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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regionalização hidrológica de vazões e de cargas difusas de sólidos suspensos totais para o programa ProdutorES de Água e o pagamento de serviços ambientais. Estudo de caso: bacia hidrográfica do rio Benevente, ES / Hydrological regionalization of flows and loads of total suspend solids for the program Producers of Water and the payment of environmental services. Case study of river basin Benevente, ES

Henrique, Cesar Sperchi 19 November 2009 (has links)
O sistema de pagamento por serviços ambientais de uma bacia hidrográfica pode ser economicamente atrativo e ecologicamente importante. Programas como o Produtor de Água compensam economicamente proprietários a montante da bacia que utilizam de manejo adequado do uso do solo, e do reflorestamento, para evitar a erosão hídrica, o aumento de cargas poluidoras difusas, e aumentar a disponibilidade e qualidade de água. Por conseqüência usuários de água, a jusante da bacia, são beneficiados, por exemplo, as estações de tratamento de água. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, a partir de metodologias de pagamentos de serviços ambientais, regionalizar hidrologicamente a quantidade e qualidade de água do rio Benevente para dar subsídios ao programa de produtores de água de sua bacia hidrográfica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na parte média e alta da bacia hidrográfica do Benevente, localizada ao sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com área de drenagem de aproximadamente 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. Á área de drenagem do local do estudo é de 825,24 \'KM POT.2\'. Parte da metodologia consistiu no levantamento de dados quantitativos e qualitativos de água ao longo do rio Benevente, nos últimos anos. De posse dos dados de vazão, concentração de SST e da área de drenagem, foram calculadas as cargas específicas difusas de SST, em termos de Kg/ha.ano e as cargas totais difusas em termos de ton/ano. A carga específica média de SST para a bacia foi de 194 Kg/ha.ano, a carga total média de SST foi de 11.238 ton/ano. A metodologia de regionalização hidrológica de cargas de SST por meio de curvas de permanência mostrou que há uma ampla variação de cargas produzidas na bacia sobre diferentes condições hidrológicas. Por exemplo, para uma faixa de permanências de 40% a 60% a variação de produção específica regional de SST foi de 58,54 a 825,14 Kg/ha.ano. A utilização da metodologia das curvas de permanência quali-quantitativas para a proposição de cenários ambientais em vista das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo, propostos pelos programas de PSA, permitiu estimar o Percentual de Abatimento de Sedimentação (P.A.S) e consequentemente o Percentual de Abatimento de Erosão (P.A.E), na bacia. Encontrou-se um P.A.E de 36,9% entre o cenário atual e o cenário com amento de 20% da área florestal da bacia. Com este resultado estimou-se um total arrecadado na bacia pelo P.S.A de 825.195 R$/ano. Com as metodologias propostas também foi calculada a perda de solo atual da bacia, em relação à estação de amostragem mais a jusante. A taxa estimada foi de 200.123 ton/ano. / Systems of payment for environmental services of a catchment area can be economically attractive and ecologically important. Programs such as Producers of Water economically compensate owners upstream of the basin using the proper management of land use, and reforestation to prevent erosion, increased pollution loads diffuse and increase the availability and quality of water. Consequently water users downstream of the basin, are benefited, for example, sewage water treatment. This paper aims, methodologies from payments for environmental services, regionalization of hydrologically the quantity and quality of water from the river Benevente to aid the program producer of water from its watershed. The study was conducted in the middle and upper catchment of the Benevente, located south of Espírito Santo, with drainage area of approximately 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. The drainage area of the study is 825.24 \'KM POT.2\'. Part of the survey methodology consisted of qualitative and quantitative data of water along the river Benevente in recent years. With these data we calculated the diffuse specific loads of TSS, in terms of Kg/ha.year. The specific load average TSS for the basin was 194 Kg/ha.year, the total load average SST was 11,238 Ton/year. The methodology of regionalization of hydrological loads of TSS through curves of duration showed that there remain a wide range of loads in the basin produced on different hydrological conditions. For example, for a range of stays of 40% to 60% of the variation of specific regional production of TSS was 58.54 to 825.14 Kg/ha.year . Using the methodology of the curves remain qualitative and quantitative for the proposition environmental scenarios in view of land use change and land use, proposed by the PSA program, estimated the rate of reduction on Sedimentation (PAS) and consequently the rate Abatement of Erosion (PAE) in the basin. Found a PAE of 36.9% from the current scenario and the scenario with budget of 20% of the forest area of the basin. With this estimated result a total collected in the basin by the PSA for R$ 825,195/year. With the proposed methodology was also calculated the soil loss on the basin in relation to the sampling station further downstream. The rate was estimated at 200,123 ton/year.


