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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution de modèle demande-contrôle-soutien à la variation des concentrations de cortisol salivaire

Thériault, Julie 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’approfondir les connaissances à propos de l’impact des stresseurs organisationnels sur la concentration du cortisol salivaire. Plus précisément, nous étudierons la contribution des modèles demande-contrôle de Karasek (1979) et demande-contrôle-soutien de Karasek et Theorell (1990) à la variation du cortisol salivaire chez les individus. Les associations entre les composantes principales de chacun des modèles (demandes psychologiques, latitude décisionnelle et soutien social), mais également les effets d’interaction inclus dans ces modèles, c’est-à-dire de l’effet modérateur de la latitude décisionnelle et du soutien social, seront étudiés. L’axe HPS a été associé aux symptômes de la santé mentale (Abelson et al., 2007; Havermans et al., 2011; Vreeburg et al., 2009b, 2010, 2013; Staufenbiel, 2013) ainsi qu’aux stresseurs en milieu de travail (Chida et Steptoe, 2009). À l’heure actuelle, le cortisol salivaire serait un indicateur de l’axe hypothalamo-pituito-surrénalien (HPS) le plus prometteur pour mesurer la réponse physiologique face à un événement stressant ou à un stress chronique (Maïna et al., 2009). Les données proviennent de l’étude SALVEO, menée par l’Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale de l’Université de Montréal. Les résultats des analyses multiniveaux ne soutiennent pas l’implication du modèle demande-contrôle-soutien sur la concentration de cortisol. En effet, elles ne permettent pas de conclure que les effets, autant principaux que d’interaction, du modèle demande-contrôle-soutien expliquent la variation dans les concentrations de cortisol. La consommation de tabac est significativement reliée à la concentration de cortisol salivaire et doit être prise en considération dans les études futures. Par conséquent, ces résultats suggèrent que d’autres recherches sont nécessaires pour comprendre comment les stresseurs du travail s’incorporent à l’individu au niveau physiologique. Des connaissances approfondies de ces associations permettraient de mieux comprendre les associations entre le stress à long terme et les effets sur la santé, c’est-à-dire, comment les tensions au travail affectent la santé mentale à long terme (Karhula et al., 2015). / The main objective of this master thesis is to increase the knowledge about the impact of organisational factors on salivary cortisol concentrations. Especially, the models demand-control (Karasek, 1979) and demand-control-support (Karasek and Theorell, 1990) will be studied in relationship to the salivary cortisol. The objectives of this study are to investigate the associations between the main components of each model (psychological demands, decision latitude and social support), but also patterns of interaction effects, i.e. the effect moderator of decision latitude and social support. It has been shown that the HPA axis would be linked to symptoms of mental health (Abelson et al., 2007; Havermans et al. 2011; Vreeburg et al. 2009b, 2010, 2013; Staufenbiel, 2013) as well as stressors in the workplace (Chida and Steptoe, 2009). Currently, salivary cortisol, an indicator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) or the axis of stress management, would be the most promising for measuring the physiological response to a stressful event or chronic stress (Maïna et al. 2009). The data results come from the SALVEO surveys led by the research team on work and mental health of University of Montreal (ERTSM). Results of multilevel analyses do not support the involvement of the demand - control - support model to changes in cortisol concentration. Indeed, they do not suggest that the main effects as much as the interaction effects of the demand-control-support model, explain the variation in cortisol levels. Tobacco consumption is significantly related to salivary cortisol concentration and must be taken into account in previous studies. Therefore, these results suggest that further research is needed to understand how the occupational stressors are incorporated into the individual at the physiological level. Depth knowledge of these associations would help to understand the associations between long-term stress and health effects or how job strain affects long-term mental health (Karhula et al. 2015).

