Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rna""
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Cell cycle-dependent regulation and function of ARGONAUTE 1 in plants / Etude de la fonction et de la régulation de la protéine ARGONAUTE 1 au cours du cycle cellulaireTrolet, Adrien 14 September 2018 (has links)
Chez tous les eucaryotes, la régulation de l’expression génique est primordiale pour le contrôle du cycle cellulaire. Un large éventail de gènes, incluant des régulateurs essentiels du cycle, mais aussi d’autre gènes impliqués dans la transduction du signal, la régulation hormonale et le métabolisme sont ainsi exprimé à certaines phases du cycle. Ces changements sont contrôlés à de multiples niveaux, notamment de façon transcriptionnelle et post-traductionnelle. Chez les mammifères, il est aujourd’hui évident que les micro ARNs contribuent à cette régulation en ciblant spécifiquement les transcrits d’un grand nombre de gènes régulés au cours du cycle. Cependant, nous n’avons que très peu d’informations à ce jour concernant le rôle des petits ARNs sur le contrôle de la prolifération cellulaire chez les plantes. Mes travaux de thèse ont permis de démontrer que la perte d’AGO1 affecte la prolifération cellulaire et l’activité du méristème racinaire. Nous avons également séquencé les transcrits, les petits ARNs et le dégradome à partir de cellules BY-2 synchronisées afin de déterminer le répertoire et la fonction des petit ARNs au cours du cycle cellulaire. / In all eukaryotes, regulated gene expression is key to orchestrate cell cycle progression. Not only genes encoding important core cell cycle regulators, but also genes of a variety of other factors involved in signal transduction, hormonal regulation and metabolic control are expressed at specific time points of the cell cycle. These changes in gene expression are controlled at multiple levels, including transcriptional and post-translational controls. In mammals, it became evident that microRNAs contribute to this regulation by targeting the transcripts of numerous cell cycle-regulated genes. However, in plants we still know little about the regulatory roles of small RNAs in the control of cell proliferation. During my thesis, I showed that depletion of Arabidopsis AGO1 impairs cell proliferation and root meristem activity. To further determine the repertoire and role of sRNAs in cell cycle regulation, we thus sequenced total RNAs and small RNAs, AGO1-associated small RNAs and the RNA degradome of synchronized BY2 cells at S-, G2-, M- and G1-phases of the cell cycle.
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Contribution des polymorphismes d'insertions à la stérilité des hybrides chez Paramecium tetraurelia / Contribution of insertion polymorphisms to hybrid sterility in Paramecium tetraureliaPellerin, Guillaume 31 March 2017 (has links)
Comme tous les ciliés, P. tetraurelia réarrange son génome à chaque génération sexuelle pendant le développement de son macronoyau somatique ¿ partir du micronoyau germinal. Les réarrangements incluent l’excision précise de courtes séquences dérivant de transposons et appelés IES (Internal Eliminated Sequences) dont la majorité sont intragéniques. L’excision d’une fraction d’entre elles dépend de petits ARN maternels (appelés scnARN) qui sont produits à partir de tout le génome germinal pendant la méiose. Ce mécanisme pose un problème lors d’une conjugaison entre deux souches présentant des polymorphismes d’insertion : une cellule sera théoriquement incapable d’exciser une IES portée par l’allèle paternel reçu si cette IES est absente de l’allèle maternel ou si la séquence est trop divergente. Mes résultats montrent cependant que les allèles paternels divergents sont correctement excisés en utilisant les scnARN produit par la cellule paternelle. Dans le cas d’un polymorphisme absence/présence, l’IES que j’ai étudié est excisée chez 70 % des hétérozygotes F1, également via les scnARN paternels. Nous avons exploré deux hypothèses pour expliquer comment ils pouvaient agir. Il pourrait s’agir d’une programmation précoce des noyaux gamétiques ou alors d’un échange cytoplasmique des scnARN. Finalement, j’ai montré qu’un défaut de scnARN maternels n’est pas une cause possible de dysgénésie hybride. Cependant, 30 % des hétérozygotes F1 présentent une rétention variable de l’IES étudié via un mécanisme inconnu. Si cela est généralisable à toutes les IES homozygotes, alors ce mécanisme aurait un effet délétère sérieux sur les F1 et pourrait contribuer à l’isolement reproductif. / Like all ciliates, P. tetraurelia entirely rearranges its genome during development of the somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus, in each sexual generation. Rearrangements include the precise excision of IESs (Internal Eliminated Sequences), single-copy intervening sequences likely derived from transposon insertions. At least for a fraction of IESs, correct excision, which is required to reconstitute functional genes in the macronucleus, is thought to depend on their recognition by Piwi-bound small RNAs (called scnRNAs) produced from the maternal germline genome during meiosis. This raises a problem during conjugation between strains presenting insertion polymorphisms: a cell will be theoretically unable to excise an IES from the incoming (paternal) allele if that IES is absent from the maternal allele, or if its sequence is too divergent. Our results, however, indicate that divergent paternal alleles are correctly rearranged, using scnRNAs produced by the paternal cell. In the case of an absence/presence polymorphism, the IES we studied is excised in 70% of heterozygotes, also using paternal scnRNAs. We explored two hypotheses to explain how they can act. It could be either an early programming of the gametic nuclei or through cytoplasmic exchange of scnRNAs. My results seem to favor the latter. Overall, I showed that the lack of maternal scnRNAs is not a possible cause of hybrid dysgenesis. However, 30% of heterozygous F1 display a variable retention of the IES through an unknown mechanism. If this is true for all hemizygous IESs then it will have a strong deleterious effect on hybrid F1s and may contribute to reproductive isolation.
