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Thermal Stability of Zr-Si-N Nanocomposite Hard Thin FilmsKu, Nai-Yuan January 2010 (has links)
Mechanical property and thermal stability of Zr-Si-N films of varying silicon contents deposited on Al2O3 (0001) substrates are characterized. All films provided for characterization were deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputter deposition technique from elemental Zr and Si targets in a N2/Ar plasma at 800 oC. The hardness and microstructures of the as deposited films and post-annealed films up to 1100 oC are evaluated by means of nanoindentation, X-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. The Zr-Si-N films with 9.4 at.% Si exhibit hardness as high as 34 GPa and a strong (002) texture within which vertically elongated ZrN crystallites are embedded in a Si3N4 matrix. The hardness of these two dimensional nanocomposite films remains stable up to 1000 oC annealing temperatures which is in contrast to ZrN films where hardness degradation occurs already above 800 oC. The enhanced thermal stability is attributed to the presence of Si3N4 grain boundaries which act as efficient barriers to hinder the oxygen diffusion. X-ray amorphous or nanocrystalline structures are observed in Zr-Si-N films with silicon contents > 13.4 at.%. After the annealing treatments, crystalline phases such as ZrSi2, ZrO2 and Zr2O are formed above 1000 oC in the Si-containing films while only zirconia crystallites are observed at 800 oC in pure ZrN films because oxygen acts as artifacts in the vacuum furnace. The structural, compositional and hardness comparison of as-deposited and annealed films reveal that the addition of silicon enhances the thermal stability compared to pure ZrN films and the hardness degradation stems from the formation of oxides at elevated temperatures.
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Material migration in tokamaks : Erosion-deposition patterns and transport processesWeckmann, Armin January 2017 (has links)
Controlled thermonuclear fusion may become an attractive future electrical power source. The most promising of all fusion machine concepts is called a tokamak. The fuel, a plasma made of deuterium and tritium, must be confined to enable the fusion process. It is also necessary to protect the wall of tokamaks from erosion by the hot plasma. To increase wall lifetime, the high-Z metal tungsten is foreseen as wall material in future fusion devices due to its very high melting point. This thesis focuses on the following consequences of plasma impact on a high-Z wall: (i) erosion, transport and deposition of high-Z wall materials; (ii) fuel retention in tokamak walls; (iii) long term effects of plasma impact on structural machine parts; (iv) dust production in tokamaks. An extensive study of wall components has been conducted with ion beam analysis after the final shutdown of the TEXTOR tokamak. This unique possibility offered by the shutdown combined with a tracer experiment led to the largest study of high-Z metal migration and fuel retention ever conducted. The most important results are: - transport is greatly affected by drifts and flows in the plasma edge; - stepwise transport along wall surfaces takes place mainly in the toroidal direction; - fuel retention is highest on slightly retracted wall elements; - fuel retention is highly inhomogeneous. A broad study on structural parts of a tokamak has been conducted on the TEXTOR liner. The plasma impact does neither degrade mechanical properties nor lead to fuel diffusion into the bulk after 26 years of duty time. Peeling deposition layers on the liner retain fuel in the order of 1g and represent a dust source. Only small amounts of dust are found in TEXTOR with overall low deuterium content. Security risks in future fusion devices due to dust explosions or fuel retention in dust are hence of lesser concern. / <p>QC 20170630</p>
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Experimental and Theoretical Study of Two Non-linear Processes Induced by Ultra-narrow Resonances in Atoms / Etude expérimentale et théorique de deux processus non-linéaires induits par des résonances atomiques ultra-finesBanerjee, Chitram 17 June 2019 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, je considère deux phénomènes distincts, tous deux liés aux interactions non-linéaires entre la lumière et des atomes. La première partie est dédiée à du mélange à 4 ondes basé sur des degrés de liberté internes d’atomes d’hélium à température ambiante, et l’utilise pour des processus d’amplification et de la génération d’états comprimés. Le second phénomène étudié est basé sur des degrés de liberté externes d’atomes de césium froids et est utilisé pour du stockage de lumière et la génération d’un champ conjugué en phase par mélange d’ondes. J'ai expérimentalement observé et caractérisé de l'amplification sensible à la phase par mélange à quatre ondes dans de l'hélium métastable à température ambiante. J'ai obtenu un gain maximum d'environ 9 dB avec une bande passante