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Représentations unitaires de U(5) p-adique / Unitary representations of p-adic U(5)Schoemann, Claudia 13 October 2014 (has links)
Nous étudions les représentations complexes, induites par l'induction parabolique, du groupe U(5), défini sur un corps local non-archimedean de caractéristique 0. C'est Qp ou une extension finie de Qp .On parle des 'corps p-adiques'. Soit F un corps p-adique. Soit E : F une extension de corps de degré 2. Soit Gal(E : F ) = {id, σ}le groupe de Galois. On écrit σ(x) = overline{x} forall x ∈ E. Soit | |p la norme p-adique de E. Soient E* = E {0} et E 1 = {x ∈ E | xoverline{x}= 1} .U (5) a trois sous-groupes paraboliques propres. Soit P0 le sous-groupe parabolique minimal et soientP1 et P2 les deux sous-groupes paraboliques maximaux. Soient M0 , M1 et M2 les sous-groupes de Levi standards et soient N0 , N1 et N2 des sous-groupes unipotents de U (5). On a la décomposition de Levi Pi = Mi Ni , i ∈{0, 1, 2} .M0 = E* × E* × E 1 est le sous-groupe de Levi minimal, M1 = GL(2, E) × E 1 et M2 = E* × U(3) sont les sous-groupes de Levi maximaux.On considère les représentations des sous-groupes de Levi, et on les étend trivialement au sous-groupes unipotents pour obtenir des représentations des sous-groupes paraboliques. On exécute une procédure appelée 'l'induction parabolique' pour obtenir les représentations de U (5). Nous considérons les représentations de M0 , puis les représentations non-cuspidales, induites à partir de M1 et M2 . Cela veut dire que la représentation du facteur GL(2, E) de M1 est un sous-quotient propre d'une représentation induite de E* × E* à GL(2, E). La représentation du facteur U (3) de M2 est un sous-quotient propre d'une représentation induite de E* × E 1 à U(3). Un exemple pour M1 est | det |α χ(det) StGL2 * λ' , où α ∈ R, χ est un caractère unitaire de E* , StGL2 est la représentation Steinberg de GL(2, E) et λ' est un caractère de E 1 . Un exemple pour M2 est| |α χ λ (det) StU (3) , où α ∈ R, χ est un caractère unitaire de E* , λ' est un caractère unitaire de E 1et StU (3) est la représentation Steinberg de U(3). On remarque que λ' est unitaire.Ensuite on considère les représentations cuspidales de M1 .On détermine les droites et les points de réductibilité des représentations de U(5) et on détermine les sous-quotients irréductibles. Ensuite, sauf quelque cas particuliers, on détermine le dual unitaire de U(5)par rapport au quotients de Langlands. Les représentations complexes, paraboliquement induites, de U(3) sur un corps p-adique sont classifiées par Charles David Keys dans [Key84], les représentations complexes, paraboliquement induites, de U(4)sur un corps p-adique sont classifiées par Kazuko Konno dans [Kon01]. / We study the parabolically induced complex representations of the unitary group in 5 variables - U(5)- defined over a non-archimedean local field of characteristic 0. This is Qp or a finite extension of Qp ,where p is a prime number. We speak of a 'p-adic field'.Let F be a p-adic field. Let E : F be a field extension of degree two. Let Gal(E : F ) = {id, σ}. We write σ(x) = overline{x} forall x ∈ E. Let | |p denote the p-adic norm on E. Let E* := E {0} and let E 1 := {x ∈ E | x overline{x} = 1} .U(5) has three proper parabolic subgroups. Let P0 denote the minimal parabolic subgroup and P1 andP2 the two maximal parabolic subgroups. Let M0 , M1 and M2 denote the standard Levi subgroups and let N0 , N1and N2 denote unipotent subgroups of U(5). One has the Levi decomposition Pi = Mi Ni , i ∈ {0, 1, 2} .M0 = E* × E* × E 1 is the minimal Levi subgroup, M1 = GL(2, E) × E 1 and M2 = E* × U (3) are the two maximal parabolic subgroups.We consider representations of the Levi subgroups and extend them trivially to the unipotent subgroups toobtain representations of the parabolic groups. One now performs a procedure called 'parabolic induction'to obtain representations of U (5).We consider representations of M0 , further we consider non-cuspidal, not fully-induced representationsof M1 and M2 . For M1 this means that the representation of the GL(2, E)− part is a proper subquotientof a representation induced from E* × E* to GL(2, E). For M2 this means that the representation of theU (3)− part of M2 is a proper subquotient of a representation induced from E* × E 1 to U (3).As an example for M1 , take | det |α