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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weneya´a – "quien habla con los cerros”. Memoria, mántica y paisaje sagrado en la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca

Davila, Caroll isabelle 07 March 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche a eu pour but de documenter et interpréter le patrimoine culturel saa (zapotèque) des Bene Ya’a/En’ne I’ya, les habitants zapotèques de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, à partir des symboles transmis par les savoirs des weneya’a, les personnes “qui parlent avec les montagnes” et qui sont chargées des activités rituelles de leurs communautés.Les weneya’a donnent une signification à leur patrimoine culturel, à leurs lieux sacrés, à leur temps liturgique, à la vie et à la mort. En ce sens ils sont indispensables pour la transmission des valeurs culturelles et identitaires fondamentales à leurs communautés. Leurs savoirs, ainsi que leur langue dilla ya’a/tíza i’ya sont vecteurs de symboles qui s’inscrivent au sein d’une continuité culturelle du peuple saa.Ces symboles ont été étudiés à partir de deux volets: le premier est centré sur les sessions mantiques réalisées par les weneya’a et les discours rituels qu’ils prononcent en ces occasions en dilla ya’a/tíza i’ya, le second concerne le paysage sacré et sa représentation au sein de la mémoire culturelle. Les deux volets de la recherche sont considérés à partir d’une perspective historique et se présentent, en parallèle, avec l’analyse de documents mantiques datant du XVIIème siècle ainsi qu’avec la prospection archéologique du paysage sacré. L’ensemble du travail, la documentation, tout comme l’interprétation, est le fruit d’une collaboration étroite avec les habitants des communautés où ont été effectuées les recherches.Les activités mantiques sont étudiées à partir d’entretiens et de sessions divinatoires avec les weneya’a provenant des régions Xhon (Cajonos) et Le’ya (Ixtlán). Les entretiens ont permis aux weneyaa de décrire et d’expliquer le sens qu’ils donnent à leurs activités ainsi qu’à l’environnement qui les entoure. Les sessions documentées ont été réalisées dans la communauté d’Exhu’ni (Abejones) et portent une attention particulière sur les symboles représentés lors des lectures ainsi que les prières prononcées durant les sessions en tíza Exhu’ni (zapotèque d’Abejones). Les documents mantiques datant du XVIIème siècle ont été analysés dans le cadre d’un séminaire organisé avec des enseignants de la région, pour qui le dilla ya’a/tíza i’ya est la langue maternelle.Il a été observé que les activités des weneya’a ne se limitent pas à l’activité mantique, mais concernent également les pratiques rituelles dans les lieux sacrés de la communauté. L’histoire de ces lieux a été interprétée de manière pluridisciplinaire, en créant un point de jonction entre les prospections archéologiques et les savoirs des habitants. Pour y parvenir, la signification de ces lieux dans la mémoire culturelle a été étudiée grâce aux explications des weneya’a, les narrations, les rituels qui y sont effectués ainsi que les discours liturgiques qui les accompagnent.Les recherches qui y sont réalisées permettent de contextualiser historiquement les savoirs des weneya’a, les inscrivant dans une continuité culturelle avec les témoignages historiques et archéologiques des Bene Saa, le peuple zapotèque. De plus, elles présentent de manière manifeste leur rôle comme protecteurs de leur patrimoine. Les weneyaa portent et préservent en leur mémoire la signification des symboles de leur culture, de leur paysage sacré, de leur patrimoine matériel et immatériel. Ils sont donc indispensables pour la revitalisation culturelle et identitaire de leurs communautés. Enfin, la méthodologie appliquée pour ce travail présente une approche centrée sur les citoyens et axée sur leur engagement communautaire pour la reconstruction de leur histoire. / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

