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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O discurso ambiental da TV: a Amazônia do \"Globo Repórter\" / Environmental discourse of TV: Amazon by \"Globo Reporter\"

Vicentini, Juliana de Oliveira 06 February 2013 (has links)
Os meios de comunicação de massa se fazem onipresentes na sociedade contemporânea, sendo legitimadores de discursos. Um dos temas que tem sido abordado pela mídia é o ambiente. No Brasil, a televisão é a referência para que o cidadão comum se informe sobre os assuntos ambientais. O \"Globo Repórter\" é um dos programas mais antigos da TV brasileira e possui abrangência nacional, além disto, pode ser considerado como um dos popularizadores de discursos sobre o ambiente. Conhecida internacionalmente por sua complexidade e por ser parcialmente responsável pela estabilidade ambiental do planeta, a Amazônia tem sido discutida em diversos segmentos da sociedade, inclusive nos âmbitos nacional e internacional. Por esta razão, ela se tornou uma das pautas da mídia e consequentemente um dos assuntos abordados periodicamente pelo \"Globo Repórter\". Deste modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar de que maneira a Amazônia foi veiculada por aquele programa televisivo durante todo o ano de 2010. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se análises de conteúdo e análises críticas do discurso. Nos programas analisados, a Amazônia está associada à natureza, cujo foco reside nas imagens de rio, floresta e biodiversidade. Os demais assuntos que poderiam ser abordados foram em grande medida silenciados. Desta maneira o atual discurso do programa ainda está enraizado nas antigas visões da época dos viajantes, os quais associavam a região ao paraíso, no qual a Amazônia era projetada como paradisíaca e como uma terra de superlativos. Aquela região é constantemente (re)descoberta pelo programa, uma vez que ela é mostrada como um lugar isolado e ainda a ser desbravado. Verificou-se que a Amazônia é exibida de forma parcial, no qual o \"Globo Repórter\" seleciona determinado fragmento sobre ela e o homogeniza para todo o território. A população selecionada para integrar as imagens do programa é aquela que está diretamente atrelada ao mundo natural: os ribeirinhos. Estas pessoas que aparecem naquele discurso televisivo ficam em segundo plano, portanto, não são tratadas como sujeitos históricos, mas sim, como um ornamento amazônico para reforçar a ideia de que a Amazônia é apenas sinônimo de natureza. A fonte de notícia legitimada pelo programa é a fonte oficial, ou seja, pessoas que representam o Poder Público. No entanto, aquelas pessoas são autorizadas a discursar apenas na direção daquilo que a \"Rede Globo\" considera relevante. Deste modo, a principal fonte do programa é a própria emissora. O \"Globo Repórter\" pode ser considerado como parte integrante do processo de educação informal dos indivíduos, portanto, esta visão parcial sobre a Amazônia veiculada pelo programa pode influenciar a maneira pela qual as pessoas pensam a respeito daquela região, ou seja, pode acarretar em desinformação sobre ela. / Mass media are ubiquitous in contemporary society, legitimating discourses. One of the subjects widely covered by the media is the environment. In Brazil, television is the reference for ordinary citizens to obtain information about environmental issues. The \"Globo Reporter\" is in the air for many years on Brazilian television. It can be considered as one of main means to popularize discourses on environment. Known internationally for its complexity and for being partially responsible for the environmental stability of the planet, the Amazon has been discussed by various social segments, both in the national and international scenarios. Therefore, the environment has become one the issues most discussed periodically by the \"Globo Reporter\" program. The objective of this research is to analyze how the Amazon was conveyed by the \"Globo Reporter\" program throughout the year 2010. For that purpose, we developed content analysis and critical discourse analysis. In the programs analyzed, the Amazon is associated with nature, where the focus lies in images of rivers, the forest and biodiversity. The other issues that could be addressed were largely underreported. Thus the current discourse of the program is still rooted in the ancient views of travelers, who associated the region to a paradise, conveying the idea that the Amazon is a paradise and a land of superlatives. That region is constantly (re) discovered by the program, once it is shown as an isolated place and yet to be explored. It was verified that the Amazon is displayed with bias, where \"Globo Reporter\" selects specific fragment of the forest and homogenizes it for the whole territory. The selected population that integrate the images of the program is directly tied to the natural world: the river-bank population. The people that are portrayed in that television discourse are in the background, therefore, they are not treated as historical subjects, but as ornaments of the Amazon to reinforce the idea that the Amazon is equated to nature. The legitimate source of news presented in the program was the official source, that is, people who represent the government. However, those people are allowed to speak only in the direction of what the \"Globo\" considers relevant. Thus, the main source of the program is the TV station itself. The \"Globo Reporter\" can be considered as part of the process of informal education for individuals, so this biased view on Amazon conveyed by the program can influence the way people perceive that region, i.e., it can mislead viewers .

