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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les voies de recours dans le droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / Remedies in the European Convention on Human Rights law

Mardon, Delphine 28 October 2013 (has links)
L’influence du droit issu de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme sur le droit interne n’est plus à démontrer. Ce texte offre aux justiciables une protection accentuée de leurs droits fondamentaux. Cette affirmation ne doit pas être limitée aux droits que la Convention EDH contient expressément ou encore à ceux que la Cour de Strasbourg a elle-même dégagés grâce à son interprétation dynamique et évolutive. Entendues comme les moyens permettant de contester un acte juridictionnel, les voies de recours ne correspondent pas, en tant que telles, à un droit protégé par le système européen des droits de l’homme. Ce n’est pas pour autant qu’elles sont ignorées de ce dernier. Au contraire, elles bénéficient de toute l’attention des juges européens. Construite à partir des décisions et arrêts rendus par les organes de contrôle européens, la thèse met en évidence les relations entretenues entre la Convention EDH et les voies de recours. Il est alors indispensable d’identifier précisément le type de relations dont il s’agit. Si ces deux mécanismes ont en point commun l’idée de contrôle, les juges européens n’interviennent qu’à l’issue de la procédure interne à laquelle participent les voies de recours. Cette organisation permet de mettre pleinement en lumière le regard que la Cour de Strasbourg porte sur les voies de recours au moment de réaliser son propre contrôle. Il faut alors observer que son appréhension des voies de recours n’est pas univoque. La Cour ne fait pas que contrôler la mise en œuvre par les voies de recours des garanties procédurales contenues dans la Convention. Ces dernières sont également un moyen utilisé par la Cour européenne afin de s’assurer du respect de l’ensemble des droits conventionnels. La découverte de ces dimensions pose la question d’une qualification globale des relations entre la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les voies de recours. L’utilisation des voies de recours au cœur du contrôle de conventionnalité, en qualité d’instrument ou d’objet, montre que ces relations favorisent un renforcement mutuel des voies de recours comme du système de protection des droits conventionnels. / The influence of the law stemming from the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms no longer need to be demonstrated. This text provides people with an increased protection of their fundamental rights. This assertion can not be restricted to the rights that are clearly stated in the Convention or those that are drawn by the European Court of Human Rights thanks to its dynamic and evolutional interpretation. Remedies constitute a way to contest a judicial decision. On account of this definition, they do not correspond to a right directly protected by the European human rights system. That does not mean they are ignored by this system. On the contrary, European judges give their full attention to them. This thesis built up from the European decisions and judgments underscores the relations between the European Convention and remedies. It is therefore necessary to determine what kind of relations. If those two mechanisms have the idea of control in common, the European judges intervene only when the domestic proceedings in which remedies are brought is ended. This organization allows to highlight the way the European Court looks upon remedies when it carries out its own control. The way it grasps remedies is then not univocal. The European Court does not only control the enforcement of procedural guarantees of the Convention by remedies. These guarantees also are a means used by the European Court to ascertain the respect of all Convention rights. The discovery of these two aspects asks for a global qualification of the relations between the European Convention and remedies. Remedies’ use in the heart of the review of conventionality, as an instrument or an object, shows that these relations favour a mutual strengthening of remedies as well as the Convention rights system of protection.

A performance-oriented account of money awards for breach of contract

Winterton, David Michael January 2011 (has links)
It is generally accepted that the award of contract damages in English law is governed by the expectation principle. This principle provides that following an actual or anticipated breach of contract the innocent party is entitled to be put into the position that he or she would have occupied had the contract been performed. There is significant ambiguity over what ‘position’ means in this context. The conventional understanding of the expectation principle is that it stipulates the appropriate measure of loss for an award of compensation. This thesis challenges this understanding and proposes a new performance-oriented account of awards given in accordance with the expectation principle. The thesis is in two parts. Part I outlines and challenges the orthodox understanding of awards given in accordance with the expectation principle. Chapter One outlines the orthodox account, and explains the traditional interpretation of loss in this context. Chapter Two mounts a doctrinal challenge to the orthodox account, demonstrating the existence of many awards for breach of contract that do not reflect the actual loss suffered by the innocent party. Chapter Three highlights the conceptual difficulty of the orthodox account and outlines the problems with conventional terminology, proposing stable definitions for important legal concepts. Part II advances an alternative account of contract damages that draws a distinction between two different kinds of money awards. The first is an award substituting for performance. The second is an award compensating for loss. Chapter Four outlines the account’s foundations by defending the existence of the right to performance and the existence of the proposed distinction. Chapter Five explains the quantification and restriction of money awards substituting for performance. Chapter Six explains the nature of money awards compensating for loss. Finally, Chapter Seven defends English law’s preference for awarding monetary substitutes for performance rather than ordering specific performance.

