Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reentry""
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A guitarra dos séculos XVII e XVIII em seus aspectos técnicos e estilístico-históricos através da tradução comentada e análise do Instruccion de musica sobre la guitarra española de Gaspar Sanz, 1697 / -Affonso, Guilherme de Camargo Barros 30 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se ocupa da tradução comentada para o português do Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Espanõla, de Gaspar Sanz (1697), um dos mais importantes livros de repertório e de instruções de como tocar a guitarra de cinco ordens, que ora denominamos guitarra barroca. A tradução procura contextualizar o texto de Sanz, levando ao leitor, mesmo aquele não habituado à leitura dos tratados dos séculos XVII e XVIII, subsídios que lhe permitam compreender o texto e tirar utilidade prática de seu conteúdo. Assim como o Instruccion, o trabalho aborda temas os mais diversos concernentes à guitarra barroca: música solística, para a compreensão da qual a afinação reentrante mostra-se essencial, música de acompanhamento em suas diferentes vertentes, Rasqueado, Ponteado e Obbligato, instruções de afinação, ornamentação, escolha das cordas e diferentes afinações. Abrange também, embora não como objetivo principal, uma proposta de metodologia para transcrição da tablatura original, levando em conta a afinação reentrante modificada. Os comentários sobre o vasto conteúdo do Instruccion baseiam-se na leitura da obra de Sanz, no cotejamento com outras fontes primárias e secundárias, mas também, e não menos importante, na minha experiência como instrumentista de cordas dedilhadas antigas há mais de quinze anos. Todos os exemplos e transcrições trazem o fac-símile para confronto, convidando o leitor a exercer sua curiosidade em relação às fontes primárias e fazendo disto, de fato, seu principal objetivo. / This work deals with the commented translation into Portuguese of the Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Española , by Gaspar Sanz (1697), one of the most important books of repertoire and instructions on how to play the five orders guitar, we now call baroque guitar. This translation aims to contextualize Sanz\'s, text, leading the reader, even those not used to reading the treaties of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, subsidies to help understanding the text and make practical use of it\'s content. As the Instruccion, this work addresses the most diverse topics concerning the baroque guitar: solo music, where reentrant tuning shows to be essential to their understanding, accompanying music in its various aspects, rasqueado, ponteado and obbligato, ornamentation, choice of chords and different tunings. It also covers, although not as its main objective, a proposed methodology for transcription of the original tablature, taking into account the modified reentrant tuning. Comments on the vast content of the Instruccion are based on the reading of Sanz\'s work in mutual comparison with other primary and secondary sources, but also, and not least, in my experience as a player of early plucked strings over fifteen years. All examples and transcriptions bring also the facsimile, inviting the reader to exercise their curiosity about primary sources and making it in fact their main goal.
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A guitarra dos séculos XVII e XVIII em seus aspectos técnicos e estilístico-históricos através da tradução comentada e análise do Instruccion de musica sobre la guitarra española de Gaspar Sanz, 1697 / -Guilherme de Camargo Barros Affonso 30 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se ocupa da tradução comentada para o português do Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Espanõla, de Gaspar Sanz (1697), um dos mais importantes livros de repertório e de instruções de como tocar a guitarra de cinco ordens, que ora denominamos guitarra barroca. A tradução procura contextualizar o texto de Sanz, levando ao leitor, mesmo aquele não habituado à leitura dos tratados dos séculos XVII e XVIII, subsídios que lhe permitam compreender o texto e tirar utilidade prática de seu conteúdo. Assim como o Instruccion, o trabalho aborda temas os mais diversos concernentes à guitarra barroca: música solística, para a compreensão da qual a afinação reentrante mostra-se essencial, música de acompanhamento em suas diferentes vertentes, Rasqueado, Ponteado e Obbligato, instruções de afinação, ornamentação, escolha das cordas e diferentes afinações. Abrange também, embora não como objetivo principal, uma proposta de metodologia para transcrição da tablatura original, levando em conta a afinação reentrante modificada. Os comentários sobre o vasto conteúdo do Instruccion baseiam-se na leitura da obra de Sanz, no cotejamento com outras fontes primárias e secundárias, mas também, e não menos importante, na minha experiência como instrumentista de cordas dedilhadas antigas há mais de quinze anos. Todos os exemplos e transcrições trazem o fac-símile para confronto, convidando o leitor a exercer sua curiosidade em relação às fontes primárias e fazendo disto, de fato, seu principal objetivo. / This work deals with the commented translation into Portuguese of the Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Española , by Gaspar Sanz (1697), one of the most important books of repertoire and instructions on how to play the five orders guitar, we now call baroque guitar. This translation aims to contextualize Sanz\'s, text, leading the reader, even those not used to reading the treaties of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, subsidies to help understanding the text and make practical use of it\'s content. As the Instruccion, this work addresses the most diverse topics concerning the baroque guitar: solo music, where reentrant tuning shows to be essential to their understanding, accompanying music in its various aspects, rasqueado, ponteado and obbligato, ornamentation, choice of chords and different tunings. It also covers, although not as its main objective, a proposed methodology for transcription of the original tablature, taking into account the modified reentrant tuning. Comments on the vast content of the Instruccion are based on the reading of Sanz\'s work in mutual comparison with other primary and secondary sources, but also, and not least, in my experience as a player of early plucked strings over fifteen years. All examples and transcriptions bring also the facsimile, inviting the reader to exercise their curiosity about primary sources and making it in fact their main goal.
