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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A decisão ecológico-jurídica sob a perspectiva sistêmica

Trombini, Gabrielle 22 May 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação observa a decisão judicial referente a questões ecológicas, especialmente no que concerne à possibilidade de alcançar uma efetiva proteção ecológica através das decisões emanadas do Poder Judiciário. Por meio da Teoria dos Sistemas Autopoiéticos de Niklas Luhmann, se examina a decisão como comunicação do sistema jurídico, sendo este um sistema funcionalmente diferenciado delimitado pelo código Direito/Não Direito. Por ser considerado um guia de comportamento, o sistema jurídico atua com a função de estabilizar expectativas, e neste contexto aparece o elemento dogmático da coisa julgada, que busca trazer segurança e certeza para a sociedade. Porém, como se elucida no presente estudo, na contemporaneidade os ideais de segurança e certeza são ofuscados pela nova realidade social, que evidencia riscos e indeterminações advindos da sociedade complexa. Desta forma, aparecem os chamados riscos ecológicos, que são consequência das decisões oriundas especialmente das organizações, como é o caso do Poder Judiciário. Sendo assim, se observa e questiona de que forma pode o sistema jurídico, através de seus programas decisionais, realizar efetivamente a proteção ecológica idealizada pela Constituição Federal brasileira, de 1988. Para responder a tal pergunta, examina-se a proposta de oferecer tratamento diferenciado à coisa julgada, de modo que as decisões judiciais levem em consideração o iminente risco incrustado na sociedade contemporânea. Questiona-se a possibilidade de permitir a mitigação dos efeitos da coisa julgada em questões jurídicas ecológicas, analisando possíveis consequências desta decisão. / The present dissertation observes the legal decision referring to ecological questions, especially in what it concerns to the possibility of achieving an effective environmental protection through the decisions issued by the Judiciary. Through the Niklas Luhmann´s Theory of Autopoietic Systems, the decision is examined as communication of the legal system, which is a functionally differentiated system delimited by the Legal/Illegal code. Because of being considered a guide of behavior, the legal system works with the function of stabilizing expectations, and in this context appears the dogmatic element of res judicata, which aims to bring security and certainty to the society. However, as it is elucidated in the present study, in the contemporaneousness the ideals of security and certainty are obscured by the new social reality, which highlights risks and indeterminations deriving from the complex society. In this way, appear the so-called ecological risks, which are the consequence of decisions derived especially from the organizations, such as the Judiciary. Thus, it is observed and questioned how can the legal system, through its deciding programs, perform effectively the ecological protection idealized by the 1988´s Brazilian Federal Constitution. To answer such question, it is examined the proposal to offer differentiated treatment to the res judicata, so that the legal decisions take into account the imminent risk encrusted in the contemporary society. It is questioned about the possibility of allowing the mitigation of res judicata´s effects in ecological legal questions, analyzing possible consequences of this decision.

A cessação dos efeitos da coisa julgada das relações tributárias continuativas em face de superveniente decisão do STF

Souza Júnior, Antonio Carlos Ferreira de 10 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_antonio_carlos.pdf: 1090508 bytes, checksum: 7ec2d561db841813adc8070ee350537a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-10 / Is it possible to stop the concrete effects of a res judicata in a continuative tax legal relationship after a Supreme Court decision in the same issue? This research explores this question in two different ways: first, from Legal Theory point of view, will be analyzed the formal institutions related with object, with especial attenction to the unconstitutional norm sanction; second, confronting all theoretical models, this research collected data from one of Brazilian High Corts (Superior Tribunal de Justiça) and from High Administrative Court for Tax Disputes (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais) with the scope to get a qualitative diagnosis of judicial and administrative decision making in disputes envolving the same object of this dissertantion. From these premisses, was found a trend to assign biding effects to Supreme Court precedents related to tax issues, inserting a new normative expectation to be obeyed by Governement and taxpayers. So, without any legislative reform, any incidental Supreme Court colegial decision can modify res judicata state of right, allowing the interruption of the future effectiveness of such sentences / O presente trabalho tem por o objeto de pesquisa pretende, a partir da contextualização da teoria do direito e direito positivo vigente, estabelecer a resposta para a seguinte pergunta: É possível a cessação dos efeitos da coisa julgada de relações jurídicas continuativas em matéria tributária em face de superveniente decisão plenária do Supremo Tribunal Federal? Para tanto, divide-se o trabalho em duas partes. Na primeira parte, analisaremos os seguintes aspectos: a) enfoque da teoria do direito, onde se estabelecem as premissas teóricas que serão contextualizadas no curso de todo o trabalho; b) complementando as premissas iniciais desenvolvidas anteriormente, analisa-se sanção de inconstitucionalidade sob a ótica constitucional. Ainda estudaremos o modelo teórico difundido pela maior parte da doutrina que o contrapõe ao direito positivo nacional; c) em seguida, a partir do estudo sistemático da coisa julgada e da eficácia da decisão plenária do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre as relações jurídicas tributárias, serão indicadas as premissas menores do trabalho. Na segunda parte, busca-se, a partir da coleta de dados dos repositórios de jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais, estabelecer uma análise qualitativa do modelo decisório definido por aquele órgão. A partir das premissas articuladas, conclui-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, ao menos no que se refere à relação tributária, atribui um caráter vinculativo às decisões plenárias do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Tal caráter constitui verdadeira alteração do arcabouço normativo prévio, pois insere uma nova expectativa normativa que deve ser obedecida pela administração pública e os contribuintes. Logo, a superveniente decisão do STF possui o condão de alterar o estado de direito da sentença atingida pela coisa julgada, o que permite a sustação da eficácia futura da sentença, por meio da ação de modificação

