Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corresponding""
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Vliv pořadí otázek / Order EffectTruong, Phuong Thi January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with a methodological phenomenon called order effect. This effect creates a situation where the preceding questions influence answers of the subsequent questions. During cognitive responding process, the preceding questions may evoke specific mental associations and ideas that are more easily accessible afterwards during responding of the following questions. This induced information may be used during answer selection process which may cause bias in answers. The same questions placed in different order can generate different answers. Different question order can have different cognitive burden. The aim of this thesis is cognitive burden assessment of different question orders. Data collection was conducted by cognitive interviews which helped to detect how respondents work with particular questions during questionnaire responding process, and to identify specific types of order effect. There are four types of order effect: carryover effect, backfire effect, assimilation and contrast effect. A specific question preceding a general question evokes information which is more accessible for interpretation of a general question therefore this question order is less burdensome. Also the order from negative to positive question is less burdensome than the opposite order because it evokes...
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HIV-smittade patienters upplevelser i mötet med sjuksköterskan : En litteraturöversikt om HIV-smittade patienters upplevelser / HIV infected patients' experiences in the meeting with the nurse : A literature review on HIV infected patients' experiencesMohamed, Hodan Yousuf January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund. HIV är förkortningen av Humman Immunbrist Virus medan AIDS förkortningen är Acquried Immune Deficieny Syndrome. HIV upptäcktes först i USA under 1980-talet. De senaste 20 åren har 750 000 dött av HIV/AIDS i USA. HIV ingår i familjen retrovirus och har förmåga att omvandla sina RNA arvanslag till DNA kopia med hjälp ett enzym. En obehandlad HIV utvecklas till AIDS som är slutstadiet. Det beräknas att ca 38,7 miljoner människor lever med HIV idag världen över. HIV/AIDS smittar främst via oskyddad sex, kontakt med infekterade kroppsvätskor och stick-och skärskador. Att få en HIV-diagnos är svårt och kan leda till svår psykisk ohälsa på grund av HIV-relaterade stigma. Syfte: Att belysa hur HIV- och/eller AIDS-smittade personer upplever mötet med sjuksköterskan i USA. Metod: Studien är baserad på nio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna är bearbetade och granskade enligt Fribergs granskningsmall, (2018). Databaserna som användes vid sökningen är Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: HIV/AIDS-smittade patienter i USA upplevde båda positiva och negativa upplevelser i mötet med sjuksköterskan. Resultatet presenteras i följande kategorier: Behovet av stöd vid diagnostiseringen, Respekt och Medmänsklighet, Brist på respekt och ignorans, Stigmatiserande och Förtroende för vårdgivare. Slutsats: I resultatet framkommer att HIV och/eller AIDS-smittade personer som upplever mötet med sjuksköterskan som negativt är överrepresenterade. Detta tyder på att sjuksköterskor behöver utbildning och kunskap för att bli bättre i mötet med dessa patienter och erbjuda en god och värdig vård. / Background: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) was detected in the United States during 1980s and over 750 000 have died for the last 20 years because of HIV. The Virus is included in the retroviruses family and it has the ability to convert it’s RNA inheritance to DNA by using an enzyme. An untreated HIV makes it harder for the body to fight back the virus and this developing can end the life. Today it’s estimated that more than 38,7 million people worldwide live with HIV. The virus is mainly transmitted through unprotected sex, contact with infected body fluids and cutting injuries. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how HIV/AIDS infected people experience during the meeting with the nurses in the United States. Method: The method used in the study was based on 9 qualitative scientific articles. Result: The result of this study shows that the infected persons of the virus, experience both negatively and positively feelings during the meeting with the nurses. Conclusion: The result shows that persons experience negatively feelings is higher than the others are. It’s obvious that the nurses in the United States need more knowledge and practice about how to take care and response for the HIV effected persons.
