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3D mental visualization in architectural designYagmur-Kilimci, Elif Sezen 30 July 2010 (has links)
Many architects report about mentally visualizing 3D aspects of their design ideas while simply working with 2D sketches of them. Indeed, in architecture, the general practice of conveying 3D building information by means of 2D drawings bears on the assumptions that every architect can mentally visualize a building in 3D by looking at its 2D drawings or sketches and that architects, as many report, can capture the 3D aspects of a building design during such 3D mental visualization practices. Additionally, many intuitively believe that the levels at which architects perform such 3D mental visualization practices is highly correlated to their spatial visualization abilities as defined by existing measures of spatial visualization ability. This thesis presents the outcomes of protocol studies and analyses that were conducted with the aim of developing an in-depth understanding about such 3D mental visualization practices and capabilities of architects on the basis of four research questions. First, what might be the nature of the 3D mental visualization phenomena that architects claim to experience: what are the features of these 3D mental visualizations as evidenced in specific tasks; and what might be the nature of the mental representations created during these visualization processes? Second, can every architect carry out these 3D mental visualization practices; might there be individual differences among architects' performances? Third, might 3D mental visualization of buildings be only an architectural skill; can non-architects, who can read 2D architectural drawings, visualize a building in 3D based on its 2D drawings and can they do so to the same levels of performance of those of architects? Fourth, might performance in 3D mental visualization tasks be related to/predicted by spatial visualization ability? The major conclusions of this thesis with regard to the first research question include that (1) architects can be visualizing the buildings in one of the two major forms or by alternatively switching between them: by imagining themselves situated within (almost) the actual size 3D building environment or by imagining a 3D small scale model of the building; (2) the mental representations they create during these visualization processes capture the various visual and spatial aspects of the buildings with a structure similar to that of an actual size or small scale model of the visualized space/form, yet the way they capture these aspects is not like the way these aspects would be captured from a certain viewpoint in reality; and (3) what they experience during these visualization processes is not like the continuous holistic visuospatial experience that one would have when looking at a building or walking inside/around a building. With regard to the second, third and fourth research questions this thesis concludes that (question 2) architects differ in their 3D mental visualization skills; (question 3) 3D mental visualization is an architectural skill in that it relies on certain abilities that become heightened in architects, possibly during education; and (question 4) 3D mental visualization skills are not related to spatial visualization ability as defined by the standard paper-folding test of spatial visualization ability.
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Signal constellations of a retrodirective array phase modulatorKoo, Gregory Andre 05 April 2011 (has links)
A quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) retrodirective array phase modulator (RAPM) was designed and fabricated to characterize its backscatter signal constellation when placed near objects with varying conductivities and relative permittivities. The signal constellations produced when the RAPM was placed near objects were compared to a constellation in free space to determine relative magnitude and phase changes. When conductors and high permittivity dielectrics were placed close behind the RAPM, constellation points were found to shrink in magnitude by up to twenty percent and shift in phase by up to eight degrees. When conductors were placed between the RAPM and an interrogator, the signal constellation was found to collapse, shrinking by up to 95.6 percent. For materials similar to free space, minimal constellation shrinkage resulted, but signal constellation rotation by up to 68 degrees occurred. The power consumption of a RAPM was also characterized and found to decrease as the number of bits per symbol increased. This result demonstrates that in comparison to conventional backscatter tags, which implement one bit per symbol, the RAPM can implement a greater number of bits per symbol, reduce its power consumption, and increase its range in a passive backscatter communication system. To characterize the beamwidth of the RAPM's retrodirective array, a radar cross section (RCS) measurement of the RAPM was performed over a scan angle range of -90 to +90 degrees. The structural component generated by the RAPM's patch antenna ground plane was found to dominate the antenna mode of the retrodirective array. As a result, a novel homodyne receiver based RCS measurement was performed to filter out the structural RCS component and measure the pure antenna mode of the RAPM.
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Energiefruchtfolgen für D-Südstandorte - Entwicklung und Optimierung von standortangepassten Anbausystemen für Energiepflanzen im Fruchtfolgeregime auf D-SüdstandortenRöhricht, Christian, Freydank, Sven, Schröder, Stefan 26 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Das Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie untersuchte auf einem D-Südstandort in der Dübener Heide acht verschiedene Fruchtfolgen mit Energiepflanzen zur Biogasproduktion. Untersucht wurde die Ertrags- und Biogasleistung.