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Post-transcriptional regulation of porin expression in Escherichia coli and its impact on antibiotic resistance / Régulées de manière post-transcriptionnelle de l'expression de la porine chez Escherichia coli et son impact sur la résistance aux antibiotiquesDam, Sushovan 15 November 2018 (has links)
Chez les bactéries à Gram-négatif, l’imperméabilité de la membrane externe est un facteur majeur contribuant au développement de la résistance. Chez Escherichia coli, les porines OmpF et OmpC sont des protéines de la membrane externe qui forment des canaux pour la diffusion de petites molécules hydrophiles tels que les antibiotiques. L’expression des porines est soumise à une régulation fine, et des petits ARN non-codants (sRNAs, small RNAs) jouent un rôle important au niveau post-transcriptionnel. Dans ce cadre, et en utilisant E. coli comme bactérie modèle, les objectifs de mon travail de thèse étaient : (1) de caractériser la régulation du sRNA MicC et la co-régulation putative de la porine quiescente OmpN; (2) d’examiner l'effet global de MicC sur le transcriptome; (3) d’analyser l'impact de l'expression de MicC sur la sensibilité aux antibiotiques. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’induction de MicC en présence d'antibiotiques de la famille des β-lactamines, ou en l’absence du facteur sigma de réponse au stress de l’enveloppe sigmaE. Ces mêmes conditions activent aussi l'activité d'une fusion ompN-lacZ, indiquant une régulation transcriptionnelle commune de micC et ompN. Etant donnée la conservation de MicC chez les entérobactéries, nous avons effectué une étude par RNASeq pour déterminer l'impact de la surexpression de MicC sur le transcriptome d’E. coli et identifié 60 ARNm régulés par MicC en plus de sa cible initiale ompC. L'identification des spectres cibles globaux des sRNAs est importante pour comprendre leur importance dans la physiologie bactérienne, ici celui de MicC dans la résistance aux antibiotiques. / A major factor contributing to antimicrobial resistance is the inability of antibiotics to penetrate the bacterial outer membrane to reach their target. In Escherichia coli, the two abundantly expressed porins OmpF and OmpC form channels for diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules including antibiotics. The expression of porins is under complex regulation and the small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) fine tune the porin expression level at post-transcriptional level. MicF and MicC are the two major sRNAs that negatively regulate expression of OmpF and OmpC, respectively. Interestingly, these two sRNAs are encoded next to porin gene, i.e. micF-ompC and micC-ompN, suggesting a dual regulation. Our goals in this work were: (1) to characterize the regulation of the sRNA MicC and the putative co-regulation of the quiescent porin OmpN in E. coli; (2) to examine the global effect of MicC on the E. coli transcriptome; (3) to analyze the impact of MicC expression on antibiotic susceptibility. Our work shows that the expression of micC was increased in the presence of carbapenems and cephalosporins and in an rpoE depleted mutant. The same conditions enhanced the expression of OmpN, suggesting a dual regulation of micC and ompN. We also performed RNA sequencing to determine the impact of MicC overexpression on E. coli transcriptome. This identified 60 mRNA targets negatively regulated by MicC apart from its original target. Identification of the global target spectra of MicC is of importance to understand its importance on the overall bacterial physiology, and more specifically on AMR.