χ(det) StGL2 * λ' , where α ∈ R, χ is a unitary character of E* , StGL2 is the Steinberg representation of GL(2, E) and λ' is a character of E 1 . As an example forM2 , take | |α χ λ' (det) StU (3) , where α ∈ R, χ is a unitary character of E* , λ' is a character of E 1 andStU (3) is the Steinberg representation of U (3). Note that λ' is unitary.Further we consider the cuspidal representations of M1 .We determine the points and lines of reducibility of the representations of U(5), and we determinethe irreducible subquotients. Further, except several particular cases, we determine the unitary dual ofU(5) in terms of Langlands-quotients.The parabolically induced complex representations of U(3) over a p-adic field have been classied byCharles David Keys in [Key84], the parabolically induced complex representations of U(4) over a p-adicfield have been classied by Kazuko Konno in [Kon01].An aim of further study is the classication of the induced complex representations of unitary groupsof higher rank, like U (6) or U (7). The structure of the Levi subgroups of U (6) resembles the structureof the Levi subgroups of U (4), the structure of the Levi groups of U (7) resembles those of U (3) and ofU (5).Another aim is the classication of the parabolically induced complex representatioins of U (n) over ap-adic field for arbitrary n. Especially one would like to determine the irreducible unitary representations.
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Ageing well in the community : social representations of well-being promotion in later lifeMedeiros, Bruno January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a social psychological study on ideas of well-being in later life by older adults, staff members, and volunteers involved in community support. Social representations theory constitutes the theoretical lens through which social constructions of well-being are examined. This project constitutes an ethnography of how groups represent wellness in later life, and how they evaluate receiving and giving support. Three day centres and a scheme of home visits of a voluntary organisation in the United Kingdom were the main sites of this study. Participant observation and 54 in-depth interviews were the main data sources. The study shows that both clients and practitioners understand wellness in later life as the result of an active, independent, and gainful living. This idea was shared amongst all groups in both settings, indicating the prevalence of a hegemonic view of wellness. This view is present in public understandings and professional discourse on ageing well. Nevertheless, clients and practitioners also challenged this ideology of wellness by representing ageing both as experience of gains (e.g. vitality and autonomy) and limitations (e.g. frailty and social isolation). These views are represented via two binary oppositional themes: activity-passivity and independence dependence. Moreover, clients and practitioners highlight the importance of health, adaptation, and relationships of support to attain well-being in old age. The concept of canonic themata and the evidence of a complex representational field around the theme of ageing constitute important empirical insights with which to understand the sharedness of well-being amongst all groups. Differences were observed in the way in which clients and practitioners position themselves – the first groups as receivers of help, whereas the second one as providers of care. Moreover, clients represent themselves as active and independent despite being recipients of support. In negotiating their views of independence, they preserve a positive sense of identity and accept help from others. Cognitive polyphasia also characterises thinking about well-being: physical, psychological, social, and material elements interact to promote wellness. The study also sheds light on how communities of support make sense of their practices. The concept of representational project offered a rich theoretical insight into how groups represent well-being promotion in the charity. Both clients and practitioners represent well-being promotion as actions to preserve functionality and participation in the community. Therefore, two set of actions were mentioned in both settings: socio-emotive and practical support. Implications for well-being policies and community support were addressed.