Reporter-based Synthetic Genetic Analysis of Budding Yeast Reveals Novel MMS-induced Effectors of the RNR3 Promoter

Elnour, Nada January 2016 (has links)
The DNA damage response is a cell-wide response that coordinates repair and cell-cycle progression. Crucial to fidelity of genetic propagation, survival, and apoptosis, dysfunctions in the response are at the root of genome instability syndromes and cancer predisposition in mammalian cells. Within the response lie hubs of coordination, called checkpoints, whose members and organization are ubiquitous amongst eukaryotes. The high conservation of these checkpoints enable the study of their dynamics by proxy via simpler model organisms. We use the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to study the replication and DNA damage checkpoints --- both implicated in DNA damage repair. Using a yEGFP reporter driven by the RNR3 promoter and reporter-based synthetic genetic array analysis, we created a detector of potential checkpoint activation in response to two doses of MMS, 0.015% and 0.060% (v/v). The high-throughput screens and differential epistasis miniarray analyses (EMAPs) yield unanticipated involvement of oxidative stress response, ribosomal biogenesis, and chromatin remodelling genes.

Entwicklung eines Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-Assays zum Nachweis der Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme durch Nahrungsbestandteile / Establishment of a reporter gene assay for the determination of induction of antioxidative enzymes by food components

Wiencierz, Anne Maria January 2008 (has links)
Die Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme gilt als eine Möglichkeit, die antioxidative Kapazität von Zellen zu steigern und dadurch mit oxidativem Stress assoziierten Erkrankungen (z. B. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Neurodegeneration, Atherosklerose) vorzubeugen. Ausgehend davon wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-(DLR)-Assay zum Nachweis der Induktion der antioxidativen Enzyme Katalase (CAT), zytosolische Glutathion-Peroxidase (GPX1) und Kupfer-Zink-Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD1) entwickelt. Im Zuge dessen wurden drei Säugetierzelllinien (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) auf ihre Eignung zur Modellzelllinie untersucht. Aufgrund der Transfektionseffizienz wurde die Fibroblastenzelllinie V79 ausgewählt. Zur Gewährleistung eines hohen Substanzdurchsatzes des DLR-Assays wurden bei der Etablierung Parameter wie Kulturplattenformat, DNA-Menge, Luciferasen-Kinetik berücksichtigt. Nach erfolgreicher Etablierung des Versuchs im 96-Well-Format wurden L-Carnitin, Catechin, Epigallocatechingallat, Genistein, Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2), Natrium-Ascorbat, Paraquat, Quercetin, 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetat (TPA) und Trolox in nicht-zytotoxischen Konzentrationen hinsichtlich der Aktivierung des Ratten-CAT-, des humanen GPX1- und des humanen SOD1-Promotors untersucht. Die Bestimmung der maximal tolerierbaren Behandlungskonzentration erfolgte im Vorfeld mittels Resazurintest. Von den zehn Verbindungen zeichneten sich drei Substanzen als potente Induktoren für die SOD1 und die GPX1 aus. Die 24-stündige Behandlung von mit Reportergenkonstrukten transient transfizierten V79-Zellen mit 100 µM Paraquat resultierte in einer Verdopplung der relativen SOD1-Promotor-Aktivität und einer Erhöhung der relativen GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität auf 1,6 bzw. 1,7. Die Stimulation mit 20 µM Genistein oder 10 µM Quercetin führte wiederum zu einer Verdopplung bis Verdreifachung der relativen SOD1- und GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität. Der Promotor der Rattenkatalase konnte demgegenüber nur durch 50 µM H2O2 aktiviert werden (1,5fach). Für diesen DLR-Assays bieten sich folglich