Für die Region wird empfohlen, den Anbau in fünfgliedrigen Fruchtfolgen vorzunehmen. Als ertragsstarke und ertragsstabile Energiepflanzen haben sich dabei Energiemais, Sudangras, Zuckerhirse und Kartoffeln bewährt. Sie sollten zu 30 bis maximal 60 % in der Fruchtfolge berücksichtigt werden. Von ökologischem (Humushaushalt) und ökonomischem Vorteil ist dabei der Aufbau von Fruchtfolgesystemen, die sowohl leistungsstarke Energiepflanzen als auch Nahrungspflanzen enthalten.
Die leistungsfähigsten Fruchtfolgevarianten erreichen kumulative Trockenmasseerträge von 370 bis zu 430 dt TM/ha. Theoretische Methanleistungen von insgesamt 12.000 m³ Methan/ha sind möglich.
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La modélisation des oscillations d'étoiles en rotation rapideReese, Daniel 30 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie de manière précise les effets de la rotation rapide sur les oscillations stellaires. Les méthodes précédentes étaient inadéquates par rapport aux exigences de l'astérosismologie, soit parce qu'elles prenaient en compte de manière perturbative la rotation, ce qui les limite à de faibles vitesses de rotation, soit à cause d'une précision numérique insuffisante. Pour répondre à ces difficultés, on développe ici une approche complète basée sur l'utilisation de méthodes spectrales et d'un système de coordonnées qui s'adapte à la forme aplatie de l'étoile. On calcule alors des modes acoustiques et des fréquences propres de modèles polytropiques d'étoiles en rotation uniforme. À partir des résultats obtenus, on établit, pour la première fois, des domaines de validité des méthodes perturbatives. On analyse, par ailleurs, l'organisation asymptotique du spectre de fréquences et la structure géométrique des modes de pulsations à des vitesses de rotation élevées.
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La modélisation des oscillations d'étoiles en rotation rapideReese, Daniel 30 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie de manière précise les effets de la rotation rapide sur les oscillations stellaires. Les méthodes précédentes étaient inadéquates par rapport aux exigences de l'astérosismologie, soit parce qu'elles prenaient en compte de manière perturbative la rotation, ce qui les limite à de faibles vitesses de rotation, soit à cause d'une précision numérique insuffisante. Pour répondre à ces difficultés, on développe ici une approche complète basée sur l'utilisation de méthodes spectrales et d'un système de coordonnées qui s'adapte à la forme aplatie de l'étoile. On calcule alors des modes acoustiques et des fréquences propres de modèles polytropiques d'étoiles en rotation uniforme. À partir des résultats obtenus, on établit, pour la première fois, des domaines de validité des méthodes perturbatives. On analyse, par ailleurs, l'organisation asymptotique du spectre de fréquences et la structure géométrique des modes de pulsations à des vitesses de rotation élevées.
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Calculs formels assistés par ordinateur pour les transformations de contact: dérivation systématique des Hamiltoniens effectifs rovibrationnels à partir des surfaces d'énergie potentielleSeghir, Habib Tyuterev, Vladimir. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse doctorat : Physique : Reims : 2004. / Titre provenant de l'écran titre. Bibliogr. : 178ref.