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Paper del miRNA en la diferenciació de les cèl.lules mareVentayol Espinazo, Marina 22 February 2013 (has links)
Tesi realitzada a l'Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC IDIBAPS) / Les patologies renals s’han convertit en una problemàtica a nivell mundial, en l’actualitat poden afectar a una de cada 9 persones al llarg de la seva vida i porten associats elevats costos econòmics. Malgrat els últims avenços científics i millores en el tractament d’aquestes patologies, el transplantament renal i la diàlisi continuen sent les dues úniques opcions terapèutiques efectives en el tractament de la insuficiencia renal. La regeneració de l’epiteli renal és determinant en la recuperació del pacient ja que determina que es pugui restablir la funcionalitat d’aquest òrgan. L’obtenció de precursors renals a partir de cèl•lules mare que puguin integrar-se i regenerar el ronyó lesionat s’ha convertit en una àrea de recerca biomèdica molt important.
L’objecte d’estudi d’aquesta tesi va ser conèixer els mecanismes involucrats en la diferenciació de les cèl•lules mare embrionàries (ESCs) i les cèl•lules mare adiposes (ASCS) cap al llinatge epitelial renal ja que aquestes cèl•lules poden ser una potencial font d’aquests precursors renals amb capacitat regenerativa. Recentment s’ha descobert que els miRNAs, que tenen la funció de regular l’expressió gènica en l’etapa post-transcripcional, són essencials en la diferenciació de les cèl•lules mare i s’han trobat miRNAs específics que regulen la diferenciació a un llinatge cel•lular en concret. En aquest sentit, el nostre objectiu general en aquest treball va ser estudiar el paper dels miRNAs en la diferenciació de cèl•lules mare a progenitors epitelials renals.
Per això, primer de tot es van realitzar experiments de diferenciació en que els cossos embrionaris (EBs) induïts a partir de les cèl•lules mare embrionàries (ESCs) es van cultivar amb un medi de cultiu suplementat amb all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) i activina A, i les cèl•lules mare adiposes (ASCs) amb un medi amb una concentració fisiológica de glucosa suplementat amb ATRA. Amb aquests protocols de diferenciació, es van obtenir cèl•lules amb característiques de progenitors renals. Els EBs cultivats amb el protocol de diferenciació expressaven els marcadors de l’organogènesi renal inicial (Pax2, WT1, Wnt4, Notch2 i Wnt9b). Les ASCs cultivades amb ATRA varen canviar la seva morfologia a una morfologia epitelial i van expressar marcadors tant de l’organogènesi renal inicial (Pax2, WT1, Wnt4, Six2 i Megalina) com els marcadors epitelials (Citoqueratina 18, E-caderina).
Un anàlisis de miRNAs va demostrar que la família de miRNAs let-7 es sobreexpressava durant la diferenciació dels EBs i que el miRNA let-7e més concretament era essencial en l’expressió dels marcadors Pax2, Wt1i Wnt4 ja que la seva silenciació disminuïa l’expressió d’aquests gens.
En les ASCs, en canvi, es va demostrar que el miRNA let-7e també augmentava en la diferenciació i que a més tenia característiques d’inductor de la diferenciació, essent essencial en l’expressió tant dels marcadors de l’organogènesi renal (Pax2, Wt1, Wnt4, Megalina) com del marcador epitelial CK18.
Profunditzant en el paper del miRNA let-7e en la diferenciació, es va demostrar amb experiments de Western blot, que el miRNA let-7e modula els nivells de β-catenina a través d’un mecanisme que implica la inhibició de la PKCβ i la conseqüent disminució en la fosforilació de la GSK3β (Ser-9) i que això és imprescindible per la correcta diferenciació de les ESCs.
Per altra banda, en les ASCs es va demostrar utilitzant l’assaig del gen reporter de la luciderasa, que el miRNA let-7e inhibeix directament l’expressió de la metal•loproteinasa 9 i que d’aquesta manera modula la diferenciació de les ASCs al llinatge epitelial renal. / Role of miRNA in stem cell differentiation
Renal diseases have become a worldwide problem that can affect one in nine people throughout their life. Despite recent scientific advances, kidney transplantation and dialysis are still the only two effective therapeutic options in renal failure. The regeneration of the epithelium is critical for patient recovery as it determines the restoration of the kidney functionality. Cell precursors obtained from renal stem cells that can regenerate and integrate the injured kidney have become an important research area. The aim of our study was to determine the mechanisms involved in the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adipose stem cells (ASCs) to renal epithelial lineage as these cells can be a source of these renal precursors with regenerative potential. It was recently discovered that miRNAs, which have the function of regulating gene expression in the post-transcriptional level, are essential in the differentiation of stem cells. In this sense, our main objective was to study the role of miRNAs in stem cells differentiation to renal epithelial progenitors.
