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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renewable Energy Market for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: Country Case Nepal

Mainali, Brijesh January 2011 (has links)
The availability of abundant renewable resources, lack of fossil fuels and difficult geographical terrain for grid line extensions contribute to the advantages of renewable based decentralized rural electrification in Ne-pal. Solar home system (SHS) and micro-hydro are the most commonly adopted off-grid renewable energy technologies in the country. This dis-sertation examines the market of renewable energy based rural electrifi-cation within prevailing policy and programmes framework. The study verifies whether the market has been able to serve the poor in Nepal. It also captures the perception of various stakeholders (e.g. private sup-ply/installation companies, NGOs, financial institutions and the donor‘s programme) regarding the business, financing issues and the role of gov-ernment policy on the market development. In addition, the study dis-cusses and analyses renewable based rural electrification supply models, the economics behind rural electrification, market drivers and market distribution in the rural areas of Nepal. The financial mix in the off-grid rural electrification is generally charac-terized by subsidy, equity and credit. The study shows that awareness about renewable energy technologies and willingness to pay for electricity access has increased considerably. However, there is a huge financial gap between the cost of electrification and affordability among the poor. The distribution analysis shows there is significant increment in the extensive growth but decrease in the intensive growth rate of rural electrification thus indicating market expansion with uneven penetration among the ru-ral people. Solar PV technology is still not in the reach of the economic poor. Access to credit and cumbersome subsidy delivery mechanisms have been perceived as the major factors affecting the expansion of rural electrification by the stakeholders, requiring innovation in the credit and subsidy delivery system so that a larger rural population can be given ac-cess to electrification. / QC 20110502

Analysis of Microgrid Electrification on Phaluai Island : A Minor Field Study in Thailand