d'environ 300 kHz. Les fonctions de transfert phase/phase obtenues ont montré une forte compression de phase, indiquant que le phénomène était presque exempt de processus indésirables. Dans la seconde partie, j'explique comment les résonances de recul, dues à un transfert de quantité de mouvement entre un photon et un atome, peuvent être utilisées pour du stockage de lumière. J'explique également comment ce phénomène peut conduire à la génération d’un champ conjugué, et pourquoi la théorie existante ne permet pas de modéliser le creux qui apparaît dans le spectre de génération du champ conjugué lorsqu’on augmente la puissance optique. Pour reproduire ce nouvel élément, j’ai effectué un développement jusqu’au 5e ordre, qui démontre qu’il dépend de la cohérence qui est excitée entre des niveaux de moments atomiques différents. Je montre ensuite qu'un modèle plus simple, basé sur trois niveaux atomiques définis par des degrés de liberté interne et externe de l'atome, peut expliquer le phénomène observé. / In this PhD work, two distinct phenomena are considered, which are both related to non-linear interactions between light and atoms. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to four wave mixing based on the internal degrees of freedom of room temperature helium atoms and uses it for amplification processes and generation of squeezed light. The second studied process is based on external degrees of freedom of cold cesium atoms and used for light storage and phase conjugate field generation through multi-wave mixing. I experimentally observed and characterized phase sensitive amplification via four-wave mixing in metastable helium at room temperature. I have obtained about 9 dB of maximum gain with a bandwidth of about 300 kHz. The obtained phase transfer functions showed a strong phase squeezing, indicating that the phenomenon was almost free of unwanted processes. In the second part, I explain how recoil induced resonances, which are due to the transfer of momentum between a photon and an atom, can be used to store light. I also explain how this phenomenon can lead to generation of a phase conjugate field, and why the existing theory fails to model the dip, which appears in the phase conjugate generation spectrum when the field power is increased. I extend the model to the fifth order so that it can reproduce this new feature and demonstrate that it depends on the decay rate of the coherence, which is excited between atomic levels of different momenta. I then show that a simpler model, which is based on three levels defined by internal and external degrees of freedom of the atom, can explain the observed phenomenon.
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Calibration of the sensitivity of perfluorocarbon mixtures to nuclear recoilSavoie, Jeremy 08 1900 (has links)
L’expérience PICO fait partie des chefs de file mondiaux dans la tentative de détection
directe de la matière sombre. Cette expérience se spécialise dans l’utilisation des détecteurs à
liquide surchauffé pour y parvenir. Le futur détecteur de la collaboration, PICO-500, tentera
de détecter les WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) une fois construit dans le
laboratoire sous-terrain SNOLAB. Ce détecteur utilisera un mélange de perfluorocarbone
comme fluide actif, une nouveauté pour les chambres à bulles. L’utilisation d’un mélange
présente des avantages importants dans la conception du détecteur. Celle-ci permettra de
diminuer les contraintes d’ingénierie tout en offrant une sensibilité de détection importante.
La chambre à bulles PICO-0.1 est utilisée principalement pour la calibration de perfluorocarbone.
À l’aide du tandem situé à l’Université de Montréal et d’une cible de vanadium-51,
j’ai pu envoyer des neutrons monoénergétiques afin d’évaluer l’énergie de seuil de la formation
de bulles dans ce mélange. Le modèle de Seitz décrivant la formation des bulles a été
bien étudié dans le cadre de fluide pur, mais pas dans le cas de mélange de perfluorocarbone.
Ce type de calibration effectuée avec le détecteur PICO-0.1 nous a permis de confirmer
la validité du modèle de Seitz et que les effets du transport de masse peut être négligés
pour ce mélange. La vérification de cette hypothèse était cruciale à la compréhension de la
dynamique impliquée dans la formation des bulles et nécessaire pour l’utilisation du futur
détecteur PICO-500. / The PICO experiment is one of the world’s leading experiments in the effort to directly
detect dark matter. This experiment specializes in the use of superheated liquid detectors
for that end. The future PICO detector, PICO-500, will attempt to detect WIMPs (Weakly
Interacting Massive Particle) once it will be built at the underground laboratory SNOLAB.
This detector will use a mixture of perfluorocarbon as an active fluid, a novelty for bubble
chambers in dark matter searches. The use of mixture presents important advantages in the
design of this detector. This will allow to lessen some of the engineering constraints while
still offering a high sensitivity.