De la transmission de la religion : rapports famille-école

Milot, Micheline 25 April 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche visait à préciser, dans le cadre d'une perspective théorique d'analyse culturelle (plus particulièrement inspirée de Peter L. Berger et Clifford Geertz), la part qui revient aux facteurs culturels sous-tendant le choix de la majorité des parents Québécois en faveur d'un enseignement religieux catholique pour leurs enfants à l'école primaire. La méthodologie de recherche utilisée est celle de la théorie empiriquement fondée, intégrant l'entrevue auprès de parents afin de dégager ce que ce choix signifie pour eux. L'insertion du religieux dans les schèmes de pensée s'est révélée prégnante, malgré le retrait institutionnel de la religion au plan social. La transmission de la religion à la jeune génération revêt un caractère fondamental pour les parents. Toutefois, on ne saurait interpréter la persistance de cette volonté de transmission comme une pratique atavique, imbue de traditionalisme. L'arrière-fond idéologique a subi une profonde mutation, en même temps qu'on assiste à l'érosion de la base ontologique de toute construction de sens. On y retrouve une combinaison syncrétique d'une mouvance d'individualisme (par l'appropriation individuelle des conceptions religieuses, désarticulée de la communauté croyante et de l'institution ecclésiale), aux mémoires spécifiques constitutives de l'héritage culturel. La demande d'une éducation religieuse s'est révélée symboliquement endogène au terreau structurant de la famille. Le contenu valorisé de cet héritage consiste en des schèmes religieux d'une culture de base, prisés en regard de leur contribution au projet de construction de sens et de balises existentielles pour l'individu. Un rôle essentiel est attribué à l'école, celle-ci étant perçue comme une instance de reproduction sociale et un lieu privilégié de la distribution sociale de la connaissance et de la compétence, en même temps qu'elle s'avère un lieu de diffusion des schèmes culturels fondamentaux supposés partagés par le groupe social. Selon les parents, l'école est ainsi en mesure de contribuer à ce que les schèmes religieux puissent acquérir une vraisemblance pour la conscience individuelle. Ce que nous dégageons des attitudes culturellement tissées à l'égard de la transmission de la religion a plusieurs implications concernant le rôle des enseignants et le négoce que ceux-ci peuvent entretenir avec les programmes scolaires. On s'attend principalement à ce que l'enseignant soit en concordance “anthropologique“ avec le milieu culturel dans lequel baignent les enfants et leurs parents, en respectant toutefois le contenu historique de l'"histoire de J é sus”. L'enseignement religieux à l'école s'avère en fait le cadre de référence dans lequel prennent place certaines idées, conceptions, espérances et quelques valeurs morales encore associées à l'univers religieux hérité et encore valorisé par les parents. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2016

Gemeindeaufbau und -Wachstum bei den Russlanddeutschen evangelikalen Christen in Deutschland inmitten der Spannung von Einwanderung und Integration / Church planting and church growth among evangelical Russian German Christians in Germany in the tension between immigration and integration

