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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektering av dörrmiljöer - metoder och informationshantering / Design of door environments - methods and information management

Eliasson, Oscar, Söderberg, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Byggprojekt har blivit allt mer komplexa i tur med att kraven på kvalitet, miljö och hållbarhet har ökat. Med utvecklingen har även BIM-modeller blivit en stor del av byggprojekten. Kraven och komplexiteten gör att mängden information är väldigt stor i projekten. Det gör att modellerna blir tunga och svårarbetade. En delprocess som bidrar till komplexiteten och mängden information är projekteringen av dörrmiljöer. På grund av att modellerna växer kommer lösningar som ska underlätta informationshantering kopplad till modellerna. En sådan lösning är databaser som kopplas till modellen. Studiens avser därför att undersöka om en databas-tjänst kopplad till en modell kan effektivisera projekteringen av dörrmiljöer. Metod: För att uppnå målet och besvara studiens frågeställningar har ett kvalitativt arbetssätt nyttjats. En litteraturstudie gjordes för att samla fakta till problembeskrivning och teoretiskt ramverk. Empirin är baserad på sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt en observation och ett test av tjänsten BIMEYE. Utifrån empirin, frågeställningarna och valda teorier har sedan en analys utformats. Resultat:Resultatet visar att projektering av dörrmiljöer bygger på att alla krav identifieras i början av ett projekt och att kunniga projektmedlemmar krävs under dörrprojekteringen, för att kunna identifiera funktionerna på de komplexa dörrmiljöerna. För att tydligare redovisa dörrarna och deras funktioner föredrog respondenterna dörrmiljökort där varje dörr redovisas var för sig. Problem med informationssamordning och att information försvinner, kan lösas genom att samla informationen i en databas så att informationen lagras på en plats. Där kan den göras tillgänglig för bearbetning av alla involverade i projektet. Studien visar att molnbaserade databaser kopplade till BIM-modeller kan effektivisera informationshanteringen under projekteringsarbetet, då den är källan till information för flera olika verktyg. Konsekvenser: Dörrmiljöer kommer att förbli komplexa och innehålla en stor mängd funktioner. För att underlätta och effektivisera arbetsprocessen kan molntjänsten BIMEYE eller liknande tjänst användas. En sådan tjänst bidrar till en säkrare informationshantering och kommer minska antalet missar vid granskning. Vid en övergång till ett databasbaserat arbetssätt rekommenderas utifrån studiens resultat att de anställda utbildas och att en standardiserad arbetsgång tas fram. Begränsningar: Arbetet begränsades till att studera projekteringsprocessen för dörrmiljöer. Det är därför osäkert huruvida studiens resultat går att applicera på andra delprocesser under projekteringen. Studien har också avgränsats från andra molntjänster än BIMEYE vilket kan göra att resultatet inte är tillämpbart för andra liknande tjänster. Dessutom kan det inte uteslutas att resultatet inte är applicerbart för programvarorna ArchiCad och Simplebim eftersom studien har fokuserat på Revit och dess koppling till BIMEYE. / Purpose: Construction projects have become more and more complex, with increasing demands on quality, environment, and sustainability. With the development, BIM models have become a major part of the construction projects. The requirements and complexity create large amounts of information in the projects. This makes the models heavy and hard to work with. One subprocess that contributes to the complexity and amount of information is the design of door environments. Because the models are growing, solutions will be designed to facilitate information management linked to the models. One such solution is databases that are linked to the model. The study therefore intends to investigate whether a database service linked to a model can make the design of door environments more effective. Method: To achieve the goal and answer the study's questions, a qualitative approach has been used. A literature study was done to gather facts for problem description and theoretical framework. The empiricism is based on six semi-structured interviews as well as an observation and a test of BIMEYE. Based on the empiricism, the questions and the selected theories, an analysis has been designed. Findings: The result shows that the design of door environments is based on the fact that all requirements are identified at the beginning of a project and that knowledgeable project members are required during door design, in order to identify the functions of the complex door environments. To give a clearer presentation of the doors and their functions, the respondents preferred door environment drawings where each door is presented separately. Problems with coordination of information and information that disappear can be solved by gathering the information in a database so that the information is stored in one place. There it can be made available for processing by everyone involved in the project. The study shows that cloud-based databases linked to BIM models can streamline information management during the design work, as it is the source of information for several different tools. Implications: Door environments will remain complex and contain a large number of functions. To facilitate and streamline the work process, the cloud service BIMEYE or a similar service can be used. Such a service contributes to a more secure information management and will reduce the number of misses during review. When transitioning to a database-based way of working, it is recommended, based on the study's results, that the employees get trained and that a standardized workflow is developed. Limitations: The work was limited to studying the design process for door environments. It is therefore uncertain whether the results of the study can be applied to other sub-processes during the design phase. The study has also been delimited from cloud services other than BIMEYE which may make the result not applicable to other similar services. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the result is not applicable to ArchiCad and Simplebim because the study has focused on Revit and its connection to BIMEYE.

