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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychological empowerment : a South African perspective

Fourie, Anna Sophie 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to conceptualise psychological empowerment as perceived in a South African context in terms of the dimensions and contributing factors. The study was conducted by means of quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample included employees from different geographic areas, genders, races, level of education and positions in organisations in different sectors. Relationships between demographic variables and psychological empowerment were determined. To determine to what extent South Africans are psychologically empowered, according to Spreitzer’s (1995) model, means and standard deviations were calculated for the four dimensions (meaning, competence, self-determination and impact) and overall psychological empowerment (PE) and a percentile table was utilised to establish a norm and compare it with a norm established in previous research. Management practices were found to be significantly related to PE. However, when regression analysis was done, only the practices, motivation, delegation and job and role clarity significantly predicted PE. Perceptions of empowerment were investigated and it appeared that economic empowerment is emphasised in the media, while the majority of interview respondents seemed to have a balanced or positive view of empowerment as enabling. The psychological experiences of employees were explored and dimensions of psychological empowerment that are similar to what was found by previous research emerged. Some characteristics were found to be unique given the present context. Dimensions and characteristics that emerged from the study were resilience, sense of competence, sense of achievement, sense of control, sense of meaning, making a difference and empowerment of others. The theoretical frameworks proposed by Menon (2001) and Zimmerman (1995) were investigated, which confirmed the importance of a goal orientation and pro-active behaviour in psychological empowerment. These theories were evaluated and compared to cognitive theories as suitable frameworks for the study of psychological empowerment. Contributing factors that emerged from the qualitative study most prominently were opportunity and recognition. Locus of control emerged as a possible intrapersonal factor and it was explored further as a contributing factor. Together with the significant factors from the quantitative survey, these factors were employed to recommend a strategy for the development of psychological empowerment with the dimensions of empowerment as outcomes. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na die verband tussen gehalte van werklewe en persoonlikheid by 'n groep alkoholiste

Swanepoel, André Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The research question in this study involves the subjective experiences of quality of worklife (QWL) by alcoholics and non-alcoholics, in order to form an idea about the differences in such experiences, between the two groups. Personality is related throughout to QWL and alcoholism. A sample consisting of 60 alcoholics and 58 non alcoholics was used. Personality measurements were done by using Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16-PF) whilst experienced QWL was measured with the self developed QWL-questionnaire. In order to test the hypotheses for this study, the data has been processed by using Pearson's Product-moment coefficient of correlation and t-tests. The results from the study indicate a significant relationship between personality and certain exclusive QWLdimensions for alcoholics. There is however, no significant difference in the subjective experiences of global QWL between alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Several personality factors have been identified as being related to alcoholism. / Die navorsingsvraagstuk in hierdie studie betrek die subj ektiewe ervaring van gehalte van werklewe (GWL) deur alkoholiste en niealkoholiste, ten einde 'n begrip te vorm van die verskil in sodanige ervaring, tussen die twee groepe. Persoonlikheid word deurgaans in verband gebring met GWL en alkoholisme. 'n Steekproef bestaande uit 60 alkoholiste en 58 nie-alkoholiste is gebruik. Persoonlikheidsmetings is met die 16-Persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys van Cattell gedoen terwyl ervaarde GWL met die selfontwerpte GWL-vraelys gemeet is. Ten einde hierdie studie se hipoteses te toets, is die data verwerk deur van Pearson se produkmomentkorrelasiekoeffisient en t-toetse gebruik te maak. Die studie se resultate dui op 'n beduidende verband tussen persoonlikheid en sekere eksklusiewe GWL-dimensies by alkoholiste. Daar bestaan egter geen beduidende verskil in die subjektiewe ervaring van globale GWL tussen alkoholiste en nie-alkoholiste nie. Daar is etlike persoonlikheidsfaktore geidentifiseer wat met alkoholisme verband hou. / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)

'n Perspektief op die gehalte van die werkslewe van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in diens van plaaslike besture