For this purpose, We have carried out experiments of stem cells differentiation. Embryoid bodies (EBs) from ESCs were cultured with activin A and ATRA and ASCs where cultured in a medium with physiological concentration of glucose supplemented with ATRA, obtaining progenitor cells with renal epithelial characteristics. EBs expressed the early kidney organogenesis markers (Pax2, WT1, Wnt4, Notch2 Wnt9b) and ASCs changed their morphology to a more epithelial one and expressed both markers of kidney organogenesis (Pax2, WT1, Wnt4, SIX2 i Megalin) and epithelial markers (cytokeratin-18 and E-cadherin). Furthermore, miRNA analysis and the subsequent overexpression and silencing of the miRNA let-7e in stem cells, demonstrates that this miRNA has characteristics of differentiation inductor and that is essential in the expression of both kidney organogenesis markers and epithelial markers. Furthermore, the ESCs, let-7e miRNA modulates β-catenin levels through a mechanism involving inhibition of PKCβ and the consequent decrease in the phosphorylation of GSK3 (Ser-9). Moreover, it was demonstrated using the luciferase assay, that the miRNA let-7e directly inhibits expression of gelatinase B (MMP9) in ASCs and thereby modulates its renal epithelial differentiation.
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Aprimoramento da classificação de isoladores poliméricos por medições termográficas e radiação UV usando processamento de imagens e RNA.RIBEIRO, Girlene Lima. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-25T18:49:44Z
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GIRLENE LIMA RIBEIRO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEE) 2017.pdf: 3769966 bytes, checksum: 1e2c04beeac23084837591c1bfec0869 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-25T18:49:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
GIRLENE LIMA RIBEIRO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEE) 2017.pdf: 3769966 bytes, checksum: 1e2c04beeac23084837591c1bfec0869 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / CNPq / Nesta pesquisa é desenvolvida uma metodologia para aprimoramento da classificação de isoladores poliméricos por medições termográficas e radiação UV utilizando o Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI) e Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs). A metodologia é baseada na análise da ocorrência de descargas corona e nas variações de temperatura ao longo do isolador a fim de classificá-los quanto seu estado de degradação. Cada isolador utilizado foi submetido à tensão de 133 kV fase-terra durante um período de 30 minutos, com o objetivo de ocasionar aquecimento e evidenciar descargas corona nos isoladores. As medições foram realizadas utilizando um detector de corona para medição de UV e os dados de temperatura foram adquiridos utilizando-se um termovisor. As imagens adquiridas pelos instrumentos de monitoramento, durante os ensaios, foram submetidas a um processamento digital de imagem, para extrair informações de densidade de pixels, persistência das descargas e distâncias relativas das áreas de descargas ao isolador. A partir de informações obtidas de imagens de infravermelho (temperatura) foi aplicada a estatística descritiva e o teste discriminante de Fisher, para apresentar ao sistema de classificação, parâmetros objetivos e com alto nível de separabilidade. O sistema de classificação utilizou RNA para determinar o estado de degradação dos isoladores. A classificação foi realizada de forma individual e combinada, com vetores formados pelos atributos UV e infravermelho. O sistema desenvolvido permitiu o auxílio à tomada de decisões quanto à necessidade de intervenção ou não aos isoladores. A classificação dos isoladores, de forma individual, obteve acurácia média para temperatura de 80,00% e UV 74,05%. A classificação dos isoladores, de forma combinada (UV e infravermelho), obteve acurácia média de 92,58%, evidenciando o aprimoramento na classificação. / This research presents a methodology for the improvement of the classification of polymeric insulators by using thermographic measurements and UV radiation in combination with Digital Image Processing (DIP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The methodology is based on the analysis of the occurrence of corona discharges and temperature variations along the insulator in order to classify their stage of degradation. Each insulator was subjected to the 133 kV phase-to-ground voltage over a period of 30 minutes, in order to cause heating and corona discharges in the insulators. The experiments were performed using a corona detector for UV measurement and the temperature data were acquired using a thermal imager. The images acquired by the monitoring instruments during the tests were subjected to digital image processing to extract information of pixel density, persistence of discharges and relative distances from the discharge areas to the insulator. From information obtained through infrared (temperature) images descriptive statistics and Fisher's discriminant test were applied to present objective parameters with high level of separability to the classification system. The classification system used ANN to determine the insulators degradation state. The classification was performed in individual and in combination ways, with vectors formed by UV and infrared attributes. The developed system helped on the decision making, concerning to the necessity of intervention or not to the insulators. The classification of the insulators, in an individual way, obtained accuracy for temperature of 80.00% and UV 74.05%. The classification of the isolators, combined (UV and infrared), obtained an average accuracy of 92.58%, evidencing the improvement in the classification.
