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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transferência de tecnologia com auxílio da metodologia de desdobramento da função qualidade QFD

Roberto Tsuyoshi Yaegachi 16 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a aplicação do método QFD (Quality Function Deployment - Desdobramento da Função Qualidade) para identificar as principais características e requisitos para o sucesso do processo de transferência de tecnologia entre gerador e usuário. Foram estudadas 10 empresas empreendedoras e Institutos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - P&D do setor aeroespacial brasileiro. Assim, por meio do estudo de caso múltiplo, foi possível identificar onze características e requisitos importantes para o modelamento do processo e da base para a matriz da qualidade do QFD. As três características mais importantes foram: (a) Gestão da Qualidade implementada no receptor, (b) Certificação e Qualificação da tecnologia a ser transferida e (c) Aplicação do Benchmarking. Além dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que o inter-relacionamento entre as instituições de P&D e a empresa é fundamental para o aprimoramento do processo de transferência de tecnologia, promovendo o aumento na competitividade no mercado exterior e a autonomia e independência tecnológica do país. / This work describes the application of QFD (Quality Function Deployment) to identify the main characteristics and requirements for the success of the process of technology transfer between generator and user. It has been studied 10 enterprising companies and institutes of Research and Development - R & D in the aerospace sector in Brazil. Then, through multiple case study, we were able to identify 11 (eleven) important characteristics and requirements for modeling the process and the basis for the matrix quality of the QFD. The three most important features were: (a) Quality Management implemented in the receiver, (b) Certification and Qualification of the technology to be transferred and (c) Application of Benchmarking. Besides the results obtained it was concluded that the inter-relationship between R&D institutions and company is essential for improving the process of technology transfer, promoting increased competitiveness in overseas markets and technological autonomy and independence of the country.

Aplikace metody QFD ve vybrané organizaci / The application of the QFD method in the selected organization

Vondráková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master's Thesis is to propose improvement of the process of providing selected service, specifically serving food in the AV Gastro canteen located in the University of Economics, Prague Žižkov, for customers using the method Quality Function Deployment (QFD abbreviated), converts customer requirements into measurable indicators and set improved values. The interviewing technique based on use of questionnaires in written and electronic form was used to disclose customer requirements. One step of this method is the technical competitive assessment of functional requirements, the mystery shopping method was used for this. The graphical output of this method is the set of matrices called the house of quality. Various measures including the outline of associated costs were proposed based on outputs of QFD.

Aplicação do desdobramento da função qualidade em uma clínica de ortopedia e reabilitação

Ana Karina Guedes Galvão de França 01 December 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, a busca pela permanência no mercado frente à competitividade acirrada de clínicas de ortopedia e reabilitação particulares é cada vez mais frequente. Diante deste ambiente competitivo, a busca pela excelência nos serviços prestados é o diferencial para a sobrevivência destas clínicas no mercado. Este trabalho tem por objetivo melhorar a prestação dos serviços e fidelizar os clientes através da aplicação do Desdobramento da Função Qualidade em uma clínica de ortopedia e reabilitação localizada em Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, mais conhecida como Vale da Eletrônica. A metodologia QFD avalia as necessidades e expectativas dos clientes através da aplicação de questionários preenchidos pelos mesmos, auxiliando na identificação do nível de serviço oferecido. Como resultado da aplicação da metodologia QFD constatou-se que a `Acessibilidade (rampa) é a qualidade demandada de maior relevância para os clientes com um IDi* de 42,66 e Média de atendimento de cadeirantes na clínica é a característica de qualidade mais importante com um IQj* de 135,98. O objetivo proposto neste trabalho foi alcançado, visto que o QFD apontou os itens considerados mais importantes pelos clientes que organizados em um plano de melhorias, possibilitou o cumprimento das ações nos prazos estipulados visando melhorar a qualidade nos serviços prestados pela clínica. / Currently, the searches for retention in front of the fierce competitiveness of private orthopedic and rehabilitation clinics are more frequently. Facing this competitive environment, the search of excellence in services is the differential for the clinics that survives in the market. This paper aims to improve delivery service and build customer loyalty through the application of Quality Function Deployment in a clinical of orthopedics and rehabilitation located in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, also known as Electronics Valley. The QFD methodology evaluates the customer needs and expectations through the application of questionnaires filled by them, helping to identify the level of service offered. As a result of the QFD methodology application was found that the `Accessibility (ramp) is the greatest relevance of quality demanded to customers with an IDi* of 42,66 and `Average attendance of wheelchair at the clinic is a quality characteristic more important with an IQj* of 135,98. The objective of this paper was reached, since the items appointed by QFD and considered most important by customers were organized an improvement plan, allowed the fulfillment of actions on schedule to improve the quality of services provided by clinic.

