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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbara investeringsstrategier : Huvudregel eller undantag bland svenska fondbolag?

Herrlin, Gustav, Wikman, Adam January 2023 (has links)
I dagsläget står vår omvärld inför flertal utmaningar utifrån ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. En effekt av detta är att efterfrågan av hållbara investeringsalternativ har ökat hos privatpersoner. I takt med att medvetenheten om hur privatpersoners investeringar kan bidra till en förbättrad omvärld har andelen svenska människor som söker investeringar i hållbara fonder ökat. Genom att investera pengar i hållbara fonder kan privatpersoner påverka hur företag arbetar ur ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. Hållbara fonder söker investeringsalternativ som leder till en positiv klimatpåverkan och social påverkan genom ett långsiktigt värdeskapande. Information om hur hållbara fondbolag går till väga för att identifiera och investera i hållbara alternativ är dock bristande vilket kan leda till att privatpersoner inte vet hur deras pengar hanteras utav fondbolagen vid val av investeringar. Denna studie har som syfte att beskriva och analysera vilka investeringsstrategier svenska fondbolag använder för att identifiera hållbara investeringar. Studien har anpassat en kvalitativ metod och, med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska fondbolag, samlat in data avseende hur de går till väga innan, under och efter investeringsbeslut. Studiens slutsats är att fondbolagen använder negativ- och positiv screening baserat på ESG-kriterier för att identifiera hållbara investeringsalternativ. Efter det att fondbolagen har investerat i ett företag använder fondbolagen olika former av engagemang för att säkerställa att investeringen fortsatt förblir hållbar. / The global community is currently facing various environmental and social challenges, leading to an increased demand for sustainable investment options among private individuals. In response, the proportion of Swedish individuals seeking sustainable investment options has grown. This study describes and analyzes the investment strategies used by Swedish fund companies to identify sustainable investments. A qualitative method was applied and included four semi-structured interviews with Swedish fund companies. The results indicate that fund companies use negative and positive screening based on ESG criteria to identify sustainable investment opportunities and employ various forms of engagement to ensure the sustainability of the investment. This study contributes to the understanding of how fund companies identify sustainable investments and can inform private individuals on the processes used by such companies.

Addressing Climate Change in Research and Innovation Projects. A Tool for Anticipatory Carbon Footprint Calculation

