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Camp et Forêt suivi de Quatre objets de mémoireComtois, Michèle 06 1900 (has links)
Camp met en présence un officier nazi et ses Juifs : une petite fille s’appuyant sur sa vie d’avant afin de survivre dans sa vie d’après, une jeune femme d’une cinglante liberté intérieure et un groupe de prisonniers, la masse grise. Ce récit se déroule en quelques jours dans un camp d’extermination, en Pologne. Il y est question d’un projet insensé, imaginé et mis en œuvre par le Nazi dont le discours s’apparente à de confuses et dérisoires logorrhées. La recherche d’une humanité déniée, à la base du dévoilement de l’individualité des personnages (prisonniers), émane de la grâce, de l’authenticité et de la force vitale de la protagoniste, la petite fille, tendue vers son plan-de-quand-même-vie.
Forêt, écrit en parallèle, puis à la fin de Camp, n’est pas sa suite, mais l’est aussi… Court récit poétique, il raconte la traversée d’une forêt par une femme à la recherche de ses édens. Le lieu, interpellé et très souvent conspué pour ce qu’il est devenu, devient un actant. Forêt, se servant de ses restes mythiques, contraint le pas-à-pas de la femme, perdue d’avance.
L’essai, Quatre objets de mémoire, porte sur l’appropriation et la transmission de la mémoire de la Shoah, à partir de restes, de détails, de petits riens, perçus ici comme d’imaginables traces. J’interroge les signes singuliers d’improbables objets (feuillets administratifs du Troisième Reich, clichés fragmentaires d’Auschwitz-Birkenau et photographies de ses bois et de ses latrines) afin d’y débusquer de petits morceaux du caché, du secret et de l’innommable de la Solution finale. L’affect ressenti en présence de ces objets, par ce que je nomme, le nécessaire abandon, y est analysé dans le dessein d’en saisir leurs douleurs et de les rendre miennes. L’œuvre de l’artiste de la photo, Marie-Jeanne Musiol, sur Auschwitz-Birkenau, est à la base de ce désir de mémoire pérenne. / Camp presents a Nazi officer and his Jews : a little girl leaning on her previous life so that she’ll survive in her afterwards life, a young woman livened up by a pungent inner freedom and a group of prisoners, the grey herd. This story takes place within few days inside an extermination camp, in Poland. It is about an insane plan, envisioned and implemented by the Nazi whose discourse is similar to muddled and vacuous logorrheas. At the very roots of the unveiling of the character’s individuality (the prisoners), the quest for a denied humanity emanates from the grace and the vital force of the protagonist, the little girl, towards her plan-of-anyhow-life.
First written in parallel then in the end, Forêt is not the continuation of Camp even if it is, as well… This brief poetical narrative relates a woman’s crossing of a forest while searching for her Edens. Hailed and quite often jeered for what it became, the site turns into an actant. Through its mythical remnants, Forest ergo compels the woman’s doomed step-by-step.
The essay Quatre objets de mémoire focuses on the appropriation and transmission of the memory of the Holocaust through remnants, details, small things regarded here as imaginable traces. I examine quaint signs of unlikely objects (Third Reich’s administrative leaflets, Auschwitz-Birkenau’s fragmented pictures and images of its woods and latrines) in order to disclose small pieces of what is the hidden, the secretive and the unspeakable about the Final Solution. The affect experienced upon their contact, through what I call the “necessary abandonment”, is thusly analyzed with the purpose to comprehend the corresponding pains and to seize them for myself. Photo Artist Marie-Jeanne Musiol’s work on Auschwitz-Birkenau underlies this perennial desire to remember.
