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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educación socialista, ayuda y cooperación internacional en el Tercer Mundo. Las becas oficiales de la Isla de la Juventud cubana (1977-2012)

Murguia Mendez, Dayana 11 March 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist ein historiografischer Beitrag über ein internationales offizielles Stipendienprogramm sui generis in Form von Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich, das zwischen 1977 und 2012 auf der zweitgrößten Insel des kubanischen Karibikarchipels, der Isla de la Juventud, umgesetzt wurde. Auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen und Teilnehmerberichten wird die Motivation Kubas für die Organisation dieser Bildungshilfe diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass Kuba seine Bildungshilfe auf die Bedürfnisse und Interessen der beteiligten Staaten und Personen ausgerichtet und dementsprechend strukturiert hat. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass neben der Bereitstellung von Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten massiv angelegte Stipendien für die Sekundarstufe I im Mittelpunkt des Programms standen und herausgearbeitet, dass diese Maßnahme angesichts der niedrigen Einschulungsraten in der Dritten Welt den entscheidenden Beitrag des Programms darstellte. Unter Berücksichtigung der wichtigsten Debatten über Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich stützt sich die Arbeit auf Studien über die Süd-Süd-Zusammenarbeit und die Geschichte der internationalen Stipendien, um zu argumentieren, dass Kuba sich sowohl in seiner ursprünglichen Motivation als auch in der Form der in der Umsetzung des Programms aufgebauten Beziehungen sowie in den Endergebnissen desselben am Prinzip der Solidarität orientierte. Die vorliegende Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die kubanische Politik der Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich die “nationale Entpersönlichung” der Geförderten überwinden konnte. Mit anderen Worten, die Teilnehmer des Programms auf der Insel der Jugend kehrten mit einem Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit zu ihrer Nation in ihre Heimatländer zurück und brachten dabei die in den ʽoffenen Lehrplänenʼ erworbenen Fähigkeiten und die in den ʽungeschriebenen Lehrplänenʼ vermittelten Einstellungen mit, welche in verschiedenen Arbeitskontexten relevant sind. / This dissertation is a historiographical contribution on a sui generis international scholarship program in the form of educational development aid that was implemented between 1977 and 2012 on the second largest island of the Cuban Caribbean archipelago, the Isla de la Juventud. Based on archival sources and reports of participants, Cuba’s motivation for organizing this educational aid is discussed. It is shown that Cuba structured its educational assistance according to the needs and interests of the countries and people involved. It is evidenced that, in addition to the offer of specialties, the program focused on the massive granting of scholarships for lower secondary education and that this measure represented the decisive contribution of the program in view of the low schooling rates in the Third World. Taking into account the main debates on development aid in education, the paper draws on studies of South-South cooperation and the history of official international scholarships to argue that Cuba was guided by the principle of solidarity both in its initial motivation and in the form of the relationships established in the implementation of the program, as well as in the final results of the program. This study concludes that the Cuban development aid policy in the field of education managed to circumvent the “national depersonalization” of the beneficiaries. In other words, participants in the Isla de la Juventud program returned to their countries of origin with a sense of belonging to their nation, taking with them the skills acquired in the ʽopen curriculaʼ and the attitudes conveyed in the ʽnon-written curriculaʼ, which are relevant in different work contexts.

Geohistory of the Central Anatolian Plateau southern margin (southern Turkey)