Rättskraftens objektiva utsträckning i civilprocessen : – särskilt vid talan om skiljedoms ogiltighet / The objective scope of res judicata in civil procedure : – in particular regarding actions to declare an arbitral award invalid

Wållberg, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Conteúdo do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos do provimento e da coisa julgada na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações / Content of the judgement and objective and subjective limites of the judgement and res judicata in the challenge of shareholders meetings

Pereira, Guilherme Setoguti Julio 24 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs-se a estudar, mediante abordagem crítica e multidisciplinar, questões processuais que surgem na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações, procurando não só comprovar a ideia de que o direito processual civil deve responder a especificidades vindas do direito material, mas tecer conclusões a respeito de qual maneira o processo civil, neste âmbito específico do direito material, atende a essas peculiaridades. Por entendermos que existe um fio condutor lógico que une conteúdo do provimento, objeto do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos da coisa julgada, foram eleitas algumas questões processuais como objeto principal da pesquisa, sintetizadas nas seguintes indagações: (i) qual o conteúdo do provimento jurisdicional que desconstitui deliberações de assembleias gerais de sociedades por ações?; (ii) quais os limites objetivos desse provimento e da coisa julgada que sobre ele incide?; e (iii) quais os limites subjetivos desse mesmo provimento e da coisa julgada que o acoberta? O escopo principal desta dissertação, assim, foi responder a essas perguntas, embora, para que se atingisse esse intuito, outras indagações também tenham sido respondidas. / This work aims at studying, through a critical and multidisciplinary approach, procedural matters arising out of claims that request the annulment of shareholder meetings resolutions, seeking not only to evidence the idea that the civil procedural law should correspond to specific issues of the substantive law, but also draw conclusions on how the civil procedure, within the specific ambit of the substantive law, answers to these peculiarities. Since we understand there is a logical guiding thread that links the judgment, its subject matter and the objective and subjective limits of the judgement and of the res judicata, we have chosen a few procedural issues as main object of our research, summarized in the following questions: (i) what is the content of the judgement that annuls the shareholder meetings deliberations?; (ii) what are the objective limits of this judgement and of the res judicata, which affect such deliberations?; and (iii) what are the subjective limits of this same judgement and of the res judicata, which restrict their interference in said deliberations? The main scope of this dissertation was, therefore, to answer these questions, although, in doing so, other questions have ended being answered.