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Famílias negras no planalto médio do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1960) : terra, migração e relações familiaresAguilar, Maria do Carmo Moreira January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar o período de itinerância de um grupo familiar residente no quilombo Rincão dos Caixões, localizado no município de Jacuízinho, situado no Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao abordar a questão das migrações, verificaram-se as estratégias desenvolvidas pelo grupo na busca por postos de trabalho, a recuperação da estabilidade perdida e as relações familiares tecidas neste contexto de constantes deslocamentos. Esta coletividade tem sua origem em outro território negro, denominado Sítio Novo/Linha Fão, localizado no município de Arroio do Tigre. Esta área foi cedida a um grupo negro nos anos iniciais do século XX, porém, seus ancestrais habitavam a localidade desde os tempos do cativeiro. A delimitação temporal focaliza-se entre meados de 1940, momento da perda de parte do território do Sítio Novo/Linha Fão e 1960 quando a família se fixou na área do quilombo Rincão dos Caixões. O período delimitado, no entanto, recua para o período final da escravidão (1870-1890) para reconstituir o contexto de territorialidades negras na região em questão, na época da doação da parcela de terras, marcando com isso o inicio da territorialização negra no quilombo Sítio Novo/Linha Fão. A pesquisa desenvolvida se utilizou de fontes orais e escritas. Conta com um acervo de 30 entrevistas, realizadas entre 2008 e 2011, e, através de testamentos, inventários post-mortem, e processos criminais, buscou-se reconstituir aspectos das experiências de famílias de escravos e libertos na localidade em questão. / The main objective of this research is to analyze the roaming period of a family group living in the Quilombo of Rincão dos Caixões, located in the municipality of Jacuízinho, situated in the middle plateau region of Rio Grande do Sul. When addressing the issue of migration, we also verified the strategy used by the group regarding search of jobs, restoring lost stability and family relations built in this context of constant displacement. The community has its origin in another black territory, called Sítio Novo / Linha Fão, located in the municipality of Arroio do Tigre. This area was given to a group of black people in the early years of the 20th Century; however, their ancestors inhabited the place since the days of captivity. The temporal delimitation focuses from mid-1940, when it was the loss of part of the territory of Sítio Novo / Linha Fão and 1960 when the family settled in the Quilombo area Rincão dos Caixões. To better reconstruct the context of black territoriality in that region at the time of donation of the part of land, we bounded the stage until the final period of slavery (1870- 1890). That period was the beginning of black territorialization in the Quilombo Novo Sítio/Fão. Oral and written sources were used in the present research. It comprises a collection of 30 interviews, conducted between 2008 and 2011. Through wills, postmortem inventories, and criminal cases, we tried to reconstruct aspects of slaves and freedmen families, and their experiences in the locality in question.
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Benditos Amaros - remanescentes quilombolas de Paracatu: memórias, lutas e práticas culturais (1940-2004)Silva, Paulo Sérgio Moreira da 28 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The research of Family Amaros is, in some sense, the continuity of the master thesis, entitled The Caretagem as cultural practice: faith, blackness and revelry in Paracatu, MG(1960-1980) and, consequently, the induced understand its displacement relative to a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of Paracatu and understand their wiles and cultural resistance, especially with regard to the struggles and conflicts that have undertaken the process of resuming possession of their lands and farm Pituba. In this sense, this research on the family of Amaros aimed to deepen their ritual context, which aims to establish a dialogue that goes beyond a simple reading of the daily life they represent, because the trajectory envisioned an understanding of family and kinship network woven from cultural shaped face and survive the social and political issues experienced. In vieis, this agenda is the political struggle for social rights of the family land located on the farm of Amaros, Pituba, from which they were expropriated from the year 1940. In this political process was evidence the persistence of the values and traditions of African descent enrolled in a memory that moved to the urban periphery recreate their culture, their way of life, combining the family around their celebrations, sociability, arts and craft activities as a way of living maintain their cultural identity. From this point of view, we conceive the political struggle for recognition of their land and social rights embedded in their daily lives for their popular cultural practices, hence, the focus not only on their movement around the Palmares Cultural Foundation and the Institute for Black Speech, but also the set of symbolic representations that protect their cultural identity through a social memory in continuous recreation / reinvention. / A pesquisa - Família dos Amaros - é, em algum sentido, a continuidade do trabalho de mestrado, intitulado A Caretagem como prática cultural: fé, negritude e folia em Paracatu-MG (1960-1980) o que, por consequência, nos induziu a compreender o seu deslocamento familiar para um bairro da periferia da cidade de Paracatu. Assim como nos permitiu entender as suas astúcias e resistências culturais, especialmente no que diz respeito às lutas e conflitos que têm empreendido no processo de retomada e posse de suas terras da fazenda Pituba. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa sobre a família dos Amaros objetivou aprofundar seu contexto ritualístico, num diálogo que pretende ir além de uma leitura do simples cotidiano por eles representado, já que a trajetória vislumbrada passa pelo entendimento da rede de parentesco familiar e cultural tecida como forma de enfrentar e sobreviver às questões sociais e políticas vivenciadas. Neste viés, está em pauta a luta política pelos direitos sociais da terra da família dos Amaros situada na fazenda Pituba, que lhes foi expropriada a partir dos anos de 1940. Nesse processo político, evidencia-se a persistência dos valores e tradições inscritos numa memória afrodescendente que, deslocada para a periferia urbana, recria sua cultura, sua forma de viver, aglutinando os familiares em torno de suas festas, sociabilidades, atividades artesanais e artes de viver como forma de manter sua identidade cultural. Desse ponto de vista concebemos a luta política pelo reconhecimento de suas terras e direitos sociais entranhadas no seu cotidiano pelas suas práticas culturais populares, daí o enfoque não só na sua movimentação em torno da Fundação Cultural Palmares e do Instituto Fala Negra, mas também no conjunto de representações simbólicas que resguardam sua identidade cultural por meio de uma memória social em contínua recriação/reinvenção. / Doutor em História
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Famílias negras no planalto médio do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1960) : terra, migração e relações familiaresAguilar, Maria do Carmo Moreira January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar o período de itinerância de um grupo familiar residente no quilombo Rincão dos Caixões, localizado no município de Jacuízinho, situado no Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao abordar a questão das migrações, verificaram-se as estratégias desenvolvidas pelo grupo na busca por postos de trabalho, a recuperação da estabilidade perdida e as relações familiares tecidas neste contexto de constantes deslocamentos. Esta coletividade tem sua origem em outro território negro, denominado Sítio Novo/Linha Fão, localizado no município de Arroio do Tigre. Esta área foi cedida a um grupo negro nos anos iniciais do século XX, porém, seus ancestrais habitavam a localidade desde os tempos do cativeiro. A delimitação temporal focaliza-se entre meados de 1940, momento da perda de parte do território do Sítio Novo/Linha Fão e 1960 quando a família se fixou na área do quilombo Rincão dos Caixões. O período delimitado, no entanto, recua para o período final da escravidão (1870-1890) para reconstituir o contexto de territorialidades negras na região em questão, na época da doação da parcela de terras, marcando com isso o inicio da territorialização negra no quilombo Sítio Novo/Linha Fão. A pesquisa desenvolvida se utilizou de fontes orais e escritas. Conta com um acervo de 30 entrevistas, realizadas entre 2008 e 2011, e, através de testamentos, inventários post-mortem, e processos criminais, buscou-se reconstituir aspectos das experiências de famílias de escravos e libertos na localidade em questão. / The main objective of this research is to analyze the roaming period of a family group living in the Quilombo of Rincão dos Caixões, located in the municipality of Jacuízinho, situated in the middle plateau region of Rio Grande do Sul. When addressing the issue of migration, we also verified the strategy used by the group regarding search of jobs, restoring lost stability and family relations built in this context of constant displacement. The community has its origin in another black territory, called Sítio Novo / Linha Fão, located in the municipality of Arroio do Tigre. This area was given to a group of black people in the early years of the 20th Century; however, their ancestors inhabited the place since the days of captivity. The temporal delimitation focuses from mid-1940, when it was the loss of part of the territory of Sítio Novo / Linha Fão and 1960 when the family settled in the Quilombo area Rincão dos Caixões. To better reconstruct the context of black territoriality in that region at the time of donation of the part of land, we bounded the stage until the final period of slavery (1870- 1890). That period was the beginning of black territorialization in the Quilombo Novo Sítio/Fão. Oral and written sources were used in the present research. It comprises a collection of 30 interviews, conducted between 2008 and 2011. Through wills, postmortem inventories, and criminal cases, we tried to reconstruct aspects of slaves and freedmen families, and their experiences in the locality in question.
