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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The optimal replacement life of opencast mining haultrucks utilizing key performance indicators

Pretorius, Nico 28 August 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / In an ever - increasing competitive business world it is essential to optimise the replacement of expensive mining equipment. The decisions regarding the replacement of assets used in a coal mine are usually based on life cycle costing models. Financial methods such as Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return or Payback are applied to determine the feasibility of replacement of the asset. Whereas these methods and other models such as life cycle costing, challenger / defender and the Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process models can be applied in most cases, it is deemed to be insufficient as the sole decision making tool for the replacement of mining equipment. The development of another tool to assist in the decision making process is required for specific use by the engineer to be used in conjunction with the traditional financial models. Key performance indicators are used extensively in the mining industry to manage the performance of equipment and are deemed to be essential components in achieving the organisation's objectives. There are certain limitations when using only the traditional financial life cycle costing methods when viewed from the engineer's perspective, since they do not directly incorporate the level of the maintenance function and the performance effectiveness of the asset. The engineer usually requires more insight into the performance of the asset to assess the feasibility of replacement, hence the need for an additional tool that incorporates these key performance indicators. In most cases there are relationships between the various key performance indicators themselves as well as between them and the operating and maintenance cost of the asset. The key performance indicators used are availability, reliability (mean time to failure), maintainability (mean time to repair) and the operability (tons per direct operating hour). There are certain factors that may lead to the excessive operating and maintenance cost of an asset, especially if there is no investigation into the reasons for the excessive cost. Examples are sub-standard maintenance practices and an insufficient level of service from suppliers. Both are issues that can be resolved with a consequent decrease in the cost of ownership of the asset. Cost as the only indicator of the feasibility of replacement may therefore not be a true reflection of the real status of the performance of the asset. Weighting factors are used to allocate values to the key performance indicators in terms of their contribution towards achieving the organisational objectives. The equipment effectiveness is derived from these values to give an indication of how well the equipment is performing against predetermined benchmarks. This dissertation attempts tb find a solution to the problem through the use of the key performance indicators in addition to the existing models that focus on the financial aspect in order to provide a more accurate assessment of the replacement requirement of an asset in an opencast coal mine.

Determinanten der Patientenzufriedenheit und Rückkehrbereitschaft nach Knie- und Hüft-Totalendoprothesen-Erstimplantation

