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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisational challenges: the boundary spanning role of divisions of general practice in Victoria, 1993-2006

O'Hara, Denise Anne January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study investigates the evolving role of Divisions of General Practice (Divisions) in linking general practitioners (GPs) and general practice with the wider health sector in Australia. The work draws on boundary role theory within organisations, integration theories, empirical research on service integration involving general practice, and structural interests theory to develop the conceptual framework on which the research was based. The data for the research came from both documentary and interview sources that gave voice to Divisions in the state of Victoria, Australia. The documents used represented the core working documents of Divisions, and the semi-structured interviews involved 30 key informants, these being leaders in all Victorian Divisions.

Regarding gender relations: Gender identity or gender interaction styles? / A propósito de las relaciones de género: ¿identidad genérica o estilos de interacción de géneros?

Bazán Ramírez, Aldo 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study discusses sorne assumptions from the social determinism in the construction of gender roles, gender-typed identities, and gender relarions inequities. Ir is proposed that gender sryles of interaction are relatively invariant forms or dispositions related ro specific contexts of social interaction. Iris not enough ro say that socialization factors such as the family, school, mass media, and rhe inirial social group relations generare a typed gender identity or gender seggregation, but it is also necessary ro make explicit how preferences, beliefs and interaction sryles are structured according ro rhose factors and how these interactive tendencies are built u pon social interaction situations as part of a developmental process. / En el presente trabajo se discuten algunos supuestos del determinismo social en la construcción de roles de género e identidades genéricas estereotipadas y de desigualdad en las relaciones intergéneros. Se propone que los estilos de interacción de los géneros se constituyen como formas o disposiciones relativamente invariantes en relación a contextos particulares de interacción social. No es suficiente afirmar que los factores de socialización y las primeras relaciones en grupo social, generan una identidad genérica estereotipada o de segregación de géneros, sino que es necesario también explicitar el cómo se estructuran preferencias, creencias y estilos de interacción de acuerdo a tales factores y, cómo estas tendencias interactivas se constituyen a partir de situaciones de interacción social y como proceso de desarrollo.

Mamá, ¿ya estás viniendo? Varones y mujeres proveedores de recursos y cuidados / Are you coming home mom? Men and woman as household providers and caretakers

Valdivia Santa Cruz, Segundo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyses how labor, family and labor-family relationships have changed recently in Peru and analyses also their effects on the household division of work in families where both parents perceive salaries. Our findings focus on: a) the roles of both parents (male and female) as household providers and their views on parenting, b) the scheduling of family activities and labor flexibility, c) the tensions in labor-family relationships d) the social practices related to domestic activities and childcare and e) the struggles for power in daily interactions related to the division of labor. / Hemos investigado cómo los cambios por los que han pasado en los últimos tiempos el trabajo, la familia y la relación trabajo-familia han afectado a su vez a la relación y la división entre el trabajo remunerado y el trabajo familiar o doméstico de cuidados, sobre todo en familias donde tanto el varón como la mujer tienen trabajos remunerados. Nuestros principales hallazgos y reflexiones están relacio- nados con: (i) los roles del varón y la mujer: en la proveeduría de recursos, la maternidad y paternidad;(ii) la organización del tiempo en las familias y las condiciones de flexibilidad en los trabajos; (iii) las tensiones en la relación trabajo-familia / (iv) las prácticas en las tareas domésticas y de cuidados, y (v) las confrontaciones de poder en la interacción cotidiana para la realización de la división del trabajo.

Resan genom ett könsindelat Neverland : -en analys av J.M Barries Peter Pan, med fokus på genusframställningen i förhållande till läroplanen för grundskolans f-3

Persson, Isabella January 2017 (has links)
This  essay  analyses  J.M Barries  classic   novel  Peter Pan (1911). It was a story  first   produced as a play but later turned into a novel. The purpose of this essay is to analyse how six different characters are portrayed  in  relation  to  the  different  gender  roles  in  the  book. With  help  from these  portrayals  I have  been able  to  analyse   the  social  production  of gender  in  Peter Pan. I also discuss how  Peter Pan can be used  for  educational  purposes,  this  is  done  with  a background  to the  fundamental  values  from  the curriculum  and  the Swedish   Course’ssyllabus. The essay  is  based on Lena  Kårelands  (2015) and  Maria  Nikolajevas (2013) description  of different  gender  roles  in  children’s  literature.  The  result  in  this  analysis   is  that the gender roles in Peter Pan are not that different from what  could  be expected at the time  it  was written,  but  it  can be used  for  educational  purposes  as a point  of departure  when discussing different gender  roles.  It can also  be used  in  subject  integration  in  for  example English   as reading  aloud  to the pupils.