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Observations de vestiges de supernovæ en coquille avec le Fermi Large Area Telescope / Observations of shell-type supernova remnants with the Fermi Large Area TelescopeCondon, Benjamin 05 October 2017 (has links)
Après plus d'un siècle d'étude des rayons cosmiques, des questions persistent à propos de leur origine. À l'échelle de notre galaxie, les vestiges de supernovæ sont d'excellents candidats en tant que sources de rayons cosmiques et il est aujourd'hui avéré que ces ondes de choc générées par l'explosion d'étoiles en fin de vie accélèrent des électrons jusqu'au TeV. Cependant, des preuves tangibles manquent toujours pour confirmer que les protons, qui représentent ~90% du rayonnement cosmique, y sont également accélérés. Ces preuves sont à chercher entre 100 MeV et 10 GeV où la forme spectrale de l'émission gamma nous renseigne sur la nature des particules accélérées.Ce domaine en énergie est observé par le satellite Fermi qui scrute le ciel à haute énergie grâce au Large Area Telescope (LAT), un instrument capable de détecter les rayons gamma d'énergies comprises entre 20 MeV et plus de 300 GeV. Avec la dernière version des données en date (Pass 8) rendue publique en 2015, la surface efficace a été sensiblement accrue, notamment à haute énergie. L'objet de cette thèse a été de mettre à profit les nouvelles performances du LAT pour étudier le rayonnement provenant de jeunes vestiges de supernovæ en coquille afin d'évaluer leur capacité à accélérer des particules à haute énergie. Au total, quatre vestiges de ce type ont été étudiés en détail : RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946.L'analyse morphologique et spatiale de ces sources nous a menés à d'importants résultats : HESS J1731-347 et SN 1006 ont été détectés pour la première fois au GeV, nous avons mis en évidence une morphologie en coquille pour RCW 86 qui était précédemment détectée comme une source ponctuelle et RX J1713.7-3946 a révélé une forme spectrale plus complexe que ce qui était alors connu. Grâce à la modélisation de l'émission non-thermique de ces sources, en s'aidant des données au TeV obtenues par H.E.S.S., nous avons montré que leur émission gamma est très largement dominée par le rayonnement Compton inverse des électrons de haute énergie diffusant sur les champs de photons ambiants. Cependant, des modifications spectrales ont également été trouvées dans certaines parties de SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946 où l'onde de choc est en interaction avec des régions denses en matière, traçant la possible accélération de protons en leur sein. / After more than a century of cosmic-ray studies, questions about their origin remain unanswered. In our galaxy, supernova remnants are excellent candidates to be the sources of cosmic rays and it is now certain that these shock waves created by the explosion of dying stars accelerate electrons up to TeV energies. However, undeniable proof is still missing to confirm that protons, which represent ~90% of the cosmic radiation, are also accelerated. Such proof can be searched for between 100 MeV and 10 GeV, where the spectral shape of the gamma-ray emission changes according to the nature of the particles that are accelerated.This energy range is covered by the Fermi spacecraft which observes the high energy sky with the Large Area telescope (LAT), an instrument detecting gamma-rays from 20 MeV to more than 300 GeV. With the latest version of the data, released in 2015 (Pass 8), the effective area has been greatly improved, especially at high energy. The goal of this thesis was to take advantage of the improved performance of the LAT to study the radiation coming from young shell-type supernova remnants and to evaluate their ability to accelerate particles to high energy. Four such remnants were studied in detail: RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946.Spatial and spectral analyses of these sources yielded important results: HESS J1731-347 and SN 1006 were identified for the first time in the GeV range, we detected a shell-like morphology for RCW 86 which was previously seen as a point source, and RX J1713.7-3946 revealed an unexpected spectral shape. Broadband modeling of the non-thermal emission of these remnants, using in particular TeV data obtained with H.E.S.S., showed that their gamma-ray emission is dominated by the inverse Compton scattering of electrons on ambient photon fields. However, we also found spectral modifications in some parts of SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946 where the shock is interacting with dense regions that could trace the acceleration of protons.
