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Skärpta krav på amortering och effekterna på Stockholms bostadsmarknad / Tightened requirement for amortization and the effects on the Stockholm housing marketEk, Henrik, Fjelkestam, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Hushållens skulder har under det senaste decenniet ökat fortare än vad hushållens inkomster gjort vilket inneburit en stigande skuldkvot. En alltför hög skuldkvot innebär en stor risk för enskilda hushåll och banker men också för den makroekonomiska utvecklingen och den finansiella stabiliteten. Därför införde Finansinspektionen 1 mars 2018 ett skärpt amorteringskrav som innebär ett ökat krav på amortering vid nya bolån för hushåll med höga skuldkvoter.Syftet med detta arbete är att analysera det skärpta amorteringskravet och hur det kommer att påverka bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm. Detta har genomförts med intervjuer av representanter från olika sektorer på marknaden.De viktigaste frågorna som undersökts var vilka effekter av det skärpta amorteringskravet som kommer att vara tydligast, vilken demografi det kommer påverka och huruvida regleringen är en bra åtgärd. Det visar sig att amorteringskravet sannolikt kommer sänka skuldsättningen i landet, vilket är en önskad effekt från Finansinspektionens sida. Kritiker mot kravet menar att alternativa åtgärder är bättre med motiveringen att det går att nå samma effekt utan de negativa konsekvenser det skärpta amorteringskravet för med sig. De alternativa åtgärderna handlar om mer övergripande förändringar på bostadsmarknaden istället för en enskild reglering på bolånen. Det skärpta amorteringskravet verkar vara det bästa alternativet Finansinspektionen till förfogande för att stabilisera svensk ekonomi, men det finns andra åtgärder som hade varit ett bättre alternativ för att uppnå samma effekt. / In the last few decades there has been a faster increase in household debts than household income, which meant a rising debt ratio. An excessive debt ratio represents a high risk not only for individual households and banks, but also for macroeconomic developments and financial stability. Because of this Sweden implemented a tightened amortization requirement on housing loans for households with high debt ratios. The legislation was created by Finansinspektionen and implemented on March 1, 2018.The purpose of this work is to analyze the tightening of the amortization requirement and how it will affect the housing market in Stockholm. This has been done with interviews of representatives from different sectors on the market.The most important issues examined were which effects will be most prominent from the requirement, which demographics it will affect and whether the regulation is a good measure. It turns out that the amortization requirement is likely to lower debt in the country, which is the desired effect from Finansinspektionen. Critics against the legislation claims that alternative measures are better with the argument that the same effect can be achieved without the negative consequences of the increased amortization requirement. Alternative measures are more general changes in the housing market instead of a single legislation on mortgage loans. The new amortization requirement appears to be Finansinspektionens’ best available option to stabilize the Swedish debts. However, there are other measures that would have been better alternatives for achieving the same effect.
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Predicting vulnerability for requirements: A data-driven approachImtiaz, Sayem Mohammad 09 August 2019 (has links)
Being software security one of the primary concerns in the software engineering community, researchers are coming up with many preemptive approaches which are primarily designed to detect vulnerabilities in the post-implementation stage of the software development life-cycle (SDLC). While they have been shown to be effective in detecting vulnerabilities, the consequences are often expensive. Accommodating changes after detecting a bug or vulnerability in late stages of the SDLC is costly. On that account, in this thesis, we propose a novel framework to provide an additional measure of predicting vulnerabilities at earlier stages of the SDLC. To that end, we leverage state-of-the-art machine learning classification algorithms to predict vulnerabilities for new requirements. We also present a case study on a large open-source-software (OSS) system, Firefox, evaluating the effectiveness of the extended prediction module. The results demonstrate that the framework could be a viable augmentation to the traditional vulnerabilityighting tools.