Ligardo Herrera, Iván Elías 03 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] El calentamiento global, y el cambio climático (CC) que produce, es una de las amenazas más globales y urgentes de las que es responsable la humanidad. El desafío de mitigar y adaptarse a la CC, entre otros, es una responsabilidad que ha alcanzado a todas las disciplinas, incluyendo el proceso de investigación e innovación. Durante más de 10 años, y como una forma de abordar estos grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo, con la intención de fomentar la investigación responsable, la Comisión Europea ha estado promoviendo una temática transversal llamada: "Investigación e innovación responsable (RRI, en sus siglas en inglés)". El objetivo es sacar a la luz los problemas relacionados con la investigación y la innovación, anticipar sus consecuencias y hacer participar a la sociedad en el debate sobre la forma en que la ciencia y la tecnología pueden contribuir a crear el tipo de mundo y de sociedad que deseamos para las generaciones futuras. Esta tesis surge como un puente entre el gran desafío que representa el CC y la demanda por parte de la sociedad de investigación e innovación responsable, abordada en el contexto de la RRI. Los financiadores e impulsores de la investigación y la sociedad en su conjunto esperan que los equipos de investigación e innovación proporcionen resultados socialmente deseables, éticamente aceptables y sostenibles. Por lo tanto, la pregunta general que se responde en esta tesis es: ¿cómo sabe un equipo de investigación, sin ser especialista en evaluación ambiental, si su investigación es responsable de emisiones contribuyentes al cambio climático, y cómo puede incluir medidas para reducir o compensar esas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI)? Para responder a esta pregunta, la presente tesis doctoral inicia con la descripción de los principales fundamentos que son centrales en ella: CC y RRI. En lo que respecta al primer concepto, explicamos la importancia y los medios para calcular la contribución al CC, principalmente el enfoque de la Huella de Carbono. En lo que respecta al segundo concepto, se explica la alineación de esta tesis el área clave de la sostenibilidad ambiental de la RRI, sus marcos sustantivos y sus dimensiones de anticipación y reflexividad. Una vez establecidos estos dos fundamentos, el cambio climático se aborda en el contexto de la RRI, revisando la literatura sobre los proyectos y propuestas de la RRI, incluyendo la sostenibilidad ambiental, y el CC en particular. Como resultado, surgieron dos avenidas de investigación, que se desarrollan en las siguientes secciones. Una avenida sobre cómo evaluar la influencia de las partes interesadas en un proyecto de investigación en el contexto de la RRI, desarrollada en el capítulo 3, y una avenida sobre la necesidad de nuevas herramientas basadas en bases de datos de acceso abierto para ayudar a los profesionales a integrar la prevención del CC en sus actividades de I + D. El capítulo 4, presenta el diseño de una novedosa herramienta con un algoritmo didáctico para la medición anticipada de la huella de carbono en los proyectos de investigación e innovación. Esta herramienta permite a los investigadores que no tienen formación en evaluación del impacto ambiental estimar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de sus proyectos de investigación e innovación en las primeras etapas, momento en el que la anticipación y la reflexividad son las dimensiones fundamentales de la RRI. / [CA] L'escalfament global, i el canvi climàtic (CC) que produeix, és una de les amenaces més globals i urgents de les que és responsable la humanitat. El desafiament de mitigar i adaptar-se a la CC, entre d'altres, és una responsabilitat que ha arribat a totes les disciplines, incloent el procés de recerca i innovació. Durant més de 10 anys, i com una forma d'abordar aquests grans desafiaments del nostre temps, amb la intenció de fomentar la investigació responsable, la Comissió Europea ha estat promovent una temàtica transversal anomenada: "Recerca i innovació responsable (RRI, en seves sigles en anglès)". L'objectiu és treure a la llum els problemes relacionats amb la investigació i la innovació, anticipar les seves conseqüències i fer participar la societat en el debat sobre la forma en què la ciència i la tecnologia poden contribuir a crear el tipus de món i de societat que desitgem per a les generacions futures. Aquesta tesi sorgeix com un pont entre el gran desafiament que representa el CC i la demanda per part de la societat d'investigació i innovació responsable, abordada en el context de la RRI. Els finançadors i impulsors de la investigació i la societat en el seu conjunt esperen que els equips de recerca i innovació proporcionin resultats socialment desitjables, èticament acceptables i sostenibles. Per tant, la pregunta general que respon a aquesta tesi és: com sap un equip d'investigació, sense ser especialista en avaluació ambiental, si la seva investigació és responsable d'emissions contribuents a el canvi climàtic, i com pot incloure mesures per reduir o compensar aquestes emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle (GEH)? Per respondre a aquesta pregunta, la present tesi doctoral s'inicia amb la descripció dels principals fonaments que són centrals en ella CC i RRI. Pel que fa a el primer concepte, expliquem la importància i els mitjans per calcular la contribució a l'CC, principalment l'enfocament de la Petjada de Carboni. Pel que fa a el segon concepte, s'explica l'alineació d'aquesta tesi l'àrea clau de la sostenibilitat ambiental de la RRI, els seus marcs substantius i les seves dimensions d'anticipació i reflexivitat. Un cop establerts aquests dos fonaments, el canvi climàtic s'aborda en el context de la RRI, revisant la literatura sobre els projectes i propostes de la RRI, incloent la sostenibilitat ambiental, i el CC en particular. Com a resultat, van sorgir dues avingudes de recerca, que es desenvolupen en les següents seccions. Una avinguda sobre com avaluar la influència de les parts interessades en un projecte d'investigació en el context de la RRI, desenvolupada en el capítol 3, i una avinguda sobre la necessitat de noves eines basades en bases de dades d'accés obert per ajudar els professionals a integrar la prevenció de CC en les seves activitats d'R + d. El capítol 4, presenta el disseny d'una nova eina amb un algoritme didàctic per al mesurament anticipada de la petjada de carboni en els projectes de recerca i innovació. Aquesta eina permet als investigadors que no tenen formació en avaluació de l'impacte ambiental estimar les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle dels seus projectes de recerca i innovació en les primeres etapes, moment en el qual l'anticipació i la reflexivitat són les dimensions fonamentals de la RRI. / [EN] Global Warming, and the climate change (CC) it produces, is one of the most global and urgent threats humankinds is responsible for. The challenge of mitigating and adapting to CC, among others, is a responsibility that has reached all disciplines, including the research and innovation (R&I) process. For more than 10 years, and as a way to tackle these great challenges of our time, with the intention of fostering responsible research, the European Commission has been promoting a cross-cutting issue named: "Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)". The aim is to bring the problems (such as research integrity, non-inclusion of stakeholders, application of ethical or sustainability principles, etc.,.) related to R&I to light, to anticipate the possible consequences of R&I process and outcomes, and to engage society in the discussion of how science and technology can help create the kind of world and society we want for generations to come. This thesis emerges as a bridge between the great challenge represented by CC and the demand for responsibility from R&I process and outcomes, addressed in the context of RRI. Research funders and society as a whole claim that R&I teams must provide socially desirable, ethically acceptable, and sustainable outcomes. Hence, the general question to be answered in this thesis is: how does a research team, while not being specialists, know if its research is responsible for relevant contributions to CC, and how can they include measures to reduce or compensate such contributions (Greenhouse Gas emissions, GHG)? To respond to this question, the present dissertation begins with the main foundations that are central to it: CC and RRI. As regards the former concept, we explain the importance and means to calculate the contribution of GHG to CC, mainly the carbon footprint approach. In addition, regarding the latter, how this thesis aligns with the key RRIs' area of environmental sustainability, its substantive frameworks and its anticipation and reflexivity dimensions. Once these two foundations are established, CC is addressed in the context of RRI, reviewing the literature on RRI projects and proposals, which include environmental sustainability, and CC in particular. As a result, two avenues of research arise, which are developed in the following sections. An avenue about how to assess the stakeholders' influence in a research project within the context of RRI, which is developed in chapter 3, and an avenue about the need for new tools based on open-access databases to help practitioners to integrate CC prevention in their R&I activities. Chapter 4 presents the design of a novel tool with a didactic algorithm for anticipatory carbon footprint measuring in R&I projects. This tool allows researchers who are untrained in environmental impact assessment to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions of their R&I projects at early stages, when anticipation and reflexivity are the core RRI dimensions. / Ligardo Herrera, IE. (2021). Addressing Climate Change in Research and Innovation Projects. A Tool for Anticipatory Carbon Footprint Calculation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165867