??tude de micelles de copolym??res ?? blocs r??pondants ?? deux stimuli

Xuan, Juan January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Les copolym??res ?? blocs sensibles aux stimuli (SR-BCPs) et leurs assemblages, tels que les micelles, les v??sicules et les hydrogels, peuvent subir des changements physiques ou chimiques en r??ponse ?? l'??volution des conditions environnementales. Pour un excellent SR-BCP, habituellement, de l??g??res modifications de l'environnement sont suffisantes pour induire des modifications relativement drastiques dans la conformation, la structure ou les propri??t??s du polym??re. Ces polym??res sont aussi appel??s polym??res stimuli-r??actifs ou polym??res intelligents et ils ont un grand potentiel d'application dans de nombreux domaines. Au cours des deux derni??res d??cennies, un int??r??t de recherche et d??veloppement particulier a ??t?? port?? sur l'exploitation des SR-BCPs pour utilisation comme syst??mes de relargage de m??dicaments. Dans de nombreux cas, les changements induits par des stimuli dans la structure ou la morphologie des assemblages de BCPs peuvent entra??ner la lib??ration de l'esp??ce encapsul??e, parfois d'une mani??re contr??lable spatialement et temporellement par le choix d'un stimulus appropri?? et en ajustant les param??tres de la m??thode de stimulation utilis??e. De fa??on g??n??rale, le fait d???avoir un certain type de groupements r??actifs ?? un stimulus donn?? dans la structure permet aux SR-BCPs de reconna??tre et r??agir ?? ce stimulus. Malgr?? les ??normes progr??s r??alis??s sur les SR-BCPs, un certain nombre de questions fondamentales restent ?? r??soudre afin de leur permettre de se trouver dans des applications pratiques. Pour y arriver, la cl?? ou le d??fi r??side dans l???am??lioration du niveau et de la complexit?? de contr??le sur les SR-BCPs ainsi que la sensibilit?? avec laquelle ces polym??res r??agissent ?? des stimuli. G??n??ralement, il est souhaitable d'obtenir une r??action rapide sous l'action d'une stimulation mod??r??e. A cette fin, il est n??cessaire d???effectuer des recherches fondamentales sur la conception rationnelle de nouveaux SR-BCPs ainsi que sur le d??veloppement de m??thodes de stimulation qui peuvent amplifier l'effet d'un stimulus. Les travaux de recherche pr??sent??s dans cette th??se s'inscrivent dans ce domaine de recherche. Plus sp??cifiquement, nous avons ??tudi?? des micelles de BCPs qui r??pondent ?? deux types de stimuli. D'une part, nous avons ??tudi?? un m??canisme d'amplification bas?? sur l???effet des ultrasons combin?? ?? la thermosensibilit?? de BCPs. D'autre part, nous avons d??velopp?? une nouvelle conception de BCPs qui permet aux micelles d?????tre d??truites soit de mani??re photochimique, soit par des r??actions d'oxydo-r??duction, tout en ayant le nombre minimum des groupes stimuli-r??actifs dans la structure du polym??re. Notre recherche a g??n??r?? de nouvelles connaissances dans ce domaine et sugg??re de nouveaux moyens sur la fa??on dont les questions de sensibilit?? et de contr??le complexe des micelles SR-BCPs peuvent ??tre abord??es, contribuant ainsi ?? l'avancement des connaissances fondamentales. Le c??ur de cette th??se est compos?? de trois publications r??sultant des projets r??alis??s. Dans le premier projet, afin de coupler la sensibilit?? aux ultrasons et la thermosensibilit??, nous avons men?? une ??tude ayant pour but de trouver des structures possibles de polym??res qui sont susceptibles d'??tre affect??es par les ultrasons. Nous avons effectu?? une ??tude comparative sur la destruction des micelles form??es par divers BCPs et la lib??ration concomitante d'un colorant hydrophobe encapsul?? (rouge du Nil) par les ultrasons focalis??s de haute intensit?? (HIFU). Nous avons constat?? que toutes les micelles form??es par les quatre copolym??res diblocs synth??tis??s, ??tant constitu??s d'un m??me bloc du polyoxyde d'??thyl??ne (PEO) hydrophile et d???un bloc de polym??thacrylate hydrophobe diff??rent, peuvent ??tre perturb??es par les ultrasons. Toutefois, l'ampleur de la perturbation et la lib??ration du colorant encapsul?? dans la micelle est influenc??e par la structure chimique du block hydrophobe. En particulier, les micelles du PEO-b-PIBMA (poly(1-isobutoxym??thacrylate d'??thyle)) et du PEO-b-PTHPMA (poly(m??thacrylate de 2-t??trahydropyrannyle)), qui poss??dent une unit?? ac??tal labile dans le groupe lat??ral, subissent des perturbations plus importantes en raison, probablement, d???une r??action d???hydrolyse de l???ester induite par les ultrasons, donnant lieu ?? une lib??ration plus rapide du colorant. En revanche, les micelles du PEO-b-PMMA (poly(m??thacrylate de m??thyle)), dont le bloc polym??thacrylate est plus stable, sont plus r??sistantes aux ultrasons et pr??sentent une cin??tique de lib??ration du colorant plus lente que les autres micelles. De plus, l???analyse des spectres infrarouges des solutions micellaires, enregistr??s avant et apr??s l???exposition aux ultrasons, sugg??re une r??action d???hydrolyses pour le PEO-b-PIBMA et le PEO-b-PTHPMA, mais montre l'absence d???une quelconque r??action chimique pour le PEO-b-PMMA. L'effet de la structure de copolym??re ?? blocs sur la r??activit?? des micelles ?? l'irradiation HIFU ?? hautes fr??quences permet de mieux comprendre comment des micelles de BCPs sensibles aux ultrasons peuvent ??tre con??ues. Sur la base du premier projet, dans le deuxi??me projet, nous avons d??montr?? une nouvelle approche pouvant amplifier l'effet de HIFU sur la destruction des micelles de BCPs en solution aqueuse. L???id??e est d???introduire une petite quantit?? des unit??s comonom??res sensibles aux ultrasons dans le bloc thermosensible et initialement hydrophobe. On peut alors former une micelle dont le noyau est compos?? du polym??re sensible aux ultrasons. Si la r??action induite par les ultrasons sur le noyau permet d???augmenter la temp??rature de solution critique inf??rieure (LCST) du polym??re thermosensible au-dessus de la temp??rature de la solution micellaire, la micelle doit ??tre dissolue car tout le BCP est devenu soluble dans l???eau. Pour tester la validit?? de ce nouveau m??canisme, nous avons synth??tis?? et ??tudi?? un copolym??re dibloc de PEO-b-P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) (MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA repr??sente 2-(2-m??thoxy??thoxy) m??thacrylate d'??thyle), dans lequel le bloc thermosensible P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) est hydrophobe ?? T>LCST. Le THPMA a ??t?? choisi en raison de sa plus grande r??activit?? vis-??