, such as a best friend, versus buying for someone who has a low significant meaning to the buyer, such as a casual friend). The study seeks to extend upon the anthropology research exploring gift-giving and marketing research exploring celebrity endorsements by applying the tenants of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). This study uses an experimental procedure in order to determine the effect of using celebrity endorsements on buyers' attitudes and purchase intentions for gift-giving purchases in low and high involving categories. Results indicate that celebrity endorsements have no influence on attitudes and purchase intention in different product involvement and gift giver-receiver conditions.
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Les déterminants de la décision d'achat d'actions de l'investisseur individuel : une analyse sous le prisme de la valeur perçue. Le cas de l’actionnaire individuel français / The determinants of the individual investor's stocks buying decision : an analysis based on the perceived value. The case of the French individual shareholderKhelladi, Insaf 18 May 2018 (has links)
La constante baisse de l’actionnariat individuel en France est qualifiée d’énigme. Les ménages français participent faiblement aux marchés d’actions. Les entreprises éprouvent des difficultés à attirer de nouveaux investisseurs individuels, or l’actionnariat individuel est apprécié pour sa fidélité et son engagement. L’action est un produit financier et d’image qui offre une source de financement stable et durable pour les entreprises, les systèmes de retraite et les investissements à long terme. Les décisions financières et d’investissements sont nourries par la finance moderne et la finance comportementale. Bien que des contradictions existent sur leurs hypothèses fondatrices, ces courants partagent une même conception de la valeur intrinsèque d’un actif financier, une valeur objective déterminée essentiellement par les attributs monétaires du produit, limitant ainsi l’individu dans ses choix et décisions. Notre recherche explore le comportement de l’investisseur individuel en mobilisant le cadre conceptuel de la valeur perçue développé par la littérature en marketing. Nous proposons un modèle de comportement d’achat d’actions de l’investisseur individuel pour examiner les relations entre les attributs des actions et les bénéfices perçus. Ce modèle permet de comprendre le processus de formation de la valeur perçue de l’investisseur individuel qui détermine sa décision d’achat d’actions. Notre démarche exploratoire utilise une méthode mixte pour étudier le contexte de l’actionnaire individuel français détenteur d’actions en direct. Les résultats relèvent l’existence de familles d’attributs du produit action, d’une typologie de bénéfices perçus, et des liens entre attributs et bénéfices faisant ressortir des profils d’investisseurs individuels. Notre recherche éclaire davantage le processus de choix et de décision d’achat d’actions de l’investisseur individuel, et propose aux acteurs du marketing financier une segmentation des investisseurs individuels par les bénéfices perçus afin d’adapter leurs offres de produits et services financiers envers cette cible. / The constant decline of individual shareholders is a French puzzle. French households participate feebly in equity markets. Companies find it difficult to attract new individual investors, even though they are valued for their loyalty and commitment. A share is a financial and image products that provides a sustainable source of finance for businesses, retirement systems, and long-term investments. Financial and investment decisions are framed by modern finance and behavioral finance. Although they are contradictory on their founding assumptions, these streams share the same conception of the intrinsic value of a financial asset, an objective value determined essentially by the monetary attributes, thus limiting the individual in his choices and decisions. Our research explores the behavior of the individual investor through applying the conceptual framework of the perceived value developed by the marketing literature. We propose an individual investor's stock behavior model to examine the relationship between stock attributes and perceived benefits. This model allows understanding the process of the formation of the perceived value of the individual investor, which determines his decision to buy shares. Our exploratory approach uses a mixed method to study the context of the French individual shareholder holding registered shares. The results highlight the existence of families of shares’ attributes, a typology of perceived benefits, and links between attributes and benefits that exhibiting individual investor profiles. Our research sheds new light on the individual investor's decision-making and buying process, and offers financial marketers a segmentation of individual investors based on the perceived benefits, allowing them to tailor their financial products and services offerings towards this target.
