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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unsupervised pattern-based regionalization of large multi-categorical raster maps using machine vision methods

Niesterowicz, Jacek 07 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Thinking outside the triangle: collusion and rivalry between transnational corporations and the state in Batam, Indonesia

Field, Elliot R. 05 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudes towards the Region of Öresund among transnational work commuters

Waldemarsson, Åsa, Hofstam, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
This study is concerned with the region of Öresund and the aspects of work commuting in particular. The purpose is to investigate attitudes and opinions towards the region among work commuters and then apply them to various theories relevant for the questioning, such as globalization, regionalization, ethnicity, nationalism, culture and identity. To investigate the attitudes towards the region we have done a number of interviews with commuters, using qualitative and semi-structured questions. The analysis is divided into three different parts; In Body and in Mind, Us and Them, the Future; and consists of a discussion of our informants’ answers related to the theoretical aspects of the earlier mentioned theories. Our results show that our informants feel a geographical connection to the region but that more common cultural references are needed to be able to speak of a mental connection within the region of Öresund.

The United Nations and Regional Security: Europe and Beyond.

Pugh, Michael C., Sidhu, W.P.S. January 2003 (has links)
No / Events in Europe over the past decade or so have created a dynamic requiring significant conceptual and practical adjustments on the part of the the United Nations and a range of regional actors, including the EU, NATO, and the OSCE. This volume explores the resulting collaborative relationships in the context of peace operations in the Balkans, considering past efforts and developing specific suggestions for effective future interactions between the UN and its regional partners. The authors also consider the implications of efforts in Europe for the regionalization of peace and security operations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Frequency Analysis of Droughts Using Stochastic and Soft Computing Techniques

Sadri, Sara January 2010 (has links)
In the Canadian Prairies recurring droughts are one of the realities which can have significant economical, environmental, and social impacts. For example, droughts in 1997 and 2001 cost over $100 million on different sectors. Drought frequency analysis is a technique for analyzing how frequently a drought event of a given magnitude may be expected to occur. In this study the state of the science related to frequency analysis of droughts is reviewed and studied. The main contributions of this thesis include development of a model in Matlab which uses the qualities of Fuzzy C-Means (FCMs) clustering and corrects the formed regions to meet the criteria of effective hydrological regions. In FCM each site has a degree of membership in each of the clusters. The algorithm developed is flexible to get number of regions and return period as inputs and show the final corrected clusters as output for most case scenarios. While drought is considered a bivariate phenomena with two statistical variables of duration and severity to be analyzed simultaneously, an important step in this study is increasing the complexity of the initial model in Matlab to correct regions based on L-comoments statistics (as apposed to L-moments). Implementing a reasonably straightforward approach for bivariate drought frequency analysis using bivariate L-comoments and copula is another contribution of this study. Quantile estimation at ungauged sites for return periods of interest is studied by introducing two new classes of neural network and machine learning: Radial Basis Function (RBF) and Support Vector Machine Regression (SVM-R). These two techniques are selected based on their good reviews in literature in function estimation and nonparametric regression. The functionalities of RBF and SVM-R are compared with traditional nonlinear regression (NLR) method. As well, a nonlinear regression with regionalization method in which catchments are first regionalized using FCMs is applied and its results are compared with the other three models. Drought data from 36 natural catchments in the Canadian Prairies are used in this study. This study provides a methodology for bivariate drought frequency analysis that can be practiced in any part of the world.

