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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fjärrkontrollstyrd sampling av tröghetssensorer / Remote controlled samplning of inertial sensors

Karlberg, Nicholas January 2019 (has links)
På avdelningen Medicinsk Teknik-Forskning och Utveckling på Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (MT-FoU) pågår en utveckling av ett rörelsemätsystem (MoLab) som syftar till att ge kvantitativa data från individer med nedsatt rörelsefunktion. Denna information kan fungera som underlag för behandling och användas för att utvärdera uppföljning av behandlingar. Mätsystemet begränsas idag av att det är beroende av en accesspunkt med tillhörande lokalt nätverk för att föra över data till insamlingsdator via TCP/IP-protokollet.   Examensarbetet syftar till att öka mätsystemets mobilitet genom att inkludera en portabel och trådlös mätlösning utan krav på stationär accesspunkt och insamlingsdator vid insamlingstillfället. Med ett mer mobilt mätsystem kan data inhämtas från individer i dennes autentiska och vardagliga miljö.   En lokal lagringsyta har kopplats till sensorenheterna och användargränssnittet utgörs istället av en fjärrkontroll, som startar och stoppar mätningar. Fjärrkontrollen fungerar också som en accesspunkt som sensorenheterna ansluter till och som vidarebefordrar start- och stoppsignaler via UDP-broadcast från fjärrkontroll till alla uppkopplade sensorenheter. Vid given stoppsignal överförs sensordata till fjärrkontrollen för efterföljande lagring på dess interna minneskort. Det är viktigt att mätningarna sker synkront mellan sensorenheterna, där startsynkroniseringen kan kvantifieras som tidsdifferensen mellan sensorenheternas mätstart.  Med metoden som föreslås i detta arbete, hamnar startsynkroniseringen väl under ett väldefinierat tröskelvärde på 2 ms som också fanns implementerat i MoLab och är därför en tänkbar metod för att utöka mobiliteten för MoLab. / The department of Biomedical Engineering Research and Development at University Hospital (MT-FoU) is developing a motion measurement system (MoLab) that aims to provide quantitative data from individuals with impaired mobility. This information can serve as a basis for treatments and used to evaluate follow-up of treatments. The measuring system is today limited by the fact that it is dependent on an access point and associated local network to communicate data to an evaluation computer via the TCP/IP protocol. This is a bachelor thesis that aims to give this measuring system greater freedom to measure without dependence of a stationary access point and evaluation computer. With a more mobile system, data can be obtained in a more authentic and everyday environment for the individuals to be measured.  An internal memory has been connected to the inertial sensor devices, and the user interface is instead a remote control, which starts and stops measurements. The remote-control acts as the access point which the sensor devices connects to and start and stop signals are transmitted via UDP broadcast from the remote-control to the sensor devices. In case of a given stop signal, sensor data is transferred to the internal memory of the remote control. It is important that the measurements take place synchronously where the synchronization can be quantified as the time difference between the sensor devices at the measurement start. With this method, start synchronization ends up well below a well-defined threshold value of 2 ms that was also implemented in MoLab, giving it greater mobility.

Modeling and Simulation of a Remote Controlled Weapon Station / Modellering och Simulering av Fjärrmanövrerad Vapenstation

Svalstedt, Mats January 2022 (has links)
Understanding how a system behaves when exposed to different scenarios is key when improvingand developing complex structures. The amount of different approaches is immense and variesfrom case to case. One of the simpler approaches is black-box modelling as it only targetsan input and output to a system, and not necessarily the mathematical interpretations. Fora nonlinear system such as a remote controlled weapon station, this approach is appropriate,as it allows to only focus on a certain scenario and the results obtained for that case. In thisstudy, a remote controlled weapon station is further investigated when exposed to disturbancesfrom a combat vehicle. The data obtained is simulated on a platform and the results are usedin Matlab to analyze and find the best model from these tests. A Hammerstein-Wiener modelwith nonlinear wavelet networks is deemed the best as it gives the most accurate representationof the station’s behavior. The results obtained are considered to be moderately accurate dueto its precision and should only be used as reference point, rather than being interpreted as atrue representation of the system. / Att förstå hur ett system beter sig när det utsätts för olika scenarier är viktigt när man skaförbättra och utveckla komplexa strukturer. Mängden olika tillvägagångssätt är näst intillobegränsad och varierar från fall till fall. Ett av de enklare tillvägagångssätten är "blackbox" modellering eftersom det bara riktar sig till in- och utsignal till ett system, och intenödvändigtvis de matematiska tolkningarna. För ett icke-linjärt system så som en fjärrstyrdvapenstation, är detta tillvägagångssätt lämpligt, eftersom det tillåter att bara fokusera på ettvisst scenario och de resultat som erhålls för det fallet. I denna studie undersöks en fjärrstyrdvapenstation när den utsätts för störningar från ett stridsfordon. Den erhållna datan simuleraspå en plattform och resultaten används i Matlab för att analysera och hitta den bästa modellenfrån dessa tester. En Hammerstein-Wiener-modell med icke-linjära wavelet-nätverk anses varaden bästa eftersom den ger den mest exakta representationen av stationens beteende. Deerhållna resultaten anses vara mediokra på grund av dess precision och bör endast användassom en referenspunkt, snarare än att tolkas som en sann representation av systemet.