Jacobs, Itricia Petronella 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Opname is onder geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in diens van plaaslike besture onderneem met die doel om 'n perspektief op die gehalte van hul werkslewe te verkry, faktore te identifiseer wat hulle motiveer om 'n loopbaan in plaaslike besture te kies en die faktore te identifiseer wat werkstevredenheid positief /negatief be"lnvloed. Ontleding van die data het aangedui dat negatiewe faktore in die werkslewe soos onder andere die gebrek aan deelname in besluitneming en beperkte loopbaangeleenthede werksontevredenheid tot gevolg kan he. Positiewe faktore soos die geleentheid om gereelde diensure te werk en die status wat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in die gemeenskap geniet, bevorder werkstevredenheid. Dit is hoofsaaklik hul belangstelling in primere gesondheidsorg en die geleentheid om gereelde diensure te werk wat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges motiveer om 'n loopbaan in plaaslike besture te kies. Aanbevelings om die kwaliteit van die werkslewe van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges te verbeter en werkstevredenheid te bevorder, is geformuleer. / A survey was undertaken among registered nurses in the service of local authorities to obtain a perspective on the quality of their worklife, to identify factors that influence registered nurses in local authorities and to identify those factors that influence the quality of the worklife and job satisfaction positively /negatively. Analysis of the data indicated that negative factors in the worklife such as limited participation in decision-making and limited career opportunities could lead to dissatisfaction in the work situation. Positive factors such as the ability to work regular hours and the status of registered nurses in the community promote job satisfaction. It is mainly their interest in primary health care and the opportunity to work regular hours of duty, that motivate registered nurses to choose a career in local authorities. Recommendations to improve the quality of the worklife of registered nurses and to promote job satisfaction were formulated. / Nursing Science / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)

Validação inicial de um questionário de qualidade de vida no trabalho adaptado para servidores de instituição federal de ensino superior brasileira

Rocha, Gerson Luiz Santos January 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo acessou a extensão em que o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT), adaptado para Servidores de Instituições Federais de Ensino (IFES) brasileiras (QQVT-IFES) reflete o modelo conceitual de QVT de Walton (1973). A adaptação desta medida para servidores de IFES, considerou como referência o questionário proposto e validado por Timossi et al. (2009), (QQVT). O QQVT sofreu três alterações e com base no modelo de Walton, que estabelece oito critérios para avaliar QVT, originou o QQVT-IFES. Foram avaliadas as características psicométricas do QQVT-IFES e acessadas as validades de conteúdo e aparente da medida. Numa primeira fase, adaptando a proposta de Hernadez-Nieto (2002) para o cálculo do coeficiente de validade de conteúdo (CVC) foram escolhidos 55 juízes dentre os 168 servidores da área de QVT da IFES, após o cálculo do tamanho da amostra indicar um mínimo de 43. Os juízes responderam, em duas etapas, quantitativa e qualitativa, um questionário de julgamento (QJ/QQVT-IFES) das questões propostas no QQVT-IFES. O QJ/QQVT-IFES apresentou alta confiabilidade. Nas escalas de clareza da linguagem e pertinência prática, apontaram numa escala tipo likert de 1 a 5, o quanto o item da escala era claro e pertinente. Puderam em espaço próprio, comentar sobre cada item, em forma de texto e sugeriram melhorias, inclusão de itens, criticaram termos e formas. A validação de conteúdo mostrou um desempenho satisfatório do QJ/QQVT-IFES, com CVCt=0,80 para a escala de clareza e CVCt=0,86 para a escala de pertinência, com valor de corte de 0,70. O erro Pei encontrado com 55 juízes foi de 1,9 x 10 -96, valor considerado = 0. O processo de validação aparente gerou 319 comentários dos juízes/avaliadores aos 34 itens do QQVT-IFES. A segunda fase do estudo consistiu em nova adaptação, desta vez do QQVT-IFES, gerando o QQVT-IFES/2. A validação de conteúdo do QQVT-IFES/2 com 36 itens, seguiu o mesmo método do QQVT-IFES, desta vez com 5 juízes, conforme a proposta metodológica original de Hernandez-Nieto (2002). Verificou-se melhoria no desempenho quanto ao CVCc de 76,4% dos itens correlatos ao QQVT-IFES, mesmo com erro Pei significativamente maior (0,00032). O QQVT-IFES/2 obteve CVCt de clareza de 0,92 e pertinência igual a 0,95, maiores que os do QQVT-IFES. Uma terceira versão foi gerada, resultado dos melhores itens dos dois questionários, o QQVT-IFES/3. O processo de validação de conteúdo encontra nas escalas de clareza e pertinência caminho objetivo para futuros processos de validação, aos quais o questionário deverá ser exposto, a exemplo das validades de construto e preditiva. / This study accessed the extent to which the Quality Of Life at Work Questionnaire (QLWQ), adapted for civil servants working at Brazilian federal universities (QLWQ-IFES), reflects the conceptual Walton’s model of QLW (1973). Adaptation of the QLWQ-IFES involved assessment of content and face validity carried out by 55 participants, Brazilian federal university civil workers working as judges. Content validity coefficient (CVC) was calculated based on judges’ evaluation of two criteria of the questionnaire: items’ clarity and practical relevance. Face validity was assessed by examination of participants’ comments on the QLWQ-IFES adapted version generated from the results of the content validity. The questionnaire showed evidence of content validity, as indicated by item clarity index of 0.80 and practical relevance of 0.86. The face validation process produced 319 comments from judges, generating the final version of the questionnaire (the 36-item QQVT-IFES/2). Submitted to five judges’ evaluation, the questionnaire’s final version showed better evidence of content validity: 0.92 and 0.95 for the clarity and for the practical relevance of the items. Considering the importance of the construct focused by this questionnaire for health promotion at work setting, further studies on construct and predictive validities of Quality Of Life at Work Questionnaire remains.

Qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho de profissionais de educação / Quality of life in the work environment of professional education

Ubirajara Baptista Cabral Junior 13 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é avaliar a percepção dos profissionais de educação em relação aos níveis de satisfação e de insatisfação quanto à Qualidade de Vida no Ambiente de Trabalho QVT. A proposta consiste em identificar fatores que contribuem para a Qualidade de Vida no Ambiente de Trabalho QVT, em uma categoria de trabalhadores supostamente não beneficiada, em aspectos que se referem ao tema sob investigação. Trata-se de profissionais da área de educação, com atuação em escola técnica de saúde, da rede pública de ensino do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Esses funcionários empregam toda a sua força de trabalho atuante, de forma permanente e continuada, na unidade escolar pesquisada, conforme preconizado pelo Sindicato dos Profissionais de Educação do Rio de Janeiro. A expressão Qualidade de Vida e, especificamente, Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, é um constructo que expressa, na atualidade, variadas concepções. Nesse sentido, a literatura aponta modismos comerciais, exploração por parte do capital, e até as mais arrojadas e críticas concepções que se destinam à busca do bem-estar do trabalhador em seu lugar de labor diário. Com intuito de se mensurar as variáveis da pesquisa proposta, foi utilizado o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, uma escala atitudinal adaptada, tipo Likert, complementada por um questionário sócio-demográfico. A escala é constituída de 45 asserções de seis pontos, baseadas nos pressupostos de Walton (1975), com oito fatores ou dimensões, a saber: remuneração, condições de trabalho, uso e desenvolvimento de capacidades, oportunidades de crescimento profissional, integração social na organização, direitos na instituição, equilíbrio no trabalho e vida, e relevância do trabalho. As fases desta pesquisa compreenderam a revisão da literatura, detalhamento do método, execução das etapas operacionais de aplicação dos instrumentos de medida e análise dos dados da pesquisa. Quanto aos procedimentos gerais, foram mantidos contatos formais e informais com a instituição educacional pesquisada, sendo o projeto submetido e aprovado pela Comissão de Ética da UERJ. Foram formuladas hipóteses focadas na percepção dos profissionais de educação, sobre níveis de satisfação e de insatisfação da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho. Os resultados apontaram o nível geral de satisfação de toda a força de trabalho em 61,94%, sendo que dos 8 (oito) fatores pesquisados, o de maior nível de insatisfação foi a remuneração, com 79,45%, enquanto o de maior satisfação refere-se à relevância de seu trabalho, com 84,25%. Esses resultados poderão servir de indicadores para eventuais ações em políticas públicas na área de gestão de pessoas, como também nas proposições de mudanças inovadoras no contexto sócio-técnico, assim como para a instalação de programas de mapeamento e de desenvolvimento de competências, com o objetivo de melhoria da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho desses funcionários da rede pública de ensino / The objective of this research is to evaluate the perceptions of professionals in the education department in relation to their levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction on Quality of Life in the Workplace - QVT. The proposal is to identify factors that contribute to the Quality of Life in the Workplace - QVT in a category where workers supposedly do not benefit from, in ways that relate to the subject under investigation. These professionals work in education, in technical schools of health, of the public school system of Rio de Janeiro. These officials employ all their active work force through permanent and continuous forms, in the educational system researched, as recommended by the Union of Professional Education of Rio de Janeiro. The term quality of life, specifically, Quality of Working Life, is a construct that expresses, in actuality, many conceptions. In this sense, the study shows commercial modes of exploitation by capital, and even the most daring and critical concepts that are intended to seek the welfare of the worker's place in daily labor. With the aim of measuring the variables of the proposed research, we used the Quality of Working Life, a scale adapted by Likert, complemented by a socio-demographic questionnaire. The scale consists of 45 statements of six points, based on the assumptions of Walton (1975), with eight factors or dimensions, namely: remuneration, working conditions, use and capacity development of opportunities for professional growth, social integration in the organization rights with the institution, balance in work and life, and relevance of the work. Through research, we composed a review of these phases detailing the method, implementation of operational steps through the application of instruments for measuring and analyzing researched data. The general procedures maintained formal and informal contacts with the institutions surveyed, as the project being submitted and approved by the ethics committee of UERJ. A formulated hypothesis focused on the perceptions of education on levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the Quality of Working Life. The results showed the level of overall satisfaction of the entire workforce at 61.94% and the 8 (eight) factors surveyed, which had the highest level of dissatisfaction was payment, with 79.45% , while greater satisfaction concerned the relevance of their work, with 84.25%.These results may serve as indicators for possible actions in public policy in the area of personnel management, as well as in the proposal for innovative changes in the socio-technical context, as well as installing programs to develop skills that aim in improving the Quality of Working Life of for these public schools workers.

