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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poliser som utbildar poliser : Reflexivitet, meningsskapande och professionell utveckling / Educating Police Officers : Reflexivity, Meaning Making and Professional Development

Bergman, Bengt January 2016 (has links)
This compilation thesis concerns how an educator task in Swedish police education context can be understood as individual and collective meaning making and professional development. The main actors in this thesis are police teachers, police supervisors and field training officers (FTOs), and they have a mutual task in educating new police officers and hence preparing for a complex occupation. However, due to varied educating preparations these three groups of police educators seem to perform their task with different prerequisites in a constantly revised and developed Swedish police education. During the last twenty years research and literature regarding occupational and professional education concern, among other issues, professional development and professionalization, frequently from a learner orientated and lifelong learning perspective. Hence, as ideas of transferring occupational knowledge from person to person increasingly appears to be regarded as obsolete, internship education through supervising pedagogies seems to have evolved during the last decades. The rarely investigated intra-professional educators (e.g., police officers educating new police officers) have an important role in this kind of learning process, especially due to socialisation phenomena frequently described in worldwide research regarding the police occupation. The conceptions of Swedish intra-professional police educators are investigated through an exploratory and qualitative design using mainly focus-group interviews and with a reflexive approach and hermeneutic analyse models. Viewed through a theoretical framework based on meaning making, reflexivity and thought styles/thought collectives, the findings disclose that the Swedish police educators clearly share similar views on pedagogies although they have disparate preparations before the task. Their conceptions reveal how the police educating task works as an incentive for increased insights in the police task, as well as in the educating task. These findings are also conceptualized as a collective process in interacting with police students and police probationers, with reflexivity as a main tool for meaning making, especially in the educating task. In conclusion this thesis argues how the conceptions of the Swedish police educators can vitalize the discussion about how police educators better can be prepared, especially through courses with reflexive pedagogies. The conclusion also emphasizes on how the positive, reflexive and creative intentions within the intra-professional police educators can be used as a role model and as an incentive in developing the Swedish police force, and that these ideas can be applied on other occupations and professions. / I en stor fyrkantig soffgrupp i ett fikarum på Polishögskolan i Solna runt år 2002, fördes stafettsamtal om problembaserad undervisning. Lärare, chefer och ibland städpersonal eller administrativ personal deltog genom att gå in och ut ur dessa samtal beroende på vilka andra sysslor som pockade på. I denna fyrkant skapades på något sätt både pedagogik och pedagoger, av både erfarna och oerfarna utbildare. Detta skedde främst genom utbyte av erfarenheter av lyckade och mindre lyckade undervisningsaktiviteter i syfte att skapa mening i ett för många av deltagarna okänt utbildningskoncept, ofta genom användandet av begreppet reflektion. Stafettsamtalen kan beskrivas som del av en process eller ett förlopp där något framåtskrider och utvecklas, i detta fall polisutbildarnas kunskapande och meningsskapande om polisutbildning. Den meningsskapande processen placerades inom ramen för den nya reviderade polisutbildningen, som satts i spel 1998. Polisutbildningen skulle nu bygga på en problembaserad pedagogik (Colliver, 2000; Hmelo-Silver, 2004) och initialt utföras av i huvudsak yrkespraktiker med begränsad pedagogisk erfarenhet eller utbildning, vilket genererade oväntade problem som krävde snabba lösningar. De första åren från 1998 innebar många problem med både frustrerade lärare och polisstudenter, vilket en utvärdering visade (Rikspolisstyrelsen, 2000). Denna situation skapade ändå en pragmatisk men reflekterande utbildningskultur där studenternas lärande till poliser till stor del var i fokus (Polishögskolan, 2014b). De lärare som hade polisiär bakgrund, i denna avhandling benämnda ”polislärare”, fick en framträdande roll för att fungera som en brygga mellan yrkeserfarenhet och teoretisk/praktisk kunskap, trots att få av de utbildande poliserna hade pedagogisk utbildning eller någon längre erfarenhet av att undervisa. Vissa polislärare visade också en brant utvecklingskurva gällande förmågan att undervisa, medan andra misslyckades helt och försvann lika snabbt som de kom. Denna beskrivning bygger på min egen upplevelse av händelseförloppet, för jag satt också där i fyrkanten, som nyanställd lärare i muntlig och skriftlig framställning, erfaren gällande undervisning men helt okunnig om polisverksamhet. Lärarna på Polishögskolans gemensamma uppdrag var att på bästa sätt förbereda polisstudenter för en introduktion in i en polisiär yrkesverksamhet och yrkeskultur (Crank, 2004; Lauritz, 2009). Ett