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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fastighetsbolagens beslutsfattande : Fastighetsbolagens förändringar av beslut för investeringar och förvaltning samt bankerskreditgivning vid ett ökat ränteläge

Nilsson, Petter, Ahlgren, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to describe how decisions related to investments and propertymanagement change for real estate companies with an increased interest rate, as well asbanks' lending to real estate companies.  To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method was conducted through semistructured interviews with each respondent. The empirical material has interwoven with thetheoretical frame of reference. Thus, an abductive research approach has been used.  The analysis consists of interpretations of the empirical data covered by the thesis. Resultsand of the empirical data are linked to the thesis. The results of the analysis showed changesin the thesis in three areas: Changes in decisions in property management and propertyinvestments in the event of an increased interest rate situation. As well as the bank's lendingfor real estate companies in the event of an increased interest rate situation. The chapter alsoforms the basis for the thesis' later conclusions  The conclusions that have been established from studies are that real estate companies usesmany different types of security measures to minimize the sensitivity to an increased interestrate situation. In property management operations, long-term measures are taken to ensurecash flow. In the short term, it can be indirectly affected. Investment decisions are changedby re-prioritizing real estate companies' investment planning because of the returnrequirements. The conclusion for how the banks' lending changes is that lending as a wholedecrease with an increased interest rate situation. This is not due to the banks, but is about thereal estate companies finding it more difficult to meet the assessment requirements

Finansiering inom bostadsrättsektorn : En studie om en alternativ finansieringsmodell / Financing in the condominium sector : A study about an alternative financing model

Jillersberg, Madeleine, Denlert, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Priserna på den svenska bostadsmarknaden har stigit ovanligt mycket de senaste åren. En konsekvens av detta är att allt fler får det svårare att ta sig in på bostadsmarknaden och köpa sin första bostad. Inte minst förstagångsköpare som har svårt att spara ihop till den höga insatsen som ofta krävs eller bli beviljade lån hos bankerna. En alternativ finansieringsmodell har skapats för att göra det lättare för dessa personer att ta sig in på bostadsmarknaden. Denna modell bygger på att det är föreningen som ska stå för den större delen av lånet, istället för köparen. Denna uppsats syftar till att jämföra skillnaderna mellan en bostadsrätt som finansieras på det traditionella sättet och en bostadsrätt som finansieras genom den alternativa finasnieringsmodellen. Den modell som kommer att analyseras i denna studie heter BRF 2.0 och har lanserats av Well Fastigheter. De riktar sig främst till unga personer, därav har en enkätundersökning utförts för att få en inblick i vilken kunskap en förstagångsköpare har inom detta område. Enkäten är utformad som ett kunskapstest som behandlar några av de ekonomiska aspekter i ett bostadsköp som kan vara bra att känna till. Därefter utfördes en intervju med en representant på ett av företagen som har tagit fram denna alternativa investeringsmodell, nå en djupare förståelse för upplägget. Resultaten indikerar att förstagångsköpare besitter bristande kunskap kring bostadsköp för att ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv kunna ta de mest fördelaktiga besluten. Studien pekar på vikten av att förstagångsköpare själva behöver ta ansvar för att läsa på inom ämnet så de blir medvetna om vilken kunskap de redan besitter och vilken kunskap de behöver lära. Ett problem som nämns i studien är att dessa personer inte alltid är medvetna om vilket område de saknar kunskap inom och kommer därför inte hämta in denna information. Vid detta problem krävs det att högre instanser kliver in och påverkar. Som ett förslag nämns att regering eller utbildningsväsende arbetar vidare med dessa frågor. / Prices on the Swedish housing market has risen the past few years. A consequence by this is that an increasing amount of people struggle to buy their first apartment. In particular people that want to buy their first apartment, which struggle to save enough money for the cash deposit or to get a big enough loan from the bank. In an attempt to solve this, an alternative financing in the condominium sector has been introduced to the market in an attempt to make it easier for people to afford buying their first condoninium. This report aim to compair a condominium that has been funded through the tradtional way and a condominium that has been funded through this alternative way. A survey has been conducted in an attempt to investigate the knowledge whom people that is about the buy their first condoninium possess. An interview has also been conducted to further strenghten our findings from the survey and to get a deeper understanding about this alternative concept. The results indicate that people that’s never bought an apartment before lack some essential knowledge that you need to possess when you buy in apartment in order to make the right choices. This alternative financing might give an opportunity for some people to buy their first apartment, an opportunity they otherwise might not have.