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Planification de la production à capacité finie dans un contexte à forte variabilité, application à l'industrie des semi-conducteurs / Capacity planning in the context of high mix, application in the semiconductor industryMhiri, Emna 13 December 2016 (has links)
L'industrie des semi-conducteurs est caractérisée par une production de forte variabilité et de faible volume, des flux de production ré-entrants ainsi que d'un processus de fabrication complexe. Au sein de ce contexte industriel complexe, a été considéré un problème de planification à capacité finie. C'est le problème de projection des encours de production et des commandes clients à capacité finie. Il s'agit d’estimerles dates de début, les temps d'attente et les dates de fin de chacun des steps des différents lots ainsi que la charge accumulée sur les équipements. Cette projection doit tenir compte des contraintes de capacité et qualifications des équipements et des dates d'échéance de livraison des lots. La contrainte de qualification définit l'éligibilité d'un équipement à traiter un produit. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette étude consiste à établir un plan de production réalisable à moyen terme. Afin de réaliser cet objectif, des méthodes exactes et approchées sont proposées. Des résultats en termes de complexité, et d'algorithmes de résolution, ont permis une application industrielle, dans la mesure où un logiciel de planification de la production à capacité finie a été développé. / In this study, we consider the problem of production planning in the semiconductor industry characterized by high mix low volume production, reentrant flows and complex manufacturing process.The aim of this work is to establish a feasible production schedule that takes into account the limited capacity of the manufacturing system, equipment qualifications constraints and delivery due dates. In this context, we have formulated the objective and constraints in a mixed linear program (MIP). The objective of the MIP is to minimize delivery delays to guarantee on-time delivery. While executing different tests of the MIP, we have reached a limit of resolution in a reasonable time. Thus, we use an approximate method to solve the problem. The results show the effectiveness of the heuristic established as solution quality and time resolution.The obtained results led to an industrial application and a software that provides feasible schedules in reduced execution time in a specific fab.
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Mathematical modeling approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of reentrant atrial tachyarrhythmiasLiberos Mascarell, Alejandro 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] Atrial tachyarrhythmias present a high prevalence in the developed world, and several studies predict that in the coming decades it will be increased. Micro or macro-reentrant mechanisms of the electrical wavefronts that govern the mechanical behavior of the heart are one of the main responsibles for the maintenance of these arrhythmias. Atrial flutter is maintained by a macro-reentry around an anatomical or functional obstacle located in the atria. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the hypothesis which describes high frequency rotors as dominant sources of the fibrillation and responsible for the maintenance of the arrhythmia, has been gaining relevance in the last years. However, the therapies that target high frequency sources have a limited efficacy with current techniques.
Radiofrequency ablation allows the destruction of parts of the cardiac tissue resulting in the interruption of the reentrant circuit in case of macro-reentries or the isolation of micro-reentrant circuits. The non-invasive location of reentrant circuits would increment the efficacy of these therapies and would shorten surgery interventions.