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Famílias negras no planalto médio do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1960) : terra, migração e relações familiaresAguilar, Maria do Carmo Moreira January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar o período de itinerância de um grupo familiar residente no quilombo Rincão dos Caixões, localizado no município de Jacuízinho, situado no Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao abordar a questão das migrações, verificaram-se as estratégias desenvolvidas pelo grupo na busca por postos de trabalho, a recuperação da estabilidade perdida e as relações familiares tecidas neste contexto de constantes deslocamentos. Esta coletividade tem sua origem em outro território negro, denominado Sítio Novo/Linha Fão, localizado no município de Arroio do Tigre. Esta área foi cedida a um grupo negro nos anos iniciais do século XX, porém, seus ancestrais habitavam a localidade desde os tempos do cativeiro. A delimitação temporal focaliza-se entre meados de 1940, momento da perda de parte do território do Sítio Novo/Linha Fão e 1960 quando a família se fixou na área do quilombo Rincão dos Caixões. O período delimitado, no entanto, recua para o período final da escravidão (1870-1890) para reconstituir o contexto de territorialidades negras na região em questão, na época da doação da parcela de terras, marcando com isso o inicio da territorialização negra no quilombo Sítio Novo/Linha Fão. A pesquisa desenvolvida se utilizou de fontes orais e escritas. Conta com um acervo de 30 entrevistas, realizadas entre 2008 e 2011, e, através de testamentos, inventários post-mortem, e processos criminais, buscou-se reconstituir aspectos das experiências de famílias de escravos e libertos na localidade em questão. / The main objective of this research is to analyze the roaming period of a family group living in the Quilombo of Rincão dos Caixões, located in the municipality of Jacuízinho, situated in the middle plateau region of Rio Grande do Sul. When addressing the issue of migration, we also verified the strategy used by the group regarding search of jobs, restoring lost stability and family relations built in this context of constant displacement. The community has its origin in another black territory, called Sítio Novo / Linha Fão, located in the municipality of Arroio do Tigre. This area was given to a group of black people in the early years of the 20th Century; however, their ancestors inhabited the place since the days of captivity. The temporal delimitation focuses from mid-1940, when it was the loss of part of the territory of Sítio Novo / Linha Fão and 1960 when the family settled in the Quilombo area Rincão dos Caixões. To better reconstruct the context of black territoriality in that region at the time of donation of the part of land, we bounded the stage until the final period of slavery (1870- 1890). That period was the beginning of black territorialization in the Quilombo Novo Sítio/Fão. Oral and written sources were used in the present research. It comprises a collection of 30 interviews, conducted between 2008 and 2011. Through wills, postmortem inventories, and criminal cases, we tried to reconstruct aspects of slaves and freedmen families, and their experiences in the locality in question.