Radeff, Giuditta January 2014 (has links)
The Adana Basin of southern Turkey, situated at the SE margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau is ideally located to record Neogene topographic and tectonic changes in the easternmost Mediterranean realm. Using industry seismic reflection data we correlate 34 seismic profiles with corresponding exposed units in the Adana Basin. The time-depth conversion of the interpreted seismic profiles allows us to reconstruct the subsidence curve of the Adana Basin and to outline the occurrence of a major increase in both subsidence and sedimentation rates at 5.45 – 5.33 Ma, leading to the deposition of almost 1500 km3 of conglomerates and marls. Our provenance analysis of the conglomerates reveals that most of the sediment is derived from and north of the SE margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau. A comparison of these results with the composition of recent conglomerates and the present drainage basins indicates major changes between late Messinian and present-day source areas. We suggest that these changes in source areas result of uplift and ensuing erosion of the SE margin of the plateau. This hypothesis is supported by the comparison of the Adana Basin subsidence curve with the subsidence curve of the Mut Basin, a mainly Neogene basin located on top of the Central Anatolian Plateau southern margin, showing that the Adana Basin subsidence event is coeval with an uplift episode of the plateau southern margin. The collection of several fault measurements in the Adana region show different deformation styles for the NW and SE margins of the Adana Basin. The weakly seismic NW portion of the basin is characterized by extensional and transtensional structures cutting Neogene deposits, likely accomodating the differential uplift occurring between the basin and the SE margin of the plateau. We interpret the tectonic evolution of the southern flank of the Central Anatolian Plateau and the coeval subsidence and sedimentation in the Adana Basin to be related to deep lithospheric processes, particularly lithospheric delamination and slab break-off. / Il Bacino di Adana (Turchia meridionale) é situato in posizione esterna rispetto al margine sud-orientale del plateau anatolico centrale. Il bacino risulta ubicato in posizione strategica per registrare i principali cambiamenti della topografia e dell’assetto tettonico avvenuti durante il Neogene nel Mediterraneo orientale. Utilizzando dati sismici provenienti dall’industria petrolifera abbiamo correlato 34 profili sismici con le unitá corrispondenti affioranti nel Bacino di Adana. La conversione da tempi a profonditá dei profili sismici interpretati ci ha permesso di ricostruire la curva di subsidenza del Bacino di Adana e di individuare un evento caratterizato da un importante aumento della subsidenza associato ad un considerevole incremento del tasso di sedimentazione. Questo evento, avvenuto tra 5.45 e 5.33 Ma ha portato alla deposizione di quasi 1500 km3 di conglomerati e marne. La nostra analisi di provenienza della porzione conglomeratica mostra che la maggior parte del sedimento proviene dal margine sud-orientale del plateau anatolico centrale e dalle aree situate a nord di questo. La comparazione di questi risultati con la composizione litologica di conglomerati recenti e con le litologie affioranti nei bacini di drenaggio attuali mostra cambiamenti rilevanti tra le aree di provenienza del sedimento Messiniane e quelle attuali. Riteniamo che questi cambiamenti nelle aree sorgente siano il risultato del sollevamento e della successiva erosione del margine sud-orientale del plateau anatolico centrale. Questa ipotesi é supportata dal confronto delle curve di subsidenza del Bacino di Adana e del Bacino di Mut, un bacino principalmente neogenico situato sulla sommitá del margine meridionale del plateau. La comparazione delle due curve di subsidenza mostra che l’evento di forte subsidenza del Bacino di Adana é coevo ad un episodio di sollevamento del margine meridionale del plateau anatolico centrale. La raccolta di un fitto dataset strutturale acquisito nella regione di Adana mostra differenti stili deformativi per i margini nord-occidentale e sud-orientale del bacino. La porzione nord-occidentale del bacino, debolmente sismica, é caratterizzata da strutture estensionali e transtensive che tagliano I depositi neogenici, verosimilmente accomodando il sollevamento differenziale tra il bacino e il margine sud-orientale del plateau. Riteniamo che l’evoluzione tettonica del margine meridionale del plateau anatolico centrale e la contemporanea subsidenza e sedimentazione nel Bacino di Adana sia da ricondurre a processi litosferici profondi, in particolar modo delaminazione litosferica e slab break-off.

Mapping, analysis, and interpretation of the glacier inventory data from Jotunheimen, South Norway, since the maximum of the 'Little Ice Age' / Kartierung, Analyse und Interpretation der Gletscherinventardaten von Jotunheimen, Süd-Norwegen, seit dem Maximum der "Kleinen Eiszeit"