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Amorteringskravet och bolånebanker : En kvalitativ studie som analyserar bolånebankers dynamiska strategier och riskhanteringsmetoder efter införandet av det skärpta amorteringskravetSauli, Fatima January 2023 (has links)
The Financial Supervisory Authority has introduced the amortization requirement in an attempt to reduce household indebtedness and prevent a speculative economy. However, the introduction of the requirement may lead to the emergence of a new banking market due to the developed rules. Its impact on banks has been in the spotlight in recent years, sparking debate over whether it poses a risk to financial stability. In such an uncertain process of change, banks' behavior and market competition can be questioned as higher demands are placed on banks. The requirement can cause recessions and a deterioration in the condition of the banks. Banks are also more vulnerable to bankruptcy. Such regulation can thus lead to less flexibility and efficiency in the banking market due to the challenges and uncertainties it creates. The reason why it became of interest to conduct a study in the subject is because of the growing criticism of the amortization requirement and the high level of indebtedness among Swedes that has gained momentum in the recent period. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine possible changes in the behavior of selected mortgage banks and whether higher demands are placed on risk management after the acquisition of the amortization requirement. The research is based on an abductive approach and was conducted by using a qualitative method including telephone interviews with qualified respondents. The interviews concluded that the requirement has not negatively impacted banks' financial positions, while making it more difficult for them to manage risk in order to prevent problems and future complications. This is mostly done internally using new workflows to ensure bank compliance.
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Usability Requirements for User-Controlled Robotic Eating AidsLindborg, Ann-Louise January 2021 (has links)
The meal is fundamental in terms of nutrition but also from a social perspective. To be able to eat independently is described as important for the meal experience. The development of a robotic eating aid called Bestic and the evolvement of a list of usability criteria for such an aid are described in this thesis. The work has been ongoing for 16 years. Bestic has been developed through user centred design, an iterative process with reoccurring evaluations and development. The design principle “it is not supposed just to work, but to be worth using” has guided the work. The feedback provided by the users throughout this process has had a great impact on the strategic choices of which features to prioritize during further development and what to keep as it is and has contributed to the list of usability requirements for robotic eating aids. The context in which the robotic eating aid is used is of importance for the usability requirements. To further understand the environment that the robotic eating aid is used in, studies about the meal situation for older people in both Scandinavian/Swedish and Japanese contexts were conducted. The secondary users (care professionals or next of kin) were also taken into consideration when deriving the usability requirements and while performing the evaluations of the robotic eating aid. The most important research outcome from this work is a list of usability requirements for robotic eating aids. The requirements are divided into functional requirements and social requirements. The functional requirements for robotic eating aids include: · how well they work to eat with · how they are controlled · safety aspects · portability · possibility to adapt to different users. The social requirements for robotic eating aids include: · how to fit into the meal situation · not to disturb the conversation · the needs from secondary users. / Måltiden är fundamental för de allra flesta, för att få i sig näring men även som en social aktivitet. Att kunna äta självständigt beskrivs som viktigt för upplevelsen av måltiden. I denna avhandling beskrivs utvecklingen av ett robotiserat äthjälpmedel som heter Bestic och hur en lista med användbarhetskriterier för robotiserade äthjälpmedel har växt fram. Arbetet har pågått i 16 år. Bestic är utvecklad genom användarcentrerad design, en iterativ process med återkommande utvärderingar och utvecklingssteg. Designprincipen ”den skall inte bara gå att använda, utan vara värd att använda” har lett arbetet. Återkopplingen från användarna genom hela processen har haft stor inverkan på strategiska val för vilka funktioner som skall prioriteras för fortsatt utveckling och vad som skall behållas som det är. Återkopplingen har även utgjort ett underlag till listan med användbarhetskriterier för robotiserade äthjälpmedel. Miljön som äthjälpmedel används i påverkar också användbarhetskriterierna. För att förstå denna miljö genomfördes studier om måltidssituationen för äldre personer i både en skandinavisk/svensk och japansk kontext. Även sekundära användare (vårdpersonal eller anhöriga) togs i beaktan vid framtagandet av användbarhetskriterierna. Det viktigaste forskningsbidraget från detta arbete är en lista av användbarhetskriterier för robotiserade äthjälpmedel. Kriterierna är uppdelade på funktionella och sociala kriterier. De funktionella användbarhetskriterierna för robotiserade äthjälpmedel inkluderar: · hur bra de fungerar att äta med · hur de styrs · säkerhetsaspekter · bärbarhet · möjlighet att anpassa till olika användare. De sociala användbarhetskriterierna för robotiserade äthjälpmedel inkluderar: · hur den passar in i måltidssituationen · att inte störa konversationen · behoven från de sekundära användarna.