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Using the computer as a tool for constructivist teaching : a case study of Grade 7 students developing representations and interpretations of mathematical notation when using the software Grid AlgebraBorg, Philip January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this research was to investigate how I engaged in constructivist teaching (CT) when helping a group of low-performing Grade 7 students to develop new meanings of notation as they started to learn formal algebra. Data was collected over a period of one scholastic year, in which I explored the teacher-student dynamics during my mathematics lessons, where students learnt new representations and interpretations of notation with the help of the computer software Grid Algebra. Analysing video recordings of my lessons, I observed myself continuously changing my teaching purpose as I negotiated between the mathematics I intended to teach and the mathematics being constructed by my students. These shifts of focus and purpose were used to develop a conceptual framework called Mathematics-Negotiation-Learner (M-N-L). Besides serving as a CT model, the M-N-L framework was found useful to determine the extent to which I managed to engage in CT during the lessons and also to identify moments where I lost my sensitivity to students constructions of knowledge. The effectiveness of my CT was investigated by focusing on students learning, for which reason I developed the analytical framework called CAPS (Concept-Action-Picture-Symbol). The CAPS framework helped me to analyse how students developed notions about properties of operational notation, the structure and order of operations in numerical and algebraic expressions, and the relational property of the equals sign. Grid Algebra was found to be a useful tool in helping students to enrich their repertoire of representations and to develop new interpretations of notation through what I defined as informal- and formal-algebraic activities. All students managed to transfer these representations and interpretations of notation to pen-and-paper problems, where they successfully worked out traditionally set substitution-and-evaluation tasks.
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British newspaper coverage of the Tibet issue over time, 1949-2009 : representations of repression and resistanceWu, Chunyan January 2018 (has links)
News media play a significant role in shaping the national image of other countries, especially in the context of China (PRC). They have been and remain the main source of information for the British public about developments in China but representations evolve over time. This thesis examines how a particular aspect of China s state actions has been reported. The study examines how the national imagery of China and Tibet has been represented in the British national press over the Cold War period and beyond. This study investigates media representations of the Tibetan conflict and how the events related to this were represented and portrayed in the British national daily newspapers from 1949 to 2009. It examines the frames chosen by the press and the influence of the sources (especially external journalistic influence) on the frame-building process. Through a comparison of coverage by the British newspapers over time, it determines the changing similarities and differences in representations of Tibet according to their partisanship and newspaper formats. The research involved a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative frame analysis. The research showed that generally there were greater similarities than differences in the way the British press represented the Tibet issue from 1949 to 2009. Only the pro-Communist Daily Working/Morning Star with a purely Communist canon of news values adopted a completely different framing strategy to report the events. Other British press aligned closely with the UK government by reproducing and reinforcing the dominant capitalist ideology. This political motivation resulted in their approval of stable and familiar frames. In addition, there were differences in the frame types used by the British press between the early Cold War, near the end of the Cold War and the post-Cold War periods. The year 1989 could be seen as a turning point. The research enriches the concept of Herman and Chomsky s propaganda model and contributes to existing media framing studies on Western media s representations of China.
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L’Occident au regret de Jérusalem : l’image de la Ville sainte en chrétienté latine (1187-fin du XIVe siècle) / Mourning Jerusalem : the image of the Holy City in the West (1187-End of the 14th Century)Rajohnson, Matthieu 11 July 2017 (has links)
En 1187, après près d’un siècle de domination sur Jérusalem, les Latins perdent la Ville sainte face aux armées de Saladin. L’événement produit un choc immédiat et d’une ampleur considérable en Occident, donnant lieu à des actions militaires, liturgiques, mais aussi à des élaborations littéraires et picturales spécifiques, poursuivies jusqu’aux dernières tentatives de reconquêtes de la Terre sainte au XIVe siècle. En partant de ces réactions face à la chute, ce travail se propose d’observer d’abord le rapport de la chrétienté latine à la perte de Jérusalem : l’impact qu’eut celle-ci en Occident, les discours et les images qui en sont nés, la mémoire qu’elle a généré et ses évolutions permettent de cerner, à côté du persistant désir de recouvrer les Lieux saints, les marques d’un regret de plus en plus affirmé à leur égard. Il s’agit aussi de voir en quoi cette nouvelle relation à la Ville sainte a pu modifier la perception de celle-ci. La revendication de la cité donne ainsi l’occasion aux Latins de repenser et de réaffirmer les liens qui unissent Jérusalem au christianisme et à la chrétienté, pour mieux en justifier la récupération et en réaffirmer l’importance dans le plan de salut chrétien. Dans le même temps, la nostalgie dont la cité fait l’objet tend à la ramener à une dimension plus mythique et plus symbolique encore, qui apparaît aussi comme un moyen pour les Latins de continuer de se réapproprier Jérusalem à travers son image, pour mieux en conjurer la perte. / In 1187, after nearly a century of Christian rule over Jerusalem, the Latins lost the Holy City to the army of Saladin. The fall triggered an instant, overwhelming reaction of shock in the West and led to military and liturgical action, as well as to the production of specific literary and pictorial depictions, which continued until the last attempts at recapturing the Holy Land in the 14th century. Through these representations, this thesis examines Latin Christianity’s response to the loss of Jerusalem: its impact in the West, the resulting discourses and images, and the evolving memory it created combine to indicate an increasingly vivid sense of regret. This new relationship with the Holy City also altered the way it was perceived. Indeed, laying claim to the city was a way for the Latins to reconsider and reaffirm Christianity’s ties to Jerusalem, and therefore justify attempts to recover it and assert its importance in Christian salvation. At the same time, the nostalgia the city inspires lends it a legendary, symbolic dimension; the latter offers the Latins a way to reclaim Jerusalem through its image, in order to ward off their loss.