An Analysis of Pants Roles in Opera

Pickard, Jonna 01 May 2019 (has links)
This document assesses the introduction of pants roles in opera and includes a historical overview to understand the background of these roles. This dramatic conceit concentrates on the development of the operatic art form from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. In Italy during the seventeenth century, the castrato voice, which had been a crucial aspect of church music, was now developing a position in opera. Within this document, the castrati’s transition from sacred music to the opera, where lies the bulk of their success, will be studied. As opera expands rapidly throughout the music scene, the demand of singers, specifically castratis, grew. The document will also deal with the introduction of castrati operatic roles. Gluck’s “Orfeo ed Euridice" is analyzed. Gluck’s opera exhausted several editions and demonstrates how the role Orfeo, as well as other castrati roles, evolved once castrato slowly went extinct. The terms referring to cross-dressing roles, and their specific repertoire, as well as the process in which women came to assume these roles will also be discussed. The shift from male to female in operatic repertoire is examined, as well as the traditional pants role for women in opera. The document will also discuss the pants role Cherubino as an example. This is the embodiment of a young boy in love, experiencing the admiration of a woman for the first time, as well as the vulnerability of his feelings for a woman. Cherubino’s arias are analyzed as well as a description and explanation of his possible intentions while singing his arias will communicate the subtext of the character. This document also discusses similar characters in Italian and French repertoire. The German repertoire for pants roles is separately presented and is based on the role of Octavian in Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier. It is interesting that although the roles of Octavian and Cherubino were developed centuries apart, it is possible to compare similarities between the characters, from their creation, librettists’ perception and the composers’ execution in their compositions. This analysis was intended to exhibit the evolution of the pants role in opera and how writing current pieces for women in pants is an entirely different challenge as it was in previous centuries. In an attempt to expose different viewpoints on the subject, these questions will be addressed. The characters addressed so far are the pants; when a woman represents a male character. Meanwhile, there is a discussion about how a pants roles should be classified, although the pants role is the representation of a man played by a woman, she is not attempting to convince the audience that she is a man. The alteration of sex of a character when it is visible to the audience, and the conversation of categorizing a pants role; for example, the role of Leonore in Beethoven’s Fidelio, is debatable.

Satisfacción con la vida y rol de género femenino en mujeres de una empresa bancaria peruana / Satisfaction with life and the role of female gender in women of a Peruvian banking company

Carreras Gamarra, Maria Fernanda, Chang Michelena, Sofia Carolina 19 February 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en identificar la relación entre la satisfacción con la vida y rol de género femenino en mujeres que trabajan en una entidad bancaria. Se utilizó un modelo cuantitativo, no experimental de tipo correlacional en una muestra conformada por 154 mujeres entre los 18 y 56 años que se encontraban contratadas y laborando en la agencia seleccionada de la entidad bancaria. Se utilizó la Escala de satisfacción con la vida de Pavot y Diener (1993), versión traducida al español por Atienza et al. (2000). Además del Inventario de roles sexuales de Sandra Bem (1971), versión traducida por Raguz en 1991. Los resultados demostraron que existe una relación entre ambas variables, pero no significativa. Se discuten los resultados desde las implicancias de la psicología positiva. / The objective of the present study was to identify the relationship between satisfaction with life and the role of women working in a bank. This investigation used a quantitative, correlative and non-experimental model. The sample was made by 154 women between 18 and 56 years old who were hired and working in the selected agency of the bank. The Satisfaction with Life Scale of Pavot and Diener (1993), translated version into Spanish by Atienza et al. (2000), and the Inventory of Sexual Roles of Sandra Bem (1971), translated version by Raguz in 1991 were used. The results showed that there is a relationship between both variables, but not significant. The results are discussed from the implications of positive psychology. / Tesis

¿El estilo de liderazgo está influenciado por el género? / Is leadership style influenced by gender?

Mosquera Portuguez, Cesar 24 August 2019 (has links)
A lo largo de las últimas décadas se ha escrito mucho acerca de los estilos de liderazgo que tienen tanto hombres como mujeres y el cómo estos van adquiriendo distintos matices con el pasar de los años y las nuevas generaciones. En este documento se realizará una breve descripción de los conceptos relacionados a los roles de género y liderazgo, así como los estereotipos vinculados a ellos. Además se abordará acerca de la brecha de género que se presenta en el liderazgo organizacional y las iniciativas o medidas que se están adoptando en los últimos años para contrarrestar aquellas desigualdades. Asimismo, en el presente trabajo se conocerán de manera sintetizada las posiciones que sostienen que el estilo de liderazgo está influenciado por el género, como aquellas que afirman que son variables independientes. No hay acuerdo respecto a que exista un estilo definido de liderazgo según el género de procedencia. Incluso, de acuerdo a investigaciones de los últimos años ha surgido una manera de liderar que adopta rasgos estereotipados de ambos géneros: el liderazgo andrógino. Sin embargo, la influencia del género en el estilo de liderazgo podría estar dada por los estereotipos de género, que aún persisten, los cuales regularían la conducta y el estilo de gestión de los líderes. / Over the last few decades much has been written about the leadership styles of both men and women and how they acquire different nuances over the years and with the passing of new generations. This document will briefly describe the concepts related to gender and leadership roles, as well as the stereotypes associated with them. It will also address the gender gap in organizational leadership and the initiatives or measures that have been taken in recent years to counter those inequalities. Likewise, in this paper we will synthesize the positions that maintain that leadership style is influenced by gender, as well as those that affirm that they are independent variables. There is no agreement that there is a defined style of leadership according to the gender of origin. In fact, according to research in recent years, a way of leading has emerged that adopts stereotypical features of both genders: androgynous leadership. However, the influence of gender on leadership style could be given by gender stereotypes, which still persist, which would regulate the behaviour and management style of leaders. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Doctor of Nursing Practice Roles in Academia