Schaal, Tom Karl 01 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Knie- und Hüftgelenkersatz zählt weltweit zu den erfolgreichsten und häufigsten Operationen, wenngleich 3-24% der Patienten unzufrieden sind. Der OECD-Ländervergleich ergab 2014 für Deutschland die höchste Durchführungsrate an Hüft-TEP und die zweithöchste an Knie-TEP. Erhebungen der Patientenzufriedenheit und Rückkehrbereitschaft können zur Prozessoptimierung und Qualitätsverbesserung genutzt werden und zugleich eine Steigerung der Zufriedenheit und Kundenbindung fördern. Mit der erstmaligen Aufnahme eines P4P-Ansatzes im KHSG, sind zukünftig qualitätsbezogene Zuschlagszahlungen an ein Krankenhaus unter Berücksichtigung der Patientenzufriedenheit denkbar. Damit gewinnen Erwartungen der Patienten an ein Krankenhaus zunehmend an Bedeutung, da deren Erfüllung Einfluss auf die Erlösrechnung haben kann. Parallel kann eine Anpassung der Versorgungsstruktur dazu führen, dass verstärkt Behandlungszentren entstehen und operative Eingriffe bei geringer Fallzahl in abgeschiedenen, ländlichen Regionen nicht mehr erbracht werden. Diese Studie befasste sich mit medizinischen und servicebezogenen Parametern sowie Krankenhausdaten, die signifikant mit der Zufriedenheit bei Patienten nach Knie- und Hüft-TEP assoziiert waren und die Bereitschaft in dasselbe Krankenhaus zurückzukehren beeinflussen. Neben der Frage, ob unterschiedliche Parameter Einfluss auf die Gesamtzufriedenheit und Rückkehrbereitschaft haben, wurde untersucht, inwiefern potentielle Einflussgrößen zwischen Knie- und Hüft-TEP-Patienten variieren. Zudem wurde die Relevanz verschiedener Kriterien erhoben, die aus Patientensicht Einfluss auf die Wahl eines zukünftigen Krankenhausaufenthalts haben kann. Die Daten der Studie wurden über eine schriftliche Befragung von Knie- und Hüft-TEP-Patienten gewonnen, die zwischen 2010 und 2011 in sächsischen Krankenhäusern in den Direktionsbezirken Dresden und Chemnitz behandelt wurden. Zufriedenheit und Rückkehrbereitschaft waren jeweils abhängige Variablen in mehreren logistischen Regressionsanalysen. Gemeinsam mit den unabhängigen Variablen wurden diese über einen validierten, mehrdimensionalen Fragebogen anhand 6-stufiger Skalen abgefragt und zusammen mit Routinedaten der Krankenhäuser bivariat und multivariat ausgewertet. Die Krankenhausdaten wurden den strukturierten Qualitätsberichten der Krankenhäuser entnommen. In die Analyse wurden 856 Fragebögen von Knie-TEP-Patienten und 810 Fragebögen von Hüft-TEP-Patienten eingeschlossen, was einer Rücklaufquote von 12,04% bzw. 11,89% entsprach. Bei beiden Behandlungsgruppen war im Ergebnis der multivariaten Analyse das subjektive Behandlungsergebnis sowohl mit der Gesamtzufriedenheit als auch mit der Rückkehrbereitschaft assoziiert. Postoperative Komplikationen waren jeweils nur mit der Rückkehrbereitschaft verknüpft. Einfluss auf die Rückkehrbereitschaft hatte bei Knie-TEP-Patienten zudem die Freundlichkeit des Pflegepersonals, die Organisation und der Ablauf von Untersuchungen sowie die Zimmerausstattung. Letztere wies zusammen mit der Qualität des Essens einen Zusammenhang zur Gesamtzufriedenheit bei dieser Patientengruppe auf. Bei den Hüft-TEP-Patienten war die Einschätzung der Aufenthaltsdauer, die verständliche Beantwortung von Patientenfragen durch Ärzte, die Sauberkeit und die verständliche Aufklärung über die Operation sowie die Wahrung der Privatsphäre bei Untersuchungen auch mit der Rückkehrbereitschaft assoziiert. Ein weiterer Zusammenhang zur Gesamtzufriedenheit zeigte sich dagegen bei der Einschätzung der ärztlichen Betreuung und der Einschätzung der Aufenthaltsdauer für Hüft-TEP-Patienten. Den Krankenhausparametern Behandlungsfallzahl, postoperative Beweglichkeit und Reoperation lag kein Zusammenhang gegenüber den abhängigen Variablen zugrunde. Die Befragten beider Behandlungsgruppen gaben gleichermaßen an, dass die Qualität der Behandlung bei der zukünftigen Wahl eines Krankenhauses am wichtigsten ist. Demgegenüber waren die Entfernung der Klinik zum Wohnort sowie die Größe des Krankenhauses im unteren Bereich der Bewertung angesiedelt. Es konnten verschiedene Interventionsmaßnahmen aufgezeigt werden, die auf der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene einzuordnen waren und in ihren Auswirkungen den einzelnen Patienten ebenso wie Entscheidungsträger im Gesundheitswesen ansprechen. Die relevanten Einflussfaktoren aus Patientensicht zeigten, dass Zufriedenheit und Rückkehrbereitschaft differenziert bewertet werden und auch zwischen Knie- und Hüft-TEP-Patienten variieren. Die Ergebnisse liefern krankenhausübergreifend wertvolle Informationen und unterstützen das medizinische Fachpersonal, Erwartungen von Knie- und Hüft-TEP-Patienten gerecht zu werden, die sich unter anderem auf die Bereiche Personalentwicklung, Patientenaufklärung und Catering erstreckten. Patientenzufriedenheit kann sich auf die Compliance auswirken, womit ein verbessertes Behandlungsergebnis erreicht werden kann. Infolge einer gezielten Steigerung der Patientenzufriedenheit sind Einsparungen durch eine kürzere Krankenhausverweildauer oder seltenere Komplikationen denkbar. Somit konnte die Präsenz der Patientenzufriedenheit im Rahmen aktueller DRG-Abrechnungsverfahren und zukünftig unter Berücksichtigung des P4P-Ansatzes aufgezeigt werden, die neben einer Erlössteigerung für das einzelne Krankenhaus zugleich Einsparungen auf der Gesundheitssystemebene bewirken kann. In Betracht an den im Aufbau befindlichen P4P-Ansatz, können die Ergebnisse als Grundlage dienen, um die Wirksamkeit der Patientenzufriedenheit als einem von vier möglichen Leistungszielen statistisch auf deren Wirksamkeit zu überprüfen. Die Bewertung verschiedener Parameter bei der zukünftigen Wahl eines Krankenhauses deutet darauf hin, dass sich weitere Anfahrtswege infolge der im Wandel befindlichen