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Resiliensanalys av Högdalen Centrum / Resilience Assessment of Högdalen CentrumHöök, Lovisa, Jonsson, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Resiliens är en aspekt av hållbarhet som avser att bedöma ett systems förmåga att motstå eller återhämta sig från störningar. Detta kandidatexamensarbete handlar om hur introduktionen av en inomhusodling påverkar resiliensen i Högdalen Centrum. För att bedöma resiliensen av Högdalen Centrum har en resiliensanalys utförts enligt Assessing Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: Workbook for Practitioners. Handboken är från början anpassad för naturresursförvaltning. På grund av detta undersöks också hur handboken lämpar sig för kommunal förvaltning och planering. Metoden för denna uppsats baseras på handboken. Handboken består av fem kapitel som syftar till att analysera systemets resiliens. För att kunna fylla i handboken har information samlats in. Detta har gjorts genom intervjuer, observationer och litteratur. Resultatet av studien visar att inomhusodlingen förbättrar flera faktorer som är viktiga för Högdalen Centrums resiliens. Dock finns det utmaningar i Högdalen Centrum som inte odlingen erbjuder några lösningar för. Denna uppsats undersöker inte hur andra strategier skulle kunna påverka dessa utmaningar. Även om inomhusodlingen påverkar Högdalen Centrums resiliens, så är det till en begränsad omfattning. Av resultatet framkom också att handboken bör uppdateras. Det krävs hög kompetens inom området för att kunna efterfölja handboken även fast den utges vara riktad mot utövare. Dessutom saknar metoden vissa perspektiv för att passa kommunal förvaltning och planering. En del tabeller och figurer är inte lämpade för kommunal förvaltning och planering. Att fylla i dessa är antingen inte möjligt eller meningslöst för vidare analys. Trots detta har handboken givit inblick i både Högdalen Centrum som system och hur det påverkas av inomhusodlingen. / Resilience is an aspect of sustainability which is used to understand a systems ability to resist or recover from disturbances. This thesis is about the resilience of Högdalen Centrum, and how it is affected by the newly started indoor cultivation. To determine the resilience of Högdalen Centrum, a resilience assessment has been conducted. The assessment is based on the workbook Assessing Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: Workbook for Practitioners. Originally, the workbook was meant for natural resource management. In light of the purpose of the workbook, this thesis also attends to the applicability of the workbook on municipal management and planning. The method is based on the workbook mentioned above. The workbook is divided into five chapters, which aim to analyze the system. To be able to complete this workbook, information had to be collected. This was done through a literature study, interviews and observations. The results show that the indoor cultivation contributes with some valuable factors of importance for the resilience in Högdalen Centrum. However, there are some identified challenges in Högdalen Centrum that the cultivation does not provide any solutions for. Furthermore, this thesis does not examine whether other strategies could be more effective to enhance the resilience in Högdalen Centrum. Even though the cultivation improves the resilience of Högdalen Centrum, it is to a limited extent. From the results it is also obvious that the workbook needs to be updated. It requires high competence to understand, even though it is said to be designed for practitioners. Furthermore, it lacks some perspectives to be an accomplished method for municipal management. A few tables and figures from the workbook are not suitable for municipal planning, and filling them out is either not possible or does not contribute to the assessment. Although the workbook has its failings, it has provided us with an understanding of Högdalen Centrum as a system and how it is affected by the cultivation.
