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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användandet av naturmedel som egenvård och kommunikationen mellan vårdgivare och patient : En litteraturstudie.

Nensén Nord, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har naturläkemedel huvudsakligen använts på patienters eget initiativ och utan kontakt med vårdgivare. Många tror att naturmedel inte är mediciner utan säkra och naturliga i tillägg till en hälsosam diet. Precis som konventionella läkemedel kan naturmedel ge upphov till både biverkningar och interaktioner. Det finns få rapporterade biverkningar av godkända naturläkemedel och växtbaserade läkemedel. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka användandet av naturmedel som egenvård, hur vårdgivare och patienter kommunicerar om naturmedel som egenvård samt kunskapen om naturmedel hos vårdpersonal. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier. Resultat: Resultatet i denna studie visar på ett varierat användande av naturmedel. Det som framkommer är att det är mer kvinnor och framförallt högutbildade personer som använder det i högre utsträckning. Det är få som väljer att diskutera sin användning av naturmedel med läkare eller annan vårdpersonal. Vårdpersonal frågar å sin sida heller inte om patienter använder sig av naturmedel. Slutsats: Vårdpersonal skattar sin kunskap om naturmedel som låg eller obetydlig men att många ville lära sig mer om naturmedel. För att undvika biverkningar och interaktioner bör användandet av naturmedel uppmärksammas inom vården. / Background: Natural remedies have mostly been used on the initiative of the patient without contact with healthcare staff in Sweden. Many people believe that natural remedies are a safe and natural supplement to healthy living and not a medicine. Just like ordinary drugs, natural remedies can cause side effect and interactions with other medicines. There are few reported adverse effects of herbal medicine and traditional medicine. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the use of natural remedies as a selfcare treatment, to study the communication between healthcare staff and patients and to study the knowledge of natural remedies among healthcare staff. Method: The study is in form of a literature review based on quantitative studies. Results: The result indicates a range of uses of natural remedies. It is predominantly women and especially highly educated people who use natural remedies. Only a few choose to discuss their use of natural remedies with their doctor or healthcare staff. Healthcare staff do not tend to ask the patients about their use of natural remedies. Conclusion: Healthcare staff rate their knowledge about natural remedies as being low or insignificant, but many would like to learn more about them to avoid adverse effect or interactions, the use of natural remedies needs to be highlighted within the health service.

Controle da atividade do árbitro / Control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration

Lucas Britto Mejias 10 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o controle da atividade do árbitro. Parte-se da premissa de que o papel desempenhado pelo árbitro na condução do processo - denominado atividade do árbitro em contraposição ao resultado dessa atividade: a resposta jurisdicional - está sujeito a desvios. A assunção dessa função pode ser viciada, já que o exercício da arbitragem somente é admitido dentro de determinados limites e condicionado ao consentimento das partes. Da mesma forma, as providências adotadas pelo árbitro no curso do processo podem apresentar inconsistências em relação às disposições legais e contratuais a elas aplicáveis. Diante disso, investiga-se de que forma tais desvios podem ser controlados, estudando-se, para tanto, (i) os órgãos responsáveis por tal controle, (ii) o momento em que tal controle pode ocorrer, (iii) os mecanismos pelos quais tal controle é admitido, e (iv) os vícios na atividade que ensejam controle. / This paper addresses the control of arbitrators role in developing arbitration. It assumes that the role of the arbitrator in developing arbitration what contrasts with the role in deciding the case is subject to irregularities. The assumption of the arbitrators function can be irregular, as arbitration is authorized only within certain limits and conditions and if the parties agree with it. Besides, the steps taken in developing the arbitration might violate legal and contractual rules applied to it. Given that, this paper deals with how such irregularities can be controlled, analyzing (i) the courts responsible for such control, (ii) the moment when this control is allowed (iii) its legal remedies, and (iv) which irregularities authorize control.

