Spelling suggestions: "subject:"healthfacts"" "subject:"healthsector""
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Health is about being happy : A study in an elementary school in the PhilippinesMagnusson, Lina, Bjersgård, Sara January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate how children apprehend health and what factors teachers ascribed have the most importance for 10-12 years old children’s health. By these two questions at issue in our thesis we hope to support teachers’ education of health and suggest where they should put their main focus. What does health mean to children in an elementary school in the Philippines? What factors do teachers ascribe as the most important for children’s health? To reach our aim we interviewed twelve children and did a questionnaire among 20 teachers. Our study is based on Bronfenbrenner’s theoretical perspective, both as our theoretical basis and as our methodical analysis structure. The result and analysis showed that health is defined differently among the children. Definitions that the children’s statements put most frequent focus on were happiness, the body condition and believes. The most important factors, ascribed by the teachers, are found in Bronfenbrenner’s micro- and mesosystem and are “good personal hygiene”, “eating healthy food” and to have “a good relationship between the home and the school”. The result also shows that the exosystem have the least important summary of all mean values but the individual factor the teachers ascribe as the least important is “the government ideology” in the macrosystem.
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Biologické a sociální charakteristiky rodiček v České republice / Biological and social factors related to reproduction in the Czech RepublicKaplanová, Helena January 2010 (has links)
The aim is to describe the development of selected demographic characteristics and their comparison in the long term or in selected years characterizing the babies and their mothers in the Czech Republic. The indicators are divided according to what they described to the biological factors, social factors and health factors. The analysis of biological characteristics includes age, frequency, order of birth and mothers parity. Social characteristics examined include marital status and education. Health characteristics in the thesis deal with pregnancy and childbirth, addictive substances use and childlessness. This thesis also describe the evolution of the mentioned characteristics and their combinations for the region NUTS II. in the Czech Republic supported by cluster analysis, which confirmed the regional differentiation. The major finding is that mothers still continuing moving to higher age groups, increasing the proportion of births outside marriage, increasing the representation of women in higher education and increasing the proportion of childbearing by caesarean section. In conclusion, this work also includes a description of the current typical woman, who has a children
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En god cirkel : En kvalitativ studie om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete i praktiken. / A Good Circle : A Qualitative Study about Systematic Workplace Health Promotion in PracticeBjöre Jordán, Helena, Sant'Orp, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This study is a qualitative interview study consisting of twelve semi-structured interviews, conducted in ten different organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to study and shed light on how systematic workplace health promotion is carried out, with the employee survey as a starting point. During 2016, new regulations came into force, clarifying employers’ increased responsibilities for staff’s workplace health situation. The collected data were thematized and subsequently analyzed with a deductive approach. The results suggest that the systematic work generally starts with a situation analysis, often in the form of an employee survey, but that the studied organizations then proceed in very different ways. Common to those engaged in an active workplace health promotion is that the work is structured in an outer and an inner cycle. In the outer cycle, inventory, planning, monitoring and evaluation occur. In the inner cycle practical work is performed, such as employee surveys, feedback of results, focus areas with desired position and workshops, as well as a work plan which is incorporated in the business plan. These two cycles are connected, but are worked at independently of each other.
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Our workforce continues to gray due to advances in medical science and new technology, which allows workers to remain in the workforce longer. Furthermore, we need our current workforce to remain motivated and work until an older age due to decreased birth rates and the smaller size of the post baby boomer cohorts. An in-depth examination of the motivation of our aging workforce is necessary to determine how we can increase motivation and keep older workers (those 55 and older) in the workforce longer, while remaining productive. In this study, three divisions of health (i.e., Major Illnesses, Functional Impairments, and Psychosomatic Illnesses) were related to three work goals (i.e., To-Work, At-Work, and To-Retire), combining aspects of the works of Feldman (1994), Shultz and Wang (2007), and Kanfer, Beier, and Ackerman (2012), using archival data extracted through the National Heath and Retirement Study (HRS). A two-step hierarchical regression was conducted with age, gender, wealth, education level, marital status, financial control, and ethnicity as covariates. Most hypotheses were partially supported, with Functional Impairments exhibiting a small effect on To-Work, At-Work, and To-Retire goals. Major Illnesses exhibited some unexpected relationships, however, as they were not positively related to To-Work and To-Retire goals. All health factors exhibited a negative relationship with a small effect on At-Work goals.