Kön, socioekonomisk bakgrund, etnicitet och sexualitet - Viktiga aspekter att belysa i religionsundervisningen, men hur? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares undervisning i ett centralt innehåll i Religionskunskap 1

Hjerpe, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Hjerpe, Madeleine  Kön, socioekonomisk bakgrund, etnicitet och sexualitet - Viktiga aspekter att belysa i religionsutbildning, men hur?  En kvalitativ studie av lärarnas undervisning om ett centralt innehåll i religionsvetenskap 1   Studien syftar till att öka kunskapen om hur ämneslärare i religion ser på de möjligheter och utmaningar som finns i undervisningen av det centrala innehållet "Religion i relation till kön, socioekonomisk bakgrund, etnicitet och sexualitet" som ingår i kursen "Religionsvetenskap 1" och på vilka sätt de förankrar detta praktiskt i sin undervisning, i gymnasieskolan. Det är en kvalitativ studie där intervjuer med en semistrukturerad stil som metod. Fem religionskunskapslärare på fyra gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige har intervjuats. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning och läroplansteori, vilket är studiens teoretiska perspektiv. Resultaten visade att lärarna påpekade att undervisning i religionsvetenskap och i detta specifika centrala innehåll bidrar till viktiga diskussioner i klassrummet. Lärarna kan arbeta mer nyanserat och behandla religion ur ett individ-perspektiv. Utmaningarna som lärarna pekar på gällande undervisning i detta kunskapskrav är att det kan väcka starka känslor, vilket kan vara överväldigande för vissa elever. Elever kan också få sin världsbild och uppfattning utmanad, vilket kan vara problematiskt. Externa faktorer som påverkar undervisningen är bristen på tid. Exempel på hur lärarna förankrar detta centrala innehåll praktiskt i sin undervisning innefattar diskussioner, skriftliga uppgifter och uppgifter relaterade till de fyra aspekterna. Resultatet visar även på att flera av lärarna inte ser detta kunskapskrav som åtskilt från de andra kunskapskraven.                      Nyckelord: Centralt innehåll, gymnasium, kunskapskrav, läroplan, religionskunskap, undervisning   Keywords: Central content, curriculum, knowledge requirement, religious studies, teaching, upper secondary education / ABSTRACT Hjerpe, Madeleine Gender, socio-economic background, ethnicity and sexuality - Important aspects to highlight in religious education, but how? A qualitative study of teachers' teaching of a central content in Religious Studies 1   The study aims to increase knowledge about how subject teachers in religion view the opportunities and challenges that exist in teaching the central content "Religion in relation to gender, socio-economic background, ethnicity and sexuality" which is included in the course "Religious Studies 1" and in what ways they anchor this practically in their teaching, in upper secondary education. This research is a qualitative study using interviews with a semi structured style as a method. Five Religious Studies teachers, in four schools in the south of Sweden have been interviewed. The results were analyzed by using a qualitative content analysis and discussed in relation to the literature and curriculum theory, which is the study’s theoretical perspective. The results showed that the teachers point out that teaching in religious studies and in this specific central content contributes to important discussions in the classroom. The teachers can work in a more nuanced way and treat religion from an individual perspective. The challenges that the teachers point out when teaching this knowledge requirement are that it can arouse strong emotions, which can be overwhelming for some students. Students can also have their worldview and perception challenged, which can be problematic. External factors that affect the teaching is the lack of time. Examples of how the teachers anchor this central content practically in their teaching involves discussions, written assignments and assignments related to the four aspects. It also appears that many of the teachers do not see this knowledge requirement as separate from the other knowledge requirements.                             Keywords: Central content, curriculum, knowledge requirement, religious studies, teaching, upper secondary education Nyckelord: Centralt innehåll, gymnasium, kunskapskrav, läroplan, religionskunskap, undervisning