-vis des faisceaux HIFU que les autres monom??res ??tudi??s dans le premier projet. Les r??sultats montrent que les HIFU peuvent effectivement augmenter la LCST du bloc P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) et, par cons??quent, induire la dissociation des micelles ?? une temp??rature constante de la solution. Une analyse spectrale en RMN [indice sup??rieur 13]C a fourni des preuves montrant que l'hydrolyse des groupes THPMA se produit sous l???irradiation HIFU et que la destruction des micelles provient d'une augmentation de la LCST en raison de la conversion des motifs hydrophobes THPMA en motifs acides m??thacryliques (MAA) hydrophiles. Cette m??thode de modifier la LCST par une irradiation des ultrasons est g??n??rale et peut ??tre appliqu??e aux autres groupements sensibles aux ultrasons dans la conception de ce type de SR-BCPs. Cette ??tude a ainsi d??montr?? un nouveau m??canisme d'amplification et de contr??le des micelles de BCPs via la modification induite par les ultrasons de la temp??rature de transition de phase (LCST) du bloc constituant le noyau micellaire. Le troisi??me projet pr??sent?? dans cette th??se portait sur une conception rationnelle de BCPs ayant un but pr??cis: permettre aux micelles d?????tre perturb??es par deux types de stimuli en utilisant le nombre minimal des unit??s sensibles ?? des stimuli dans la structure de BCPs. Pour ce faire, nous avons con??u et synth??tis?? un nouveau copolym??re tribloc amphiphile de type ABC, soit le poly(oxyde d'??thyl??ne) - disulfure ??? polystyrene - o-nitrobenzyle - poly(2-(dim??thylamino) ??thylm??thacrylate) (PEO-S-S-PS-ONB-PDMAEMA). Il dispose d'une liaison disulfure redox-clivable entre les blocs PEO et PS ainsi que d'un groupe o-nitrobenzyle (ONB) photoclivable ?? la jonction des blocs PS et PDMAEMA. Nous avons montr?? que ce mod??le est une strat??gie utile pour permettre aux micelles de BCPs de r??pondre soit ?? un agent r??ducteur comme le dithiothr??itol (DTT) dans une solution, soit ?? l'exposition ?? la lumi??re UV, tout en ayant le nombre minimum des groups stimuli-r??actifs dans la structure du copolym??re (deux unit??s par cha??ne). Nos investigations ont r??v??l?? que les micelles de ce copolym??re tribloc peuvent ??tre perturb??es de diff??rentes fa??ons. Lorsqu'un seul stimulus est appliqu??, l'enl??vement d'un type des cha??nes de polym??re hydrophile ?? partir de la couronne de micelles, soit le PEO par clivage par oxydo-r??duction ou le PDMAEMA par photoclivage, entra??ne un effet limit?? de d??stabilisation sur la dispersion des micelles. L'agglom??ration de quelques micelles appara??t mais la dispersion reste essentiellement stable. En revanche, en cas d'utilisation combin??e des deux stimuli qui clivent ?? la fois le PEO et le PDMAEMA, une agr??gation importante du polym??re se produit ?? la suite de l'??limination de l'amphiphilicit?? du polym??re. // Abstract : Stimuli-responsive block copolymers (SR-BCPs) and their assemblies, such as micelles, vesicles and hydrogels, can undergo physical or chemical changes in response to changing environmental conditions. For an excellent SR-BCP, usually, slight changes in the environment are sufficient to induce relatively drastic changes in either the conformation or structure or properties of the polymer. Stimuli-reactive polymers are often referred to as smart polymers and they have great application potential in many fields. Over the past two decades, particular research and development interest has been focused on exploiting SR-BCP assemblies as drug delivery systems (DDSs). In many cases, stimuli-induced changes in the structure or morphology of BCP assemblies (drug carriers) can result in the release of loaded species, sometimes in a spatially and temporally controllable manner by choosing an appropriate stimulus and adjusting the parameters of the used stimulating method. Generally speaking, by having a certain type of stimuli-reactive moieties in the structure, SR-BCP assemblies have an ability to recognize a specific stimulus and react to its presence accordingly. Despite the tremendous progress achieved on SR-BCPs, a number of fundamental issues remain to be addressed in order to enable real-life applications of these smart polymers. Of them, an increasing level and complexity of control on SR-BCPs as well as the sensitivity with which these polymers react to stimuli are key and challenging. It is highly desirable to obtain a fast reaction under the action of a modest stimulation. To this end, fundamental research is necessary on rational and creative BCP structural design as well as on development of stimulation methods that can amplify the effect of a stimulus. The research work presented in this thesis falls into this important topic. More specifically, we studied BCP micelles that are responsive to two types of stimuli. On the one hand, we investigated an amplification mechanism based on coupling the ultrasound reactivity with the thermosensitivity of BCPs. On the other hand, we developed a BCP structural design that allows micelles to be disrupted by either light or redox agents while having the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the polymer structure. Our research provided new insights into and suggested new means on