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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engenheiro, política e sociedade no contexto da reestruturação capitalista brasileira / Ingénieur, politique et société dans le contexte de la reestructuration capitaliste brésilienne

Gutierrez, Andriei 25 February 2011 (has links)
L'objet d'étude de notre thèse correspond au groupe professionnel des ingénieurs brésiliens face aux transformations politiques et économiques menées au Brésil dans les années 1990 et 2000, notamment l'introduction des politiques néolibérales et de la restructuration productive. La thèse analyse comment les différentes fractions du groupe professionnel ont été touchées par ces transformations et comment ses distinctes organisations d'intérêt ont agit dans la conjoncture politique.D'un coté, la thèse montre comment la combinatoires des politiques d'ouverture commerciale, de déréglementation financière, de privatisations et de reforme de l'État sont liées à l'augmentation de la participation du secteur privé dans l'économie et à la croissante dépendance financière, technologique et patrimoniale du pays envers l'extérieur. D'autre par, la thèse suggère que les politiques de déréglementation du marché de travail, de réforme du système de retraites et de focalisations des dépenses sociales de l'État ont eu un effet sur le groupe professionnel : il y a une croissante tendance d'individualisation de la gestion de la carrière et du bien-être. A partir d'une étude quantitative avec des ingénieurs et qualitative entre ceux et leurs organisations d'intérêt, notre thèse est ciblée sur l'analyse de l'évolution historique et politique du groupe professionnel. Elle part, dans un premier moment, de la description de la littérature qui porte sur les organisations d'intérêt des ingénieurs dans les années 1970 et 1980 et analyse, dans un deuxième moment, la façon dont ces organisations ont agit dans la conjoncture politique des années 1990 et 2000. La thèse fait également une analyse exploratoire des profils politiques des ingénieurs des entreprises étatiques, en particulier la Petrobras, en les comparant directement avec les transformations dans leurs rapports de travail. D'une manière plus générale, notre thèse soutient que la dynamique des luttes macrosociales a une influence considérable sur le positionnement politique des différentes fractions du groupe professionnel et de ses organisations d'intérêt. / This thesis analyses Brazilian engineers professional group in the context of the neoliberal policies and of the productive restructuring. It studies how the fractions of the professional group have been affected by these structural transformations and how their different political organizations have reacted in the political conjuncture.On one hand, the thesis shows how the combination of opening up the economy,privatization, States' reform and financial liberalization could raise private sector activities and Brazilian economic dependence. This thesis describes how both transformations have been qualitatively touched engineers activities. On the other hand, it suggests that the liberalization of labor market, the reform of the public retirement system and the policies of focusing State social investments have had an effect on the professional group: a trend towards an individual career and well being management.Through quantitative analyses amongst engineers and qualitative studies among them and their interest organizations, the thesis focuses on analyzing the evolution of political history of the professional group. First, it describes the literature which shows the Brazilian engineers interest organizations during the 1970s and 1980s. Second, it studies in depth how these organizations have acted in the political context of the 1990s and early 2000s.This thesis also makes an exploratory analysis of the political profiles of the engineers of state companies, particularly Petrobras, in direct comparison with the changes occurring in their labor conditions. In general, the thesis argues that the dynamics of the macrosocial conflicts carries considerable weight in the political positioning of the different fractions of the professional group and its interest organizations.

Terceirização e precarização do trabalho no setor público: a percepção do vigilante frente à vigília do capital