Walldén, Leontina, Wahlberg, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Similar to numerous other nations, Thailand aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and increasing the amount of renewable energy sources in electricity generation. The objective of the Thai Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) is to ensure electricity access for all Thai households and villages. The expansion of electricity production to small islands raises concerns about economic and environmental impact. Electricity accessibility on Thai islands is significantly limited due to difficulties of extending the electrical grid, as well as the comparatively higher costs associated with grid access in remote areas, in contrast to the mainland. One way to mitigate energy losses and emissions is by promoting decentralized electricity production and adopting renewable energy sources. Microgrids provide a solution that addresses these aspects, making them an attractive option to meet the growing demand of electricity sustainably in rural areas. This study examines the electricity situation in Thailand through a literature review of the current status of electricity and microgrid electrification. The case study then evaluates economic and environmental aspects of a microgrid project planned for Phaluai island, which has been chosen by the Ministry of Energy as a pilot project for the "Green Island" initiative, part of the "Reducing the Global Warming for King" campaign. The objective of the “Green Island” project is partly to promote clean energy on Phaluai. The study aims to optimize a microgrid design for Phaluai to compare with the proposed PEA project design, which includes a battery energy storage system, diesel generator, converter and solar power plant. However, the optimization also includes the potential use of wind turbine generators and biogas as additional fuel in the generator. To determine the optimal design, economical methods such as Net Present Cost (NPC) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), as well as environmental methods such as renewable fraction and CO2 emissions, are employed. These calculations are carried out using the HOMER Pro software. The results reveal that the optimal dimension for the microgrid includes 1,250 kW of solar PV, 300 kW generator, 500 kW converter and 1,925 kW of batteries, resulting in an NPC of 5.75 million USD and LCOE of 0.393 USD/kWh. Moreover, the microgrid demonstrates a renewable fraction of 89.6 % and CO2 emissions of 121,000 kg/year. Compared to the PEA proposed design, the obtained results have lower CO2 emissions and LCOE while higher NPC and renewable fraction. The optimized system also has more installed kW PV and battery than the PEA project plan. In the sensitivity analysis, the following variables are evaluated: electric load, diesel fuel price, discount rate, inflation rate, wind turbine price and biomass resources. All variables except wind turbine price affect the result in the form of changes in NPC, LCOE, CO2 emissions and renewable fraction. For some variable changes, e.g electric load, the optimal size of PV and batteries are also affected. In those cases, the optimal size for PV is instead 1,000 kW and for batteries, either 1,650 or 2,200 kW capacity. / Likt flera andra länder, strävar Thailand mot att nå koldioxidneutralitet till år 2050 genom att minska beroendet av fossila bränslen och öka mängden förnybara energikällor i elproduktionen. Samtidigt har Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) målet att säkerställa tillgången till elektricitet för alla thailändska hushåll och byar. Utbyggnaden av elproduktion till små öar medför en osäkerhet kring ekonomisk och miljömässig påverkan. Tillgängligheten till elektricitet är på vissa thailändska öar avsevärt begränsad på grund av svårigheter kopplade till utbyggnaden av det nationella elnätet, såväl som de högre kostnaderna för utbyggnation av elnät i avlägsna områden, jämfört med fastlandet. Ett sätt att minska energiförluster och utsläpp är genom att främja decentraliserad elproduktion samt utnyttja förnybara energikällor. Microgrids är en lösning som tar hänsyn till dessa aspekter, vilket gör det till ett attraktivt alternativ för att, på ett hållbart sätt, möta en växande efterfrågan på el i mer avlägsna områden. Studien undersöker elsituationen i Thailand genom en litteraturstudie som redogör för den nuvarande statusen för elektricitet i landet samt microgrids. Fallstudien utvärderar ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter av implementering av en microgrid på ön Phaluai, som har valts ut av Ministry of Energy som pilotprojekt för initiativet "Green Island", en del av kampanjen "Reducing the Global Warming for King". Målet med "Green Island"- projektet är bland annat att främja grön energi på Phaluai. Studien syftar till att optimera en microgrid för Phaluai och jämföra med den av PEA föreslagna microgriddesignen, som inkluderar ett batterienergilagringssystem, dieselgenerator, växelriktare samt solcellspark. Optimeringen som genomförs inkluderar dock även möjlig användning av vindkraftsgeneratorer och biogas som ytterligare bränsle i generatorn. För att bestämma den optimala storleken används ekonomiska värden som Net Present Cost (NPC) och Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), samt miljömässiga värden som förnybar kvot och CO2-utsläpp. Beräkningar utförs med hjälp av programvaran HOMER Pro. Resultatet visar att den optimala dimensioneringen för microgriden inkluderar 1 250 kW solceller, 300 kW generator, 500 kW växelriktare och batterier på 1 925 kW, vilket resulterar i ett system med NPC på 5,75 miljoner USD och en LCOE på 0,393 USD/kWh. Dessutom har microgriden en förnybar kvot på 89,6 % och CO2-utsläpp på 121 000 kg/år. Jämfört med PEAs föreslagna design har det erhållna resultatet lägre CO2-utsläpp och LCOE samt högre NPC och förnybar kvot. Det optimerade systemet har även fler installerade kW solcell och batteri än PEAs projektplan. Det genomförs även en känslighetsanalys av den erhållna optimala dimensioneringen. I känslighetsanalysen utvärderas variablerna: elektrisk belastning, dieselpris, diskonteringsränta, inflationstakt, vinturbinspris och tillgång på biomassa. Alla variabler utom vindturbinspris påverkar resultatet i form av förändringar i NPC, LCOE, CO2-utsläpp och förnybar kvot. Vid vissa av dessa variabelförändringar, exempelvis elektrisk belastning, påverkas även den optimala storleken på PV och batterier. I de fallen är den optimala storleken för PV istället 1 000 kW och för batterierna antingen 1 650 eller 2 200 kW.

