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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Approach To Cluster And Benchmark Regional Emergency Medical Service Agencies

Kondapalli, Swetha 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial Mnemonics for L2 Vocabulary Recall. Customized Training for 21st Century Students

Larchen Costuchen, Alexia 31 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis tiene como objetivo promover la colaboración entre profesores de L2, profesionales de las Tecnologías de la Información y estudiantes de L2 que abordan la tecnología del siglo XXI con una mentalidad digital. Específicamente, busca proporcionar soluciones prácticas para la memorización y el compromiso eficientes del vocabulario SL/LE/L2 mediante el uso mnemónico de memoria espacial y entornos inmersivos. Metodológicamente cuenta con la recopilación de datos numéricos analizados estadísticamente y con la exploración subjetiva compartida por los participantes. El texto es un compendio de artículos publicados que destacan diferentes aspectos del contenido de la tesis. El autor tuvo en mente una pregunta común para los estudios cuantitativos: si el enfoque experimental demostraría resultados estadísticamente significativos en comparación con las técnicas de control donde las preguntas abiertas eran la base para las investigaciones cualitativas. Además, se utilizaron encuestas para obtener opiniones en un formato estandarizado. Todos los estudios realizados demostraron la efectividad de la espacialización mnemotécnica en combinación con AR, VR y dentro de un videojuego exploratorio, y reunieron información valiosa de los participantes individuales. Investigaciones complementarias confirmaron la predilección de los estudiantes por cursos personalizados y la necesidad de innovaciones didácticas. / [CA] Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu promoure la col·laboració entre professors de L2, professionals de les Tecnologies de la Informació i estudiants de L2 que aborden la tecnologia del segle XXI en una mentalitat digital. Específicament, persegueix proporcionar solucions pràctiques per a la memorització i el compromís eficients del vocabulari SL/L1/L2 mitjançant l'ús mnemònic de memòria espacial i entorns immersius. Metodològicament compta amb la recopilació de dades numèriques analitzades estadísticament i amb l'exploració subjectiva compartida pels participants. El text és un compendi d'articles publicats que destaquen diferents aspectes del contingut de la tesi. L'autor va tindre en ment una pregunta comuna per als estudis quantitatius: si l'enfocament experimental demostraria resultats estadísticament significatius en comparació a les tècniques de control on les preguntes obertes eren la base per a les investigacions qualitatives. A més, es van utilitzar enquestes per a obtenir opinions en un format estandarditzat. Tots els estudis realitzats van demostrar l'efectivitat de l'espacialització mnemotècnica en combinació amb AR, VR i dins d'un videojoc exploratori, i van reunir informació valuosa dels participants individuals. Investigacions complementàries van confirmar la predilecció dels estudiants per cursos personalitzats i la necessitat d'innovacions didàctiques. / [EN] This thesis is aimed at promoting collaboration among L2 teachers, IT professionals, L2 students tackling 21st century technology, and the modern digitally minded public. Specifically, it seeks to provide practical solutions for efficient SL/FL/L2 vocabulary memorisation and engagement via the use of visuospatial mnemonics in immersive environments. Methodologically it counts on a collection of numerical data analysed statistically and by exploring a subjective perspective shared by the participants. The manuscript is a compendium of published papers that highlight different aspects of the thesis content. The author kept in mind a common question for quantitative studies which was if the experimental approach would demonstrate statistically significant results in comparison to control techniques while open-ended questions were the base for qualitative inquiries. In addition, surveys were used to obtain opinions in a standardized format. All the studies conducted both demonstrated the effectiveness of mnemonic spatialization in combination with AR, VR and within an explorative videogame, and collected valuable insights from individual participants. Supplementary research confirmed students' predilection for tailor-made courses and the need for didactic innovations. / Larchen Costuchen, A. (2023). Spatial Mnemonics for L2 Vocabulary Recall. Customized Training for 21st Century Students [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195731 / Compendio

Beliefs Of Graduate Students About Unstructured Computer Use In Face-to-face Classes With Internet Access And Its Influence On Student Recall