Versorgungsstruktur aus Patientensicht nicht nachteilig auswirken werden. / Knee and hip joint replacements are among the most successful and frequent operations conducted worldwide, with 3-24% of all patients being dissatisfied. In 2014, an OECD country comparison showed that Germany had the highest implementation rate for total hip replacement and the second highest for total knee replacement. Surveys of patient satisfaction and willingness to return can be used to optimize processes and improve quality while at the same time encouraging an increase in satisfaction and customer loyalty. With the first-time inclusion of a P4P approach in the German Hospital Structures Act (Krankenhausstrukturgesetz (KHSG)), quality-related supplementary payments to a hospital may be feasible in the future, taking patient satisfaction into account. In this way, patients' expectations of a hospital increasingly gain in importance, since their fulfilment can have an impact on the revenue calculation. At the same time, an adjustment of the care structure may lead to the increasing emergence of treatment centers and that surgical intervention will no longer be provided in isolated, rural regions with a sparse number of cases. This study looked at medical and services-related parameters as well as hospital data significantly associated with satisfaction in patients after total knee and hip endoprosthesis and affecting their willingness to return to the same hospital. In addition to the question whether different parameters have an influence on the overall satisfaction and willingness to return, the extent was examined to which potential influencing variables vary between the total knee and hip endoprosthesis patients. In addition, the relevance of different criteria was assessed, which from the view of a patient may have an influence on the choice of a future hospital stay. The data of the study were obtained through a written survey of total knee and hip endoprosthesis patients treated between 2010 and 2011 in Saxon hospitals of the directorate districts of Dresden and Chemnitz. In several logistic regression analyses, the dependent variables were satisfaction and returnability, respectively. These were obtained together with the independent variables on the basis of 6-step scales by way of a validated, multidimensional questionnaire and were evaluated in bivariate and multivariate manner together with the routine data of the hospitals. The hospital data were retrieved from the structured quality reports of the hospitals. The analysis included 856 questionnaires of total knee endoprosthesis patients and 810 questionnaires of total hip endoprosthesis patients, which corresponded to a return rate of 12.04% and 11.89%, respectively. In the result of the multivariate analysis, the subjective outcomes of the treatment for both treatment groups were associated with overall satisfaction as well as with the readiness to return. Postoperative complications were in each case only associated with the willingness to return. In the case of total knee endoprosthesis patients, the friendliness of the nurses, the organization, and the course of examinations as well as the room equipment had an influence on the willingness to return. The latter, together with the quality of the food, was related to the overall satisfaction in this patient group. In the total hip endoprosthesis patients, the readiness to return was also associated with assessing the duration of stay, the clarity of the doctors’ answers to patients, the cleanliness, and clear information provided of the operation as well as the maintenance of privacy during examinations. A further link to the overall satisfaction of total hip endoprosthesis patients was found, however, in the assessment of medical care and the assessment of the duration of stay. The hospital parameters of the number of patients treated, postoperative mobility, and reoperation were not related to the dependent variables. Respondents of both treatment groups also stated in equal measure that the quality of treatment is most important in their future choice of a hospital. On the other hand, the distance from the hospital to the place of residence, as well as the size of the hospital, was located in the lower segment of the evaluation. Various interventions could be identified, which could be categorized on the macro, meso, and micro level and of which their impacts are addressed to the individual patient as well as the decision makers in the healthcare system. The relevant influencing factors from the patient's view showed that satisfaction and the willingness to return are assessed differently and also vary between the knee and the hip endoprosthesis patients. The results provide valuable comprehensive information for hospitals and help medical professionals meet the expectations of knee and hip endoprosthesis patients, including personnel development, patient education, and catering. Patient satisfaction can affect compliance, resulting in an improved treatment outcome. As a result of a targeted increase in patient satisfaction, savings are possible due to a shorter hospital stay or more infrequent complications. Thus, the presence of patient satisfaction could be demonstrated within current DRG billing procedures and, in the future, taking into account the P4P approach, which in addition to an increase in revenue for the individual hospital at the same time can bring about savings on the health care system level. Considering the ongoing P4P approach, the results can serve as a basis to statistically assess the efficacy of patient satisfaction as one of four possible performance targets. The assessment of various parameters in the future choice of a hospital suggests that further access routes will not be disadvantageous from the patient's perspective due to the changing care structure.