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Genome-wide analysis of the hypoxic breast cancer transcriptome using next generation sequencingChoudhry, Hani January 2014 (has links)
Hypoxia pathways are associated with the pathogenesis of both ischaemic and neoplastic diseases. In response to hypoxia the transcription factor hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) induces the expression of hundreds of genes with diverse functions. These enable cells to adapt to low oxygen availability. To date, pan-genomic analyses of these transcriptional responses have focussed on protein-coding genes and microRNAs. However, the role of other classes of non-coding RNAs, in particular lncRNAs, in the hypoxia response is largely uncharacterised. My thesis aimed at improving understanding of the transcriptional regulation of the non-coding transcriptome in hypoxia. I performed an integrated genomic analysis of both non-coding and coding transcripts by massively parallel sequencing. This was interfaced with pan-genomic analyses of DNAse hypersensitivity and HIF, H3k4me3 and RNApol2 binding in hypoxic cells. These analyses have revealed that hypoxia profoundly regulated all RNA classes. snRNAs and tRNAs are globally downregulated in hypoxia, whilst miRNAs, mRNAs and lncRNAs are both up- and downregulated with an overall trend towards slight upregulation. In addition, a significant number of previously non-annotated (and largely hypoxia upregulated) transcripts were identified, including novel intergenic transcripts and natural antisense transcripts. HIF bound close to genes for mRNAs, miRNAs and lncRNAs that were upregulated by hypoxia, but was excluded from binding at genes for RNA classes that showed global downregulation. This suggests that HIF acts as a transcriptional activator (but not repressor), of lncRNAs as well as mRNAs and miRNAs. Consistent with direct regulation by HIF, many of these hypoxia-inducible, HIF-binding lncRNAs were downregulated following HIF knockdown. Analysis of RNApol2 binding and DNAse HSS signals at HIF transcriptional target genes indicated that HIF-dependent transcriptional activation occurs through release of RNApol2 that is pre-bound to open promoters of lncRNAs as well as mRNAs. In these datasets, NEAT1 was the most hypoxia-upregulated, HIF-targeted lncRNA in MCF-7 cells and, despite binding of both HIF-1 and HIF-2 isoforms at its promoter, was selectively regulated by HIF-2 alone. Furthermore, NEAT1 was induced by hypoxia in a wide range of breast cancer cell lines and in hypoxic xenograft models. Functionally, NEAT1 is required for the assembly of nuclear paraspeckle structures. Increased nuclear paraspeckle formation was observed in hypoxia and was dependent on both NEAT1 and HIF-2. Knockdown of hypoxia-induced NEAT1 significantly reduced cell proliferation and survival and induced apoptosis. Finally, high expression of NEAT1 correlated with poor clinical outcome in a large cohort of breast cancer patients. These findings extend the role of the hypoxic transcriptional response in cancer into the spectrum of non-coding transcripts and provide new insights into molecular roles of hypoxia-regulated lncRNAs, which may provide the basis for novel therapeutic targets in the future.