Aktuální otázky vztahu ochrany osobnosti a médií / Current problems of relation between protection

Kobeda, Kryštof January 2011 (has links)
Current issues of relationship between the personal right of individual and media: abstract in English The theme of this thesis is protection of personal rights of individual in mass media. This theme is, according to our opinion, current topic because there are conflicts between the personal rights of individual and the right to freedom of expression nearly every day. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse, if the attitude of the courts to the protection of these two rights is equal and if the individuals, who have disadvantageous position against the mass media, can adequately defend their rights. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one is introductory. Chapter two briefly defines the issue of personal rights of individual. The third chapter consists of four parts. Each of these parts deals with one personal right and characterises the rules which mass media have to comply with in order not to contravening the personal rights of individual. Fourth chapter describes the ways how individual can defend himself or herself against the violation of his or her personal rights. This chapter describes all legal remedies possible according to the Czech laws. It means legal remedy on the base of civil law, criminal law, administrative law and the remedies according to the special laws, complaint to the...

Bases rationnelles de l’utilisation des plantes dans l’épilepsie : vers une amélioration de l’accessibilité au traitement dans les pays en développement / Rational bases for the use of medicinal plants in epilepsy : towards improving access to treatment in developing countries

Auditeau, Emilie 03 December 2018 (has links)
Sur près de 70 millions de personnes vivant avec l’épilepsie (PVE) dans le monde, 150 000 vivent au Pérou et 52 000 au Laos, avec un déficit de traitement (proportion de PVE qui ne reçoit pas de médicaments antiépileptiques adaptés), respectivement de 75% et 97%. Notre objectif principal était de caractériser l’utilisation des plantes médicinales dans la prise en charge de l’épilepsie. Les objectifs spécifiques visaient à : (i) faire l’état des lieux des connaissances sur les plantes médicinales utilisées comme antiépileptiques dans les pays d’Asie, d’Amérique Latine et d’Afrique, (ii) déterminer la place de la phytothérapie dans l’itinéraire thérapeutique des PVE (iii) évaluer l’efficacité pharmacologique d’extraits de plantes utilisées pour soigner l’épilepsie dans deux communautés rurales du nord du Pérou. D’abord, nous avons utilisé une approche bibliographique exhaustive de la littérature spécialisée. L’approche de terrain au Pérou et au Laos a combiné des outils épidémiologiques et ethnopharmacologiques. La troisième partie de ce travail était une étude pilote ayant pour objectif d’évaluer la faisabilité et la pertinence de réaliser des tests pharmacologiques de l’efficacité de plantes sur différents modèles d’épilepsie. Nous avons identifié 106 publications portant sur l’utilisation de plantes dans l’épilepsie(études réalisées entre 1982 et 2017). Sur le terrain, le pourcentage de recours aux remèdes à base de plantes était de 66,7% au Pérou et de 71,1% au Laos. Au total, 66 espèces végétales ont été citées par les patients et tradipraticiens au Pérou et 87 au Laos. Un effet antiépileptique potentiel avec les extraits de Valeriana officinalis et Melissa officinalis a été observé. La place de la médecine traditionnelle est telle dans l’itinéraire thérapeutique d’un patient épileptique qu’il serait intéressant qu’elle soit partie intégrante du système de soins. / Of the 70 million people living with epilepsy (PWE) worldwide, 150,000 live in Peru and 52,000in Laos, where the epilepsy treatment gap are respectively 75% and 97%.Our main objective was to characterize the use of medicinal plants in the management ofepilepsy. The specific objectives were: (i) to review the current state of knowledge onmedicinal plants used as antiepileptics in Asian, Latin American and African countries, (ii) to determine the place of phytotherapy in the therapeutic itinerary of PWE, (iii) to evaluate the pharmacological efficacy of plant extracts used to treat epilepsy in two rural communities in northern Peru.We first used a comprehensive bibliographic approach of the specialized literature. The field approach in Peru and Laos combined epidemiological and ethnopharmacological tools. The third part of this work was a pilot study to assess the feasibility and relevance of conducting pharmacological tests of plant efficacy in epilepsy models.We identified 106 publications on the use of plants in epilepsy between 1982 and 2017. Thepercentage of herbal remedies used was 66.7% in Peru and 71.1% in Laos. A total of 66 plant species were mentioned by patients and traditional healers in Peru and 87 in Laos. A potential antiepileptic effect with extracts of Valeriana officinalis and Melissa officinalis has been observed. The place of traditional medicine is such that it would be interesting if it were an integral part of the health care system.