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Eunomia (Εὐνομία): A Requirement Engineering based Compliance Framework for Software SystemsEngiel, Priscila 07 February 2018 (has links)
Laws and regulation affect software development, as they frequently demand changes in software’ requirements to protect individuals and businesses regarding security, privacy, governance, sustainability and more. Legal requirements can dictate new requirements or constrain existing ones. The problem of software compliance is howto ensure that the software complies with the norms that the legislation imposes. The problem is particularly challenging because it combines difficultsteps: 1)analyze legal documents, 2) extract requirements from those documents, 3) identify conflicting requirements with those already implemented in software and 4) ensure that software remains compliant even with the changes. Compliance is a continuous process: laws, software and the context within which software system operates changes
continuously. The works dealing with the compliance problem focus only on one or two subjects: analyze legal documents or extract requirements or identify conflicts or changes. This thesis deals with all the problems at the same time; the idea is to extract requirements
from legal text, compare them with the software requirement, resolve the possible conflicts that may arise, continuously leading with the changes on environment, laws and requirements. For this, this work proposes a framework that is composed of a compliance process and continuous monitoring of environmental changes. The framework deals with different types of laws (security, privacy, transparency, health care) that are represented in explicit norms. The compliance process supports the identification, extraction, comparison and conflict resolution to help software compliance, by producing a compliant set of requirements. The compliance process is based on the semantic annotation and goal model. The semantic annotation helps to extract requirements from thelaw, using patterns. The goal model is used to help the comparison between requirement and to represent requirements in a formal and consistent requirement specification. The process is tool supported; some tools were reused (Desiree and NomosT) to further each step. It was necessary to adapt the tools for the context of the
compliance process, creating a guideline, patterns, and heuristics. The continuous monitoring is concerned about the changes that affect the software compliance and has 7 the mechanism to ensure that even with those changes the software will regain compliance. The compliance monitor is basedon agents and Non Functional Requirements. The agents are represented using in i*, the idea is to showthe collaboration
between the agents to ensure the continuous compliance. The requirement specification of how each agent should behave was also generated using Business Process Modeling Notation and Desiree language. The Non Functional Requirements catalogue is used to
help to define operalizations for the software awareness. The framework validation was made in two parts: first, the compliance process and after all the framework proposed. For the compliance process, the effort and correctness were measured comparing the use of the proposed process andan ad-hoc method. For the entire framework, the example of monitoring the changes in the environment when an automated car is crossing the border between Washington and Canada was used. The study shows that context has a strong influence on the software requirements, and nonconformity problems may incur penalties. The contribution of this work is the Eunomia framework that has a process and goal model perspective with emphasis on monitoring that helps to deal with the compliance challenge. The framework equips the requirements engineering team with a systematic method. Eunomia framework is a tool-supported and systematic process which can be reused to reduce the time effort and to improve the quality of the requirement specification that helps to create a compliant software requirement specification that is compliant over the time.
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Investigations on the Effects of Different Calcium Supply Exceeding the Requirements on Mineral Serum Concentrations and Bone Metabolism in Young Warmblood StallionsSchubert, Dana Carina, Neustädter, Lisa-Theresa, Coenen, Manfred, Visscher, Christian, Kamphues, Josef 24 April 2023 (has links)
Since mineral supplements for horses commonly contain macro minerals, although the requirement for such is usually covered by roughage-based diets, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different dietary calcium levels on mineral serum concentrations and bone metabolism. The trial was conducted in 30 young warmblood stallions (2–3 years) that were divided into two groups for a five-month feeding trial. The groups were fed a hay- and oat-based diet and were either supplied with high (Ca-High) or moderate (Ca-Moderate) calcium excess. While in Ca-High calcium supply was about 2–2.5-fold of the requirement, in Ca-Moderate calcium requirements were slightly surpassed (1.5–1.6-fold). In order to monitor the effects of the different calcium supply, blood samples were taken during the trial and analysed for levels of macro and trace elements as well as concentrations of two bone markers. In Ca-Moderate a trend towards higher phosphorus serum levels compared to Ca-High was observed which was significant at the end of the trial (p = 0.0002). Furthermore, results showed no influence of the diet on bone markers. Results support the idea that forage-based rations for horses do not necessarily have to be supplemented with macro minerals but with trace elements.