Johnson, Gregory 01 January 2009 (has links)
The use of computers equipped with Internet access by students during face-to-face (F2F) class sessions is perceived as academically beneficial by a growing number of students and faculty members in universities across the United States. Nevertheless, some researchers suggest unstructured computer use detached from the immediate class content may negatively influence student participation, increase distraction levels, minimize recall of recently presented information, and decrease student engagement. This study investigates graduate students' beliefs about computer use with Internet access during graduate face-to-face lecture classes in which computer use is neither mandated nor integrated in the class and the effect of such use on student recall. Methods include a 44-item questionnaire to investigate graduate students' beliefs about computers and two experiments to investigate the influence of computer use during a lecture on students' memory recall. One experimental group (open laptop) used computers during a lecture while the other (closed laptop) did not. Both groups were given the same memory recall test after the lectures, and the resulting scores were analyzed. Two weeks later, a second phase of the experiment was implemented in which laptop groups were reversed. Results from the first experiment indicated no statistically significant difference in recall scores between the open laptop group (M = 54.90, SD = 19.65) and the closed laptop group (M = 42.86, SD = 16.68); t (29) = -1.82, p = .08 (two tailed). Conversely, the second experiment revealed statistically significant differences in scores between the open laptop (M = 39.67, SD = 15.97) and the closed laptop group (M = 59.29, SD = 26.88); t (20.89) = 2.37, p = .03 (two tailed). The magnitude of the difference in mean scores (mean difference = 19.62, 95% CI: 2.39 to 36.85) was large (eta squared = 0.17). Multiple regression analysis suggests two factors accounted for 10% of the variance in recall scores: (1) students' beliefs about distractions from computer use, and (2) beliefs about the influence of computer use on memory recall. Based on survey findings, participants (N=116) viewed computers and Internet access in graduate classes as helpful academic tools, but distractions from computer use were major sources of concern for students who used computers in graduate classes and those who did not. Additionally, participants believed academic productivity would increase if instructors integrated computer use appropriately in the curricula. Results of the survey and experiments suggest unstructured computer use with Internet access in the graduate classroom is strongly correlated with increased student distractions and decreased memory recall. Thus, restricting unstructured computer use is likely to increase existing memory recall levels, and increasing unstructured computer use is likely to reduce memory recall. Recommendations include changes in the way students use computers, pedagogical shifts, computer integration strategies, modified seating arrangements, increased accountability, and improved interaction between instructors and students.

Facilitating Information Retrieval in Social Media User Interfaces

Costello, Anthony 01 January 2014 (has links)
As the amount of computer mediated information (e.g., emails, documents, multi-media) we need to process grows, our need to rapidly sort, organize and store electronic information likewise increases. In order to store information effectively, we must find ways to sort through it and organize it in a manner that facilitates efficient retrieval. The instantaneous and emergent nature of communications across networks like Twitter makes them suitable for discussing events (e.g., natural disasters) that are amorphous and prone to rapid changes. It can be difficult for an individual human to filter through and organize the large amounts of information that can pass through these types of social networks when events are unfolding rapidly. A common feature of social networks is the images (e.g., human faces, inanimate objects) that are often used by those who send messages across these networks. Humans have a particularly strong ability to recognize and differentiate between human Faces. This effect may also extend to recalling information associated with each human Face. This study investigated the difference between human Face images, non-human Face images and alphanumeric labels as retrieval cues under different levels of Task Load. Participants were required to recall key pieces of event information as they emerged from a Twitter-style message feed during a simulated natural disaster. A counter-balanced within-subjects design was used for this experiment. Participants were exposed to low, medium and high Task Load while responding to five different types of recall cues: (1) Nickname, (2) Non-Face, (3) Non-Face & Nickname, (4) Face and (5) Face & Nickname. The task required participants to organize information regarding emergencies (e.g., car accidents) from a Twitter-style message feed. The messages reported various events such as fires occurring around a fictional city. Each message was associated with a different recall cue type, depending on the experimental condition. Following the task, participants were asked to recall the information associated with one of the cues they worked with during the task. Results indicate that under medium and high Task Load, both Non-Face and Face retrieval cues increased recall performance over Nickname alone with Non-Faces resulting in the highest mean recall scores. When comparing medium to high Task Load: Face & Nickname and Non-Face significantly outperformed the Face condition. The performance in Non-Face & Nickname was significantly better than Face & Nickname. No significant difference was found between Non-Faces and Non-Faces & Nickname. Subjective Task Load scores indicate that participants experienced lower mental workload when using Non-Face cues than using Nickname or Face cues. Generally, these results indicate that under medium and high Task Load levels, images outperformed alphanumeric nicknames, Non-Face images outperformed Face images, and combining alphanumeric nicknames with images may have offered a significant performance advantage only when the image is that of a Face. Both theoretical and practical design implications are provided from these findings.