In parallel, pharmacological therapies modify ionic expressions associated to the excitability and electrical refractoriness of the cardiac tissue with the objective of hindering the maintenance of reentrant behaviors. These therapies require a deep knowledge of the ionic mechanisms underlying the reentrant behavior and its properties in order to be effective. The research in these mechanisms allows the evaluation of new targets for the treatment and thus may improve the efficacy in atrial fibrillation termination.
In this thesis, mathematical modeling is used to go forward in the minimization of the limitations associated to these treatments. Body surface potential mapping has been evaluated, both clinically and by means of mathematical simulations for the diagnosis and location of macro-reentrant circuits. The analysis of phase maps obtained from multiple lead electrocardiographic recordings distributed in the whole torso allowed the discrimination between different reentrant circuits. It is the reason why this technique is presented as a tool for the non-invasive location of macro and micro-reentrant circuits.
A population of mathematical models designed in this thesis based on the action potentials recordings of atrial cardiomyocites from 149 patients, allowed the evaluation of the ionic mechanisms defining the properties of reentrant behaviors. This study has allowed us defining the blockade of ICaL as a target for the pharmacological treatment. The blockade of this current is associated with the increase of the movement in the core of the rotor which easies the collision of the rotor with other wavefronts or anatomical obstacles promoting the extinction of the reentry. The variability observed between patients modeled in our population has allowed showing and explaining the mechanisms promoting divergent results of a single treatment. This is why the introduction of populations of models will allow the prevention of side effects associated to inter-subject variability and to go forward in the development of individualized therapies.
These works are built through a simulation platform of cardiac electrophysiology based in Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and developed in this thesis. The platform allows the simulation of cellular models, tissues and organs with a realistic geometry and shows features comparable to that of the platforms used by the most relevant electrophysiology research groups at the moment. / [ES] Las taquiarritmias auriculares tienen una alta prevalencia en el mundo desarrollado, además diversos estudios poblacionales indican que en las próximas décadas ésta se verá incrementada. Los mecanismos de micro o macro-reentrada de los frentes de onda eléctricos que rigen el comportamiento mecánico del corazón, se presentan como una de las principales causas del mantenimiento de estas arritmias. El flutter auricular es mantenido por un macro-reentrada alrededor de un obstáculo anatómico o funcional en las aurículas, mientras que en el caso de la fibrilación auricular la hipótesis que define a los rotores de alta frecuencia como elementos dominantes y responsables del mantenimiento de la arritmia se ha ido imponiendo al resto en los últimos años. Sin embargo, las terapias que tienen como objetivo finalizar o aislar estas reentradas tienen todavía una eficacia limitada.
La ablación por radiofrecuencia permite eliminar zonas del tejido cardiaco resultando en la interrupción del circuito de reentrada en el caso de macro-reentradas o el aislamiento de comportamientos micro-reentrantes. La localización no invasiva de los circuitos reentrantes incrementaría la eficacia de estas terapias y reduciría la duración de las intervenciones quirúrgicas.
Por otro lado, las terapias farmacológicas alteran las expresiones iónicas asociadas a la excitabilidad y la refractoriedad del tejido con el fin de dificultar el mantenimiento de comportamientos reentrantes. Este tipo de terapias exigen incrementar el conocimiento de los mecanismos subyacentes que explican el proceso de reentrada y sus propiedades, la investigación de estos mecanismos permite definir las dianas terapéuticas que mejoran la eficacia en la extinción de estos comportamientos.
En esta tesis el modelado matemático se utiliza para dar un paso importante en la minimización de las limitaciones asociadas a estos tratamientos. La cartografía eléctrica de superficie ha sido testada, clínicamente y con simulaciones matemática,s como técnica de diagnóstico y localización de circuitos macro-reentrantes. El análisis de mapas de fase obtenidos a partir de los registros multicanal de derivaciones electrocardiográficas distribuidas en la superficie del torso permite diferenciar distintos circuitos de reentrada. Es por ello que esta técnica de registro y análisis se presenta como una herramienta para la localización no invasiva de circuitos macro y micro-reentrantes.