how the issues of sensitivity and complex control of SR-BCP micelles can be tackled, thus contributing to the advancement of fundamental knowledge. The core of this thesis is comprised of three publications resulting from the projects realized in our research work. In order to couple the ultrasound sensitivity and thermosensitivity, in the first project, we carried out studies to find possible polymer structures that are susceptible to be affected by ultrasound. We conducted a comparative study on the disruption of the micelles formed by various BCPs and the concomitant release of an encapsulated hydrophobic dye (Nile Red) by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). It was found that all micelles formed by the four synthesized diblock copolymers, being composed of a hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) block and a different polymethacrylate hydrophobic block, could be disrupted by ultrasound. However, the extent of the micellar disruption and dye release was found to be influenced by the chemical structure of the micelle-core-forming hydrophobic polymethacrylate. In particular, micelles of PEO-b-PIBMA (poly(1-(isobutoxy)ethyl methacrylate)) and PEO-b-PTHPMA (poly(2-tetrahydropyranyl methacrylate)), whose hydrophobic blocks have a labile acetal unit in the side group and are more likely to undergo ester hydrolysis, could be disrupted more severely by ultrasound, giving rise to a faster release of Nile Red. By contrast, micelles of PEO-b-PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)), whose polymethacrylate block is more stable, appear to be more resistant to ultrasound irradiation and exhibit a slower rate of dye release than other BCPs. Moreover, infrared spectra recorded with micelles before and after ultrasound irradiation of the aqueous solution of the micelles give evidence for the occurrence of chemical reactions, most likely hydrolysis, for PEO-b-PIBMA and PEO-b-PTHPMA, but absence of chemical reactions for PEO-b-PMMA. The effect of BCP chemical structure on the reaction of micelles to high-frequency HIFU irradiation shows the perspective of designing and developing ultrasound-sensitive BCP micelles for ultrasound-based delivery applications. On the basis of the first project, in the second project, we demonstrated a new approach that could amplify the effect of HIFU on the disassembly of BCP micelles in aqueous solution. By introducing a small amount of ultrasound-labile comonomer units into the micelle core-forming thermosensitive polymer, the ultrasound-induced reaction of the comonomer could increase the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the thermosensitive polymer due to a polarity change, which renders the BCP soluble in water without changing the solution temperature and, consequently, results in disassembly of BCP micelles. To prove the validity of this new mechanism, we synthesized and investigated a diblock copolymer of PEO-b-P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA) (MEO[subscript 2]MA stands for 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl methacrylate). In the thermosensitive random copolymer block P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA), which is hydrophobic at T>LCST, THPMA was chosen due to its greater reactivity under HIFU than other monomer structures investigated in the first project. We found that HIFU could indeed increase the LCST of the P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA) block and, as a result, dissociate the BCP micelles at a constant temperature. A [superscript 13]C NMR spectral analysis provided critical evidence that hydrolysis of the THPMA groups occurs under HIFU irradiation and the micellar disassembly originates from an increase in the LCST due to the ultrasound-induced conversion of hydrophobic comonomer units of THPMA onto hydrophilic methacrylic acid (MAA). This ultrasound-changeable-LCST approach is general and can be applied by exploring other ultrasound-labile moieties in the BCP design. By transducing an ultrasound-induced effect into a changing thermosensitivity of the micelle core-forming block, this study demonstrated a new amplification and control mechanism for SR-BCP micelles. The third project presented in this thesis dealt with a rational BCP design that had a specific purpose: allowing BCP micelles to be disrupted by two types of stimuli while using the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the BCP structure. The unveiling of such BCP structures provides insight into how to make BCP micelles sensitive to stimuli. To do this, we designed and synthesized a new amphiphilic ABC-type triblock copolymer, namely, poly(ethylene oxide)-disulfide-polystyrene- o-nitrobenzyl-poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylate) (PEO-S-S-PS-ONB-PDMAEMA), which features a redox-cleavable disulfide linkage between the PEO and PS blocks as well as a photocleavable ONB group as the junction of the PS and PDMAEMA blocks. We demonstrated that this design is a useful strategy to allow BCP micelles to respond to both a reducing agent like dithiothreitol (DTT) in solution and exposure to UV light while having the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the block copolymer structure (two units per chain). Our investigations found that the micelles of this triblock copolymer could be disrupted in different ways. When only one stimulus is applied, the removal of one type of hydrophilic polymer chains from the micelle corona, either PEO by redox-cleavage or PDMAEMA by photocleavage, results in a limited destabilization effect on the dispersion of the micelles. The agglomeration between a few micelles appears but the dispersion remains essentially stable. By contrast, under combined use of the two stimuli that cleaves both PEO and PDMAEMA, severe polymer aggregation occurs as a result of elimination of the polymer amphiphilicity. Moreover, by loading the hydrophobic Nile Red in the micelles, the fluorescence quenching of the dye by aqueous medium under the different uses of the two stimuli appears to correlate with the different extents of the micellar disruption. // ?????? : ??????????????????????????????SR-BCPs???