Servant leadership: antecedent to Quality of Worklife of customer service frontline employees

Bedser, Mark Bernard January 2018 (has links)
Contact Centre agents operate in closely monitored and highly controlled environments and their work consists of solving service requests or assisting customers with information on products or services. Consequently their work involves a great deal of emotional labour and stress. It is not surprising then, that the working environment of the Contact Centre is reported to have a negative impact on the levels of Quality of Worklife of Contact Centre agents, and that in the Contact Centre context, it is likely that low levels of Quality of Worklife exist. It is argued that it is important for organisations to be particularly aware of the Quality of Worklife perceptions of their employees should they want to address Quality of Worklife levels and benefit from the positive consequences of higher levels of the construct. Numerous variables are reported to play either an antecedent, moderating, mediating, or consequential role in relation to the Quality of Worklife construct. A systems model of Quality of Worklife is developed, which illustrates the inter-relationships of these variables and how they affect and are affected by the Quality of Worklife construct. It is argued that leadership is an important antecedent to Quality of Worklife, and this is the antecedent of interest in this study. It is proposed that it is not just any leadership that will contribute to an improved Quality of Worklife, particularly within a challenging context such as the Contact Centre environment. Rather, it is suggested that certain qualities of leaders will have a greater influence on Quality of Worklife. For example, leaders who focus on relationships and are caring - characteristics associated with servant leaders - are deemed more suitable for the Contact Centre context. The research also proposes that there are close associations between Servant Leadership and Trust, which in turn has the potential to affect Quality of Worklife positively. It is argued, therefore, that Trust mediates the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife in the customer service frontline context. While there is a broad base of literature available on servant leadership that focuses on the senior or executive level of leadership, Van Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011) have argued that it is also relevant at the middle level of management and have validated an eight dimensional measure of servant leadership that is suitable for this management level. The Van Laar, Edwards and Easton (2007) Quality of Worklife model is also argued to be an appropriate model and measure of the Quality of Worklife construct, due to the robustness of the instrument design and the appropriateness of its underlying theory to the context of this research. Research has shown that leadership can have a significant relationship with Quality of Worklife. Moreover, a review of the literature on servant leadership reveals that trust, satisfaction, general well-being, and commitment to their jobs increases when employees are exposed to leadership behaviours associated with servant leadership. There is however, no evidence in the literature of any investigation of the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife, or of research investigating the partial mediating effects of Trust between these two constructs. Research was conducted to test this relationship. A survey questionnaire was administered amongst a sample of 555 Contact Centre agents, who were employed in eight different organisations. Confirmatory factor analysis procedures were conducted in STATA (V15.0), to test and validate the factor structure of Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife models. The research also produced a Servant Leadership, Trust and Quality of Worklife structural equation model that supported the hypotheses of the relationships between the constructs. Mediation analysis confirmed Trust’s role as a mediator between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife. The structural equation model confirmed that synergies between Servant Leadership, Trust and Quality of Worklife exist, and that Trust partially mediates the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife. It is therefore argued that an increase in Servant Leadership behaviour by the manager or supervisor of frontline staff has a positive association with increases of Trust, as well as positive associations with Quality of Worklife experienced by employees in the frontline context. Moreover, it is also posited that the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife is partially mediated by Trust of the supervisor. The implications of these results are discussed, and recommendations made for management practice and further research.