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Operational resilience strategies in times of global disruptions : A study of a Swedish national energy company / Strategier för operativ motståndskraft i tider av globalinstabilitet : En studie om ett svenskt nationellt energiföretagLindstrand, Gustav, Oldestam, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates strategies for improving the operational resilience, i.e. an organisation’s capacity to minimise, manage, and recover from disruptions quickly, ensuring continuity in its primary business processes. The focus has been a national infrastructure company, specifically in energy production, and the large supply chain disruptions it has experienced in the wake of COVID-19 and the Ukraine war. The study primarily compares the investigated strategies with literature and theoretical frameworks from a procurement research perspective. The study is an embedded multiple case study investigating three cases with delayed renewal projects. The identified disruptions and their effect on the projects’ performance have been studied, as well as more direct reasons for delays in the cases, such as organisational issues and procurement processes. A framework for categorising disruptions has been developed and three different portfolio purchasing models were investigated in order to be applied to the findings of the study. Key findings reveal that disruptions have affected the case company’s operations significantly, with more projects being delayed and fewer available suppliers in the wake of these disruptive events. Inefficient decision making processes have also been identified as sources of delays, as well as lack of communication within the organisation. The study concludes in practical recommendations for the case company, which can be applicable for similar companies as well. A significant recommendation was that the case company should form strategic partnerships with suppliers of generators, transformers and control systems in order to ensure ample future availability of key components. Other recommendations include working towards more efficient decision making processes when deviating from the group instructions surrounding competitive tendering as well as improving the communication of procurement strategies within the organisation / Denna studie undersöker strategier för att förbättra den operativa motståndskraften, d.v.s. en organisations förmåga att minimera, hantera och återhämta sig snabbt från störningar, för att säkerställa kontinuitet i sina primära affärsprocesser. Fokus har varit på ett nationellt infrastrukturföretag, specifikt inom energiproduktion, och de stora störningar i leveranskedjorna som de har upplevt i kölvattnet av COVID-19 och kriget i Ukraina. De undersökta strategierna kommer att jämföras med litteratur och teoretiska ramverk främst från ett inköpsperspektiv. Studien är en multipel fallstudie inom en organisation som undersöker tre fall med försenade förnyelseprojekt. De identifierade störningarna och deras effekt på projektens prestanda har studerats, liksom mer direkta orsaker till förseningarna i projekten, såsom organisatoriska problem och inköpsprocesser. Ett ramverk för kategorisering av störningar har utvecklats och tre olika portföljinköpsmodeller undersöktes för att kunna tillämpas på studiens resultat. Studien visar att störningarna har påverkat företagets verksamhet avsevärt, med fler försenade projekt och färre tillgängliga leverantörer som följd av av dessa störande händelser. Ineffektiva beslutsprocesser har också identifierats som källor till förseningar, liksom brist på kommunikation inom organisationen. Studien avslutas med praktiska rekommendationer till företaget, som även kan vara tillämpliga för liknande företag. En betydande rekommendation var att företaget bör bilda strategiska partnerskap med leverantörer av generatorer, transformatorer och kontrollanläggningar för att säkerställa framtida tillgång till kritiska komponenter. Andra rekommendationer inkluderar att arbeta mot mer effektiva beslutsprocesser vid avvikelser från koncerninstruktioner om konkurrensutsättning samt förbättra kommunikationen av inköpsstrategier inom organisationen.
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Resilience Routing in AdHoc Networks. A decision based routing tree mechanism that can establish routes in adhoc network, which may than be configured into logical dual ring. Also a system is proposed to embed the QoS mechanisms, resilience and reliability features from RPR.Khan, Tehmina Karamat January 2008 (has links)
As the number of people using wireless networks is increasing, the need to reduce the
vulnerability of wireless networks from node or link failures that cause loss of data is
becoming a priority. Also the present techniques and topologies used for wireless
networking are not sufficient to handle the traffic load even if we solve the issues of
reliability and resilience. Packet loss or delay is increasingly likely due to the increase in
the number of packets as technology is evolving and more video and voice packets along
with the data packets are being transmitted. Only the efficient and intelligent use of the
shared medium can solve the problem and help in avoiding the collision or delay among
the packets using a newly proposed intelligent topology.
Wireless technology offers the potential to replace wires from many applications,
particularly for the rapid deployment of networks for permanent or temporary use. Fiber_
optic metropolitan area networks (WAN) provide security and resilience. A target of the
research was to match this in the wireless environment. This research investigates the
suitability if using wireless technology for the establishment of a MAN by adding
features to enhance resilience. We proposed a mechanism that may be rapidly deployed
and provide automatic configuration.
Research work and simulation design has been used to develop a new wireless network
topology for an efficient and intelligent packet transmission by identifying reliable routes.
This novel idea will help give wireless as well as mobile technology a clear edge over
wired technology, not only in the case of mobility but also in the case of security of data
and other services. A decision based routing tree mechanism has been developed, that can
establish routes in an ad-hoc network which may than be configured into a logical dual
ring. At the same time the proposed system proposes to embed the quality of service
mechanisms, resilience, and reliability features from RPR.
