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Finite element analysis of tubular track systemVerlinde, Karel Jef Stefaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Tubular Track (TT) railway system is a twin beam modular railway system consisting of two
reinforced concrete (RC) beams on which steel rails are continuously supported. The beams are
linked with galvanised steel gauge tie bars and continuously supported by soil foundations, and
can be used to replace conventional sleeper and ballast railway support. The TT railway system
has in the past been analysed with various analysis methods, but were found to obtain con icting
results. The con icting results means that one of the analysis methods used for the analysis and
design of TT railway sections is either an underestimation or overestimation of section displacements,
forces, and stresses; or both methods could even be incorrect. The main emphasis of this
investigation is therefore to develop and verify static and dynamic analysis methods and modeling
techniques which can be used to simulate the TT railway system accurately. The results and
models of the previous analyses are not explicitly investigated in this dissertation, but serve as
a motivation for this investigation.
The TT system is supported by several soil strata providing vertical support, but geometrically
modeling the subgrade strata in the analysis models adds a high level of complexity, and is not
feasible for general analysis where soil conditions are mostly unknown. The elastic foundation
theory is therefore used to accurately simulate the interaction between beam and foundation and
therefore su ciently simpli es the analysis models. Simpli cation of a subgrade foundation by
simulating a soil sti ness supporting the TT beam is investigated and analysed by comparing
nite element analysis (FEA) results of various soil models using parameters of four known soil
formations currently in use at TT railway sections. The FEA of the subgrade formations indicates
that there is a linear relationship between the modulus of subgrade reaction for a square
plate bearing test and a rectangular, in nitely long plate representing the subgrade support for
the TT beams. A square plate bearing test can therefore be performed on site and modi ed to
represent the actual subgrade support sti ness of the TT railway structure, whereafter it can
be used for the analysis and design of the TT system using one of the proposed analysis methods.
The analysis models used range from simple theoretical models based on elastic foundation principles,
to two-dimensional (2D) beam elements, and ultimately to complex three-dimensional (3D)
solid nite element models. The models used for the analyses are the Single and Double Beam
elastic foundation, PROKON 2D beams, ABAQUS 2D beams and ABAQUS 3D solid element
models. The alternative analysis methods considered should provide a clear indication of which
analysis methods are accurate and feasible for design of the TT system. An in-situ reference model with known de ections and design parameters speci c to a TT railway section is used to
analyse the di erent analysis methods' accuracy and validity. The Double Beam, ABAQUS 2D
and ABAQUS 3D models were found to provide very similar displacements, bending moments
and shear forces for a static analysis, whereas the PROKON and Single Beam models provide
unsatisfactory results. The PROKON beam model underestimates the bending moments and
shear forces in the rail, and overestimates bending moments and shear forces in the RC beam by
a considerably margin. This result can lead to the underdesigning of the rail which could possibly
force the RC beam to be subjected to larger maximum bending moments and shear forces than
for what it was originally designed for, thereby nullifying or possibly even exceeding the amount
for which it was overdesigned. This e ectively accelerates material fatigue, which might be the
possible cause of the small cracks in the RC beams which have been found on some TT railway
sections, which is currently being investigated. A graphical user interface of the Double Beam
method is provided for quick and e cient analysis.
Empirical methods used to simulate the dynamic nature of a railway system are often used in the
industry to simplify the dynamic loading by determining a dynamic amplitude factor (DAF) to
be applied to a static load. An implicit dynamic FEA is therefore performed to obtain the DAF
for the reference section, which is subsequently used for the comparison with in-situ de ection
results. The results of dynamic analysis validates the proposed empirical analysis method, as
the displacements obtained were very similar to actual eld test results, thereby also verifying
the accuracy of the proposed analysis methods. The sensitivity of the TT system to design
parameters is also investigated to indicate to which parameters the design is sensitive to and
where small variations of these parameters require due consideration for future and analysis of
the TT railway system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Tubular Track (TT) spoorweg stelsel is 'n dubbel balk modulêre treinspoor sisteem bestaande
uit twee gewapende beton balke waarop staal spore voortdurend ondersteun word. Die balke word
gekoppel deur gegalvaniseerde staal stawe vir laterale styfheid en word deurlopend ondersteun
deur grond fondamente, en kan gebruik word om konvensionele dwarslêer en ballast spoorweg
ondersteuning te vervang. Die TT spoorweg stelsel was in die verlede met verskeie analiseringsmetodes
ontleed, maar het teenstrydige resultate gewerf. Die teenstrydige resultate beteken
dat een van die analise metodes wat gebruik word vir die analisering en ontwerp van TT spoorweg
seksies 'n onderskatting of oorskatting van verplasings, kragte, en spannings is; of beide metodes
kan selfs verkeerd wees. Die hoofklem van hierdie ondersoek is dus die ontwikkeling en veri kasie
van statiese en dinamiese analitiese metodes en modellering tegnieke wat gebruik kan word om
die TT spoorweg stelsel akkuraat te simuleer. Die resultate en modelle van die vorige ontledings
word nie uitdruklik in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek nie, maar dien as 'n motivering van hierdie
Die TT stelsel word ondersteun deur verskeie grond strata wat vertikale ondersteuning verskaf,
maar meetkundige modellering van die grond strata in die ontledingsmodelle veroorsaak 'n hoë
vlak van kompleksiteit wat nie bruikbaar is vir algemene analises waar grondeienskappe meestal
onbekend is. Die elastiese fondament teorie word daarom gebruik om die interaksie tussen die
balk en die fondament akkuraat te simuleer, en vereenvoudig dus die analitiese modelle voldoende.