Baumann, Sabine Christine January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Glacier outlines during the ‘Little Ice Age’ maximum in Jotunheimen were mapped by using remote sensing techniques (vertical aerial photos and satellite imagery), glacier outlines from the 1980s and 2003, a digital terrain model (DTM), geomorphological maps of individual glaciers, and field-GPS measurements. The related inventory data (surface area, minimum and maximum altitude) and several other variables (e.g. slope, range) were calculated automatically by using a geographical information system. The length of the glacier flowline was mapped manually based on the glacier outlines at the maximum of the ‘Little Ice Age’ and the DTM. The glacier data during the maximum of the ‘Little Ice Age’ were compared with the Norwegian glacier inventory of 2003. Based on the glacier inventories during the maximum of the ‘Little Ice Age’, the 1980s and 2003, a simple parameterization after HAEBERLI & HOELZLE (1995) was performed to estimate unmeasured glacier variables, as e.g. surface velocity or mean net mass balance. Input data were composed of surface glacier area, minimum and maximum elevation, and glacier length. The results of the parameterization were compared with the results of previous parameterizations in the European Alps and the Southern Alps of New Zealand (HAEBERLI & HOELZLE 1995; HOELZLE et al. 2007). A relationship between these results of the inventories and of the parameterization and climate and climate changes was made. / Die Gletscherumrisse während des Maximalstandes der „Kleinen Eiszeit“ in Jotunheimen wurden unter der Verwendung von Fernerkundungstechniken (vertikale Luftbilder und Satellitenbilder), von Gletscherumrissen aus den 1980er Jahren und von 2003, von einem digitalen Geländemodel (DTM), von geomorphologischen Karten einzelner Gletscher und von GPS-Messungen im Gelände kartiert. Die daraus erzielten Inventardaten (Gletscherfläche, minimale und maximale Höhe) und einige andere Variablen (z.B. Hangneigung, Höhendifferenz) wurden automatisch mit einem geographischen Informationssystem berechnet. Die Länge der Gletscherfließlinie wurde basierend auf den Gletscherumrissen zum Maximum der „Kleinen Eiszeit“ und dem DTM manuell kartiert. Die Gletscherdaten zum Maximalstand der „Kleinen Eiszeit“ wurden mit dem Gletscherinventar von 2003 verglichen. Basierend auf den letscherinventaren zum Maximum der „Kleinen Eiszeit“, von den 1980er Jahren und von 2003 wurde eine einfache Parametrisierung nach HAEBERLI & HOELZLE (1995) durchgeführt, um ungemessene Gletschervariablen, wie z.B. Oberflächengeschwindigkeit oder mittlere Netto-Massenbilanz, abzuschätzen. Eingabedaten bestanden aus Gletscherfläche, minimaler und maximale Höhe und der Gletscherlänge. Die Resultate der Parametrisierung wurden mit den Ergebnissen früherer Parametrisierungen aus den Europäischen Alpen und den Southern Alps auf Neuseeland verglichen (HAEBERLI & HOELZLE 1995; HOELZLE et al. 2007). Eine Verbindung zwischen diesen Ergebnissen aus den Inventaren und der Parametrisierung und dem Klima und der Klimaänderung wurde hergestellt.

Guide to the Basel Mission's Ghana Archive

Jenkins, Paul 08 July 2019 (has links)
This volume describes written archival material relating to what is now southern Ghana (formerly the Gold Coast) in the Basel Mission holdings of Mission 21. It covers mainly the period 1828- 1914, but also includes some more recent material.