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Histoire du badminton en France (fin XIXe siècle – 1979) : pratiques et représentations / History of badminton in France (late nineteenth century - 1979) : practices and representationsGrall, Julie 28 March 2018 (has links)
Le badminton est pratiqué par un cercle restreint d’adeptes, de son introduction en France, jusqu’à 1979, contrairement à d’autres sports modernes apparus au même moment et qui deviennent des phénomènes culturels de masse. Cette thèse met en évidence un ensemble de facteurs limitant l’essor du badminton et sa fabrique en tant que sport reconnu comme tel. L’activité se pare progressivement de traits de sports modernes à partir de la naissance du club de Dieppe, en 1907 (une institution, une codification uniforme, des compétitions, un classement, la recherche de progrès, un entraînement de plus en plus rationnel, des cadres formés), elle est pourtant difficilement perçue comme un « vrai sport ». « Jeu de fillettes », « sport de plage », les représentations héritées de son ancêtre supposé, le jeu du volant, lui sont attachées et persistent. Considéré comme jeu, il n’attire pas les pratiquants en quête de « sport sérieux ». Il est pourtant défendu comme tel par ses adeptes et l’est par l’organisation qu’en propose son institution dirigeante. Faute de masse de joueurs importante, les pratiques ne sont pas suffisamment visibles pour faire changer les représentations. À ce cercle vicieux se rajoute un ensemble d’éléments qui ne permettent pas à l’activité d’être visible. Le badminton est d’abord une activité distinctive, réservée à une élite sociale. Il s’organise ensuite en tant que sport alternatif au tennis, jusqu’à être placé sous tutelle de la FFLT en 1944, sans pour autant parvenir à convaincre les adeptes de la balle jaune. Sur le plan international, l’équipe de France de badminton fait pâle figure. Les politiques fédérales, sans moyens, sont inopérantes et l’absence d’infrastructures couvertes n’offre pas les conditions matérielles opportunes à une pratique de masse. Ces obstacles sont progressivement levés et conduisent à la renaissance de la Fédération française de badminton en 1979, mais ne suffisent à faire évoluer les représentations, plus fortes que des pratiques peu visibles / Badminton is practiced by a small circle of followers, from its introduction in France, until 1979, unlike other modern sports appeared at the same time and become mass cultural phenomena. This work highlights a set of factors limiting the rise of badminton and its manufactures as a sport recognized as such. The game is gradually built with modern sports features, from the birth of the Dieppe club, in 1907 (an institution, a uniform codification, competitions, a classification, search for progress, more and more rational training, trained executives), yet it is hardly perceived as a "real sport". "Girl's game", "beach sport", herited representations from her supposed ancestor, the battledore and shuttlecock, are attached to badminton and persist. Considered a game, it does not attract practitioners seeking a "serious sport". It is however defended as such by its followers and is by the way of practicing that proposes its governing institution. Due to the lack of a large mass of players, practices are not visible enough to change representations. To this vicious circle is added a set of elements that do not allow the activity to be know. Badminton is primarily a distinctive activity, reserved for a social elite. Then, badminton his organized as an alternative sport to tennis, placed under the supervision of the FFLT in 1944, without being able to convince the yellow ball followers. On the international level, the French badminton team is poor. Federal policies, without means, are ineffective and the lack of covered infrastructure does not provide conditions for mass practice. These obstacles are gradually lifted and lead to the renaissance of the French badminton Federation in 1979, but are not enough to change the representations, stronger than not very visible practices.