Aplicação do desdobramento da função qualidade em uma distribuidora de remédios

Agostinho Augusto Figueira 01 July 2016 (has links)
Atualmente, é cada vez mais frequente a busca pela permanência no mercado devido à competitividade acirrada das empresas transportadoras de distribuição de remédios. Diante deste ambiente competitivo, a busca pela excelência nos serviços prestados é o diferencial para a sobrevivência destas transportadoras no mercado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo melhorar a prestação dos serviços por meio da aplicação do Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD Quality Function Deployment) em uma transportadora de distribuição de remédios. O trabalho foi desenvolvido pela aplicação de um questionário qualitativo e quantitativo, definido pela equipe de colaboradores, junto aos 763 clientes de uma transportadora distribuidora de remédios, e a partir do retorno do questionário de 80 clientes foi realizada uma análise dos dados para buscar uma solução de problemas operacionais que ocorrem na transportadora. Os pontos negativos foram desdobrados com a aplicação do QFD, e analisados pelos gestores da transportadora, os quais sugeriram ações a serem tomadas pela aplicação da ferramenta 5W1H (What? Why? Where? When? Who? How?). Foram identificadas qualidades demandadas dos clientes, com base nas características da qualidade consideradas prioritárias foram propostos seis planos de ação, a metodologia QFD, a qual mostrou-se uma ferramenta facilitadora da identificação das qualidades operacionais demandadas pelos clientes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a transportadora obteve uma melhor qualidade em toda a sua logística isto ficou evidente com o aumento do número de pedidos que passou de 16,8 para 19,5 pedidos por dia. Além disto o QFD permitiu um maior conhecimento do perfil de todos seus clientes. / Currently, it is increasingly common the search for permanence in the market due to the fierce competitiveness of companies drug distribution carriers. Given this competitive environment, the search for excellence in service is the differentiator for the survival of these carriers in the market. This work aims to improve the delivery of services through the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD - Quality Function Deployment) in a drug delivery carrier. The study was conducted by applying a qualitative and quantitative survey, defined by the team of employees, together with 763 customers a distributor carrier of drugs, and from 80 customers questionnaire return a data analysis was performed to find a solution operational problems occurring in the carrier. The negatives were deployed with the application of QFD, and analyzed by the carrier manager, which suggested actions to be taken by the application of 5W1H tool (What? Why? Where? When? Who? How?). qualities demanded of the customers were identified, based on quality characteristics considered priorities were proposed six action plans, the QFD methodology, which proved to be a tool facilitating the identification of operational qualities demanded by customers. The results demonstrate that the carrier has obtained a better quality throughout its logistics this was evident with the increasing number of requests rose from 16.8 to 19.5 orders per day. In addition QFD allowed a better understanding of the profile of all its customers.

