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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Meta-analysis: Racial Disparities in Prostate Cancer Survival and Case-Control Study: Association between Family History of Cancers, Obesity and Prostate Cancer

Sridhar, Gayathri 27 April 2009 (has links)
This is a compilation of 3 abstracts for the three manuscripts included in this dissertation. I. Meta-Analysis: Racial Disparities in Prostate Cancer Survival: Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in men. Previous studies have drawn inconsistent conclusions on racial differences in prostate cancer survival. This meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between race and survival from prostate cancer. A systematic review of published articles from 1968 to 2007 assessing survival from prostate cancer among African American and White men was conducted. The search yielded 20 eligible published manuscripts. Analysis of unadjusted studies showed African American men have an increased risk of all-cause mortality (Hazard ratio (HR) = 1.47, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.31, 1.65, P < 0.001). However, examination of adjusted studies showed no difference (HR = 1.07, 95% CI: 0.94, 1.22, P = 0.308). No statistically significant difference was observed in prostate cancer-specific survival in both analyses using unadjusted (HR = 1.11, 95% CI: 0.94, 1.31, P = 0.209) and adjusted studies (HR = 1.15, 95% CI: 0.95, 1.41, P = 0.157). There was evidence of heterogeneity that was unexplained by factors analyzed in overall survival but explained by stage in prostate cancer-specific survival. This meta-analysis concludes that there are no racial differences in the overall and prostate cancer-specific survival between African American and White men. II. Case-Control study: Association between Family History of Cancers and Prostate Cancer: Family history of prostate cancer is an established risk factor for prostate cancer. However, the relationship between family history of cancers other than prostate cancer and prostate cancer risk is inconclusive. This study sought to examine the association between family history of cancers and prostate cancer. A case-control study was conducted in which cases and controls were randomly selected from a large urology clinic in Central Virginia. Cases were 600 histologically confirmed prostate cancer patients who were diagnosed between January 2000 and December 2005, and controls were 686 patients who visited the clinic during the same period and diagnosed with urological illnesses other than cancers and prostate-related problems. Data on family history of cancers, lifestyle and demographic factors were collected. Unconditional logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratios and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals after adjustment for potential confounding factors. Multiple comparisons adjustments were made using Bonferroni adjustment. Men with family history of any cancer in first-degree relatives including parents (OR=2.42, 95% CI: 1.53, 3.84) and parents only (OR=1.90, 95% CI: 1.23, 2.94) were at increased risk of developing prostate cancer compared to men with no such family history of cancer. Significant increased risk was also observed with family history of prostate cancer in first-degree relatives (OR=2.68, 95% CI: 1.53, 4.69) and parents only (OR=3.26, 95% CI: 1.71, 6.24) compared to men with no family history of prostate cancer. Even after adjustments for multiple comparisons, the significance persisted both in first-degree relatives (OR=2.68, 95% CI: 1.16, 6.21) and parents alone (OR=3.26, 95% CI: 1.24, 8.63). No association was found with family history of other cancers including breast, colon, lung, skin, digestive tract, stomach, liver, pancreas, female cancers, urogenital, urinary bladder, brain, blood and lymph node and other cancers and risk of prostate cancer. This study demonstrated an increased prostate cancer risk for men with a family history of any cancer or prostate cancer in first-degree relatives including parents and parents alone. Health care providers need to be aware of the potential risk of family history of cancers on prostate cancer. III. Case-Control study: Association between Obesity and Prostate Cancer: Obesity is a major public health problem in the United States. Several studies have investigated the association between obesity and prostate cancer risk. However the impact of early-adult obesity on prostate cancer is not well studied. This study proposes to investigate the relationship between prostate cancer and early-onset obesity and current obesity. A case-control study was conducted to investigate the relationship between obesity and prostate cancer in a large urology clinic population in Central Virginia. Cases included histologically confirmed prostate cancer patients of all stages and grades diagnosed from January 2000 to December 2005. Controls were patients who were diagnosed with urological illness other than cancers and prostate-related problems. Self-reported data was collected on anthropometric, lifestyle and demographic factors through a mail survey. Unconditional logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the association between prostate cancer and early-onset obesity (BMI at age 18) and current obesity. Odds ratios and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated after accounting for significant interaction terms and adjusting for potential confounding variables. This study showed statistically significant association between BMI at age 18 and prostate cancer risk in the multivariate analysis when BMI was evaluated as a continuous variable. There was a 7% decrease in the odds of prostate cancer risk for every 1 kg/m(2) increment in BMI at age 18 (OR=0.93, 95% CI: 0.87, 0.98). Analysis of BMI at age 18 as a categorical variable also showed reduced risk though statistically non-significant. Obese men (OR=0.62, 95% CI: 0.12, 3.08) and overweight men (OR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.35, 1.05) had a non-significant decreased risk of developing prostate cancer compared to normal weight men at age 18. Examination of current BMI showed a non-statistically significant decreased risk of prostate cancer when examined as a continuous variable. However, there was significant interaction between current BMI treated categorically and age. This study concludes that there is decreased prostate cancer risk associated with increasing BMI at age 18. Future large prospective studies are needed to better understand the association between early-onset obesity and risk of prostate cancer and explore the biological factors associated especially in the early ages. This document was created in Microsoft Word 2003.