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Faces do feminino em As Horas, de Michael Cunningham / Faces of the feminine in The Hours, by Michael CunninghamMartins, Laís Rodrigues Alves [UNESP] 26 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Laís Rodrigues Alves Martins (lamartins3987@gmail.com) on 2018-08-15T15:12:44Z
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Faces do feminino em As Horas, de Michael Cunningham.pdf: 1134023 bytes, checksum: 1ca459de6b349748e2af9c54cc0b46d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Carolina Lourenco null (carolinalourenco@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-08-15T16:47:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
martins_lra_me_arafcl.pdf: 1134023 bytes, checksum: 1ca459de6b349748e2af9c54cc0b46d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T16:47:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-06-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A arte pós-moderna caracteriza-se, segundo a teórica literária canadense Linda Hutcheon, por promover uma revisita e uma revisão crítica de textos e demais manifestações discursivas do passado, e por transpô-los a novos cenários e lhes conferir renovados vieses e nuances. A narrativa As Horas (The Hours, 1998), de autoria do norte-americano Michael Cunningham (1952 --), pode ser tomada como representante dessa estética, posto que se vale, tanto estrutural quanto tematicamente, de Mrs. Dalloway (1925), um dos romances canônicos do modernismo em língua inglesa, e produção de destaque em meio ao opus literário de Virginia Woolf (1882 – 1941), para sua composição. Intenta-se, no presente trabalho, promover uma análise do livro As Horas, objetivando investigar, sobretudo, como se articulam as representações do feminino na supracitada obra; para tanto, recorre-se a teorias e críticas feministas anglo-americanas e a pressupostos teóricos relativos à ficção pós-moderna. Procura-se salientar, ainda, a emergência do espólio crítico-literário woolfiano — enfatizando, principalmente, sua escrita ensaística e suas concepções feministas — na contemporaneidade. / The postmodern art is characterized, accordingly to the Canadian literary theorist Linda Hutcheon, by the revision and critical evaluation of texts and other discursive manifestations of the past, and by their transposition to new scenarios, in which they gain renewed signification. The narrative The Hours (1998), from the North-American writer Michael Cunningham (1952 --), can be seen as a representative of this aesthetic, since it recalls both structurally and thematically the novel Mrs. Dalloway (1925), one of the seminal works of modernism written in English, and prominent production amid the literary opus of Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941), for its composition. In the present work, we intend to analyze the book The Hours, aiming to investigate, above all, how the representations of the feminine are articulated in the aforementioned work, and, to this end, we depart from Anglo-American feminist theories, as well as critiques and theoretical discussions about postmodern fiction. It is also intended to highlight the emergence of the Woolfian critical-literary collection — emphasizing, mainly, her essayist production and her feminist conceptions — in contemporaneity. / 133881/2016-4
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As drogas no contexto da rede estadual de ensino em Campina Grande/PB: um estudo em representações sociais.SOUZA, Lais Santos Barbosa de. 29 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-29T14:55:18Z
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LAIS SANTOS BARBOSA DE SOUZA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGED) 2018.pdf: 1794432 bytes, checksum: a58fa81f491e3b7e08a163d3c191dafc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-29T14:55:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
LAIS SANTOS BARBOSA DE SOUZA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGED) 2018.pdf: 1794432 bytes, checksum: a58fa81f491e3b7e08a163d3c191dafc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / Capes / O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar as representações sociais sobre as drogas e sobre os estudantes que usam drogas, construídas por docentes da Rede Estadual de Ensino na cidade de Campina Grande – PB. A pesquisa foi realizada em 08 escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio, abarcando diferentes zonas geográficas da cidade. Participaram no total 56 docentes, o que corresponde, em média, a 20% do corpo docente de cada escola. Utilizamos como recurso de produção de dados: a observação do cotidiano escolar, a Associação Livre de Palavras (ALP) e o Questionário com questões objetivas e subjetivas. Para a análise dos dados, utilizamos a Estatística Descritiva; a Análise de Conteúdo Categorial e a Nuvem de Palavras. Verificamos que o processo de objetivação das representações de “drogas na escola” e de “aluno usuário” ocorre por meio de uma mesma metáfora conceitual, sendo compreendidos como um: “problema”. São, portanto, representações sociais associadas. As ancoragens quanto às drogas, no geral, são realizadas através dos modelos médico-psiquiátrico e jurídico-criminal, mas há também uma evolução no sentido de uma compreensão mais social pelos sujeitos. O medo é uma característica muito recorrente nos discursos dos participantes da pesquisa quando