陳信宏, Chen,Andy Unknown Date (has links)
我們認為,在網路教育的中的Amazon.com尚未成形之際,有關教育網站的任何分析與研究,其實就是嚐試對於一連串「什麼是教育網站?」的問題,給予較具體及系統性的回答;據此,本研究從整理「網路教育」的定義開始,歸納包括Michael G. Moore及Bill Gates等學者專家對網路教育的觀察及想法,推導出教育網站幾個可能的「想像空間 (構面)」[第2-1節];並且,整合相關的「教育理念」、「網站經營邏輯」與「網路科技」到各構面中作為觀察 (或比較) 各網站差異的指標 [第2-3節];此外,環顧實際的競爭環境,文中在構面要素的選擇上,也絕大部份以能夠直接從介面進行觀察為主要考量。最後,為了滿足網路經濟□「一夕數變」的動態需要,我們進一步推演構面間的邏輯關係、分析方法及觀察程序,使「構面」及「構面要素」更能輔助作為網站經營長、短期的決策依據 [第3章]。 研究發現,由歸納定義形成「構面」及「構面要素」的網站分析方法,可以系統性地整理出網站經營要素,協助經營者適度界定營運範疇 並妥善分配資源比重。以「教育網站」為例,本研究所採用的分析方法,可以有效幫助經營者脫離空泛的想像,更具體地將經營重心縮小到「結構」、「對話」、「社群」、「軌跡」四個構面及其相對應的構面要素上。 我們也發現,不僅「教育網站」四個「網路經營」構面間有嚴謹的演化邏輯 (Ch.2-3-5.3),構面背後的「教育理論」更同時存在相同的邏輯基礎 (Ch.2-3-5.7 )。這使得本研究可據之以推論104人力網站為「教育網站」再合適不過的「定位型」聯盟 (Ch.3-1-2);推論亞卓市形成「幽靈課程」及「幽靈學生」 的原因 (Ch.3-1-3);並決定研究中的各變數關係如何構築一個完整的研究架構(Ch.3-3)。 根據上述邏輯基礎,我們另外發現,一個同時滿足「網路經營」、「網路科技」、「教育及學習理論」的「網路教學情境」設計 (Ch.2-3-5.6),如何模擬出「真正的」教育網站風貌。同時,在此情境下的網路學習方式,也讓吾人有機會重新思考如何增進教育網站「忠誠度」:在「個人」先備知識與「社群」分類知識游走間摧化;一種有別於其它非教育性質網站的獨特作法 (Ch2-3-5.6;Ch.3-1-2)。 我們還發現,妥善設計一個觀察程序,可以組合本研究中的部份結果成為進行網站比較時的觀察標準;如此可以協助經營者在面對不同型式同樣標榜教育功能的各式「教育網站」時,有能力更深入也更完整探討其間的差異所在 (Ch3-4-1)。 我們更發現,由於「構面」及「構面要素」除了能夠動態組合、方便賦予權重指標,同時還能因應變動的競爭環境,靈活增刪構面要素而不影響決策系統;整個研究因此提供了「決策系統可程式化」的機會 (Ch3-2-1;Ch3-2-2;Ch3-3)。

Regionalização hidrológica de vazões e de cargas difusas de sólidos suspensos totais para o programa ProdutorES de Água e o pagamento de serviços ambientais. Estudo de caso: bacia hidrográfica do rio Benevente, ES / Hydrological regionalization of flows and loads of total suspend solids for the program Producers of Water and the payment of environmental services. Case study of river basin Benevente, ES