Vereenvoudiging van 'n grond fondament deur 'n grond styfheid ondersteuning van die TT balk
te simuleer is ondersoek en ontleed deur die resultate van eindige element analises van verskillende
grond modelle te vergelyk. Bekende ontwerp parameters van vier bekend grondformasies
wat tans gebruik word by TT spoorweg seksies word vir hierdie analises gebruik. Die eindige
element analises van die grondformasies dui daarop aan dat daar 'n lineêre verwantskap tussen
die modulus van grond reaksie vir 'n vierkantige plaat dratoets en 'n reghoekige, oneindige lang
plaat dratoets bestaan. 'n Vierkantige plaat dratoets kan dus op terrein uitgevoer en aangepas
word om die werklike styfheid van die grond ondersteuning van die TT spoorweg sisteem voor
te stel.
Die analitiese modelle wat gebruik word wissel van eenvoudige teoretiese modelle wat gebaseer is
op elastiese fondament beginsels, twee-dimensionele (2D) balk elemente, asook komplekse driedimensionele
(3D) soliede eindige element modelle. Die modelle wat gebruik is vir die ondersoek
is die Enkel en Dubbel Balk elastiese fondament, PROKON 2D balke, ABAQUS 2D balke en ABAQUS 3D soliede element modelle. Hierdie reeks bied 'n duidelike aanduiding watter analiseringsmetodes
akkuraat en haalbaar is vir die ontwerp van die TT stelsel. 'n In-situ verwysingsmodel
met bekende de eksies en ontwerp parameters wat spesi ek is vir 'n TT spoorweg
seksie word gebruik om die akkuraatheid en geldigheid van die verskillende analitiese metodes
te analiseer. Die Dubbel Balk, ABAQUS 2D en ABAQUS 3D modelle verkry baie soortgelyke
verplasings, buigmomente en skuifkragte vir 'n statiese analise, terwyl die PROKON en
Enkel Balk modelle onbevredigende resultate verkry. Die PROKON model onderskat die maksimum
buigmomente en skuifkragte in die staal spoor, en oorskat buigmomente en skuifkragte
in die gewapende beton balk. Hierdie resultaat kan moontlik lei tot die onderontwerp van die
staal spoor en dwing moontlik vir die gewapende beton balk om blootgestel te word aan groter
buigmomente en skuifkragte as vir wat dit oorspronklik ontwerp is, en verontagsaam sodoende
moontlik die kragte waarvoor dit oorontwerp is. Dit versnel e ektief materiaal vermoeiing, wat
die moontlike oorsaak is van die klein krake wat gevind is in die gewapende beton balke op
sommige TT spoorweg seksies wat tans ondersoek word. 'n Gra ese gebruikerskoppelvlak van
die Dubbel Balk model is verskaf vir vinnige en doeltre ende ontleding.
Empiriese metodes om die dinamiese aard van 'n spoorweg-stelsel te simuleer word dikwels gebruik
in die bedryf om dinamiese belasting te vereenvoudig deur middel van die gebruik van 'n
dinamiese amplitude faktor (DAF) wat op 'n statiese belasting aangewend word. 'n Implisiete
dinamiese eindige element analise word dus uitgevoer om die DAF te ondersoek, wat daarna gebruik
word vir die vergelyking met die in-situ de eksie resultate van die in-situ verwysingsmodel.