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Rôle fonctionnel des longs ARN non codants dans l'adaptation et la pluripotence des cellules souches en culture. / Functional roles of long non coding RNAs in pluripotency and adaptation of stem cells in culture.Bouckenheimer, Julien 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les applications des cellules souches pluripotentes humaines (CSP) dans le domaine biomédical sont particulièrement prometteuses, aussi bien au niveau expérimental qu’au niveau clinique. Leur utilisation comme source inépuisable de cellules permettant de tester et développer de nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques (notamment par modélisation de pathologies in vitro, criblage haut-débit et tests de cytotoxicité) s’ajoute à l’important potentiel qu’elles présentent en médecine régénérative et en thérapie cellulaire. Utilisables comme matériel biologique permettant de restaurer partiellement ou totalement un organe ou un tissu défaillant, il reste essentiel de vérifier l’intégrité génétique des lignées cellulaires utilisées afin de garantir une utilisation sécurisée pour le patient. Parmi les facteurs responsables de l’apparition d’anomalies génétiques chez les CSP, les conditions cultures jouent un rôle essentiel. Des techniques de culture inadaptées peuvent facilement provoquer l’émergence d’une instabilité génomique. Toute altération doit être détectée et documentée afin de pouvoir définir des critères d’acceptation préalable à leur utilisation clinique.Les CSP sont des cellules particulièrement sensibles au stress qui peut résulter de techniques de repiquage inappropriées. La dérive génétique qui découle de ce stress peut être précoce et apparaître dès les premiers passages des lignées cultivées. Notre équipe a pu tester de nombreuses méthodes de repiquage sur différentes lignées cellulaires pluripotentes. Nous avons notamment observé que des anomalies génétiques majeures caryotypiques (trisomies) et infra-caryotypiques (SNPs) ainsi que des changements phénotypiques (survie augmentée, acquisition de mobilité) apparaissaient rapidement suite à l’utilisation de techniques de repiquage basées sur l’utilisation d’enzyme de dissociation (TryPLE). Ces altérations apparaissent dans des lignées qui s’adaptent progressivement à la dissociation en cellules uniques (dissociation « single-cell ») provoquées par ces enzymes.Notre équipe étudie les conséquences cellulaires liées à ce phénomène d’adaptation des CSP provoquée par la dissociation « single-cell ». Grâce à des techniques de séquençage dernière génération (RNA-Seq), nous avons comparé les profils transcriptomiques de CSP repiquées par des techniques standard (comme le passage mécanique) et par des techniques basées sur la dissociation « single-cell » (comme le passage enzymatique par TryPLE). Cette comparaison a montré au niveau transcriptionnel une surexpression spectaculaire d’ARNs non codants appartenant à une classe récemment décrite : les longs ARNs non codants (lncRNAs).L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer le niveau d’implication de ces lncRNAs dans le processus d’adaptation des CSP en culture, et leur rôle fonctionnel potentiel. Nous avons ainsi dans un premier temps déterminé in silico quels lncRNAs étaient différentiellement exprimés dans les CSP adaptées, et après validation expérimentale par biologie moléculaire des candidats les plus prometteurs, nous avons utilisé des tests fonctionnels (notamment par RNA interférence (siRNA)) afin de déterminer le rôle de ces lncRNAs dans la machinerie cellulaire et la pluripotence des CSP. Autour de ce projet principal, nous avons essayé de comprendre les mécanismes régissant les changements phénotypiques et comportementaux provoquées par la dissociation « single-cell ». Nous avons notamment pu suggérer la mise en place d’un phénomène de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT) chez des CSP dissociées. Enfin, l’attractivité que représente un sujet d’étude récent comme les lncRNAs et la disponibilité croissante de publications les concernant nous ont poussé à publier une revue approfondie ainsi qu’une méta-analyse sur l’implication des longs ARN non codants dans le développement précoce de l’embryon et dans les cellules souches pluripotentes. / The actual and future applications of human pluripotent stem cells (PSC) in the biomedical field are highly promising. Their use for the discovery of new therapeutic drugs through the development of high-throughput screening tests, cytotoxicity tests and in vitro disease modeling has been added to their tremendous interests in regenerative medicine and cellular therapy. As a source of biological material that can be used to restore partially or totally the lost functions of a damaged organ or tissue, or as a source of normal cells to study human development or test putative new drugs, their genomic integrity has to be thoroughly assessed. Therefore, an effective optimization of their culture conditions has to be considered, in order to control the absence of genomic instability and prevent their potential emergence. Any genetic or epigenetic alteration resulting from cell culturing must be detected in order to define and characterize acceptance criteria for scientific and medical purposes.PSC are particularly sensitive to stress resulting from unappropriated passaging techniques, which cause rapid genetic drift. Indeed, our team observed that many genomic abnormalities arise from aggressive single cell, enzymatic based, passaging methods, and that substantial phenotypical changes such as increased survival after cell dissociation and variation in cell shape can then occur.In order to understand the mechanisms governing the emergence of those adverse alterations, the team focused on the consequences resulting from the adaptation of PSC to single-cell dissociation. By using new generation sequencing techniques as RNA-Seq, we compared transcriptomics of PSC passaged by standard techniques (such as mechanical passaging) versus single-cell enzymatic dissociation (such as TRyPLE-based single-cell passaging). This comparison showed that the most striking difference in the gene expression pattern between adapted and non adapted cells concerned the dramatic overexpression of RNAs from a recently discovered class: long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).The aim of this thesis work was to determine to which extent some of these lncRNAs were functionally linked to adaptation of PSC. In order to address this matter, we first investigated in silico which lncRNAs were upregulated by single-cell dissociation, and after experimental validation of lncRNA candidates by molecular biology, we performed functional in vitro analysis (notably by siRNA-mediated loss of function) and sought their cellular localization in order to decipher their role in the cellular machinery and their level of implication. Beside this main project, other auxiliary projects were grafted. The observation of major changes in cell phenotype and behavior led to the investigation of the global mechanisms governing these modifications, underlining the potential role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition provoked by single-cell dissociation. Finally, the global attractiveness of lncRNAs and the emergence of exponential documentation concerning non-coding RNAs prompted the writing of an extensive review and meta-analysis concerning the implications of lncRNAs during embryo development and in pluripotent stem cells.
