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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaktivní rozhraní pro vzdáleného robota / Interactive Interface for Robot Remote Control

Lokaj, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with the interactive interface for remote controlled robots and examines some of the existing visualization and simulation tools and robotic platforms. It also designs and implements interactive elements suitable for representation of detected objects, such as bounding box or billboard, and proposes interactive elements to eliminate some of the problems associated with remote control of the robot, such as bad perception of distances and the orientation in the environment. The interactive interface is implemented in the Robot Operating System using offered means for visualization, communication and operations management. Graphics primitives are represented by Interactive Markers that, in addition to the visualization, offers also possibilities of interaction. With these markers, a simple tool for controlling the movement of the robot is designed.

Létající robot pro geofyzikální účely / Flying robot for geophysical purposes

Mocek, Jurij January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to propose a construction solution for remote controlled flying machine and to propose way of its management. The work deals with the general way to construct a flying machine with vertical start and concrete solution for construction.

Návrh a realizace řídících systému pro mobilní robot / Proposal and implementation of mobile robots control systems

Krysl, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of autonomous robot with using of the platform ROS. Its goal is to get to know the ROS and use it to implement autonomous control of real robot Leela.

Manipulátor pro skleněné desky / Glass Plates Manipulator

Zach, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The object of this diploma work is to project a manipulator for the chaffs of glass, which will be mounted to the cutting machine RKP 01. The function of this manipulator will be a transposition of the chaffs of glass from the supply table to the haul. This manipulator check by calculations. RPK is the cutting machine for the circular-shaped cutouts, from which the saucers are made. Everything will be operated automatically, position of a handling moulding will be located by the sense organs and everything will be controlled by the automat, which was already designed by the firma FESTO FEC 30.

Développement d'un robot dirigeable pour opération intérieur / Development of a blimp robot for indoor operation

Wang, Yue 15 March 2019 (has links)
Récemment, le robot dirigeable a attiré l'attention de plus en plus des chercheurs grâce à ses avantages par rapport à d'autres aéronefs, tels que la capacité de VTOL, le vol stationnaire et à basse vitesse, une grande autonomie, et une interaction Homme-Robot sûre, etc. Ainsi c'est une plate-forme idéale pour diverses applications d'intérieur. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la modélisation et le contrôle du mouvement d'un robot dirigeable d'intérieur et développons un prototype pour les opérations intérieures comme la surveillance. Le travail est composé de parties théoriques et pratiques. Concernant la partie théorique, d’abord, sous des hypothèses raisonnables, le modèle dynamique à 6-DOF est simplifié et divisé en deux parties indépendantes: le mouvement de l’altitude et le mouvement dans le plan horizontal. Ensuite, à fin d'assurer la précision de la modélisation et du contrôle, le modèle nominal est complété par des termes de perturbation qui sont estimés en temps réel et compensés dans les contrôleurs conçus. Des simulations sont effectuées pour vérifier les performances et la robustesse des contrôleurs. Pour la partie pratique du travail, basée sur l'analyse des fonctionnalités du robot afin de réaliser les applications intérieures souhaitées, le matériel du robot dirigeable est conçu et créé. Enfin, de vrais tests sont effectués sur la plate-forme de robot dirigeable pour la validation des lois de contrôle de mouvement conçues, et des résultats satisfaisants sont obtenus. / Recently, the blimp robot has attracted more and more attentions of the researchers for its advantages compared to other aircrafts, such as ability for VTOL, stationary and low speed flight, long endurance in air and safe Human-Robot interaction, etc. Therefore it is an ideal platform for various indoor applications. In this thesis, we study the modeling and motion control of an indoor blimp robot, and develop a real robot for indoor operations such as the long-term surveillance. The work is composed of both theoretical and practical parts. For the theoretical part, first, under reasonable assumptions, the 6-DOF dynamic model is simplified and divided into two independent parts: the altitude motion and the horizontal plane movement. Then, to ensure the accuracy of modeling and control, the nominal model is complemented with disturbance terms which are estimated in real-time and compensated in the designed controllers. Simulations are carried out to verify the performance and robustness of the controllers. For the practical part of the work, based on the functionality analysis of the robot to achieve desired indoor applications, the hardware of the blimp robot is conceived and created. Finally, real tests are made on the blimp robot platform for the validation of the designed motion control laws, and satisfying results are obtained.