Impact du sepsis et de l'épuration extra-rénale sur la pharmacocinétique des antibiotiques. / Impact of septic shock and renal replacement therapy on antimicrobial pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Penetrat-Roger, Claire 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le bon usage des antibiotiques en réanimation est un véritable défi. Le sepsis et l’épuration extra-rénale peuvent modifier le comportement des anti-infectieux exposant le patient au risque de sous ou de surdosage. Une meilleure compréhension des altérations liées au sepsis et aux défaillances d’organe permet d’adapter les posologies d’antibiotiques. L’augmentation des posologies d’antibiotiques est nécessaire à la phase initiale du sepsis en raison d’un volume de distribution augmenté. Les adaptations posologiques vont ensuite dépendre des propriétés physico-chimiques de l’anti-infectieux plus que du type d’épuration extra-rénale appliquée. La modélisation pharmacocinétique de population couplée à des simulations de Monte Carlo est une approche pharmaco-statistique élaborée permettant de définir pour une population spécifique les paramètres influençant la PK de l’antibiotique et de prendre en considération la variabilité inter-individuelle. Cette analyse permet également de tester différents schémas posologiques pour un antibiotique donné afin de déterminer la posologie optimale en fonction de différentes fonctions d’organe et selon la susceptibilité des germes traités. La prescription individualisée faisant appel à des logiciels de modélisation PK/PD pourrait permettre à l’avenir d’optimiser l’utilisation des antibiotiques tant en terme d’efficacité que de toxicité tout en limitant l’émergence de résistance. / Prescribing antibiotics in an appropriate way is a massive challenge for the intensivists. Sepsis and renal replacement therapy may alter antibiotics pharmacokinetics exposing critically ill patients to under or overdosing. A better understanding of sepsis and organ failure related alterations could help optimizing antibiotic drug dosing. Increased dosing regimens are often necessary at the early phase of sepsis due to increased volume of distribution. Dosing adjustment will then depend on the physicochemical properties of the anti-infective agent rather than renal replacement therapy modalities. A population pharmacokinetic analysis coupled to Monte Carlo simulations consists in a pharmaco-statistic approach aiming to identify covariates influencing antibiotics PK and to consider inter-individual variability. This analysis allows testing different dosing scenarios to determine the optimal dosing regimen according to different levels of organ dysfunction and according to pathogen susceptibility. Individual drug dosing optimisation, using PK/PD modelling software could improve antibiotic efficacy while limiting antibiotic-related toxicity and antimicrobial resistance.