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Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att bemöta personer med münchausens syndrom : litteraturöversiktNordin, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The number of visits in health care increases every year. It leads to higher standards of health care professionals the skills to be able to prioritize and distinguish those who are most in need of medical care. And requires ability to take a professional approach. Treatment tends to be a unique experience that can be of great significance for the individual. All individuals have in responding different conditions, benefits and limitations. Fraudulent behavior such as cheat- ing and lies occurs in the encounter between people daily in society. Tax fraud, illegal work, exam cheating and stealing are society everyday events. There is no exception in health care, health care professionals is to assist the suffering people, some time to cure, often to relieve and always comfort. It happens that patients seeking for medically unexplained symptoms, with cleverly imitated symptoms try to fool themselves to care, This is based on a pathologi- cal need for affirmation, which is achieved by taking the patient role. These patients are re- ferred with Münchausen syndrome or artificial interference. These patients, as well as a pa- tient safety risk to the other patients because they occupy large resources, moreover, they are a danger to themselves by frequent unwarranted examinations and treatments. The aim was to describe the health professionals' experiences of treatment of Münchausen patients in health care. As the approach chosen a literature review where relevant articles have been collected from the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Medline AND Psychinfo. The result of the literature review showed that health care professionals are experiencing the meeting with Münchausen patients with challenging available a feeling of being uncomfortable in responding. Feelings of frustration, skills shortages and the feeling that the relation becomes unnatural and disor- dered occurs. Additionally tend Healthcare professionals to question their own competence both theoretically and clinically. / Antalet besök inom hälso- och sjukvården ökar varje år. Det leder till högre krav på hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kompetens att kunna prioritera och urskilja de som är i störst behov av sjukvård. Samt ställer krav på förmåga till professionellt bemötande av vårdpersonal. Bemötande tenderar vara en unik upplevelse som kan ha stor betydelse för den enskilda indi- viden. Alla individer har i bemötandet olika förutsättningar, fördelar och begränsningar. Be- drägligt beteende så som fusk och lögner förekommer i mötet mellan personer dagligen i samhället. Skattebedrägerier, svartjobb, tentamensfusk och stölder är samhällets vardag. Det är inget undantag inom hälso- och sjukvården, hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens uppgift är att bistå lidande människor, någon gång bota, ofta lindra och alltid trösta. Det förekommer att patienter söker för medicinskt oförklarbara symtom, med skickligt imiterade symtom försöker de lura sig till vård, detta grundar sig i ett sjukligt behov av bekräftelse, vilket uppnås genom att inta patientrollen. Dessa patienter benämns med Münchausen syndrom eller factitious disorder. Dessa patienter är dels en patientsäkerhetsrisk gentemot andra patienter eftersom de upptar stora resurser, dessutom är de en fara för sig själv genom ofta förekommande obefo- gade undersökningar och behandlingar. Syftet var att beskriva hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av bemötande av patienter med Münchausen syndrom inom hälso- och sjukvår- den. Som metod valdes en litteraturöversikt där relevanta artiklar har samlats in från databa- serna PubMed, CINAHL, Medline och PsykINFO. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten visade att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upplever mötet med Münchausen patienter utmanande men också med känslor av att vara obekväma i bemötandet. Känslor av frustration, kompetensbrist samt känslor av att bemötandet blir onaturligt och rubbat uppstår. Dessutom tenderar hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen ifrågasätta sin egen kompetens både teoretiskt och kliniskt.
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Respons-Ability : A post-neurotypical approach to audience-performer connectivity within Sensory Theatrevon Hofsten, Eva January 2023 (has links)
This is an empirical study of myself as a present, and non-present, performer with the aim to study in what ways can the connectivity and communication start, evolve and progress within sensory theatre performance for disabled and diverse young audiences. I have examined the areas of performative; space, play, awe, curiosity, anticipation, action, listening and responding. The opportunity of finding my own methodology has included stepping out of my role to embrace failure and disorder, which has been very stimulating and exciting. The challenges have been many but some of them were concerned with how to analyze and evaluate human connection, when the experience is a felt experience, from my perspective as an actor/performer, and not an intellectual proposition. In the results I present a methodological model of performative connection which consists of steps that can loop in different intervals and are correlated and dependent on the others. The conclusion states that the core is found in the one-to-one encounters and the deep human connection between performer and audience participant. The underlining aim of my project and this essay is a theatre practice where all humans are welcomed and celebrated, which promotes a more accepting and inclusive society that embraces disability and challenges traditional conceptions of what theatre should be. / <p>In this essay I have a film of the sea and a sound recording. These are not availiable in the Diva form. </p>
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A Path to Empathy: Child and Family CommunicationStone, Sarah Ann 01 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This longitudinal study examined the association between communication in the family on the development of empathy in young children. Co-regulation and family expressiveness measured communication in parent-child dyads at age 12 months (N = 186), 24 months (N = 100), and 36 months (N = 78). A follow-up was conducted at 60 months (N = 47) to measure empathy-related responding in children. Co-regulation styles change over time, generally increasing in the most engaged, two-way style of communication (symmetrical) and decreasing in one-sided and less engaged types. Greater family expressiveness predicted higher levels of empathy as observed in an empathy-eliciting experiment, but not as measured by mother interview, questionnaire, or child's response to facial expressions. In addition, empathy was not associated with the change in symmetrical co-regulation. The results of this study indicate that open, emotional family communication may be more important in the development of empathy than the style of dyadic communication.