Presumption Rent-System : A Sustainable Rent-Setting System or a "Necessary Pain"?

Måradson, Elina January 2016 (has links)
State of Objectives: This paper addresses the question of how the presumption-rent system has developed during ten years of its introduction to the rental market, with a particular emphasis on the investors’ perspective. The study has three focus areas, firstly an emphasis on how the real estate investors within the private and public sectors reacted to the introduction of the presumption-rents. Secondly, it examines whether the trends have changed during the course of these ten years. Finally, it observes how the presumption-rent system, as a rent-setting method for new residential rental constructions, is perceived and evaluated by the investors. Methodology: The empirical study focuses on the rent market in Stockholm, and it is articulated through a holistic multiple case-study of six public-and private real estate companies with rental dwellings in Stockholm. In order to examine the developments of the presumption-rent structures in these companies, a numerical analysis of the rent structures through a quasi-experimental design is as well conducted. Empirical Findings: The results in general prove that the rent-setting within the presumption rent system is unpredictable and subjective, because it is influenced by conflicting interests and different perceptions. The implication of this for the application of the presumption-rents is that it is depended on a complex, ambiguous and vague negotiation structure, rather than being based on a systematized rent-setting procedure. Furthermore, it is noted that the collective bargaining system, which sets the standards for the rent negotiations, is undergoing a slow process of change, as the law amendment in 2011 has caused paradigm-shits within the rental market. One dimension of this is that the rent-negotiations noticeably do not influence the investment decisions anymore, but the rent negotiations certainly have an impact on the rent-setting method. The implication for the application of the presumption-rentsystem, including its negotiation framework, is that it is applied when it meets the criteria for the investment decision, otherwise it is ignored. Finally, it is showed that nor the public neither the private companies perceive the presumption-system as a long-term and sustainable solution to the prevailing challenges with the Swedish rent-setting system. What is clear is that the system is mainly considered as a temporality solution to a course of disorders that have emerged from prolonged institutional negligence and error that have impaired the rental markets.

Commercial property : a required rate of return investigation / Gerrit Kotze

Kotze, Gerrit January 2005 (has links)
When faced with an investment opportunity in commercial real estate, the investor requires knowledge of the discount rate since it can be used to convert expected future cash flows from the property in today's terms and in doing so, place a value on the property. The so-called required rate of return would be the appropriate conversion rate since it compensates the investor for risk and, if attainable, will induce the investor to invest. An inaccurate assessment of the discount rate could, depending on the direction of the error, lead to a potential over or under estimation of the property value. A number of single or multiple variable frameworks for required return have been derived by other researchers for the US, UK and EU property markets. Each of the variables encountered in these frameworks acts as a proxy for some aspect of systematic risk associated with the investment. However, locally, such models are either not extensively published or well described and are limited to single explanatory variables. Some professionals prefer to avoid frameworks and simply divert to qualitative, gut-feel and experienced based considerations in order to derive at required return rate. This dissertation addressed the possible local need for an explanatory framework of required return on commercial property. The scope of work entailed: (i) a review of the literature to establish the theoretical determinants of return and (ii) an empirical study to test a short-list of parameters for Retail, Offices and Industrial sites in Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Durban, respectively. Three categories of explanatory variables were identified: (i) Capital market variables and alternative investment opportunities in the form of stocks on the JSE, (ii) economic activity indicators and (iii) property market fundamental parameters. The empirical study entailed a three-phase methodology, which included the following steps: (i) data sampling and processing, (ii) screening variables through the simple regression and correlation coefficients and (iii) multiple regression complemented by statistical significance testing. Between 69% and 98.2 % (alpha=O.1) of the variation in returns could be explained in terms of the variation by the explanatory variables that passed the rigorous screening process. The relative good results are likely to be related to the higher explanatory power of the multi-factor approach. The remaining unexplained portion of return can potentially be decreased by using larger samples and pursuing some of the other recommendations for additional research. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Commercial property : a required rate of return investigation / Gerrit Kotze