Cesar Sperchi Henrique 19 November 2009 (has links)
O sistema de pagamento por serviços ambientais de uma bacia hidrográfica pode ser economicamente atrativo e ecologicamente importante. Programas como o Produtor de Água compensam economicamente proprietários a montante da bacia que utilizam de manejo adequado do uso do solo, e do reflorestamento, para evitar a erosão hídrica, o aumento de cargas poluidoras difusas, e aumentar a disponibilidade e qualidade de água. Por conseqüência usuários de água, a jusante da bacia, são beneficiados, por exemplo, as estações de tratamento de água. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, a partir de metodologias de pagamentos de serviços ambientais, regionalizar hidrologicamente a quantidade e qualidade de água do rio Benevente para dar subsídios ao programa de produtores de água de sua bacia hidrográfica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na parte média e alta da bacia hidrográfica do Benevente, localizada ao sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com área de drenagem de aproximadamente 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. Á área de drenagem do local do estudo é de 825,24 \'KM POT.2\'. Parte da metodologia consistiu no levantamento de dados quantitativos e qualitativos de água ao longo do rio Benevente, nos últimos anos. De posse dos dados de vazão, concentração de SST e da área de drenagem, foram calculadas as cargas específicas difusas de SST, em termos de Kg/ha.ano e as cargas totais difusas em termos de ton/ano. A carga específica média de SST para a bacia foi de 194 Kg/ha.ano, a carga total média de SST foi de 11.238 ton/ano. A metodologia de regionalização hidrológica de cargas de SST por meio de curvas de permanência mostrou que há uma ampla variação de cargas produzidas na bacia sobre diferentes condições hidrológicas. Por exemplo, para uma faixa de permanências de 40% a 60% a variação de produção específica regional de SST foi de 58,54 a 825,14 Kg/ha.ano. A utilização da metodologia das curvas de permanência quali-quantitativas para a proposição de cenários ambientais em vista das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo, propostos pelos programas de PSA, permitiu estimar o Percentual de Abatimento de Sedimentação (P.A.S) e consequentemente o Percentual de Abatimento de Erosão (P.A.E), na bacia. Encontrou-se um P.A.E de 36,9% entre o cenário atual e o cenário com amento de 20% da área florestal da bacia. Com este resultado estimou-se um total arrecadado na bacia pelo P.S.A de 825.195 R$/ano. Com as metodologias propostas também foi calculada a perda de solo atual da bacia, em relação à estação de amostragem mais a jusante. A taxa estimada foi de 200.123 ton/ano. / Systems of payment for environmental services of a catchment area can be economically attractive and ecologically important. Programs such as Producers of Water economically compensate owners upstream of the basin using the proper management of land use, and reforestation to prevent erosion, increased pollution loads diffuse and increase the availability and quality of water. Consequently water users downstream of the basin, are benefited, for example, sewage water treatment. This paper aims, methodologies from payments for environmental services, regionalization of hydrologically the quantity and quality of water from the river Benevente to aid the program producer of water from its watershed. The study was conducted in the middle and upper catchment of the Benevente, located south of Espírito Santo, with drainage area of approximately 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. The drainage area of the study is 825.24 \'KM POT.2\'. Part of the survey methodology consisted of qualitative and quantitative data of water along the river Benevente in recent years. With these data we calculated the diffuse specific loads of TSS, in terms of Kg/ha.year. The specific load average TSS for the basin was 194 Kg/ha.year, the total load average SST was 11,238 Ton/year. The methodology of regionalization of hydrological loads of TSS through curves of duration showed that there remain a wide range of loads in the basin produced on different hydrological conditions. For example, for a range of stays of 40% to 60% of the variation of specific regional production of TSS was 58.54 to 825.14 Kg/ha.year . Using the methodology of the curves remain qualitative and quantitative for the proposition environmental scenarios in view of land use change and land use, proposed by the PSA program, estimated the rate of reduction on Sedimentation (PAS) and consequently the rate Abatement of Erosion (PAE) in the basin. Found a PAE of 36.9% from the current scenario and the scenario with budget of 20% of the forest area of the basin. With this estimated result a total collected in the basin by the PSA for R$ 825,195/year. With the proposed methodology was also calculated the soil loss on the basin in relation to the sampling station further downstream. The rate was estimated at 200,123 ton/year.