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SR-BCP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SR-BCP?????????????????????????????????DDSs???????????????????????????????????????BCP?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-????????????????????????SR-BCP??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 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Elabora??o de um plano de gerenciamento integrado de res?duos s?lidos no restaurante universit?rio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / Elabora??o de um plano de gerenciamento integrado de res?duos s?lidos no restaurante universit?rio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / Drafting a plan for integrate management of solid residues on the universitary restaurant of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte / Drafting a plan for integrate management of solid residues on the universitary restaurant of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Carneiro, Cl?udia Maria de Figueiredo Moreira Leite 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClaudiaMFML_DISSERT.pdf: 1734345 bytes, checksum: 97b04dab67fab0f09bca425cb163fe37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / The concern about preservation of the environment reaches different layers and sections of global society. The environmental prior quality of our planet can only be reached through changes in the attitudes taken in relation due to the waste generated by society, this also lead involving the education sector, in example of the Superior Education Institutions where the concept of ambiental management needs to gain a growing space.In the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, can be found the Universitary Restaurant as an example of a Food and Nutrition Unit, it is a restaurant destined to provide services to the academic comunity with the production and distribution of meals. In this operational context the work itself aims subsidies and funds to the search of as minimal generation of residues as possible, applying environmentally correct processes and practices. The work was developed in the period of September to October of 2009 in the Universitary Campus of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Universitary Restaurant of the referred institution. The project involved all the employees of the restaurant and used like method the action survey. The produced waste was characterized, arranged according with it s nature (organic or inorganic) classificated following the NBR ISO 14004, adapted by Kinasz (2004) that adjusts the Standards to the specific reality of Food and Nutrition Services being diagnosed an expressive amount of produced waste in the Universitary Restaurant, it can be assured that a culture of wasting is very present and exists, contributing to the rise of solid residues, damaging the environment and consequently reflecting in the costs and expenses of the Unity, a known fact that characterizes and justifies the need of a promoting and active action that leads to positive reflexes in the economic and environmental area, drafting a Plan for Integrate Management of Solid Residues on the Universitary Restaurant of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte / A preocupa??o com a conserva??o do meio ambiente atinge diferentes camadas e setores da sociedade mundial. A qualidade do meio ambiente de nosso planeta s? poder? ser alcan?ada atrav?s de mudan?as nas atitudes tomadas em rela??o aos res?duos gerados pela sociedade, isto tamb?m acaba por envolver o setor da educa??o, a exemplo das institui??es de Ensino Superior onde o conceito de gest?o ambiental necessita ganhar um espa?o crescente. Na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, encontra-se o Restaurante Universit?rio, que a exemplo de uma Unidade de alimenta??o e Nutri??o, ? um restaurante destinado a prestar servi?os ? comunidade acad?mica com a produ??o e distribui??o de refei??es. Neste contexto operacional o trabalho objetiva subs?dios para ? busca da gera??o m?nima poss?vel de res?duos, aplicando pr?ticas e processos ambientalmente corretos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no per?odo de setembro de 2009 a outubro de 2009 no Campus Universit?rio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no Restaurante Universit?rio da referida institui??o. O projeto envolveu todos os funcion?rios do restaurante e utilizou como m?todo a pesquisa a??o. Caracterizaram-se os res?duos produzidos, dispostos de acordo com sua natureza (org?nica ou inorg?nica) segundo classifica??o da NBR ISO 14004, adaptada por Kinasz (2004) que ajusta ?s normas ? realidade espec?fica dos Servi?os de Alimenta??o e Nutri??o. Sendo diagnosticado um expressivo volume de res?duos produzidos no Restaurante Universit?rio, pode-se afirmar que existe uma cultura de desperd?cio, contribuindo para o aumento de gera??o de res?duos s?lidos, prejudicando o meio ambiente e refletindo consequentemente nos custos e gastos da Unidade, fato este que caracteriza e justifica a necessidade de promoverem-se a??es que resultem na redu??o da produ??o deste res?duo, seu manejo e destina??o adequada, com reflexos positivos na ?rea econ?mica e ambiental, elaborando um Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado de Res?duos S?lidos no Restaurante Universit?rio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Conteúdo do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos do provimento e da coisa julgada na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações / Content of the judgement and objective and subjective limites of the judgement and res judicata in the challenge of shareholders meetings