Una población de modelos matemáticos, diseñada en esta tesis a partir de los registros de los potenciales de acción de 149 pacientes, ha permitido evaluar los mecanismos iónicos que definen las propiedades asociadas a los procesos de reentrada. Esto ha permitido apuntar al bloqueo de la corriente ICaL como diana terapéutica. Ésta se asocia al incremento del movimiento del núcleo que facilita el impacto del rotor con otros frentes de onda u obstáculos extinguiéndose así el comportamiento reentrante. La variabilidad entre pacientes reflejada en la población de modelos ha permitido además mostrar los mecanismos por los cuales un mismo tratamiento puede mostrar efectos divergentes, así el uso de poblaciones de modelos matemáticos permitirá prevenir efectos secundarios asociados a la variabilidad entre pacientes y profundizar en el desarrollo de terapias individualizadas.
Estos trabajos se cimientan sobre una plataforma de simulación de electrofisiología cardiaca de basado en Unidades de Procesado Gráfico (GPUs) y desarrollada en esta tesis. La plataforma permite la simulación de modelos celulares cardiacos así como de tejidos u órganos con geometría realista, mostrando unas prestaciones comparables con las de las utilizadas por los grupos de investigación más potentes en el campo de la electrofisiología. / [CA] Les taquiarítmies auriculars tenen una alta prevalença en el món desenvolupat, a més diversos estudis poblacionals indiquen que en les pròximes dècades aquesta es veurà incrementada. Els mecanismes de micro o macro-reentrada dels fronts d'ona elèctrics que regeixen el comportament mecànic del cor, es presenten com una de les principals causes del manteniment d'aquestes arítmies. El flutter auricular és mantingut per una macro-reentrada al voltant d'un obstacle anatòmic o funcional en les aurícules, mentre que en el cas de la fibril·lació auricular la hipòtesi que defineix als rotors d'alta freqüència com a elements dominants i responsables del manteniment de l'arítmia s'ha anat imposant a la resta en els últims anys. No obstant això, les teràpies que tenen com a objectiu finalitzar o aïllar aquestes reentrades tenen encara una eficàcia limitada.
L'ablació per radiofreqüència permet eliminar zones del teixit cardíac resultant en la interrupció del circuit de reentrada en el cas de macro-reentrades o l'aïllament de comportaments micro-reentrants. La localització no invasiva dels circuits reentrants incrementaria l'eficàcia d'aquestes teràpies i reduiria la durada de les intervencions quirúrgiques.
D'altra banda, les teràpies farmacològiques alteren les expressions iòniques associades a la excitabilitat i la refractaritat del teixit amb la finalitat de dificultar el manteniment de comportaments reentrants. Aquest tipus de teràpies exigeixen incrementar el coneixement dels mecanismes subjacents que expliquen el procés de reentrada i les seues propietats, la recerca d'aquests mecanismes permet definir les dianes terapèutiques que milloren l'eficàcia en l'extinció d'aquests comportaments.
En aquesta tesi el modelatge matemàtic s'utilitza per a fer un pas important en la minimització de les limitacions associades a aquests tractaments. La cartografia elèctrica de superfície ha sigut testada, clínicament i amb simulacions matemàtiques com a tècnica de diagnòstic i localització de circuits macro-reentrants. L'anàlisi de mapes de fase obtinguts a partir dels registres multicanal de derivacions electrocardiogràfiques distribuïdes en la superfície del tors permet diferenciar diferents circuits de reentrada. És per açò que aquesta tècnica de registre i anàlisi es presenta com una eina per a la localització no invasiva de circuits macro i micro-reentrants.
Una població de models matemàtics, dissenyada en aquesta tesi a partir dels registres dels potencials d'acció de 149 pacients, ha permès avaluar els mecanismes iònics que defineixen les propietats associades als processos de reentrada. Açò ha permès apuntar al bloqueig del corrent ICaL com a diana terapèutica. Aquesta s'associa a l'increment del moviment del nucli que facilita l'impacte del rotor amb altres fronts d'ona o obstacles extingint-se així el comportament reentrant. La variabilitat entre pacients reflectida en la població de models ha permès a més mostrar els mecanismes pels quals un mateix tractament pot mostrar efectes divergents, així l'ús de poblacions de models matemàtics permetrà prevenir efectes secundaris associats a la variabilitat entre pacients i aprofundir en el desenvolupament de teràpies individualitzades.