Influence of corporate responsibility on financial return in forest plantations: case studies from South America, South East Asia and Africa

Brotto, Lucio 29 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Investments in planted forests in emerging markets are increasing and investors are looking for Sustainable and Responsible Investments (SRI) to integrate Environmental, Social And Governance (ESG) into the investment process. This study is presenting a first attempt to develop a framework to evaluate the ESG performance of investments in planted forests and to identify relations between the use of SRI tools and the financial performance of investments in planted forests. The analysis of 121 investments in planted forests allowed the identification of 339 organizations and 50 SRI tools (e.g.: management and investment standards, investment rating) operating with investments in planted forests in emerging markets. The analysis of the 50 SRI tools resulted in the definition of a ESG Reference Document including 155 issues. These issues were organized into an ESG Risk Assessment and have been tested in 12 case studies evenly distributed between Uganda, Cambodia and Vietnam. The results suggest that the most common instruments are management standards (e.g.: FSC), bank investment policies (e.g.: ABN AMRO Forest and Plantation Policy) and investment rating systems (e.g.: FairForest). The majority of the SRI tools have a broad sectoral approach and are managed by business organizations. Investors are using more than 30 SRI tools but these are characterized by a low level of control such as signature and/or participation or at the most a conformity declaration. On the contrary plantation companies are using less instruments but with top level of control such conformity assessment and certification. Aspects related to “Legal and Institutional framework” and “Environment” are the most represented inside SRI tools. On the contrary aspects such as “Minimum percentage of protected areas”, “Poverty reduction” and “Prevention of encroachment” are not only the less frequent issues but also the less controlled issues by SRI tools. The Gold Standard and the Forest Stewardship Council are the SRI tools with the highest performance among the 50 SRI tools analysed. The ESG Risk Assessment allows to identify the most important 25 issues and reveals that SRI tools are focusing on issues that on-the-ground are not the major risk sources. This is the case of “Third party certification” and “High Conservation Value Forests” (HCVFs). Few exemptions where SRI tools are properly identifying the major risks are “Tenure rights”, “Health and safety of workers” and “Social impact assessment”. Climate change impacts, long term financial sustainability, poverty reduction and encroachment are ranked as the most dangerous sources of risk across the 12 case studies. SRI tools are positively influencing the risk mitigation, accounting for a percentage of risk mitigation that ranges from 34.31 till 60.63%. FSC certification was often reported by projects’ stakeholders as a key instrument to mitigate risk of investments in planted forests.