Season of Birth and Risk for Schizophrenia

Roberts, Seth 05 December 2008 (has links)
Background: Schizophrenia is a chronic, debilitating mental disorder characterized by positive (e.g., hallucinations, delusions) and negative (e.g., catatonia, flat affect) signs and symptoms. Many studies suggest that individuals born in winter or spring months are at increased risk for schizophrenia. Study Objectives: 1) To determine whether season of birth affects risk for schizophrenia in the Irish Study of High Density Schizophrenia Families (ISHDSF). 2) To examine, by computer simulation, power to detect genetic associations with schizophrenia under a variety of conditions and using different analytic strategies. 3) To test whether specific genes are associated with schizophrenia in the Irish Case Control Schizophrenia Study (ICCSS), using different analytic strategies to account for season of birth. Methods: A case-control design was used to examine the relationship between schizophrenia and season of birth. Cases were individuals from the ISHDSF diagnosed with schizophrenia. Controls were the general population of Ireland, with data provided by Ireland’s Central Statistics Office (CSO). The birth frequencies for each month or quarter were compared in the two groups by a chi square test. Computer simulations were conducted to examine power to detect schizophrenia susceptibility loci using either all cases or only cases born in high-risk months, under different conditions and models for how genetic risk and season of birth interact to influence risk for schizophrenia. Data for six genetic markers from the ICCSS were analyzed for evidence of association, using all cases, and then using only cases born in high-risk months. Setting and Study Participants: ISHDSF families were ascertained through inpatient psychiatric care facilities serving >95% of the Irish population. Diagnoses were established using DSM-III-R criteria, and birthdates were recorded for all individuals. The Irish CSO provided aggregate, population-level data for number of births in Ireland by month for the years 1976-2000 and by quarter for the years 1900-2000. The ICCSS is a sample of schizophrenic and control individuals who have been genotyped at many loci across the genome. Schizophrenics were ascertained through in- and outpatient psychiatric facilities, had diagnoses verified by an expert, and their birthdates recorded. Controls were selected from several sources, e.g. blood donation centers, and denied any lifetime history of schizophrenia. For each subject in the ICCSS, all four grandparents were born in Ireland or the United Kingdom. Results: Number of births in each month was compared for schizophrenics in the ISHDSF and general population controls, resulting in a chi square of 19.44 (p value ~ 0.054, 11 df). Simulations revealed that, in some circumstances, power to detect genetic associations was increased by restricting cases to those born in high-risk months. Analysis of data from the ICCSS revealed that restricting cases to high-risk birth months increased the evidence for association for three of six markers tested, two of which were associated with the gene FBXL21. Conclusions: Birth in the months of March, April, or May appears to be associated with elevated risk for schizophrenia in the ISHDSF. In attempting to find susceptibility loci for schizophrenia, restricting genetic association analyses to schizophrenics born in high-risk months may result in increased power to detect genetic association in some circumstances.