Note-taking and Information Retention and Recall

Meacher, Gary Earl 24 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Metamemory and prospective memory in Parkinson's disease

Smith, Sarah J., Souchay, C., Moulin, C.J.A. January 2011 (has links)
No / Metamemory is integral for strategizing about memory intentions. This study investigated the prospective memory (PM) deficit in Parkinson's disease (PD) from a metamemory viewpoint, with the aim of examining whether metamemory deficits might contribute to PM deficits in PD. METHOD: Sixteen patients with PD and 16 healthy older adult controls completed a time-based PM task (initiating a key press at two specified times during an ongoing task), and an event-based PM task (initiating a key press in response to animal words during an ongoing task). To measure metamemory participants were asked to predict and postdict their memory performance before and after completing the tasks, as well as complete a self-report questionnaire regarding their everyday memory function. RESULTS: The PD group had no impairment, relative to controls, on the event-based task, but had prospective (initiating the key press) and retrospective (recalling the instructions) impairments on the time-based task. The PD group also had metamemory impairments on the time-based task; they were inaccurate at predicting their performance before doing the task but, became accurate when making postdictions. This suggests impaired metamemory knowledge but preserved metamemory monitoring. There were no group differences regarding PD patients' self-reported PM performance on the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: These results reinforce previous findings that PM impairments in PD are dependent on task type. Several accounts of PM failures in time-based tasks are presented, in particular, ways in which mnemonic and metacognitive deficits may contribute to the difficulties observed on the time-based task.

Estudo de ressonância magnética funcional das mudanças da atividade cerebral durante recordações afetivas autobiográficas decorrentes da administração prolongada de clomipramina a sujeitos saudáveis / Study of functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain activity changes during affective autobiographical memories due to prolonged administration of Clomipramine the healthy subjects