Responsible behaviour amongst backpacker tourists in less developed countries : a case study of Thailand

Yakushiji, Hiroyuki January 2010 (has links)
Backpacker tourists frequently express “anti-tourist” attitudes and are confident that they contribute positively to their destinations. Ironically, they are sometimes characterised by stakeholders in destinations in less developed countries as neo-colonial invaders. In spite of their anti-tourist attitudes, in reality, backpacker tourists tend to stay in backpacker enclaves where the cultural and moral values of backpackers are dominant. This happens because they encounter many obstacles to enjoying the backpacking experience in an unfamiliar interregional (intercultural) environment. Given such contradictory phenomena surrounding backpacker tourists in less developed countries, one question is how they manifest their responsible behaviour. Therefore, this research aims to explore the nature and degree of responsible behaviour amongst backpacker tourists in Thailand, which is one of the most popular backpacker destinations in the world. Through mixed method research, this principally explores (1) the frequency levels of backpackers’ behavioural intentions, their actual responsible behaviour, and the gap between them based on a series of items representing responsible behaviour, and (2) their definitions and perceived experiences of responsible behaviour. The research found that whilst backpacker tourists tend to report their frequent responsible behaviour and perceive themselves as “responsible” tourists, in reality, they experience many difficulties in behaving responsibly in an unfamiliar interregional (intercultural) tourism setting in spite of their intention to do so, and while being well aware of the importance of behaving responsibly. There is a propensity among backpacker tourists to exaggerate the importance of small and fleeting experiences of responsible behaviour outside backpacker enclaves (e.g. a moment of demonstrating a respectful attitude towards local people). Also, cultural experiences within backpacker enclaves, which are staged authentic manner (e.g. participation in a cultural or cookery class), tend to be exaggerated in importance and regarded as highly responsible behaviour. Moreover, whilst backpacker tourists appreciate themselves as “responsible” tourists and during their travels they respect others and behave so as not to disturb others which are required to do so regardless of place, culture and custom even in the home in daily life, they represented their reluctance to “engage” in responsible behaviour, especially altruistic and philanthropic activities (i.e., engagement in volunteering work or donating to local communities). These propensities were common to all types of backpacker tourists in this study; even those who reported their own outstandingly frequent intention and actual responsible behaviour (i.e., backpacker tourists who travel extensively with the strong motivation to explore destination countries). The principal conclusion in this research is that, whilst the behaviour reported by the backpacker tourists was never harmfully irresponsible, there are several contradictions between their evaluation of their responsible behaviour and their actual behaviour patterns. Moreover, there is a gap between their behavioural pattern of responsible behaviour and the concept of “responsible tourism” for backpacker tourists. The declared good intentions and instances of actually behaving in a responsible manner by backpacker tourists do not necessarily mean that they behave altruistically and philanthropically that the concept of responsible tourism aims to engender.