Die resultate van die dinamiese analise bevestig dat die voorgestelde empiriese analise metode
gebruik kan word, omdat die verplasings wat verkry baie soortgelyk was aan werklike veld toets
resultate, en daardeur ook die veri ëring van die akkuraatheid van die voorgestelde analise
metodes bewerkstellig. Die sensitiwiteit van die TT stelsel vir ontwerp parameters word ook
ondersoek om aan te dui watter parameters die ontwerp voor sensitief is, en waar klein variasie
in hierdie ontwerp parameters behoorlike oorweging vereis vir die toekomstige analisering en
ontwerp van die TT spoorweg stelsel.
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The inter-relationship between household income and trip generation, with particular reference to rail transport planningHo, Hing-lun., 何慶麟. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Transport Policy and Planning / Master / Master of Arts
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Incident management in the mass transit railwayTang, Chi-chung., 鄧志翀. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Transport Policy and Planning / Master / Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning
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A method for numerical simulation of train induced track vibration and wave propagation in subgrade has been proposed. The method uses a mass to simulate the bogie of a train and considers the effect of rail roughness. For this method, rail roughness is considered as a randomly generated signal and a filter is used to block the undesired components. The method predicts the particle velocity around the track and can be applied to many kinds of railroad trackbeds including traditional ballast trackbed and modern Hot mix asphalt (HMA) trackbed. Results from ballast and HMA trackbeds are compared and effects of HMA layer on damping track vibration and dissipating wave propagation are presented. To verify the credibility of the method, in-track measurements were also conducted. Site measurements included performing geophysical tests such as spectral analysis of surface wave test and seismic refraction test to determine the subsurface conditions at the test site. Ballast and HMA samples were tested in the laboratory by resonant column test to obtain the material properties. Particle velocities were measured and analyzed in the frequency domain. Results from in-track tests confirm the applicability of the numerical method. The findings and conclusions are summarized and future research topics are suggested.
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[pt] O elevado custo de transporte no Brasil dentro da cadeia
logística é notório. Para os produtos agrícolas,
principalmente para as commodities, essa relação é ainda
mais sensível dado o fato destes produtos não possuírem
grande valor agregado. O açúcar, em especial, por ser
considerado como uma tendência agrícola do País, destaca-se
como um ponto crítico no setor. Neste, e em outros casos, o
transporte ferroviário aparece como solução para o
escoamento da produção a preços competitivos. Assim,
visando contribuir com o desenvolvimento da economia do
País, o principal objetivo deste estudo é identificar a
demanda potencial para o transporte ferroviário de açúcar.
Mais especificamente, essa dissertação contribui com
análise da malha ferroviária Centro-Sul, que se configura
atualmente como principal meio de escoamento da produção
nesta região. Primeiramente é estimada a produção futura de
açúcar. Em seguida é feito um levantamento dos gargalos
analisando a capacidade brasileira de escoamento, já
verificando a hipótese de impossibilidade de escoamento da
crescente produção futura. As alternativas de escoamento
desta produção são detalhadas e os diversos custos
calculados, de modo que se possa identificar o volume de
carga potencial a ser transportada via ferrovia na região
Centro-Sul. A fatia destinada ao modo rodoviário e a
quantidade detalhada por portos são também encontradas. Com
todas variáveis calculadas, ricas conclusões puderam ser
estabelecidas, concluindo o objetivo deste trabalho. / [en] The high cost of transportation in Brazil, according to
logistics is notorius. Mainly to farming products related
to commodities, this relationship is still problematic
because they don´t have any extra value. Sugar, can be
considered as the most important farming trend. So, rail
transportation seems to be the solution in terms of
competitive prices to many kinds of products, including
sugar. The main objective of this study is to identify the
importance of rail transportation for sugar. But, it
especifically contibutes to analyze the Middle-South
transportation system to flow this production at that
region. At first, it`s estimated the future sugar
production. Then, it`s done the survey of the narrow
places, analyzing the Brazilian capacity for that. As it
has been growing, they work with a hypothetical future
impossibility. The alternatives are detailed and the
several costs calculated to identify the potential freight
and load amount aimed to Middle-South and so the number of
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Novas fronteiras de expansão para o gás natural: o suprimento em pequena escala através da malha ferroviária brasileira / New expansion frontiers for the natural gas: the small-scale supply through the Brazilian rail networkLiaw, Cylon 19 October 2018 (has links)