Die Bedeutung der Inspiration für die Autorität der Schrift bei Calvin

Yang, Shin Hye 17 April 2009 (has links)
Die presbyterianische Kirche in Süd-Korea ist vor allem aufgrund von unterschiedlichen Auffassungen über die Verbalinspiration der Bibel in etwa 100 Denominationen gespalten. Der Streit hat sich um die Verbalinspiration in den 50er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts besonders auf die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Hyongyong Park als einem Vertreter der Verbalinspiration und Chaechun Kim als Vertreter der sogenannten „Sachinspiration“ fokussiert. Ich stellte in meiner Arbeit dar, wie es zu diesen Spaltungen gekommen ist, die ihre Wurzel schon in der presbyterianischen Mutterkirche in den USA haben. Dabei verdeutlichte ich, dass dieser Streit Auseinandersetzungen über grundsätzliche theologische und ethische Fragen zur Folge hatte, z. B. über den Kreationismus oder über die Frauenordination. Um einen Anstoß zu einem Versöhnungsprozess zwischen den gespaltenen presbyterianischen Kirchen in Süd-Korea zu geben, ging ich auf Johannes Calvin als einem der Väter der Presbyterianischen Kirche zurück, mit der Begründung, dass sich alle Parteien auf ihn berufen. Hilfreich ist dabei meine Analyse, wie Calvin die Inspiration der Schrift durch Gottes Geist verstanden hat. Ich habe zunächst untersucht, wie sich Calvin in seinen theologischen Schriften und exegetischen Arbeiten auf die Inspiration der Schrift bezogen hat. Auf dieser Grundlage werden dann die verschiedenen, in der Calvinforschung vertretenen Interpretationen von Calvins Begründung der Autorität der Schrift thematisiert; (1) was bei ihm „Wort Gottes“ bedeutet, inwiefern er dieses Wort als „spezielle Offenbarung“ versteht und in welchem Sinne er von einer „Selbstevidenz der Schrift“ redet. (2) Calvins Kanonverständnis wird berücksichtigt, obwohl es in der dem Schriftverständnis Calvins geltenden Forschung bislang verhältnismäßig geringe Aufmerksamkeit gefunden hat. (3) Darüber hinaus untersuchte Ich, dass Calvin das Verb dictare, auf das sich die Vertreter der Verbalinspirationslehre vor allem berufen, häufig verwendet, wenn er von der Inspiration der Schrift spricht. (4) Anschließend war es nötig, eine Auseinandersetzung mit der These zu führen, da Calvins Verständnis der Allmacht Gottes auf die Behauptung der Unfehlbarkeit der Schrift hinaus führt. / The Presbyteran church in South-Korea is divided in to around 100 different denominations because of their varying opinons about the verbal inspiration of the Bible. It results from the discussion about the verbal inspiration in the fifties between Hyongyong Park as the representative of the verbal inspiration und Chaechun Kim as the representative of the Understanding of the inspiration, which the Holy Spirit inspiriers only content of the Bible with regarding to the salvation of Jesus Christ. I gave a detailed description, how the church is seperated and showed the connection between the seperation of the Presbyteran church in Korea and in the USA and I became aware of the fact, that the discussion resulted in the disputes about creationism and ordination of woman. Every denomination refers to John Calvin as the spiritual father of the Presbyteran church. Therefore it would be helpful, if we considered, how Calvin unterstood the biblical inspiration by the Holy Spirit. At first we scrutinized, how Calvin reflected it in his theological writings und his biblical exegeses. On the basis of the results, I analysed the various interpretations, which researchers gave according to the verbal inspiration in their research. (1) We investigated, what the term of „Word of God“ meant, how Calvin establiched a connection between the „Word of God“ and the „special revelation“ and what he exactly signified as „self-authentication“. (2) We had to take the unterstanding of canon in to consideration, although the researchers of Calvin didn’t especially point it out. (3) We need to analyse the verb dictare, on the one side because of the fact that Calvin used it often, when he talked about the inspiration of the Bible and on the other side because the representatives of the concept of verbal-inspiration use it as an argument. (4) In addition it was necessary to reflect on the omnipotence of God, because it is connected with irrancy of the Bible.

The South Chilean subduction zone between 41° and 43.5°S : seismicity, structure and state of stress