“Doing good while doing well” : An investigation of Generation Y’s intention to invest socially responsibly

Jensen, Christoffer, Huynh, Ronny, Sandberg, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate behavioral factors influencing investment intentions.   Design/methodology/approach – A descriptive quantitative study was conducted utilizing an online questionnaire with a total of 121 respondents.   Findings - The results of the study indicated that Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness are positively related to Intention to Invest. Attitude and Perceived Risk did not reach statistical significance and no conclusions could therefore be drawn regarding the concepts.   Research limitations/implications - The greatest limitation of the study is that it measures intention and not actual behavior which could be of more value, both from a theoretical and managerial perspective. The implication of the study is that it contributes to the Socially Responsible Investment literature from the intentional perspective and that it considers Generation Y, two aspects that have previously been neglected. The study further provides companies operating in SRI industry with a framework to use when acquiring customers within Generation Y.   Originality/value - As recent Socially Responsible Investment research has focused almost exclusively on financial performance this study offers value in that it instead explains behavioral factors influencing the Intention to Invest. It further focuses on Generation Y which is the upcoming generation when it comes to investing that has to a large extent been neglected in the SRI literature.

Responsible Management & Business Schools : Analysis of the Schools Strategy and the Education / Management Responsable & Business Schools : Une analyse par les stratégies d'établissement et par les projets pédagogiques

Nonet, Guenola 27 November 2013 (has links)
Peu de recherches empiriques existent concernant l'éducation managériale. La littérature étudiée présente différentes recherches théoriques qui critiquent le modèle actuel des Business Schools et qui recommandent des changements, mais elle signale aussi le manque de recherches empiriques à ce sujet. Nos propres recherches confirment la rareté de telles recherches concernant notamment l'opinion des individus impliqués dans les Business Schools à propos de la pédagogie et à propos du comportement managérial de l'école elle-même. La revue de littérature révèle une absence de consensus concernant la définition du management responsable. Plus précisément, peu de données empiriques existent concernant l'action des individus qui tentent de contribuer au développement d'une stratégie responsable au sein de l'établissement. De même, il apparaît que les recherches empiriques manquent concernant les innovations pédagogiques existant dans les Business Schools pour encourager un management responsable. L'objectif de notre recherche est de comprendre les changements nécessaires et les innovations opérées dans les Business Schools pour tenir compte et intégrer les dimensions saillantes du management responsable afin d'encourager les futurs managers à se comporter de manière responsable. Cette recherche se structure autour de deux questions principales : • Pourquoi les Business Schools peuvent-elles – voire doivent-elles – contribuer à un management responsable ? • Comment les Business Schools tentent-elles et peuvent-elles contribuer à un management responsable au travers de leur comportement organisationnel propre ou de leur pédagogie ? Cette thèse est une recherche exploratoire. Afin de laisser la théorie émerger des résultats empiriques, cette thèse est inspirée de la théorie enracinée. Au total quatre études de cas européennes furent réalisées • Trois Business Schools : HEC Paris, Erasmus University-Rotterdam School of Management, Ashridge Business School, • Une école présentant un modèle alternatif : Schumacher College. 47 questionnaires furent menés sur les terrains de recherche, 112 cartes cognitives furent créées par les participants visités et 28 journaux de bord issus d'un cours enseigné en extérieur furent codés et analysés. Les apports principaux peuvent être classés en quatre catégories : • Une définition du management responsable (selon des étudiants, des membres académiques et administratifs et selon des anciens étudiants des écoles visitées), • Une synthèse des changements suggérés au sein des Business Schools par les participants pour encourager un management responsable, • Une analyse des Masters visités incluant les innovations pédagogiques mises en place pour encourager un management responsable, • Une étude des différentes stratégies créées par les individus en charge d'un développement responsable du campus. En conclusion nous préconisons différents axes de recherche qui pourraient être développés ultérieurement en vue d'affiner le travail réalisé pour cette thèse et aussi afin de vérifier certains postulats et hypothèses issus des résultats. / Empirical studies about business education are scarce. The studied literature reveals different theoretical studies criticizing Business Schools and asking for changes but it shows as well a lack of empirical research. Our own research confirms the lack of such empirical studies, especially regarding the Business Schools' participants' meaning concerning the education and the strategy. Furthermore, the literature review suggests a lack of theoretical consensus on responsible management definition. Few studies are to be found about the individuals working towards responsible management at Business Schools. Theory shows that few empirical data exist concerning the pedagogical innovations created towards responsible management. Our research aims at understanding the Business Schools' needed changes and the existing innovations created to encourage future managers to act responsibly. This research is articulated around two main research questions : • Why should business schools contribute to responsible management ? • How should business schools contribute to responsible management (at a strategic and an educational level) ? This dissertation is an exploratory research. To allow the theory to emerge from the empirical results, this research is inspired from the Grounded Theory. In total four European case studies were conducted : • Three business schools : HEC Paris, Erasmus University-Rotterdam School of Management, Ashridge Business School, • A different model of education : Schumacher College. 47 interviews were conducted, the participants created 112 mind maps and 28 field journals issued from a course taught outdoors were coded and analysed. The main contributions can be classified into four categories : • A definition of responsible management (according to students, faculty members, staff and alumni's answers), • A summary of the changes suggested at business school to encourage responsible management, • An analysis of 4 innovative Masters visited including its pedagogical innovations towards responsible management, • A study of the different strategies created by individuals in charge of developing the campus in a responsible way. The conclusion brings some recommendations for further research to deepen the research and as well to answer several hypotheses issued from our results.