Aquests treballs es fonamenten sobre una plataforma de simulació de electrofisiologia cardíaca basat en Unitats de Processament Gràfic (GPUs) i desenvolupada en aquesta tesi. La plataforma permet la simulació de models cel·lulars cardíacs així com de teixits o òrgans amb geometria realista, mostrant unes prestacions comparables amb les de les utilitzades per els grups de recerca més importants en aquesta área. / Liberos Mascarell, A. (2016). Mathematical modeling approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of reentrant atrial tachyarrhythmias [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62166
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Statistical thermodynamics of virus assemblyLee, Se Il 06 April 2010 (has links)
Experiments show that MgSO4 salt has a non-monotonic effect as a function of MgSO4 concentration
on the ejection of DNA from bacteriophage lambda.
There is a concentration, N0, at which the minimum amount of DNA is ejected.
At lower or higher concentrations, more DNA is ejected. We propose that this non-monotonic behavior
is due to the overcharging of DNA at high concentration of Mg⁺² counterions.
As the Mg⁺² concentration increases from zero, the net charge of ejected DNA changes its sign from negative to positive.
N0 corresponds to the concentration at which DNA is neutral.
Our theory fits experimental data well.
The DNA-DNA electrostatic attraction is found to be -0.004 kBT/nucleotide.
Simulations of DNA-DNA interaction of a hexagonal DNA bundle support our theory.
They also show the non-monotonic DNA-DNA interaction and reentrant behavior of DNA condensation by divalent counterions.
Three problems in understanding the capsid assembly for a retrovirus are studied:
First, the way in which the viral membrane affects the structure of in vivo assembled HIV-1 capsid is studied.
We show that conical and cylindrical capsids have similar energy at high surface tension of the viral membrane,
which leads to the various shapes of HIV-1 capsids. Secondly, the problem of RNA genome packaging inside spherical viruses
is studied using RNA condensation theory. For weak adsorption strength of capsid protein, most RNA genomes are located at the center
of the capsid. For strong adsorption strength, RNA genomes peak near the capsid surface and the amount of RNA packaged is proportional to the capsid area instead its volume. Theory fits experimental data reasonably well.
Thirdly, the condensation of RNA molecules by nucleocapsid (NC) protein is studied.
The interaction between RNA molecules and NC proteins is important for the reverse transcription of viral RNA which relates to the viral infectivity.
For strong adsorption strength of the NC protein, there is a screening effect by RNA molecules around a single NC protein.
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Dynamique spatio-temporelle de circuits de réentrée chez le sujet humain et dans un modèle d'infarctus du myocarde chez le chienHélie, François January 2002 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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MULTI-ELECTRON BUBBLE PHASESDohyung Ro (9142649) 05 August 2020 (has links)
<div>Strong electronic correlations in many-body systems are cradles of new physics. They give birth to novel collective states hosting emergent quasiparticles as well as intriguing geometrical charge patterns. Two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs under perpendicular magnetic field is one of the most well-known hosts in condensed matter physics where a plethora of the collective states appear. In the strong magnetic field regime, strong Coulomb interactions among the electrons create emergent quasiparticles, i.e. composite fermions and Cooper-paired composite fermions. In the weak magnetic field regime, modified Coulomb interactions drive electron solid phases having geometrical charge patterns in the shape of stripes and bubbles and lower the spatial symmetry of the states.</div><div><br></div><div>The fascinating charge order in bubble geometry is the electron bubble phase predicted first by the Hartree-Fock theory. In a bubble phase, certain number of electrons cluster as an entity called bubble and the bubbles order into a crystal of triangular lattice. In addition to the Hartree-Fock theory, the density matrix renormalization group and the exact diagonalization methods further support the formation of electronic bubbles.</div><div><br></div><div>Reentrant integer quantum Hall states are commonly accepted as the manifestations of the bubble phases in transport experiment. Soon after the first prediction of the Hartree-Fock theory, the reentrant integer quantum Hall states were observed in the third and higher Landau levels. Since then, the association to the bubble phases has been tested with different experimental techniques for decades.