se trata dessa temática no cotidiano escolar. Os docentes assinalam os efeitos na vida pessoal dos estudantes e no contexto escolar, as necessidades, os obstáculos para a efetivação de práticas educativas sobre o tema e a responsabilização da família quanto a essa questão. Em relação aos estudantes, a maioria dos participantes da pesquisa lhes caracterizaram a partir de uma perspectiva negativa, quanto ao comportamento, ao desempenho educacional, ao aspecto físico, à dimensão psicológica, às relações interpessoais a às suas famílias. Apenas alguns apontaram para uma perspectiva mais positiva desses estudantes em relação ao seu desempenho escolar. No geral, os participantes apontaram que a falta de formação específica e focada no contexto escolar contribui para a não efetivação de práticas educativas sobre drogas. Esses resultados indicam também a necessidade de um trabalho focado na realidade escolar, mais coletivo, formativo e intersetorial. / The general objective of this work is to analyze the social representations about drugs and students who use drugs, built by teachers of the State Education Network in the city of Campina Grande - PB. The research was carried out in 08 schools of Elementary and Middle School, covering different geographical areas of the city. A total of 56 teachers participated, which corresponds, on average, to 20% of the faculty of each school. We use as a data production resource: the observation of everyday school, the Free Association of Words (ALP) and the Questionnaire with objective and subjective questions. For the analysis of the data, we use Descriptive Statistics; Categorical Content Analysis and the Word Cloud. We verified that the process of objectifying the representations of "drugs in school" and "user student" occurs through a same conceptual metaphor, being understood as a "problem". They are, therefore, associated social representations. Drug anchorages, in general, are carried out through the medical-psychiatric and legal-criminal models, but there is also an evolution towards a more social understanding by the subjects. Fear is a very recurrent characteristic in the discourses of the research participants when it comes to this theme in the daily school life. Teachers point out the effects on the personal life of students and on the school context, the needs, obstacles to the implementation of educational practices on the subject and the responsibility of the family on this issue. Regarding the students, most of the participants of the research characterized them from a negative perspective regarding behavior, educational performance, physical aspect, psychological dimension, and interpersonal relations to their families. Only a few have pointed to a more positive view of these students in relation to their school performance. In general, the participants pointed out that the lack of specific training focused on the school context contributes to the non-implementation of educational practices on drugs. These results also indicate the need for work focused on school reality, more collective, formative and intersectoral.
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Variantes graphiques numériques dans le contexte libanais : Description sociolinguistique des pratiques et des représentations / Digital graphic variants in the Lebanese sociolinguistic context : sociolinguistic description of uses and representationsSkaf, Bariaa 11 July 2018 (has links)
Les technologies numériques et multimédia favorisent, dans divers contextes sociolinguistiques, l’apparition de modes de communication écrite présentant des spécificités linguistiques et graphiques (Crystal, 2001) que nous nommons, dans le cadre de notre recherche, variantes graphiques numériques (VGN). Les échanges écrits électroniques que nous analysons ont été menés par des préadolescents (8 à 11 ans), des adolescents (14 à 16 ans), de jeunes adultes qui poursuivent leurs études universitaires (18 à 26 ans) et des adultes (28 à 63 ans). Tous ces scripteurs utilisent majoritairement le dialecte libanais, le translittèrent au moyen de graphèmes latins et complètent ces derniers par des chiffres pour représenter les phonèmes qui n’ont pas de correspondance dans ce système graphique. Ils enrichissent leur messagerie instantanée multilingue en recourant à des abréviations, des sigles, des rébus basés sur une écriture phonétique et à bien d'autres procédés graphiques qui miment l’oralité. Ils partagent un même code, celui de l’écrit, mais leurs échanges électroniques se font dans une forme qui rappelle l'oral spontané, comme le montrait déjà Anis (1999). Ils se servent de divers moyens pour rendre compte de la multimodalité inhérente aux échanges verbaux en face-à-face et constitutive de l’interaction.En raison du trilinguisme du contexte libanais de notre étude, ces usages numériques sont associés également à des pratiques plurilingues (Lüdi et Py 2002,) ou translanguaging (Garcia, 2009). Nous analysons également les implications et les modalités de contact entre l’arabe, le français et l’anglais.Parallèlement à ces descriptions formelles, nous documentons la diversité des contextes et des modalités d’usage des VGN au nord Liban. Cette étude permet de montrer la distribution des VGN et des formes de contacts dans différents types d’écrits comme les messages numériques et non numériques, privés et publics, synchrones et asynchrones, formels et informels sur Facebook. Nous