The PICO-0.1 bubble chamber is mainly used for the calibration of perfluorocarbon.
With the help of the Université de Montréal’s tandem and a target of vanadium-51, I was
able to send monoenergetic neutrons to evaluate the threshold energy of bubble nucleation
of this mixture. The Seitz model describing bubble formation has been widely studied in
the context of pure fluid, but not in the case of perfluorocarbon mixture. This type of
calibration with PICO-0.1 has allowed us to confirm that the Seitz model still apply and
that the effects of mass transport can be neglected for this mixture. The verification of this
hypothesis was crucial to the understanding of the dynamics implicated in bubble formation
and was necessary for the future use of PICO-500.
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Analyses biomécaniques de l'interaction acrobate-équipement de cirque dans la performance acrobatique en planche coréenneCossin, Marion 10 1900 (has links)
La planche coréenne est une discipline de cirque exigeante d’un point de vue technique. Il s’agit d’une longue planche à bascule sur laquelle deux acrobates, placés à chaque extrémité, se catapultent continuellement pour effectuer des sauts acrobatiques. Les acrobates utilisent une technique spécifique pour le décollage et l’atterrissage. La planche coréenne, comme tout équipement de cirque, n’a pas de standard de fabrication et il existe une grande variété de planches. Les acrobates, les entraîneurs et les concepteurs d'équipements bénéficieraient d’avoir plus d'informations sur la biomécanique de la performance et sur la mécanique de la planche, afin d'améliorer le développement des techniques acrobatiques et la conception des planches.
L’objectif de la thèse était de mieux comprendre l’interaction entre l’équipement de cirque et la performance acrobatique en planche coréenne. À cet égard, les quatre objectifs spécifiques étaient de : (1) Établir l’influence de la hauteur de saut, du participant, de la planche et de la technique de réception sur les forces d’impact et les taux de chargement; (2) Quantifier l’influence de plusieurs facteurs biomécaniques cinématiques sur la hauteur de saut; (3) Déterminer la différence de contribution musculaire et de durée des phases du mouvement entre acrobates débutants et acrobates élites; et (4) Caractériser mécaniquement différentes planches et mettre en évidence la contribution du renvoi de flexion de la planche sur la hauteur de sauts. Cette thèse présente l’ensemble des travaux effectués pour lier les caractéristiques de la planche au mouvement de l’acrobate. En effet, le mouvement de l’acrobate, sauter à grande hauteur, génère des forces élevées sur la planche lors de la réception, ce qui met en mouvement la planche. L’équipement ensuite permet un transfert de force vers l’acrobate qui s’élance. Finalement, ce dernier doit utiliser une technique optimale avec une synchronisation et une contribution musculaire précis, afin de gagner une hauteur suffisante pour la performance.
Nos différentes études ont permis de montrer que le facteur qui influence le plus les forces d’impact et le taux de chargement lors de la réception est la hauteur de saut (40% d’influence relative). La force maximale mesurée est de 13.5 fois le poids corporel de l’acrobate, ce qui peut représenter un risque de blessure. La hauteur de saut est en majorité influencée par la vitesse verticale du centre de masse de l’acrobate-partenaire qui se réceptionne, de la vitesse verticale de la planche et de l’amplitude des hanches lors du décollage. Ces deux derniers paramètres peuvent être contrôlés par les acrobates ou les concepteurs de planche coréenne. Nous démontrons, de plus, que les acrobates débutants sont plus longs dans la préparation au décollage, le décollage et l’atterrissage comparativement aux acrobates experts. Cependant, il n’y avait pas de différence claire entre les débutants et les professionnels quant à l’activité musculaire lors du décollage et atterrissage, ce qui indique que la temporalité est sûrement plus importante que l’activité musculaire. Nous trouvons aussi que le renvoi de flexion (énergie élastique de la planche) est non négligeable (46 % d’influence relative) et contribue donc à la hauteur de saut. Finalement, le paramètre mécanique le plus important pour quantifier et comparer les planches est la raideur. Les quatre planches de l’étude ont une raideur qui varie entre 12.2 kN/m et 19.6 kN/m. Ce paramètre peut probablement guider les futures conceptions de planche. Collectivement, ces quatre études mettent en évidence que la synchronisation temporelle du mouvement des acrobates et du mouvement de la planche est l’élément crucial dans cette discipline. / Korean teeterboard is a technically demanding circus discipline. The apparatus resembles a seesaw, and two acrobats take turns jumping vertically, performing complex acrobatic figures and landing back on the apparatus. Acrobats use a specific technique during take-off and landing. Furthermore, like most circus equipment, there are no standards regarding the design of the teeterboard and there is a wide variety of teeterboards. Acrobats, trainers and equipment’s designers would benefit to know more about the relationship between the biomechanics of the performance and the mechanics of the board. This understanding would help improving acrobatic techniques and optimize the design of teeterboards.