Guilherme Setoguti Julio Pereira 24 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs-se a estudar, mediante abordagem crítica e multidisciplinar, questões processuais que surgem na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações, procurando não só comprovar a ideia de que o direito processual civil deve responder a especificidades vindas do direito material, mas tecer conclusões a respeito de qual maneira o processo civil, neste âmbito específico do direito material, atende a essas peculiaridades. Por entendermos que existe um fio condutor lógico que une conteúdo do provimento, objeto do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos da coisa julgada, foram eleitas algumas questões processuais como objeto principal da pesquisa, sintetizadas nas seguintes indagações: (i) qual o conteúdo do provimento jurisdicional que desconstitui deliberações de assembleias gerais de sociedades por ações?; (ii) quais os limites objetivos desse provimento e da coisa julgada que sobre ele incide?; e (iii) quais os limites subjetivos desse mesmo provimento e da coisa julgada que o acoberta? O escopo principal desta dissertação, assim, foi responder a essas perguntas, embora, para que se atingisse esse intuito, outras indagações também tenham sido respondidas. / This work aims at studying, through a critical and multidisciplinary approach, procedural matters arising out of claims that request the annulment of shareholder meetings resolutions, seeking not only to evidence the idea that the civil procedural law should correspond to specific issues of the substantive law, but also draw conclusions on how the civil procedure, within the specific ambit of the substantive law, answers to these peculiarities. Since we understand there is a logical guiding thread that links the judgment, its subject matter and the objective and subjective limits of the judgement and of the res judicata, we have chosen a few procedural issues as main object of our research, summarized in the following questions: (i) what is the content of the judgement that annuls the shareholder meetings deliberations?; (ii) what are the objective limits of this judgement and of the res judicata, which affect such deliberations?; and (iii) what are the subjective limits of this same judgement and of the res judicata, which restrict their interference in said deliberations? The main scope of this dissertation was, therefore, to answer these questions, although, in doing so, other questions have ended being answered.