Klassen, John Niebuhr 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die Arbeit ist eine ekklesiologisch-rnissiologische Untersuchung einer Migrantengruppe, der uber eine Viertelrnillion zahlender Russlanddeutscher, evangelisch freikirchlicher Tradition, die innerhalb von 35 Jahren, beginnend rnit 1963, als Aussiedler aus der vorrnaligen Sowjetunion in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingewandert sind. Die Aussiedlung und Einwanderung geschah in Absprache beider Staaten als Farnilienzusarnrnenfiihrung von Menschen deutscher Volkszugehorigkeit, die durch den zweiten Weltkrieg getrennt worden waren. Ethnisch ein Tei! von rund 1.900.000 Menschen, die oft nach vielen, anstrengenden aber entschlossenen Bernilhungen die Erlaubnis erlangten auszureisen. In Deutschland wurden sie unerwartet freundlich und hilfreich aufgenornrnen. Da keine offiziellen Angaben fiber die Anzahl der eingewanderten freikirchlichen Aussiedler vorliegen, war das erste Ziel der Studie, ihre zahlenrnaBige GroBe festzustellen. Ergebnis: Etwa 270.000 Personen sind als Farnilien der baptistischen und rnennonitischen Freikirche zuzurechnen. Von ihnen hatten sich rund 55.000 Erwachsene dern christlichen Glauben zugewandt und sich diesen Gerneinden angeschlossen. Die anderen waren Minderjahrige oder der Gerneinde bisher ferngeblieben. Erst nach der Aufnahrne in das Land ihrer Yater rnerkten viele, dass sie Frernde in der Heirnat waren. Wollten sie nicht Frernde bleiben, rnussten sie sich sozial, kulturell und kirchlich durch Anpassung integrieren. Dieser Prozess ist schwer, weil der einzelne Einwanderer sich dazu verandern rnuss. Zunachst aber wollen viele bleiben wie sie sind und so leben, wie sie in der alten Heirnat gelebt hatten. Besonders schwierig erweist sich die kirchliche Integration. Etwa sechs von sieben freikirchlichen Aussiedlern ( etwa 48.000) haben eigene Gerneinden gegrilndet, die anderen ( etwa 7 .000) haben ihre geistliche Heirnat in bestehenden Gerneinden gefunden. Diese neugegrilndeten Gerneinden weisen flir die BRD eine uberdurchschnittliche Wachsturnsrate auf. Ein zweites Anliegen ging der Frage nach, wie diese Gerneinden wachsen: Durch neuen Zuzug aus der GUS oder durch Bekehrung und Taufe? Ergebnis: Von den rund 62.000 Mitglieder (aus den ursprilnglichen 48.000) in Aussiedlereigenen Gerneinden (Stand 1998) sind rund 24.500 Glaubige in Verbindung rnit der Taufe zur Gerneinde gekornrnen. Die Zahl der Aussiedler-Taufen in den einheirnischen Gerneinden ist nicht bekannt. Drittens wurde diskutiert, inwiefern die Gerneinden ihre Lebensordnung bewahren und trotzdern ihren Missionsauftrag wahrnehrnen konnen. / The thesis is an ecclesio-missiological study of a migrant group of more than a quarter of a million Russian Germans, by tradition free church evangelicals. Beginning in 1963, they migrated from the former Soviet Union as 'Aussiedler' (re-settlers) to the Federal Republic of Germany. The resettling - agreed upon by both states - was a program of re-uniting families that had been separated during the Second World War. Ethnically, part of a larger group of 1,900.000 German people who, after exhausting but determined efforts, were permitted to leave for Germany. Here being welcomed and given generous material and social support. As no statistics about evangelical free church family immigrants are recorded, the first aim of the research was to establish their numerical size. The result:: By 1998 some 270,000 family members of this confession had entered Germany. Of these about 55,000 were adult Christian believers who had become members of a Baptist or a Mennonite Church. The rest were minors or adults with no confession of faith to date. In the country of their forbears many of the 'Aussiedler' realised: ,,We are strangers in our homeland. If we do not want to remain strangers, we need to adjust culturally, socially and religiously". Initially many resisted change. Change in to religious customs was particularly difficult. As a result, many did not join existing churches but established new congregations where they could practice their faith in the traditions familiar to them. Since the new 'Aussiedler' churches have been growing at an above average growth rate, the second goal was to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon. How much growth was by immigrantion? How much by conversion and baptism? It was found that of the ca. 62,000 members in the Aussiedler congregations (1998) ca. 24,500 had joined through baptism. The others had come in by immigration. A third area of discussion related to the question: In how far can immigrant Christians retain their own culture and still be faithful to their missionary calling? / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Health Seeking Behaviour among the People of the Africa Gospel Church in Francistown