Riskfaktorer för postpartumdepression hos nyblivna mammor / Risk factors for postpartum depression among new mothers

Jansson, Emma, Rodevåg, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Postpartum depression (PPD) drabbar 12 % av alla nyblivna mammor i Sverige och förekomsten av PPD i världen är 13 till 19%. PPD påminner om depression men med ytterligare symtom så som överdriven ångest och oro för barnet. PPD hos mammor kan ha långtgående negativ inverkan på barnens utveckling och psykiska välmående, vilket gör PPD till en angelägen fråga för Barnhälsovården. Barnhälsovårdsjuksköterskorna har vanligtvis tät och regelbunden kontakt med mammorna den första tiden efter barnets födelse vilket ger dem goda förutsättningar för att i ett tidigt skede identifiera PPD hos nyblivna mammor. Syfte och metod: Syftet med studien var att beskriva riskfaktorer för PPD hos nyblivna mammor. Studien genomfördes som en integrativ litteraturstudie. Resultat: Studien resulterade i fem kategorier: 1) ouppfyllda förväntningar, 2) förändrade levnadsvanor, 3) krav, 4) brist på stöd samt 5) psykosociala omständigheter. Ökad kunskap kring riskfaktorer för PPD ökar chansen att BHV-sjuksköterskorna tar tidiga symtom på PPD på allvar. / Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) affects 12% of all new mothers in Sweden and the prevalence of PPD in the world is 13-19%. PPD is similar to depression but with further symptoms such as excessive anxiety and concern about the child. PPD in mothers may have far-reaching negative impact on children´s development and mental well-being, witch makes PPD to a concern for Child health care. Maternal-and child health nurses (MCH-nurses) usually have close and regular contact with the mothers during the first period after childbirth witch gives them a particularly important role in efforts to find the mothers at increased risk of PPD. Aim and methods: The aim of the study was to describe risk factors for PPD in new mothers. The study was conducted as an integrative litterature review. Results: The study resulted in five categories: 1) unmet expectations, 2) changing lifestyles, 3) demands, 4) lack of suppot, 5) psychosocial circumstances. Increased knowledge about the risk factors for PPD increases the chance that MCH-nurses take early symptoms of PPD seriously.

Charakteristika aktivního životního stylu školní mládeže / Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school children

Hojdarová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Title: Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school children Objective: To provide information on the active lifestyle of today's youth, to show proper and improper factors to identify and assess the active lifestyle of selected pupils. Methods: Anonymous questionnaire was chosen as a most suitable method. Questionnaries were distributed into two primary schools located in South Bohemia region and were filled in by second-degree pupils. Town of Tábor and České Budějovice participate in this survey. Results and interpretations are presented in tables and plotted. Results: Surveyed second degree pupils proved themself largely positive attitude to physical education and sport. More than half of respondents are regularly doing sport. Key words: youth, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition, risk factors

Analýza cestovního ruchu v chudinských čtvrtích města Medellínu / Analysis of Tourism in Informal Settlements in the City of Medellín

Jedlička, Josef January 2016 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Přírodovědecká fakulta Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje ANALÝZA CESTOVNÍHO RUCHU V CHUDINSKÝCH ČTVRTÍCH MĚSTA MEDELLÍNU ANALYSIS OF TOURISM IN INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN THE CITY OF MEDELLÍN Diplomová práce Josef Jedlička 2016 Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Jiří Vágner, Ph.D. Analysis of tourism in informal settlements in the city of Medellín Abstract The aim of this thesis is to point out the growing phenomena of tourism in informal settlements. Visiting of such an area elicits discussion about controversy, ethics codex breaking and voyeurism across complete academic spectrum. For this reason, the thesis is focused on perception analysis of tourists, residents and travel agencies, which are the main participants in this touristic sector. First part of this thesis is engaged in general description of problematics, historical framing and classification in the structure of tourism. The next part is revealing attitudes of the world experts in significant regions with a respect to informal settlements excursions intensity. The last part is dedicated to the results of own research from the city of Medellín which is after compared with the global situation. Conclusion points out possible continuing of this study and highlights aspects, which would help to uncover causes so...