Detecting Changes During the Manipulation of an Object Jointly Held by Humans and RobotsDetektera skillnader under manipulationen av ett objekt som gemensamt hålls av människor och robotar

Reynaga Barba, Valeria January 2015 (has links)
In the last decades research and development in the field of robotics has grown rapidly. This growth has resulted in the emergence of service robots that need to be able to physically interact with humans for different applications. One of these applications involves robots and humans cooperating in handling an object together. In such cases, there is usually an initial arrangement of how the robot and the humans hold the object and the arrangement stays the same throughout the manipulation task. Real-world scenarios often require that the initial arrangement changes throughout the task, therefore, it is important that the robot is able to recognize these changes and act accordingly. We consider a setting where a robot holds a large flat object with one or two humans. The aim of this research project is to detect the change in the number of agents grasping the object using only force and torque information measured at the robot's wrist. The proposed solution involves defining a transition sequence of four steps that the humans should perform to go from the initial scenario to the final one. The force and torque information is used to estimate the grasping point of the agents with a Kalman filter. While the humans are going from one scenario to the other, the estimated point changes according to the step of the transition the humans are in. These changes are used to track the steps in the sequence using a hidden Markov model (HMM). Tracking the steps in the sequence means knowing how many agents are grasping the object. To evaluate the method, humans that were not involved in the training of the HMM were asked to perform two tasks: a) perform the previously defined sequence as is, and b) perform a deviation of the sequence. The results of the method show that it is possible to detect the change between one human and two humans holding the object using only force and torque information.

TVÅVÄGSKOMMUNIKATION MELLAN REVIT OCH ROBOT : Ett steg mot en fulländad BIM‐upplevelse / TWO WAY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN REVIT AND ROBOT : A step towards a complete BIM‐experience

Ljung, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
En stor del av nyproduktion och ombyggnation av byggnader modelleras idag med BIM-verktyg (Building information modeling). Då ingående element i BIM-modellen innehåller mängder med information kan denna modell exporteras för systemanalys i ett externt analysprogram. Målet med denna rapport är att hitta ett mer effektivt tillvägagångssätt för att automatisera återföringen av de dimensionerade elementen från analysprogrammet tillbaka till BIM-modellen. Rapporten demonstrerar en metod som möjliggör en smidig export mellan de två programmen och medför mindre tid och kostnader. Denna tidsbesparing har analyserats och resulterar i en kostnadsjämförelse som jämfördes med den framtagna- och nuvarande arbetsgången. Den framtagna metoden visar sig i rapporten vara väldigt tidseffektivt och kan spara mycket resurser. / The overwhelming majority of new construction projects today are modeled using Building Information modeling. As the input-model in BIM contains a great deal of information, this model can be exported to an external design program in order to analyze the structural strength. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate a method of returning the designed elements back to BIM after being modeled in the external calculation program. The report shows a simple and more effective method than what is being used now. The amount of time that is saved if the new method would be implemented has been calculated and the costs of the old methods have been compared to the demonstrated one. The suggested method in this report has been shown to be very time-efficient and has the ability to save time and reduce project costs.

Sluteffektor med kombinerad gripklo och förbehandlingsutrustning för mjölkningsrobot / End effector with combined CAM and TPM for an automatic milking robot

Bertilsson, Anders January 2016 (has links)
With decreasing financial margins within the dairy industry around the world, the trend of today's dairy producers is an ever-increasing degree of automated milk production. Reasons for this is to reduce labor costs but at the same time to increase the welfare of animals and thus increase milk yield. DeLaval International is a company with long experience and expertise in supplying and producing products for the modern dairy industry. As a step in this development, DeLaval International has launched an automatic milking rotary platform called AMR. This product replaces the heavy, monotonous manual labor by the use of robots. As part of the further development of AMR, this thesis aims to create a new type of robotic tools with the goal to cut the robot’s cycle time and thus increase the overall production rate for the rotary platform. Two concepts of various robotic tools were developed in the form of virtual and physical models. Various engineering tools were used to aid the process such as Morphological matrix, Gantt chart and WBS. Both concepts show possible ways to both clean and attach milk cups onto teats of dairy animals. Concepts meet the requirements that were developed for a robotic tool on AMR. The work provides recommendations for further work to optimize both concepts before any field tests can be performed. Reflections on the process and the result are also presented. / Med minskande ekonomiska marginaler inom mjölkproduktion världen över vänder sig dagens mjölkproducenter mot en ständigt ökande grad av automatiserad mjölkproduktion. Anledningarna är att kunna minska kostnader för arbetskraft och samtidigt kunna öka djurens välmående, på så vis även öka sin avkastning. DeLaval International är ett företag med lång erfarenhet och expertis av att leverera och producera produkter för modern mjölkproduktion. Som ett steg i denna utveckling har DeLaval International lanserat AMR, en automatisk mjölkningskarusell. Denna produkt använder robotar för att ersätta annars tungt, monotont manuellt arbete. Som en del av vidareutvecklingen av AMR gjordes detta examensarbete för att skapa en ny typ av robotverktyg med mål att korta robotens cykeltid och på så vis öka den totala produktionstakten för karusellen. Två koncept av olika robotverktyg togs fram i form av virtuella och fysiska modeller. Olika ingenjörsmässiga verktyg användes för att stötta processen såsom: Morfologisk matris, Gantt schema och WBS. Båda koncepten visar möjliga sätt att både rengöra och montera mjölkkoppar på kor. Båda koncept uppfyller kraven fastställda i den kravspecifikation som framtogs för ett robotverktyg till en AMR-karusell. Arbetet ger reflektioner och rekommendationer till arbete som kan göras för att förbättra koncepten innan ett eventuellt fälttest kan genomföras.