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"Det värsta som finns är när folk säger att: Du kan bara du vill.." : en kvalitativ studie om hur personer med ADHD- diagnos skapar strategier för en hälsofrämjande livssituationKarlsson, Lotta January 2013 (has links)
Den psykiska hälsan har stor betydelse för vårt välmående och ur folkhälsoperspektiv är det viktigt att plocka fram friskfaktorer som bidrar till ökad livskvalitet. ADHD, som är ett neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder med svårigheter att reglera sitt beteende, är inget okänt fenomen och det är många som lever med det. Tidiga stödinsatser hjälper dessa individer till ett väl fungerande liv utan samsjuklighet, utanförskap, missbruk eller kriminalitet. Syftet med studien är att få en uppfattning om hur det är att leva med en ADHD- diagnos, vilka strategier som de utformat för att behålla hälsan. Detta undersöktes genom en kvalitativ studie med en semistrukturerad intervju. Intervjuguiden innehöll frågor som delades in i tillhörande teman. Materialet hanterades sedan utifrån kvalitativ innehålls analys. Sju informanter var intresserade av att ställa upp varav två senare lämnade återbud. Resultaten visade att informanterna var nöjda med en ställd diagnos som de fått genom utredning inom psykiatrin. Detta ledde till en självinsikt och strategier började utformas för att kunna hantera sin situation. Studien har påvisat att informanterna gemensamt önskade att stöd och insatser borde sättas in betydligt tidigare än vad de gör i nuläget och att en lösning på det är ökad kunskap och förståelse i omgivningen. Även genusperspektivet lyftes och informanterna var eniga om att de upplevde skillnader i beteendet mellan könen vilket ledde till att prognosen för flickorna försämrades jämfört med pojkarna. Ett samarbete mellan olika aktörer i samhället borde prioriteras för att säkerställa denna grupps förutsättningar för en god hälsa och ett fungerande liv. Ökad förståelse och kunskaper i funktionshindret är avgörande för de som har ADHD men minst lika viktigt är att omgivningen delar den.
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Faktorer som påverkar sömnen under en sjukhusvistelse / Factors affecting sleep during hospitalizationDahlgren, Anna, Barck-Holst, Sophiana January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sömnen är en viktig del av en människas liv, man sover bort ca en tredjedel av sin livstid. Med det naturliga åldrandet förändras sömnen och man blir mer känslig för omkringliggande stimuli och vaknar då lättare på natten samt sover färre timmar. På en vårdavdelning finns det mycket som kan påverka sömnen, speciellt hos äldre människor. Ljud som man inte känner igen, en okänd säng att sova i samt andra människor i samma rum. Alla dessa faktorer kan ge uppkomst till sömnrubbningar under en vistelse på en vårdavdelning. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar äldre vuxnas och äldres sömn på en vårdavdelning. Metod: I denna litteraturöversikt har databaserna CINAHL with full text och Medline använts. Totalt elva artiklar har granskats där åtta artiklar har varit kvantitativa och två kvalitativa, den sista artikeln var en mixad kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie. Utifrån resultaten har författarna sammanställt teman. Resultat: Fem teman uppmärksammades: sömnen på en vårdavdelning där sömnen påverkas av den okända miljön. Inre faktorer som påverkar patientens sömn där det emotionella tillståndet grundat i oro, sjukdom och avsaknad av anhöriga kan påverka sömnen. Miljöfaktorer stör sömnen, där ljus, ljud och personalens interaktioner stör sömnen. Skillnader mellan länder och könsskillnader som påverkar sömnen, där män och kvinnors sömnkvalitet ser olika ut i olika länder. Ljudreducerande åtgärder för sömnen, där betydelsen av inplanerad tysthet (Quiet time) tas upp samt vikten av ljus och ljud-reduceringsprogram för att främja sömnen. Diskussion: I metoddiskussionen har vi diskuterat om valen av artiklar och länder kan ha påverkat resultatet negativt, men diskuterar även för varför vi valt att använda dessa. I resultatdiskussionen har vi diskuterat Florence Nightingales teori om miljö och sömn kopplat till resultatet, samt vad som inte har tagits upp i resultatet. / Background: Sleep is an important part of a person’s life, you sleep away a third of your lifetime. With the natural aging there will be changes in the sleep pattern. You will become more sensitive to surrounding stimuli, wake up easier at night and sleep less hours. On a ward, there are a lot that can affect sleep, especially for elderly. Sound that you don’t recognize, an unknown bed to sleep in as well as other people in the same room. All these factors can make you get sleep disorders during sleep in a ward. Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors impact on older adults and older peoples sleep in a ward. Methods: In this literature review the databases CINAHL with full text and Medline have been used. A total of eleven articles were reviewed, eight articles had quantitative methods and two had qualitative methods, the last article were a mixed method with both qualitative and quantitative design. From the results, the authors had complied themes. Results: Five themes noticed: sleep in a ward, where the sleep is affected by the unfamiliar environment. Inside factors that affect sleep, where the emotional state of the patient caused by worry, disease and absence of relatives can affect the sleep. Environmental factors that disturb sleep, where light, sound and staff interactions contribute to disrupt sleep. Differences between countries and gender differences that affect the sleep, where men and women's sleep quality are different between countries. Noise reducing measures for sleep, where scheduled silence (Quiet Time), light- and sound reduction programs are important factors to promote quality sleep. Discussions: The methodological discussion we have discussed about the choices of articles and countries may have negatively affected the result, but also discusses why we chose to use them. The results discussion, we had discussed Florence Nightingale's theory of environment and sleep related to the result, and what has not been included in the results.