Kgwatalala, Gomotsang 28 February 2003 (has links)
This research was stimulated by an indication that members of the Africa Gospel Church do not utilise professional health care services optimally, probably due to religious reasons. This may also be the result of registered nurses’ inability to render culture congruent care. To render culture congruent care, nurses require knowledge of the belief system and the health seeking behaviours of the church members. The qualitative research investigated the religious beliefs and health seeking behaviours of members of the Africa Gospel Church in Francistown, Botswana. An exploratory ethnonursing research method was applied. Semi-structured interviews were held with two purposively selected samples. Qualitative data analysis was done using computer software to reduce data and interpret the research results. The study indicated that members utilise the Church structure for health care purposes and seek health care mainly from priests and prophets. / Advanced Nursing Sciences / M.A. (Nursing Science)

My community, my conscience and guide : communial influence on individual choices in Africa, with special reference to Zulu Proverbs

Manci, Thembayona Paulus Emmanuel 11 1900 (has links)
Life is the common denominator for all beings. Unless individuals are taught to be careful about how they deal with it, great harm could be caused to the whole ontological order. Life therefore is a public property for which precepts had to be established to guard against any misuse. This guarantees that life and its processes are used to everyone's advantage. The Community has put itself in position as the monitor of the processes of life. To it belongs the right to distribute, regulate and even withdraw life as different situations would warrant. The community is both the promulgator and the judge over vital matters. The individuals are taught to be conscientious in dealing with life. In making choices the individuals have to be conscious of the historical experiences of the community and be disposed to being influenced by it. Hence the Community becomes the Conscience and Guide. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.Th. (Religious Studies)

The role of Isaiah Shembe's Nazarite church focusing on the healing and caring ministry to people living with HIV/AIDS and their families in greater Pietermaritzburg area in KwaZulu-Natal.

Madima, Thilivhali Nathaniel. January 2003 (has links)
The special focus ofthe thesis is the ministry of healing and caring during the present HN/AIDS pandemic in Kwazulu-Natal. Hence the purpose of this thesis is to investigate Isaiah Shembe's Nazareth Church's healing and caring ministry to people living with HIV/AIDS and the affected members of their families in greater Pietermaritzburg area in Kwazulu-Natal. Healing and caring for the sick is the primary mission of this church. It is therefore important to investigate this church's healing and caring ministry to HIV/AIDS patients. This is important especially because it is generally believed that this disease is incurable. Does this church really heal or just care for these patients? In general this Church utilizes the healing and caring methods of both Jesus and African healing systems. Hence this study is a theological reflection on the effectiveness of the healing method that combines Jesus and African healing systems with special reference to HIV/AIDS. The study is therefore inspired by the assumption that the congregants of Shembe's Nazareth Church play an important role in fighting this killer disease in greater Pietermaritzburg area. Further the study reflected on both the successes and failures of this Church's ministry .The healing and caring ministry of iBandla lamaNazaretha makes a substantial contribution to the war against HIV/AIDS by the church and society. This exercise will hopefully help us to learn more as we strive to be relevant and true to the gospel even now in the time ofHIV/AIDS. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Lotus Pond, Bicultural Ripples: The Psychological Orientations of Korean-Canadian Practitioners of Buddhism