polisyrke som många i samhället har en uppfattning om, och som visat sig vara ett i många avseenden komplext uppdrag. Manning (2010) har under årtionden ägnat sig åt att belysa polisarbetets komplexitet och förändring. Han menar bland annat att polisarbetet kan ses utifrån ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv där poliser förväntas 2 fatta svåra beslut baserat på subjektiva omdömen i en offentlig miljö, och i hög grad beroende av samarbetet med kollegor och allmänheten: Policing is both an individual and collective performance, based on faceto-face interactions, public deference, and societal validation of the collective representation. The process of interaction is the product of policing, and the consequences of these interactions are the most consequential outcomes of policing. (2010, s. 183) Polisuppdraget har också förändrats under de senaste trettio åren, från reaktivt till proaktivt allteftersom samhället ökat kraven på polisen via problembaserat långsiktigt polisarbete (Fielding, 1988; Macvean & Cox, 2012; Paoline & Terrill, 2007). Uppdraget kan dessutom sägas vara motsägelsefullt, med å ena sidan den repressiva aspekten att upprätthålla lag och ordning och å andra sidan vara en service och trygghet för medborgarna (Petersson, 2015). Litteraturen beskriver också att många av de kunskaper som krävs för att lösa snabbt uppkomna situationer är svåra att utveckla på ett utbildningscampus utan kräver kontakt med yrkespraktiken (Chan et al., 2003). Ur detta perspektiv blir det därför synnerligen intressant hur sådan kunskap utvecklas och frodas i utrymmet mellan utbildning och yrkespraktik. Vidare, även om forskningen visar att det finns poliser som är olämpliga och har stora svårigheter att hålla sig professionella i detta uppdrag, finns det berättelser om poliser som klarar av att upprätthålla den professionella etiken i svåra situationer. Det finns alltså uppenbarligen poliser som kan vara empatiska, men ändå tydliga och handlingskraftiga, repressiva men ändå professionella, goda kollegor som ändå kan säga ifrån och anmäla om något fel begåtts. Litteratur om polisyrket berör även fenomen som sammanhållning, kamratskap, konformitet, kåranda, alienation, övervåld, rasism, stress, posttraumatisk stress, korruption och lämplighet (Crank, 2004; Lauritz & Karp, 2013; Van Maanen, 1975). Litteraturen ger också exempel på antiintellektualism inom polisen, där handlingskraft är normen och reflektionsförmåga ses som en svaghet (Crank, 2004; Granér, 2004, s. 214). Det finns också beskrivet hur konkret yrkeskunskap byggd på sunt förnuft (common sense knowledge) uppmuntras under polisutbildningen, vilket grundar sig i polisarbetets oförutsägbarhet och därmed riskfylldhet; man måste kunna lita på att kollegan finns där och agerar när fara uppstår. Där skildras också hur sunt-förnuft-kunskap konstitueras i rutinartat småprat mellan uppdragen i det dagliga polisarbetet, till exempel genom utbyte av dråpliga anekdoter från polisarbetet (”war stories”) (McNulty, 1994). Blivande poliser beskriver också sitt första möte med poliskollektivet som välkomnande och omslutande, speciellt avseende det vardagliga småpratet kollegor emellan (Ekman, 1999: Lauritz, 2009). Här har studier också visat på ett polisyrke med ökad etisk medvetenhet, där nya poliser faktiskt kan fungera 3 som förändringsagenter mot en positiv utveckling av poliskulturen utifrån dessa höjda samhälleliga krav (Chan et al., 2003; Granér, 2004; Reid, 2015). Efter att ha tagit del av ovanstående litteratur, väcktes mitt intresse för olika perspektiv på polisutbildarnas betydelse för hur lärandet till ett polisyrke går till, och vilken betydelse detta får för en förmodat lärande organisation (Andersson Arntén, 2014; Bergman & Jansson, 2010). Runt 2006 gjorde jag en första genomgång av forskning om polisutbildning. Då upptäcktes en lucka i forskning om yrkesutbildare som aktiva subjekt i sitt yrkeslärande (Se Webster-Wright, 2009), i synnerhet studier av poliser som är polisutbildare. Speciellt noterade jag en avsaknad av svensk forskning på hur polisutbildare hanterar frågorna ovan och hur de ser sig på sig själva som utbildare i detta sammanhang. Ett kunskapsintresse började på så sätt mejslas fram och blev inledningen till ett explorativt forskningsprojekt inom yrkesutbildningsfältet, ett projekt som skulle pågå i över tio år. Slutresultatet blev denna doktorsavhandling om polisers individuella och kollektiva upplevelser av uppdraget som polisutbildare och presenteras i form av sammanläggning av en redan publicerad licentiatuppsats om polislärare (delstudie ett) samt två artiklar rörande aspiranthandledare (delstudie två), och aspirantinstruktörer (delstudie tre). Jag menar att denna avhandling kan vara intressant även för andra yrkesutbildningar, både vad gäller frågor om grundutbildning såväl som vidareutbildning, men även rörande förändring, utveckling och lärande i en yrkespraktik. Kunskapsbidraget är främst empiriskt eftersom polisutbildare, internationellt och i Sverige, i begränsad omfattning har undersökts. Avhandlingen bidrar också i metodologiskt avseende då främst intervjuer i fokusgrupper använts, vilket är ovanligt i polisforskning. Dessutom tillämpas ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på idéer från bland annat John Dewey, Jennifer A. Moon och Ludwik Fleck, i en kombination som kan vara en inspiration för andra liknande studier med fokus på utvecklingsprocesser i yrkesutbildning och yrkesverksamhet.