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Inverkansfaktorer på hälsa bland närstående till cancerpatienter i palliativ fas - en litteraturöversikt / Impact factors on health among relatives of cancer patients in the palliative phase - a literature reviewJackson, Tove, Nilsson, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård sätts in då det inte längre finns någon botande behandling för patienter med livshotande sjukdom. Målet med palliativ vård är att lindra patient och närståendes lidande gällande fysiska, mentala, sociala och existentiella aspekter. Det för bevarandet av patient och närståendes livskvalitet samt känsla av meningsfullhet. Utgångspunkten för denna litteraturöversikt är att undersöka faktorer som påverkar närståendes hälsa till patienter med cancer inom palliativ vård.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att identifiera faktorer som har en inverkan på hälsan bland närstående till patienter med cancer i palliativ fas.Metod: Examensarbetet utfördes som en litteraturöversikt där 17 vetenskapliga artiklar användes från databasen CINAHL som hade publicerats mellan åren 2011–2021.Resultat: Faktorer som påverkade närståendes hälsa negativt var hur de belastades och behövde ta ansvar i vårdsituationen samt att den egna tillvaron bortprioriteras. Upplevelse av stöd och förtroende för vårdpersonal resulterade dock i minskad upplevelse av börda och att närstående enklare kunde hantera sin sorg.Slutsats: Resultatet belyser att olika faktorer hade negativ inverkan på närståendes hälsa och upplevelser av den palliativa vården. Det resulterade i att närstående riskerade att försämras i sitt hälsotillstånd som till exempel att drabbas av stress, ångest och depression. / Background: Palliative care is provided when there is no longer any curative treatment for patients with life-threatening illness. The goal of palliative care is to alleviate the patient's and relatives' suffering regarding physical, mental, social and existential aspects. It is for the preservation of the patient and relatives' quality of life as well as a sense of meaning. That patients and relatives should be allowed to preserve quality of life and experience meaningfulness.Aim: The aim of this literature review is to identify factors that have an impact on the health of relatives of cancer patients in the palliative phase.Method: This degree study was performed as a literature review where 17 scientific articles were used from the CINAHL database and were published between the years 2011–2021.Results: Factors that negatively affected the health of close relatives were how they were burdened and needed to take responsibility in the care situation and that their own lives were de-prioritized. Experience of support and trust for care staff, however, resulted in a reduced experience of burden and that relative could more easily handle their grief.Conclusions: The results highlight that several different factors had a negative impact on relatives' health and experiences of palliative care. As a result, relatives were at risk of deteriorating their health and suffering from stress, anxiety and depression.