More talking, more doing: because we can. : Comparative study of effectiveness of sustainability integration strategies.

Jablonski, Przemyslaw, Kanwal, Khadija January 2017 (has links)
This research study measures the impact of academic engagement and operational engagement, the strategies that are used by business schools for sustainability integration. The effectiveness of these strategies is studied through their impact on business students’ sustainability perception, their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) attitude, and their current behavior regarding sustainability. It is a quantitative study in which Independent sample t-test is used based on sample of 158 business students from Jonkoping International Business School and Gothenburg School of Business, Economics, and Law. Our findings suggest that the impact of sustainability integration strategies used by business schools is significantly different, that is to say that business school that is using operational engagement in addition to academic engagement is more effective than the business school that is using academic engagement only for sustainability integration. More specifically we found that business students’ sustainability perception, their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) attitude and their current behavior regarding sustainability is better in school using operational engagement as compared to the business school that is not using operational engagement. This implies that for sustainability integration it is important to provide practical demonstration and opportunities to business students in order to make them responsible future business leaders.

Hållbarhet som strategi : En kvalitativ studie om hur fondbolag utnyttjar sitt inflytande som investerare. / Sustainability as a strategy : A qualitative study of how fund companies use their influence as investors.

Kristina, Pejcic, Marcus, Eriksson January 2016 (has links)
Socialt ansvarstagande investeringar har upplevt en substantiell ökning i popularitet de senaste åren i såväl den akademiska som den finansiella världen. Fondbolag har i sin position som investerare både möjlighet och incitament att förändra ett bolag inifrån och de kan välja att påverka detta bolag till en hållbar eller icke-hållbar riktning. Det saknas ett utomstående perspektiv som analyserar de strategier som fondbolagen tillämpar för att påverka som investerare, samt vilka incitament som ligger bakom arbetet för hållbarhet, det är detta som denna studie syftar till att undersöka. Detta arbete tar teoretisk utgångspunkt i forskning inom socialt ansvarstagande, hållbara investeringar, normers påverkan på institutioner samt management av fonder. Studien är kvalitativ och empiri har insamlats via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från tio svenska fondbolag. Intervjuer bedömdes vara ett adekvat tillvägagångssätt för att på djupet utforska hur fondbolagen utnyttjar sitt inflytande som investerare.I studien konkluderas att institutioner underkastas sociala normer och värdesätter att deras kapital placeras i hållbara investeringar. Institutioner är fondbolagens primära målgrupp och deras efterfrågan på hållbara investeringar är den primära drivkraften för fondbolagens arbete med hållbarhet. Studien visar att exkludering av oetiska bolag ur fondbolagens portfölj samt aktiv dialog med bolagen är de mest använda strategierna, minst förekommande är den inkluderande strategin. Studien konkluderar slutligen att fondbolagens arbete med hållbarhet är ett strategiskt val för att attrahera investerare. / Socially responsible investments have experienced a substantial increase in popularity in recent years in both the academic and the financial world. A fund company has, in its position as an investor, both the possibility and incentives to transform a company from the inside. They can influence the company to choose a sustainable or a non-sustainable direction. There is a lack of an outside perspective that analyzes the strategies that fund companies apply to influence as investors, and what incentives they have to work with sustainable investing, which is what this study seeks to explore. This thesis takes its theoretical foundation from research in social responsibility, the effect of social norms on institutions and management of funds. The study is qualitative and the empirical data was collected from semi-structured interviews with representatives from ten Swedish fund companies. Interviews were considered to be an adequate approach to deeply explore how fund companies utilize their influence as investors.In this thesis, we conclude that institutions are subjected to social norms and value that their capital is invested in a way that is socially responsible. Institutions are the fund companies’ primary target group and their demand for socially responsible investment is the primary driver for the fund companies’ work with sustainability. This study shows that the exclusion of unethical companies from the fund managers portfolio, together with an active dialogue with the companies are the most widely used strategies. The least common is the inclusive strategy. The study finally concludes that the fund companies’ work with socially responsible investing is a strategic choice in order to attract investors.