Diseño de una metodología para la actualización de contenidos curriculares dedicados al estudio de la tecnología CIM en carreras universitarias tecnológicas

Balderrama Durán, Isabel Melina 13 November 2008 (has links)
La tecnologia CIM (de l'anglès Computer Integrated Manufacturing) sorgeix a la dècada dels 80 com una resposta a les necessitats de transformació tecnològica. La seva implantació permet millorar els processos de planificació, programació i control de la producció sota l'objectiu de progressar en el desenvolupament de nous sistemes tecnològicament més flexibles i avançats en la gestió empresarial. La implementació d'una tecnologia tan complexa requereix la qualificació de recursos humans que la puguin gestionar. En aquest context, els enginyers industrials són els més indicats per assolir metes d'aprenentatge dedicades a la formació en tecnologia CIM. Aquesta qualificació ha de contemplar la integració de coneixements, habilitats i característiques personals; en un perfil professional que permeti als futurs professionals ser solvents davant de problemes o situacions reals en la indústria usuària de CIM. Es va a considerar oportú estudiar l'actualització del currículum de l'Enginyer Industrial, de tal forma que els seus continguts s'ajustin a les demandes de qualificació de la indústria usuària de CIM en el seu rol de potencial mercat laboral dels futurs enginyers industrials. Aquesta situació és el punt de partida per motivar la present tesi doctoral, per a la qual cosa es va realitzar una revisió bibliogràfica. El resultat de la revisió ha palesat que no hi ha una estandardització de continguts que assegurin la solvència en la tecnologia CIM, ni tampoc la metodologia que permeti seleccionar i configurar aquests continguts en el context d'un currículum universitari. La metodologia dissenyada a la tesi proposa un enfocament per maximitzar l'eficiència, basat en la identificació de quatre pilars: a) Client, b) Recursos Humans, c) Innovació Tecnològica i d) Tecnologies d'Informació i Comunicació; pilars que convergeixen en el desenvolupament i implementació de la tecnologia CIM. Per a això dissenya una metodologia que combina dues metodologies fonamentals: la Funció de Desplegament de la Qualitat (de l'anglès Quality Function Deployment: QFD) i la metodologia Delphi. Addicionalment, aquestes dues metodologies es complementen amb altres eines i mètodes secundaris: el Procés Analític de Jerarquia (AHP: de l'anglès Analytic Hierarchi Process), Diagrames d'Afinitat, Taules de segmentació del client, Diagrames de Jerarquia, Enquestes, etc.La fortalesa de la metodologia rau en la gran capacitat per traduir demandes qualitatives (poc concretes) en especificacions quantitatives objectives i precises respecte de: continguts, assignatures, cursos, didàctica, durada, etc.; considerant els principis del Procés de Bolònia i les normatives que regeixen el sistema educatiu a la Unió Europea. Com a fase final de la tesi, la metodologia dissenyada s'aplica en un cas d'estudi concret referit a: l'actualització de continguts curriculars, dedicats a l'estudi de CIM, a la carrera d'Enginyeria Industrial de l'IQS. / La tecnología CIM (del inglés Computer Integrated Manufacturing) surge en la década de los 80´s como una respuesta a las necesidades de transformación tecnológica. Su implantación permite mejorar los procesos de planificación, programación y control de la producción bajo el objetivo de progresar en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas tecnológicamente más flexibles y avanzados en la gestión empresarial. La implementación de una tecnología tan compleja, demanda la calificación de recursos humanos que la puedan gestionar. En este contexto, los ingenieros industriales son los más indicados para alcanzar metas de aprendizaje dedicadas a la formación en tecnología CIM. Dicha calificación debe contemplar la integración de conocimientos, habilidades y características personales; en un perfil profesional que permita a los futuros profesionales; ser solventes frente a problemas o situaciones reales en la industria usuaria de CIM. Se ha considerado oportuno estudiar la actualización del currículo del Ingeniero Industrial, de tal forma que sus contenidos se ajusten a las demandas de calificación de la industria usuaria de CIM en su rol de potencial mercado laboral de los futuros ingenieros industriales. Esta situación es el punto de partida para motivar la presente