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Queda e sua relação com fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde em idosos de uma comunidade brasileira: estudo de seguimento / Accidental falls related with sociodemographic and health factors in elderly people in a Brazilian community: a follow-up researchFhon, Jack Roberto Silva 23 June 2016 (has links)
No decorrer do processo de envelhecimento há uma diminuição das habilidades físicas, psicológicas e sociais na pessoa o que aumenta o risco de sofrer de múltiplas síndromes, uma delas é a queda. O presente estudo é analítico, observacional de coorte retrospectivo com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência de queda em um seguimento de cinco anos em duas avaliações (2007/2008 - 2013) de idosos que vivem no domicílio e a sua relação com as variáveis sociodemográficas, doenças autorreferidas, número de medicamentos, estado cognitivo, síndrome da fragilidade e capacidade funcional. A pesquisa foi realizada na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, com população de idosos com 65 anos ou mais de idade. A amostra foi por conglomerado em duplo estágio sendo a amostra final de 515 idosos, sendo que a primeira etapa ocorreu de agosto de 2007 a março de 2008 e a segunda realizada de julho a dezembro de 2013. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados foi composto por questões sociodemográficas; doenças autorreferidas e número de medicamentos; Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM); avaliação da queda; Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS); Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF) e Escala de Lawton e Brody (AIVD). Foram pareadas as informações dos 262 idosos, sendo que houve predomínio do sexo feminino (66,4%), média da idade de 73,3 (dp=6,3) anos sendo que 56,9% foram categorizados como idoso mais jovem (70 - 79 anos), média de escolaridade de 5,0 (dp=4,9) anos e 49,2% eram casados. Verificou-se que em ambas as avaliações, o estado cognitivo diminuiu de 24,87 para 22,90 pontos com aumento do déficit cognitivo de 44,7 para 58,4%. Nas AIVD a média também diminuiu de 19,41 para 17,39 pontos, aumentando a dependência funcional de 44,7% para 66,1%. Quanto a MIF, a média diminui de 120,33 para 112,49 pontos com aumento da dependência de 4,2% para 15%. Verificou-se que a média da fragilidade aumentou de 4,16 para 6,53 pontos sendo que a categoria fragilidade aumentou de 17,5% para 50,4%. Por outro lado, a média das doenças autorreferidas diminuiu de 5,63 para 5,16 dos quais tanto na primeira como na segunda avaliação 5,7% não sofrem de doenças mas na primeira avaliação 46,2% sofrem mais de cinco doenças e na segunda 41,2%. Porém quanto ao consumo de medicamentos a média aumentou de 3,59 para 4,03, sendo que 22,5% na primeira avaliação consomem mais de cinco medicamentos e na segunda 28,6%. Em relação com o idoso que sofreu queda, na primeira avaliação 57 caíram e na segunda 99, a prevalência aumentou de 21,8% para 37,8%, sendo que em ambas as avaliações 82,5% e 73,7%, respectivamente, caíram da própria altura, trazendo consequências como fraturas, feridas e escoriações, além do medo de novas reincidências. Os idosos que sofreram queda apresentaram diminuição do estado cognitivo, maior fragilidade e incapacidade funcional com um aumento das doenças autorreferidas e número de medicamentos. Na associação da queda com as diferentes variáveis, verificou-se que no período do estudo, o número de doenças autorreferidas, o maior consumo de medicamentos e o aumento da fragilidade o idoso apresenta maior risco de queda. Conclui-se que a queda é uma síndrome que está relacionada com múltiplas causas (variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde) o que leva a maior necessidade de implementar programas com planejamento para a prevenção de queda e suas consequências por meio da educação à população idosa e seus cuidadores / During the aging process there is a decrease in physical, psychological and social skills in the person which increases the risk of suffering from multiple syndromes, one of these are accidental fall. This study is analytical, observational retrospective cohort with the aim to determine the prevalence of accidental falls in a follow-up of five years in both assessments (2007/2008 - 2013) of elderly people living at home and their relationship to sociodemographic variables, self-reported diseases, number of medications, cognitive status, frailty syndrome and functional capacity. The research was conducted in the Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo, in elderly people aged 65 or older. The sample by conglomerate in double stage with the final sample of 515 elderly people, on the first stage was from August 2007 to March 2008 and the second stage was from July to December 2013. The instrument used for data collection consists of sociodemographic questions; self-reported diseases and medications numbers; Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); evaluation of the accidental fall; Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS); Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Lawton and Brody Scale (IADL). They were matched information from 262 elderly, and there was a predominance of females (66.4%), mean of age 73.3 (sd = 6.3) years of which 56.9% were categorized as younger elderly (70-79 years), average schooling of 5.0 (sd = 4.9) years and 49.2% were married. It was found that in both assessments, the cognitive status declined from 24.87 to 22.90 points with increased cognitive deficit from 44.7 to 58.4%. IADL average also decreased from 19.41 to 17.39 points, increasing the functional dependence from 44.7% to 66.1%. The MIF average decreases from 120.33 to 112.49 points with increasing dependence from 4.2% to 15%. It was found that the frailty average increased from 4.16 to 6.53 points of which the category frailty increased from 17.5% to 50.4%. On the other hand, the average self-reported disease decreased from 5.63 to 5.16 which both the first and the second evaluation 5.7% did not suffer from diseases but in first evaluation suffered 46.2% over five diseases and second 41.2%. But with the consumption of drugs the average increased from 3.59 to 4.03, and 22.5% in the first evaluation consumed more than five drugs and the second 28.6%. In relation to the elderly who suffered fall, the first assessment fell 57 and the second 99, the prevalence increased from 21.8% to 37.8%, and in both evaluations 82.5% and 73.7%, respectively, fell from height, bringing consequences such as fractures, wounds and abrasions, and the fear of new falls. Elderly people who suffered falls had decreased cognitive status, increased frailty and functional impairment with an increase in self-reported diseases and number of medications. In the fall of association with different variables, it was found that during the study period, the number of self-reported diseases, the highest consumption of drugs and the increased frailty the elderly had a higher risk of falls. We conclude that the fall is a syndrome that is associated with multiple causes (socio-demographic and health variables) which leads to greater need to implement planning with programs for the prevention of fall and its consequences through education to the elderly and their caregivers