Socially responsible investing : The relationship between financial performance and SRI strategies of mutual funds

Lu, Chenjie, Sällinen, Iida January 2019 (has links)
Social responsibility has gained popularity during the past few years, and one aspect of it is what benefits and costs it brings to a socially responsible investor. The purpose of this study is to examine whether different SRI strategies used by mutual funds are related to financial performance. By using multiple regression analysis and a sample of 88 Swedish SRI mutual funds over the period from 2014 to 2018, we find that using SRI screens first reduces the financial performance, but then gains a slight rebound as the screening intensity increases, indicating a U-shaped relationship. Further, we find that environmental screens impact the financial performance positively, and engagement and voting in sustainability matters is also positively related to performance.

Formulação, aplicação e avaliação de programa de educação em saúde em escola de Visconde de Mauá, distrito de Resende, Rio de Janeiro, RJ / Formulation, implementation and evaluation of health education program in school of Visconde de Mauá, district of Resende, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Guedes, Gabriela Nery Faria 27 July 2011 (has links)
Os cães já fazem parte do cotidiano do homem há milhares de anos. Atualmente, os cães assumem o papel de membros da família, apresentando um forte vínculo com os familiares, incluindo crianças. No entanto, as crianças, assim como a maioria dos adultos, pouco sabem ou aprendem sobre como cuidar de um animal, como prevenir zoonoses ou exercer a Guarda Responsável, propagando uma visão antropocêntrica. O presente trabalho visou mostrar de que maneira a Educação em Saúde pode trazer benefícios na formação ética e psicológica, por melhorar a relação criança-animal, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz a os riscos inerentes às doenças zoonóticas e o abandono de animais. As avaliações foram feitas com a utilização de questionários com questões abertas e fechadas em duas etapas, antes e após o projeto educativo. Para a comparação dos dados quantitativos obtidos nas duas fases, utilizou-se os testes de McNemar e de Homogeneidade Marginal, para análise qualitativa foram realizados grupos focais com crianças e professoras. O projeto educativo proporcionou a aquisição de conhecimento sobre os temas abordados e algumas mudanças de atitudes das crianças com seus animais de companhia, o que pode ser percebido pelo grupo focal e por algumas mudanças estatisticamente significantes entre as fases 1 e 2. / Dogs are already part of everyday life of man for thousands of years. Currently, the dogs take on the role of family members, showing a strong bond with them, including children. However, children as well as most adults know and learn little about caring for an animal, how to prevent zoonoses or promote Responsible Ownership, propagating an anthropocentric view. This study aims to show how health education can bring benefits in the ethical and psychological, by improving the child-animal relationship, while reducing the risks inherent in zoonotic diseases and the abandonment of animals. The evaluations were done with the use of questionnaires with open and closed questions in two stages, before and after the educational project. For comparison of quantitative data obtained in the two phases, we used the McNemar and Marginal Homogeneity tests, for the qualitative analysis was conducted focus groups with children and teachers. The educative project provided knowledge on the topics covered and some changes in attitudes of children with their pets, which could be perceived by the focus group and some statistically significant changes between phases 1 and 2.

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