Investigation of the crust in the southern Karoo using the seismic reflection technique

Loots, Letticia 07 July 2014 (has links)
Several seismic reflection surveys were conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s under the auspices of the SA National Geophysics Programme. These surveys targeted the Bushveld Complex, Limpopo Mobile Belt (Limpopo Province), Witwatersrand Basin, Vredefort Dome and the Beattie magnetic anomaly (BMA) in the Southern Karoo. The ~100 km seismic reflection profile described in this study (SAGS-03-92) covers the BMA, the Southern Cape Conductive Belt (SCCB) and the Karoo/Cape Fold Belt boundary. The profile runs from approximately Droëkloof in the south to Beaufort West in the north along the N12 national road. The profile was acquired in 1992, but the complete profile was not interpreted or published prior to this study. The purpose of this study is to successfully reprocess the data and to do a structural and stratigraphic interpretation in order to try and understand the geological history and processes that led up to the formation of the rocks in that area. SAGS-03-92 reveals a clear image of the crust in the southern Karoo. The crust is interpreted to be around 37 km thick in the area of investigation and can be classed into three parts: upper crust, middle crust and lower crust. The upper crust consists of the Karoo and Cape Supergroup rocks that dip slightly to the south. This interpretation has been confirmed by two deep boreholes (BH No. 3 and KW 1/67). The seismic fabric shows quite a strong character in the upper crust and the interpreted boundaries between the different lithologies (The Table Mountain, Bokkeveld and Witteberg Groups of the Cape Supergroup and the Dwyka, Ecca and Beaufort Groups of the Karoo Supergroup) are for the most part quite easy to identify. Within the Cape Fold Belt (CFB), however, the seismic character becomes distorted in such a way that it is very difficult to make out any features. This is possibly due to the severe faulting and folding that occurred when the CFB formed. An unconformity that can continually be followed throughout the profile (although it disappears in the south of the profile possibly due to deformation when the CFB formed) separates the upper crust from the middle crust and the unconformity is clearly indicated by a strong series of reflectors on the seismic profile. The middle crust is interpreted to consist of granitic-gneisses belonging to the Bushmanland Terrane (part of the Namaqua-Natal Belt (NNB)). The seismic profile suggests that the NNB gneisses continue beneath the Cape Fold Belt. The seismic fabric dips steeply to the north. The middle crust also hosts the source of the Beattie Magnetic Anomaly (BMA). There is an area of high reflectivity under the BMA on the seismic profile that differs significantly from the surrounding seismic character. This area is characterised by a beanshaped cluster of strong reflections dipping north and south. It is ~10 km wide, with a thickness of ~8 km and occurs at a depth of ~6 km to ~10 km. The lower crust is interpreted to consist of either granites belonging to the Areachap Terrane, Richtersveld or Kheis Province (NNB) or rocks belonging to the Kheis Province. The seismic fabric of the lower crust dips moderately to the south. The Moho is recognised at ~37 km depth at ~68 km from the south of the profile, but for the rest of the profile, it is unclear where the Moho is encountered. The research done for this study correlates well with work done under the auspices of Inkaba yeAfrica, especially the work done by Ansa Lindeque