The electricity demand andsupply in El Espino : Alternatives for diversification of renewabletechnologies / Energitillförseln i El Espino : Alternativ för diversifiering av förnybara energiteknologier

Granqvist, Jessica, Gao, Lily January 2019 (has links)
The use of alternative fuels, particularly renewable energy sources, has been an important strategy to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions. In Bolivia, many rural areas struggle with an unreliable power supply. The most common electricity solution in such isolated areas is to have off-grid systems, where hybrid systems have become a feasible solution. In this study, a hybrid system in the rural village El Espino is optimized using a linear programming tool called MicroGridsPy. Currently, the village is powered by a hybrid system consisting of solar photovoltaics, a diesel generator and lead-acid batteries as a storing system. To optimize the system in a sustainable way, considering economic, environmental and social aspects, two wind turbines of the nominal capacities 5 and 10 kW are studied and introduced to the hybrid system. To find synergies between the wind and solar energy, the irradiance and wind speed of the study area are simulated using a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The power output from the wind turbines can then be obtained by modelling the power curves and then be added to the optimization model. The optimization is performed both with and without the wind turbines to evaluate the impact of them. In the optimization model, characteristics of the components, techno-economic parameters, including investment costs, and constraints such as renewable penetration, and cost of the curtailment are set. The obtained results include that the wind speed is higher during the winter season, and that the wind power output, regardless of turbine size, is proportional to the wind speed. Furthermore, the 10 kW wind turbine is proven to be the most suitable for the system of the two compared. The economical values of the system, such as NPC and LCOE are higher, the higher the renewable penetration, but lower for the system with wind turbines. This implicates that adding wind energy to the hybrid system could be beneficial from both an environmental and economical point of view. One conclusion that can be drawn is that wind turbines are a feasible technology for rural electrification, and that the optimization tool is sensitive to cost. Furthermore, it is found that the wind and solar energy are suitable complements to each other both season wise and daily. / Användningen av alternativa bränslen, särskilt förnybara energikällor, har varit en viktig strategi för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. I Bolivia kämpar många landsbygdsområden med en opålitlig strömförsörjning. Den vanligaste lösningen för elektricitet i sådana områden är off-grid system, där hybridsystem har blivit en lämplig lösning. I denna studie, optimeras ett hybridsystem beläget i byn El Espino, med ett linjärt programmeringsverktyg; MicroGridsPy. För närvarande drivs byn av ett hybridsystem bestående av solceller, en dieselgenerator och blybatterier för att lagra energin. För att optimera systemet på ett hållbart sätt, utifrån ett ekonomiskt, miljömässigt och socialt perspektiv, studeras två vindturbiner med de nominella kapaciteterna 5 och 10 kW, för att sedan introduceras till hybridsystemet. För att göra detta simuleras områdets solstrålning och vindhastighet med hjälp av en WRF-modell (Weather Research and Forecast). Effekten från vindturbinerna kan då erhållas genom att modellera effektkurvorna, och kan därefter läggas till i optimeringsmodellen. Optimeringen utförs både med och utan vindturbiner för att på så sätt utvärdera deras inverkan på systemet. I optimeringsmodellen fastställs egenskaper hos komponenterna, techno-ekonomiska parametrar, inklusive investeringskostnader och begränsningar såsom förnybar penetration och kostnad för energispill. De erhållna resultaten visade bland annat att vindhastigheten är högre under vintersäsongen, och att effekten är proportionell mot vindhastigheten, oavsett storlek på vindturbin. Vidare har vindturbinen med kapacitet 10 kW visat sig vara den mest lämpade för systemet av de två jämförda. Systemets ekonomiska värden, såsom NPC och LCOE, är högre, ju högre förnybar penetration, men lägre för systemet med vindturbiner. Detta implicerar att vindenergi kan vara till nytta för hybridsystemet, både ur miljösynpunkt och ur en ekonomisk synvinkel. En slutsats som kan dras är att vindturbiner är en passande teknik för landsbygdselektrifiering, och att optimeringsverktyget som användes är känslig mot kostnader. Vidare konstateras att vind- och solenergi kompletterar varandra både säsongsvis och på daglig basis.