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A paisagem antrópica sob avaliação: a avifauna em remanescentes florestais, matrizes agrícolas e as implicações para a conservação / The human-modified landscapes under assessment: Bird in forest patches, agricultural matrices and the implications for conservationEduardo Roberto Alexandrino 27 August 2015 (has links)
Devido o dinamismo e complexidade estrutural observada nas paisagens antrópicas, pesquisas contínuas são necessárias para melhorar o conhecimento sobre quais os impactos delas na biodiversidade, bem como para entender quais espécies ocorrentes nestas paisagens refletem as condições ambientais lá existentes. Desse modo, tomando a avifauna como representante da biodiversidade presente nestas paisagens, esta tese objetivou: 1) caracterizar as assembleias de aves ocorrentes nos remanescentes florestais de Mata Atlântica inseridos em paisagem antrópica agrícola, bem como as assembleias que ocorrem no interior das culturas de pasto e cana-de-açúcar, 2) identificar um método analítico adequado para acessar a integridade ecológica existente nos remanescentes florestais por meio das assembleias de aves, 3) avaliar o efeito da estrutura e dinâmica destas paisagens nas assembleias de aves ocorrentes nos remanescentes florestais, 4) identificar quais características da paisagem antrópica agrícola influenciam as aves ocorrentes no interior das culturas de pasto e cana-de-açúcar. Assembleias de aves foram amostradas mensalmente durante um ano (Nov2011-Nov2012) por meio de pontos fixos e transectos em oito remanescentes florestais com diferentes tamanhos (3-115ha) e históricos de degradação, e oito sítios amostrais localizados no interior das culturas agrícolas (quatro em pasto e quatro em cana-de-açúcar). Estes foram selecionados dentro de cinco unidades amostrais de uma paisagem tipicamente (16 km2) agrícola do Estado de São Paulo (Bacia do Rio Corumbataí). O índice de serviços ecossistêmicos de Ferraz et al. (2014) foi adotado como uma medida do grau de distúrbios antrópicos presente nos remanescentes florestais do qual leva em consideração a dinâmica e estrutura deles. Já as características das paisagens nas culturas agrícolas foram coletadas em duas escalas de análise (buffers circulares de 600 e 1000m) levando em consideração métricas que pudessem refletir uma maior heterogeneidade da paisagem. No total, 191 espécies foram observadas nos remanescentes florestais, enquanto que 137 nas culturas agrícolas. As aves com hábitos florestais, não-florestais, hábitos mistos florestais-não-florestais, pequenos insetívoros de sub-bosque, aves que forrageiam no estrato médio dos remanescentes, espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas foram os melhores indicadores ecológicos nos remanescentes. Estes grupos formaram a base de dados do Índice de Integridade Biótica (IIB) um método multimétrico que obteve um melhor desempenho em refletir a integridade existente nos remanescentes quando comparado com os níveis de sensibilidade a distúrbios antrópicos de Parker III et al. (1996), riqueza geral das assembleias e índice de diversidade de Shannon. Foram registradas 132 espécies nas pastagens enquanto que apenas 72 nos canaviais, sendo que tanto a riqueza geral quanto a abundância relativa de alguns grupos de aves foram explicadas pela variação na heterogeneidade da paisagem. Assim, conclui-se que métodos analíticos classicamente utilizados em ecologia podem apresentar falhas na avaliação ecológica de remanescentes de Mata Atlântica inseridos em paisagem antrópica, ocasionando interpretações errôneas. Novos métodos analíticos devem ser explorados, sendo o IIB um possível substituto. A diferença existente entre as assembleias de aves ocorrentes nas pastagens, (maior heterogeneidade) e nos canaviais (baixa heterogeneidade) indicam as consequências negativas que homogeneização da paisagem agrícola pode ocasionar à biodiversidade ocorrente nestas paisagens. / Because human-modified landscapes (HML) are dynamic and have structural complexity, continuous research is necessary to improve knowledge about the HML impacts on the biodiversity, as well as to provide knowledge of which current species may reflect the environmental conditions existing there. Thus, considering birds as sample of the HML existing biodiversity, the following thesis aimed to: 1) describe the bird assemblages of Atlantic Forest patches located in HML and bird assemblages of the interior of cattle pastures and sugar cane crops, 2) identify a proper bird analytical approach to assess the existing ecological integrity of forest patches in HML, 3) assess the effects of the landscape features (dynamic and structure) on the bird assemblages of forest patches in HML, 4) identify which landscapes features of both crops may exert influence on the bird assemblage composition of each crop. Bird sampling was performed monthly