Raisor, Jodi Renee 01 January 2019 (has links)
Over 15,000 master’s and doctoral degree students in the United States were denied admission to nursing schools in 2014 because of insufficient nursing faculty. In 2016, over 64,000 undergraduate and graduate students were unable to gain admission to nursing school due to the effects of faculty shortages. This project explored the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-prepared nurse in academic settings using a systematic review of the literature to determine the role of DNP-prepared nurses in academia. Souza’s systematic review model and Melnyk’s levels of evidence were used to guide the search, review, and the selection of scholarly articles published between 2005 to 2019. A chart of preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses chart was used to organize and select 14 articles meeting the review criteria and included in the analysis. Four themes emerged from the analysis of literature: role in academia from the dean’s and director’s perspective, DNP role as a teacher, preparation for faculty role, and leaving the faculty role. Confusion over the role of the DNP in academia was also identified as a factor affecting DNPs in academic practice settings; however, DNPprepared nurses have the clinical experience, knowledge, and skills to provide evidence-based teaching and fill the gap in practice needed in academic settings. This project may promote positive social change by raising awareness of the role of the DNP in academia to reduce the faculty shortage.

El caso de Rosario Ponce contra el mundo: discursos de espectacularización y representaciones de género en la prensa sensacionalista peruana / The case of Rosario Ponce against the world: the spectacularization of discourse and gender representations in Peruvian tabloids

Morey Obispo, Alessandra Daniela 13 July 2020 (has links)
El poder de los medios para crear discursos acerca de un hecho noticioso es bastante conocido. El tratamiento que un medio periodístico le de a una noticia es la forma en la que los ciudadanos reciben y perciben esta información. Muchas veces, la prensa, cae en prácticas que se alejan de la ética periodística como es la transformación de un hecho a un espectáculo. Asimismo, replican en estos discursos representaciones y estereotipos que se originan en la sociedad y que son llevados a los medios de comunicación. En la siguiente investigación abordaremos estas cuestiones analizando lo ocurrido en el caso de Ciro Castillo y Rosario Ponce acerca de procesos de espectacularización de la noticia y roles de género. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio cualitatitvo en el que se analizarán desde la perspectiva del discurso periodístico las notas web publicadas en el portal de Diario Ojo acerca del caso. Los principales hallazgos recaen en la forma en la que se construyó la imagen de Rosario en la prensa basado en cuestiones morales y de género, y en la subordinación del rol femenino a la figura masculina. También, reflexionaremos acerca de las implicancias tanto sociales como periodísticas que llevan consigo la espectacularización de un hecho y cómo se va desestimando el valor del rigor en el ejercicio periodístico. / The power of the media to create discourses about a news event is well known. The treatment that a press media gives to a news is the way in which citizens receive and perceive this information. Many times, the press falls into practices that are far from journalistic ethics, such as the transformation of a fact into a show. Also, representations and stereotypes that originate in society, are carried to the media and they are also replicated in these discourses. In the following investigation, we will address these problems by analyzing what happened in the case of Ciro Castillo and Rosario Ponce about the process of news spectacularization and gender roles. For this, a qualitative study was carried out in which the web notes published on the Diario Ojo portal on the case will be analyzed from the perspective of the journalistic discourse. The main findings of this work are the way Rosario's image was built in the press based on moral and gender issues, and also in the subordination of the female role to the male figure. In addition, we will reflect on the social and journalistic implications that the spectacularization of information entails and how the value of rigor in journalistic practice is discarded. / Trabajo de investigación

Roles and Relationships in Learning and Teaching: A Case Study of the Development and Worldwide Implementation of a New Religious Curriculum

Hawkley, Melissa Noel 07 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This in-depth case study examines perceptions of teacher and learner roles and relationships that were the basis for common understanding in the creation and implementation of the new youth curriculum, Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The assumptions and beliefs of teachers and learners directly influence each other in their perception of their roles and thus, directly influence the type of teaching and learning they engage in. The curriculum was intentionally designed to help members of the Church teach and learn for conversion. Teachers who understand both their role and that of the learners, can invite this type of learning through their teaching. Reciprocity of roles, living what you teach, and principle-based teaching, all contribute to correct perceptions of roles and relationships. Teacher councils—where participants counsel together, look for the good in each other's teaching, practice, and then reflect— help facilitate a climate where teachers risk and try new things, break out of old paradigms of misperceptions of roles and relationships, and move toward an effective teacher role.

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