Kotze, Gerrit January 2005 (has links)
When faced with an investment opportunity in commercial real estate, the investor requires knowledge of the discount rate since it can be used to convert expected future cash flows from the property in today's terms and in doing so, place a value on the property. The so-called required rate of return would be the appropriate conversion rate since it compensates the investor for risk and, if attainable, will induce the investor to invest. An inaccurate assessment of the discount rate could, depending on the direction of the error, lead to a potential over or under estimation of the property value. A number of single or multiple variable frameworks for required return have been derived by other researchers for the US, UK and EU property markets. Each of the variables encountered in these frameworks acts as a proxy for some aspect of systematic risk associated with the investment. However, locally, such models are either not extensively published or well described and are limited to single explanatory variables. Some professionals prefer to avoid frameworks and simply divert to qualitative, gut-feel and experienced based considerations in order to derive at required return rate. This dissertation addressed the possible local need for an explanatory framework of required return on commercial property. The scope of work entailed: (i) a review of the literature to establish the theoretical determinants of return and (ii) an empirical study to test a short-list of parameters for Retail, Offices and Industrial sites in Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Durban, respectively. Three categories of explanatory variables were identified: (i) Capital market variables and alternative investment opportunities in the form of stocks on the JSE, (ii) economic activity indicators and (iii) property market fundamental parameters. The empirical study entailed a three-phase methodology, which included the following steps: (i) data sampling and processing, (ii) screening variables through the simple regression and correlation coefficients and (iii) multiple regression complemented by statistical significance testing. Between 69% and 98.2 % (alpha=O.1) of the variation in returns could be explained in terms of the variation by the explanatory variables that passed the rigorous screening process. The relative good results are likely to be related to the higher explanatory power of the multi-factor approach. The remaining unexplained portion of return can potentially be decreased by using larger samples and pursuing some of the other recommendations for additional research. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Investice do nemovitosti před vlastním prodejem nemovitosti / Investment in real estate before sale of property

Roček, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Thesis deals with appreciation of real estate investment before sale. Theoretical part of the thesis is describing basic concepts from the field of valuation of property and basic concepts of investment. There were also summarized basic types of investments, evaluation methods and financial expenses related to investment. Practical part of the thesis is focused on specific property, where were realized construction work. First of all were researched financial expenses of construction work, i.e. investment cost. The property was evaluated by three hypothetical variants of investment. Calculation of expenses related to borrowed capital followed. At the end of the thesis, the survey data were evaluated and compared.

A Global Real Estate Securities Fund – focused on the Residential sector : An assessment based on fund managers' expertise / En global fastighetsaktiefond - Inriktad på hyresfastigheter

Ajne, Joel, Felden, Johannes January 2020 (has links)
An investment vehicle that holds listed real estate securities that focus on residential properties globally, is currently not available. The study’s purpose is to determine the feasibility of such a product, its potential advantages and disadvantages. This thesis applied a qualitative research method by conducting semi-structured interviews with professional fund managers in Sweden and Germany that manage real estate funds. The literature review and theory consist of fundamentals and academics in real estate investing, investment vehicles, portfolio theory and lastly investor types and their behaviour. The authors conclude that the majority of experts interviewed considered the proposed vehicle as interesting but lifted concerns that need to be addressed in further research. The political risk, especially on a global scale, was stated as the major risk. Furthermore, experts have divided opinions regarding the maturity for listed real estate companies on the financial markets. What type of investment vehicle that would be the most suitable will depend on investment tactic, investors and the current status of the global economy and the financial markets. The overall investigations result is that experts view the proposed idea as positive and feasible. It poses a good foundation for further research and might find its place in the sphere of real estate investments. / En investeringsform som innehåller noterade fastighetsaktier globalt, där bolagen är fokuserade på hyresfastigheter, är förnärvarande inte tillgängligt på marknaden. Uppsatsens syfte är att avgöra om en sådan inveteringsform är genomförbar samt undersöka dess fördelar och nackdelar. Denna uppsats har applicerat en kvalitativ metod genom semi-strukturerade intevjuer med profesionalla fondförvaltare som förvaltar fastighetsaktiefonder i Sverige och Tyskland. Litteraturstudien och teorin innehåller akademisk forskning och fundamentala teorier inom fastighetsinvesteringar, investeringsstrukturer, portfölj teori och till sist investeraryper och dess beteende. Författarna konstaterar att majoriteten av experterna ansåg att den förslagna investeringsformen är intressant, men belyste också svårigheter och risker som bör adresseras i forstsatt forsking på ämnet. Den politiska risken, speciellt på ett globalt plan, ansågs vara den största risken. Experterna hade delade åsikter angående mognaden för globala fastighetsaktier på de finansiella marknaderna. Vilken investeringsstruktur som är bäst tillämpar beror enligt experterna på investeringstaktik, investerarna och det nuvarande klimatet i världsekonomin och på de finansiella marknaderna. Studien resulterade i att experterna ser på den försglagna investersformen positivt och som genomförbar. Förslaget innehar en godgrund för fortsatt forskning och kan i framtiden hitta sin plats i sfären av fastighetsinvesteringar.