Lange, Dietrich January 2008 (has links)
Die stärksten Erdbeben treten an Subduktionszonen auf, so z.B. das stärkste instrumentell jemals gemessene Erdbeben vom 22. Mai 1960 mit einer Magnitude von 9,5 Mw in Süd Chile. In dieser Arbeit werden lokal gewonnene seismologische Daten aus dem zentralen Bereich des 1960er-Bebens vorgestellt. Das seismologische Netzwerk umfasste den chilenischen Forearc zwischen Tiefseegraben und den vulkanischen Bogen zwischen 41,5°-43,5°S und überdeckte sowohl die Insel Chiloé als auch die Nord-Süd-streichende Liquiñe-Ofqui Störungszone (LOFZ). Zwischen November 2004 und Oktober 2005 konnten 364 lokale Ereignisse registriert werden. Die gewonnen Aufzeichnungen erlauben Aussagen sowohl über das aktuelle Spannungsfeld im Forearc als auch über das lokale Geschwindigkeitsmodell und die Geometrie der subduzierten Benioff-Zone. Mit einer Auswahl von P- und S-Laufzeiten von gut lokalisierbaren Erdbeben wurden ein Minimum 1-D Geschwindigkeitsmodell, Stationsresiduen und die Hypozentralparameter invertiert. Dieses Geschwindigkeitsmodell diente als Startmodell für die 2-D Tomographie. Das 2-D vp-Modell zeigt eine Zone erhöhter Geschwindigkeiten unterhalb des Längstals und des östlichen Bereiches der Insel Chiloé, die als Mantelaufwölbung interpretiert werden kann. Die Benioff-Zone wird als eine mit ca. 30° ostwärts einfallende Struktur abgebildet. Die seismische Hauptaktivität findet parallel zur Küste der Insel Chiloé in Tiefen zwischen 12 und 30 km statt; es handelt sich um Beben, die wahrscheinlich auf der Plattengrenzfläche stattfinden. In Tiefen über 70 km lässt die Seismizität bereits stark nach, die tiefsten Beben wurden in 120 km Tiefe registriert. Die Abwesenheit tieferer Seismizität wird auf das junge Alter (und eine damit verbundene hohe Temperatur) der ozeanischen Platte zurückgeführt. Neben der Seismizität in der Benioff-Zone treten flache, krustale Beben in verschiedenen Häufungen entlang des magmatischen Bogens auf. Diese Bereiche erhöhter Seismizität sind räumlich mit der LOFZ und den Vulkanen Chaitén, Michinmahuida und Corcovado verknüpft. Beben bis zu einer Magnitude von 3,8 Mw zeigen die gegenwärtige Aktivität der LOFZ. Herdflächen entlang der LOFZ wurden aus Momententensor-Inversion anhand von Amplitudenspektren von Raumwellen gewonnen. Ergebnisse einer Spannungsfeldinversion zeigen ein Blattverschiebungsregime für den magmatischen Bogen und ein Überschiebungsregime für Beben in der Benioff-Zone auf. Die hier gemachten seismologischen Beobachtungen, zusammen mit teleseismischen Erdbeben und geologischen Befunden, unterstützen die Modellvorstellung eines sich nordwärts bewegenden kontinentalen Forearc-Blocks für Süd Chile. / While the northern and central part of the South American subduction zone has been intensively studied, the southern part has attracted less attention, which may be due to its difficult accessibility and lower seismic activity. However, the southern part exhibits strong seismic and tsunamogenic potential with the prominent example of the Mw=9.5 May 22, 1960 Valdivia earthquake. In this study data from an amphibious seismic array (Project TIPTEQ) is presented. The network reached from the trench to the active magmatic arc incorporating the Island of Chiloé and the north-south trending Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ). 364 local events were observed in an 11-month period from November 2004 until October 2005. The observed seismicity allows to constrain for the first time the current state of stress of the subducting plate and magmatic arc, as well as the local seismic velocity structure. The downgoing Benioff zone is readily identifiable as an eastward dipping plane with an inclination of ~30°. Main seismic activity occurred predominantly in a belt parallel to the coast of Chiloé Island in a depth range of 12-30 km, which is presumably related to the plate interface. The down-dip termination of abundant intermediate depth seismicity at approximately 70 km depth seems to be related to the young age (and high temperature) of the oceanic plate. A high-quality subset of events was inverted for a 2-D velocity model. The vp model resolves the sedimentary basins and the downgoing slab. Increased velocities below the longitudinal valley and the eastern part of Chiloé Island suggest the existence of a mantle bulge. Apart from the events in the Benioff Zone, shallow crustal events were observed mainly in different clusters along the magmatic arc. These crustal clusters of seismicity are related to the LOFZ, as well as to the volcanoes Chaitén, Michinmahuida and Corcovado. Seismic activity up to a magnitude of 3.8 Mw reveals the recent activity of the fault zone. Focal mechanisms for the events along the LOFZ were calculated using a moment tensor inversion of amplitude spectra for body waves which mostly yield strike-slip mechanisms indicating a SW-NE striking of sigma_1 for the LOFZ. Focal mechanism stress inversion indicates a strike-slip regime along the arc and a thrust regime in the Benioff zone. The observed deformation - which is also revealed by teleseismic observations - suggests a confirmation for the proposed northward movement of a forearc sliver acting as a detached continental micro-plate.