The purpose of the thesis was to better understand the interaction between the circus equipment and the acrobats’ performance in Korean teeterboard. To this end, this thesis was divided into four specific goals: (1) Define the influence of the jump height, the teeterboard and the landing technique on impact forces and loading rates; (2) Quantify the influence of various kinematic factors to the jump height; (3) Determine the differences between expert and novice acrobats with respect to muscular contribution and duration of the phases of the movement ; and, (4) mechanically characterize different types of teeterboards and highlight the contribution of the recoil effect to the jump height. This thesis covers the work carried out to link the characteristics of the teeterboard to the movement of the acrobat. The movement of the acrobat, i.e., jumping at high height, generates high forces during landing, which set in motion the board. The equipment then enables the transfer of this force to the other acrobat taking-off. This acrobat should use an optimal technique with a precise timing and muscular contribution, to gain sufficient height for their performance.
This body of work demonstrated that the most important factor influencing the impact forces and loading rates was jump height (40% of relative influence). Maximal recorded force was 13.5 times the acrobat’s bodyweight, raising concerns about risk of injury. Jump height was mainly influenced by the vertical velocity of the center of mass of the acrobat landing, the vertical velocity of the teeterboard and the hip range of motion at take-off. The last two parameters can be controlled by acrobats, trainers, or designers of Korean teeterboard. We also found that novice acrobats are longer in the following phases: preparation for take-off, take-off, and landing. However, there was no clear difference in muscular amplitude during take-off and landing between novice and professional acrobats. This indicates that timing may be more important than muscular amplitude. We showed that recoil effect (elastic strain energy of the board) strongly contributed to the jump height (46% of relative influence). Finally, the most important mechanical parameter to quantify and compare teeterboards was the stiffness. The stiffness of the four teeterboards analyzed in this study ranged from 12.2 kN/m to19.6 kN/m. This result can guide future designs of teeterboard. The results from this thesis highlight the fact that temporal synchronization of the movement from both acrobats and the movement of the board is crucial in this discipline.
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Simulation Monte-Carlo de la radiolyse du dosimètre de Fricke par des neutrons rapides / Monte-Carlo simulation of fast neutron radiolysis in the Fricke dosimeterTippayamontri, Thititip January 2009 (has links)
Monte-Carlo calculations are used to simulate the stochastic effects of fast neutron-induced chemical changes in the radiolysis of the ferrous sulfate (Fricke) dosimeter. To study the dependence of the yield of ferric ions, G(Fe[superscript 3+]), on fast neutron energy, we have simulated, at 25 [degree centigrade], the oxidation of ferrous ions in aerated aqueous 0.4 M H[subscript 2]SO[subscript 4] (pH 0.46) solutions when subjected to ~0.5-10 MeV incident neutrons, as a function of time up to ~50 s. The radiation effects due to fast neutrons are estimated on the basis of track segment (or"escape") yields calculated for the first four recoil protons with appropriate weighting according to the energy deposited by each of these protons. For example, a 0.8-MeV neutron generates recoil protons of 0.505, 0.186, 0.069, and 0.025 MeV, with linear energy transfer (LET) values of ~41, 69, 82, and 62 keV/[micro]m, respectively. In doing so, we consider that further recoils make only a negligible contribution to radiation processes. Our results show that the radiolysis of dilute aqueous solutions by fast neutrons produces smaller radical yields and larger molecular yields (relative to the corresponding yields for the radiolysis of water by [superscript 60]Co [gamma]-rays or fast electrons) due to the high LET associated to fast neutrons. The effect of recoil ions of oxygen, which is also taken into account in the calculations, is shown to decrease G(Fe[superscript 3+]) by about 10%. Our calculated values of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) are found to increase slightly with increasing neutron energy over the energy range covered in this study, in good agreement with available experimental data. We have also simulated the effect of temperature on the G(Fe[superscript 3+]) values in the fast neutron radiolysis of the Fricke dosimeter from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Our results show an increase of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) with increasing temperature, which is readily explained by an increase in the yields of free radicals and a decrease in those of molecular products. For 0.8-MeV incident neutrons (the only case for which experimental data are available in the literature), there is a ~23% increase in G(Fe[superscript 3+]) on going from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Although these results are in reasonable agreement with experiment, more experimental data, in particular for different incident neutron energies, would be needed to test more rigorously our Fe[superscript 3+] ion yield results at elevated temperatures.