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Occurrence of diseases and insect pests in select soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) rotations in MississippiPichardo, Sergio Tomás, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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The role of rotation and magnetic fields in a core collapse supernovaAkiyama, Shizuka 05 August 2013 (has links)
While the process that converts implosion into explosion in core collapse supernovae is poorly understood, their observed asphericity provides new constraints on the physics of these events. Since pulsars are rotating and magnetized neutron stars, there is no doubt that rotation and magnetic fields are inherent to the exploding engine. We have shown that magnetic field amplification is an inevitable by-product of the differential rotation that accompanies core-collapse. We performed 1D core-collapse simulations of rotating iron cores with various rotational profiles and velocities. We found that differential rotation was a generic feature of rotating iron core collapse. As a result, the magnetorotational instability (MRI) generates magnetic fields of order 10¹⁵⁻¹⁷ G in a few tens of milliseconds where the negative shear is the strongest. Although magnetic fields of order 10¹⁵⁻¹⁷ G are very strong, they are not strong enough to modify the equation of state of degenerate electron gas near the proto-neutron star. The corresponding MHD luminosity available is ~10⁵² erg s⁻¹, which can modify the explosion dynamics if the power is sustained for a fraction of a second. When rotational effects are included, we found that there is a critical iron core rotation rate that gives the most rapidly rotating proto-neutron star, faster than which the rotational velocity of the proto-neutron star decreases due to centrifugal support. This non-monotonic behavior of post-collapse core rotation suggests that the progenitor of the most rapidly rotating proto-neutron star is not the most rapidly rotating iron core, but that those iron cores with nearly the critical initial rotation rate may produce the maximum proto-neutron star rotation, the strongest magnetic fields, and the most robust supernova explosions. Even small rotation may induce non-axisymmetric instabilities, which drive magneto-acoustic flux in to the mantle, transporting enegy out of the proto-neutron star to the region near the stalled shock. Further implications for rotation and magnetic fields, pulsars and magnetars, and jet formation mechanisms are discussed. / text
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Superluminous supernovae : theory and observationsChatzopoulos, Emmanouil 25 October 2013 (has links)
The discovery of superluminous supernovae in the past decade challenged our understanding of explosive stellar death. Subsequent extensive observations of superluminous supernova light curves and spectra has provided some insight for the nature of these events. We present observations of one of the most luminous self-interacting supernovae ever observed, the hydrogen-rich SN 2008am discovered by the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment Supernova Verification Project with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope located in the McDonald Observatory. We provide theoretical modeling of superluminous supernova light curves and fit the models to a number of observed events and similar transients in order to understand the mechanism that is responsible for the vast amounts of energy emitted by these explosions. The models we investigate include deposition of energy due to the radioactive decays of massive amounts of nickel-56, interaction of supernova ejecta with a dense circumstellar medium and magnetar spin-down. To probe the nature of superluminous supernovae progenitor stars we study the evolution of massive stars, including important effects such as rotation and magnetic fields, and perform multi-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations of the resulting explosions. The effects of rotational mixing are also studied in solar-type secondary stars in cataclysmic variable binary star systems in order to provide an explanation for some carbon-depleted examples of this class. We find that most superluminous supernovae can be explained by violent interaction of the SN ejecta with >1 Msun dense circumstellar shells ejected by the progenitor stars in the decades preceding the SN explosion. / text
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Dissecting Motor Adaptation in Visually Guided Reaching MovementsWu, Howard Gwohow 06 November 2012 (has links)
Movement is essential to human life because it provides us with the freedom of mobility and the power to affect our surroundings. Moreover, movements are vital to communication: from hand and finger movements when writing, mouth and throat movements when speaking, to painting, dancing, and other forms of artistic self expression. As people grow and experience new environments, adaptively maintaining the accuracy of movements is a critical function of the motor system. In this dissertation, I explore the key mechanisms that underlie the adaptability of simple visually guided reaching movements. I specifically focus on two key facets of this adaptability: how motor learning rate can be predicted by motor variability and how motor learning affects the mechanisms which underlie movement planning. Inspired by reinforcement learning, I hypothesized that greater amounts of motor variability aligned with a task will produce more effective exploration, leading to faster learning rates. I discovered that this relationship predicts person-to-person and task-to-task differences in learning rate for both reward-based and error-based learning tasks. Moreover, I found that the motor system actively and enduringly reshapes motor output variability, aligning it with a task to improve learning. These results indicate that the structure of motor variability is an activelyregulated, critical feature of the motor system which plays a fundamental role in determining motor learning ability. Combining prominent theories in motor control, I created a model which describes the planning of visually guided reaching movements. This model computes a weighted average of two independent feature-based motor plans: one based on the goal location of a movement, and the other based on an intended movement vector. Employing this model to characterize the generalization of adaptation to movements and movement sequences, I find that both features, movement vector and goal location, contribute significantly to movement planning, and that each feature is remapped by motor adaptation. My results show that multiple features contribute to the planning of both point-to-point and sequential reaching movements. Moreover, a computational model which is based on the remapping of multiple features accurately predicts how visuomotor adaptation affects the planning of movement sequences. / Engineering and Applied Sciences
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