Genistein, Quercetin wie auch H2O2 als Referenzsubstanzen an. Um aber eine qualitative Charakterisierung der einzelnen Verbindungen hinsichtlich ihres Induktionspotentials zu gewährleisten, sollten von allen getesteten Substanzen Dosis-Wirkungskurven aufgenommen werden. Zudem wird für den routinemäßigen Einsatz die Verwendung stabil transfizierter Zellen zur Vermeidung von mit der Transfektion verbundenen experimentellen Schwankungen empfohlen. / The induction of antioxidative enzymes might be an opportunity to elevate the cellular antioxidative capacity and, thus, to prevent oxidative stress associated diseases (e. g. cardio-vascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, atherosclerosis). Based on this idea the dual luciferase reporter gene (DLR) assay was developed to demonstrate the induction of three antioxidative enzymes: catalase (CAT), cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). In the course of the development three mammalian cell lines (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) were tested for their ability to serve as a model cell line. The line V79 was chosen due to the transfection efficiency. To give consideration to a high-throughput several parameters were studied (e. g. format of the cultural plates, amount of DNA, kinetics of the luciferases) and the DLR assay was successfully established in 96 well plates. Subsequently, L-carnitine, catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium ascorbate, paraquat, quercetin, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and trolox were tested in non-cytotoxic concentrations for the activation of the rat CAT, human GPX1 and human SOD1 promoter. The maximally tolerable concentrations were determined by resazurin test in advance. Three out of these ten compounds were identified as potent inducers of GPX1 and SOD1. Stimulation of reporter gene construct transient transfected V79 cells for 24 hours with 100 µM paraquat caused a duplication of the relative GPX1 promoter activity and a 1.6-/1.7-fold increase of the relative SOD1 promoter activity. The incubation with 20 µM gen-istein or 10 µM quercetin resulted in duplication to triplication of both, the relative GPX1 and SOD1 promoter activity. In contrast, the rat CAT promoter was activated by 50 µM H2O2 (1.5-fold). Consequently, genistein, quercetin, and H2O2 are considered to be suitable reference substances for this DLR assay. To further characterize the inducing potential of the tested compounds all of them should be tested in different concentrations. Furthermore, for the routinely performed DLR assay it is recommended to use stably transfected cells to eliminate transfection caused variations.

Development of an Enzyme Immunoassay and Cellular Function Assays to Probe the Function of Teneurin C-terminal Associated Peptide (TCAP)

Nock, Tanya Gwendolyn 06 April 2010 (has links)
The teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP) are a family of four predicted peptides that are expressed in all metazoans where the teneurins have been studied to date. Of the four peptides, TCAP-1 has been studied most extensively. In vitro, TCAP-1 increases neuronal proliferation and neurite outgrowth. In vivo, the peptide reduces CRF-induced behavioural responses in rats. Despite the large body of evidence indicating a strong biological role for TCAP-1, little is known about the chemistry and solubility of the peptide, or the signaling pathway(s) mediating these effects. The aim of this research was to appropriately solubilize the peptide and to develop detection assays for its study in greater detail. I have now established an appropriate formulation of TCAP-1 and developed an immunoassay to assess its concentrations in tissues and in circulation. Also, by examining a number of transcriptional response elements, I have found two assays for probing the signal transduction mechanisms of this peptide.