A partir da leitura do PEMAT 2022, referência sobre a expansão da malha dutoviária no Brasil, constata-se que não há previsão de novos gasodutos no médio prazo, fato que prejudica os planos do governo Federal de aumentar a participação do gás natural no mix energético nacional, atualmente responsável por 12,9% da oferta interna de energia. Nesse sentido, surge a possibilidade da indústria do gás natural e de seus consumidores se beneficiarem da infraestrutura existente das ferrovias, a partir do transporte de GNL (gás natural liquefeito) em pequena escala, através de vagões-tanque e contêineres criogênicos. A viabilidade no contexto brasileiro é justificada pelo cenário atual de limitado alcance da rede de gasodutos, grandes distâncias percorridas e potencial oferta de gás natural de fontes energéticas não-convencionais, como os campos do pré-sal e as bacias sedimentares com gás de folhelho. Ainda que a temática seja incipiente no setor do gás natural internacional, experiências bem-sucedidas como as do Japão, dos EUA e da Suécia trazem boas perspectivas de adoção do modal ferroviário para a distribuição do GNL para regiões não atendidas pelas redes de gasodutos. Nos três casos, foram descritos a conjuntura energética, a matriz de transportes e os condicionantes operacionais, no sentido de detectar possíveis similaridades e trazê-las para o Brasil. No caso brasileiro, os mesmos parâmetros foram analisados, além de identificadas algumas das possíveis demandas como, por exemplo, uma maior participação no setor agropecuário e a substituição do diesel utilizado nas locomotivas por GNL. O Brasil reúne as condições mínimas para o funcionamento do modal ferroviário como distribuidor de GN pelo país, porém depende do desenvolvimento destes parâmetros para amadurecimento do mercado de gás natural. / Regarding the PEMAT 2022, Brazils pipeline network expansion reference, it is shown that new pipelines are not foreseen in the medium term, which could impair the Federal governments plans to increase natural gas share in the national energy mix, currently responsible for 12,9% of the total primary energy supply. In this sense, it is possible for the natural gas industry and its consumers to benefit from the existing railroad infrastructure, to haul LNG (liquefied natural gas) on a small-scale, through tank wagons and cryogenic containers. The Brazilian contexts viability is justified by the current scenario of limited gas pipelines range, large distances traveled and potential natural gas supply from unconventional energy sources, such as pre-salt fields and sediment basins with shale gas. Although the topic is incipient in the international natural gas sector, successful experiences such as those in Japan, the USA and Sweden have good prospects for adopting the rail modal for the distribution of LNG to regions not served by pipeline networks. In all three cases, the energy scenario, the transport matrix and the operational constraints were described, in order to detect possible similarities and bring them to Brazil. In the Brazilian case, the same parameters were analyzed, in addition to identified demands, such as a greater participation in the agricultural sector and the replacement of diesel used in locomotives for LNG. Brazil meets the minimum conditions for the operation of the railway modal as natural gas distributor among the country but depends on the development of these parameters for the development of the natural gas market.
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Victor Dubugras e a Estação Ferroviária de Mairinque: a trajetória de um projeto / Victor Dubugras and the Mairinque Railroad Station: the trajectory of a designMitre, Amanda Bianco 08 February 2018 (has links)
Durante a segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XX, o intenso processo de industrialização implicou em uma série de modificações na organização do espaço através de inovações técnicas e estéticas associadas à emergente realidade urbana-industrial. Como consequência houve uma alteração nos modos de pensar a arquitetura, com novos conceitos e práticas julgadas como melhor adequadas ao mundo industrial. Esse panorama de transformações e experimentações formais e estéticas associou-se na arquitetura, entre outras coisas, à difusão do art nouveau. A pesquisa estuda um dos principais exemplares da tendência construído no Brasil: a Estação Ferroviária de Mairinque, projetada pelo arquiteto francês Victor Dubugras (1868 - 1933). Investiga a trajetória do projeto concepção arquitetônica, arranjo dos espaços internos, implantação e detalhamento e a trajetória do prédio construído intervenções realizadas, iniciativas de preservação e condições de conservação. Mostra que os registros do desenvolvimento do projeto revelam tanto a constância de alguns procedimentos, como também a manipulação e modificação de soluções determinantes para a aquisição de seu esmero técnico e plástico. Verifica que apesar da preservação do arcabouço geral da construção, da efetivação da proteção legal por diferentes esferas patrimoniais e das perspectivas de restauro, condicionantes importantes do projeto arquitetônico e das relações do prédio com seu acesso e entorno foram alteradas. / During the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, the intense industrialization process lead to a series of modifications in the organization of the space through technical and aesthetic innovations associated with the emerging industrial reality. As consequence, there were changes in ways of thinking about architecture, in a search for new concepts and practices that would be a better fit to the industrial city scenario. This panorama of transformations and formal and aesthetic experimentation was incorporated in architecture, among other things, through the Art Nouveau. The research studies of one of the main examples of these trends Brazil: The Mairinque Railroad Station, design by the francoargentine architect Victor Dubugras (1868-1933). Investigates the trajectory of the design architectural conception, organization of the internal spaces, the site planning and the detailing and the trajectory of the building interventions, conservation initiatives and conservation conditions. It shows that the records of the designs development reveal both the constancy of some procedures, as well as the manipulation and modification of solutions that define the acquisition of technical and plastic refinement. It verifies that despite the preservation of the general framework of construction, the effective legal protection by different patrimonial spheres and the prospects of restoration, important constraints of the architectural design and the relations of the building with its access and surroundings have been altered.