Rôle des pratiques de recrutement et d'intégration et de la qualité de vie au travail sur la réussite de l'entrée organisationnelle du nouvel embauché : vers un modèle descriptif et explicatif multifactoriel ? / Effects of recruitment and integration practices and the quality of work life on the success of newcomers' entry process into the organization : towards a multifactorial descriptive and explanatory model?

Locufier, Aurore 08 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale a pour objectif d'étudier le rôle des entreprises dans la réussite duprocessus d'entrée organisationnelle des nouveaux embauchés (évaluée au regard d'indicateurstels que le bien-être, la socialisation organisationnelle, l'intention de rester dans l'entreprise,etc.).Trois études ont été réalisées à partir d'une méthodologie qualitative (étude 1) et quantitative(étude 1, 2 et 3). Les principaux résultats obtenus dans la première étude (N1 = 21 recruteurset N2 = 77 nouveaux embauchés) mettent l'accent sur l'importance d'apporter des informationsclaires durant le recrutement et permettent de dégager les pratiques d'intégration et leursstratégies de mise en oeuvre les plus efficaces (eg. visites des sites de l'entreprise informelle,formations collectives, etc.). L'étude 2 consistait à identifier, à partir d'une revue de lalittérature, les composants de la qualité de vie au travail et d'en proposer uneopérationnalisation. Ainsi, une démarche de validation a été réalisée auprès de 277 salariés.L'étude 3 avait pour objectif de mettre à l'épreuve plusieurs modèles multifactoriels prédisantl'intention de rester dans l'entreprise (N = 359). Les résultats nous permettent de confirmer lerôle déterminant des entreprises dans la réussite de l'entrée organisationnelle à travers lespratiques de recrutement et d'intégration et la qualité de vie au travail.La conclusion générale de cette étude nous amène à : 1) proposer un modèle théoriqueexplicatif et multifactoriel de la réussite de l'entrée organisationnelle qui conviendrait de testerdans des recherches futures et 2) envisager des perspectives appliquées concernant laformation des recruteurs et des acteurs de l'entreprise (à leurs différents niveauxhiérarchiques) sur les éléments fondamentaux relatifs à l'entrée organisationnelle desnouveaux embauchés. / This doctoral research was aimed at examining the role of companies in the success ofnewcomers' entry process into the organization (estimated through indicators such as wellbeing,organizational socialization, intent to stay in the company, etc.).Three studies were realized using a qualitative (study 1) and quantitative methodology (study1, 2 and 3). The main results of study 1 (N1 = 21 recruiters and N2 = 77 newcomers) revealedthe importance to provide clear information during the recruitment and shed in lightintegration practices and their most efficient strategies of implementation (eg. informal visitsof the sites'company, collective trainings, etc.). Study 2 was aimed at identifying, based on aliterature review, the components of the quality of work life and proposing anoperationalisation. Thus, a validation was realized on 277 employees. Study 3 was aimed totest several multifactorial models predicting the intention to stay in the company (N = 359).The results confirmed the role of companies in the success of newcomers' entry process intothe organization through the recruitment and integration practices and the quality of work life.In conclusion, this research led to 1) propose an explanatory and multifactorial theoreticalmodel of the success of organizational entry which could be tested in future researches and 2)consider applied perspectives in recruiters and companies actors (various hierarchical levels)training on fundamental elements of newcomers' organizational entry.

La légalité de la preuve dans l'espace pénal européen / Admissibility of evidence in the European criminal justice area