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Monte Carlo simulation of the radiolysis of water by fast neutrons at elevated temperatures up to 350°C / Simulation Monte Carlo de la radiolyse de l'eau par des neutrons rapides à températures élevées allant jusqu'à 350°cButarbutar, Sofia Loren January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Le contrôle de la chimie de l'eau dans un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau nécessite une compréhension détaillée des effets de la radiolysede l'eau afin de limiter la corrosion et la dégradation des matériaux par oxydation générée par les produits de cette radiolyse. Toutefois, la mesure directe de la chimie dans le cœur des réacteurs est extrêmement difficile, sinon impossible, en raison des conditions extrêmes de haute température et haute pression, et les champs d’irradiation mixtes neutrons/γ, qui ne sont pas compatibles avec l'instrumentation chimique normale. Pour ces raisons,des modèles théoriques et des simulations sur ordinateur sont essentielles pour la prédiction de la chimie sous rayonnement de l'eau de refroidissement dans le cœur et son impact sur les matériaux. Dans ce travail, des simulations Monte Carlo ont été utilisées pour calculer les rendements des principales espèces (e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq], H[indice supérieur •], H[indice inférieur 2], [indice supérieur •]OH et H[indice inférieur 2]O[indice inférieur 2]) formées lors de la radiolyse de l’eau liquide neutre par des neutrons mono-énergétiques de 2 MeV à des températures entre 25 et 350 °C. Le choix des neutrons de 2 MeV comme énergie d'intérêt est représentatif du flux de neutrons rapides dans un réacteur. Pour l'eau légère, la contribution la plus significative à la radiolyse vient des quatre premières collisions des neutrons qui produisent, dans la majorité des cas, des protons avec des énergies de recul de ~1.264, 0.465, 0.171 et 0.063 MeV et des transferts d’énergie linéique (TEL) moyens respectivement de ~22, 43, 69et 76 keV/[micro]m. Par ailleurs, nous avons négligé les effets des radiations dus aux ions de recul de l’oxygène. Les rendements moyens finaux peuvent alors être estimés comme étant la somme des rendements résultant de l’action de ces protons après pondérations en fonction de l’énergie déposée. Les rendements ont été calculés à 10[indice supérieur -7], 10[indice supérieur -6] et 10[indice supérieur -5] s. Les valeurs obtenues sont en accord avec les données expérimentales disponibles. En comparant nos résultats avec les données obtenues pour les rayonnements à faible TEL (rayons γ de [indice supérieur 60]Co ou électrons rapides), nos rendements calculés pour les neutrons rapides ont montré une dépendance en température essentiellement similaire, mais avec des valeurs plus faibles pour les rendements en radicaux libres et des valeurs plus élevées pour les rendements moléculaires. Nous avons également utilisé les simulations Monte Carlo pour étudier l'existence de la chute rapide de la constante de vitesse de réaction de l'électron hydraté (e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq]) sur lui-même – l’une des principales sources de formation de H[indice inférieur 2] – au-dessus de 150 °C. Cette dépendance en température a été observée expérimentalement en milieu alcalin par divers auteurs, mais jamais en milieu neutre. Lorsque cette baisse de la constante de vitesse d’auto-réaction de e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq] est incluse dans nos codes de simulation, tant pour des rayonnements de bas TEL (grappes isolés) que de haut TEL (trajectoires cylindriques), g(H[indice inférieur 2]) montre une discontinuité marquée à la baisse à ~150°C, ce qui n'est pas observée expérimentalement. Les conséquences de la présence de cette discontinuité dans le rendement en H[indice inférieur 2] pour les rayonnements à bas