along one year (Nov 2011 - Nov 2012) in eight forest patches with different historical and size (3 - 115 ha), and eight sites located in the interior of each crop (four in cattle pasture and four in sugar cane), using point counts and transects. Five focal landscapes (16 km2) located in a typical HML of São Paulo state (Corumbataí river basin) were used to select these sampling sites. The rank of ecosystem services provisioning of Ferraz et al. (2014) was used as a measurement of the existing gradient of human disturbance in the forest patches, which was built through information about forest dynamic and structure. The landscape features of each crop were collected through two scale of analysis (circular buffers with 600 and 1000 radius meters) taking into account metrics that may represent the landscape heterogeneity. 191 species were observed in the forest patches while 137 in the crops. The forest birds, non-forest birds, birds with forest-non-forest habits, small understory-midstory insectivorous, species with foraging habits in the midstory strata, threatened and endemic species, were the best ecological indicators of the forest patches. These bird groups were used as database in the development of the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), a multimetric approach, which showed a better performance to indicate the existent integrity in the forest patches in comparison with \"sensitivity to disturbance\" of Parker III et al. (1996), total species richness and Shannon´s diversity index. 132 species were observed in cattle pastures while 72 in sugar cane. Both richness and relative abundance of some bird groups were explained by the landscape heterogeneity variation. Thus, it is possible to conclude that some classical birds analytical approaches may be flawed in the ecological assessment of Atlantic Forest patches inserted in HML. New analytical approaches should be explored, and the IBI is a possible alternative. The bird\'s assemblage differences between cattle pastures (high heterogeneity) and sugar cane (low heterogeneity) are an example of the negative consequences caused by the crops homogenization on the living biodiversity of agricultural landscapes.
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Signification des plis palmaires orangés dans l’évaluation des dyslipidémiesRoy, Nathalie 12 1900 (has links)
Après un bref rappel des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et une revue du métabolisme des lipides, de la classification des dyslipidémies et de la pathophysiologie des xanthomes, sera abordée la dysbêtalipoprotéinémie (anciennement la dyslipidémie de type III). Cette dyslipidémie caractérisée par l’accumulation de particules de remnants, généralement secondaire à une apolipoprotéine E anormale, est hautement athérogène, tant au niveau vasculaire périphérique que coronarien. Jusqu’à présent, les plis palmaires orangés, définis comme étant une coloration jaune à orangée (parfois brunâtre) des plis palmaires ainsi que digitaux, ont été considérés pathognomoniques de cette dyslipidémie.
Par l’étude d’une population caucasienne adulte du Saguenay –Lac Saint-Jean, nous avons pu démontrer une prévalence de 18,8% des plis palmaires orangés chez les patients atteints d’une dysbêtalipoprotéinémie. Également, cette étude a permis de mettre en lumière l’absence des critères de dysbêtalipoprotéinémie chez 10,7% des sujets présentant ce type de xanthome.
Les données suggèrent que l’expression de plis palmaires orangés est associée à la présence d’une accumulation soutenue ou récurrente de remnants. L’accumulation de ces remnants est possible dans un large spectre de maladies lipidiques où il y a interférence dans l’hydrolyse ou la clairance des remnants, dont la dyslipidémie post-prandiale, la chylomicronémie, le déficit partiel en lipoprotéine lipase (LPL) et dans l’hypercholestérolémie familiale (HF) sévère, principalement chez les individus homozygotes.
La recherche en clinique des plis palmaires orangés pourrait apporter des éléments complémentaires dans l’évaluation du risque cardiovasculaire en tant que marqueur d’une accumulation de remnants qui, pour leur part, ont été démontrés conférer un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté, tant en prévention primaire que secondaire. / After a brief review of cardiovascular risk factors and lipid metabolism, classification of dyslipidemias, the pathophysiology of xanthomas as well as dysbetalipoproteinemia will be discussed. This dyslipidemia which is characterized by the accumulation of remnants particules, generally secondary to an abnormal apolipoprotein E, is highly atherogenic, both at the peripheral vascular and coronary levels. The striated palmar xanthomas, defined as a yellow to orange (sometimes brownish) coloration of the palmar and digital folds, are considered pathognomonic of this formerly called type III dyslipidemia.