NORONHA, Gustavo Silva 18 November 2014 (has links)
Analisamos os processos de precarização nas atividades de vigilância armada nos bancos públicos, via terceirização. Tendo como base a reestruturação produtiva, assim como o neoliberalismo, problematizamos a prática da terceirização como principal modo de ampliação da acumulação capitalista. É nesta perspectiva que ela é inserida no setor público via reforma gerencial, vindo a modificar o processo de trabalho no interior do Estado. Colocando sob a análise o trabalho terceirizado dos vigilantes nos bancos públicos, foi possível examinar as especificidades da precarização neste setor. A partir de entrevistas com esses trabalhadores, apresentamos elementos que desmistificam a inexistência de conflitos de classe, evidenciando assim, a relação antagonista entre capital e trabalho dentro dessas instituições. O estudo, desta forma, expõe as modificações promovidas pelo capital para intensificar os mecanismos de exploração. Ao final, apresentamos os impactos do processo de terceirização sobre a vida do trabalhador e identificamos que a terceirização no setor público representa a possibilidade de ampliar ainda mais a acumulação, isto é, precarizar a níveis mais altos o trabalho. Este trabalho representa uma contribuição empírica aos estudos críticos marxistas iniciados há pelo menos duas décadas, no que se refere ao mundo do trabalho e suas transformações contemporâneas. / We analyzed the instability in armed surveillance activities in public banks, through outsourcing. Based on productive restructuring, as well as neoliberalism, problematize the practice of outsourcing as the main mode of expansion of capitalist accumulation. From this perspective, it is inserted through the public sector management of the reform’s public sector been changing the work process within the state. Putting on the analysis of the work outsourced vigilant in public banks, it was possible to examine the specifics of precarious process. From interviews with these workers, introduce elements that demystify the absence of class conflict, thus evidencing the antagonistic relationship between capital and labor within these institutions. The study thus exposes the modifications promoted by capital to strengthen the mechanisms of exploitation. Finally, we present the impact of business process outsourcing on the lives of workers and identified that outsourcing in the public sector is able to further extend the accumulation, in other words, the highest levels precarious work. This work represents an empirical contribution to Marxist critics started studies for at least two decades, with regard to the working world and its contemporary transformations.

O ponto de ruptura: reestruturação espacial na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro / The breaking point: spatial restructuring in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro

Silva, Oséias Teixeira da 07 December 2016 (has links)
Nesse trabalho partimos da hipótese de que associado à recuperação econômica da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro em meados da década de 1990 estaria ocorrendo um processo de reestruturação espacial, marcado pela ocorrência da dispersão metropolitana e da reconfiguração da centralidade metropolitana. A dispersão metropolitana e a reconfiguração da centralidade metropolitana são vistas como facetas de um mesmo processo de reestruturação espacial que se desenvolve com ritmos diferenciados em diferentes regiões metropolitanas. A dispersão metropolitana significa o esgarçamento do tecido metropolitano, com a ampliação dos vazios entre as áreas efetivamente ocupadas e entre os extremos da região metropolitana, o que se dá a partir da produção de áreas urbanizadas descontínuas que conjugam enclaves e outras formas de urbanização como loteamentos populares e conjuntos habitacionais. A reconfiguração da centralidade metropolitana representa a transição de uma estrutura monocêntrica para uma estrutura policêntrica de centros, que se dá à medida que alguns municípios metropolitanos ampliam o grau de concentração de funções centrais além de passar a concentrar algumas funções anteriormente somente encontradas na metrópole. Ambas as facetas da reestruturação espacial na atualidade apontam para uma forma de produção do espaço mais dispersa, fragmentada e articulada em escala regional. Na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, região essa marcada por uma extrema concentração de população e atividades econômicas na metrópole, a reestruturação espacial se evidencia a partir de um ponto de ruptura nas tendências seculares de concentração econômica e populacional na metrópole. / In this work, we start from the hypothesis that associated with the economic recovery in the mid-1990s was occurring a restructuring process, marked by the occurrence of metropolitan dispersion and reconfiguration of metropolitan centrality. The metropolitan dispersion and reconfiguration of metropolitan centrality are seen as facets of the same spatial restructuring process that develops at different paces in different metropolitan regions. The metropolitan dispersion means the fraying of the metropolitan urban area, with the expansion of the voids between the effectively occupied areas and between the extremes of the metropolitan region, what happens from the production of discontinuous urban areas that combine enclaves and another form of urbanization like popular allotments and housing states. The reconfiguration of metropolitan centrality represents the transition from a monocentric structure to a policentric structure of centers, thats happen according as some metropolitan municipalities extend the degree of concentration of central functions besides passing to concentrate some central functions previously only found in the metropolis. Both facets of present spatial restructuring point to a form of production of space more dispersed, fragmented and articulated on a regional scale. In the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, region marked by an extreme concentration of population and economic activities in the metropolis, the spatial restructuring is evidenced from of a breaking point in the secular trends of economic and population concentration in the metropolis.