The effect of spinal manipulative therapy in conjunction with subcutaneous parenteral Traumeel® in the treatment of chronic mechanical low back pain

Peyton, David 19 July 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / Purpose: This study aims to compare the effects of lumbar spine and/or pelvic manipulation, and lumbar spine and/or pelvic manipulation in conjunction with the application of subcutaneous parenteral Traumeel® in the treatment of chronic mechanical low back pain with regards to pain, disability and lumbar spine range of motion. These effects were evaluated using a questionnaire consisting of a Numerical Pain Rating Scale, and an Oswestry Low Back Pain and Disability Questionnaire, and by measuring lumbar spine range of motion using a digital inclinometer. The questionnaire was completed and the range of motion readings were taken prior to treatment on the first, fourth and seventh consultations. Method: Thirty participants who met the inclusion criteria were stratified in number and gender between two groups of equal size (15 participants each). Group one received spinal manipulation to restricted lumbar spine and/or sacroiliac joints followed by the administration of subcutaneous parenteral Traumeel®. The second group received spinal manipulation to restricted lumbar spine and/or sacroiliac joints. Participants were treated six times out of a total of seven sessions, over a maximum three week period. Procedure: Subjective data was collected at the beginning of the first and fourth consultations, as well as on the seventh consultation by means of a Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) and an Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire in order to assess pain and disability levels. Objective data was collected at the beginning of the first and fourth session, as well as on the seventh consultation by means of a digital inclinometer in order to assess lumbar spine range of motion. Analysis of collected data was performed by a statistician. Results: Clinically significant improvements in group 1 and group 2 were noted over the duration of the study with reference to pain, disability, and lumbar spine range of motion. Statistically significant changes were noted in group 1 and group 2 with reference to pain and disability, and in group 1 with reference to lumbar spine range of motion. vi Conclusion: The results show that both spinal manipulation, as well as spinal manipulation in conjunction with subcutaneous parenteral Traumeel® are effective treatment protocols (as demonstrated clinically, and to a lesser extent, statistically) in decreasing pain and disability, and increasing lumbar spine range of motion in patients with mechanical low back pain. However, neither treatment protocol proved to be preferential. The results carry a possible suggestion that chiropractic manipulation (common to both groups) is effective in ameliorating participant-rated pain and disability, and increasing lumbar spine range of motion in the case of chronic mechanical low back pain.

Náhrada škody v investičních sporech / Damages in Investment Disputes

Stanek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
I Summary Master's thesis "Damages in Investment Disputes" concentrates on some of the current and controversial questions in this field. The aim of the thesis is to set light to the system of investment disputes and to elaborate on burning questions that arise within its scope. This concerns namely questions about its status under international law as such, but also questions connected to the nature of investment disputes which concern one private party and one sovereign party. Moreover, the aim of this thesis is to present an overview of the law of damages that forms the key remedy sought by investors. This concerns questions about the forms of remedies available as well as limitation of the amount of damages due to legal or factual reasons. It deliberately leaves out discussion on methods of calculation of damages as this discussion, even though important for assessment of final amount of damages for a particular investor, is not essential for the functioning of the system of international foreign investment law. In the first part (Chapters 1 - 4), this thesis concerns itself with the functioning of the system of investment disputes and analyses its historical as well as current context. After setting the system into its context, it presents (shortened) analysis of the nature of this dispute settlement...

Nároky z porušení práva autorského a práv souvisejících s právem autorským v mezinárodním kontextu / Remedies for copyright and neighbouring rights infringement in international context

Ježek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Remedies for copyright and neighbouring rights infringement in international context The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively summarise the current international state of remedies for copyright and neighbouring rights infringement. For that purpose the thesis outlines subject matter of copyright and neighbouring rights, international and European legislation, execution and infringement of such rights. With regard to intangible nature of subjects protected by copyright and neighbouring rights, it is not sufficient to prescribe measures only at national level; on the contrary it is necessary to prescribe legislation internationally, because execution and infringement of rights can occur at multiple locations simultaneously. Therefore, this thesis also deals with current issues of digital era, which must be dealt with by the law of copyright and neighbouring rights. The topic of this thesis is divided into five parts. First chapter outlines the intellectual property rights and mainly the special nature of copyright and neighbouring rights. Second chapter summarises most of international treaties in the field of copyright and neighbouring rights and guides through the evolution of international legislation. Further the chapter summarises the European legislation on copyright and neighbouring...

The doctrine of duress in the law of contract and unjustified enrichment in South Africa