Hur fastighetsbolags riskexponering påverkar möjlighet till finansiering : Vad som händer efter den positiva trenden / How Real Estate Companies’ Exposure to Risk Affect the Availability of Financing

Dahlquist-Sjöberg, Bianca, Hultin, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka risker som fastighetsföretag exponeras mot vid ett fastighetsförvärv. Arbetet undersöker även om deras riskexponering ökar i samband med olika marknadsfinansieringar. Tidigare studier har behandlat förhållandet mellan risk och avkastning vid fastighetsinvesteringar, strategier vid fastighetsinvesteringar, den geografisk inverkan på fastighetsinvesteringar samt risk och osäkerhet på fastighetsmarknaden. Syftet med arbetet är att kombinera tidigare forskning för att bygga nya dimensioner genom att sammanfoga marknadsfinansieringar och risker på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden, för att vidare analysera dem. Studien är uppbyggd utifrån en kvalitativ metodinsamling. Resultatet av rapporten påvisar hur risken hos bolagen har ökat i första kvartalet 2022, främst på grund av ränteökningen, vilket kommer leda till ökade finansieringskostnader, tajta marginaler, samt svårighet att få tag på finansiering. Eftersom marknadsfinansieringen i Sverige är så pass ung är det oklart hur den kommer påverkas av en lågkonjunktur. Större bolag med goda relationer med bank och finansiärer, samt stabila kassaflöden kommer ha fortsatt god tillgång till finansiering, men mindre bolag kommer ha det svårare att hitta finansiering. / This thesis aims to analyze and investigate risks to which real estate companies are exposed to in a property acquisition. Furthermore, to investigate whether their risk exposure increases in connection with various capital market financing. Previous studies have examined the relationship between risk and return on real estate investments, strategies for real estate investments, geographical impact on real estate investments and risk and uncertainty in real estate markets. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to combine these dimensions in order to investigate and analyze them further. This study uses qualitative data collection. Results show that the risk that companies face have increased in the first quarter of 2022, the increase in interest rates will lead to increased financing costs, smaller margins, and an increased difficulty of finding financing. Since capital market financing is relatively young in Sweden, it is unclear how it will fare during a recession. Larger companies with a good relationship to the banks and other financiers, with good cash flow will have continued good access to financing, but smaller companies will have a harder time finding financing.

Den svenska kronans effekt på utländska fastighetsinvesteringar i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om valutarisk / The Effect of the Swedish Krona on Foreign Real Estate Investments in Sweden : A Qualitative Study on Currency Risk