Análise das relações existentes entre qualidade de vida e qualidade de vida no trabalho através de um modelo de regressão logística

Maier, Rúbia Carla 29 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as relações existentes entre a Qualidade de Vida e a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho de funcionários da indústria de laticínios através da regressão logística. O problema proposto foi: Quais relações probabilísticas existem entre qualidade de vida e a qualidade de vida no trabalho? O referencial teórico envolveu os temas: qualidade de vida, qualidade de vida no trabalho e a fundamentos estatísticos. A abordagem metodológica foi aplicada, descritiva e quali-quantitativa. Foi utilizada uma pesquisa realizada com funcionários da indústria de laticínio, os quais foram investigados através da aplicação simultânea dos instrumentos WHOQOL-100 e o modelo adaptado de Walton, ao todo foram entrevistados 548 funcionários entre homens e mulheres. A análise dos dados ocorreu através das técnicas estatísticas: correlação, qui-quadrado e regressão logística, e para validação do modelo os testes: Deviance, Pearson e Hosmer-Lemeshow. Os resultados encontrados na análise de regressão logística univariada, mostraram que os critérios da QVT possuem influência significativa em QV e que os domínios de QV (exceto domínio espiritualidade) possuem influência significativa em QVT. No modelo de regressão logística multivariado, algumas variáveis apresentaram como não significativas, pois apresentaram valores acima do nível de significância adotado (p>0,05). Considerando as variáveis significativas foi estimado o modelo matemático, encontrando a probabilidade de influência entre as variáveis (domínios, critérios, QV e QVT). Através do estudo do relacionamento entre estas variáveis foi possível concluir as chances de melhoria nos domínios da QV que influenciam positivamente na QVT, e nos critérios da QVT que influenciam positivamente na QV, proporcionando ao gestor melhor direcionamento dos seus investimentos. / The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between the quality of life and quality of working life of employee on the dairy industry using logistic regression. The proposed problem was: What are probabilistic relationships between quality of life and quality of working life? The theoretical referential involved: quality of life, quality of working life and statistical reasoning. The methodological approach was applied, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative. Was used a survey of employees of the dairy industry, which were investigated by simultaneous application of the WHOQOL-100 and an adaptation of the Walton’s model, were interviewed in all 548 employees between men and women. The analyzes had involved: correlation, chi-square and logistic regression. For validating the model estimat ed by logistic regression analysis, it was used the Deviance, Pearson and Hosmer -Lemeshow test. The results in the univariate logistic regression analysis showed that the criteria of QWL have significant influence on QL and the QL domains (except the spiritual domains) have significant influence on QWL. In multivariate logistic regression model, some variables were not as significant as had values above the level of significance (p>0,05). Considering these variables in was estimated a mathematical model, finding the probability of influence between the variables (domains, criteria, QL and QWL). By studying the relationship between these variables was possible to conclude the chances of improvement in the areas of QL that positively influence the QWL, and the criteria of QWL that positively influence the QL, providing the manager a better direction of their investments.