As singularidades dos saberes de professores de LE : que luzes estão sendo lançadas no ensino? /

Marinho, Bruna Ramos. January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: João Antonio Telles / Banca: Fernanda Liberalli / Banca: Creobel Franco Maimone / Resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa é viabilizar a produção de outros modos de pensar a educação de professores de línguas estrangeiras. Buscamos construir contextos não convencionais de pesquisa nos quais os profissionais possam refletir acerca de sua experiência de ensino/aprendizagem de línguas. Para tanto, nos baseamos metodologicamente na Pesquisa Educacional com Base nas Artes (Eisner, 1991)cujo recurso principal é um espetáculo teatral, denominado Parâmetros em Análise. Tal espetáculo foi construído a partir de temas inspirados nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Foram apresentados dez espetáculos em diversas instituições das redes de ensino oficial e particulares do Estado de São Paulo. No palco do espetáculo, foram representadas, artisticamente, cenas do dia-a-dia e do fazer pedagógico dos professores de línguas estrangeiras, assim como, os seus conflitos e dilemas profissionais. Após o espetáculo ocorreu uma reflexão crítica compartilhada entre a platéia composta por professores, educadores de professores e alunos de Letras. O espetáculo e a reflexão compõem aquilo que Foucault (Deleuze, 1988) conceitua como sendo um dispositivo. Para o filósofo, dispositivos são máquinas de fazer ver e falar. Eles formam uma espécie de instrumento teórico com o qual contamos para visualizar as práticas sociais que se dão na escola. As reflexões realizadas pelos professores indicam um desencontro entre aquilo que professores e alunos estão atualizando nas suas práticas e, aquilo que propõem certas pesquisas, políticas educacionais e o funcionamento da estrutura institucional da escola. / Abstract: The objective of this paper is to make the production of "other" ways of thinking over education of foreign language teachers possible. We intend to construct non-conventional contexts of research, in which the professionals can think over their language learning/teaching experiences. For that, we are based methodologically on the Educational Research based on Arts (Eisner, 1991) whose chief resource is the dramatic performance, called Patterns in Analysis. Such performance was built from themes inspired in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Ten performances were acted in several public and private institutions of education in the State of São Paulo. On the stage, everyday scenes and the pedagogical work of foreign language teachers were acted artistically, such as, their conflicts and professional dilemmas. After the performance, a critical reflection shared by the audience composed by teachers, teachers' professors and students took place. The performance and the reflection compose what Foucault (Deleuze, 1988) considers as a device. To the philosopher, devices are machines of making see and speak. They constitute a theoretical instrument that we use to analyze the social experiences that happen at schools. The reflections arisen by the teachers indicate a discordance from what teachers and students have been passing through a process of modification in their experiences and, from what some researches, educational policies and the operation of the institutional structure of the school propose. / Mestre

A própria forma do bárbaro domínio: elementos da composição poética em \'O Guesa\', de Sousândrade / The own form of the wild nature: elements of the poetic composition in Sousândrade\' s \'O Guesa\'