What’s sex gotta do with it? relationship and risk factors influencing infidelity in young couples

Jefferson, Sean G. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Family Studies and Human Services / Farrell J. Webb / Relationship and risk factors of infidelity within intimate and romantic relationships were examined using the Relationship and Risk factors influencing Infidelity Model (RRIM). It is based in part on Sternberg’s (1998) theoretical construct known as the triangular theory of love. Relationship factors included demographics, and relationship, development, strengths, and dynamics. Risk factors included sexual compatibility, and relationship problems. Data gleaned from Wave IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) measured a subsample of approximately 1,000 respondents (n = 939) young adults from 24 to 32 years of age (M = 28.64, SD = 1.79, Mdn = 28.61) and was designed to test the accuracy of the RRIM. Hierarchical logistic regression was used to explicate the relationships found across the elements within the RRIM. The overall results revealed that the RRIM correctly classified that 72.2% of the men and 78.8% of women were not likely to commit infidelity. The final results revealed that the level of commitment, the feeling of love, and the frequency of sex within the relationship were statistically significantly likely to influence infidelity between both men and women. Meanwhile, education and believing that one’s relationship would be permanent were statistically significantly likely to influence infidelity for women, but not for men. Although these results are encouraging, limitations were found within the RRIM and problems generated from using the Add Health must be acknowledged as several measures were not reliable. Future investigations should focus on how role models within young adults immediate and external environment influence their participation in committing infidelity.

Life-course influences on occurrence and outcome for stroke and coronary heart disease

Bergh, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Although typical clinical onset does not occur until adulthood, cardiovascular disease (CVD) may have a long natural history with accumulation of risks beginning in early life and continuing through childhood and into adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, it is important to adopt a life-course approach to explore accumulation of risks, as well as identifying age-defined windows of susceptibility, from early life to disease onset. This thesis examines characteristics in adolescence and adulthood linked with subsequent risk of CVD. One area is concerned with physical and psychological characteristics in adolescence, which reflects inherited and acquired elements from childhood, and their association with occurrence and outcome of subsequent stroke and coronary heart disease many years later. The second area focuses on severe infections and subsequent delayed risk of CVD. Data from several Swedish registers were used to provide information on a general population-based cohort of men. Some 284 198 males, born in Sweden from 1952 to 1956 and included in the Swedish Military Conscription Register, form the basis of the study cohort for this thesis. Our results indicate that characteristics already present in adolescence may have an important role in determining long-term cardiovascular health. Stress resilience in adolescence was associated with an increased risk of stroke and CHD, working in part through other CVD factors, in particular physical fitness. Stress resilience, unhealthy BMI and elevated blood pressure in adolescence were also associated with aspects of stroke severity among survivors of a first stroke. We demonstrated an association for severe infections (hospital admission for sepsis and pneumonia) in adulthood with subsequent delayed risk of CVD, independent of risk factors from adolescence. Persistent systemic inflammatory activity which could follow infection, and that might persist long after infections resolve, represents a possible mechanism. Interventions to protect against CVD should begin by adolescence; and there may be a period of heightened susceptibility in the years following severe infection when additional monitoring and interventions for CVD may be of value.

En god cirkel : En kvalitativ studie om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete i praktiken. / A Good Circle : A Qualitative Study about Systematic Workplace Health Promotion in Practice

Björe Jordán, Helena, Sant'Orp, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This study is a qualitative interview study consisting of twelve semi-structured interviews, conducted in ten different organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to study and shed light on how systematic workplace health promotion is carried out, with the employee survey as a starting point. During 2016, new regulations came into force, clarifying employers’ increased responsibilities for staff’s workplace health situation. The collected data were thematized and subsequently analyzed with a deductive approach. The results suggest that the systematic work generally starts with a situation analysis, often in the form of an employee survey, but that the studied organizations then proceed in very different ways. Common to those engaged in an active workplace health promotion is that the work is structured in an outer and an inner cycle. In the outer cycle, inventory, planning, monitoring and evaluation occur. In the inner cycle practical work is performed, such as employee surveys, feedback of results, focus areas with desired position and workshops, as well as a work plan which is incorporated in the business plan. These two cycles are connected, but are worked at independently of each other.