Glover, Graham January 2004 (has links)
This thesis analyses the doctrine of duress and its application in the law of contract and unjustified enrichment in South Africa. Following an initial examination of the historical development of the doctrine from its roots in Roman and Roman-Dutch law, the study focuses on the current legal position in the two areas of law under review, identifies the substantive and formal deficiencies in the current approach, and suggests, using comparative authorities, how the law might be developed. As far as the law of contract is concerned, after exposing the difficulties inherent in the current approach, and placing the doctrine in its proper context in the South African law of contract generally, it is argued that the duress doctrine finds its juridical basis in the principle of good faith. A more modern and coherent test for duress is then proposed: one that concentrates on the question whether an illegitimate threat was made, which induced a contract in that it left the other person no reasonable choice but to succumb to the proposal. Additionally, the need for South African contract law to recognise and deal with cases of economic duress is emphasised. The study then shifts to an examination of the position in situations where non-contractual performances have occurred under duress: cases that are decided in terms of the principles of the law of unjustified enrichment. The current position is reviewed, and it is shown that the approach to duress cases is substantially different to the approach that applies in contract. An attempt is made to reconcile this problem. From a structural perspective, the nature and application of the relevant enrichment action where a non-contractual performance is made under duress (the condictio indebiti) is also investigated, in the light of approaches to enrichment adopted in both Germany and England, in an attempt to make better sense of this enrichment action in the South African context. The study closes with an analysis of the various contractual, delictual and enrichment remedies that are available once a case of duress has been proved.

Misleading government information : an analysis of the legal remedies available to affected citizens

Ward, Ian Robert January 1985 (has links)
In the twentieth century, a dynamic expansion of its activities and powers has made government a major supplier of information on an enormous range of topics of concern to citizens. Unfortunately, the information which it provides is not always completely reliable: sometimes it is inaccurate, and government is powerless to protect the citizen from the consequences; at others, it proves misleading because government chooses later to disown it. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the legal remedies available to citizens misled by government information. The analysis has two principal areas of investigation. First, consideration is given to the means whereby the citizen may be able to hold government bound by information which it has provided to him. Separate treatment is given to the situations in which the misleading information deprives the citizen of a benefit or inflicts on him a loss, and in which it subjects him to the risk of criminal liability. Secondly, consideration is given to the possibility of holding government responsible in damages for the consequences of its information being misleading. Of central importance in this wide-ranging analysis is the issue of the proper role of the courts. This stems from the fact that complaints about misleading government information frequently involve challenges to government decisions. Thus the majority of attempts by citizens to hold government bound by its information are generated by the making by government itself of a decision inconsistent with that information. Again, attempts to hold government responsible in damages for the consequences of providing misleading information commonly involve an allegation that a particular government decision relating to the provision of that information was negligent. It is emphasized throughout this thesis that the courts should refuse assistance to a citizen whose complaint of misleading government information is directed essentially towards a government decision, where that decision involves a determination of the priority of competing interests and values represented in society. The provision of a remedy in such a case would enable the courts effectively to review the choices embodied in value-laden government decisions, and as such would facilitate an unwarranted extension of their constitutional role. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate

Understanding and Improving Use-Tax Compliance: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach

Jones, Christopher Robert 09 July 2009 (has links)
This study seeks to understand specific factors that are pertinent to individuals when making a use-tax compliance decision and to test a remedy to improve use-tax compliance. This study investigates use-tax compliance using a three-step approach. The first step involved building a survey to determine potential salient beliefs that are pertinent to individuals when facing a use-tax compliance decision. Results of the initial survey reveal that the effort of complying with the use tax, potential revenue to the state if the individual complies, fairness of the use tax, monetary concerns of the individual, perceived knowledge of the use tax, and social influences were the most mentioned factors contributing to individuals when making a use tax compliance decisions. The second step in this study develops a model, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, incorporating these salient beliefs. Results indicate that most of the salient beliefs identified in the survey were correlated to an individual's attitude. Finally, the third step involved testing two remedies. The first remedy gave the individual the option to have the website automatically collect the use tax due. The second examined remedy provided information to the participant regarding the use tax. Results indicated that the effort remedy developed, having the website give the individual the choice whether the website will automatically collect the tax, does improve the likelihood the individual will comply with the use tax. In addition, results also show compliance improves if participants are given information regarding the use tax.

Les sanctions contractuelles en droit administratif / Remedies in administratives contracts law