Development of an Enzyme Immunoassay and Cellular Function Assays to Probe the Function of Teneurin C-terminal Associated Peptide (TCAP)

Nock, Tanya Gwendolyn 06 April 2010 (has links)
The teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP) are a family of four predicted peptides that are expressed in all metazoans where the teneurins have been studied to date. Of the four peptides, TCAP-1 has been studied most extensively. In vitro, TCAP-1 increases neuronal proliferation and neurite outgrowth. In vivo, the peptide reduces CRF-induced behavioural responses in rats. Despite the large body of evidence indicating a strong biological role for TCAP-1, little is known about the chemistry and solubility of the peptide, or the signaling pathway(s) mediating these effects. The aim of this research was to appropriately solubilize the peptide and to develop detection assays for its study in greater detail. I have now established an appropriate formulation of TCAP-1 and developed an immunoassay to assess its concentrations in tissues and in circulation. Also, by examining a number of transcriptional response elements, I have found two assays for probing the signal transduction mechanisms of this peptide.

Media : Terroristens medhjälpare? / Media : Terroristens medhjälpare?

Wiklöw, Christoffer January 2011 (has links)
C-uppsats kandidat 2011 Title: Media – terroristens medhjälpare? Författare: Christoffer Wiklöw Språk: svenska Instution: JMK, Stockholm Universitet   En kvalitativ studie om New York Times språkbruk kring terrorism. De valda frågeställningarna blev: Hur är New York Times språkbruk kring terrorism och 9/11 2001, respektive 2011? Hur har mass-mediated terrorism-diskursen förändrats mellan året 2001 och året 2011 i New York Times nyhetsartiklar om terrorism och 9/11? Hur ser en reporter på sin roll som skribent om 9/11, och hur kommer detta att indikera på att journalisten kanske faller offer för att vara terroristens medhjälpare? Och materialet för studien blev fyra artiklar från New York Times, och en intervju med en skribent bakom en av artiklarna.   Teorival blev en kritisk teori-inriktad del med en socialkonstruktionisktisk infallsvinkel som stöd. Birgitte L. Nacos (2002) har teorier om ”mass-mediated terrorism” som stöd. Det finns även framing, nyhetsvärdering med i valet. Metodval blev Peter Berglez tolkning av van Dijks strukturerade nyhetsschema, vilket fick stöd av Norman Fairclough’s CDA.   I resultatdelen ser vi hur New York Times språkbruk kring terrorism, och dess val av nyhetskonstruktion gör att de ändrar nyhetsvärdering till allt som kan beröra något av dessa tre: terrorister, makthavare/regering, och samhälle. Helst alla tre tillsammans. En intervju med en reporter fick ge en belysning på hur denna konstruktion av nyhet kan se ut, och även om denne var införstådd med känsligheten att rapportera om terrorism så fanns det tendenser för att han blir terroristens medhjälpare omedvetet.

記者的過度商品化──以台灣電視新聞性談話節目中的記者為例 / The Hyper-commodification of Reporters: take the Reporter Guest in Taiwan’s Television News Talk Show as Example