The South African workplace : meeting the work life balance challenge

Mageni, Gavin Francois January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resources Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2005. / The construct of Work Life Balance (WLB) gained international recognition as a business imperative within overseas organisations, realising the reality impact of work-life conflict. The past two decades marked intensive research within countries, such as Canada, on the value-add of these practices on hte bottom-line of the organisation. The pressures created by competing within a global economy marked the importance of creating a sustainable global competitive advantage through human capital. Within the last decade this aspect has been prominenet on various research forums. South African organisations which could be regarded as Multi - National Corporations (MNCs) swiftly adopted these practices as a cloned version on their South African counterparts. However, no actual studies provide insight into the applicability of WLB models to the South frican workplace.

Análise das relações entre a qualidade de vida e qualidade de vida no trabalho no setor de confecção: um levantamento em empresas do APL de Maringá/Cianorte - PR

Aquino, Danielly Silva de 09 May 2012 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as relações existentes entre os domínios da QV e a QVT geral e entre os critérios da QVT e a QV geral, através de um modelo de regressão logística, em funcionários do APL de vestuário de Maringá/Cianorte – PR. No referencial teórico foram abordados conceitos relacionados aos seguintes temas: qualidade de vida, qualidade de vida no trabalho, APL (Arranjo Produtivo Local) e fundamentação estatística. O método utilizado na pesquisa foi o indutivo, sendo a abordagem metodológica aplicada, quantitativa, exploratória descritiva e de levantamento. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dois questionários, sendo o primeiro o WHOQOL-bref para avaliação da QV e o segundo uma adaptação do modelo proposto por Walton para avaliação da QVT, os questionários foram aplicados em 15 empresas distribuídas da seguinte forma: quatro microempresas (n= 43), quatro pequenas empresas (n= 86), seis medias empresas (n=214) e uma grande empresa (n=126). Ao todo foram avaliados 469 funcionários entre homens e mulheres. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se do cálculo da estimativa dos valores médios dos domínios de QV e dos critérios de QVT, identificação de outliers, teste de independência qui-quadrado e técnica de regressão logística. Para a validação do modelo estimado através da regressão logística foi utilizado o teste Hosmer-Lemeshow. Os resultados encontrados na regressão logística para as variáveis independentes (domínios de QV) em relação a variável dependente (QVT geral) mostraram que os domínios: físico (P=0,002), psicológico (P= 0,017) e meio ambiente (P= 0,000) possuem influência significativa em relação à QVT. Logo o domínio relações sociais (P=0,114) mostrou não possuir influência significativa em relação à QVT, pois apresentou valor acima do nível de significância adotado (P>0,05). Considerando somente as variáveis que apresentaram associação significativa foi estimado um modelo de regressão logística. Com isto constatou-se que um funcionário apresentando satisfação com os domínios de QV (físico, psicológico e meio-ambiente) terá uma probabilidade de 78,27% de desenvolver uma QVT satisfatória. Os resultados obtidos na regressão logística para as variáveis independentes (critérios de QVT) em relação a variável dependente (QV geral) mostrou para esta população pesquisada que não existe uma associação significativa entre os critérios de QVT e a QV geral, pois todos os critérios apresentaram valores acima do nível de significância adotado (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que as empresas podem desenvolver programas de QV para os funcionários desta população pesquisada, dando maior atenção aos domínios físico, psicológico e meio ambiente pelo fato destes domínios terem apresentado influências significativas na melhora da satisfação em relação à QVT. / The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between the domains of the QV and general QVT and between the criteria of QWL and overall QOL, using a logistic regression model with employees of APL clothing in Maringá/Cianorte - PR. On the theoretical referential discussed were related to the following themes: quality of life, quality of work life, APL (Local Productive Arrangement) and statistical reasoning. The method used in the research was the inductive one, and the methodological approach applied, quantitative, descriptive exploratory and collecting data. For the data collection two questionnaires had been used, the first one was WHOQOL-bref for evaluation of the QV and the second one was an adaptation of the model proposed by Walton for evaluation of the QVT, the questionnaires had been applied in 15 distributed companies as follows: four microcompanies (n= 43), four small companies (n= 86), six medium-sized companies (n=214) and a large company (n=126). The whole evaluated were 469 employees between men and women. For the analysis of data was used to calculate the estimate of the average values of QOL domains and criteria of QWL, identification of outliers, test of independence qui-square and technique of logistic regression. For the validation of the model estimated by logistic regression was used Hosmer-Lemeshow test. The results in the logistic regression for independent variables (QV domains) in relation the dependent variable (overall QWL) showed that the domains: physicist (P=0,002), psychological (P=0,017) and environment (P=0,000) have significant influence in relation to QVT. So social relationships (P=0,114) showed no significant influence has in relation to the QVT, because it presented value over the level of significance (P> 0.05). Considering only the variables that showed significant association was estimated a logistic regression model. With this was noted an employee presenting satisfaction with the QOL domains (physicist, psychological and environment) will have a probability of 78,27% to develop a QWL satisfactory. The results obtained in the logistic regression for independent variables (QWL criteria) in relation to the dependent variable (overall QOL) showed for this population researched that there is not a significant association between the criteria of QLW and overall QOL, , because all the criteria presented values above the level of significance (P> 0.05). It is concluded that the companies can develop programs of QV for the employees of this researched population, giving more attention to the physical, psychological and environment because these areas have presented significant influences in improving satisfaction in relation to the QWL.