Support Vector Machine Algorithm applied to Industrial Robot Error Recovery / Support Vector Machine algoritm tillämpad inom felhantering på industrirobotar

Lau, Cidney January 2015 (has links)
A Machine Learning approach for error recovery in an industrial robot for the plastic mold industry isproposed in this master thesis project. The goal was to improve the present error recovery method byproviding a learning algorithm to the system instead of using the traditional algorithm-based control.The chosen method was the Support Vector Machine (SVM) due to the robustness and the goodgeneralization performance in real-world applications. Furthermore, SVM generates good classifierseven with a minimal number of training examples. In production, there will be no need for a humanoperator to train the SVM with hundreds or thousands of training examples to achieve goodgeneralization. The advantage with SVM is that good accuracy can be achieved with only a couple oftraining examples if the training examples are well designed.Firstly, the algorithm proposed was evaluated experimentally. The experiments consisted of correcthandling of classification performance on training examples, which was a hand-coded data set createdwith defined in- and output signals. Secondly, the results from the experiments were tested in asimulated environment. By using only a few training examples the SVM reached perfect performance.In conclusion, SVM is a good tool for classification and a suitable method for error recovery on theindustrial robot for the plastic mold industry. / En maskininlärningsstrategi för felhantering på industrirobotar inom plastformindustrin presenteras idetta examensarbete. Målet var att förbättra den nuvarande felhanteringen genom att applicera eninlärningsalgoritm istället för det traditionella förprogrammerade systemet till roboten. Den valdametoden är Support Vector Machine (SVM), då SVM är en robust metod som ger bra prestanda iverkliga tillämpningar. SVM genererar bra klassificerare även med ett minimalt antal träningsexempel.Fördelen med SVM är att god precision kan uppnås med bara ett par träningsexempel förutsatt attträningsexemplen är väldesignade. Detta betyder att operatörerna i produktionen inte behöver tränahundratals eller tusentals träningsexempel med SVM för att uppnå en god generalisering.I projektet utvärderasdes SVM metoden experimentellt varefter den testades i ett simuleringsprogram.Resultatet visade att SVM metoden gav en perfekt precision med hjälp av endast ett fåtal träningsdata.En slutsats från denna studie är att SVM är en bra metod för klassificering och lämplig för felhanteringpå industrirobotar inom plastindustrin.

Implementering av Human Robot Collaboration i line feedingen i fordonsindustrins monteringprocess : En fallstudie på Scania CV AB Oskarshamn / Implementation of Human Robot Collaboration in line feeding in automotive industry assembly process : A case study at Scania CV AB Oskarshamn

Anderfors, Tilly, Bjuringer, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Background: For several decades companies have had their focus on automation and to make the processes more effective. Today's companies are thinking about how to streamline and automate processes with upcoming new technology. A new way to automate processes is to use automation in combination with employees, this can be done with the help of HRC. At the moment HRC is something that Scania CV AB would like to have in order to be able to automate and improve its working methods. Scania CV AB want to investigate how HRC can be used most effectively as a step in their automation and digitization roadmap. Research questions: 1. What are the advantages, limitations and requirements for human robot collaboration to be able to be implemented in line feeding in the automotive industry's assembly process? 2. In which activity at Scania CV AB Oskarshamn truck cab assembly factory in line feeding could human robot collaboration be implemented and why? 3. What can an implementation process look like for human robot collaboration in the selected activity at Scania Oskarshamn's truck cab assembly factory? Purpose: The purpose of the work has been to discuss the advantages limitations and requirements of implementing human robot collaboration in line feeding in the automotive industry. Furthermore, a decision basis has been produced in the work to implement human robot collaboration as a step in that Scania CV AB wants to automate and improve its working methods. With the help of the decision basis, a suitable activity has emerged. An implementation model has been created for the selected activity at Scania CV AB Oskarshamn.  Implementation: This work is a case study at Scania CV AB in Oskarshamn. The authors have used goal-directed selection and snowball selection where semi-structured and unstructured interviews have been conducted. The work has used the deductive approach and used the qualitative research as method Conclusion: In this case study, three research questions have been analyzed. The first research question is aimed at the entire automotive industry, while the other two are aimed at Scania CV AB, however, all three research questions can provide value to stakeholders both internally at Scania CV AB and externally. The first research question has discussed the advantages, limitations and requirements for implementing HRC. Furthermore, in connection with the work’s second research question, a decision basis has been produced for the classification of suitable articles to be handled by HRC. Finally, the third research question has led to the development of an implementation model for activity for the selected article. Contributions/value: This work has contributed to both theoretical and contributions in the form of the authors having developed an implementation model that can be used by both Scania CV AB and other companies in the automotive industry. It also contributes by giving stakeholders a broader perspective, including benefits, limitations and requirements that should be borne in mind when implementing HRC.

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