Anskaffning, värdering och utvärdering av IT-investeringar / Acquisition, valuation and evaluation of IT-investments

Andersson, Julia, Kjellgren, Lucas, Svensson, Isac January 2019 (has links)
Almost all businesses are affected by the current trend of digitalization. To stay competitive, they need to find the right balance between innovation and exploitation. IT-investments could result in increased efficiency, as well as other competitive advantages. To be sure that the IT- investments contributes to these expected advantages, the businesses should evaluate their IT- investment. For the systems to continue to create value and to avoid the use of outdated systems, it’s also of major importance the IT-systems are assessed at a regular basis.   The aim of this thesis is to investigate on what basis IT-investments are made, as well as what approaches organizations tend to adopt while valuating and evaluating their systems. The study was conducted through a qualitative method and the data-collection was made through semi- structured interviews with respondents from 6 different businesses who occupied positions such as chief information officer, chief digital officer and project manager. The part of empirics and analysis explains the results of the study and compares the empirical data with theory.   The result of the study shows that IT-investments often are made to match the digitalization of society and that such investments are affected by factors such as competition and customer’s requests. The result also reveals that acquisition, through Business Case, often is made to decide whether the IT-investment should carry on or discontinue. Furthermore, the result shows that the work with system management often is conducted in a controlled and thoroughly way, but that the work with evaluation isn’t sufficiently comprehensive; which the businesses is aware of and wishes to do in greater extent.

Tool support for the derivation of product line use cases : A case study in the railway transportation domain

Forsman, Viking January 2021 (has links)
Use cases are textual artifacts used to define the expected behavior of a system. However, use cases become more complicated when applied in a product line context since they need to define the behavior of several systems. Product line use cases require knowledge of commonality and variability concepts, which all involved stakeholders do not necessarily possess. Product-specific use cases are more understandable since they do not include variability information. Therefore, it would be beneficial to derive product-specific use cases from the product line use cases once the variability has been bound. This derivation could alleviate communication and help create a shared understanding of the product's expected behavior amongst diverse stakeholders.  In this thesis work, we have implemented a tool that can perform this type of derivation. The tool is divided into two collaborating parts. The first part is an extension to DOORS, which is responsible for creating and maintaining product line use cases. The second part is a third-party application responsible for binding the variability and deriving product-specific use cases. This tool was evaluated using a questionnaire with participants from Alstom, a company within the railway transportation domain. The evaluation showed that the tool has potential as a vehicle for communication amongst diverse stakeholders. / Use cases är textuella artefakter vilka används för att definiera det förväntade beteendet hos system. Dock så blir use cases mer komplicerade när de appliceras inom en produktionslinje-kontext, eftersom de då behöver definiera beteendet av flera olika system. Användandet av produktionslinje use cases kräver kännedom av kommonalitet och variabilitet koncept, vilket alla inblandade delägare inte nödvändigtvis behärskar. Därför skulle det vara gynnsamt om man kunde derivera produktspecifika use cases från produktionslinje use cases när dess variabilitet har bundits. Denna derivation skulle kunna underlätta kommunikation och skapa en gemensam förståelse av produktens förväntande beteende bland delägare med olika bakgrunder.    I detta avhandlingsarbete har vi implementerat ett verktyg som kan utföra denna typ av derivation. Verktyget är uppdelat i två samarbetande delar. Den första delen är ett tilläggsprogram till DOORS, vilken är ansvarigt för att skapa och underhålla produktionslinje use cases. Den andra delen är en tredjeparts applikation vilken är ansvarig för att binda variabiliteten och derivera fram produktspecifika use cases. Verktyget evaluerades med ett frågeformulär med tio deltagare från Alstom, ett företag inom järnvägstransport området. Denna evaluering visade att verktyget har potential att användas som ett fordon för kommunikation mellan delägare med olika bakgrunder.