Cerqueira, Carlos Toledo 13 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar da importância dos medicamentos antidepressivos no tratamento dos transtornos de humor e de ansiedade, sua ação sobre sistemas cerebrais responsáveis pela expressão emocional ainda não foram claramente estabelecidos. Estudos recentes têm examinando o sinal dependente de nível de oxigenação sanguínea (do inglês, \"BOLD\") durante estímulos emocionais em indivíduos saudáveis sob uso de antidepressivos. Nesse estudo, pretendemos estender essa avaliação às alterações do humor e comportamento emocional devido ao uso prolongado de um antidepressivo bloqueador de serotonina e noradrenalina em pessoas saudáveis. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dezesseis voluntários, sem antecedentes psiquiátricos pessoais ou familiares, que participaram de um ensaio farmacológico simples-cego de quatro semanas de doses baixas de clomipramina (até 40 mg/dia). Ao final desse período, dez sujeitos foram selecionados como não responsivos, e os restantes seis sujeitos foram selecionados como responsivos por apresentarem claras mudanças em três dos quatro seguintes critérios: tolerância interpessoal, eficiência, bem estar, e mudança substancial em sua auto percepção. O grupo de sujeitos classificados como responsivos foram submetidos a um ensaio controlado duplo-cego confirmatório. A aquisição de imagens cerebrais ocorreu após quatro semanas de uso de medicação (simples cego) e quatro semanas após a sua suspensão, ao final da participação no ensaio farmacológico. O imageamento cerebral foi realizado durante a indução de estados afetivos de felicidade, irritabilidade e neutros por relatos autobiográficos. A resposta emocional desses estados foi obtida por escalas de auto avaliação de ansiedade, irritabilidade e felicidade. As diferenças de sinal entre os estados afetivos foram utilizadas para a análise estatística da interação dos efeitos estado medicamentoso e grupo por testes ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma interação significativa entre o efeito de grupo e o estado medicamentoso sobre os estados afetivos de irritabilidade, mas não sobre os de felicidade. Se observou redução na auto avaliação de ansiedade no grupo responsivo com o uso de medicação na diferença entre os estados induzidos de irritabilidade e felicidade, em comparação com o efeito no grupo não responsivo; e também, redução na auto avaliação de felicidade com o uso de clomipramina na totalidade da amostra, na diferença entre o estados induzidos de irritabilidade e neutro. A alteração sobre o efeito BOLD (p < 0,005) foi localizada em regiões adjacentes à junção frontoparietal para a indução de irritabilidade em relação à felicidade e em relação aos estados neutros, no grupo responsivo em relação ao não responsivo, durante o período em uso relativo àquele sem uso de clomipramina, e na junção têmporo-paríeto-occipital, exclusivamente para a diferença irritabilidade-felicidade. CONCLUSÕES: a modificação favorável que sujeitos saudáveis apresentaram ao uso prolongado de um antidepressivo bloqueador da serotonina e noradrenalina, pode estar relacionada à modificação no processamento cerebral da memória autobiográfica de emoções negativas / INTRODUCTION: despite the importance of antidepressant agents to the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders, there is not yet a clear understanding of their actions upon specific brain systems relevant to emotional processing. Recent studies have examined blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal during emotion stimuli in healthy individuals in antidepressant use. The study intends to extend these measures to the changes over mood and emotional behavior by prolonged use of a serotonin and noradrenaline blocker antidepressant. METHODS: we selected sixteen subjects, with no personal or family history of psychiatric disorders, which participated of a four-week single-blind trial with low doses of clomipramine (up to 40mg/day). After this period, ten subjects were classified as non responsives, the remaining six subjects being classified as responsives because clomipramine provided positive changes in three of four of the following criteria: interpersonal tolerance, self-efficacy, mood and self-perception of a substantial change. Responsives were included in a placebo-controlled confirmatory trial. Imaging sessions occurred at the end of the four-week course of clomipramine and again after a four-week clomipramine washout period, at the end of pharmacological trial. Subjects were scanned during the induction of irritability, happiness and neutral affective states by autobiographical recall. Self-report assessment was performed for each induction by anxiety, irritability and happiness scales. Inter-condition differences (affective induction) were used in the analysis of interaction of medication status and group effects by ANOVA tests. RESULTS: A significant interaction was found between group and treatment during irritability, but not during happiness emotions. It was observed a reduction in the scale of self-evaluation of anxiety in responsive group with the use of medication to the difference between irritability-happiness states, compared to the non responsive group; and a reduction in auto evaluation of happiness, in the totality of the sample in use of clomipramine, in difference irritability-neutral. There was a significant increase of BOLD effect in the responsive group during use relative to the period without use of clomipramine, compared to the effect on non-responsive group (p < 0.005). This effect was located in regions that surround the frontoparietal junction to the irritability relative to happiness and to irritability relative to neutral induction, and in the temporo-parieto-occipital junction, exclusively to the irritability relative to happiness induction. CONCLUSIONS: The favorably changes in healthy subjects who respond to prolonged serotonin and noradrenaline blocker use, may relate to changes in neural processes of autobiographical memory of negative emotions

Estudo de ressonância magnética funcional das mudanças da atividade cerebral durante recordações afetivas autobiográficas decorrentes da administração prolongada de clomipramina a sujeitos saudáveis / Study of functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain activity changes during affective autobiographical memories due to prolonged administration of Clomipramine the healthy subjects