Reinato, Pedro Martins 05 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar alguns elementos estéticos presentes na criação da obra O Guesa, do poeta maranhense Joaquim de Sousa Andrade, mais conhecido como Sousândrade. Procura-se demonstrar que a forma de sua poesia não consiste apenas em um capricho da subjetividade romântica, carente de programa estético definido. A partir da liberdade das formas conquistada no romantismo, o poeta demonstra lucidez em sua criação poética, utilizando a \"reflexão\", a \"imaginação\" e a \"fragmentação\" para criar uma forma de objetivação homóloga à natureza selvagem da lenda do muísca do Guesa. Além disso, tal forma poética estabelece-se como meio de expressão de seus conflitos internos e da sua visão acerca dos conflitos sociais de sua época. / This paper seeks examine some of the aesthetic elements present in the creation of O Guesa, of maranhense poet Joaquim de Sousa Andrade, better known as Sousândrade. Looking up show that the form of his poetry not just in a romantic whim of subjectivity, lacking in aesthetic programme defined. From the freedom of forms conquered in romanticism, the poet demonstrates clarity in his poetic creation, using the \"reflection\", the \"imagination\" and the \"fragmentation\" to create a form of objetivation counterpart to the wild nature of the muísca legend of Guesa. Moreover, such a poetic establishes itself as a means of expression of their internal conflicts and their vision about the social conflicts of his time.

O fato da consciência como primeiro princípio da filosofia: teoria da representação / The fact of consciousness as the first principle of philosophy: theory of representation

Fracalossi, Ivanilde Aparecida Vieira Cardoso 16 August 2013 (has links)
A meta deste trabalho em um primeiro momento é a de analisar e compreender o pensamento de Reinhold encadeado na primeira edição das Cartas sobre a filosofia kantiana e no período da Filosofia elementar, tendo como foco o fato da consciência como primeiro princípio de toda a filosofia e o propósito de unificação sistemática, em que o autor almeja unir o que em Kant estava separado, isto é, o autor propõe que tanto a filosofia teórica quanto a prática saiam do mesmo princípio e, para isso, inverte a dedução transcendental de Kant ao partir do Incondicionado e ao estabelecer graus de espontaneidade na estrutura transcendental da representação. É nesse movimento e nas questões problemáticas que ele engendra que focalizamos nossos esforços e, em um segundo momento, concentramo-nos na filosofia prática, onde queremos mostrar a importância do legado deixado por Reinhold e o quanto ele se afasta da filosofia kantiana ao introduzir e desenvolver a teoria dos impulsos no fundamento da faculdade de desejar. Tais impulsos, ao instituírem a ligação entre as faculdades e a força representante, são responsáveis pela decisão entre o mero desejo e a ação concreta, entre a possibilidade e a efetividade da representação. / The goal of this work is to analyze and understand the thought of Reinhold chained in the first edition of the Letters on the Kantian philosophy and in the period of Elementary philosophy, focusing on the fact of consciousness as the first principle of the whole philosophy and the purpose of systematic unification, in which the author aspires to unify what was separated in Kant, that is, the author proposes that both theoretical and practical philosophy come out the same principle and, for this, he reverses Kant\'s transcendental deduction starting from Unconditional and establishing degrees of spontaneity in the transcendental structure of representation. It is in this movement and in the problematic questions it engenders that we focalize our efforts, and secondly we centralize ourselves on practical philosophy, where we want to demonstrate the importance of the legacy left by Reinhold and how it become distanced of Kantian philosophy when introduces and develops the theory of drives in the ground of the faculty of desire that, making the connection between the faculties and the representational force, are responsible for the decision between the mere desire and concrete action, between the possibility and effectiveness of representation.

Developing a "Theology in the Order of Discovery": The Method and Contribution of James Alison