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Cidades, patrimônios e etnocolecionadores : uma etnografia das reminiscências ferroviárias no sul do BrasilRapkiewicz, Yuri Schönardie January 2018 (has links)
A ferrovia, fenômeno econômico e social de grande relevância no contexto da industrialização e urbanização da região sul do Brasil, é interpretada aqui pela narrativa etnográfica. A pesquisa, que tem por horizonte temático a duração e a memória coletiva da ferrovia sul-brasileira, apresenta narradores aposentados, colecionadores e militantes do patrimônio cultural. Assim, este estudo insere-se em uma perspectiva da Antropologia Visual e Antropologia Urbana e da Memória. A dissertação também agrega reflexões sobre o papel do antropólogo e a da restituição no âmbito de pesquisas relacionadas ao campo do patrimônio cultural. Desta forma traz contribuições para as discussões temáticas sobre a patrimonialização da memória ferroviária no Brasil. Neste estudo reconhecemos os ferroviários aposentados como narradores e etnocolecionadores, habitantes e protagonistas que significam e estetizam o patrimônio cultural ferroviário através das suas identidades mobilizadas na forma discursiva. / The railroad, an economic and social phenomenon of great relevance in the context of the southern region of Brazil, is interpreted here by the ethnographic narrative. The research, whose thematic horizon is the duration and the collective memory of the South Brazilian railroad, presents retired narrators, collectors and militants of cultural heritage. Thus, this study is inserted in a perspective of Visual Anthropology and Urban Anthropology and Memory. The dissertation also includes reflections on the role of anthropologist and restitution in the field of research related to the field of cultural heritage. In this way it contributes to the thematic discussions on the patrimonialization of the railway memory in Brazil. In this study we recognize the retired railwaymen as narrators and ethnocontainers, inhabitants and protagonists who signify and aesthetize the railway cultural heritage through their identities mobilized in the discursive form.
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Trabalho e conflito na Noroeste do Brasil: a greve dos ferroviários de 1914 / Work and conflict in the northwest of Brazil: the strike of railroader of 1914Carvalho, Diego Francisco de 07 December 2009 (has links)
O propósito desta dissertação é examinar os trabalhadores envolvidos na construção, manutenção e operação da Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil, focalizando especialmente a greve dos ferroviários ocorrida no ano de 1914. Questões relacionadas à composição da mão-de-obra tanto da construção como da operação da ferrovia e às condições de trabalho existentes são temas a serem examinados. O período de análise compreende os anos entre 1904, ano de formação da Companhia Noroeste, e 1917, quando ocorre a encampação da E. F. Bauru-Itapura pela União. A ferrovia Noroeste do Brasil, como se convencionou chamá-la desde seu surgimento, que liga as cidades de Bauru (SP) e Corumbá (MS), começou a ser construída em 1905, atingindo Porto Esperança (MS) no ano de 1914, quando completou 1.272 quilômetros de extensão. Ao cortar regiões ainda não ocupadas pelo homem branco, a Noroeste do Brasil foi a primeira ferrovia do estado de São Paulo a abrir novos territórios, ao contrário de suas antecessoras, que surgiram para auxiliar a produção cafeeira já existente. As dificuldades no processo de construção da ferrovia foram muitas. A travessia de áreas insalubres, úmidas e empestadas de mosquitos, a transposição de rios, a presença indígena na região, a dificuldade no recrutamento de trabalhadores, a ganância dos empreiteiros, além do método repressor da Companhia Noroeste com os seus empregados, fizeram desse processo um empreendimento complexo em todos os aspectos e, ao mesmo tempo, desafiador aos limites do homem. Até 1917, a Noroeste do Brasil era, na verdade, formada por duas estradas independentes e interligadas: pela E. F. Bauru-Itapura, privada, de propriedade dos acionistas da Companhia Noroeste; e pela E. F. Itapura-Corumbá, de propriedade da União. Em dezembro de 1917, a E. F. Bauru-Itapura foi encampada pela União, sendo, no ano seguinte, incorporada à E. F. Itapura-Corumbá, de modo que as duas passaram a ser denominadas de Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil. Entre 1918 e 1956, a ferrovia esteve sob a administração do governo federal. Em 1957, a Noroeste foi integrada à Rede Ferroviária Federal (RFFSA). / The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the