et haut TEL sont discutées. Enfin, nous avons tenté d’expliquer l'augmentation – considérée comme anormale – du rendement en H[indice inférieur 2] en fonction de la température au-dessus de 200 °C par l’intervention de la réaction des atomes H[indice supérieur •] avec l'eau, préalablement proposée par Swiatła-Wojcik et Buxton en 2005. La constante de vitesse de cette réaction est toujours controversée. // Abstract : Controlling the water chemistry in a water-cooled nuclear power reactor requires understanding and mitigating the effects of water radiolysis to limit the corrosion and degradation of materials by oxidizing radiolysis products. However, direct measurement of the chemistry in reactor cores is extremely difficult due to the extreme conditions of high temperature, pressure, and mixed neutron/γ-radiation fields, which are not compatible with normal chemical instrumentation. For these reasons, theoretical models and computer simulations are essential for predicting the detailed radiation chemistry of the cooling water in the core and the impact on materials. Monte Carlo simulations were used to calculate the yields for the primary species (e[superscript -][subscript aq], H[superscript •], H[subscript 2], [superscript •]OH, and H[subscript 2]O[subscript 2]) formed from the radiolysis of neutral liquid water by mono-energetic 2-MeV neutrons and the mechanisms involved at temperatures between 25 and 350 °C. In this work, we chose 2-MeV neutron as our energy of interest since it is known as representative of a fast neutron flux in a nuclear reactor. For light water, for that chosen energy, the most significant contribution to the radiolysis comes from the first four neutron collisions that generate mostly ejected protons with energies of ~1.264, 0.465, 0.171, and 0.063 MeV, which had, at 25 °C, mean linear energy transfers (LETs) of ~22, 43, 69, and 76 keV/[micro]m, respectively. In this work, we simply neglected the radiation effects due to oxygen ion recoils. The average final fast neutron yields could be estimated as the sum of the yields for these protons after allowance was made for the appropriate weightings (by using the Eq (2) in Chapter 4) according to their deposited energy. Yields were calculated at 10[superscript -7], 10[superscript -6] and 10[superscript -5] s. Our computed yield agreed reasonably well with the available experimental data. By comparing our results with data obtained for low-LET radiation ([superscript 60]Co γ-rays or fast electrons), our computed yields for fast neutron radiation showed essentially similar temperature dependences over the range of temperature studied, but with lower values for yields of free radicals and higher values for molecular yields. In this work, we also used our Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the existence of drop of hydrated electron (e[superscript -][subscript aq]) self-reaction rate constant at 150 °C. One of the main sources of H[subscript 2] formation is the self-reaction of hydrated electrons. The temperature dependence of the rate constant of this reaction (k[subscript 1]), measured under alkaline conditions, reveals that the rate constant drops abruptly above ~150 °C. However, when this drop in the e[superscript -][subscript aq] self-reaction rate constant is included in our code for low (isolated spurs) and high (cylindrical tracks) linear energy transfer (LET), g(H[subscript 2]) shows a marked downward discontinuity at ~150 °C which is not observed experimentally. The consequences of the presence of this discontinuity in H[subscript 2] yield for both low and high LET radiation are discussed. Another reaction that might explain the anomalous increasing of H[subscript 2] yield with temperature is the reaction of H[superscript •] atoms with water previously proposed by Swiatla-Wojcik and Buxton (2005) whose rate constant is still in controversial.