</div><div><br></div><div>Although the experimental results from different methods support the bubble phase picture of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states, the electron confinement under the quantum well structure hindered direct scanning of bubble morphology. Thus none of the experiments could showcase the bubble morphology of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states. Meanwhile, a significant discrepancy still remained in between the bubble theories and the experiments. Even though the bubble theories predict the proliferation of bubble phases with increasing orbital index, none of the experiments could observe multiple reentrant integer quantum Hall states in a high Landau level, which signify the multiple bubble formation. Therefore, the proliferation of bubble phases with increasing Landau level index was pessimistic. </div><div><br></div><div>In this Dissertation, I present my research on solving this discrepancy. In chapter 4, we performed a magnetotransport measurement of reentrant integer quantum Hall states in the third and higher Landau levels at various different temperatures. Then, we scrutinized how each of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states develops with the gradual increase of the temperature. As a result, we observed multiple reentrant integer quantum Hall states in the fourth Landau level which are associated with the two- and three-electron bubble phases. This result strongly supports the bubble phase picture of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states by confirming the possibility of the proliferation of bubble phases in high Landau levels.</div><div><br></div><div>In chapter 5, I analyzed the energetics of newly resolved two- and three-electron bubble phases in the fourth Landau level as well as those of two-electron bubble phases in the third Landau level. Here, I first found, in the fourth Landau level, the three-electron bubbles are more stable than the two-electron bubbles indicating that the multi-electron bubbles with higher electron number are more stable within a Landau level. Secondly, I found distinct energetic features of two- and three-electron bubble phases which are independent of Landau level index throughout the third and the fourth Landau levels. These results highlight the effect of the number of electrons per bubble on the energetics of multi-electron bubble phases and are expected to contribute on improving the existing Hartree-Fock theories.</div>
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Dynamique spatio-temporelle de circuits de réentrée chez le sujet humain et dans un modèle d'infarctus du myocarde chez le chienHélie, François January 2002 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Evaporation-Induced Salt Precipitation in Porous Media and the Governing Solute TransportRishav Roy (13149219) 25 July 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Water scarcity is a global problem impacting a majority of the world population. A significant proportion of the global population is deprived of clean drinking water, an impact felt by the rural as well as urban population. Saltwater desalination provides an attractive option to produce clean water. Some technologies to generate potable water include reverse osmosis (RO), multi-stage flash distillation (MSF), vapor compression distillation and multi-effect distillation (MED). Distillation plants such as those in MED often have falling-film evaporators operating at low energy conversion efficiency and hence distillation is performed over multiple stages (or effects). Porous materials can be utilized as evaporators in such plants with the objective of leveraging their superior efficiency. This can potentially decrease the number of effects over which distillation occurs. However, evaporation of high-salinity salt solution eventually results in salt precipitation which can cause fouling and induce structural damages, especially if the precipitates appear within the porous medium. Crystallization-induced structural damages are also of significant concern to building materials and for their role in weathering of historical monuments. It is thus crucial to understand the mechanisms governing salt precipitation in a porous medium.</p>
<p>Transport of solute in such a medium is either driven by flow of the solution (advection) or by concentration gradients (diffusion). The dynamics of solute transport is further complicated due to the involvement of a reaction term accounting for any salt precipitation. The relative strengths of these driving forces determine the solute transport behavior during an evaporation-driven process. The wide-scale applications of solute transport and its complicated nature warrant investigation, both experimental and theoretical, of the dependence of solute transport and the subsequent precipitation on the operating conditions and the properties of the porous medium.</p>
<p>This dissertation first focuses on developing a novel modeling framework for evaluating the transient behavior of the solute mass fraction profile within the domain of a one-dimensional porous medium, and extending its capability to predict the formation of salt precipitate in the medium. Experimental investigations are then performed to study the formation of precipitate on sintered porous copper wicks of different particle-size compositions, and developing a mechanistic understanding of the governing principles.</p>
<p>A numerical modeling framework is developed to analyze evaporation-driven solute transport. Transient advection-diffusion equations govern the salt mass fraction profile of the solution inside the porous medium. These governing equations are solved to obtain the solute mass fraction profile within the porous medium as well as the effloresced salt crust. Further accounting for precipitation allows a study of the formation and growth of efflorescence and subflorescence. Crystallization experiments are performed by allowing a NaCl solution to evaporate from a porous medium of copper particles and the subflorescence trends predicted by the model are validated. The modeling framework offers a comprehensive tool for predicting the spatio-temporal solute mass fraction profiles and subsequent precipitation in a porous medium.</p>