彭后諦 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代,知識成為傳統土地、勞力、資金之外的另一項生產元素。其次,媒體社會形成,符號的力量和價值提高,有時甚至超越真實。最後,市場導向的資本主義經營方式,使得媒體走向絕對的商業化:以上三點讓包括媒體在內的各行各業出現轉變。身為知識/資訊工作者的記者,其工作性質讓賦予他公眾知識份子的角色,讓他除了在所屬的媒體上生產訊息換取薪資之外,還能夠佔用社會中其他發言管道,將他自己變成具有使用、交換價值的商品。本文亦以台灣電視新聞性談話節目中的記者來賓為例,體現記者運用他本身的附加價值,使得自身成為可被消費的商品。 本文回顧了記者的發展史,歸納出記者在商業化媒體下的變化。然後本文整理知識經濟、知識政治、知識社會的相關文獻,加上符號學的分析,重新討論傳播商品化理論,提出記者(過度)商品化的模式。為了驗證此一模式的有效性,本文分析談話節目的來賓身份和出息次數、談話節目的內容言說及訪談閱聽人,一方面指出上節目記者的商業屬性,另一方面從閱聽人角度點出記者特殊社會地位權力。綜合理論分析和實際觀察資料,本文提出記者商品化的論述,也期待未來能有更多相關的研究。 / In an era of knowledge economy, knowledge, aside from land, labor and money, has become another productive element. Moreover, with the establishment of media society, the power and value of signs sometimes even surpass those of the reality. Finally, market-driven capitalism transforms the media into commercial-oriented companies. The above three phenomena change all walks of life. As an information worker, reporters are granted the role of public intellectual. They not only earn money by producing reports for its newspaper, they also make use of their use and exchange value by presenting themselves on other media channels. The dissertation takes the reporter guests in Taiwan’s TV news talk shows as example. Reporters make themselves commodities by the surplus value they carry. This dissertation reviews reporters’ history and the changes that industry has gone through. The dissertation then deals with theories such as knowledge economy, knowledge politics, knowledge society and semiology in order to re-discuss the commodity theory in communication studies. The result is a model of reporter’s “(hyper-) commodification.” The dissertation applies theories to analyze the background of talk show’s guests, and the discourse on the show. Interviews of the audience were conducted to further discuss the social power of reporters. The above analysis and theories finally give birth to a theory of the “hyper-commodification of reporter.”

"What is it like to be one of these people?" : Narrativa strategier för att skapa inlevelse i reportage

Aare, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
The eyewitnessed reportage has a pronounced character of narrating. The imaginative power of the text helps the reader to empathise with the characters. That makes constructing empathy a necessary skill of reporters. But how can this be done? Despite a tradition of story telling among reporters, narratologists virtually have neglected the reportage genre. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how narrative strategies can be used in reportages and, at the same time, suggest methods for investigating those strategies. The main question is: How can empathy be constructed? Empathy is here defined as a function of presence, perspective, selection and disnarration. A screen of covert values is also added. The study applies a narratological and a media rhetorical approach to journalistic narratives, and focus is on basic discussions supported by analysis samples. Theories by Gérard Genette, Dorrit Cohn, Seymor Chatman, William C. Booth, Gerald Prince, Göran Rossholm, Bengt Nerman and others are discussed. Even though a reportage is about real events, it always represents a personal interpretation. It presents the readers with a represented reality. In a narratological model for the macro level of the reportage I identify the trait of construction as an interaction between three instances: the producer (i. e. the implied author), the narrator and the experiencing reporter. On a micro level this model helps me to explain, for example, how a homodiegetic narrator can be combined with external focalisation, and how another character than the experiencing reporter can be focalised. In the former case I examine the interplay between showing and telling relative to the narrator’s visibility. In the latter case I especially focus on a complex technique for shifting perspectives, both those concerning thoughts, like Free, Indirect Discourse (FID), and those concerning perception. At the same time I study different degrees of perspectivity.

Purifikace a charakterizace proteinu IDGF2 / Purificatio and characterization of protein IDGF2

BROŽ, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was to characterize a member of the Drosophila Idgf family. IDGF2 was expresed in Drosophila S2 cells and purified by affinity chromatography. Function of wild-type and mutant IDGF2 was compared.

O discurso ambiental da TV: a Amazônia do \"Globo Repórter\" / Environmental discourse of TV: Amazon by \"Globo Reporter\"