tesis doctoral, para lo que se realizó una revisión bibliográfica. El resultado de la revisión, ha evidenciado que no hay una estandarización de contenidos que aseguren la solvencia en la tecnología CIM, ni tampoco la metodología que permita seleccionar y configurar dichos contenidos en el contexto de un currículo universitario. La metodología diseñada en la tesis, propone un enfoque para maximizar la eficiencia, basado en la identificación de cuatro pilares: a) Cliente, b) Recursos Humanos, c) Innovación Tecnológica y d) Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación; pilares que convergen en el desarrollo e implementación de la tecnología CIM. Para esto diseña una metodología que combina dos metodologías fundamentales: la Función de Despliegue de la Calidad (del inglés Quality Function Deployment: QFD) y la metodología Delphi. Adicionalmente, estas dos metodologías se complementan con otras herramientas y métodos secundarios: el Proceso Analítico de Jerarquía (AHP: del Inglés Analytic Hierarchi Process), Diagramas de Afinidad, Tablas de segmentación del cliente, Diagramas de Jerarquía, Encuestas, etc.La fortaleza de la metodología, reside en la gran capacidad para traducir demandas cualitativas (poco concretas) en especificaciones cuantitativas objetivas y precisas respecto a: contenidos, asignaturas, cursos, didáctica, duración, etc.; considerando los principios del Proceso de Bolonia y las normativas que rigen el sistema educativo en la Unión Europea. Como fase final de la tesis, la metodología diseñada se aplica en un caso de estudio concreto referido a: la actualización de contenidos curriculares, dedicados al estudio de CIM, en la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial del IQS. / CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) technology arose in the 1980s as a response to the technological transformation. Its implementation allows the improvement of planning processes, programming and control of production, with the aim of progress in development of new, technologically more flexible, advanced systems in corporate management. The implementation of such a complex technology requires qualified human resources to manage it. In that context, industrial engineers are the most appropriate to achieve the learning goals applied to training in CIM technology. That qualification must consider the integration of knowledge, skills and personal characteristics; in a professional profile that allows future professionals to be solvent with regard to real problems or situations in the CIM user industry. We have considered the opportunity of studying the update of the Industrial Engineering curriculum, in order that its content may fit the demands for qualification in the CIM user industry, in its role as a potential labour market for future industrial engineers. This situation is the starting point driving this doctoral thesis, for which a bibliographic review was performed. The result of the review has shown that there is no content standardisation to assure the solvency of CIM technology, nor is there a methodology to select and configure that content in the context of a university curriculum. The methodology designed in the thesis proposes an approach to maximise efficiency, based on identification of four pillars: a) Customer, b) Human Resources, c) Technological Innovation and d) Information Technologies and Communication; pillars that converge in development and implementation of CIM technology. To that end it designs a methodology tat combines two fundamental methodologies: the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Delphi methodology. Additionally, these two methodologies are complemented by other tools and secondary methods: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Affinity Diagrams, Customer segmentation tables, Hierarchy Diagrams, Surveys, etc.The strength of the methodology lies in the major capacity to translate qualitative (scarcely precise) demands into objective and precise quantitative specifications with regard to: content, subjects, courses, didactics, duration, etc.; considering the principles of the Bologna Process and the standards governing the educational system in the European Union. As a final phase of the thesis, the methodology designed is applied in a specific case study concerning updating of curriculum content, dedicated to study of CIM, on university courses in IQS Industrial Engineering.