Aspects of double jeopardy

Jordaan, Louise, 1956- January 1900 (has links)
The common law right of the accused to be protected against double jeopardy recently acquired constitutional status in South Africa. Although South African courts previously applied this rule in various procedural contexts, there has been very little critical discussion of the values on which the rule is based. Nor have all contexts in which the rule should be applied been recognised. In the light of the new constitutional dispensation, it has become necessary to identify and analyse the values which determine the application of the rule. This thesis addresses the treatment of various aspects of double jeopardy in other constitutionally·grounded jurisdictions. Double jeopardy jurisprudence in the jurisdictions of England, Canada, India, Germany and the federal system of the United States of America is considered on a comparative basis. The historical origin and development of the rule are considered first. This is followed by an assessment of the current application of the rule in the various jurisdictions. The study demonstrates that South African courts have relied largely on outdated principles derived from English common law, rather than applying the rule by focusing on the values that underlie the rule. This approach has become unacceptable in the new constitutional dispensation, inter alia, because a teleological, value·orientated interpretative approach has been adopted by the Constitutional Court. This thesis indicates which of the principles that developed in foreign constitutional double jeopardy jurisprudence may be of value in developing an appropriate body of South African constitutional double jeopardy principles. Proposals are made for future implementation of the rule in various procedural contexts. These suggestions include constitutional interpretation, legislative amendment and re·evaluation of various common law principles of criminal procedure / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

Analýza schém podpory obnovitelných zdrojů energií v EU: Může být EKOlogické i EKOnomické? / Analysis of the renewable energy support schemes in the EU: Can be an ECOlogical also an ECOnomical?

Andoková, Senta January 2015 (has links)
The study compares FIT (Feed-in tariff) and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) as the two most commonly used support schemes for renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU. It examines a relationship of an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and by a practical experiment for public lighting in Prague the study proposes an ecological functioning of electricity grids in the EU with CO2 emissions reduction effect. The main contribution lies in the recency and originality of the econometric analysis and practical experiment. FIT and RPS analysis demonstrates that both schemes affect demand for electricity and increase its price. The econometric model was tested for 28 EU countries for 1990-2013. The results say that the EU is currently located on the downslope of the inverted U-shaped EKC with a turning point, after which the dependence begins to grow. Nevertheless, for the most of observations the turning point is too far to be a source of concern. Practical experiment has shown that installation of energy saving devices for electricity grids in the EU can bring satisfactory results in reducing CO2 emissions independently of state aid. More efficient use of existing energy sources, however, should rather serve as a complement to conventional support, phasing out with the development of RES technologies....

Zločin agrese v Římském statutu Mezinárodního trestního soudu po revizní konferenci v Kampale / The Rome Statute's Crime of Aggression following the Kampala Review Conference

Lipovský, Milan January 2015 (has links)
Title of the dissertation: The Rome Statute's Crime of Aggression following the Kampala Review Conference The definition of crime of aggression was adopted in 2010 to fill the gap in article 5 (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ("ICC"). Complicated discussions preceding the adoption have identified many problematic aspects within the definition, including the relationship between the ICC and the UN Security Council ("SC") - whether the SC would be the only body capable to commence proceedings for the crime of aggression or not; further including the legal status of humanitarian intervention for the purposes of its criminalization under the Rome Statute; position of a perpetrator of the crime - should only leaders be considered perpetrators or should "lower" state officials be included; how should the amendment enter into force - under article 121 (4) or 121 (5) of the Rome Statute; etc. Many of these questions have not been answered by the adopted definition in a satisfactory way and so while the international community was celebrating the success of the adoption of the "supreme crime's" definition, many (including the author of this dissertation) have been seriously disappointed by the short-comings of the adopted text. Scholars continue to better understand the...

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