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Étude fonctionnelle des sous-domaines de Pcf11 : rôle du 2nd NTD dans la terminaison de transcription des snoRNAs et des motifs liant le zinc dans les activités de maturation de l’extrémité 3’ des ARN messagers. / Functional analysis of Pcf11 sub-domains : role of the 2nd NTD in transcription termination of snoRNAs and zinc finger motifs in 3’-end processing of mRNAsGuéguéniat, Julia 03 December 2015 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, la maturation de l’extrémité 3’ des ARNs messagers a lieu lors de la transcription et regroupe deux étapes : le clivage endonucléolytique du transcrit au niveau d’un site spécifique et l’ajout d’une queue poly(A) sur le fragment en amont du site de clivage. Chez S. cerevisiae, le complexe de polyadénylation est formé par 20 protéines, regroupées principalement en deux sous-complexes : CF IA et CPF. Nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement à Pcf11, sous-unité du complexe CF IA. Pcf11 est formé de sept sous-domaines, mais la fonction d’une grande partie de la protéine n’est pour l’instant pas connue. Par exemple, aucune fonction n’est associée à la région située entre le domaine d’interaction avec le CTD de l’ARN polymérase II (CID) et une répétion de 20 résidus glutamines. Récemment, la structure de ce domaine, appelé 2nd NTD a été décrite. Pour essayer de comprendre la fonction du 2nd NTD et des motifs liant le zinc encadrant le domaine d’interaction avec Clp1, nous avons mis en place une stratégie systématique de mutagénèse, soit par délétions, soit par mutations ponctuelles. Le 2nd NTD est formé de trois hélices α et interagit avec l’ARN. La délétion de ce domaine conduit à un phénotype de croissance lente chez la levure et un défaut de terminaison de transcription des snoRNAs. Malgré une similarité de structure et de fonction, le 2nd NTD présenterait une fonction indépendante. La fonction des motifs liant le zinc n’est pour l’instant pas connue. Cependant, la mutation de l’un de ces deux motifs conduit à un défaut de clivage et de polyadénylation in vitro. La mutation des deux motifs est létale chez la levure. / In eukaryotes, poly (A) tails are added to nuclear pre-mRNA 3'-ends in the two steps of cleavage and polyadenylation. This co-transcriptional processing requires the activity of a large protein complex comprising at least 20 different polypeptides in yeast organized primarily into the two factors CF IA and CPF. We are interested in the functional characterization of Pcf11, a CF IA subunit. The Pcf11 protein is organized into seven different domains, but here is still a large portion of the polypeptide that has not yet been characterized. For example the region from the end of the CTD interaction domain (CID) to an uninterrupted stretch of 20 glutamine residues has no known function. Recently, the structure of this region, called the 2nd NTD have been characterized. To gain insight into the function of the 2nd NTD and the two zinc fingers motif surrounding the Clp1 interaction domain, we have employed a systematic strategy of mutagenesis, either by deletion or via point mutations. The 2nd NTD is a folded domain composed of three α-helices. The deletion of this domain induced a severe defect of growth in yeast and impaired transcription termination of snoRNAs. Despite its similarity in structure and function with the CID, the 2nd NTD seems to act like an independent RNA binding domain. We don’t know yet the real function of the two zinc fingers motif at the C-terminal region of Pcf11, but the mutation of Cystein residues into serine of one of the two motifs impaired cleavage and polyadenylation. The mutation of the first motif is less harmful than the mutation of the second motif. The simultaneous mutation is lethal in yeast.