Douleur et stress aigus en période néonatale : effets de l'utilisation des sucres et intérêts d'une évaluation multimodale de la douleur / Acute pain and stress in neonates : effects of sweet solutions and contribution of a multimodal pain assessment

Roué, Jean-Michel 15 May 2018 (has links)
Le nouveau-né hospitalisé est exposé de manière répétée à des procédures douloureuses ou stressantes pouvant entraîner des conséquences neurodéveloppementales à court et long terme. La prévention de la douleur procédurale est essentiellement basée sur l’utilisation de traitements non pharmacologiques parmi lesquels les solutions sucrées possèdent un niveau de preuve élevé. Cependant, leur efficacité a récemment été remise en cause et leurs mécanismes d’action restent mal compris. Enfin, la dissociation parfois retrouvée entre les réponses comportementales et corticales suggère de monitorer la douleur de manière multimodale. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient : 1) de comparer l’efficacité de l’allaitement maternel et du sucrose sur la douleur procédurale en analysant spécifiquement les réponses corticales, 2) d’étudier les effets périphériques des solutions sucrées au niveau de neurones sensoriels de ratons, 3) d’évaluer l’intérêt d’un modèle d’évaluation multimodale de la douleur chez le nouveau-né à terme et prématuré. Aucune différence entre le sucrose et l’allaitement maternel n’a pu être objectivée sur les réponses corticales(NIRS) à la douleur chez des nouveau-nés à terme à 3 jours de vie. Nous avons objectivé un effet périphérique du glucose et du sucrose sur des neurones sensoriels de ratons nouveau-nés, médié par TRPV1. L'effet du glucose était associé à une diminution de la libération de la substance P. L’évaluation multimodale de la douleur retrouvait des corrélations faibles à modérées entre le score NFCS et la conductance cutanée, le cortisol salivaire et les changements d’ [HbT] mesurés en NIRS. L’étude menée chez les nouveau-nés prématurés nous permettra de préciser l’intérêt de l’utilisation de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (indice NIPE instantané) dans cette indication afin de proposer un modèle multimodal fiable pour de futurs essais randomisés contrôlés. / Hospitalized newborns are exposed to repeated painful or stressful procedures that can lead to short- and long-term neurodevelopmental sequellae.The prevention of procedural pain is essentially based on the use of nonpharmacological treatments among which the sweet solutions appear to be among the most effective. However, their effectiveness has recently been challenged and their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Finally, the dissociation frequently found between behavioural and cortical responses shows the importance of monitoring pain in a multimodal way. The objectives of this work were 1) to compare the efficacy of breastfeeding and sucrose on procedural pain by specifically analyzing cortical responses, 2) to study the peripheral effects of sweet solutions on sensory neurons of newborn rats and 3) to evaluate the contribution of a multimodal pain assessment model in term and preterm neonates. No difference between sucrose and breastfeeding was measured on pain-evoked cortical responses (NIRS) in term neonates at 3 days of life.We reported a peripheral effect of glucose and sucrose on afferent sensory neurons from newborns rats mediated byTRPV1. The effect for glucose was associated with a decrease of substance P release.The multidimensional assessment of pain found mild to moderate correlations between the NFCS score, skin conductance, salivary cortisol and changes in [HbT] measured in NIRS.The study conducted in preterm newborns will specify the reliability of heart rate variability (instant NIPE index) in thisindication to provide a suited multimodal pain assessment model for future randomized controlled trials.

Respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais de recém-nascidos pré-termos submetidos a duas técnicas de banho de imersão: ensaio clínico cruzado / Physiological and behavioral responses of preterm newborn underwent to two immersion baths techniques: cross-over clinical trial

Freitas, Patricia de 28 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: a revisão de literatura aponta que os recém-nascidos submetidos ao banho de imersão produzem menor variação térmica pós-banho comparado aos submetidos ao banho com esponja. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde vem capacitando profissionais que atuam em unidades de internação neonatal para implementar o Método Mãe Canguru e, entre outras práticas, recomenda que o recém-nascido pré-termo (RNPT) e com baixo peso seja submetido ao banho de imersão envolto em cueiro ou lençol, sugerindo mudança da prática hegemônica do banho com esponja ou banho de imersão convencional. No entanto, a técnica de banho de imersão recomendada carece de evidências científicas quanto a sua segurança em relação às repercussões na estabilidade da temperatura corporal (T), frequência cardíaca (FC), cortisol salivar (CS) e comportamental em RNPT. Hipótese: os RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envoltos em lençol (BIE) apresentam respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais similares aos submetidos à técnica de banho de imersão convencional (BIC), nos primeiros 20 minutos pós-banho. Objetivo: avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais de RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envolto em lençol (BIE) e banho de imersão convencional (BIC). Método: ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado com amostra composta por 43 RNPT, internados na Unidade Neonatal de um hospital escola da cidade de São Paulo. Os RNPT foram alocados no grupo A ou B, seguindo uma lista de randomização gerada pelo software R que foi envelopada e mantida com os auxiliares da pesquisa responsáveis pelos banhos dos RNPT. A randomização definiu a técnica do primeiro banho que o RN seria submetido. Somente após análise dos dados foi aberto o envelope da randomização sendo identificado que no grupo A, o primeiro banho foi o BIC (intervenção controle) e no grupo B, o BIE (intervenção experimental). A técnica do BIE seguiu a técnica recomendada no Manual Atenção Humanizada ao Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso: Método Mãe-Canguru, publicada pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram utilizadas filmadoras para obter os valores da FC e da SatO2 registradas pelo monitor cardíaco instalado nos RNPT e para captar imagens das reações comportamentais antes e após os banhos. As temperaturas axilares foram aferidas com termômetro digital e amostras de saliva foram coletadas com esponja oftálmica (Merocel)®, refrigeradas e processada pelo teste Elisa. As filmagens do estado comportamental 10 minutos pré e 10 e 20 minutos pós-banho foram analisadas utilizando o instrumento de avaliação do sono-vigília validado por Brandon e Holditch-Davis. Os dados foram registrados em formulário próprio e armazenados em planilha Microsoft Excel. A análise estatística foi realizada com os programas Minitab, versão 16.1 e SPSS, versão 20. Além da análise descritiva das variáveis numéricas para obtenção de medidas de tendência central e dispersão e frequências absoluta e relativa, foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher; o teste T pareado, ANOVA e Modelos Generalizados Lineares na análise dos dados. Resultados: As temperaturas axilares médias dos RNPT pré-BIC e pré-BIE foram, respectivamente, 36,695°C e 36,667°C, p = 0,329. No 10° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias das temperaturas axilares foram, respectivamente, 36,533°C e 36,535°C, p = 0,944. No 20° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias da temperatura axilar foram 36,626°C e 36,628°C, p = 0,663. Houve queda na temperatura axilar no 10° minuto pós-banho, independente do tipo de banho realizado (p <0,001). A hipótese de que o BIE é equivalente ao BIC em relação à variação da temperatura axilar foi confirmada. Houve redução significante nos valores das FC no 10° e 20° minutos pós-BIC e BIE comparados aos valores pré-banho, independente do tipo de banho (p<0,001). Ocorreu aumento gradativo dos valores médios de SatO2 no 10º e 20° minutos após os banhos sem diferenças significantes nos valores pré-banhos, p = 0,969. A concentração do cortisol salivar aumentou após o banho em ambos os grupos, p = 0,001, entretanto não ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos, ou seja, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentaram após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p = 0,797. O percentual de tempo em estado sono ativo aumentou após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p<0,001, ou seja, houve mudança significativa no comportamento do recém-nascido, sem diferenças entre os banhos, p = 0,425. Conclusão: Tanto os RNPT que receberam BIC quanto os que receberam BIE apresentaram queda na temperatura corporal no 10° minuto pós-banho com aumento da temperatura corporal no 20° minuto pós-banho. Comparado aos achados da literatura, a redução da temperatura corporal foi menor que no banho com esponja. O BIE é equivalente ao BIC, portanto ambos são indicados aos RNPT. Convêm salientar o aumento dos custos do BIE em razão do consumo de lençol e da capacitação necessária da equipe de enfermagem nesta técnica de banho, sem prolongar o tempo médio dispendido no banho, visto que poderá reduzir a temperatura da água do banho e consequentemente causar queda na temperatura corporal do RN. / Introduction: the literature review shows that newborns underwent to immersion baths produce less post-bath thermal variation compared to those underwent to the sponge bath. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health has been qualifying working professionals in neonatal hospitalization units to implement the Kangaroo Mother Care and, among other practices, recommends that the preterm newborn infants (PNI) and underweight are underwent to the swaddle immersion bath wrapped in clothes or sheet, suggesting change of the hegemonic practice of sponge bath or conventional immersion bath. However, the immersion bath technique recommended requires more scientific evidence about its safety in relation to impact on the stability of body temperature (T), heart rate (HR), salivary cortisol (SC) and behavioral in PNI. Hypothesis: PNI underwent to swaddle immersion bath wrapped in sheet (SIB) have physiological and behavioral responses similar to those underwent to the conventional immersion bath technique (CIB), in the first 20 minutes post-bath. Objective: To evaluate the physiological and behavioral parameters of preterm newborn infants underwent to swaddle immersion bath in sheet (SIB) and conventional immersion bath (CIB). Method: Randomized crossover clinical trial with a sample of 43 preterm newborn infants in the neonatal unit of a university hospital in the city of Sao Paulo. PNI were allocated in the A or B groups, following a randomization list which was generated by the software R, which was enveloped and maintained with research assistants who were responsible for the baths of PNI. Randomization list defined the first bath technique that the newborn was underwent. The randomization envelope was only opened after data analysis being identified that in group A, the first bath was the CIB (control intervention) and group B, the SIB (experimental intervention). The SIB technique followed the technique recommended in the Humane Care Infant, Low Birth Weight: Kangaroo Mother Care Manual, published by the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Video cameras were used for the HR and SpO2 values recorded at heart monitor installed in the PNI and to capture images of behavioral responses before and after baths. Axillary temperatures were measured with a digital thermometer and saliva samples were collected with ophthalmic sponge (Merocel) ®, refrigerated and processed by the Elisa test. The video recorded of behavioral states of 10 minutes pre-baths and 10 and 20 minutes post-baths were analyzed using the sleep-wake assessment tool validated by Brandon and Holditch-Davis. Data were recorded and stored in the proper form in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab software, version 16.1 and SPSS, version 20. In addition to the descriptive analysis of numerical variables to obtain measures of central tendency, dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies, Chi-square tests were used and Fisher Exact, the paired T-test, ANOVA and Generalized Linear Models in the data analysis. Results: The mean axillary temperatures of PNI pre-CIB and SIB were respectively 36.695 °C and 36.667 °C, p = 0.329. At 10 minutes post-CIB and SIB, the mean axillary temperatures were, respectively, 36.533 ° C to 36.535 ° C, p = 0.944. At 20 minutes post- CIB and SIB, the average of axillary temperature were 36.626°C and 36.628 ° C, p = 0.663. There was a decrease in the axillary temperature at 10 minutes post-bath, regardless of the type performed bath (p < 0.001). The hypothesis that the SIB is equivalent to the CIB related to the variation in the axillary temperature was confirmed. There was a significant reduction in the HR values at the 10th and 20 th minutes after CIB and SIB compared to pre-bath values, regardless type of the bath (p< 0.001). There was a progressive rise on SpO2 mean values on the 10th and 20 th minutes after baths with no significant differences in pre-baths values, p = 0.969. The salivary cortisol concentrations increased after bathing in both groups, p = 0.001, however there were no differences between the groups, in other words, salivary cortisol levels increased after bathing, regardless of the type of bath, p = 0.797. The percentage of time in active sleep state increased after bathing, regardless of bath type, p <0.001, that is meaning there was significant change in newborn behavior, without differences between baths, p = 0.425. Conclusion: Both the PNI who received CIB, as those receiving SIB, had a decrease in body temperature in the 10th minute post bath followed by an increased body temperature at 20 minutes post-bath. Compared to previous studies, reduction of body temperature was lower than in the sponge bath. The SIB is equivalent to the CIB therefore both are recommended for preterm infants. It should be emphasized the increased in the SIB costs due to the bed sheet consumption and the required nursing staff training in this bath technique, without extending the average time spent in the bath, as it may reduce the temperature of the bath water, consequently causing body temperature drop on the newborn

Exposição gestacional ao etanol e avaliação de níveis de cortisol salivar em crianças em idade escolar / Gestational exposure to ethanol and assessment of salivary cortisol levels in school age children