Prevalence, determinants and risks associated with sunbed use in Europe: results from the Euromelanoma skin cancer prevention campaign and beyond

Suppa, Mariano 24 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction. Sunbeds emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation to produce a cosmetic tan and are classified by the World Health Organization as first-group carcinogens: they have been significantly associated with increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Despite this, controversies still exist: since sunbeds are able to increase serum vitamin D, the sunbed industry relentlessly tries to promote them as a safe therapeutic measure; and some authors have recently expressed scepticism about the carcinogenicity of sunbeds. Moreover, differences between European countries in terms of prevalence of use have not been extensively studied and a better understanding of the determinants of use in Europe is much needed. Similarly, the association of sunbed use with skin cancer risk factors is poorly understood. Euromelanoma is a skin cancer prevention campaign conducted all over Europe. It offers a once-a-year screening during which participants’ data, including sunbed use and phenotype, are collected via questionnaires.Objectives. To thoroughly describe prevalence, determinants, and risks associated with sunbed use in Europe. To this aim we performed literature reviews (3 publications) and an extensive analysis of the Euromelanoma database, which included data from 30 European countries (2 publications).Methods. For the 3 reviews we searched the most used databases for any literature published in English using all pertinent keywords. As for the 2 Euromelanoma studies, participants filled in questionnaires about demographics and risk factors, including type/duration of sunbed use. Multivariate analyses adjusted for all confounders were employed to assess factors independently associated with sunbed use in each country.Results. Our reviews showed that: (i) European sunbed users are typically young women, sun seekers, and smokers, mostly from northern countries, going to tanning studios with aesthetic motives, although exceptions exist; (ii) in case of vitamin D deficiency, the risk/benefit ratio is clearly in favour of vitamin D supplementation instead of sunbed use; (iii) all epidemiological criteria for causality apply to the relationship between sunbed use and melanoma. The Euromelanoma studies included 227,888 individuals (67.4% females, median age 44) from 30 countries. Overall prevalence of sunbed ever use was 10.6%. Prevalence was higher in northern, sun-deprived countries, with the exception of Italy and Spain. Females displayed higher prevalence than males in all countries. Geographic particularities were found in four regions: Iberian (prevalence ten times higher in Spain than Portugal), Balkan (prevalence disproportionately higher among women), Baltic (highest prevalence among young adults), and Scandinavian (highest prevalence among adolescents). Ever sunbed use was independently associated with nevus count >50 [summary odds ratio (SOR)=1.05 (1.01-1.10)], atypical nevi [SOR=1.04 (1.00-1.09)], lentigines [SOR=1.16 (1.04-1.29)], and suspicion of melanoma [SOR=1.13 (1.00-1.27)]. Conclusions. After a thorough literature revision, we concluded that the debate over whether sunbed use contributes to melanoma should be definitively closed and that sunbeds are not a safe option to increase vitamin D levels. The Euromelanoma analysis on sunbeds and skin cancer risk factors suggests that avoidance/discontinuation of sunbed use should always be encouraged, especially, but not exclusively, for individuals with high-risk phenotypes. The data about prevalence/determinants of sunbed use have public health relevance for future, tailored interventions aimed at reducing indoor tanning in Europe. / Introduction. Les bancs solaires émettent des radiations ultraviolettes (UV) pour induire un bronzage cosmétique. Ils sont classés par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé comme carcinogènes de premier groupe: ils sont significativement associés à un risque accru de mélanome et de cancers cutanés non-mélanome. Malgré ça, des controverses existent toujours :comme leur utilisation permet d’accroitre le taux sérique de vitamine D, l’industrie du bronzage artificiel n’a cessé de les promouvoir comme thérapeutique sans danger et certains auteurs ont récemment mis en doute la carcinogénicité des bancs solaires. Par ailleurs, les différences entre les pays européens en terme de prévalence et de facteurs déterminant l’utilisation des bancs solaires n’ont pas été clairement étudiées. De la même façon, la relation entre bronzage artificiel et facteurs de risque de cancérisation cutanée reste floue. Euromelanoma est une campagne pan-européenne annuelle de prévention de cancers cutanés, où des questionnaires récoltent les données des participants (usage des bancs solaires, phénotype et informations cliniques inclus).Objectifs. Décrire de manière approfondie la prévalence, les déterminants et les risques associés à l’utilisation des bancs solaires en Europe. Dans ce but, nous avons réalisé des revues de littérature (3 publications) et une analyse extensive de la base de données Euromelanoma qui couvre 30 pays européens (2 publications).Méthodes. Pour les 3 revues, nous avons cherché dans toute la littérature publiée en anglais sur les moteurs de recherche les plus utilisés, en employant des mots clés pertinents. Les participants des 2 études Euromelanoma ont rempli des questionnaires colligeant les facteurs démographiques et de risque, le type et la durée d’utilisation des bancs solaires. Des analyses multi-variées ont permis d’évaluer les facteurs indépendamment associés à l’usage des bancs solaire dans chaque pays.Résultats. Les revues de littérature ont montré que :(i) les utilisateurs européens sont typiquement des femmes jeunes/adultes, amatrices de soleil, fumeuses, ressortissantes des pays nordiques, motivées par des raisons esthétiques et préférant les centres de bronzage, même si des exceptions existent ;(ii) dans le cas d’une carence en vitamine D, le rapport risque/bénéfice est clairement en faveur de la supplémentation en vitamine D plutôt que du bronzage artificiel ;(iii) tous les critères épidémiologiques de causalité s’appliquent à la relation entre les bancs solaires et le mélanome. Les études Euromelanoma ont été réalisées sur 227,888 individus (67.4% femmes, âge médian 44 ans) issus de 30 pays. La prévalence globale d’utilisation des bancs solaires était 10.6%, mais était plus élevée dans les pays nordiques et non ensoleillés, l’Italie et l’Espagne faisant exception. Dans tous les cas, les femmes avaient une prévalence d’utilisation plus élevée que les hommes. Des particularités géographiques ont été relevées dans 4 régions :la péninsule ibérique (prévalence 10 fois plus élevée en Espagne qu’au Portugal), les Balkans (disproportions excessives de prévalence entre femmes et hommes), les pays baltiques (la prévalence la plus élevée chez les jeunes/adultes), et scandinaves (la prévalence la plus élevée chez les adolescents). Avoir utilisé au moins une fois un banc solaire était indépendamment associé avec :un nombre de naevi >50 [summary odds ratio (SOR)=1.05 (1.01-1.10)], la présence de naevi atypiques [SOR=1.04 (1.00-1.09)] et des lentigines [SOR=1.16 (1.04-1.29)] et la suspicion de mélanome [SOR=1.13 (1.00-1.27)]. Conclusions. La revue complète de la littérature nous permet d’affirmer que le débat sur la relation causale entre bancs solaires et mélanome doit être clos et que leur utilisation pour corriger un déficit sérique en vitamine D n’est pas sans danger. L’analyse Euromelanoma sur l’utilisation des bancs solaires et les facteurs de risque de cancer cutané suggère que le bronzage artificiel devrait toujours être dissuadé, spécialement mais pas exclusivement chez les individus avec des phénotypes à haut risque. Les données de la prévalence et des facteurs déterminant l’utilisation des bancs solaires constituent un intérêt de santé publique et devraient permettre de cibler les actions nécessaires à la réduction du bronzage artificiel en Europe. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes in patients with serious psychiatric disorders. : A retrospective study of medical records in Region Örebro County, 2016-2017