Marty, Marie 01 April 2014 (has links)
La recevabilité de la preuve est sans doute l’une des questions les plusimportantes de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice de l’Union européenne,mais aussi une des plus complexes. Les difficultés relatives à l’utilisation d’unepreuve recueillie dans un État membre, devant les juridictions répressives d’un autreÉtat membre, semblent cependant avoir été sous-estimées par le législateureuropéen. En effet, l’amélioration de l’efficacité de la répression transnationale a étéune des priorités de la politique criminelle de l’Union ces quinze dernières années. Àce titre, le renforcement des mécanismes de coopération judiciaire, y compris ceuxvisant à l’obtention de la preuve transnationale, a été privilégié. Grâce au principe dereconnaissance mutuelle des décisions judiciaires en matière pénale, fondé sur laconfiance réciproque que les États membres se portent, les divergences etéventuelles incompatibilités entre les systèmes nationaux ont été tenues en échec,permettant ainsi la libre circulation des preuves dans l’espace pénal européen.Cependant, cette justification théorique n’est pas suffisante pour assurer larecevabilité mutuelle des preuves, la bonne administration de la preuve pénaledemeurant une question nationale, souverainement appréciée par le juge national.De plus, tant l’étude comparative des régimes probatoires nationaux que laprésentation des instruments de coopération judiciaire montrent des déficiencesprofondes, appelant ainsi à une protection accrue et harmonisée des droitsfondamentaux dans les procédures répressives au niveau européen, dans le butd’assurer la recevabilité mutuelle des preuves pénales dans l’espace pénaleuropéen. / Admissibility of evidence is one of the most crucial and complicatedissues in the European Union’s area of freedom, security and justice. However, thedifficulties regarding the use of evidence gathered in one Member State inproceedings in another Member State through the mechanisms of judicialcooperation seems to have been underestimated by the European Union legislator,and this despite the success of criminal proceedings with a cross-border characterbeing considered a priority for the last fifteen years. Indeed, the EU’s criminal policyhas been striving for the strengthening of the efficiency of judicial cooperationbetween judicial authorities. This requires the improvement of the instrumentsdedicated to obtaining criminal evidence. Thanks to the principle of mutualrecognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters, based on mutual trust betweenMember States, the differences between and potential incompatibilities of nationalsystems should not be an obstacle to the free circulation of evidence in the EUcriminal justice area.However, this theoretical justification is not sufficient to ensure mutual admissibility ofevidence, as the good administration of evidence remains a national issue, with awide margin of appreciation accorded to the national judge. Furthermore, both thestudy of national procedural norms and the study of the European Union legalframework show deficiencies, requiring a coherent concept for the protection offundamental rights in criminal proceedings at the EU-level. A better and harmonisedprotection of procedural guarantees is the path to ensure the mutual admissibility ofevidence, overcoming national differences.

La chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation face à l’article 6 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : étude juridictionnelle comparée (France-Grèce) / The criminal division of the Court of Cassation and the article 6 of the European convention of human rights : a comparative jurisdictional study (France-Greece)