Utveckling av Multi Monitor Solution för SMS Smart Media Solution

Gustafsson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Sammanfattning</strong><em> </em></p><p>Detta examensarbete inom produkt- och processutveckling har genomförts på uppdrag av SMS Smart Media Solutions AB i Stockholm. Syftet med arbetet har varit att ta fram och utveckla ett stativ som ska kunna hålla upp till 4 stycken datorskärmar och som tillåter ergonomisk anpassning och användning. Under projektets gång har antalet skärmar utökats från 4 till 8 för att tillmötesgå uppkomna kund- och marknadskrav. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram en färdig prototyp som ska kunna ligga till grund för tillverkning av stativet.</p><p>Under utvecklingsarbetet har verktyg som QFD, funktionsanalys, Ishikawa-diagram, Pugh’s jämförelsematris och FMEA använts för att säkerställa att kund-, marknads-, kvalitets och funktionskrav uppfylls. Arbetet inleddes med en idégeneringsfas som utmynnade i ett antal olika koncept. Koncepten utvärderades utifrån kravspecifikation, funktion, antal standardkomponenter och pris. Konceptet som ansågs starkast utvecklades till en prototyp vilken i sin tur testades och utvärderades.</p><p>Resultatet av examensarbetet är att det utvecklade stativet är infört i SMS Smart Media Solutions’ produktportfolio och kommer att finnas med i SMS’ produktkatalog för 2010. Stativet motsvarar alla krav som satts upp i kravspecifikationen och alla problemen som definierats i problemformuleringen har lösts.</p><p> </p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This thesis in product and process development has been made in cooperation with SMS Smart Media Solutions AB in Stockholm. The aim of the thesis has been to develop a new display bracket that can carry up to 4 monitors and that allows ergonomically adjustments and usage. During the project the amount of maximum monitors has been changed from 4 to 8 to meet the demand of the customers and the market. The goal of the thesis has been to develop a prototype that would be the ground of the future bracket that will be offered in SMS Smart Media Solutions’ product portfolio.</p><p>To make sure that the developed bracket meets all the demands and criteria, tools like QFD, analysis of function, Ishikawa diagram, Pugh’s matrix and FMEA have been used. The process of the product development started with brainstorming and concept generation. The developed concepts were evaluated using analysis of requirements, costs, functions and the amount of used standard components. The winning concept was carried on into a prototype that was tested, evaluated and improved.</p><p>The result of the thesis is that the developed bracket has been integrated to SMS Smart Media Solutions’ product portfolio and will be added to SMS’ product catalogue for 2010. The final bracket met all the criterions that were set in the specification of requirements and all the problems form the problem statement were solved.</p>

Behovsanalys avseende IT-stöd för avvikelsehantering

Hansson, Joachim January 2010 (has links)
<p>Att minimera olyckor och andra tillbud utgör en central roll i samtliga verksamheter, vilket gör avvikelsehanteringen till en viktig del i utvecklingen. Försvarsmakten har ingen central avvikelsehantering utan avvikelsen hanteras lokalt på förbanden. Det finns en plan på att införa ett gemensamt IT-stöd för att hantera avvikelser bland annat för att ha möjligheten att sammanställa statistik och identifiera systematiska avvikelser. Försvarsmakten har kravställt och upphandlat ett system som tagits i pilotdrift under 2009. Pilotdriften har resulterat i ett antal frågeställningar. Detta har lett till att Försvarsmakten valt att genomföra en behovsanalys för att studera vilket behov av en gemensamavvikelsehantering som finns. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att skapa ett beslutsunderlag för införandet av en gemensamavvikelsehantering i Försvarsmakten.</p><p>Arbetet har genomförts i åtta steg: (1) Projektinitiering, (2) Datainsamling, (3) Identifiering av behov, (4) Analys och strukturering av behov, (5) Modellering av aktivitetsflöde, (6) Modellering av behov, (7) Identifiering av förmågor och (8) Modellering av avvikelsehantering.</p><p>Sex intervjuer genomfördes vilket ledde till att 304 utsagor identifierades och resulterade i 430 behov. Behov som att hantera avvikelser, rapportera avvikelser och rutiner för avvikelsehanteringen har uppdagats. Utifrån intervjuerna konstruerades en processmodell som visar arbetsprocessen i en avvikelsehantering. Med stöd av processmodellen skapades en modell av Försvarsmaktens avvikelsehantering med stöd av arkitekturramverket Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework™ (MODAF™). För att beskriva avvikelsehanteringen används de strategiska vyerna, de operationella vyer samt systemvyer.</p>

Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations

Nilsson, Per January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis &#8220;Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations&#8221; is by the use of a case study test the MFD&#8482;-method (Erixon G. , 1998) combined with PMM in a product development project. (Henceforth called MFD&#8482;/PMM-method). The MFD&#8482;/PMM-method used for documenting and controlling a product development project has since it was introduced been used in several industries and projects. The method has been proved to be a good way of working with the early stages of product development, however, there are almost only projects carried out on large industries which means that there are very few references to how the MFD&#8482;/PMM-method works in a small corporation. Therefore, was the case study in the thesis &#8220;Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations&#8221; carried out in a small corporation to find out whether the MFD&#8482;/PMM-method also can be applied and used in such a corporation.The PMM was proposed in a paper presented at Delft University of Technology in Holland 1998 by the author and Gunnar Erixon. (See appended paper C: The chart of modular function deployment.) The title &#8220;The chart of modular function deployment&#8221; was later renamed as PMM, Product Management Map. (Sweden PreCAD AB, 2000). The PMM consists of a QFD-matrix linked to MIM (Module Indication Matrix) via a coupling matrix which makes it possible to make an unbroken chain from the customer domain to the designed product/modules. The PMM makes it easy to correct omissions made in creating new products and modules.In the thesis &#8220;Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations&#8221; the universal MFD&#8482;/PMM-method has been adapted by the author to three models of product development; original-, evolutionary- and incremental development.The evolutionary adapted MFD&#8482;/PMM-method was tested as a case study at Atlings AB in the community Ockelbo. Atlings AB is a small corporation with a total number of 50 employees and an annual turnover of 9 million &#8364;. The product studied at the corporation was a steady rest for supporting long shafts in turning. The project team consisted of management director, a sales promoter, a production engineer, a design engineer and a workshop technician, the author as team leader and a colleague from Dalarna University as discussion partner. The project team has had six meetings.The project team managed to use MFD&#8482; and to make a complete PMM of the studied product. There were no real problems occurring in the project work, on the contrary the team members worked very well in the group, having ideas how to improve the product. Instead, the challenge for a small company is how to work with the MFD&#8482;/PMM-method in the long run! If the MFD&#8482;/PMM-method is to be a useful tool for the company it needs to be used continuously and that requires financial and personnel resources. One way for the company to overcome the probable lack of recourses regarding capital and personnel is to establish a good cooperation with a regional university or a development centre.

Utveckling av Multi Monitor Solution för SMS Smart Media Solution

Gustafsson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete inom produkt- och processutveckling har genomförts på uppdrag av SMS Smart Media Solutions AB i Stockholm. Syftet med arbetet har varit att ta fram och utveckla ett stativ som ska kunna hålla upp till 4 stycken datorskärmar och som tillåter ergonomisk anpassning och användning. Under projektets gång har antalet skärmar utökats från 4 till 8 för att tillmötesgå uppkomna kund- och marknadskrav. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram en färdig prototyp som ska kunna ligga till grund för tillverkning av stativet. Under utvecklingsarbetet har verktyg som QFD, funktionsanalys, Ishikawa-diagram, Pugh’s jämförelsematris och FMEA använts för att säkerställa att kund-, marknads-, kvalitets och funktionskrav uppfylls. Arbetet inleddes med en idégeneringsfas som utmynnade i ett antal olika koncept. Koncepten utvärderades utifrån kravspecifikation, funktion, antal standardkomponenter och pris. Konceptet som ansågs starkast utvecklades till en prototyp vilken i sin tur testades och utvärderades. Resultatet av examensarbetet är att det utvecklade stativet är infört i SMS Smart Media Solutions’ produktportfolio och kommer att finnas med i SMS’ produktkatalog för 2010. Stativet motsvarar alla krav som satts upp i kravspecifikationen och alla problemen som definierats i problemformuleringen har lösts. / Abstract This thesis in product and process development has been made in cooperation with SMS Smart Media Solutions AB in Stockholm. The aim of the thesis has been to develop a new display bracket that can carry up to 4 monitors and that allows ergonomically adjustments and usage. During the project the amount of maximum monitors has been changed from 4 to 8 to meet the demand of the customers and the market. The goal of the thesis has been to develop a prototype that would be the ground of the future bracket that will be offered in SMS Smart Media Solutions’ product portfolio. To make sure that the developed bracket meets all the demands and criteria, tools like QFD, analysis of function, Ishikawa diagram, Pugh’s matrix and FMEA have been used. The process of the product development started with brainstorming and concept generation. The developed concepts were evaluated using analysis of requirements, costs, functions and the amount of used standard components. The winning concept was carried on into a prototype that was tested, evaluated and improved. The result of the thesis is that the developed bracket has been integrated to SMS Smart Media Solutions’ product portfolio and will be added to SMS’ product catalogue for 2010. The final bracket met all the criterions that were set in the specification of requirements and all the problems form the problem statement were solved.