complétons ces analyses d’échanges par des écrits d’élèves, recueillis auprès de 13 étudiant.e.s fréquentant des écoles et des universités privées et publiques. Ces derniers écrits montrent la diffusion des VGN de la communication électronique dans les écrits papier à usage privé.Notre corpus contient enfin des enseignes et des menus de restaurants et de cafés-trottoirs, des publicités, des captures d'écran, des titres de chansons de chanteurs libanais, des programmes télévisés de chaines libanaises, des manuels de parler libanais, un roman, des articles de presse et aussi des photos prises dans un jardin publique et dans une école publique. Notre thèse démontre que les VGN ont acquis une visibilité importante dans la société libanaise, devenant selon la formule d’Henri Boyer « un objet linguistique médiatiquement identifié » (Boyer, 1997) et qu’elles se diffusent maintenant indépendamment des supports. Ces VGN témoignent d'un mode d’écrit vernaculaire reconnu et utilisé par la société libanaise dans des contextes autres que numériques. Ainsi, notre enquête montre que les VGN ne sont plus limitées aux adolescents et à la jeunesse qui les ont véhiculées au départ mais concernent toutes les tranches d'âge. Elles sont désormais un moyen de communication recherché pour atteindre un public de plus en plus large.Nous avons également mené une enquête par questionnaire auprès des scripteurs qui ont fourni des messages numériques et/ou non numériques, et d’enseignants et de professeurs des secteurs publique et privé confrontés aux VGN. Ces questionnaires ont été complétés par des entretiens réalisés avec 11 scripteurs appartenant aux différentes catégories d'âge considérées. Cette enquête nous a permis d'étudier les représentations des scripteurs, utilisateurs ou non des outils numériques, usagers ou non des VGN. Elle révèle l'importance de la variation interindividuelle et situationnelle et les représentations ambivalentes que les Libanais ont de ces VGN. / The digital and multimedia technologies favor, in various sociolinguistic contexts, the emergency of written communication modes presenting linguistic and graphic specificities (Crystal, 2001) that we name, in our research, digital graphic variants (VGN). The electronic written exchanges that we are studying were conducted by writers from different age groups (pre-teens, adolescents, young adults students, and adults from 28 to 63 years old). All these writers mainly use the Lebanese dialect; they transliterate it through the means of Latin graphemes and add numbers to transcribe Arabic phonemes that have no match in this writing system. They enrich their instant multilingual messages by using abbreviations, acronyms, phonetic-based rebuses and many other graphic process that mimic orals. They share the same code, that of written, but their electronic exchanges are conducted in a form that evokes the spontaneous oral, as it has already been shown by Anis (1999). They use different means to compensate the lack of multimodality, which is known to be so relevant for face-to-face interaction.Due to the trilingualism of the Lebanese context, these digital usages are also associated with multilingual practices (Lüdi and Py 2002,) or translanguaging (Garcia, 2009). We also analyze the implications and modalities of contact between Arabic, French and English.In parallel with these formal descriptions, we are provide new descriptions of wide range of contexts and modalities of the use of VGN in the north of Lebanon. This study shows the distribution of VGN and forms of contact in different types of writing such as digital and non-digital messages, private and public, synchronous and asynchronous, formal and informal on Facebook. We complete these exchange analyzes with student writings, done by 13 students attending private and public schools and universities. These last writings show the diffusion of the VGN from the electronic communication towards the paper writings for private use.Our open corpus finally includes different kinds of public writing as signs and menus of restaurants and sidewalk cafes, commercials, screen shots, Lebanese singers' song titles, Lebanese channel television programs, Lebanese textbooks, a novel, press articles and also photos taken in a public garden and in a public school. Our dissertation demonstrates that VGN have gained significant visibility in Lebanese society, becoming, as Henri Boyer (1997) writes, “a linguistic object under the scope of the media”, and that they are now widespread regardless of the media. These VGN testify a mode of vernacular writing recognized and used by the Lebanese society in contexts other than digital. Thus, our survey shows that VGN are no longer limited to adolescents and youth who initially used them, but include all age groups. They are now a means of communication sought to reach a wider audience.We also conducted a questionnaire survey of script writers who provided digital and / or non-digital messages, and teachers and professors from the public and private sectors facing VGN. These questionnaires were supplemented by interviews with 11 writers belonging to different age group. This survey allowed us to study the representations and attitudes of the writers, users or not of the digital tools, users or not VGN. This reveals the importance of the interindividual and situational variation and the ambivalent representations that the Lebanese have of these VGN.