Forsmark, Svante, Kastensson Gussing, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Gränsöverskridande fastighetsinvesteringar har blivit allt vanligare sedan andra hälften av 1900-talet. Idag står gränsöverskridande aktörer för en relativt stor del av den årliga transaktionsvolymen i Sverige. Samtidigt har kronan under en längre tid varit svag och fluktuerat kraftigt, inte minst under senare år. Valutarisk är en vanligt förekommande risk bland multinationella företag då de ofta har intäkter och utgifter i flera olika valutor. Tillgångsvärden och löpande intäkter kan stiga lokalt men är valutakursen ofördelaktig så kan företag istället göra en förlust på sin affär, mätt i den valutan man redovisar i. Syftet med denna studie har varit att analysera sambandet mellan den svenska kronan och utländska fastighetsinvesterares beslutsprocess när de överväger investeringar i Sverige. Studien syftade till att undersöka hur valutarisk uppfattas och hanteras i transaktionsprocesser som involverar köpare, säljare, rådgivare och finansiärer. Dessutom genomfördes försök att kvalitativt undersöka de mest utbredda valutasäkringsverktygen och strategierna som används av utländska investerare för att mildra rörelser i den svenska kronan. Studien syftade också till att utvärdera effektiviteten av befintliga valutasäkringsinstrument i fastighetsinvesteringssammanhang. Studien avslöjade att den främsta oron bland gränsöverskridande investerare är marknadens likviditet. Den svenska fastighetsmarknaden har dock uppvisat en betydande likviditet de senaste åren, vilket rönt stort intresse från utländska investerare. Den svenska kronans volatilitet och oförutsägbarhet är dock fortfarande relevanta frågor i dagens globala landskap. Baserat på studiens resultat varierade synpunkterna på effekterna av en volatil krona, och att kvantifiera dessa effekter visade sig vara utmanande. Studien visade dock att den svenska kronan har viss inverkan på utländska investerares intresse för Sverige, om än i begränsad omfattning. Även om växelkurser inte rankas bland de mest kritiska faktorerna som påverkar investeringsbeslut, visar studien att det är viktigt att inte underskatta betydelsen av att överväga växelkursens dynamik, eftersom det kan påverka avkastningen på en investering avsevärt. Särskilt för investerare som följer lågrisk-strategier så kan den svenska kronans volatilitet utgöra en betydande utmaning. Studien identifierade ett fåtal fall där utländska fastighetsinvesterare valt bort Sverige på grund av kronans volatilitet. För att minska valutarisken finns olika instrument och strategier tillgängliga. Studien fann att finansiering i lokal valuta framstod som den mest använda strategin bland utländska investerare, eftersom den naturligt säkrar sig mot växelkursfluktuationer. Andra vanliga strategier inkluderar valutaswappar och utnyttjande av terminskontrakt. Studien visade dock att dessa strategier inte är optimalt utformade för fastighetsinvesteringar, eftersom de kan vara kostsamma och ofta har korta löptider. Icke desto mindre visade resultaten att dessa instrument inte är så illa lämpade för fastighetsmarknaden som man tidigare trott, eftersom det blev tydligt tidigt i studien att de flesta investerare inte hade reflekterat över deras begränsningar. / Cross-border real estate investments have become increasingly common since the secondhalf of the 20th century. Today, cross-border actors account for a relatively large share of the annual transaction volume in Sweden. At the same time, the Swedish krona has been weak for a long time and has fluctuated considerably, not least in recent years. Currency risk is a common risk among multinational companies as they often have income and expenses in several different currencies. Asset values and current income can increase locally, but if the exchange rate is unfavorable, companies can instead make a loss on their business, measured in the currency they report in. The purpose of this study has been to analyze the relationship between the Swedish krona and the decision-making process of foreign real estate investors when considering investments in Sweden. The study aimed to investigate how currency risk is perceived and managed in transaction processes involving buyers, sellers, advisors, and financiers. In addition, attempts were made to qualitatively examine the most widespread currency hedging tools and strategies used by foreign investors to mitigate movements in the Swedish krona. The study also aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of existing currency hedging instruments in the real estate investment context. The study revealed that the main concern among cross-border investors is market liquidity. However, the Swedish real estate market has shown considerable liquidity in recent years, which has attracted considerable interest from foreign investors. However, the volatility and unpredictability of the Swedish krona remain relevant issues in today's global landscape. Based on the results of the study, views on the effects of a volatile Swedish krona varied, and quantifying these effects proved challenging. However, the study showed that the Swedish krona has some impact on foreign investors' interest in Sweden, albeit to a limited extent. Although exchange rates do not rank among the most critical factors affecting investment decisions, the study shows that it is important not to underestimate the importance of considering the dynamics of the exchange rate, as it can significantly affect the return on an investment. Especially for investors following low-risk strategies, the volatility of the Swedish krona can pose a significant challenge. The study identified a few cases where foreign real estate investors opted out of Sweden due to the volatility of the Swedish krona. To mitigate currency risk, various instruments and strategies are available. The study found that local currency financing emerged as the most widely used strategy among foreign investors, as it naturally hedges against exchange rate fluctuations. Other common strategies include currency swaps and the use of forward contracts. However, the study found that these strategies are not optimally designed for real estate investments, as they can be costly and often have short maturities. Nevertheless, the results showed that these instruments are not as poorly suited to the real estate market as previously thought, as it became clear early in the study that most investors had not reflected on their limitations.