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Estudos de técnicas de feixes iônicos para a quantificação do elemento químico boro / Study of boron quantification using ion beam analysis techniques.Moro, Marcos Vinicius 16 May 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos e aplicamos técnicas analíticas com feixes iônicos para a identificação e quantificação do elemento químico Boro em amostras de Boro depositado sobre Níquel 11B/Ni, sobre Silício B/Si e em amostras de Silício Grau Metalúrgico - SiGM. Estas últimas foram fornecidas pelo grupo de metalurgia do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). Especificamente, as seguintes técnicas analíticas foram utilizadas: Nuclear Reaction Analysis - NRA, Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis - ERDA e Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - SIMS. Nas amostras de B/Ni e B/Si, as concentrações foram obtidas com medidas de NRA, ERDA e SIMS. Também foi abordado quais dentre essas três técnicas apresentam menor limite de deteção e menor incerteza para a quantificação de Boro. Usando a reação nuclear 11B(p,a0)8Be, foi possível calcular a sua seção de choque diferencial para ângulo de espalhamento theta=170, cujo resultado, para este ângulo específico, é inédito na literatura. As amostras de SiGM foram analisadas com a técnica SIMS e comparadas com medidas de Inductively Coupled Plasma - ICP realizadas pelo grupo do IPT. Uma vez que técnicas nucleares podem ser consideradas absolutas, concluímos que as medidas de ICP apresentaram dados compatíveis com as medidas SIMS, e que o grupo de metalurgia do IPT está medindo as concentrações de Boro em suas amostras de SiGM corretamente por meio de ICP. Uma reta de calibração entre medidas SIMSxICP foi construída, que poderá servir como um guia para futuras quantificações de Boro com ICP feitas pelo grupo de metalurgia do IPT. / In this work we investigated the use of analytical techniques based on ion beams in the quantification of Boron in many kinds of samples. Specifically, we applied techniques such Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) to 11B/Ni and B/Si samples to measure the boron concentration. We also discuss and show what technique has a better detection limit and lower uncertainty. For the first time in the literature, we obtained the cross section for the $^{11}B(p,\\alpha_0){^8}Be$ nuclear reaction in the energy range from 1.6 up to 2.0 MeV in theta = 170 scattering angle. The SIMS technique was applied to analise samples of metallurgical grade silicon (SiGM) from Metallurgy Group of Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT) to check the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) measurements carried out by the IPT. Moreover, it was possible to build a calibration curve between SIMS and ICP measurements, that can be used to help of Metallurgy Group with futures ICP\'s measurements.
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Estudos de técnicas de feixes iônicos para a quantificação do elemento químico boro / Study of boron quantification using ion beam analysis techniques.Marcos Vinicius Moro 16 May 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos e aplicamos técnicas analíticas com feixes iônicos para a identificação e quantificação do elemento químico Boro em amostras de Boro depositado sobre Níquel 11B/Ni, sobre Silício B/Si e em amostras de Silício Grau Metalúrgico - SiGM. Estas últimas foram fornecidas pelo grupo de metalurgia do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). Especificamente, as seguintes técnicas analíticas foram utilizadas: Nuclear Reaction Analysis - NRA, Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis - ERDA e Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - SIMS. Nas amostras de B/Ni e B/Si, as concentrações foram obtidas com medidas de NRA, ERDA e SIMS. Também foi abordado quais dentre essas três técnicas apresentam menor limite de deteção e menor incerteza para a quantificação de Boro. Usando a reação nuclear 11B(p,a0)8Be, foi possível calcular a sua seção de choque diferencial para ângulo de espalhamento theta=170, cujo resultado, para este ângulo específico, é inédito na literatura. As amostras de SiGM foram analisadas com a técnica SIMS e comparadas com medidas de Inductively Coupled Plasma - ICP realizadas pelo grupo do IPT. Uma vez que técnicas nucleares podem ser consideradas absolutas, concluímos que as medidas de ICP apresentaram dados compatíveis com as medidas SIMS, e que o grupo de metalurgia do IPT está medindo as concentrações de Boro em suas amostras de SiGM corretamente por meio de ICP. Uma reta de calibração entre medidas SIMSxICP foi construída, que poderá servir como um guia para futuras quantificações de Boro com ICP feitas pelo grupo de metalurgia do IPT. / In this work we investigated the use of analytical techniques based on ion beams in the quantification of Boron in many kinds of samples. Specifically, we applied techniques such Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) to 11B/Ni and B/Si samples to measure the boron concentration. We also discuss and show what technique has a better detection limit and lower uncertainty. For the first time in the literature, we obtained the cross section for the $^{11}B(p,\\alpha_0){^8}Be$ nuclear reaction in the energy range from 1.6 up to 2.0 MeV in theta = 170 scattering angle. The SIMS technique was applied to analise samples of metallurgical grade silicon (SiGM) from Metallurgy Group of Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT) to check the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) measurements carried out by the IPT. Moreover, it was possible to build a calibration curve between SIMS and ICP measurements, that can be used to help of Metallurgy Group with futures ICP\'s measurements.
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エネルギースペクトルが直読可能な2重計数管方式中性子スペクトロメーターの研究開発青山, 隆彦 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:04680228 研究代表者:青山 隆彦 研究期間:1992-1993年度
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