Frequency Analysis of Droughts Using Stochastic and Soft Computing Techniques

Sadri, Sara January 2010 (has links)
In the Canadian Prairies recurring droughts are one of the realities which can have significant economical, environmental, and social impacts. For example, droughts in 1997 and 2001 cost over $100 million on different sectors. Drought frequency analysis is a technique for analyzing how frequently a drought event of a given magnitude may be expected to occur. In this study the state of the science related to frequency analysis of droughts is reviewed and studied. The main contributions of this thesis include development of a model in Matlab which uses the qualities of Fuzzy C-Means (FCMs) clustering and corrects the formed regions to meet the criteria of effective hydrological regions. In FCM each site has a degree of membership in each of the clusters. The algorithm developed is flexible to get number of regions and return period as inputs and show the final corrected clusters as output for most case scenarios. While drought is considered a bivariate phenomena with two statistical variables of duration and severity to be analyzed simultaneously, an important step in this study is increasing the complexity of the initial model in Matlab to correct regions based on L-comoments statistics (as apposed to L-moments). Implementing a reasonably straightforward approach for bivariate drought frequency analysis using bivariate L-comoments and copula is another contribution of this study. Quantile estimation at ungauged sites for return periods of interest is studied by introducing two new classes of neural network and machine learning: Radial Basis Function (RBF) and Support Vector Machine Regression (SVM-R). These two techniques are selected based on their good reviews in literature in function estimation and nonparametric regression. The functionalities of RBF and SVM-R are compared with traditional nonlinear regression (NLR) method. As well, a nonlinear regression with regionalization method in which catchments are first regionalized using FCMs is applied and its results are compared with the other three models. Drought data from 36 natural catchments in the Canadian Prairies are used in this study. This study provides a methodology for bivariate drought frequency analysis that can be practiced in any part of the world.

Minorité musulmane en contexte migratoire : étude de cas d’une mosquée à Saguenay

Boucher, Yannick 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis les dernières décennies, la composition de la population québécoise, en lien avec l’immigration, est amenée à se modifier de plus en plus. Les politiques de régionalisation mises sur pied par l’État québécois ainsi que la présence de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi encouragent vivement l’essor d’une nouvelle diversité au sein de la population du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. La présence musulmane, même si elle représente une faible proportion de l’immigration totale, constitue une nouvelle réalité pour une région éloignée des grands centres. L’exploration de l'établissement d'immigrants de confession musulmane en région s’insère donc dans un contexte politique (régionalisation de l’immigration) et social particulier (populations minoritaires) et où les questions soulevées demandent une plus grande attention de la part des chercheurs. Comment se vit l'islam et quelle forme prend cette religion en contexte migratoire? De quelle manière ces populations vivant désormais en situation minoritaire composent-elles avec cette nouvelle réalité? À quelles stratégies les musulmans ont-ils recours pour vivre leur croyance et les pratiques qui en découlent? La mosquée joue-t-elle un rôle particulier dans le parcours d’établissement des personnes qui la fréquentent? Quels rapports les musulmans à Saguenay entretiennent-ils vis-à-vis de leur nouvelle société de résidence? Cette recherche nous aidera à mieux cerner comment l'établissement d’immigrants de confession musulmane évolue au sein d’une société historiquement et culturellement non musulmane. / Since the seventies, the composition of the population of Quebec has changed through immigration. The policies of regionalization set up by the Québec government as well as the presence of the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi have given rise to a new ethnic and religious diversity in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region. Though the number of Muslims in the area is still low, their presence constitutes a new reality for an area far away from the big urban centers. The exploration of Muslims migrants settlement in Saguenay fits into a particular political and social context, formed on the one hand by the policy of regionalization of immigration, and on the other, by Muslims status as a minority population. The raised questions ask for a bigger attention for the researchers. How Muslims lives their Islam and which form takes this religion in migratory context? Does the mosque play a particular role in the Muslims settlement? What kind of relation do the Muslims in Saguenay have with the host society? This research will help us to understand how Muslim settlement in this area evolves within a culturally and historically non-muslim society, where the visibility of Islam is a recent event.

Etude régionale des crues éclair de l'arc méditerranéen français. Elaboration de méthodologies de transfert à des bassins versants non jaugés / Flash floods in the french mediterranean region ; toward transfer methodologies for ungauged catchments