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[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o nível de entendimento dos
consumidores aplicado à rotulagem nutricional de alimentos industrializados. Ele
suporta a idéia de que cada consumidor funciona de maneira distinta frente ao
contexto de análise dos rótulos nutricionais. Através de uma pesquisa empírica
que utiliza a metodologia de um sistema de avaliação de letramento funcional,
traça-se o perfil dos consumidores e mensura-se a pontuação dos entrevistados
frente ao conhecimento de aspectos da rotulagem nutricional aplicada pela
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Os resultados mostram evidências de
que existem consumidores desconhecedores de elementos nutricionais básicos,
outros incapazes de desenvolver tarefas simples de análise de rótulos. Níveis
diferentes de entendimento frente as variáveis sexo, renda, escolaridade, idade,
leitura de rótulos, exercícios, prática de refeições fora de casa e compra de
alimentos para a família revelam realidades heterogêneas de escolhas alimentares,
trazendo subsídios importantes para a área de comportamento do consumidor e de
políticas públicas. / [en] This study aims to evaluate the level of understanding of consumers in the
context of food nutrition labeling. It supports the idea that each consumer works
differently against the background of the analysis of nutrition labels. Through an
empirical research that uses the methodology of an assessment system for
functional literacy, a profile of consumers is drawn and a score of the respondents
related to nutrition label aspects knowledge applied by Anvisa is measured.
Results show evidence that consumers are unaware of basic nutritional elements,
unable to develop other simple tasks of label analysis. Different levels of
understanding by the variables gender, level of income, level of education, age,
reading labels habit, exercise habit, practice of eating out and buying food for the
family reveal heterogeneous realities of food choices, bringing important benefits
to the area of consumer behavior and public policy.
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The relevance of sustainability labeling for Chinese consumers perception of the luxuriousness of, and purchase intent for sustainabilitu-labelled exotic leather accessoriesLavis, Skye January 2019 (has links)
This study explored the relevance of sustainability labelling for Chinese consumers’ perception of the luxuriousness of, and purchase intent for sustainability-labelled exotic leather accessories. The Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels’ Luxury Value Perception Scale (2007), as well as the Vigneron and Johnson’s (2004) Brand Luxury Index (BLI) model as adapted by Kim and Johnson (2015) served as the conceptual framework for the study.
An online questionnaire was distributed across China and completed by willing participants. Qualtrics, a reputable international market research platform, used their extensive database of consumers for sampling purposes and managed to collect 526 completed and usable questionnaires. All participants had visited South Africa in the last five years or have the intention of visiting in the next five years. Both males and females were included in the study provided that they fell into the millennial generational cohort as of the year 2019 (born between 1979 and 2000). Data analysis was achieved through exploratory factor analysis and the calculation of the Cronbach alpha coefficients and eigenvalues. The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample identified three factors instead of the four factors proposed by the original Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels (2007) scale, namely “Pleasure”, “Others” and “Financial”. It seems that the Chinese millennials in this study considered everything that exotic leather accessories can do for them on a functional an individual level as one concept, named “Pleasure”. Additionally, respondents indicated that the “Pleasure” value perception was also the most important to them. Social items of the original scale loaded on the “Others” factor and although a little less important than the “Pleasure” factor, it is particularly important to the respondents in this study to know what others think of people who use certain exotic leather accessories. Finally, Financial items of the original scale loaded on the respondents’ “Financial” factor, which was considered to be the least important for the respondents in this study. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to their perceptions of the factors “Pleasure”, “Others” and “Financial”. Post hoc analyses showed that there were significant differences with regard to all pairwise comparisons. The highest score was obtained on Pleasure, followed by Financial and Others.
The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample’s perception of the luxuriousness of the four different sustainability-labels identified one identical factor for each of the four labels, instead of the five factors of the revised Kim and Johnson (2015) scale. The factor was named “Luxuriousness”. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to the respondents’ perceptions of the luxuriousness between the four labels, however post hoc analyses revealed no significant differences with regard to any pairwise comparison.
The outcome of the factor analysis for the sample’s purchasing intent, based on Spears and Singh’s (2004) scale indicated that the respondents had in all four cases a very strong purchasing intent for the sustainable exotic accessories, with only small differences between the four differently labelled exotic leather accessories. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed to investigate whether the sample differed with regard to their purchase intentions for the four labels. Post hoc analyses showed that there was a statistically significant difference between respondents’ purchase intent for Label 2 and Label 4, as well as a statistically significant difference between respondents’ purchase intent for Label 3 and Label 4. Respondents’ purchase intentions for both Labels 2 and 3 were therefore significantly higher than their purchase intent for Label 4.