Björklund, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
Introduction Patients with serious psychiatric disorders have an increased morbidity and mortality in somatic diseases and elevated prevalence of both diabetes and prediabetes. This increased frequency of somatic diseases is believed to be associated with life style choices and side effects of the antipsychotic medication. Aim In our study we investigated the prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes and compared metabolic risk factors and treatments between patients with and without serious psychiatric disorders in patients with diabetes in Region Örebro County (RÖC). Material and methods The prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes was determined in 944 patients identified from psychiatric outpatient clinics in RÖC. Information about risk factors and treatments were acquired by retrospective examination of medical records. Results Diabetes was identified in 113 patients and prediabetes in 42 patients. In patients with diabetes and serious psychiatric disorders men had significantly higher levels of HbA1c (p&lt;0.01) and creatinine (p&lt;0.01) compared to women, whereas women had higher BMI (p&lt;0.05). No significant differences in HbA1c and BMI were found between patients with psychiatric disorders and all patients in RÖC with diabetes. Patients with psychiatric disorders did however have a significantly higher number of current smokers and a lower prescription of antihypertensive medication. Conclusions The prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes were 12.0% and 4.4%, respectively, in patients with serious psychiatric disorders. Our study indicates no difference in glycaemic control between psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients with diabetes, but there are differences in certain risk factors connected to diabetes.

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