Vergleich von drei unterschiedlichen Telepathologiesystemen zur primären histologischen Schnellschnittdiagnostik auf der Grundlage einer retrospektiven Studie

Bayer, Gudrun 20 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Frage nach Eignung der Technik, des Aufwands, der Schulung und der Vor- und Nachteile eines Einsatzes der Telepathologie in der Schnellschnitt-Diagnostik zu analysieren. Weltweit wurden verschiedene Telepathologiesysteme entwickelt, die zum Teil für den Schnellschnitt verwendet werden können. Auch an der Charité entstanden mit dem 1.ATM-System, 2.dem TPS-System und 3.dem TELEMIC-System, drei technisch völlig unterschiedliche Systeme. Diese Systeme wurden anhand einer retrospektiven Studie hinsichtlich ihrer Einsatzfähigkeit in der telepathologische Schnellschnitt-Diagnostik untersucht. Um die Systeme untereinander vergleichen zu können, wurden 124 histologische Schnellschnittpräparate aus dem Jahr 1999 herausgesucht (ausschließlich Brustgewebe), die von vier erfahrenen Pathologen mit jedem System erneut bearbeitet wurden. Qualitativ wurden mit dem ATM- und dem TPS-System gleichwertige Ergebnisse wie in der konventionellen Schnellschnitt-Diagnostik erreicht. Das TELEMIC-System war qualitativ aufgrund der hohen Rate von Rückweisungen den anderen Systemen und dem konventionellen Schnellschnitt deutlich unterlegen. Bei den Diagnosezeiten zeigte sich eine leichte Unterlegenheit des TPS-Systems gegenüber dem konventionellen Schnellschnitt. Da es jedoch insbesondere als Möglichkeit der Ferndiagnose eingesetzt wird, fallen die bei der konventionellen Schnellschnitt-Diagnostik nötigen Transportzeiten durch einen Kurier weg. Das ATM-System und das TELEMIC-System sind auch ohne Zurechnung der Transportzeiten zeitlich zum konventionellen Schnellschnitt vergleichbare Systeme. / Target of the available work is it, the question about suitability of the technique, the expenditure, to analyze the training and the pro and cons of an application of the Telepathologie on fresh frozen diagnostics. World-wide different Systems for telepathology were developed, which can be used partially for the fresh frozen diagnostics. At the Charité were developed three technically completely different systems: 1.ATM-System, 2.TPS system and 3.TELEMIC system, These systems were examined on the basis a retrospective study regarding their serviceability on telepathologische fresh frozen diagnostics. In order to be able to compare the systems among themselves, 124 histological fresh frozen preparations were picked out from the year 1999 (excluding chest tissues), which were again processed by four experienced pathologists with each system. Qualitatively with ATM and TPS system equivalent results as on were achieved conventional fresh frozen diagnostics. The TELEMIC system was qualitatively inferior for the other systems and the conventional fresh frozen diagnostics due to the high rate of rejections. With the diagnostic times an easy inferiority of the TPS system showed up in relation to the conventional fresh frozen diagnostics. Since it is used however in particular as possibility of the remote diagnostics, the feed times necessary with the conventional fresh frozen diagnostics are omitted by a courier. The ATM system and the TELEMIC system are also without addition of the feed times temporally to the conventional fresh frozen diagnostics comparable systems.

-BLB- M/S Calmare Nyckel : Ballast-, Läns- & Brandsystemet på M/S Calmare Nyckel / -BBF- M/S Calmare Nyckel : Ballast, Bilge & Fire system on M/S Calmare Nyckel

Hjälte, Robert, Nordstrand, John January 2015 (has links)
Rapporten är skriven för att dokumentera den befintliga installationen av ballast-, läns- och brandsystem ombord på fartyget M/S Calmare Nyckel. I enlighet med uppdragets specifika-tioner kommer även förslag på förbättringar att presenteras. Förslagen bygger till största del på fakta från en leverantör av ventilkomponenter och av klassen ställda krav på installationen. Förbättringarna beaktar i huvudsak minskade risker och ökad säkerhet. De största skillnaderna med de nya förslagen är att länsvattensystemet skiljs från de övriga systemen, de viktigaste funktionerna fjärrstyrs med hjälp av pneumatik och systemets komponenter märks enligt branchstandard. / This report is produced to document the existing installation regarding the ballast, bilge and fire system aboard the vessel M/S Calmare Nyckel. According to the specifications of the assignment a proposal regarding improvements will also be presented. The suggestions are mainly based on data from a supplier of valve components and the demands put up by the classification society. The improvements are considered with reduced risk and increased safety in mind. The main differences in the new proposals are the separation of the bilge system from the other two systems, that the most vital functions can be remote-controlled by pneumatics and that all components are marked according to industry standard.