Vyhodnocení dopadu bankovní regulace na stabilitu bankovního sektoru v členských státech EU ze střední a východní Evropy / Evaluation of the Impact of Banking Regulation on the Stability of Banking Sector in CEE EU Members

Wang, Mengyao January 2021 (has links)
The thesis studies the impact of European banking regulatory reforms on the stability of Central and Eastern European countries after the financial crisis with the annual data from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia from 2009 to 2019. The thesis reaches several conclusions. Firstly, increasing minimum Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio through CRR/CRD IV did not significantly promote the bank stability in sample countries. However, total capital adequacy ratio is found to have positive and significant association with overall insolvency risk. Secondly, relaxing restrictions would have negative impact on bank stability measured by bank z-score. Thirdly, countries that are more open on the regulation may have more stable banks, while tighter entry restrictions boost bank fragility. Fourthly, when only taking deposit insurance variables as explanatory variables, increasing the level of deposit insurance coverage may dampen the bank stability. However, when controlling other regulation and supervision indexes, the results do not show any significant effect of deposit insurance scheme on bank z-score. Lastly, the supervisory variables are not significantly associated with bank stability in sample countries.

Requirements Analysis for AI solutions : a study on how requirements analysis is executed when developing AI solutions

Olsson, Anton, Joelsson, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
Requirements analysis is an essential part of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in order to achieve success in a software development project. There are several methods, techniques and frameworks used when expressing, prioritizing and managing requirements in IT projects. It is widely established that it is difficult to determine requirements for traditional systems, so a question naturally arises on how the requirements analysis is executed as AI solutions (that even fewer individuals can grasp) are being developed. Little research has been made on how the vital requirements phase is executed during development of AI solutions. This research aims to investigate the requirements analysis phase during the development of AI solutions. To explore this topic, an extensive literature review was made, and in order to collect new information, a number of interviews were performed with five suitable organizations (i.e, organizations that develop AI solutions). The results from the research concludes that the requirements analysis does not differ between development of AI solutions in comparison to development of traditional systems. However, the research showed that there were some deviations that can be deemed to be particularly unique for the development of AI solutions that affects the requirements analysis. These are: (1) the need for an iterative and agile systems development process, with an associated iterative and agile requirements analysis, (2) the importance of having a large set of quality data, (3) the relative deprioritization of user involvement, and (4) the difficulty of establishing timeframe, results/feasibility and the behavior of the AI solution beforehand.

Analýza požadavků na bezpečnost strojních zařízení v Evropské unii a Euroasijském ekonomickém svazu / Analysis of the safety requirements of machinery in the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union

Belov, Vjačeslav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes the European, Czech and Russian standards and requirements for ensuring safety of machinery and methodical process to ensure safety through certification of machinery and centrifugal pumps specially introduced onto the market in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation. The first part describes the legislative documents, their properties and the current legislative requirements of EU and EAES. In the second part is an analysis and described comparison of legislative safety requirements of the European Union, the Czech Republic, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation. In the third part is described comparison of standards, and were made updates. In the practical part is an analysis of risks pump manufacturer "SIGMA GROUP" according to the requirements EAES and proposed methods for reducing risk prevention. Also in the practical part is analyzed and is created methodical preparation of certification of machinery and pumps placed on the market in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation.