Edwards, John Paul January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Brian D. Robinette / This dissertation seeks to develop the theological method operative within James Alison's growing theological corpus, which he describes concisely as a "theology in the order of the discovery." I will argue that the value and contribution of his method lies in the careful and consistent attention that he pays to the ongoing, reciprocal relationship that exists between persons' experiences of receiving faith (that is, experiences of conversion) and persons' attempts to understand the content of that faith through a process of self-reflexive appropriation of it (that is, through engagement in the activity of theological reflection). In the introductory chapter, after defining the key terms of the project, I situate my investigation into Alison's method within the context of several twentieth and twenty-first century Christian theological movements: experiential/transcendental theology, dialectical theology, narrative or postliberal theology, and a theology of proclamation. These comparisons allow for an initial articulation of the characteristics of what I will present increasingly more explicitly throughout the dissertation as Alison's "inductive" theology. Part I of the dissertation, consisting of chapter two, presents the mimetic anthropology of René Girard as the primary intellectual influence on Alison's conception of theology. It considers Girard's gradual development of the terminology that he has employed to express his deepening understanding of the operation of mimetic desire, rivalry, and conversion in order to show that Girard's attempt to develop "a Gospel anthropology" requires a systematic theological perspective to give it greater coherence. With this context in place, Part II proceeds with my study of Alison's theological method. Chapter three develops Alison's implicit understanding of one movement in the reciprocal relationship between the experience of conversion and the activity of theological reflection, namely, the movement from conversion to theological reflection, and it presents theology as a fruit of conversion. The primary aim of the chapter is to show that Alison's view of the New Testament accounts of the resurrection appearances leads him to begin to understand the reciprocal relationship between conversion and theology that has guided his theological performance throughout his career. Chapter four develops Alison's implicit view of the reciprocal movement from theological expression to the potential conversion experiences of others, that is, it presents theology as an occasion for conversion. It draws out Alison's implicit understanding of theology as an act of witness which can provide an occasion for the Spirit of Christ to make the crucified and risen Christ present both to the one giving witness and to those that receive that witness. I conclude in chapter five by demonstrating Alison's inductive theological approach as it is operative in several excerpts from his writings. I then begin to demonstrate the fruitfulness of Alison's inductive method by exploring how this method might contribute to three theological and ministerial questions in need of renewed consideration. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.

Engaging Teachers in the Reflective Process: How one Massachusetts School District Facilitates and Sustains Teacher Growth

Imel, Telena S., McManus, Philip B., Palmer, Maryanne, Panarese, Christine January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lauri Johnson / This qualitative case study examined the perceptions of teachers and leaders in one Massachusetts school district about the actions of school leaders that engaged teachers in the reflective process. Utilizing Lave and Wenger's (1991) "Communities of Practice" as a framework enabled the researcher to examine the extent to which a social process of learning existed and whether the district's current structures and conditions engaged teachers in the reflective process. The findings from this study drew upon interview, observation, and document data to explore teacher and leader views regarding specific leadership actions (or inactions) that supported and facilitated teacher engagement in the examination of their practice and whether teachers viewed those actions as impacting their ability to reflect. Results indicated that school leaders implemented anticipatory and ongoing actions to create necessary preconditions, which fostered teacher reflection. Data revealed a district belief that reflective dialogue in pairs (teacher to teacher or teacher to administrator) or in groups (faculty meetings, grade level or departmental meeting) was important to educator growth. Administrators' actions, which engaged teachers in a reflective process, were perceived to be those associated with being an instructional leader. Recommendations include helping district leaders understand the role and design of collaborative reflection as well as the role of the principal in order to plan and implement effective professional learning, which develops reflective practitioners. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Subjetividade e sistema na filosofia transcendental de Kant / Subjectivity and system in Kant\'s transcendental philosophy