Choi, Glen S. 30 April 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines whether Buddhist beliefs and practices serve to reinforce and/or promote a Korean and/or Canadian cultural prism for next-generation Korean Buddhist practitioners in Toronto, Canada. I define Korean and Canadian cultural prisms based on the cross-cultural psychological framework of Individualism-Relational Collectivism (I-RC) and Analytical-Holistic (A-H) cognition. The aim of my research is to problematize culture in the construction of religious meaning and behaviour for relatively bicultural individuals. My research question can thus be summarized as follows: How is religious meaning and behaviour culturally constructed by next-generation Korean Buddhist practitioners in Canada? What role do individual cultural orientations and the different Buddhist cultural traditions play in this cultural construction and how does Buddhism compare to the other religions (namely Protestantism) practiced by younger-generation Korean-Canadians in this regard? By answering these questions, I ultimately hope to show whether the meaning system of Korean culture is preserved through religion among the younger generation of Korean Buddhist practitioners. I hypothesize that, due to the relatively non-authoritarian nature of Buddhism, the light of Buddhist beliefs and practices will predominantly be refracted through the a priori cultural prism of the individual in question, and the role of Buddhist doctrine and institutions in promoting a particular orientation (individualistic/relationally collectivistic and analytic/holistic) will be minimal and subordinate to the individual. The particular cultural orientation of this prism will, in turn, be dependent upon individual levels of monoculturalism (Korean or Canadian) or biculturalism (Korean and Canadian). In this way, Buddhism may serve to both preserve and undermine the Korean cultural meaning system. By comparison, I hypothesize that the relatively authoritarian nature of (Protestant) Christianity will likely encourage younger-generation Korean Christians to relate to their religion in a predominantly uniform way, regardless of the individual’s cultural orientation.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater : cultural reorientation of Black Pentecostalism in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, 1940-1975

Mofokeng, Thabang Richard 05 1900 (has links)
The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) of South Africa was established in 1908 and is regarded as the source from which Zionist and Apostolic Churches sprang. A study of archival records and secondary sources leads to a conclusion that the black Section of the AFM was, for many decades since its inception, almost indistinguishable from these churches in their beliefs, practices and appearance. The processes to rid the AFM of Zionism, which began in 1929, and were intensified from the 1940s, led to black Pentecostalism shedding most of its Zionist-like beliefs and practices to become an evangelical Pentecostal movement oddly aligned to white interests and expectations. These changes took place at the expense of black agency which Zionist-like Pentecostalism represented and was a testimony thereof. Central to the idea of agency is possession of an interest or idea and power to pursue this interest or realise one's idea. The loss of agency by black Pentecostals is lamentable; this study calls for a reawakening that will mobilise among others, black Pentecostals' cultural resources in theologising and expressing the gospel mandate in a reawakening Africa. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Church History)

Gemeindeaufbau und -Wachstum bei den Russlanddeutschen evangelikalen Christen in Deutschland inmitten der Spannung von Einwanderung und Integration / Church planting and church growth among evangelical Russian German Christians in Germany in the tension between immigration and integration