Carlos Toledo Cerqueira 13 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar da importância dos medicamentos antidepressivos no tratamento dos transtornos de humor e de ansiedade, sua ação sobre sistemas cerebrais responsáveis pela expressão emocional ainda não foram claramente estabelecidos. Estudos recentes têm examinando o sinal dependente de nível de oxigenação sanguínea (do inglês, \"BOLD\") durante estímulos emocionais em indivíduos saudáveis sob uso de antidepressivos. Nesse estudo, pretendemos estender essa avaliação às alterações do humor e comportamento emocional devido ao uso prolongado de um antidepressivo bloqueador de serotonina e noradrenalina em pessoas saudáveis. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dezesseis voluntários, sem antecedentes psiquiátricos pessoais ou familiares, que participaram de um ensaio farmacológico simples-cego de quatro semanas de doses baixas de clomipramina (até 40 mg/dia). Ao final desse período, dez sujeitos foram selecionados como não responsivos, e os restantes seis sujeitos foram selecionados como responsivos por apresentarem claras mudanças em três dos quatro seguintes critérios: tolerância interpessoal, eficiência, bem estar, e mudança substancial em sua auto percepção. O grupo de sujeitos classificados como responsivos foram submetidos a um ensaio controlado duplo-cego confirmatório. A aquisição de imagens cerebrais ocorreu após quatro semanas de uso de medicação (simples cego) e quatro semanas após a sua suspensão, ao final da participação no ensaio farmacológico. O imageamento cerebral foi realizado durante a indução de estados afetivos de felicidade, irritabilidade e neutros por relatos autobiográficos. A resposta emocional desses estados foi obtida por escalas de auto avaliação de ansiedade, irritabilidade e felicidade. As diferenças de sinal entre os estados afetivos foram utilizadas para a análise estatística da interação dos efeitos estado medicamentoso e grupo por testes ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma interação significativa entre o efeito de grupo e o estado medicamentoso sobre os estados afetivos de irritabilidade, mas não sobre os de felicidade. Se observou redução na auto avaliação de ansiedade no grupo responsivo com o uso de medicação na diferença entre os estados induzidos de irritabilidade e felicidade, em comparação com o efeito no grupo não responsivo; e também, redução na auto avaliação de felicidade com o uso de clomipramina na totalidade da amostra, na diferença entre o estados induzidos de irritabilidade e neutro. A alteração sobre o efeito BOLD (p < 0,005) foi localizada em regiões adjacentes à junção frontoparietal para a indução de irritabilidade em relação à felicidade e em relação aos estados neutros, no grupo responsivo em relação ao não responsivo, durante o período em uso relativo àquele sem uso de clomipramina, e na junção têmporo-paríeto-occipital, exclusivamente para a diferença irritabilidade-felicidade. CONCLUSÕES: a modificação favorável que sujeitos saudáveis apresentaram ao uso prolongado de um antidepressivo bloqueador da serotonina e noradrenalina, pode estar relacionada à modificação no processamento cerebral da memória autobiográfica de emoções negativas / INTRODUCTION: despite the importance of antidepressant agents to the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders, there is not yet a clear understanding of their actions upon specific brain systems relevant to emotional processing. Recent studies have examined blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal during emotion stimuli in healthy individuals in antidepressant use. The study intends to extend these measures to the changes over mood and emotional behavior by prolonged use of a serotonin and noradrenaline blocker antidepressant. METHODS: we selected sixteen subjects, with no personal or family history of psychiatric disorders, which participated of a four-week single-blind trial with low doses of clomipramine (up to 40mg/day). After this period, ten subjects were classified as non responsives, the remaining six subjects being classified as responsives because clomipramine provided positive changes in three of four of the following criteria: interpersonal tolerance, self-efficacy, mood and self-perception of a substantial change. Responsives were included in a placebo-controlled confirmatory trial. Imaging sessions occurred at the end of the four-week course of clomipramine and again after a four-week clomipramine washout period, at the end of pharmacological trial. Subjects were scanned during the induction of irritability, happiness and neutral affective states by autobiographical recall. Self-report assessment was performed for each induction by anxiety, irritability and happiness scales. Inter-condition differences (affective induction) were used in the analysis of interaction of medication status and group effects by ANOVA tests. RESULTS: A significant interaction was found between group and treatment during irritability, but not during happiness emotions. It was observed a reduction in the scale of self-evaluation of anxiety in responsive group with the use of medication to the difference between irritability-happiness states, compared to the non responsive group; and a reduction in auto evaluation of happiness, in the totality of the sample in use of clomipramine, in difference irritability-neutral. There was a significant increase of BOLD effect in the responsive group during use relative to the period without use of clomipramine, compared to the effect on non-responsive group (p < 0.005). This effect was located in regions that surround the frontoparietal junction to the irritability relative to happiness and to irritability relative to neutral induction, and in the temporo-parieto-occipital junction, exclusively to the irritability relative to happiness induction. CONCLUSIONS: The favorably changes in healthy subjects who respond to prolonged serotonin and noradrenaline blocker use, may relate to changes in neural processes of autobiographical memory of negative emotions