Management of Natural Stands of Acacia seyal Del. variety seyal (Brenan) for Production of Gum Talha, South Kordofan, Sudan

Hamed Mohammed, Mohammed 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present study was conducted in Umfakarin natural forest reserve, South Kordofan, Sudan. The main objective was to investigate the possibility of managing Acacia seyal Del. variety seyal for the production of gum talha. Three stand densities (strata), namely dense, medium, and slight, were distinguished based on the number of trees per hectare. During the sampling phase, the study adopted the method of identifying the competitors (neighboring trees) from the subject one (trees selected for gum production experiments). From the three stand densities, a total of 482 subject trees, covering variable diameter ranges (d= 9-11.5, 13.5-16, 18-20.5 and above 21 cm) were selected, based on the diameter at 0.25 m height (d0.25). In each stratum, competitor trees were identified within a radius equal to the height of subject tree multiplied by a factor (1.25). The diameter at breast height, height to crown base, height, crown radii, and tree coordinates were measured for each of the subject trees and its competitors. Subject trees were exposed to tapping on first of October, the fifteenth of October, and the first of November, using local tools (Sonki and Makmak). Additionally, untapped trees were used as controlling-variables. The initial gum collection was completed fifteen days after the tapping, while the subsequent (7-9 pickings) were done at an interval of fifteen days. Six stand height functions were tested and the results illustrated that the Michailow stand height function was suitable for predicting the height of Acacia seyal in Umfakarin natural forest. The predictive ability of this height function ranged from 19.3% to 24%. The volume function used in this study was able to predict the volume of standing trees with more than 92 percent accuracy. Competition among trees of Acacia seyal was assessed in terms of competition indices. Eight competition indices were quantified using the CroCom program. The relationship between these indices and tree dimensions (diameter at breast height, height and crown diameter) was tested using logarithmic models. Among these indices, the Hegyi_2 index is considered a suitable index to be applied for estimating the degree of competition in natural stands of A. seyal of dense stratum when using diameter at breast height as a predictor. About 70% of the total variability is explained by this logarithmic model. Gum yielded by each subject tree per season was obtained by summing up the gum samples collected from all pickings. Gum production per unit area was also determined. Regression tree, general linear model (GLM) and logistic regression techniques were used for analyzing the obtained data. The results of the study indicated that the gum yield is independent of stand density. Tapping has influence on gum yield. Trees tapped by sonki on the first of October at medium stand density have the highest gum with an average value of about 56 g/tree/season. Significant difference (p = 0.021) was detected between two groups of dates; the first of October and first of November in medium stand density. The results also revealed that the most important variable influencing gum production was found to be diameter at breast height with 23.95 cm threshold. Between 41-53 percent of subject trees produce gum less than 50 g/season. The results indicated that A. seyal species produces a very low quantity of gum talha (3.6-4.8 kg/ha) and for economic reasons, its tapping is not recommended. The findings of the regression analysis revealed to a model which could be used to estimate the yield of gum talha from A. seyal natural stands in the Umfakarin forest, South Kordofan, Sudan. Conducting experiments on the production of gum talha in permanent plot trials in different climatic regions of the Sudan is highly recommended.

Hydromorphologie der Lausitzer Neiße: Pilotkonzept zur Verbesserung des hydromorphologischen Zustands im Abschnitt Sieniawka/Zittau bis Przewoz/Podrosche

Hülsmann, Stephan, Adynkiewicz-Piragas, Mariusz, Lejcuś, Iwona, Zdralewicz, Iwona 12 October 2021 (has links)
Die Hydromorphologie eines Fließgewässers bestimmt wesentlich sein Abflussverhalten. Angesichts der Bedeutung der Hydromorphologie für ökologischen Funktionen und Leistungen sowie für den ökologischen Zustand von Gewässern ist es sehr wichtig, geeignete Methoden zur Erfassung und Bewertung des hydromorphologischen Zustandes zu entwickeln. Die Publikation widmet sich der Entwicklung und Darstellung eines Pilotkonzepts zur Verbesserung des hydromorphologischen Zustandes in ausgewählten Abschnitten der Lausitzer Neiße im Hinblick auf Niedrigwasser. Die Publikation richtet sich an Angestellte von Wasserbehörden in Sachsen und Polen, Entscheidungstragende von Verbänden, Betrieben und Institutionen aus dem Wassersektor und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 02.03.2021