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Bättre eller sämre på jobbet? : en jämförelse mellan olika yrkeskategoriers arbetsrelaterade hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvården mellan åren 2005-2009 / A comparison between professional categories work-related health from a salutogenic perspective in the health care between the years 2005-2009.Möller, Mariana, Olsson, Malena January 2013 (has links)
People spend much of their timeat work and health is affected by how we experience our everyday work situation. Health in the workplace is important for public health and seems to improve the occupational health of theemployees. The pace of work and requirements have hasincreased at work and it's not equal accepted to have an obstacle that makesyour work capacity decreases. Despite this, there are health factors that enable us meet therequirements and can maintaingood health in the workplace. Theaim of the studywas to see if there has beena change in healthcare workers work-related health over time. The Method entailed analysis of the existing data materials researchersfrom Kristianstad University have developed through cross-sectional studies in hospitals insouthern Sweden during the fouroccasions between 2005-2009. The result shows thatthe reported work-related health has improved markedly over the years within the professional categories. By looking at thevarious health factors, there wasa opportunity to see if the factors affect the occupational groupsdifferent. Conclusion, based on the results, it can be shown thathealthcare workers work-related health has been positively affected by various health factorswhich have enhanced in the workplace. Health promotionis therefore important for thepositive development of the work-relatedhealth. / Människan tillbringar en stor del av livet på arbetet och hälsan påverkas av hur vi upplever vår vardagliga arbetssituation. Hälsa i arbetslivet är därför ett viktigt folkhälsomål som verkar för att förbättra den arbetsrelaterade hälsan hos anställda. Arbetstempot och kraven har ökat ute på arbetsplatserna och det är inte lika accepterat att ha något hinder som gör att din arbetsförmåga minskar. Det finns hälsofaktorer som gör att vi klarar av kraven och kan behålla en god hälsa i arbetslivet. Syftet med studien var att påvisa om det har skett en positiv eller negativ förändring i sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa genom att studera vilka faktorer som har förändrats under en fyraårs period. Metoden innebar analys av befintligt datamaterial som forskare från Högskolan Kristianstad har tagit fram genom tvärsnittsstudier på två olika sjukhus i södra Sverige under fyra tillfällen mellan åren 2005-2009. Resultatet visar att den rapporterade arbetsrelaterade hälsan har förbättrats markant mellan åren inom yrkeskategorierna. Genom att titta på olika hälsofaktorer fanns det möjlighet att se om de olika faktorerna påverkar yrkesgrupperna olika. Slutsats, utifrån resultatet kan det visas att sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa har påverkats positivt vilket relateras till olika hälsofaktorer har förbättrats på arbetsplatsen. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet är därmed viktigt för att kunna fortsätta få en positiv utveckling av den arbetsrelaterade hälsan.
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Ledarskapets betydelse för den friska arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur ledare inom offentliga human service verksamheter arbetar för en frisk arbetsplats ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv.Andreasson, Emilie, Persson, Anna-Lena January 2012 (has links)
The issue of sick leave and an increase of ill health in the workplace is a social problem inSwedenthat is currently an important topic. Public human service organisations are one of the sectors where this is a major problem. The aim of this study is to examine what significance the leadership in public human service organisations has on the health and sense of well being among the staff within the organisation. We have chosen to look at this issue from a health promoting perspective where we focused on health factors and to what extent the management can influence and promote the possibilities for a healthy workplace with healthy staff. The results of the study are based on interviews with three leaders within the public human service sector. Results shows that having staff that are content and healthy is a key ingredient in the organisations goal to provide the best possible care and service to their clients. The results also identify leadership qualities and tools that are important such as being present in the workplace and available for the staff and also setting a good example. Other leadership qualities such as being clear in their role as to what they expect from their staff, being goal orientated, and being strong and secure in their leadership proved to be important in relation to health in the workplace. Making sure that the staff feel that they have the possibility to influence their working conditions and given the opportunity to participate in changes were also identified as important health promoting factors. The study also shows that showing trust in the staff and allowing them to take responsibility as well as seeing them as individuals is also important health promoting factors. It became evident that achieving a healthy workplace is a process where all the factors are equally important.
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