workers involved in construction, maintenance and operation of the Noroeste do Brasil Railroad, focusing especially on the rail strike occurred in the year of 1914. Issues relating to the composition of the workforce - both the construction and operation of the rail and existing working conditions are themes to be examined. The period of analysis covers the years among 1904, year the Companhia Noroeste was formed, and 1917, when the purchase of E. F. Bauru-Itapura occurs by the Union. The Noroeste do Brasil Railroad, as it is known from its appearance, which connects the cities of Bauru (SP) and Corumbá (MS), began to be built in 1905, at Porto Esperança (MS) in the year 1914, when completed 1272 km in length. By crossing regions still not occupied by white men, the Noroeste do Brasil was the first railroad of the state to \"open\" new territories, unlike its predecessors, which appeared to help the coffee production that already existed. The difficulties in the construction of many railroads. The crossing of unhealthy areas, wet and stank of mosquitoes, the crossing of rivers, the indigenous presence in the region, the difficulty in recruiting workers, the greed of contractors, besides the repressive method of Companhia Noroeste with its employees, have made this process a complex undertaking in all aspects and at the same time, challenging to the limits of man. Until 1917, the Noroeste do Brasil was in fact formed by two independent and interconnected roads: by E. F. Bauru-Itapura, private, ownership of the shareholders of the Companhia Noroeste, and by E. F. Itapura-Corumbá, ownership of the Union. On December 1917, to E. F. Bauru-Itapura was purchased by the Union, and the following year, to the E. F. Itapura-Corumbá, so the two came to be called the Noroeste do Brasil Railroad. Between 1918 and 1956, the railroad was under the administration of the federal government. In 1957, the Noroeste was integrated to Federal Railway Network (RFFSA).
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Proposta de um sistema de gerência para vias férreas brasileiras / Proposal for a management system for Brazilian railwaysIldefonso, Jesner Sereni 07 February 2013 (has links)
O sistema ferroviário brasileiro é constituído por uma malha de aproximadamente 30 mil quilômetros de ferrovias, nas quais percorrem mais de 2,9 mil locomotivas e 92 mil vagões, responsáveis pelo transporte de cerca 23% da carga do país; a matriz de transportes está distorcida, uma vez que nos países desenvolvidos esse modo responde por cerca de 40% da carga transportada. A manutenção de via permanente responde por 12% a 30% do custo de operação de uma via férrea e nas ferrovias brasileiras, esse gasto ficou em torno de 300 milhões de dólares no ano de 2000, evidenciando que simples melhorias no modo como as manutenções são realizadas, implicam em grande economia para o setor. Há basicamente três tipos de manutenções passíveis de serem executadas: manutenção corretiva, manutenção preventiva e manutenção preditiva. Com o uso da gerência de vias férreas é possível determinar qual manutenção é a mais apropriada e quando se deve executá-la, de forma a utilizar os recursos financeiros disponíveis da melhor forma possível. O foco desta pesquisa está no estudo da via férrea com relação à geometria e à condição estrutural dos elementos da superestrutura e, para isso, são propostos métodos de gerência e índices de qualidade para ambos os casos. / The Brazilian railway system consists of a network of approximately 30,000 kilometers, which runs a fleet of more than 2,900 locomotives and 92,000 wagons, transporting approximately 23% of the load of the country, while in developed countries this mode accounts for about 40% of the cargo. The track maintenance accounts for 12% to 30% of the cost of operating and the cost was around $ 300 million in 2000 at railroads in Brazil, showing that simple improvements in the way maintenance are performed, imply great savings for the industry. There are basically three types of maintenance that can be performed: corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. Using the management of railways is possible to determine which is most appropriate maintenance and when to run it in order to use the available resources in the best way possible. The main goal of this research is to study the rail with respect to geometry and structural condition of the elements of the superstructure and to this are proposed methods for management and quality indexes for both cases.
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