Finding missing people : Hur kan man effektivisera arbete med att söka efter försvunna personer?

Lugnegård, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
Finding missing people and obtaining an overview of complex emergencies is very demanding and requires costly resources. I have on a few occasions sought after my grandfather, who, when he got Alzheimer, liked to go for a stroll at night (!) when my grandmother was sleeping. Those kind of situations are very stressful, especially a cold winter night. During my first 25 years I was part of a dedicated outdoor culture with countless ski trips, mountain hikes, mountain bike trips and many hours in primarily Swedish nature. It happened on a few occasions that we came in contact with people who worked with rescue operations in this type of environment. It could be about hikers who strayed away or been injured in the inaccessible nature, lost skiers in the mountain massifs around Riksgränsen, berry pickers in the Västerbotten forests etc. There are many examples of this type of situations and it's reflections on these scenarios and similar current problem which is the basis for this project.   Every year, about 7000 people are reported missing in Sweden. Of these remains about 30-35 vanished. Globally, the figure is huge. Earthquakes, floods and other hit by natural occurs despite various preventive measures. There are many occasions where the search, reconnaissance and location of individuals as well as physical problems play a critical role, but where human capacity seldom is sufficient. Search party chains (organized by organisations like Missing People) requires significant human resources and costs precious time, police helicopter reconnaissance is economically very costly, not environmentally friendly and involves a significant margin of error. With these statements as background, I would look at the possibility of creating a thorough design solution that contributes to people in need can be located, provided security and helped significantly faster than today without requiring significant resources. With this as a backdrop, I wanted to create a concept that would contribute to that more people were found and could be saved. Through an extensive research of how a rescue operation is conducted, interviews with police and Missing People, as well as observations during actual operations, I identified a few main problem areas that my concept generation would center around. Together with my sponsor, we wanted to create something that can best be described as a robotic eagle with hyper vision, long flight time and a positive association for the victim. The result is Aetos (Greek for eagle). A modular drone-system with innovative features to handle with long flights and demanding rescue missions. Thanks to an aerodynamic shape and a remote-controlled system Aetos requires minimal resources to create overview and help in locating the missing person. We want to save lives, and it can Aetos that.

Optimal nätdesign : Utvärdering och jämförelse av nätstrukturer i Stockholms mellanspänningsnät / Optimal grid design : Evaluation and comparison of network structures in Stockholm's MV-grid

Wennberg, Simon January 2017 (has links)
In today’s society the electric grid has become one of the most important infrastructures and industries as well as other infrastructures, and individuals rely on its functionality. The unavailability of electricity caused by outages is increasingly rare but when it occurs it can have serious consequences. An electric grid’s reliability is now a requirement, not only from customers but also from the regulatory authority.The electric grid in Stockholm is owned and operated by Ellevio AB. Over the past decade the reliability, measured in SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index), in the area has deterioated, mainly due to failures of the medium voltage grid (11- kV, MV). The network structure on the MV- grid consists primarily of two parallel medium voltage cables each of which acts redundantly to its pair cable. The technique, called dual cable structure, works most optimally with substations with automatic switching, which automaticly switch over to the redundant cable when failure occurs. However substations without this automatic switching are widely used resulting in a longer interruption time. Another network structure is the ring or loop structure, which still has redundancy, but when failure occurs a load- break switch must close so that the grid can be fed from another direction. The substation in the loop structure can also be remotely controlled, making the load-break swith operable from the control center, resulting in a shorter interruption time.This thesis evaluates and compares different network structures consisting of dual cable with automatic switching and loop structure with remotely controlled substations, based on economy and reliability, on Stora Essingen. The two structures have been designed in the network information system program Trimble NIS and divided into two different environments; one developed and one undeveloped environment. The results show that the technical solutions in network structures of MV- grid do not necessarily mean major differences in economy nor reliability, rather the choice between few but long interruptions and many but short interruptions is central. Results show however that a combination of the dual cable structure with remotely controlled substations in the undeveloped environment is economically motivated while the reliability can be maintained at the same tame.

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