Avaliação da administração do alcaloide boldina em ratas Wistar durante o período gestacional sobre variáveis reprodutivas e comportamentais

Jardim, Lais Hartmann January 2017 (has links)
A boldina é o principal alcaloide encontrado no Peumus boldus, muito utilizado na medicina tradicional principalmente pelos seus efeitos gastrointestinais e hepáticos. Estudos indicam que apresenta diversas atividades farmacológicas como coletérica, hipnótica, citoprotetora, antitumoral, antiinflamatória, antipirética, antiplaquetária, antiplasmódica, antidiabética, antihipertensiva, inibidora da tirosinase e da acetilcolinesterase, antagonista dopaminérgico (receptores D1 e D2 like), adrenérgico (receptores α1 e α2) e serotoninérgico (receptores 5-HT3), entre outras. O chá de boldo (Peumus boldus) é muito utilizado por gestantes para aliviar os efeitos negativos da gestação como, constipação, cólicas uterinas, cefaleia e náuseas; controverso a esse uso ele também é muito utilizado como abortivo. Este estudo procurou identificar qual sua ação em ratas Wistar tratadas durante o período gestacional, GD1 ao dia anterior ao parto, nas doses de 1 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg e 100 mg/kg, uma vez ao dia, no ciclo claro, por meio gavagem. Conclui-se que o uso da boldina e do chá de P. boldus deve ser evitado durante o período gestacional pois seu uso na gestação causou alterações no desempenho reprodutiva das fêmeas, perda pré e pós implantação e mortes ao nascimento e pós-natais, além da modificação do comportamento materno (latência para lamber); foram encontradas também alterações no desenvolvimento da proles de fêmeas tratadas com boldina, em seu desempenho nos testes de reflexos (teste de endireitamento, geotaxia e agarrar), físico (abertura de olhos) e reprodutivo (abertura vaginal, descida de testículos e separação prepucial), assim como alteração no peso de órgãos de machos e fêmeas, na produção de espermatozoides e no percentual de espermatozoides com alteração (anormais). / Boldine is the main alkaloid found in Peumus boldus, widely used in traditional medicine mainly for its gastrointestinal and hepatic effects. Studies indicate that it presents several pharmacological activities as a choleretic, hypnotic, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-plasmodic, antipyretic, antiplatelet, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, tyrosinase and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, dopaminergic antagonist (D1 and D2 like receptors), α-adrenergic receptors antagonist (α 1 and α 2 receptors) and serotonergic receptors antagonist (5-HT 3 receptors), among others. Boldo’s tea (Peumus boldus) is widely used by pregnant women to alleviate the negative effects of pregnancy such as constipation, uterine cramps, headache and nausea; Controversely it is also widely used as an abortive substance The aim of this study was to identify the effect of boldine on Wistar rats treated during the gestational period, day 1 of gestation to the day before birth, at doses of 1mg/kg, 10mg/kg and 100mg/kg, daily, light cycle, by gavage. We concluded that the use of boldine and P. boldus tea should be avoided during the gestational period because its use in the gestacional period caused alterations in the reproductive performance of females, loss of pre and post implantation and deaths at birth and postnatal, besides modification of maternal behavior (latence to pup licking); alterations in the development of the offspring which the females were treated with boldine were observed, in their performance in the reflex tests (straightening, geotaxy and grab), physical development (eye opening) and reproductive development (vaginal opening, testicle descent and preputial separation), as well as changes in the weight of male and female organs, in the production of spermatozoa and in the percentage of abnormal spermatozoa.