Techno-economical analysis of the benefits of anerobic digestion at a rural sisal processing industry in Tanzania

Varela González, Cristina January 2017 (has links)
The low electrification rates and lack of access to energy services are some of the main challenges of the Tanzanian energy system. However, increasing access to power and other energy services would lead to an increase in the energy demand, which the Tanzanian energy system will not be able to meet. Therefore, new solutions are needed to increase access to modern and affordable energy services that facilitate economic and social development, but in a way that is also sustainable. One promising solution seems to be the use of the abundant agricultural residues to produce energy, which could be particularly relevant for rural areas without access to the national grid. Further, the Tanzanian sisal industry has a challenge in addressing the emissions from sisal processing. Each year, the national industry produces approximately one million ton of Sisal Decortication Residue (SDR), causing local eutrophication as well as emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The solution under study in this thesis is the potential use of the residue generated at a sisal estate in the region of Tanga (Tanzania), to generate biogas, which could potentially produce electricity and heat when fed into a CHP unit. The AD process also reduces the negative environmental impact of the waste. Given the substantial amounts of sisal waste produced at the estate every day, the project aims at providing a solution that will benefit the owner of the estate, the environment and the local communities. It was found that the potential for biogas production is close to 1,200,000 m3 per year. In a CHP unit, this amount of gas would produce around 2,340 MWh of electricity and over 4,160 MWh of heat per year. The different potential applications for the biogas and products are presented and analysed in the local context. The results of the study suggest that the solution that would provide higher benefits from an economic, social, and environmental perspective is to supply part of the biogas to the surrounding villages for its use as a cooking fuel and fed the remaining electricity into the national grid. For this application it was found that the NPV of the project at the end of its lifetime is close to 1,580,000 USD, and the investment would be recovered in less than 9 years. At the same time, the use of biogas as cooking fuel would significantly benefit the households and the environment, by reducing the serious health and environmental problems derived from the processing of traditional biomass resources. / Bristande tillgång till energitjänster är en av de största utmaningarna för energisystemet i Tanzania. Men förbättrad tillgång till energitjänster kommer att leda till en snabb ökning av energibehov i landet, som det tanzaniska energisystemet inte kan hantera. En möjlig lösning kan vara att använder de rikliga jordbruksavfall för energiändamål, särskilt i landsbygdsområdena som saknar tillträde till det nationella elnätet. Denna rapport studerar möjligheterna att använda avfallet från produktion av sisalfiber (vanligtvis kallade Sisal Decortication Residue, SDR) som genererats vid en egendom i regionen Tanga (Tanzania) för att generera biogas, som också kunna producera el och värme i kraftvärmevek. Med tanke på den betydande mängd avfall som producera varje dag, är målet för projektet att hitta en lösning som egendomens ägare, miljön och lokala samhällen kan dra nytta av. Det potentiella utbytet av biogas med dagens produktionsvolym är ca 1,200,00 m3 per år. Detta motsvarar ca 2,340 MWh el samt 4,160 MWh värme per år. Olika potentiella tillämpningar för biogasen och biprodukterna har analyserad och jämförd för gällande lokala förutsättningar. Resultaten av studien tyder på att lösningen för att maximera sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar är att leverera en del av den biogas som framställs till de omgivande byarna för dess användning som bränsle för matlagning. Resten av elen ska tillföras elnätet. Plantagen köper sedan den el som krävs för den egna produktionen. Resultaten uppgå till ett positivt nettonuvärde (NPV) på omkring 1 580 000 USD och en återbetalningsperiod som är kortare än 9 år. Samtidigt skulle hushåll och miljön få fördelar av den biogasen genom att undvika de alvarliga problemer som hänger samman med traditionella biobränslen.

Indonesian Rural Electrification : What is the most sustainable solution?