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Utilizing Continuous Integration environments for evaluation of software quality attributesYu, Liang January 2023 (has links)
Software quality attributes are properties that reflect the quality of a software system, and Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are the specifications that define how a software system should perform to reach a desired level of goals of the quality attributes.The evaluation of quality attributes is important to show the effectiveness of a system in meeting customers' NFRs. Continuous integration (CI) environments have emerged as powerful platforms for organizations to improve software quality through automated software verification and validation.Despite this, there is a growing need for evaluating quality attributes that is often met by in-house development of metrics and tools.This highlights the importance of quality attributes for software product quality. This thesis investigates the association between quality attributes and components of a CI environment, as well as how to utilize these components for evaluating software quality attributes.The focus is on improving the knowledge of the evaluation and providing specific recommendations for companies to enhance their CI environments for higher demands of quality evaluation.The contributions of this thesis include a better understanding of the relationship between quality attributes and CI components, and a set of practical guidelines for companies to effectively leverage CI for quality attribute evaluation. The studies in this thesis utilized mixed methodologies, including a systematic literature review, a multi-case study conducted in four software development companies, and an synthesis of the collected data.The multi-case study provided a comprehensive overview of practices for quality attribute evaluation and how CI components can generate data to support the evaluation of specific attributes.The synthesis study presents a maturity model based on the collected data from both academia and industry, and the model can aid organizations in assessing their current level of maturity in utilizing CI environments to identify potential improvements.The results in these studies show the capabilities of different components of a CI environment and how these components can be used to support the evaluation of quality attributes.While the use of CI environments for the thesis topic offers benefits, it also presents several challenges, for example, the challenge to identify effective quality metrics. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the use of CI environments for evaluating software quality attributes.The results suggest that CI environments can be an effective approach for quality attribute evaluation, but suitable metrics need to be considered to ensure accurate and meaningful evaluation results. Furthermore, the thesis presents areas for future research, such as the use of machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy of quality assessment using CI environments.
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Objektivitet eller subjektivitet i rekryteringsprocessen?Ahström, Anna, Malmqvist, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Grundläggande förutsättningar för att företag och organisationer ska kunna bedriva en fungerande verksamhet är att det finns personal med rätt kompetens vilket tillgodoses med en väl genomförd rekrytering. Studien hade följande två frågeställningar: Hur arbetar rekryterare under rekryteringsprocessen för att förhålla sig så objektiva som möjligt? Vilka svårigheter finns det under en rekryteringsprocess sett till förhållningssätt i relation till subjektiva och objektiva bedömningar? 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deltagare som innehar en tjänst med rekryteringsansvar. Intervjuerna tematiserades där sju centrala teman identifierades: Kravprofilen – grunden till det objektiva, standardiserad intervjumall, digital referenstagning, att frångå den subjektiva upplevelsen, tidspress, oärlighet samt språkutmaning. Resultatet visade bland annat att deltagarna upplever flera svårigheter i rekryteringsprocessen, den subjektiva upplevelsen nämndes som en svårighet hos många av deltagarna. Tidigare forskning visar att kravprofilen är en stor källa till objektivitet. Kravprofilen var även något som deltagarna ansåg vara grunden och ett hjälpmedel till det objektiva förhållningssättet. / Basic prerequisites for companies and organizations to be able to run a functioning business are that there are personnel with the right skills, which is met with a well-executed recruitment. The study had the following two questions: How do recruiters work during the recruitment process to be as objective as possible? What difficulties are there during a recruitment process in terms of approach in relation to subjective and objective assessments? 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who hold a position with recruitment responsibility. The interviews were thematized where seven central themes were identified: The requirements profile - the basis for the objective, standardized interview template, digital reference taking, moving away from the subjective experience, time pressure, dishonesty and language challenge. The results showed, among other things, that the participants experience several difficulties in the recruitment process, the subjective experience was mentioned as a difficulty by many of the participants. Previous research shows that the requirements profile is a great source of objectivity, the requirements profile was also something that our participants considered to be the basis and an aid to the objective approach.