The simulations were created using Microsoft Visual Studio.Net for the Decision based
routing algorithm. The results were compared with an existing LAR algorithm. We have
obtained 95% confidence intervals on all the performance analysis results to indicate
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<b>The Resilience Experiences of Young Children and Adolescents in Families Experiencing Homelessness and Housing Instability</b>Carlyn Marie Kimiecik (18424329) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Families experiencing homelessness and housing instability (FEH/HI) face myriad challenges, placing their children at risk for adverse outcomes. Research typically adopts a deficit-based approach to meet immediate needs, but this may limit understanding of the children’s experiences. Recognizing children’s strengths is important for improving their health, development, and support. Resilience and family resilience are concepts that draw on a strengths-based approach. However, there is a need for more research to identify the strengths, such as resilience, among families and their children who are not stably housed. The present research seeks to address the gaps in the literature by examining the resilience perceptions and experiences of adolescents in FEH/HI, as much of the existing research focuses on the adult perspectives, within a family resilience framework through multiple studies. Study 1 (Chapter 2) systematically reviewed existing research on resilience and family resilience within FEH/HI. An analysis of 27 studies identified resilience-related factors across individual, interpersonal, and community domains. Study 2 (Chapter 3) integrated a strengths- and deficit-based approach to explore the challenges and strengths of children in FEH/HI from the perspectives of parents/caregivers and service providers. Semi-structured interviews with 17 parents/caregivers and 15 service providers identified challenges and strengths at the individual, interpersonal, and system levels. Study 3 (Chapter 4) investigated how adolescents within FEH/HI experience and make meaning of family resilience in their day-to-day lives using photo-elicitation (PE) and Froma Walsh’s family resilience framework. Four adolescents participated and took photographs depicting family resilience within their families. Together, findings from these studies provide insights into the strengths and resilience within FEH/HI. Moreover, they emphasize the need for strengths-based approaches in research and practice to support the health, development, and wellbeing of children and adolescents in FEH/HI.</p>
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Resilience in adolescents: a psycho-educational perspectiveSteyn, Sharon Teresa 30 October 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to attempt to determine which factors that contribute to resilience are absent in adolescents who are considered to be ”at risk”. The research was undertaken with white adolescent learners between Grades 8 and 12, in a former Model-C secondary school. Several definitions of resilience, a historical view of resilience, the characteristics of a resilient adolescent, several definitions of adolescence, the stages and tasks of adolescence and who the adolescent is in psycho-educational terms, were explored.
In this qualitative study, the Vulnerability Questionnaire and the Resilience Questionnaire were given to twelve educators who were requested to select the participants for the study. A qualitative assessment, using the Child and Youth Resilience Measure, was used to determine why certain adolescents are more resilient than others. Each participant also completed a collage which was analysed. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)
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Resilience in refugee children: a gestalt play therapy approachHoosain, Shanaaz 30 November 2007 (has links)
The aim of the research study was to explore resilience in refugee children, using a Gestalt approach to play therapy. The hypothesis, was that a Gestalt approach to play
therapy could promote resilience in Refugee children. A literature review was conducted. This revealed that unaccompanied refugee children were unique because they need to deal with trauma, loss and change while having to adjust to living in a new country and many have to learn to speak a new language. The research method was a multiple case study and an intervention research model was used to implement the research. Schoeman's Working Model was used as the Gestalt play therapy approach. Attributes of resilient children were used to measure the results.
The researcher concluded that play therapy with a Gestalt approach may promote resilience in refugee children because it increases the numbers of protective factors in a
child's life. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Career resilience : a pastoral narrative approachWessels, Francois 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This research investigated the ability of employees to survive experiences of major career changes and how they managed to build career resilience during the process. Adopting an action research approach, it continues to research the role the church can play in this process, suggesting ways in which the exponents of practical theology, and more specifically, pastoral ministries can extend their role into non- or de-institutionalised areas, becoming industrial or organisational pastoral professionals in their own right.