Utveckling av displayhållare för plåtbearbetningsmaskin / Development of displaycase for metal shaping machine

Sandvik, Victor, Rudervall, Nicolás January 2018 (has links)
CIDAN Machinery Sweden AB, ursprungligen AB Göteneds Mekaniska Verkstad, har tillverkat maskiner för plåtbearbetning och delar för industrin som utrustas med olika slags kontrollpaneler eller manöverlådor. Företaget vill nu undersöka möjligheter till förbättringar, både i kostnad som funktion och utformning gällande dessa manöverlådor. Målet med examensarbetet är att undersöka möjligheten att utforma en manöverlåda som ska ersätta tre befintliga modeller och leda till en mer ekonomiskt gångbar produkt med förbättringar inom områden som tillverkning, montering, användbarhet och hållbar utveckling. Manöverlådan har även som krav att använda sig av den befintliga elektroniken. Förstudien påbörjades med Quality Function Deployment som metod för att arbeta med kund och kvalitetsinriktad design. Stegen innefattade observationer och intervjuer med målgruppen, analys av befintlig konstruktion med en felriskanalys och en undersökning på alternativa material för att identifiera och vikta kundbehov som kan kopplas till tekniska specifikationer. Den insamlade informationen resulterade i en kravspecifikation som den nya produkten skulle uppfylla. Konceptutvecklingen påbörjades med en analys av företagets produktidentitet. Därefter delades manöverlådan in i delfunktioner och förslag på dellösningar genererades. Med en morfologisk matris togs 6 helhetslösningar fram. Slutligen valdes ett av två vidareutvecklade koncept som ansågs ha störst potential och skulle uppfylla specifikationen bäst. Konceptet förfinades i CAD med, bland annat, ökad modularitet och minskad vikt samt en förenklad form. Ritningar togs fram för att konceptet skulle vara redo för produktion. Resultatet blev en manöverlåda som uppfyller de satta kraven och ersätter två av tre befintliga modeller, med förbättringar inom miljö, kostnad och produktidentitet. En fullskalig prototyp togs slutligen fram tillsammans med företaget som visade att slutkonceptet gick att tillverka. / CIDAN Machinery Sweden AB, originally AB Göteneds Mekaniska Verkstad, has manufactured machines for sheet metal processing and parts for industry that are equipped with various control panels or control boxes. The company now wants to explore possibilities for improvement, both in cost as function and design regarding these control boxes. The aim of the degree project is to explore the possibility of designing a control box that will replace three existing models and lead to a more economically viable product with improvements in areas such as manufacturing, assembly, usability and sustainable development. The controlbox also has the requirement to use the existing electronics. During the prestudy, Quality Function Deployment was implemented as a method of working with customer and quality-oriented design. Steps included observations and interviews with the target group, analysis of existing design with a failure modes and effects analysis and a study of alternative materials to identify and weigh customer needs that can be linked to technical specifications. The information gathered resulted in a requirement specification that the new product would meet. Concept development initiated with an analysis of the company's product identity. Subsequently, the control box was divided into partial functions and suggestions for sub-solutions were generated. A morphological matrix was used to produce six complete solutions that were then evaluated and screened depending on how well they met the needs. Finally, one of two further developed concepts was considered to have the greatest potential and would best meet the specification. The result was a control box that fulfills the requirements and replaces two of three existing models, with improvements in environment, cost and productidentity. A full scale prototype was finally made in collaboration with the company which showed that the final concept could be manufactured.

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