3D Visualization for Pre-operative Planning of Orthopedic Surgery

Steen, Alexander, Widegren, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
This report presents a master thesis on 3D visualization for pre-operation planning of orthopedic surgery done for Sectra Medical Systems AB. The focus is on visualizing clinically relevant data for planning a Total Hip Replacement (THR). The thesis includes a pre-study and the implementation of a prototype using the Sectra IDS7 workstation.

Evaluation of search models for Molecular Replacement using MolRep

Pasalic, Zlatana January 2002 (has links)
he aim of this study is to use several homology models of different completeness and accuracy and to evaluate them as search models for Molecular Replacement (MR).Three structural groups are evaluated: α-, β- and α/β- group. From every group one template structure and a couple of search models are selected. The search models are manipulated and evaluated. B-factor manipulation, side chain removal and homology modelling are the ways the search models are manipulated. This work shows that B-factor manipulation do not improve the search models. The work also shows that removing the side chains is not improving the search models. Finally the work shows that homology modelling did not model better search models.

An eye-tracking study on synonym replacement / En ögonrörelsestudie på synonymutbyte

Svensson, Cassandra January 2015 (has links)
As the amount of information increase, the need for automatic textsimplication also increase. There are some strategies for doing thatand this thesis has studied two basic synonym replacement strategies.The rst one is called word length and is about always choosinga shorter synonym if it is possible. The second one is called wordfrequency and is about always choosing a more frequent synonym if itis possible. Three dierent versions of them were tried. The rst onewas about just choosing the shortest or most frequent synonym. Thesecond was about only choosing a synonym if it was extremely shorteror more frequent. The last was about only choosing a synonym if itmet the requirements for being replaced and was on synonym level 5.Statistical analysis of the data revealed no signicant dierence. Butsmall trends showed that always choosing a more frequent synonymthat is of level 5 seemed to make the text a bit easier.

Vilken betydelse har val av progestagen-typ respektive behandlingsregim för bröstcancerrisk vid hormonersättningsterapi (HRT)?

Sinchugova, Nataliya January 2015 (has links)
Hormonersättningsterapi (HRT) används för att lindra vasomotoriska och urogenitala symtom associerade med klimakteriet. Eftersom behandling med enbart östrogen förknippats med endometriell hyperplasi och livmodercancer, tillsätts progestagener till östrogen-beredningar i HRT hos kvinnor med intakt livmoder för att motverka den proliferativa effekten av östrogen och förebygga cancerutveckling i livmodern. Sådan kombinerad HRT har emellertid associerats med ökad risk för bröstcancer. Vid kombinerad HRT används olika typer av progestagener och olika behandlingsregimer (kontinuerlig eller sekventiell tillförsel). Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka vad som ökar risken för bröstcancer vid kombinerad HRT: valet av progestagen-typ eller vilken behandlingsregim (kontinuerlig/sekventiell) som används. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie som omfattade sju studier om HRT och bröstcancerrisk, vilka hämtades från databasen PubMed. Utifrån undersökta studier kan man dra slutsats att ökad risk för bröstcancer associeras med kombinerad östrogen-progestagen HRT jämfört med HRT med enbart östrogen och framför allt om man jämför kontinuerlig kombinerad HRT med sekventiell kombinerad HRT med ett dos-responsförhållande som bakomliggande grund. Progestagen-typ kan ha effekt på risken för bröstcancer men detta behöver undersökas ytterligare.

Feasibility of Using Biofuel By-Products as a Sustainable Nutritional Resource for Aquaculture Production of Litopenaeus vannamei