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Representações sociais de professores e alunos sobre envelhecimento humano e educação em um programa de Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade /Mennocchi, Lauren Mariana. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Lúcia Pereira Leite / Banca: Maria Cândida Soares Del Masso / Banca: Nádia Dumara Ruiz Silveira / Resumo: O rápido aumento da população de idosos no mundo, nas últimas décadas, tem sido resultado e ao mesmo tempo estímulo para a produção de conhecimento e oferta de serviços a esse novo contingente populacional. Dentre os diversos programas direcionados às pessoas idosas, surgem na década de 70, as chamadas Universidades Abertas da Terceira Idade, enquanto serviços alternativos aqueles até então existentes de caráter essencialmente assistencialista. O objetivo principal dos programas dessa natureza é criar condições para que os idosos se apropriem de conhecimentos e se construam enquanto sujeitos. Tendo em vista a potencialidade de propostas como estas, e partindo dos pressupostos da Teoria das Representações Sociais e das características normativas dos discursos científicos voltados à discussão das questões do envelhecimento humano, este trabalho se propõe a analisar as representações sociais de alunos e professores em um programa de Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade a respeito da velhice e de questões relativas à aprendizagem nessa fase da vida. Os resultados indicaram, de modo geral, que as representações dos professores sobre a pessoa idosa, velhice e aprendizagem nessa fase da vida foram mais positivas que as representações dos próprios alunos do programa. Na questão da aprendizagem, os idosos também parecem ter indicado mais claramente suas dificuldades que os professores, além da necessidade de modificações em alguns aspectos didáticos das atividades oferecidas pelo programa. Os professores, pela visão mais otimista da velhice indicaram menos dificuldades que os alunos no processo de aprendizagem e, por consequência, necessidades menores de modificações no ensino ou desenvolvimento das atividades. Tais resultados podem indicar que os professores, em sua maioria, jovens universitários, concebem de forma positiva e até gratificante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The rapid increase in population of elderly people in the world, in recent decades, has been a result and incentive for production of knowledge and provision of services to this new population quota. Among the many programs targeted to elderly people, arise in the 70s, the Open Universities of the Third Age, while alternative services for those hitherto existing essentially supporting character. The main objective this programs is to create conditions for the elderly to make ownership of knowledge and is built as a subject. In view of the potential of such proposals, and on the assumptions of the Theory of Social Representations and normative characteristics of speeches focused on the scientific discussion of issues of human aging, this study is to analyze the social representations of students and teachers in a Open University Program for the Elderly about old age and issues relating to the learning at that stage of life. The results indicated, in general, that the representations of teachers about elderly people, old age and learning at that stage of life were more positive than the representations of the students of the program. On the question of learning, the elderly also appear to have clearly indicated their difficulties that teachers, in addition to the need for changes in some aspects of the didactic activities offered by the program. The teachers, the more optimistic vision of old age, indicated less difficulties that students in the learning process and, consequently, less need for changes in education and development activities. These results may indicate that teachers, in most cases, young university, designing a positive and rewarding form to thce aging process and experience of old age, due, perhaps, of living with older people. This "learning about old age" is one of the great benefits of programs geared to elderly people congregate different generations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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