A mobilidade do trabalho sob o impacto da reestruturação produtiva: estudo das tendências migratórias em Santo André / The mobility of the work under the productive restructuring impact: migration trends study in Santo André

Silva, Izildo Carlos Alves da 17 July 2008 (has links)
A generalização do processo que implica a mobilidade do trabalho para os lugares onde se dá de modo mais efetivo a valorização do capital, constitui o cerne da questão migratória sob o capitalismo. Na prática, a força de trabalho deve dispor os lugares para o desenvolvimento do capital, do que decorre uma mobilidade sem preferências, objetivada nas necessidades do mercado. Desta perspectiva, é intenção analisar as repercussões e condicionamentos da reestruturação produtiva na mobilidade do trabalho, tendo como foco o município de Santo André e seu entorno imediato. Para tanto, parte-se da proposição de que o trabalho, como elemento essencial no processo de acumulação e valorização do capital, tende a ser flexível, o que impõe aos trabalhadores ampla mobilidade, tanto em termos horizontais (geográficos) quanto verticais (carreira profissional, qualificação, obsolescência), o que lhes é, afinal, a forma possível última de obter os meios de vida, no limite de sua liberdade. Daí a importância de se explicar as correlações entre as demandas por força de trabalho e os movimentos populacionais, tendo em vista a crise do emprego nos anos 90, cujo impacto foi bastante significativo nos centros mais dinâmicos da economia brasileira, como é o caso do ABC, reconhecidamente, durante o século XX, um tradicional pólo de imigração, no contexto da metrópole paulistana. Explicar também as novas tendências dos fluxos migratórios dos que chegam e partem, e as ações do Estado no sentido de atrair ou frear a entrada de contingentes populacionais, ou mesmo de estimular o seu retorno. Especula-se e tenta-se entender a dimensão da crise e a maneira como ela afeta diretamente a classe que vive e move-se para alcançar trabalho, num mundo cada vez mais fetichizado e dominado pelo dinheiro. / The base of migratory question under the capitalism is the process generalization which implies the mobility of the work to the places where the capital valorization occurs. In practice, the workforce must have places for the capital development, resulting in no preferences mobility, targeted in the market needs. From this perspective, it is intended analyze the productive restructuring impact in the mobility of the work, focused in Santo André city and its neighborhood. Thus, it is supposed that the work, as an essential element in the capital accumulation and valorization process, tend to be flexible. This flexibility imposes a broad mobility to the worker, both in horizontal (geographic) and vertical (career, qualification, obsolescence) terms, which is the only way of secure their own surviving, in their freedom limit. This is why is needed explain the correlation between the workforce demand and population displacements, considering the employment crisis in the 90s. This crisis impact was very significant in the most dynamics centers of Brazilian economy, as ABC, which was recognizably a great immigration pole in 20th century. It is also needed to explain the news trends of migratory fluxes and the State actions to attract or block the population contingent entrance, or even stimulate their returning. Finally understand the crisis dimension and the manner that it affects the worker class, in a world more and more dropped in the goods fetish.

O processo de reestruturação da siderurgia mundial e brasileira: o caso da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional / The process of restructuring of the Worldwide and Brazilian ironworks industry: the case of National Ironworks Company