Riccardi, David 05 July 2017 (has links)
Les sanctions de l’inexécution des contrats administratifs constituent un thème classique mais peu traité du droit administratif. Elles méritaient une étude globale renouvelée. Les principales sanctions applicables en cas d’inexécution ou d’exécution fautive de ces contrats existent en effet au moins depuis la première moitié du XXème siècle. Les présentations théoriques qui en sont faites remontent également à cette période et ont peu changé, même si certaines évolutions importantes du droit positif sont intervenues. Cette stabilité de la discipline cache pourtant une réelle complexité qui se décèle dès l’analyse de la notion-même de « sanction contractuelle ». En effet, les mesures auxquelles cette notion renvoie connaissent une pluralité d’objets (résiliation, exécution autoritaire des obligations, dommages-intérêts, pénalités…) et de fonctions (prévenir, réparer, punir…) bien distincts, les uns des autres. En cherchant a priori à éviter l’inexécution et a posteriori, à la surmonter, les sanctions contractuelles apparaissent à la fois comme des mesures préventives qui peuvent s’apparenter à de véritables mesures de police du service public et à des punitions intervenant dans un cadre répressif et disciplinaire particulier, caractéristique d’un ordre contractuel autonome. La complexité et le particularisme du droit des sanctions contractuelles résulte aussi de l’aspérité de leurs régimes auxquels le droit positif et la doctrine peinent à trouver une cohérence globale. Construits isolément, ces régimes ne résultent en effet d’aucune logique commune et unitaire. Pour autant, un certain nombre de règles applicables à toutes les sanctions peut être repéré, en même temps qu’une tendance progressive à l’harmonisation. A ce jour, la substance qui constitue le droit des sanctions contractuelles apparait ainsi suffisamment homogène pour permettre la consécration d’une catégorie juridique de nature à aboutir à l’application d’un régime cohérent. Au-delà des aspects théoriques de la question, une telle consécration pourrait s’accompagner de certaines évolutions de droit positif dont l’ensemble serait de nature à offrir une lisibilité de la matière et à accroitre la sécurité juridique qui paraissent aujourd’hui indispensables à la pratique et aux acteurs des contrats administratifs. / The sanctions of non-performance of administrative contracts are a classic but little-discussed theme of administrative law. They deserved a renewed global study. The main penalties applicable in the event of non-fulfillment or faulty execution of these contracts exist at least since the first half of the twentieth century. The theoretical presentations made there also date back to that period and have changed little, although some important developments in positive law have taken place. However, this stability of discipline hides a real complexity which can be discerned from the analysis of the notion of "contractual sanction". Indeed, the measures to which this notion refers are subject to a multiplicity of objects (termination, authoritarian execution of obligations, damages, penalties ...) and functions (prevention, repair, punishment ...) distinct from one another. By trying a priori to avoid non-performance and a posteriori, to overcome it, contractual sanctions appear both as preventive measures which may amount to genuine public service police measures and punishments in a framework repression and discipline, characteristic of an autonomous contractual order. The complexity and particularity of the contractual sanctions law also results from the asperity of their juridical regimes to which the positive law and the doctrine struggle to find a global coherence. Constructed in isolation, these regimes don’t result from any common and unitary logic. However, a number of rules applicable to all sanctions can be identified, along with a gradual trend towards harmonization. The substance which constitutes the contractual penalties law thus appears to be sufficiently homogeneous to enable the recognition of a legal category able to leading the application of a coherent regime. Beyond the theoretical aspects of the question, such a consecration could be accompanied by certain evolutions of positive law, the whole of which would be such as to offer a readability of the matter and to increase the legal certainty which now seem indispensable to the practice and the actors of the administrative contracts.

Evaluation of the level of compliance of Veterinary medicine package inserts with Regulatory authority guidelines

van der Riet, Estelle January 2021 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Background: Veterinary medicines play an imperative role in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of animal diseases. Many veterinary stock remedies in South Africa are available to the public without the intervention or supervision of a veterinarian or healthcare worker. Therefore, the accompanying package insert with product information and directions for use is central in promoting the safe and effective use of stock remedies. Information such as the dosage, warnings, precautions and storage instructions are essential to assist the user in their treatment decision-making. While local regulatory authority guidelines prescribe and control the minimum information that should be available in the package insert or product label, it is questioned whether the information contained in package inserts of products on the market complies with these regulatory requirements. Methodology: Using simple random sampling of veterinary stock remedies, 159 package inserts or product labels from various animal health companies were selected and evaluated against the prescribed labelling guidelines of the local regulatory authority responsible for the registration and control of stock remedies. The contents of each package insert or label in the sample were assessed for the presence of the prescribed information statements and were accordingly classified as non-compliant, partially compliant or compliant. Results: Among the 159 package inserts, 48 were for antimicrobials, 49 for ectoparasiticides, 44 for anthelmintics and the remaining 18 for endectocides. It was observed that none of the package inserts met all of the criteria and that the package inserts were inadequate in many aspects. The average percentage of compliance was 69.43%, with a range of 36.21% to 87.93%. Conclusion: The study indicated that many package inserts do not fully comply with the prescribed regulatory guidelines and that information related to the safe and appropriate use of stock remedies is insufficient.

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