Fatores da qualidade de vida no trabalho intervenientes na transição para aposentadoria

Grudzinski, Silvia Cristina 29 April 2013 (has links)
CAPES / O crescimento demográfico da população de idosos vem aumentando cada vez mais no Brasil e em vários países do mundo. Consequentemente as empresas serão um dos setores mais afetados por este crescimento no Brasil, uma vez que terão que recolocar ou manter estes funcionários trabalhando por mais alguns anos. Este fato aliado a bons programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) e ao Potencial Motivador do Trabalho (PMT) pode ser uma perspectiva positiva para manter este trabalhador no mercado de trabalho por mais alguns anos. Neste contexto, o objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi mensurar dentre os oito critérios da QVT estipulado por Walton, o qual pode interferir na tomada de decisão do trabalhador idoso em permanecer trabalhando após a aposentadoria. A abordagem metodológica consistiu em uma análise de conteúdo e em uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória. A análise dos dados baseou-se na análise estatística descritiva e em uma pesquisa quantitativa. Os resultados propostos a partir dos apontamentos feitos em relação ao Recurso Humano (RH) vai permitir aos gestores ter uma visão geral do nível de entendimento e comprometimento das pessoas idosas no contexto empresarial. A conclusão indica que 72,22% dos trabalhadores idosos que estão no processo de aposentadoria pretendem continuar trabalhando após sua reforma, muito mais para se sentirem atuantes, independentes e úteis na sociedade. Entretanto, o fator da QVT mencionados por eles que deveria ser melhorado para que se sintam mais seguros e incentivados a trabalhar com mais prazer, seria a remuneração adequada, a qual lhes traria mais tranquilidade futura e maior realização profissional e pessoal. Contudo, torna-se importante que as empresas comecem a refletir sobre a formação e reciclagem para reforçar a empregabilidade dos trabalhadores idosos permitindo a sua recolocação ou permanência no mercado de trabalho por mais alguns anos. / The population growth of the elderly population is increasing more and more in Brazil and in several countries worldwide. Consequently businesses will be one of the sectors most affected by this growth in Brazil, since they will have to replace or keep these employees working for a few more years. This fact coupled with good programs Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Motivating Potencial Score can be a positive outlook to keep this worker on the job market for a few more years. In this context, the primary objective of this study was to measure among the eight criteria stipulated by Walton's QWL, which can interfere in the decision of elderly workers to remain working after retirement. The methodological approach consisted of a content analysis and a descriptive exploratory. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics and quantitative research. The results from the proposed notes made in relation to the Human Resource (HR) will enable managers to have an overview of the level of understanding and commitment of older people in a business context. The conclusion indicates that 72.22% of elderly workers who are in the process of retirement plan to continue working after their retirement, to feel more active, independent and useful in society. However, the factor's QWL mentioned that they should be improved to make them feel safer and encouraged to work with more pleasure, would be the appropriate return, which would bring more peace and greater future professional and personal fulfillment. However, it is important that companies start to reflect on the training and retraining to enhance the employability of older workers allowing its replacement or stay in the labor market for some years.

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