Poso, Antonio Toledo 17 December 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa o processo de reestruturação do setor siderúrgico mundial e brasileiro após os anos da década de 1990, o mesmo está representado pela internacionalização das empresas do setor, com a formação de grupos multinacionais, via fusões e aquisições, sendo impulsionado pelo processo intenso de privatizações, além da nova divisão internacional do trabalho com o crescimento da produção de aço dos países subdesenvolvidos, principalmente os asiáticos. Nesse sentido, buscamos analisar o comportamento da siderurgia nacional e, especialmente o da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) nessa nova conjuntura mundial, assim como, as suas conseqüências para a sócio-espacial brasileira. Podendo-se observar dois cenários possíveis: A desnacionalização dos ativos internos do setor siderúrgico nacional ou a inserção ativa do país nesse processo mundial de reestruturação. / This research analyzes the process of restructuring of the Worldwide and Brazilian Worldwide and Brazilian industry sector after 90\'s, the same has been represented by the internationalization of companies in the sector, with the formation of multinational groups, via mergers and acquisitions, which have been pushed by the intense process of privatization, in addition to the new international division of labor with the growth of steel production of the developing countries, especially the Asians. Thus, we seek to analyze the behavior of the domestic ironworks industry and especially the National Ironworks Company\'s one (CSN) in this new worldwide conjecture, as well as their consequences to the Brazilian social space. It could be observed two possible scenarios: The denationalization of the domestic assets of the national ironworks sector or the active insertion of the country in this global restructuring process.

Les conditions de succès des restructurations / The conditions for successful restructuring

Gagnon, Olivier 08 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise l’amélioration de la compréhension des conditions de succès des restructurations. En identifiant les configurations de conditions permettant à une organisation d’affronter les défis des restructurations, les gestionnaires seront en mesure d’être mieux outillés afin de réussir leur projet de restructuration. Grâce à une revue de littérature exhaustive et en privilégiant la méthode de l’analyse comparative, la collecte de données réalisée sur l’industrie des fabricants de meubles québécois a permis le traitement de l’analyse booléenne pour produire différentes configurations. Les résultats obtenus ont favorisé l’identification de combinaisons de conditions qui peuvent favoriser le succès des restructurations. Ces résultats constituent un apport novateur et significatif pour les entreprises sur une problématique organisationnelle complexe en ajoutant une valeur prescriptive d’un point de vue managérial. / This thesis aims to improve understanding of the conditions for successful restructuring. By identifying the configurations of conditions that allow an organization to face the challenges of restructuring, managers can be better equipped to enable their organization to ensure the success of this strategy. Using a detailed literature review and focusing on the comparative method, data collection on the Quebec furniture industry led to the Boolean analysis make different configurations results emerge. The results obtained highlights identification of combinations of conditions conducive to the success of restructuring. These results constitute an innovative and significant contribution for companies on a complex organizational problem by adding a prescriptive value from a managerial point of view.

Enhancing the performance of decoupled software pipeline through backward slicing

Alwan, Esraa January 2014 (has links)
The rapidly increasing number of cores available in multicore processors does not necessarily lead directly to a commensurate increase in performance: programs written in conventional languages, such as C, need careful restructuring, preferably automatically, before the benefits can be observed in improved run-times. Even then, much depends upon the intrinsic capacity of the original program for concurrent execution. Using software techniques to parallelize the sequential application can raise the level of gain from multicore systems. Parallel programming is not an easy job for the user, who has to deal with many issues such as dependencies, synchronization, load balancing, and race conditions. For this reason the role of automatically parallelizing compilers and techniques for the extraction of several threads from single-threaded programs, without programmer intervention, is becoming more important and may help to deliver better utilization of modern hardware. One parallelizing technique that has been shown to be an effective for the parallelization of applications that have irregular control flow and complex memory access patterns is Decoupled Software Pipeline (DSWP). This transformation partitions the loop body into a set of stages, ensuring that critical path dependencies are kept local to a stage. Each stage becomes a thread and data is passed between threads using inter-core communication. The success of DSWP depends on being able to extract the relatively fine-grain parallelism that is present in many applications. Another technique which offers potential gains in parallelizing general purpose applications is slicing. Program slicing transforms large programs into several smaller ones that execute independently, each consisting of only statements relevant to the computation of certain, socalled, (program) points. This dissertation explores the possibility of performance benefits arising from a secondary transformation of DSWP stages by slicing. To that end a new combination method called DSWP/Slice is presented. Our observation is that individual DSWP stages can be parallelized by slicing, leading to an improvement in performance of the longest duration DSWP stages. In particular, this approach can be applicable in cases where DOALL is not. In consequence better load balancing can be achieved between the DSWP stages. Moreover, we introduce an automatic implementation of the combination method using Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler framework. This combination is particularly effective when the whole long stage comprises a function body. More than one slice extracted from a function body can speed up its execution time and also increases the scalability of DSWP. An evaluation of this technique on six programs with a range of dependence patterns leads to considerable performance gains on a core-i7 870 machine with 4-cores/8-threads. The results are obtained from an automatic implementation that shows the proposed method can give a factor of up to 1.8 speed up compared with the original sequential code.