Integração econômica e defesa comercial: medidas antidumping nos acordos regionais de comércio / Economic integration and trade remedies: antiduping measures in regional trade agreements

Engelberg, Luciana Costa 11 June 2013 (has links)
Atualmente, há um debate acerca dos efeitos da aplicação de medidas antidumping entre as partes de um acordo regional de comércio. Discute-se que o emprego de tais instrumentos pode gerar um óbice ao livre comércio e ao avanço da integração econômica negociados em tais acordos. As regras do sistema multilateral de comércio determinam que direitos antidumping podem ser aplicados quando comprovada a existência de dumping, dano à indústria nacional e a relação causal entre estes. Entretanto, mesmo que haja regras sobre a condução de uma investigação antidumping e a aplicação da medida, ainda há muito espaço para a discricionariedade das autoridades nacionais investigadoras. Isso enseja a preocupação de que a aplicação desse instrumento pode conduzir a uma ineficácia dos objetivos de liberalização comercial negociados nos acordos regionais de comércio, além de neutralizar as concessões tarifárias feitas no âmbito desses acordos, em prol do protecionismo de uma indústria doméstica, muitas vezes, defasada e inapta à concorrência internacional. A presente dissertação pretende demonstrar que, à medida que o antidumping representa um potencial impacto negativo aos ideais dos acordos regionais de comércio, sua aplicação é antagônica com os objetivos desses acordos, inclusive no caso do MERCOSUL. Assim, as regras antidumping no âmbito do MERCOSUL deveriam ser repensadas, uma vez que a não aplicação de direitos antidumping no comércio intrarregional permitiria o avanço da integração econômica na região e representaria mais um passo rumo à consolidação da união aduaneira. / Currently, there is a debate about the effects of antidumping measures among members of regional trade agreements. It is argued that the use of such instrument can represent an obstacle to free trade and the deepening of economic integration. The rules of the multilateral trading system determines that antidumping duties may be applied when verified the existence of dumping, injury to the domestic industry of the importing country and causal relationship between them. However, even though there are rules governing the conduction of an antidumping investigation and the application of antidumping measures, there is still much room for discretion of investigating authorities. This gives rise to concern that the use of antidumping may lead to ineffectiveness of the goals of trade liberalization and neutralization of tariff concessions made under such agreements, in order to protect a domestic industry, usually outdated and unprepared to international competition. This thesis intends to demonstrate that, as antidumping represents a potential negative impact to the achievements of regional trade agreements, its application among members of a RTA is opposed to the goals of such agreements, including in the case of MERCOSUR. Thus, antidumping rules within MERCOSUR should be reconsidered, since the elimination of antidumping duties on intraregional trade would allow the deepening of the regional economic integration and represent a step towards the consolidation of the customs union.

Žaloba na obnovu řízení a pro zmatečnost / Action for retrial and for nullity

Korbelová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
Action for retrial and for nullity Abstract This diploma thesis deals with action for retrial and for nullity. The aim is to provide a systematic interpretation about both of these institutes and characterize them in a system of extraordinary remedies. Although both of them are regulated in part four chapter two of the Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, as amended, their respective purposes are completely different. Action for retrial serves for a remedy of factual defects as a final decision could not stand due to a fundamental change of facts whereas action for nullity serves for a remedy of important procedural defects which affected court decision itself or proceeding preceding it. Both institutes can challenge a final decision and break the legal certainty brought by it. This diploma thesis contains four chapters. The first of them deals with remedial systems and remedies containing a brief characteristic of individual types of remedial systems and remedies. The second chapter addressing action for retrial and the third chapter dealing with action for nullity represent main parts of the thesis. Division into subchapters is almost identical for both of them and the subchapters cover the following topics: historical development of both institutes, conditions of and grounds for admissibility,...

O conteúdo do pronunciamento judicial como elemento de harmonia do sistema recursal brasileiro