Klassen, John Niebuhr 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die Arbeit ist eine ekklesiologisch-rnissiologische Untersuchung einer Migrantengruppe, der uber eine Viertelrnillion zahlender Russlanddeutscher, evangelisch freikirchlicher Tradition, die innerhalb von 35 Jahren, beginnend rnit 1963, als Aussiedler aus der vorrnaligen Sowjetunion in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingewandert sind. Die Aussiedlung und Einwanderung geschah in Absprache beider Staaten als Farnilienzusarnrnenfiihrung von Menschen deutscher Volkszugehorigkeit, die durch den zweiten Weltkrieg getrennt worden waren. Ethnisch ein Tei! von rund 1.900.000 Menschen, die oft nach vielen, anstrengenden aber entschlossenen Bernilhungen die Erlaubnis erlangten auszureisen. In Deutschland wurden sie unerwartet freundlich und hilfreich aufgenornrnen. Da keine offiziellen Angaben fiber die Anzahl der eingewanderten freikirchlichen Aussiedler vorliegen, war das erste Ziel der Studie, ihre zahlenrnaBige GroBe festzustellen. Ergebnis: Etwa 270.000 Personen sind als Farnilien der baptistischen und rnennonitischen Freikirche zuzurechnen. Von ihnen hatten sich rund 55.000 Erwachsene dern christlichen Glauben zugewandt und sich diesen Gerneinden angeschlossen. Die anderen waren Minderjahrige oder der Gerneinde bisher ferngeblieben. Erst nach der Aufnahrne in das Land ihrer Yater rnerkten viele, dass sie Frernde in der Heirnat waren. Wollten sie nicht Frernde bleiben, rnussten sie sich sozial, kulturell und kirchlich durch Anpassung integrieren. Dieser Prozess ist schwer, weil der einzelne Einwanderer sich dazu verandern rnuss. Zunachst aber wollen viele bleiben wie sie sind und so leben, wie sie in der alten Heirnat gelebt hatten. Besonders schwierig erweist sich die kirchliche Integration. Etwa sechs von sieben freikirchlichen Aussiedlern ( etwa 48.000) haben eigene Gerneinden gegrilndet, die anderen ( etwa 7 .000) haben ihre geistliche Heirnat in bestehenden Gerneinden gefunden. Diese neugegrilndeten Gerneinden weisen flir die BRD eine uberdurchschnittliche Wachsturnsrate auf. Ein zweites Anliegen ging der Frage nach, wie diese Gerneinden wachsen: Durch neuen Zuzug aus der GUS oder durch Bekehrung und Taufe? Ergebnis: Von den rund 62.000 Mitglieder (aus den ursprilnglichen 48.000) in Aussiedlereigenen Gerneinden (Stand 1998) sind rund 24.500 Glaubige in Verbindung rnit der Taufe zur Gerneinde gekornrnen. Die Zahl der Aussiedler-Taufen in den einheirnischen Gerneinden ist nicht bekannt. Drittens wurde diskutiert, inwiefern die Gerneinden ihre Lebensordnung bewahren und trotzdern ihren Missionsauftrag wahrnehrnen konnen. / The thesis is an ecclesio-missiological study of a migrant group of more than a quarter of a million Russian Germans, by tradition free church evangelicals. Beginning in 1963, they migrated from the former Soviet Union as 'Aussiedler' (re-settlers) to the Federal Republic of Germany. The resettling - agreed upon by both states - was a program of re-uniting families that had been separated during the Second World War. Ethnically, part of a larger group of 1,900.000 German people who, after exhausting but determined efforts, were permitted to leave for Germany. Here being welcomed and given generous material and social support. As no statistics about evangelical free church family immigrants are recorded, the first aim of the research was to establish their numerical size. The result:: By 1998 some 270,000 family members of this confession had entered Germany. Of these about 55,000 were adult Christian believers who had become members of a Baptist or a Mennonite Church. The rest were minors or adults with no confession of faith to date. In the country of their forbears many of the 'Aussiedler' realised: ,,We are strangers in our homeland. If we do not want to remain strangers, we need to adjust culturally, socially and religiously". Initially many resisted change. Change in to religious customs was particularly difficult. As a result, many did not join existing churches but established new congregations where they could practice their faith in the traditions familiar to them. Since the new 'Aussiedler' churches have been growing at an above average growth rate, the second goal was to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon. How much growth was by immigrantion? How much by conversion and baptism? It was found that of the ca. 62,000 members in the Aussiedler congregations (1998) ca. 24,500 had joined through baptism. The others had come in by immigration. A third area of discussion related to the question: In how far can immigrant Christians retain their own culture and still be faithful to their missionary calling? / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Health Seeking Behaviour among the People of the Africa Gospel Church in Francistown

Kgwatalala, Gomotsang 28 February 2003 (has links)
This research was stimulated by an indication that members of the Africa Gospel Church do not utilise professional health care services optimally, probably due to religious reasons. This may also be the result of registered nurses’ inability to render culture congruent care. To render culture congruent care, nurses require knowledge of the belief system and the health seeking behaviours of the church members. The qualitative research investigated the religious beliefs and health seeking behaviours of members of the Africa Gospel Church in Francistown, Botswana. An exploratory ethnonursing research method was applied. Semi-structured interviews were held with two purposively selected samples. Qualitative data analysis was done using computer software to reduce data and interpret the research results. The study indicated that members utilise the Church structure for health care purposes and seek health care mainly from priests and prophets. / Advanced Nursing Sciences / M.A. (Nursing Science)

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