Studying individual differences and emotion regulation effects on PTSD-like responding and recovery : a psychophysiological VR-trauma paradigm

Rumball, Freya January 2013 (has links)
Despite a high proportion of the population experiencing traumatic events within their lifetime, the number of individuals who go on to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is comparatively small; herein highlighting the importance of individual differences in imparting risk and resilience towards the development and maintenance of PTSD. Existing literature illustrates that biological and ecological factors are important in predicting PTSD development, with pathological vulnerabilities excepting their effects at pre- peri- and post trauma stages. Whilst cognitive and emotion based models of PTSD account for the role of a minority of known pre-trauma risk factors, individual differences in peri- and post trauma processes are held as critical to the development of PTSD. The broad range of risk factors implicated in the empirical literature, and necessity of traumatic exposure to PTSD, implicates the utility of a diathesis-stress conceptualisation of PTSD development. The current thesis employed an analogue VR-trauma paradigm to investigate the respective importance of vulnerability factors at each stage, in the prediction of analogue PTSD symptoms (memory problems, startle responses, re-exposure fear habituation), whilst measuring affective and electrophysiological concomitance. Findings supported the importance of peri-traumatic responses in the prediction of PTSD, where present, showing increased predictive capacities over pre- and post-trauma factors. Biological and ecological factors also illustrated important predictive associations, with genetic SNPs implicated in reflex startle and cardiac responses towards intrusive memories. Moreover, peri-traumatic HR decelerations and accelerations mediated the association between pre-trauma factors and cued recall inaccuracy and intrusion severity respectively. Results support existing cognitive and emotional models in their emphasis on peri-traumatic processes but suggest the added utility of a diathesis stress conceptualisation of the development of PTSD, in highlighting the importance of pre-trauma biological and ecological risk and resilience factors.

Using Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) to Examine the Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on the Personal and Professional Development of Student Therapists

Giraldez, Dianna Isabel 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Introduction to Equine Assisted Family Therapy course offered at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) provides Master’s and Doctoral level student therapists the opportunity to learn how to conduct an equine session and how to utilize horses as part of the therapeutic process. Students learn about the underlying theories and framework behind the equine activities and methodology, as well as participate in the equine activities themselves. For the purpose of this study, classroom discussions centered around processing the students’ experiences and were further enriched by viewing photographs and videos that had been taken of the students conducting the equine activities. The researcher utilized IPR as a qualitative methodology to create an improved perspective where students reflected on their experience and made connections with their professional and personal developments. The findings of this grounded theory study document how students reflected on their personal and clinical development. More specifically, the transcripts of the conversations that took place during class discussions and interviews from students who took the course a year earlier showed that students reflected on their personal awareness, created changes in their relationships, developed their self of the therapist, honed in on their clinical skills and started viewing therapy differently. This study confirmed the transformative nature that the Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy course has on the students.

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