Alves, Rodrigo Lucas da Silva Pereira da Gama 19 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-01-22T11:34:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Lucas da Silva Pereira da Gama Alves.pdf: 1005971 bytes, checksum: 703910354b6d38c372bcf94d50e23665 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-22T11:34:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Lucas da Silva Pereira da Gama Alves.pdf: 1005971 bytes, checksum: 703910354b6d38c372bcf94d50e23665 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 / The present work is dedicated to the presentation of an attempt to systematize the Brazilian appeal system instituted by the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015. This is because the new law does not discipline the appeal plan according to the content of judicial decision-making. Therefore, there are equal situations in substance that have been disciplined differently by the legislator, a fact that leads to a situation that violates the isonomy and the legal process. Suffice is to imagine that the legislator did two little alterations, but that had a great impact on the system. The first alteration was to establish a criterion to define the sentence, i.e., observing the content of the pronouncement and its purpose, that is, whether or not a phase that takes to the procedure end. From that point on, it conferred on the decisions a nature of interlocutory decision. In another aspect, it also allowed a partial retention of merit, in the cases of requests made in cumulation. The Code also maintained the principle of correspondence to the establishment that is the appropriate appeal against the sentence, it is an appeal and against an interlocutory decision and interlocutory appeal. However, in disciplining the legal regime of the grievance, there was not the necessary adequacy so that the appeal could in fact challenge the decisions of merit, insofar as the original discipline of the resource was maintained as if it existed, for to attack incidental decisions without regard to the merits of the case. Moreover, the entire recursal system is based on the sentence, as if this is the only pronunciation capable of resolving a pretension of the parties, but, of course, the interlocutory decision can also resolve the merits. Thus, our investigation will go through the nature of judicial decision-making, appeals and at the and the final, it will purpose that these institutes are interpreted according to the Federal Constitution, in order that we can adapt the recursal system in an isonomic way and in attention to the legal process / O presente trabalho se dedica em apresentar uma tentativa de sistematização do sistema recursal brasileiro instituído pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015. Isto porque a nova lei não disciplinou o plano recursal de acordo com o conteúdo dos pronunciamentos judiciais decisórios. Por isso, há situações iguais em substância que foram disciplinadas de forma absolutamente diferente pelo legislador, fato que leva a uma situação que viola a isonomia e o devido processo legal. Basta imaginarmos que olegislador fez duas alterações pontuais, mas que foram de grande impacto nosistema. A primeira foi estabelecer um duplo critério para definir sentença, ou seja, observando o conteúdo do pronunciamento e a sua finalidade, vale dizer, se encerra ou não uma fase do procedimento. A partir desse ponto, conferiu às demais decisões natureza de decisão interlocutória. Noutra vertente, permitiu, também, a prolação de decisões parciais de mérito, nas hipóteses de pedidos feitos em cumulação. O Código manteve, ainda, o princípio da correspondência ao estabelecer que o recurso cabível contra a sentença é a apelação e contra a decisão interlocutória é o agravo de instrumento. No entanto, ao disciplinar o regime jurídico do agravo de instrumento, não houve a adequação necessária para que o recurso pudesse, de fato, impugnar as decisões de mérito, na medida em que se manteve a disciplina originária do recurso como se existisse, tão somente, para atacar decisões incidentais sem relação com o mérito do processo. Além do mais, todo o sistema recursal é baseado na sentença, como se se esta fosse o único pronunciamento capaz de resolver a pretensão das partes, mas, evidentemente, a decisão interlocutória também pode resolver o mérito. Assim, nossa investigação passará pela natureza dos pronunciamentos judiciais decisórios, dos recursos e, ao final, proporá que esses institutos sejam interpretados conforme a Constituição Federal, a fim de que possamos adequar o sistema recursal de forma isonômica e em atenção ao devido processo legal

The Influence of Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime Grant Programs on Canadian Streetscape Camera Surveillance Systems: Lessons from Six Cities in Ontario

Mahon, Denise 06 May 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the influences of provincial grant programs on Canadian streetscape camera systems. Using qualitative interviews (N=32) and document analysis, the study explores the policymaking processes and outcomes of six Ontario cities that have engaged with the Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime grants. Grant programs have not only provided the financial support to facilitate the establishment or expansion of camera systems, but they have also encouraged particular patterns of implementation, design and operation of Canadian streetscape systems through the processes and conditions of the grant program, as well as through the encouragement of regional networking, policy learning and policy diffusion via policy tourism. While the Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime grants have influenced some similarities in streetscape camera systems, variation exists, particularly concerning privacy policies, due to idiosyncratic interpretation and adoption of diffused policies and an ambiguous and unclear privacy protection framework. / Graduate / 0626 / 0627 / dennymah@uvic.ca

Amalgamating tribunals a recipe for optimal reform /

Bacon, Rachel. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Sydney, 2004. / Title from title screen (viewed 5 May 2008). Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Faculty of Law. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print form.

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