Vannucchi, Claudia January 2021 (has links)
The Sustainable Development Goal n°7 is calling for a prompt response to guarantee affordable and clean energy for all. While the electrification rate is rapidly increasing around the world, much work still remains to achieve electricity access in remote areas or Non-Interconnected Zones, such as the numerous small islands that compose Indonesia. This thesis work sought to understand which standalone microgrid design would represent the most sustainable solution for a rural electrification challenge, where the final scope is to provide 24 h/d stable and reliable electricity connection to the local communities of Sulawesi, Indonesia. To achieve such a result, two diametrically opposed microgrid layouts are outlined in terms of renewables share: a Business As-Usual Scenario, in which the microgrid is powered by a standard diesel set, and an integrated renewable-based scenario, in which the microgrid envisions the implementation of biopower, PV system and Li-ion batteries as a storage option. A thorough comparison on a series of Key Parameter Indicators (KPIs), such as Carbon Footprint, Levelized Cost Of Electricity and job creation, led to the identification of the renewable-based scenario as the most sustainable option. This system layout resulted in a biomass powered electricity production covering 80% of the total electricity demand, with the remaining 20% supplied by solar power and storage means and a LCOE of 0.18 USD/kWh. At the price of a higher upfront cost than the one of BAU case, the renewable-based alternative entitles a higher profitability when compared to the business-asusual one, together with reduced carbon dioxide emissions and a higher number of jobs directly created. / Hållbarhetsmål nr 7 kräver ett snabbt svar för att garantera överkomlig och ren energi för alla. Medan elektrifieringsgraden snabbt ökar runt om i världen, återstår mycket arbete för att nå elåtkomst i avlägsna områden eller icke-sammankopplade zoner, såsom de många små öarna som utgör Indonesien. Detta avhandlingsarbete försökte förstå vilken fristående mikronätdesign som skulle representera den mest hållbara lösningen för en elektrifieringsutmaning på landsbygden, där det slutliga utrymmet är att tillhandahålla 24 timmars stabil och pålitlig elanslutning till lokalsamhället Sulawesi, Indonesien. För att uppnå ett sådant resultat beskrivs två diametralt motsatta mikronätlayouter när det gäller andelen förnybara energikällor: ett Business As-Usual-scenario, där mikronätet drivs av en standarddiesel och ett integrerat förnyelsebaserat scenario, där microgrid ser implementeringen av biokraft, solcellssystem och litiumjonbatterier som ett lagringsalternativ. En noggrann jämförelse av en serie nyckelparametrar (KPI), såsom koldioxidavtryck, nivåiserad elkostnad och skapande av jobb, ledde till att det förnyelsebaserade scenariot identifierades som det mest hållbara alternativet. Systemlayouten resulterade i en biomassadriven elproduktion som täckte 80% av det totala elbehovet, med de återstående 20%som levereras av solenergi och lagringsmedel och en LCOE på 0,18 USD / kWh. Till priset av en högre kostnad i förskott än i BAU-fallet ger det förnyelsebaserade alternativet högre lönsamhet jämfört med det som vanligt, tillsammans med minskade koldioxidutsläpp och ett högre antal direkt skapade jobb.