Juliana de Oliveira Vicentini 06 February 2013 (has links)
Os meios de comunicação de massa se fazem onipresentes na sociedade contemporânea, sendo legitimadores de discursos. Um dos temas que tem sido abordado pela mídia é o ambiente. No Brasil, a televisão é a referência para que o cidadão comum se informe sobre os assuntos ambientais. O \"Globo Repórter\" é um dos programas mais antigos da TV brasileira e possui abrangência nacional, além disto, pode ser considerado como um dos popularizadores de discursos sobre o ambiente. Conhecida internacionalmente por sua complexidade e por ser parcialmente responsável pela estabilidade ambiental do planeta, a Amazônia tem sido discutida em diversos segmentos da sociedade, inclusive nos âmbitos nacional e internacional. Por esta razão, ela se tornou uma das pautas da mídia e consequentemente um dos assuntos abordados periodicamente pelo \"Globo Repórter\". Deste modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar de que maneira a Amazônia foi veiculada por aquele programa televisivo durante todo o ano de 2010. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se análises de conteúdo e análises críticas do discurso. Nos programas analisados, a Amazônia está associada à natureza, cujo foco reside nas imagens de rio, floresta e biodiversidade. Os demais assuntos que poderiam ser abordados foram em grande medida silenciados. Desta maneira o atual discurso do programa ainda está enraizado nas antigas visões da época dos viajantes, os quais associavam a região ao paraíso, no qual a Amazônia era projetada como paradisíaca e como uma terra de superlativos. Aquela região é constantemente (re)descoberta pelo programa, uma vez que ela é mostrada como um lugar isolado e ainda a ser desbravado. Verificou-se que a Amazônia é exibida de forma parcial, no qual o \"Globo Repórter\" seleciona determinado fragmento sobre ela e o homogeniza para todo o território. A população selecionada para integrar as imagens do programa é aquela que está diretamente atrelada ao mundo natural: os ribeirinhos. Estas pessoas que aparecem naquele discurso televisivo ficam em segundo plano, portanto, não são tratadas como sujeitos históricos, mas sim, como um ornamento amazônico para reforçar a ideia de que a Amazônia é apenas sinônimo de natureza. A fonte de notícia legitimada pelo programa é a fonte oficial, ou seja, pessoas que representam o Poder Público. No entanto, aquelas pessoas são autorizadas a discursar apenas na direção daquilo que a \"Rede Globo\" considera relevante. Deste modo, a principal fonte do programa é a própria emissora. O \"Globo Repórter\" pode ser considerado como parte integrante do processo de educação informal dos indivíduos, portanto, esta visão parcial sobre a Amazônia veiculada pelo programa pode influenciar a maneira pela qual as pessoas pensam a respeito daquela região, ou seja, pode acarretar em desinformação sobre ela. / Mass media are ubiquitous in contemporary society, legitimating discourses. One of the subjects widely covered by the media is the environment. In Brazil, television is the reference for ordinary citizens to obtain information about environmental issues. The \"Globo Reporter\" is in the air for many years on Brazilian television. It can be considered as one of main means to popularize discourses on environment. Known internationally for its complexity and for being partially responsible for the environmental stability of the planet, the Amazon has been discussed by various social segments, both in the national and international scenarios. Therefore, the environment has become one the issues most discussed periodically by the \"Globo Reporter\" program. The objective of this research is to analyze how the Amazon was conveyed by the \"Globo Reporter\" program throughout the year 2010. For that purpose, we developed content analysis and critical discourse analysis. In the programs analyzed, the Amazon is associated with nature, where the focus lies in images of rivers, the forest and biodiversity. The other issues that could be addressed were largely underreported. Thus the current discourse of the program is still rooted in the ancient views of travelers, who associated the region to a paradise, conveying the idea that the Amazon is a paradise and a land of superlatives. That region is constantly (re) discovered by the program, once it is shown as an isolated place and yet to be explored. It was verified that the Amazon is displayed with bias, where \"Globo Reporter\" selects specific fragment of the forest and homogenizes it for the whole territory. The selected population that integrate the images of the program is directly tied to the natural world: the river-bank population. The people that are portrayed in that television discourse are in the background, therefore, they are not treated as historical subjects, but as ornaments of the Amazon to reinforce the idea that the Amazon is equated to nature. The legitimate source of news presented in the program was the official source, that is, people who represent the government. However, those people are allowed to speak only in the direction of what the \"Globo\" considers relevant. Thus, the main source of the program is the TV station itself. The \"Globo Reporter\" can be considered as part of the process of informal education for individuals, so this biased view on Amazon conveyed by the program can influence the way people perceive that region, i.e., it can mislead viewers .

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