Kardimis, Théofanis 27 January 2017 (has links)
La première partie de l’étude est consacrée à l’invocation, intra et extra muros, du droit à un procès équitable. Sont analysés ainsi, dans un premier temps, l’applicabilité directe de l’article 6 et la subsidiarité de la Convention par rapport au droit national et de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme par rapport aux juridictions nationales. Le droit à un procès équitable étant un droit jurisprudentiel, l’étude se focalise, dans un second temps, sur l’invocabilité des arrêts de la Cour Européenne et plus précisément sur l’invocabilité directe de l’arrêt qui constate une violation du droit à un procès équitable dans une affaire mettant en cause l’Etat et l’invocabilité de l’interprétation conforme à l’arrêt qui interprète l’article 6 dans une affaire mettant en cause un Etat tiers. L’introduction dans l’ordre juridique français et hellénique de la possibilité de réexamen de la décision pénale définitive rendue en violation de la Convention a fait naitre un nouveau droit d’accès à la Cour de cassation lequel trouve son terrain de prédilection aux violations de l’article 6 et constitue peut-être le pas le plus important pour le respect du droit à un procès équitable après l’acceptation (par la France et la Grèce) du droit de recours individuel. Quant au faible fondement de l’autorité de la chose interprétée par la Cour Européenne, qui est d’ailleurs un concept d’origine communautaire, cela explique pourquoi un dialogue indirect entre la Cour Européenne et la Cour de cassation est possible sans pour autant changer en rien l’invocabilité de l’interprétation conforme et le fait que l’existence d’un précédent oblige la Cour de cassation à motiver l’interprétation divergente qu’elle a adoptée.La seconde partie de l’étude, qui est plus volumineuse, est consacrée aux garanties de bonne administration de la justice (article 6§1), à la présomption d’innocence (article 6§2), aux droits qui trouvent leur fondement conventionnel dans l’article 6§1 mais leur fondement logique dans la présomption d’innocence et aux droits de la défense (article 6§3). Sont ainsi analysés le droit à un tribunal indépendant, impartial et établi par la loi, le délai raisonnable, le principe de l’égalité des armes, le droit à une procédure contradictoire, le droit de la défense d’avoir la parole en dernier, la publicité de l’audience et du prononcé des jugements et arrêts, l’obligation de motivation des décisions, la présomption d’innocence, dans sa dimension procédurale et personnelle, le « droit au mensonge », le droit de l’accusé de se taire et de ne pas contribuer à son auto-incrimination, son droit d’être informé de la nature et de la cause de l’accusation et de la requalification envisagée des faits, son droit au temps et aux facilités nécessaires à la préparation de la défense, y compris notamment la confidentialité de ses communications avec son avocat et le droit d’accès au dossier, son droit de comparaître en personne au procès, le droit de la défense avec ou sans l’assistance d’un avocat, le droit de l’accusé d’être représenté en son absence par son avocat, le droit à l’assistance gratuite d’un avocat lorsque la situation économique de l’accusé ne permet pas le recours à l’assistance d’un avocat mais les intérêts de la justice l’exigent, le droit d’interroger ou faire interroger les témoins à charge et d’obtenir la convocation et l’interrogation des témoins à décharge dans les mêmes conditions que les témoins à charge et le droit à l’interprétation et à la traduction des pièces essentielles du dossier. L’analyse est basée sur la jurisprudence strasbourgeoise et centrée sur la position qu’adoptent la Cour de cassation française et l’Aréopage. / The first party of the study is dedicated to the invocation of the right to a fair trial intra and extra muros and, on this basis, it focuses on the direct applicability of Article 6 and the subsidiarity of the Convention and of the European Court of Human Rights. Because of the fact that the right to a fair trial is a ‘‘judge-made law’’, the study also focuses on the invocability of the judgments of the European Court and more precisely on the direct invocability of the European Court’s judgment finding that there has been a violation of the Convention and on the request for an interpretation in accordance with the European Court’s decisions. The possibility of reviewing the criminal judgment made in violation of the Convention has generated a new right of access to the Court of cassation which particularly concerns the violations of the right to a fair trial and is probably the most important step for the respect of the right to a fair trial after enabling the right of individual petition. As for the weak conventional basis of the authority of res interpretata (“autorité de la chose interprétée”), this fact explains why an indirect dialogue between the ECHR and the Court of cassation is possible but doesn’t affect the applicant’s right to request an interpretation in accordance with the Court’s decisions and the duty of the Court of cassation to explain why it has decided to depart from the (non-binding) precedent.The second party of the study is bigger than the first one and is dedicated to the guarantees of the proper administration of justice (Article 6§1), the presumption of innocence (Article 6§2), the rights which find their conventional basis on the Article 6§1 but their logical explanation to the presumption of innocence and the rights of defence (Article 6§3). More precisely, the second party of the study is analyzing the right to an independent and impartial tribunal established by law, the right to a hearing within a reasonable time, the principle of equality of arms, the right to adversarial proceedings, the right of the defence to the last word, the right to a public hearing and a public pronouncement of the judgement, the judge’s duty to state the reasons for his decision, the presumption of innocence, in both its procedural and personal dimensions, the accused’s right to lie, his right to remain silent, his right against self-incrimination, his right to be informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation and the potential re-characterisation of the facts, his right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of the defence, including in particular the access to the case-file and the free and confidential communication with his lawyer, his right to appear in person at the trial, his right to defend either in person or through legal assistance, his right to be represented by his counsel, his right to free legal aid if he hasn’t sufficient means to pay for legal assistance but the interests of justice so require, his right to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him and his right to the free assistance of an interpreter and to the translation of the key documents. The analysis is based on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and focuses on the position taken by the French and the Greek Court of Cassation (Areopagus) on each one of the above mentioned rights.

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