By studying an adult Caucasian population from the Saguenay–Lac Saint-Jean region, we were able to demonstrate a prevalence of 18.8% of orange palmar folds in patients with dysbetalipoproteinemia. Also, this study allowed to shed light on the absence of criteria for dysbetalipoproteinemia in 10.7% of subjects with this type of xanthoma.
These data suggest that the expression of striated palmar xanthomas is associated with the presence of a sustained or recurrent accumulation of remnants. The accumulation of these remnants is possible in a broad spectrum of lipid disorders where there is interference in the hydrolysis or clearance of the remnants, including postprandial dyslipidemia, chylomicronemia, partial lipoprotein lipase deficiency and familial hypercholesterolemia mainly in homozygotes.
Clinical research of striated palmar xanthomas could provide additional information in the evaluation of cardiovascular risk as a marker of an accumulation of remnants which, for their part, have been shown to confer an increased cardiovascular risk, both in primary prevention and secondary.
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Radio astronomy techniques : the use of radio instruments from single dish radio telescopes to radio interferometersDe Witt, Aletha 03 1900 (has links)
New radio telescopes under development, will significantly enhance the capabilities
of radio astronomy in the Southern Hemisphere. South Africa, in
particular, is actively involved in the development of a new array (MeerKAT)
as well as in the expansion of existing very long baseline interferometer arrays
in the south. Participation in these new developments demands a thorough
understanding of radio astronomy techniques, and data analysis, and this
thesis focusses on two projects with the aim of gaining such experience.
The Southern Hemisphere very long baselines array is not well served
with calibrator sources and there are significant gaps in the present calibrator
distribution on the sky. An adequately dense, well distributed, set of strong,
compact calibrator or reference sources is needed. With this in mind, observations
using the Southern Hemisphere long baseline array were conducted to
investigate a sample of candidate calibrator sources. The compactness of the
sources was investigated and new potential calibrators have been identified.
Single antenna radio spectroscopy of OH masers has identified sources
of 1720 MHz emission associated with supernova remnants at the shock interface
between the expanding supernova remnant and a molecular cloud.
Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced
under tight physical constraints. Out
ows from newly-formed stars
create nebulous regions known as Herbig-Haro objects when they interact
with the surrounding medium, and these regions are potentially similar to
those seen in supernova remnants. If conditions behind the shock fronts of
Herbig-Haro objects are able to support 1720-MHz OH masers they could
be a useful diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward Herbig-Haro
objects using a single-dish radio telescope did detect 1720-MHz OH lines in
emission, but neither their spectral signature nor follow-up observations with
the Very Large Array showed evidence of maser emission. / Mathematical Sciences / Ph.D. (Astronomy)
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Modelling the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae / Michael Johannes VorsterVorster, Michael Johannes January 2014 (has links)
This study focusses on modelling important aspects of the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae
using two different approaches. The first uses a hydrodynamic model to simulate the morphological
evolution of a spherically-symmetric composite supernova remnant that is expanding
into a homogeneous interstellar medium. In order to extend this model, a magnetic field is
included in a kinematic fashion, implying that the reaction of the fluid on the magnetic field
is taken into account, while neglecting any counter-reaction of the field on the fluid. This approach
is valid provided that the ratio of electromagnetic to particle energy in the nebula is
small, or equivalently, for a large plasma β environment. This model therefore allows one to
not only calculate the evolution of the convection velocity but also, for example, the evolution
of the average magnetic field.
The second part of this study focusses on calculating the evolution of the energy spectra of
the particles in the nebula using a number of particle evolution models. The first of these is
a spatially independent temporal evolution model, similar to the models that can be found
in the literature. While spatially independent models are useful, a large part of this study
is devoted to developing spatially dependent models based on the Fokker-Planck transport
equation. Two such models are developed, the first being a spherically-symmetric model that
includes the processes of convection, diffusion, adiabatic losses, as well as the non-thermal
energy loss processes of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. As the magnetic
field geometry can lead to the additional transport process of drift, the previous model is
extended to an axisymmetric geometry, thereby allowing one to also include this process. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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