According to the results, there were statistically highly significant strong, positive correlations between the respondents’ most important Pleasure luxury value perception and their Purchase Intent for all four labels. Therefore, the more important the Pleasure luxury value perception becomes, the stronger becomes the respondents’ Purchase Intent for all four sustainability labelled accessories.
Results of this study make positive contributions for various role players within the exotic leather industry. Manufacturers, retailers and marketers can all benefit from the results of the study. Recommendations for industry and future research are made. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted
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Antecedents of Chinese millennial consumers' purchase intentions via following influencers' recommendations: the sports goods industryMeng, Xiangru, Xiao, Yue January 2020 (has links)
Background In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce in China, various online media and digital social platforms have attracted more users, and online marketing has gradually replaced traditional marketing strategies. The increasing frequency of online shopping by Chinese consumers, especially millennials, presents a huge opportunity for influencer marketing. Influencers with a large number of followers have been used by many companies as online marketing tools. To deeply explore the reasons why Chinese millennial consumers buy products recommended by the influencer, the Theory of Triadic Influence (TTI) was used as the theoretical basis to form the theoretical framework of this study after a review of academic literature, and various factors such as Chinese culture, different industries, personal influence stream, environment, and social environment should be considered. Purpose The purpose of this research is to study the factors that affect Chinese millennial consumers to follow the recommendations of influencers in purchasing sports products through Taobao, Tik Tok, or Weibo. MethodIn this quantitative research, 362 Chinese respondents' data were collected through an online questionnaire. The data of the 302 sample were tested and analyzed by SPSS software since they were referring to Chinese millennials who have followed influencers and purchased sports products online. Conclusion According to the data analysis results of this study, behavior control, self-efficacy, and attitude will actively promote Chinese millennial consumers' purchase intentions of sports products recommended by influencers. Finally, social norms are related to Chinese culture, which may explain why this hypothesis does not significantly predict consumers' online purchase intentions. Therefore, this study could provide suggestions for influencers and online retailers to help them improve the online purchasing intention of Chinese millennial consumers, and thus improve the sales and profit. On the other hand, this study can help consumers understand the marketing strategies of influencers to achieve the purpose of helping them to make more rational consumption.
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Payment methods influencing purchase behavior in the clothing e-commerce : A study of millennials in Jönköping, SwedenJeon, Sueun, Khoja, Hulia, Stita, Husam January 2020 (has links)
Background: Electronic commerce has recently been seen as a very auspicious service of technology witnessed in the last decade. Several types of e-commerce initiatives include very modernized and upgraded facilities such as smart cards, online retailing, and remote payments that help make the payment process faster and more consistent. Therefore, there is a need to explore the factors from payment methods that influence a change in the purchasing behavior of a customer, due to the fact that constant development in technology is occurring. Furthermore, due to the ability to access and control digital technology, millennials are believed to be destined for a current business and have a significant impact on the corporate world. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the research on the effect of payment methods on millennials’ purchase behavior by exploring millennials in the context of clothing e-commerce in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to understand how electronic payment methods influence purchase behavior of millennials in Sweden in the clothing e-commerce. Method: The study follows interpretivism philosophy due to integrating human interest and meaning. For a more in-depth understanding, the research used qualitative methods by conducting individual in-depth semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by fifteen millennials in Sweden and analyzed within the thematic analysis. Conclusion: The results show that payment methods tend to influence millennials in Sweden differently depending on several factors such as trust, ease of use, and time consumption. The findings showed that the easier it is to use the payment method, the faster and smoother it is for millennials to complete the purchase. Moreover, when the website is organized and well-designed, there is a higher demand for purchasing from it, which leads to trust in the website and the operated payment methods in it to a higher extent. Hence, establishing the trust and credibility of the selected payment method was one of the essential points of the purchasing process. Additionally, certainty, reliability, and suspiciousness were highly taken into consideration when purchasing products from countries other than Sweden, as their operating payment methods vary significantly.
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