CARLOS ALEXANDRE CHANG 06 August 2013 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação analisa o custo, viabilidade e otimização do desempenho de um sistema híbrido de produção de energia elétrica, constituído de módulos fotovoltaicos, banco de baterias e gerador diesel. Foram realizadas simulações para diferentes configurações de sistema, variando tanto a profundidade de descarga quanto a capacidade total e operacional do banco de baterias, e o consumo total. O perfil do consumo foi mantido inalterado em todas as simulações realizadas. Para a simulação foi utilizado banco de dados constituído por informações meteorológicas, preços dos equipamentos do sistema, demanda de eletricidade e perfil de consumo da agrovila de Campinas (AM). Em posse desse conjunto de informações foi então elaborada análise de viabilidade econômica do fornecimento de eletricidade para uma comunidade rural localizada em uma região remota. Ou seja, localizada em uma região distante do acesso as redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. A simulação foi configurada para um sistema que possibilitasse acesso a equipamentos básicos (atendendo o Manual de Projetos Especiais – necessidade de atender refrigeração, comunicação e iluminação), fornecendo eletricidade com o menor custo possível. A avaliação do projeto demonstra que o mesmo é uma boa opção de investimento, considerando que o fornecimento elétrico é peça chave para o desenvolvimento econômico e social de qualquer localidade. Para a realização do estudo utilizou-se banco de dados de radiação solar e temperatura do município de Manaus, pertencente ao Estado do Amazonas, pressupondo-se que a localidade em questão possui condições meteorológicas semelhantes à área de estudo, desprezando-se possíveis diferenças. Além do que, o referido estudo adotou um período de vida útil de 25 anos ou mais para o sistema. / [en] This dissertation analyses the cost, feasibility and optimization performance of a hybrid electric energy production system, composed of photovoltaic modules, storage batteries and a diesel generator. Several performance simulations were made for different system configurations, varying discharge depth, both total and operating capacity of the storage batteries, and total consumption, using the same profile shape. A data base was used for the simulations, using meteorological information, component prices, and electric energy power and consumption profiles for the rural Village of Campinas (AM). As a result, an economically feasible proposal was detailed for supplying electric energy to a rural village, which is away from available commercial networks. The simulation was used to determine the basic equipment configuration to minimize the electricity cost. The project evaluation shows it is a good investment option, considering that electric energy supply is fundamental for the social and economic development. Solar radiation and temperature data for the city of Manaus, AM, ware used for the simulations, which is considered to be approximately the same as for the rural Village of Campinas due to its proximity. In addition, this study adopted a working life of 25 years or more for the system.

Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo Province

Ntobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions. This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities. This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)

Electricity in Rural Areas of North Texas

Greathouse, Charles Simmons 01 1900 (has links)
"This study shows three things: (1) a precedent for the expenditure of public funds to teach electricity in our public high schools has already been established by the school system in the larger school systems of Texas, (2) the rural families living on electrified farms in the North Texas area want instruction of this type given to the boys and girls in their communities, and (3) both the rural people and the professional people of the North Texas area believe that instruction dealing with the use of electricity and electrical equipment had spread until by 1935 more than twenty-one million homes, about eighty percent of the total in America at that time, were electrified, only eleven American farms out of every 100 had central-station electricity. More than five million American farms lacked electric service. "--leaf 50.

Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo Province

Ntobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions. This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities. This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)

Techno-economic analysis of an off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river system as a remote rural electrification option

Koko, Sandile Phillip January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering )) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014 / Remote rural electrification via grid-extension is a challenging solution due to high connection costs and low electricity consumption rate. As a result, it is difficult to recover the initial investment costs. Therefore, electrification is made possible by means of the commonly used off-grid approaches such as solar, wind, diesel generator and conventional micro-hydro. However, owing to non-continuous availability of sunlight and wind, high cost of diesel fuel, and requirements for construction of diversion weirs, these off-grid approaches might not offer a cost-effective and reliable solution to low income rural residents. There are many rural communities throughout the world without access to grid electricity and with access to flowing water. An off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river (MHR) system is one of the promising technologies to be used in remote rural areas with flowing water. It can bring sustainable improvement to their quality of life due to its high energy density and minimal environmental impact. This technology is still in the development stage and there is a lack of application, especially in rural areas. Hence, this study investigates the current status of MHR technology in rural applications. To demonstrate the economic feasibility of an off-grid MHR system, a rural site with multiple energy sources within South Africa has been used. The economic benefit offered by this proposed system at the selected site is compared to the economic benefits offered by other commonly used standalone systems such a solar, wind and diesel generator (DG). This economic comparison has been performed by making use of a Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) simulation tool. Grid extension has also been used as a comparison method for obtaining an economical distance between grid lines and the remote rural site. The results highlighted the acceptable economic performance of the MHR system. Finally, most of the available modelling and simulation tools for mechanical and electrical systems are not equipped with hydrokinetic modules. Hence, an MHR system model has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink in order to study its dynamic performance as submitted to variable water resource. Its performance has then been compared to the performance of a wind system counterpart for generating the same amount of electrical power. This proved/verified that the proposed system can generate electricity markedly cheaper than a wind system even in areas with adequate wind resource within South Africa.

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