Garambois, Pierre-André 23 November 2012 (has links)
D’un point de vue climatique la région méditerranéenne est propice aux évènements pluvio-orageux intenses, particulièrement en automne. Ces pluies s’abattent sur des bassins versants escarpés. La promptitude des crues ne laisse qu’un temps très court pour la prévision. L’amplitude de ces crues dépend de la grande variabilité des pluies et des caractéristiques des bassins versants. Les réseaux d'observations ne sont habituellement pas adaptés à ces petites échelles spatiales et l'intensité des événements affecte souvent la fiabilité des données quand elles existent d’où l’existence de bassin non jaugés. La régionalisation en hydrologie s’attache à la détermination de variables hydrologiques aux endroits où ces données manquent. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à poser les bases d’une méthodologie adaptée à la transposition des paramètres d'un modèle hydrologique distribué dédié aux crues rapides de bassins versants bien instrumentés à des bassins versants non jaugés, et ce sur une large zone d’étude. L’outil utilisé est le modèle hydrologique distribué MARINE [Roux et al., 2011] dont l’une des originalités est de disposer d’un modèle adjoint permettant de mener à bien des calibrations et des analyses de sensibilité spatio-temporelles qui servent à améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de crue et à l’assimilation de données en temps réel pour la prévision. L’étude des sensibilités du modèle MARINE aborde la compréhension des processus physiques. Une large gamme de comportements hydrologiques est explorée. On met en avant quelques types de comportements des bassins versants pour la région d’étude [Garambois et al., 2012a]. Une sélection des évènements de calibration et une technique de calibration multi évènements aident à l’extraction d’un jeu de paramètres par bassin versant. Ces paramétrisations sont testées sur des évènements de validation. Une méthode de décomposition de la variance des résultats conduit aux sensibilités temporelles du modèle à ses paramètres. Cela permet de mieux appréhender la dynamique des processus physiques rapides en jeu lors de ces crues [Garambois et al., 2012c]. Les paramétrisations retenues sont transférées à l’aide de similarités hydrologiques sur des bassins versants non jaugés, à des fins de prévision opérationnelle / Climate and orography in the Mediterranean region tend to promote intense rainfalls, particularly in autumn. Storms often hit steep catchments. Flood quickness only let a very short time lapse for forecasts. Peak flow intensity depends on the great variability of rainfalls and catchment characteristics. As a matter of facts, observation networks are not adapted to these small space-time scales and event severity often affects data fiability when they exist thus the notion of ungauged catchment emerges. Regionalization in hydrology seeks to determine hydrological variables at locations where these data lack. This work contributes to pose the bases of a methodology adapted to transpose parameterizations of a flash flood dedicated distributed hydrologic model from gauged catchments to ungauged ones, and for a large study area. The MARINE distributed hydrologic model is used [Roux et al., 2011], its originality lies in the automatically differentiated adjoint model able to perform calibrations and spatial-temporal sensitivity analysis, in order to improve understanding in flash flood generating mechanisms and real time data assimilation for hydrometeorological forecasts. MARINE sensitivity analysis addresses the question of physical process understanding. A large panel of hydrologic behaviours is explored. General catchment behaviours are highlighted for the study area [Garambois et al., 2012a]. Selected flood events and a multiple events calibration technique help to extract catchment parameter sets. Those parameterizations are tested on validation events. A variance decomposition method leads to parameter temporal sensitivity analysis. It enables better understanding in catching dynamics of physical processes involved in flash floods formation [Garambois et al., 2012c]. Parameterizations are then transfered from gauged catchments with hydrologic similarity to ungauged ones with a view to develop real time flood forecasting

Descentralização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no Estado do Ceará: a experiência na microrregião de Baturité / Descentralization of the Unic Health System in Ceará State: the experience on the Baturité District