Pires, Marcio 30 January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese busca investigar como alguns desdobramentos da filosofia transcendental de Kant permitem conjugar a relação entre a tarefa crítica e a sistemática. A hipótese geral da pesquisa visa destacar a função da noção de sistema, na medida em que essa noção é esboçada, a partir da Crítica da razão pura, sob um ideal de racionalidade que encontra seu modelo geral em figuras como o organismo, a arquitetônica e o ideal transcendental. Uma vez determinadas estas caracterizações, busca-se indicar o respaldo que elas ganham no interior da compreensão da subjetividade, tal como ela é construída pela empreitada analítica da filosofia kantiana. Trata-se assim de evidenciar a complementaridade, ou também a tensão, entre o procedimento sistemático, exigido como expressão essencial de racionalidade, e o estabelecimento de uma subjetividade que, para além das fissuras que nela possam ser descobertas, tem que ser possuidora de um recurso reflexivo que permita atender à demanda sistemática de autocompreensão da razão. O elemento fundamental dessa investigação é a crítica de Kant à faculdade do juízo, por onde se torna possível pensar as demandas sistemáticas aliadas à pressuposição de um sujeito crítico e reflexivo. / This thesis investigates how some implications of Kants transcendental philosophy allow combining the relationship between the critical and systematic task. The general hypothesis of the research aims to highlight the role of the concept of system, insofar as this notion is outlined, from the Critique of Pure Reason, under an ideal of rationality that finds its general model in elements like the organism, the architectonic and the transcendental ideal. Once you have determined these characterizations, we try to indicate the support that they gain within the understanding of subjectivity as it is constructed from analytical works of Kant\'s philosophy. It intends therefore to highlight the complementarity or also the tension between the systematic procedure, required as an essential expression of rationality, and the establishment of a subjectivity that, in addition to the breaches that can be discovered in it, must be in possession of a reflective resource to meet the systematic demand of selfunderstanding of reason. The key element of this research is Kants critique of judgment, by which it becomes possible to think of the systematic demands allied to the assumption of a critical and reflective subject.

How do child welfare supervisors approach ethical dilemmas in their practice?

Rooke, Susan 29 April 2019 (has links)
Although there is extensive literature on supervision in the human services, there is limited research specific to the stories from supervisors in child welfare, in particular in Canada. This inquiry sought to understand how child welfare supervisors navigated through ethical dilemmas in their practice and how their approach influenced decision making. In addition, specific attention was paid on whether these practitioners used critical reflection in their approach to decision making. Findings indicated that these child welfare supervisors relied primarily on their personal moral framework. They encountered frequent dilemmas in highly complex work environments. Further, they endured ethical tensions as a result of not being able to enact their ethics amid work place barriers. These ongoing tensions often resulted in leaving these supervisors depleted emotionally and physically. Critical reflection in action was used in some cases when examining the context of the family in the process of ethical decision making. As with recent studies, this inquiry found that child welfare supervisors often stepped away from reflection in action for self-preservation and relied more heavily on reflection on action. Implications for future studies and recommendations for child welfare practice are discussed. / Graduate

Crítica e autonomia em Kant: a forma legislativa entre determinação e reflexão / Critique and autonomy in Kant: the legislative form between determination and reflection

Keinert, Mauricio Cardoso 29 January 2007 (has links)
A tese procura relacionar os conceitos de critica e autonomia na filosofia de Immanuel Kant por meio do seguinte recorte: a noção de forma legislativa, analisada à luz dos juízos determinante e reflexionante, permite vislumbrar um caráter positivo para a critica, para além do costumeiro caráter negativo a ela sempre atrelado. Com isso, é a própria idéia de autonomia que, extrapolando o seu \"lugar de origem\" na arquitetônica da razão, passa a ser a chave de interpretação de tal caráter positivo. Para isso, é necessário a este trabalho três passos argumentativos: analisar, em primeiro lugar, o próprio conceito kantiano de filosofia a partir da relação entre os conceitos acadêmico e mundano, definidos por Kant na Lógica. Em segundo lugar, trata-se de analisar uma possível vinculação entre o conceito de finalidade e as relações entre forma e reflexão, inerentes a possíveis representações da natureza. Por fim, através dos conceitos de fundamentação e aplicação, procura-se redimensionar o conceito de autonomia que se encontra na Critica da razão pratica. / This work aims to establish a relationship between the concepts of critique and autonomy in Immanuel Kant\'s philosophy, through the notion of legislative form. In regard to determining and reflecting judgments, that notion makes it possible to notice a positive aspect of the critique, going beyond the usually recognized negative aspect. Therewith, it is the idea of autonomy that, beyond its \"original place\" in the architectonic of reason, becomes the interpretive key to such a positive aspect. In order to show it, this work is divided into three steps: firstly, it must analyse Kant\'s concept of philosophy having in view the relationship between the academic and the wordly concepts of philosophy as defined by Kant in his Logic. Secondly, it must discuss a possible bond between the concept of finality and those of form and reflection which are inherent to possible representations of nature. Thirdly, it must, through the concepts of foundation and application, reconsider the concept of autonomy from the Critique of practical reason.

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