Správa testů s podporou scénářů BDD / Test Case Management with Support of BDD

Bložoňová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on test management tools and automated testing. The project covers analysis of existing open source tools and proposes its own BDD orientated test management tool in the form of a web service. The project aims to specify and design this application based on the process of Behaviour driven development. The resulting application TestBuDDy allows for test library management. Changes on the test library are projected onto a remote repository of software under test (SUT) and triggers a test run (the test library is being run against SUT by the BDD framework). TestBuDDy is able to save the test run results, parse them into a report and generate and group found issues. The application also allows requirement management and user management. The application is integrated with the CI/CD tool Gitlab CI, the BDD framework JBehave and the issue tracker JIRA. The application is designed to help testers during their work and also to be expandable within the open source community.

Familjesplittring och behovet av det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie och försörjningskravet och dess konsekvenser / Family separation and the need for social work : A qualitative study about the maintenance requirement and its consequences

Modig, Jennica January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken inverkan försörjningskravet har på familjers möjlighet gällande att återförenas i Sverige och vilka konsekvenserna blir av att tvingas leva ofrivlligt splittrad från sin familj på grund av en restriktiv migrationspolitik. Vidare undersöker studien hur ett teoretiskt perspektiv på familjesplittring kan bidra till att till att identifiera behovet av stöd under separationen och i förlängning utveckla det sociala arbetet avseende gruppen splittrade. Det empiriska materialet utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats och består av fem intervjuer med civilsamhälleliga aktörer som jobbat med personer som lever splittrade från sina familjer på grund av den rådande migrationspolitiken och empirin har analyserats ur ett intersektionellt och transnationellt perspektiv.  Resultatet har visat att försörjningskravet präglas av samhällets exkluderande och inkluderande mekanismer vilket gör det svårt för personer med flyktingbakgrund att nå upp till kravet och därmed få återförenas med sin familj. Att tvingas leva ofrivilligt splittrad från sin familj har visat sig en negativ inverkan på den psykiska hälsan, integrationen samt relationerna inom familjen. Studien visar hur oron för familjen genomsyrar individernas liv och hur stressen av att nå upp till kravet är påtaglig vilket även hämmar den integration regeringen menar försörjningskravet ska resultera i. Analysen av empirin har utifrån de valda teoretiska ansatserna visat på ett behov av stöd bland gruppen splittrade som inte identifierats av välfärdsstatens organisationer och det sociala arbetet. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what impact the maintenance requirement has on refugee families' ability to reunite in Sweden and what the consequences of being forced to live involuntarily separated from their family due to a restrictive migration policy are. Furthermore, the study examines how a theoretical perspective on family separation can contribute to identifying the need for support during the separation and in the long run develop the social work regarding the affected members of the family. The empirical material is based on a qualitative approach and consists of five interviews with civil society actors who have worked with people living involuntarily separated from their families due to the current migration policy and the empirical data have been analyzed from an intersectional and transnational perspective. The results have shown that the maintenance requirement is characterized by society's exclusive and inclusive mechanisms, which makes it difficult for people with a refugee background to reach the requirement and thus be reunited with their family. Being forced to live involuntarily separated from one's family has been shown to have a negative impact on mental health, integration and family relationships. The study shows how concern for the family permeates the lives of individuals and how the stress of reaching the requirement is palpable, which also hampers the integration the government believes the maintenance requirement should result in. Based on the chosen theoretical approaches, the analysis of the empirical data has shown a need for support among the group of people having been separated which has not been identified by organizations and civil society actors in the welfare state.

Hodnocení energetické náročnosti budov národním kalkulačním nástrojem NKN II a porovnání s výsledky energetické simulace / Evaluation of energy demands of buildings using NKN II and comparison with results of energy simulation

Hlubinka, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The Master Thesis evaluates the energy demands of two types of family houses. The calculations are performed using the national calculation tool NKN II and the simulation software TRNSYS. The results of both methods are compared and their differences explained. Both calculation tools are compared from the user point view and finally their applicability for project designers is evaluated.

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