The second research question investigated ways in which career resilience can improve agency in upholding values in the face of the employee exploitation onslaught?
A narrative approach was used and discourses of ethics and power were discussed. It was indicated how these could be subjected to a process of deconstruction to create alternative and preferred career stories. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology - with specialisation in Pastoral Theraphy)
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A cross-cultural view on well-being : children's experiences in the Tibetan diaspora in India and in GermanyCribari-Assali, Carla Maria January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores children’s (6-8 years old) perspectives and experiences of well-being in two different cultural contexts: in a Tibetan day-school (India) and in a German day-school (Germany). Ethnographic research was conducted with participants of a second-grade class (mixed gender) for six months at each site, 3-4 days a week in 2012. Participant observation was complemented by interviews with the children as well as with the staff of the school, documented by fieldnotes and sound recordings. Data was collected in line with postmodern grounded theory methodology and preliminary analysis accompanied the process of the fieldwork. The thesis explores the children’s views and social practices related to well-being which prove to be different in both cultures: the Tibetan children emphasized being skilful as a basic condition for well-being, while friendship with peers was most important at the German school. At both sites, the children would establish these conditions for well-being through competitions. Furthermore, the children’s different views and the social practices are considered against the backdrop of two ‘transcultural’ indicators of well-being: self-confidence and resilience. These indicators were not selected randomly but chosen inductively during fieldwork, as the difference in self-confidence and resilience between the children’s groups at each site was noticeable. The thesis demonstrates how these differences in self-confidence and resilience are likely to have been related to a) the children’s particular views and social practices linked to well-being b) the manner in which childhood is constructed within the children’s societies and c) particular basic beliefs and worldviews prevalent within the children’s societies. The results emphasize the usefulness of researching well-being cross-culturally and suggest that (socio-culturally specific) self- and worldviews significantly influence children’s well-being.
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Testing the application of a community resilience assessment: a case study of the Town of Huntsville, OntarioDavis, Heather 16 November 2011 (has links)
This research explored the application of a resilience assessment (RA) template in an Ontario community to facilitate sustainable community planning. Research and application of sustainable community planning that incorporates management of social and ecological resilience is relatively young territory that requires improved understanding and extension. The research goals were to critically examine the performance of the process used to perform the RA. This inquiry was considered a knowledge-generating evaluation that combined applied research and evaluation research to contribute to theoretical understanding and action. The RA template was field-tested using a single in-depth case study - the Town of Huntsville, Ontario. A mixture of qualitative methods was used to pilot and evaluate the RA, including: key informant interviews, online group discussions, focus groups, and secondary literature review. The process used to perform the RA was evaluated against four criteria that focused on the adequacy of data collection, participant diversity, participant empowerment, and utility for other communities. This research illuminated obstacles and shortcomings within the Resilience Alliance 2010 RA workbook and offered recommendations to improve the utility of the RA for communities and participants. The RA template tested in this thesis could be adapted for application in other communities, including small urban and rural communities and larger municipalities. The RA template would benefit from additional case study research.
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Testing the application of a community resilience assessment: a case study of the Town of Huntsville, OntarioDavis, Heather 16 November 2011 (has links)
This research explored the application of a resilience assessment (RA) template in an Ontario community to facilitate sustainable community planning. Research and application of sustainable community planning that incorporates management of social and ecological resilience is relatively young territory that requires improved understanding and extension. The research goals were to critically examine the performance of the process used to perform the RA. This inquiry was considered a knowledge-generating evaluation that combined applied research and evaluation research to contribute to theoretical understanding and action. The RA template was field-tested using a single in-depth case study - the Town of Huntsville, Ontario. A mixture of qualitative methods was used to pilot and evaluate the RA, including: key informant interviews, online group discussions, focus groups, and secondary literature review. The process used to perform the RA was evaluated against four criteria that focused on the adequacy of data collection, participant diversity, participant empowerment, and utility for other communities. This research illuminated obstacles and shortcomings within the Resilience Alliance 2010 RA workbook and offered recommendations to improve the utility of the RA for communities and participants. The RA template tested in this thesis could be adapted for application in other communities, including small urban and rural communities and larger municipalities. The RA template would benefit from additional case study research.
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