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The differences in requirement elicitation between community- and firm-driven open source software projects on GithubFilip, Harald, Teddy, Andersson January 2017 (has links)
Kunskap om olika utvecklingsmetoder vid start av ett nytt mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt äravgörande för utvecklarna, styrorganen och slutprodukten. Därför prioriteras ofta nya ochokända metoder ned för att säkerställa att arbetet blir gjort och att lösningen kommer attlevereras i tid och med hög kvalitet. Detta beteende gör på lång sikt att mjukvaruutvecklingsprojektgår miste om nya och bättre utvecklingsmetoder.För belysa nya utvecklingsmetoder och upplysa de som behöver, valde vi att undersökaskillnaderna i krav framställning inom området Open Source Software(OSS)1-utveckling.I vårt arbete ställer tre forskningsfrågor som ska belysa ämnet dessa bevarar vi genom attutföra en fallstudie. I fallstudien undersöker vi hur och av vilka som krav framställts i ettföretagsstyrt projekt jämfört med ett projekt drivet av en frivilligorganisation.Fallstudien visade att externa användare i frivilligorganisation OSS-projekt har lägredelaktighet, det vill säga bidrag till projektartefakter, jämfört med företagsdrivna projektdär deltagandet av externa användare är högre. Slutligen diskuterar vi implikationerna avresultaten för både OSS-projekt drivna av företag och frivilligorganisationer. Vi kan förbåda styrorganen dra slutsatsen att det är möjligt att öka både utvecklingshastighet ochproduktens värde för kunden. / Knowledge about different development methods when starting up a new software developmentproject is crucial for the developers, the governing bodies and the end product.Therefore new and unfamiliar options are taken out of the equation to make sure that thework gets done and that the solution will be delivered on time and with high quality. Thisbehaviour in the long term does, however, exclude new and better ways of executing thework in the process.To shine light upon new development methods and enlighten those who are in needof insight into a new viable option we chose to investigate the differences in requirementelicitation within the area of Open Source Software development. By examining how andby who requirements are elicited in a firm-driven project compared to a community drivenproject, we framed a total of three research questions to base our case study on.The case study showed that in community driven Open Source Software projects externalusers have low participation, in other words contributions to project artefacts, comparedto firm-driven projects where the participation of external users is high. Finally, wediscuss the potential implications of the findings for both community- and firm-driven OSSprojects. We could conclude for both types that it’s possible to increase both developmentspeed and customer product value.
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Framework for Concentrated Strain Deployable TrussesMejia-Ariza, Juan Manuel 25 June 2008 (has links)
This research presents a simplified framework for the analysis of deployable trusses using the concentrated strain approach and uses it to provide key insights into the many design decisions to be made in the development of concentrated strain architectures. The framework uses Euler Column Theory to derive closed form solutions to estimate truss performance. The results are compared to a classical solution and shown to give similar results. A range of strut and hinge hierarchy choices are considered. Trusses composed of solid rods with rectangular flexures are shown to have significant axial and bending stiffness reductions due to the smaller cross-sectional areas and lower modulus of the flexures. Trusses composed of tubes are less sensitive to this because the flexure cross-sectional area does not dramatically change from that of the tube. A hinge material metric that properly weights flexure strain and modulus is presented to provide a basis for the comparison and selection of proper hinge materials. However, based on this metric, new materials with higher folding failure strain and higher modulus are needed. Finally, a concentrated strain deployable truss of solid rods was designed, manufactured, and tested. A truss performance index for column loading was used to compare this system with a distributed strain ATK-ABLE GR1 coilable boom system and an articulated ATK-ABLE SRTM boom system. It was demonstrated that the concentrated strain approach has the potential to achieve a higher linear compaction ratio and truss performance index for mass efficient deployable trusses than the distributed strain approach and the articulated approach. / Ph. D.
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