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Sex and Racial Differences in Socially Desirable RespondingVan Dixhorn, Kathryn G. 07 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Everyone Engaged and Excelling: Assessing the Efficacy of Triple E Reading to Create Opportunities for Improved LiteracyPinkelman, Lindsay Ann 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Version abrégée transculturelle du Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR)D'Amours-Raymond, Julien 17 April 2018 (has links)
Le Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) (Paulhus, 1984, 1991) est un des questionnaires les plus utilisés pour évaluer la désirabilité sociale. Il est composé de deux échelles de 20 énoncés, soit l'autoduperie, la tendance à se décrire de façon honnête, mais biaisée positivement, et l'hétéroduperie, qui est la tendance à présenter une image favorable de soi à autrui (Paulhus, 1986). Les deux échelles possèdent de bonnes qualités psychométriques, et ce, pour la version francophone (Cournoyer & Sabourin, 1991) et anglophone (Paulhus, 1984, 1991). Les études qui comportent plusieurs questionnaires tendent à produire plus de valeurs manquantes et un taux de refus supérieur que dans les enquêtes où le nombre est moindre (Stanton, Sinar, Balzer, & Smith, 2002). Le besoin d'une version abrégée est donc grand, - surtout pour un questionnaire tel le BIDR qui est utilisé dans le but de supporter la validité discriminante d'autres questionnaires. Le but de la présente recherche consiste à proposer une version abrégée du BIDR qui puisse être utilisée tant en français qu'en anglais. Pour ce faire, une procédure en quatre étapes est utilisée: analyse d'items, analyse factorielle exploratoire, analyse du fonctionnement différentiel d'items (FDI) et analyse factorielle confirmatoire. Un total de 2787 sujets (700 hommes anglophones, 928 femmes anglophones, 567 hommes francophones et 592 femmes francophones) a répondu aux énoncés des deux échelles du BIDR. Cet échantillon provient de quatre études différentes (une francophone et trois anglophones). La version abrégée proposée comporte 21 énoncés dont huit pour l'échelle d'autoduperie et 13 pour l'échelle d'hétéroduperie. Les analyses factorielles confirmatoires montrent que cette version abrégée présente des qualités psychométriques similaires pour les deux langues. Cependant, les coefficients KR-20 de l'échelle d'autoduperie sont légèrement sous le seuil minimal accepté en recherche de 0,60 proposé par Robinson, Shaver et Wrightsman (1991). D'autres recherches sont donc nécessaires afin de reformuler ou remplacer certains énoncés de cette échelle.
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Communicating possibilities : a study of English nursery children's emergent creativity : exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinkerMcConnon, Linda January 2013 (has links)
This research builds on previous studies that have documented evidence of Professor Anna Craft’s concept of ‘Possibility Thinking’ (PT) as at the heart of creativity which involves children transitioning from ‘what is this?’ to ‘what can I or we do with this?’ as well as imagining ‘as if’ they were in a different role. My thesis titled “Communicating Possibilities” examines English nursery children's emergent creativity, exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinker through a case study approach situated in one primary school in South West England. Three main research questions were posed concerning the ‘what, how, and why’ of creativity when children communicated through art; as well as exploring the nurturing role of others, and identity manifest through voice and learning experience. This doctoral study is essentially interpretivist in nature seeking to explain how people make sense of their social worlds, and is an exploration framed by culturally negotiated, shared meanings, and complex social relations. Data was collected over one school year, in three nine-week research phases by the following ethnographic methods: naturalistic observations; researcher diary; children’s creative journals; and practitioner interviews. These methods were repeated for each phase. Inductive and deductive data analysis was conducted. Undertaken over time as the project unfolded, a grounded theory approach was applied in total to 27 episodes. Micro event analysis of creative behaviours in action and narrative discourses of two kinds: peer-to-peer, and child-to-adult (teacher, early years practitioner, and my researcher dialogue) revealed four broad critical themes: Observing and documenting children’s creativity; What children can do together- recognising differences; Pedagogy of possibilities- developing a role; and The value of artistic communication in the nursery classroom. Each is discussed in terms of the key implications these themes hold for theory, policy, and early years practice.
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The validation of two social desirability questionnaires in the South African context / Ebenhaezer CoetzeeCoetzee, Ebenhaezer January 2015 (has links)
Respond bias has always been a risk when it comes to interpreting personality data. For this reason two social desirability measures were created to combat this problem during research and workplace application. The first of these measures is the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale created to measure a need for approval. The second of these measures is Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding, which stems from a theory that describes social desirability as both a deception towards others and towards the self. For either of these measures to be usable, however, they need to be reliable and valid. This study then is intended to validate these two instruments in a diverse South African population sample and to look at the reliability of the items in these instruments and their factor structure. The objective of this study was to investigate both of these measures and to determine their psychometric properties and how they compare to the theory in literature.
A convenient and purposive sample of N = 359 individuals from across South Africa was contacted via electronic means and asked to partake in this study. A questionnaire survey was forwarded to them with the intention of measuring social desirability. This included both the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (MCSDS) and Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) measure. In addition a demographical questionnaire was included (gender, race, language group and age).
The statistical analysis was done via the SPSS program during data examination: descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (with Maximum Likelihood as extraction method), Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, and product-moment correlations were conducted. The results of this analysis indicated that although these measures are widely accepted and used internationally, the full version of both the measures is not valid and reliable within this South African sample. Although not all items from the scales could be validated, there were items that indicated very acceptable psychometric properties.
Various recommendations were made for the context of using these measures to ascertain an individual’s response bias and for future research. A person attempting to use these measures should only focus on using the reliable items from this study. These items could be applied in developing a shortened version of these measures. It is recommended that further research into these measures could be done by using a traditional paper-and pencil format, a larger sample or by focusing on a specific population group within South Africa. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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