DeMicco, Erik David 01 January 2015 (has links)
Many different algal species can provide an acceptable protein ingredient, with good digestibility, for shrimp feeds. Compared to fish meal, similar protein, carbohydrate, and lipid levels can be found in select algal species. Traditional shrimp diets in aquaculture rely on fish meal and fish oil from pelagic fish fisheries. A reduction or elimination of these ingredients would reduce the dependency of shrimp aquaculture on offshore fisheries and increase economic competiveness. Biofuel production produces algal by-products of potential use to aquaculturists that might reduce or eliminate the need for fisheries products in shrimp feed. Established uses for by-products from biofuel production include fertilizer for crops, fodder for swine and poultry, and production of methane and alcohol fuels. However, using biofuel production by-products as a protein and carbohydrate source for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, has not been investigated. Therefore, a series of feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate if the algae used to produce biofuel could be a suitable main protein source in formulated diets for L. vannamei. The feasibility of substituting biofuel algae by-product for fish meal in the juvenile L. vannamei (0.0306 ± 0.0011 g) diet was evaluated, and an adequate substitution ratio was determined. Eighteen experimental diets were evaluated using 60, 80, and 100% fish meal substitution levels. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Nannochloropsis salina, and Pavlova sp. were chosen as the algae sources as they have potentially high use in biodiesel production due to their high lipid content and each has been included in established larval shrimp aquaculture operations. Each diet varied the level of fish meal substitution (60, 80, or 100%) and either contained dried algal biomass or, alternatively, dried algal biomass with reduced lipid content to simulate algal biomass post-biodiesel production. The diets were compared, relative to their effect on weight gain in juvenile L. vannamei, to each other and to a commercially available diet (CONTROL) and a diet formulated using the ingredients used in all of the experimental diet formulations but without algal biomass (BASAL). The shrimp were held individually in 355-ml Styrofoam cups filled with 200-ml seawater with a salinity of 32 parts per thousand (ppt) salinity under a 12:12 light:dark photoperiod. Water exchange was 90% per day for six days and 100% on the seventh day when weights were taken. Each of the twenty diets was presented daily to seven replicate cups, each cup containing a single shrimp, for six weeks. Food was presented once per day to satiation, which was determined by the shrimp refusing additional feed. Each animal was weighed weekly. After six weeks, the shrimp were harvested and final weights were taken. The analysis of differences between strains, levels, and lipids indicated there was a significant difference between all of the algal-based diets and the control. Overall, significantly better growth rates were observed in the diets with less fish protein replacement. The 60% fish meal replaced diets outperformed the diets that had 80 or 100% fish meal replacement. There were no significant differences in nutritional value among the algal species. Survival rates, from an aquaculture perspective, were acceptable for all treatments (>71%). Results from these studies demonstrated that formulated diets using algal biomass from biodiesel production can be the primary protein source for L. vannamei postlarvae.

Outcome after mitral valve surgery for mitral valve regurgitation

Heikkinen, J. (Jouni) 08 January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The repair of degenerative mitral valve regurgitation has been shown to be an effective procedure with durable results. The techniques for mitral valve repair are not completely risk-free for late failure, and the identification of factors associated with this increased risk is of clinical relevance as it permits an appropriate selection of patients for whom mitral valve surgery should be offered and by which technique. The European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation score (EuroSCORE) has been used and demonstrated worldwide to be a valid tool for the prediction of immediate postoperative outcome after coronary artery bypass surgery. There are only a few studies which examine its value in heart valve surgery. Mitral valve repair has been shown to be associated with significant improvement in terms of functional capacity, but the late quality of life in these patients has not been adequately assessed, and there is no data on the quality of life of long-term survivors. The study population consisted of two groups of patients operated on at our institution. The first group included 164 patients who underwent isolated or combined mitral valve repair for mitral valve regurgitation during the period 1993 to 2000, while the second group consisted of 207 patients who underwent mitral valve repair (164 patients) or replacement (43 patients) for isolated mitral valve regurgitation during the same time-period. The first study aimed to identify preoperative variables which may have impact on the 30-day postoperative outcome. In the second study, the long-term outcome after mitral valve repair was evaluated in order to identify the risk factors associated with late failures. The third study analyzed quality of life after valve repair and compared it to that of an age- and gender-adjusted Finnish general population. In the fourth study, the validity of EuroSCORE was tested in predicting the immediate and late outcome of patients who had undergone mitral valve repair or replacement for isolated valve regurgitation. Patient age, a history of prior cardiac surgery and NYHA functional class were independent predictors of poor outcome. A residual regurgitation grade of more than one immediately after primary repair and chronic pulmonary disease were independent predictors of mitral valve reoperation. After valve repair, quality of life was similar to the age- and sex-adjusted general Finnish population. Both additive and logistic EuroSCOREs were predictors of the immediate and late outcomes of patients after surgery for mitral valve regurgitation.