Mota, Maria Vaudelice 22 March 2007 (has links)
O Sistema Único de Saúde apresenta a descentralização da gestão das ações de saúde como uma das principais estratégias para a reorganização do setor. O poder municipal se apresenta como o principal responsável pela prestação da assistência da atenção à saúde, garantindo os princípios da universalidade e da integralidade do atendimento em todos os níveis da atenção. As Normas Operacionais Básicas e as Normas de Assistência à Saúde estabeleceram os mecanismos que impulsionaram o processo de descentralização das ações de saúde. O Estado do Ceará iniciou o processo de descentralização das ações de saúde para os municípios ao aderir ao Programa de Sistemas Unificados e Descentralizados de Saúde (SUDS). O estudo descreve este processo de descentralização, com ênfase na microrregião de Baturité, a partir da descentralização político-administrativa, da organização da regionalização e hierarquização como a identificação de mudanças no processo de atenção à saúde, a partir das ações de atenção à saúde da mulher, à saúde da criança, de controle de tuberculose e de controle de hipertensão O referencial do estudo foi a base normativa da Norma Operacional de Assistência à Saúde - 2001 (NOAS/ 2001). As condições oferecidas aos municípios para efetivar a descentralização das ações de saúde contribuíram para uma melhor estruturação dos serviços de saúde, resultado numa maior cobertura em ações básicas a partir da estratégia da Saúde da Família, e melhor organização da atenção em termos de hierarquização e regionalização como maior percentual de aplicação de recursos financeiros próprio. / The Brazilian Unified Health System presents the decentralization of management of health actions as one of the main strategies for reorganization of the sector. City Hall proves to be the main agent accountable for provision of health care support, guaranteeing the principles of universality and completeness of services at all levels of care. The Basic Operational Norms and Health Care Norms established the mechanisms which drove the process of decentralization of health actions. The state of Ceará began the process of decentralization of health actions to municipal administrations upon adhering to the Unified Health System (SUDS). This study describes this process of decentralization, with emphasis on the Baturité District, in terms of its political-administrative decentralization, organization of regionalization and ranking as identification of changes in the process of health care, based on health care services for women, children, tuberculosis control and control of high blood pressure. The benchmark for the study was the normative framework of the Health Care Operational Norms - NOAS/2001. The conditions offered to municipal administrations to perform decentralization of healthcare contributed to improvement in the Family Health structure, resulting in greater coverage in basic care from the standpoint of Family Health and better organization of care in terms of hierarchy and regionalization such as best percentage of investment of own financial resources.

La régionalisation sanitaire : réflexions sur un processus inabouti / Health sector regionalization : thoughts on an unfinished process

Chatfield, Christopher 21 September 2018 (has links)
A partir des années 1990 l’administration sanitaire s’est inscrite dans un mouvement de régionalisation ayant conduit à l’installation des agences régionales de santé. Ces structures, ainsi que les méthodes choisies pour réorganiser le pilotage régional des affaires sanitaires, marquent l’importation dans le secteur de la santé des tendances ayant touché la rénovation de l’appareil administratif français.Tout au long du XXème siècle, la territorialisation des politiques publiques a suivi le tempo d’une valse à deux temps, mêlant déconcentration et décentralisation. Dès lors, il est possible de se questionner sur la place accordéeaux collectivités territoriales dans le pilotage sanitaire régional. L’investissement particulier de certaines collectivités, comme l’ancienne Région Nord-Pas de Calais, alimente d’ailleurs ces interrogations.Après avoir observé la place accordée aux collectivités dans l’architecture sanitaire, nous nous interrogerons sur les raisons pouvant expliquer celle-ci, tout particulièrement en ce qui concerne la Région. A bien des égards les choix opérés apparaissent à contre temps des dynamiques juridiques et politiques sur lesquelles s’appuie aujourd’hui la décentralisation, envisagée globalement. Nous essaierons de comprendre les raisons pouvant expliquer un traitement différencié des questions de la santé, avant d’envisager ce que pourrait être une décentralisation sanitaire ; c’est-à-dire, en somme, un aboutissement de la régionalisation sanitaire. / From the 1990’s health administration became part of a regionalization movement resulting in the setting up of the regional health agencies. These structures, and the methods adopted to reorganize the regional steering of health matters, marked the importing into the heath sector of the trends involved in the renovation of the French administrative machinery.Throughout the 20th century, the « territorialization » of the public policies followed the tempo of a two-step waltz, with a mix of « deconcentration » and decentralization. It is therefore possible to question the place given to thelocal authorities in the steering of regional health matters. The specific investment made by some authorities, such as the former Nord-Pas de Calais Region, raises further questions.After having observed the place given to the local authorities in the health architecture, we will look into the reasons for this, especially as regards the “Region”. In many respects the choices made do not appear to be in step with the legal and political dynamics on which decentralization, seen from a global standpoint, is based. We will try to understand the reasons behind this differential treatment of health issues, before looking ahead to what healthsector decentralization might be; i.e. in short, the completion of the health regionalization process.

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