Possibilities to Reduce the Information Gap between Foreign Investors & the Swedish Real Estate Market : The Importance of Cooperation with an Operating Partner / Möjligheter att Minska Informationsklyftan mellan Utländska Investerare & den Svenska Fastighetsmarknaden : Vikten av Samarbete med Operativa Partners

Johansson, Elin, Nordin, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis project aims to evaluate the importance of availability of operating partners for foreign investors as they decide whether or not to make an investment on the Swedish market. The study will also evaluate if the cooperation with operating partners could contribute to a reduction of the information gap between foreign investors and the Swedish real estate market, and if that could ultimately lead to an increase in the inflow of foreign capital to Sweden.  The study includes a literature review where relevant theories for the research question is accounted for as well as an overview of the Swedish real estate market. The study also includes economic statistics and transaction data from reliable sources, as well as an empirical analysis with semi-structured interviews that were conducted with a number of prominent actors within the real estate sector, both in form of representatives from larger global consultant companies and well- known operating partners. All the interviewees were selected because they were considered to be most useful for the study, with substantial knowledge and experience of the real estate business and market.  The study shows that an operating partner could make it easier for a foreign investor to enter the Swedish real estate market. This is much thanks to the market specific competence which the operating partner firms possesses, making it possible to estimate the right risk component as well as understand the specific market. This could make a foreign investor more competitive on the Swedish real estate market which have a great amount of strong domestic investors. The access to good market specific competence however only seems to have a marginal impact on whether or not an foreign investor chooses to invest in Sweden, this since there are other factors that has a considerably larger impact when investors makes that decision. The scale of the market is one of the most important factors when foreign investors decide whether or not to invest in Sweden. Even though an operating partner might not increase the foreign investments to Sweden there still is a pronounced shortage in the supply of such firms today since there is a large demand from foreign investor for this type of market specific competence. The number of operating partners will most likely increase in the future since the model creates an alignment of interest between the parties. If a foreign investor is good at utilizing local expertise, and uses a good model for alignment of interest, a combination of a global and local view of the market is obtained. This makes it possible for larger foreign investors to create a structure of a larger international portfolios, but still with attention to local details. From this it can be concluded that an increased supply of operating partners in some sense should have a positive effect on the Swedish economy as a whole. / Detta masterprojekt syftar till att utvärdera vikten av tillgängligheten av operativa samarbetspartners för utländska investerare när de ska besluta huruvida de ska investera på den svenska marknaden eller inte. Studien utvärderar om ett samarbete med operativa partners kan bidra till att minska informationsgapet mellan utländska investerare och den svenska marknaden, och huruvida ett samarbete även skulle kunna leda till ett ökat inflöde av utländskt kapital till Sverige.  Studien innehåller en litteraturstudie där relevanta teorier för forskningsfrågan redovisas samt en översikt över den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Studien innehåller också ekonomisk statistik och transaktionsdata från tillförlitliga källor samt halvstrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med ett antal framstående aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen, både i form av representanter från större globala konsultföretag och välkända operativa partners. Intervjuobjekten valdes ut eftersom de ansågs vara mest användbara för studien, med stor kunskap och erfarenhet av verksamheten och fastighetsbranschen. Studien visar att en operativ partner skulle kunna underlätta för en utländsk investerare att etablera sig på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden, mycket tack vare den marknadsspecifika kompetens som operatörsföretaget har, vilket gör det möjligt att uppskatta rätt riskkomponent såväl som förstå den specifika marknaden. Detta kan göra en utländsk investerare mer konkurrenskraftig på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden som till stor del domineras av starka inhemska investerare. Trots detta har tillgången till god marknadsspecifik kompetens endast har en marginell inverkan på huruvida en utländsk investerare väljer att investera i Sverige eller inte, eftersom det finns andra faktorer som har en betydligt större inverkan när investerarna fattar det beslutet. Marknadens skala är en av de viktigaste faktorerna när utländska investerare överväger om de ska investera i Sverige eller inte. Trots att en operativ partner inte nödvändigtvis ökar de utländska investeringarna till Sverige finns det idag en uttalad brist i utbudet av sådana företag i och med att det finns en stor efterfrågan från utländska investerare för denna typ av marknadsspecifik kompetens. Antalet operativa partners kommer sannolikt att öka i framtiden eftersom modellen skapar en likriktning av parternas intressen. Om en utländsk investerare är bra på att utnyttja lokal kompetens och använder en bra modell för likriktning av intressen, erhålls en kombination av en global och lokal syn på marknaden. Detta gör det möjligt för större utländska investerare att skapa en struktur av en större internationell portfölj, men fortfarande med uppmärksamhet på lokala detaljer. Av detta kan man dra slutsatsen att en ökad tillgång på operativa partners i viss mening kan ha en positiv effekt på den svenska ekonomin som helhet.

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