Efficacy of the Perceval sutureless aortic valve bioprosthesis in the treatment of aortic valve stenosis

Rubino, A. S. (Antonino S.) 24 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is one of the most diffuse valvular diseases in developed countries. AS is a progressive disease, which usually results in serious life-threatening adverse events. Defining a treatment strategy for AS is a focus of cardiovascular research, although the topic is still controversial because of its related clinical and economical implications. Surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR),which is regarded as the gold standard for the treatment of severe symptomatic AS, affords excellent results, particularly in asymptomatic patients with good functional status. AVR requires the institution of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamping, and the duration of these procedures is directly associated with increasing morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with preoperative comorbidities. Accordingly, techniques aimed at decreasing the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamping have the potential to improve postoperative outcomes of AVR. In the present study, we demonstrated that the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis could significantly reduce the duration of the surgical procedure. This was associated with improved immediate postoperative outcomes and long-term freedom from adverse events. The use of a Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis can facilitate AVR through minimally invasive approaches and is associated with fewer transfusions of packed red cells compared to full sternotomy approaches, even with traditional stented bioprostheses. It could be expected that patients at intermediate-high risk would benefit more from the combination of a fast surgical procedure, performed with reduced surgical invasiveness. When compared to transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis was associated with increased incidence of device success as well as less paravalvular leak, with similar immediate and 1-year outcomes. Finally, AVR with the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis provided excellent hemodynamics at rest and under high workload. The significant increase of effective orifice area under stress suggests that the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis is the valve of choice for patients with small aortic annuli or when prosthesis-patient mismatch is anticipated. / Tiivistelmä Aorttaläpän ahtauma on yksi yleisimmistä läppävioista kehittyneissä maissa. Aorttaläpän ahtauma on etenevä sairaus, joka yleensä johtaa vakaviin henkeä uhkaaviin haittatapahtumiin. Aorttaläpän ahtauman hoitotavasta keskustellaan kiivaasti sydän- ja verisuonitautien tutkimuksessa siihen liittyvien kliinisten ja taloudellisten vaikutusten vuoksi. Aorttaläppäleikkausta, jossa aorttaläppä korvataan proteesilla, on aina pidetty vaikean oireisen aorttaläpän ahtauman hoidon kultaisena standardina, koska sen tulokset ovat erinomaisia, etenkin oireettomilla potilailla, joilla sydämen toiminta on hyvä. Leikkaus vaatii sydän-keuhkokoneen käyttöä ja aortan sulkemista, joiden kesto on suoraan yhteydessä kasvavaan sairastavuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen erityisesti potilailla, joilla on muitakin sairauksia. Niinpä tekniikat, jotka lyhentävät sydän-keuhkokoneen käyttöaikaa ja aortan sulkuaikaa, voivat mahdollisesti parantaa aorttaläppäleikkauksen tuloksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että ompeleettoman biologisen Perceval-läppäproteesin käyttö vähensi merkittävästi leikkauksen kestoa. Tämä oli yhteydessä parantuneisiin lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin tuloksiin leikkauksen jälkeen. Ompeleettoman biologisen Perceval-läppäproteesin käyttö voi helpottaa aorttaläppäleikkausta, koska se voidaan asentaa vähemmän kajoavasta avauksesta, ja siihen liittyy vähemmän punasolusiirtoja rintalastan kokoavaukseen verrattuna, myös silloin kun käytetään kokoavausta ja perinteisiä stenttibioproteeseja. Voisi olla odotettavaa, että keskisuuren tai suuren riskin potilaat hyötyisivät enemmän leikkauksesta, jossa yhdistyvät toimenpiteen nopeus ja vähäisempi kajoavuus. Katetriteitse asennettuun biologiseen keinoläppään (TAVI) verrattuna ompeleeton biologinen Perceval-läppäproteesi oli yhteydessä parempaan laitteen toimimiseen ja pienempään paravalvulaariseen vuotoon. Muut tulokset heti leikkauksen jälkeen ja yhden vuoden seurannassa olivat samanlaisia. Lopuksi voidaan todeta, että aorttaläppäleikkaukseen ompeleettomalla biologisella Perceval-läppäproteesilla liittyi erinomainen hemodynamiikka levossa ja korkean työkuorman aikana. Stressin aikaisen tehokkaan aorttaläpän aukon pinta-alan merkittävä kasvu osoittaa, että ompeleeton biologinen Perceval-läppäproteesi on hyvä valinta potilaille, joilla on pieni aorttaläpän aukko tai kun on odotettavissa proteesin ja potilaan yhteensopimattomuutta.

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