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Predição de RNAs não codificantes e sua aplicação na busca do componente RNA da telomerase / Noncoding RNA prediction and its application in the telomerase RNA component searchingAriane Machado Lima 20 December 2006 (has links)
RNAs não codificantes (ncRNAs) têm ganho crescente prestígio nos últimos anos devido a recentes e contínuas descobertas revelando sua diversidade e importância. Porém, a identificação dessas moléculas ainda é um problema em aberto. Em particular, Plasmodium falciparum é um desafio para a pesquisa de ncRNAs, onde poucos foram identificados até o momento. P. falciparum é o parasita que causa uma malária humana letal. A descoberta de novos ncRNAs neste organismo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos. Este trabalho faz um estudo sobre técnicas computacionais para a predição de ncRNAs e, utilizando como objeto de estudo P. falciparum, propõe uma metodologia de predição que seja aplicável inclusive a genomas com viés composicional. A ênfase deste estudo foi a predição de ncRNAs família-específicos, utilizando o componente RNA da telomerase como objeto de estudo. Este é um importante RNA que, devido à sua alta taxa de mutação, é de difícil identificação. Este RNA ainda não foi identificado em P. falciparum. No entanto, evidências biológicas indicam que este RNA é presente, funcional e deve ser essencial ao parasita, caracterizando-se como um alvo de drogas. Além disso, foi realizado um trabalho preliminar sobre a predição de ncRNAs em geral em P. falciparum utilizando uma abordagem comparativa. / Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been receiving increasing prestige in the last years due to recent and continuous discoveries revealing their diversity and importance. However, the identification of these molecules is still an open problem. In particular, Plasmodium falciparum is a challenge for the ncRNA research, in which few ncRNAs have been identified. P. falciparum is the parasite that causes a lethal human malaria. The discovery of new ncRNAs in this organism may help in the development of new treatments. This work does a research of computational techniques for the ncRNA prediction and, by using P. falciparum as target, proposes a prediction methodology which is also applicable to compositionally biased genomes. The emphasis of this study was the prediction of family-specific ncRNAs, by using the telomerase RNA component as target. This is an important RNA that has a high mutation rate, being difficult to predict. This RNA has not been identified in P. falciparum, yet. However, biological evidences indicate this RNA is present, functional and might be essential for the parasite, being a drug target. In addition, this work presents preliminary results about the prediction of general ncRNAs in P. falciparum by using a comparative approach.
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Molecular Mechanism of RNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Human Cells: A DissertationChu, Chia-Ying 09 October 2008 (has links)
Small non-coding RNAs regulate gene expression at posttranscriptional level in eukaryotic cells. Two classes of such small (~21-25 nt) RNAs that have been extensively studied in gene silencing are short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). RNA interference (RNAi) is process whereby double-stranded RNA induces the sequence-specific degradation of homologous mRNA. The RNAi machinery can also be programmed in human cells by introducing 21-nt siRNA duplexes that are assembled into RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC). In this dissertation, systematic analysis of siRNAs with deletions at the passenger and/or guide strand reveals that a short RNAi trigger, 16-nt siRNA, induces potent RNAi in human cells. The 16-nt siRNA more effectively knocked down mRNA and protein levels than 19-nt siRNA when targeting the endogenous CDK9 gene. In vitro kinetic analysis of human RISC indicates that 16-nt siRNA has a higher RISC-loading capacity than 19-nt siRNA. These results suggest that 16-nt duplexes can be designed as potent triggers for RNAi.
RISC can be programmed by small interfering RNAs (siRISC) to cleave a perfectly complementary target mRNA, or endogenous microRNAs (miRISC) to inhibit translation by binding imperfectly matched sequences in the 3’-untranslated region (3’-UTR) of target mRNA. Both RISCs contain Argonaute2 (Ago2), which localizes to cytoplasmic mRNA processing P-bodies. This dissertation shows that RCK/p54, a DEAD box helicase, interacts with Ago2, in affinity-purified active siRISC or miRISC, facilitates formation of P-bodies. Depletion of RCK/p54 disrupted P-bodies and dispersed Ago2 throughout the cytoplasm, but did not significantly affect siRNA-mediated RNAi. Depleting RCK/p54 releases general and miRNA-induced translational repression. These findings imply that miRISC-mediated translation repression requires RCK/p54, also suggest that location of miRISC to P-bodies is not required for miRNA function, but is the consequence of translation repression.
To elucidate the function of RCK/p54 in miRNA-mediated gene silencing, analysis of a series of YFP-tagged RCK/p54 mutants reveals the motif required for P-body localization, interaction with Ago2, and/or facilitating the miRNA-mediated translation repression. Additionally, rabbit reticulocyte lysate system was used to recapitulate the miRISC function in a cell-free system and confirmed the requirement of RCK/p54 for miRNA function in vitro. Analysis of Ago2 distribution in the polysome profiling in RCK/p54-depleted cells, compared to that in normal cells, revealed that RCK/p54 facilitates miRISC by trapping it at translation initiation complex. These data suggest that interaction of RCK/p54 with Ago2 is involved in the repression of translation initiation of miRNA function.
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