Management of Natural Stands of Acacia seyal Del. variety seyal (Brenan) for Production of Gum Talha, South Kordofan, Sudan

Hamed Mohammed, Mohammed 04 May 2011 (has links)
The present study was conducted in Umfakarin natural forest reserve, South Kordofan, Sudan. The main objective was to investigate the possibility of managing Acacia seyal Del. variety seyal for the production of gum talha. Three stand densities (strata), namely dense, medium, and slight, were distinguished based on the number of trees per hectare. During the sampling phase, the study adopted the method of identifying the competitors (neighboring trees) from the subject one (trees selected for gum production experiments). From the three stand densities, a total of 482 subject trees, covering variable diameter ranges (d= 9-11.5, 13.5-16, 18-20.5 and above 21 cm) were selected, based on the diameter at 0.25 m height (d0.25). In each stratum, competitor trees were identified within a radius equal to the height of subject tree multiplied by a factor (1.25). The diameter at breast height, height to crown base, height, crown radii, and tree coordinates were measured for each of the subject trees and its competitors. Subject trees were exposed to tapping on first of October, the fifteenth of October, and the first of November, using local tools (Sonki and Makmak). Additionally, untapped trees were used as controlling-variables. The initial gum collection was completed fifteen days after the tapping, while the subsequent (7-9 pickings) were done at an interval of fifteen days. Six stand height functions were tested and the results illustrated that the Michailow stand height function was suitable for predicting the height of Acacia seyal in Umfakarin natural forest. The predictive ability of this height function ranged from 19.3% to 24%. The volume function used in this study was able to predict the volume of standing trees with more than 92 percent accuracy. Competition among trees of Acacia seyal was assessed in terms of competition indices. Eight competition indices were quantified using the CroCom program. The relationship between these indices and tree dimensions (diameter at breast height, height and crown diameter) was tested using logarithmic models. Among these indices, the Hegyi_2 index is considered a suitable index to be applied for estimating the degree of competition in natural stands of A. seyal of dense stratum when using diameter at breast height as a predictor. About 70% of the total variability is explained by this logarithmic model. Gum yielded by each subject tree per season was obtained by summing up the gum samples collected from all pickings. Gum production per unit area was also determined. Regression tree, general linear model (GLM) and logistic regression techniques were used for analyzing the obtained data. The results of the study indicated that the gum yield is independent of stand density. Tapping has influence on gum yield. Trees tapped by sonki on the first of October at medium stand density have the highest gum with an average value of about 56 g/tree/season. Significant difference (p = 0.021) was detected between two groups of dates; the first of October and first of November in medium stand density. The results also revealed that the most important variable influencing gum production was found to be diameter at breast height with 23.95 cm threshold. Between 41-53 percent of subject trees produce gum less than 50 g/season. The results indicated that A. seyal species produces a very low quantity of gum talha (3.6-4.8 kg/ha) and for economic reasons, its tapping is not recommended. The findings of the regression analysis revealed to a model which could be used to estimate the yield of gum talha from A. seyal natural stands in the Umfakarin forest, South Kordofan, Sudan. Conducting experiments on the production of gum talha in permanent plot trials in different climatic regions of the Sudan is highly recommended.

Ausblicke und versteckte Schätze im Dresdner Süden: Mit Tourentipps zu allen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Wanderkarte

23 February 2023 (has links)
Das beliebte Ausflugsgebiet von einst ist seit den achtziger Jahren durch die exzessive Bebauung als Kulturlandschaft in Vergessenheit geraten. Doch der Dresdner Süden hat viel zu bieten: Verborgene Täler, alte Dorfkerne, weitläufige Wiesen und beeindruckende Panoramablicke. Ein romantischer Abendspaziergang durch Zschertnitz, Altmockritz und Leubnitz kann wahre Sehnsüchte wecken. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst. Redaktionsschluss: Mai 2019

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