Gente Ambev: a trajetória da “gestão do trabalho” que levou a primeira multinacional brasileira ao centro do capitalismo mundial

Batista, Carlos Eduardo 18 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-09-12T13:44:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Batista.pdf: 1396416 bytes, checksum: 4db63ce0bdc019a0e10a6d1f3b7f3abe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T13:44:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Batista.pdf: 1396416 bytes, checksum: 4db63ce0bdc019a0e10a6d1f3b7f3abe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-18 / This research is about the social control mode development work performed by the beverage company Ambev, even before the official origin of the Company. Through the testimony of 16 workers, one of whom is the wife of a former employee, sought to grasp the transformation dynamics patterns of “work management” of the company in three different stages of its growth. Over the 1990s, when the Cervejaria Brahma was acquired by Banco Garantia, between 1999 and 2003, when it merged its operations with Cia Antarctica Paulista, originating the Ambev; and from 2003, when Ambev joined the Belgian brewer Interbrew, creating InBev. In each of these moments, the company had a different size and a different way of managing work. Our research sought to identify these as well as the changing dynamics. Used as sources of this dissertation: the union newsletter Saca Rolha, edited and published by the union of brewers of the city of São Paulo between 1986 and 1990; the reports published by Gazeta Mercantil in October and November 1989, various reports available in the collection of the Centro Pastoral Vergueiro; Newspaper reports Vale do Paraíba in October 1990; reports Gazeta Mercantil published in July 1999 and Ambev the Annual Reports of its first 10 years / A presente pesquisa trata do desenvolvimento do modo de controle social do trabalho exercido pela empresa de bebidas Ambev, ainda antes da origem oficial da Companhia. Por meio do depoimento de 15 trabalhadores e da esposa de um ex-funcionário, buscou-se apreender a dinâmica da transformação dos modelos de “gestão do trabalho” da empresa em três etapas diferentes de seu crescimento. Ao longo dos anos 1990, quando a Cervejaria Brahma foi adquirida pela Banco Garantia; entre 1999 e 2003, quando esta fundiu suas operações com a Cia. Antarctica Paulista, originando a Ambev; e a partir de 2003, quando a Ambev se uniu à cervejaria belga Interbrew, dando origem à In- Bev. Em cada um desses momentos, a empresa tinha um tamanho diferente e uma forma diferente de controlar o trabalho. Nossa pesquisa buscou identificá-los, assim como a dinâmica das mudanças. Utilizamos como fontes de pesquisa o boletim sindical Saca Rolha, editado e publicado pelo sindicato dos cervejeiros da cidade de São Paulo entre 1986 e 1990; as reportagens publicadas pela Gazeta Mercantil entre outubro e novembro de 1989, diferentes reportagens disponíveis no acervo do Centro Pastoral Vergueiro, reportagens do jornal Vale Paraibano de outubro de 1990, reportagens da Gazeta Mercantil publicadas em julho de 1999 e os Relatórios Anuais da Ambev de seus 10 primeiros anos

Impactos na malha de poder resultantes da reestruturação organizacional em uma empresa multinacional química