<p>The dependence of efflorescence pattern on the properties of a porous medium is also investigated. Efflorescence patterns are visually observed and characterized on sintered copper particle wicks with spatially unimodal and bimodal compositions of different particle sizes. Efflorescence is found to form earlier and spread readily over a wick made from smaller particles, owing to their lower porosity, while it is limited to certain areas of the surface for wicks composed of the larger particles. A scaling analysis explains the observed efflorescence patterns in the bimodal wicks caused by particle size-induced non-uniform porosity and permeability. The non-uniformity reduces the advective flux in a high-permeability region by diverting flow towards a low-permeability region. This reduction in advective flux manifests as an exclusion distance surrounding a crystallization site where efflorescence is not expected to occur. The dependence of this exclusion distance on the porosity and permeability of the porous medium and the operating conditions is investigated. A large exclusion distance associated with the regions with bigger particles in the bimodal wicks explains preferential efflorescence over the regions with smaller particles. This novel scaling analysis coupled with the introduction of the exclusion distance provides guidelines for designing heterogeneous porous media that can localize efflorescence.</p>
<p>Additionally, droplet interactions with microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces as well as soft surfaces were investigated during the course of this dissertation, separate from the above investigations. These investigations involve the interplay of surface energies with electrical or elastic energies and are studied both experimentally and through theoretical models, and therefore are retained as additional chapters in the thesis as being of relevant interest. Electrowetting experiments are performed on superhydrophobic surfaces with re-entrant structures to study their resilience to the Cassie-to-Wenzel transition. The deformation of soft surfaces caused by forces exerted by microscale droplets is studied and the resulting interaction between multiple droplets is explored. </p>
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Supraleitung in Gallium-implantiertem Silizium / Superconductivity in gallium-implanted siliconSkrotzki, Richard 21 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der elektrischen Charakterisierung 10 nm dünner Schichten bestehend aus amorphen Ga-Nanoclustern eingebettet in Ga-dotiertes polykristallines Si. Die Herstellung der Schichten geschieht via Ionen-Implantation in Si-Wafer samt anschließender thermischer Ausheilung. Elektrische Transportmessungen in Magnetfeldern von bis zu 50 T zeigen, dass die Schichten durch Variation der Ausheilparameter zwei strukturelle Supraleiter-Isolator-Übergänge durchlaufen. TEM-gestützte Strukturanalysen decken auf, dass den Übergängen eine Gefügetransformation zugrunde liegt, die das Wechselspiel zwischen supraleitender Cluster-Kopplung und kapazitiver Ladungsenergie sowie dem Ausmaß von thermischen und Quantenfluktuationen beeinflusst. Im supraleitenden Regime (Tc = 7 K) wird ein doppelt reentrantes Phänomen beobachtet, bei dem Magnetfelder von mehreren Tesla in anisotroper Form die Supraleitung begünstigen. Eine qualitative Erklärung gelingt via selbstentwickeltem theoretischen Modell basierend auf Phaseslip-Ereignissen für Josephson-Kontakt-Netzwerke. Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensor-Technologie und Quanten-Logik werden die Schichten erfolgreich via Fotolithographie und FIB (focused ion beam) mikro- und nanostrukturiert. Dadurch gelingt die erstmalige Beobachtung des Little-Parks-Effektes in einer Nanostruktur aus amorphem Ga. / The following thesis is devoted to the electrical characterization of 10 nm thin layers consisting of amorphous Ga nanoclusters embedded in Ga-doped polycrystalline Si. The preparation of the layers is realized via ion implantation in Si wafers plus subsequent thermal annealing. Electrical-transport measurements in magnetic fields of up to 50 T show that the layers undergo two structural superconductor-insulator transitions upon variation of the annealing parameters. Structural analyzes based on TEM investigations reveal an underlying transformation of the size and distance of the clusters. This influences the interplay of the superconducting cluster coupling and capacitive charging energy as well as the extent of thermal and quantum fluctuations. In the superconducting regime (Tc = 7 K) a double-reentrant phenomenon is observed. Here, magnetic fields of several Tesla facilitate superconductivity in an anisotropic way. A qualitative explanation is given via a self-developed theoretical model based on phase-slip events for Josephson-junction arrays. With respect to applications regarding sensor technology and quantum logic circuits the layers are successfully micro- and nanostructured via photolithography and FIB. This allows for the first observation of the Little-Parks effect in a nanostructure of amorphous Ga.
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