Figueira, José Carlos Gonçalves 07 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Carlos Goncalves Figueira.pdf: 853118 bytes, checksum: 42ff497b1ab9f70aee5f58278a7d608d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-07 / The corporate environment is a rich field for power disputes. The aim of the current study is to analyze the impacts in the relations of power between the managers of a multinational chemical company, due to an organizational restructuring occurred in 2007. The research work is organized in introduction, five chapters and final considerations. The first two chapters discuss the theoretical framework, presenting the power under the Machiavelli perspective, and the organizational structure under the point of view of the major authors who have dedicated themselves to the subject. The third chapter presents the description of the analyzed company, the Brazilian subsidiary of a multinational in the chemical sector, publicly traded and headquartered in Houston, United States. The fourth chapter covers the methodological procedures, showing that the data was collected in two rounds of interviews in 2009 and 2011 - with the directors and managers of analyzed company. The evolution of the relationships and the power disputes are analyzed based on the data obtained in these two moments. The literature review and the analysis of the data made in the fifth chapter suggest that the company promoted the organizational restructuring to avoid concentration of power in one position. This process was developed with poor planning and organization, resulting in serious conflicts between the directors and managers, who sought the power to accomplish their managing projects / O ambiente corporativo é um terreno fértil para as disputas por poder. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar os impactos provocados nas relações de poder entre os gestores de uma empresa multinacional do setor químico, resultantes de uma reestruturação organizacional ocorrida em 2007. A dissertação está organizada em introdução, cinco capítulos e considerações finais. Nos dois primeiros capítulos, de fundamentação teórica, o poder é estudado à luz das contribuições de Maquiavel e a estrutura organizacional à luz de alguns dos principais autores que se dedicaram ao tema. No terceiro capítulo, apresenta-se a descrição da empresa analisada, a subsidiária brasileira de uma multinacional do setor químico, de capital aberto e com matriz em Houston, Estados Unidos. O quarto capítulo refere-se aos procedimentos metodológicos, mostrando que a pesquisa foi feita através de dados coletados em dois ciclos de entrevistas em 2009 e em 2011 - com os diretores e gerentes da empresa analisada. A partir dos dados obtidos nesses dois momentos, se analisa a evolução das relações e das disputas de poder. A revisão da literatura e a análise dos dados realizada no quinto capítulo indicam que a matriz da empresa em questão promoveu a mudança de estrutura organizacional para evitar a concentração de poder em uma só posição, mas o fez de maneira pouco planejada e organizada, resultando em sérios conflitos entre os diretores e gerentes, que buscavam o poder para realizar seus projetos de gestão

As mudanças na formação do trabalhador em virtude da reestruturação produtiva sob o enfoque da gestão da qualidade / The changes in the development of the employee in view of the productive restructuring under the focus of the quality management

Santos, Paulo Sérgio Ferres dos 15 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:23:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Sergio Ferres dos Santos.pdf: 4498141 bytes, checksum: ea2e1375d591a9b890afaf0d8090b8f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-15 / The scope of this dissertation is to analyze the changes perceived by the employee arisen from the productive restructuring. Due to the complexity and breadth of composition of this restructuring, the main focuses of this study are the quality management and the environment of a small industry. The phenomenon of the productive restructuring takes place upon economic aspects and by means of changes occurred upon the organization of the production and the work. This dissertation also aims to identify, in a small industry of the Greater Sao Paulo, the consequences of the productive restructuring, under the emphasis on the quality management model, revealing if the pursuit of continuous improvement is in fact based on the effective participation of workers with flexible skills, and how these changes are observed / Este trabalho pretende analisar as mudanças percebidas pelo trabalhador em virtude da reestruturação produtiva. Devido à complexidade e à amplitude de composição desta reestruturação, foram escolhidos para enfoque principal deste estudo a gestão da qualidade e o ambiente de uma pequena indústria. O fenômeno da reestruturação produtiva se desenvolve sob aspectos econômicos e por meio das mudanças que ocorrem quando a produção e o trabalho se organizam. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar, numa pequena indústria da Grande São Paulo, as consequências da reestruturação produtiva, sob a ênfase do modelo de gestão da qualidade, revelando se a busca pela melhoria contínua está de fato baseada na participação efetiva dos trabalhadores com competências flexíveis, e como essas mudanças são observadas

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