Rodriguez, Isela Iveth González 30 October 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Consumo de álcool na gestação é um sério problema de saúde pública envolvendo grande risco de embriotoxicidade e teratogenicidade fetal. Exposição fetal ao álcool causa liberação de glicocorticóides (GC) pela suprarrenal como conseqüência da ativação do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA). Cortisol é o principal glicocorticóide endógeno capaz de interferir na atividade orgânica, influenciando a retroinibição do eixo HPA. Álcool consumido na gravidez pode alterar indiretamente o desenvolvimento fetal ao perturbar as interações hormonais normais dos eixos hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA), hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoidal (HPT), hipotálamo-hipófise-gonadal (HPG), entre mãe e feto. OBJETIVOS: Comparar dosagens de cortisol salivar em crianças em idade escolar, com e sem histórico prévio de exposição intrauterina ao álcool, e sua relação com risco materno para Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) e intensidade do uso de álcool na gestação. METODOLOGIA: Amostra foi constituída de 76 pares de crianças e mães, de doze a treze anos de idade. Para análise do cortisol, foi coletada saliva e feitas análises por radioimunoensaio. RESULTADOS: Em relação à caracterização da amostra em função do risco materno se obteve significância para \"mãe praticante de religião\" (X²: 5,60; p=0,01). Associação significativa foi observada entre T-ACE positivo (Tolerance, Annoyed,Cut Down e Eye-Opener) na produção do Cortisol Awaking Response (CAR) e ritmo circadiano em função do sexo da criança (F: 9,26; p=0,003). Diferença significativa foi observada nas análises de níveis de cortisol em função do risco materno para FASD onde as análises de variância (t-tests) do cortisol ao despertar foram encontradas para \"CID positivo\" (Clasificação Internacional de doenças) (t:-2,659; p=0,01) e para cortisol aos 30 minutos depois de despertar em função de uso de álcool na gestação (t: -2,03 ; p=0,05). Em relação aos níveis de cortisol em função do uso de álcool na gestação, se obteve diferenças significativas para o cortisol aos 30 minutos depois de despertar (t: -2,03; p=0,05). Foram observadas diferenças significativas (p<0,01) para seguintes variáveis: níveis de cortisol em função do risco materno para FASD, álcool na gestação versus escore AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test); Álcool na gestação versus T-ACE; Níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus Níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois de despertar; Níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois do despertar versus níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar e Níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar versus escore do AUDIT. As variáveis, álcool na gestação versus diagnóstico pelo CID, níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus escore do TACE, apresentaram significância (p=0,01). As análises com níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar; níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus escore do AUDIT-total; níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois do despertar versus escore do T-ACE apresentaram significância estatística (respectivamente, p=0,03, p=0,04 e p=0,05). Em relação à avaliação da qualidade do sono em crianças com exposição pré-natal ao álcool por sexo, obteve-se significância para resistência em ir para a cama, para as meninas (p=0,01) e nas análises de correlação se observou diferenças significativas para ansiedade do sono versus níveis de cortisol salivar às 23 horas (p=0,01) e escore do SRQ total versus perturbação respiratória do sono (p=0,02). DISCUSSÃO: Se obteve uma associação entre uso de álcool na gestação e produção de cortisol salivar nos filhos, porém outras variáveis inerentes às mães podem influenciar no desenvolvimento do HPA e na produção de cortisol na pré-adolescência. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados podem contribuir para o melhor entendimento da fisiopatologia subjacente às manifestações clínicas de crianças expostas ao álcool durante a gestação e a fundamentar planos de prevenção para evitar que mulheres grávidas consumam álcool na gestação. / INTRODUCTION: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a serious public health problem, as it involves great risk related to fetal embryotoxicity and teratogenicity. Fetal alcohol exposure causes the release of glucocorticoids (GC) by the adrenal as consequence of activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Cortisol is the major endogenous glucocorticoid able to interfere with the organic activity, influencing retroinhibition of HPA axis. Furthermore, alcohol consumed during pregnancy can alter fetal development indirectly by disrupting the normal hormonal interactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), hypothalamic-pituitarytireoidal (HPT), and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) between mother and fetus. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this research was to compare the measurements of salivary cortisol in school age children with and without previous history of intrauterine exposure to alcohol, and their relationship to maternal risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the intensity of alcohol use during pregnancy. METHODOLOGY: The study sample consisted of 76 pairs of children and their mothers, between twelve and thirteen years old. For analysis of cortisol, saliva was collected and analyzes were made by radioimmunoassay method. RESULTS: Results show that, in relation to the characterization of the sample as a function of maternal risk for FASD, significance was obtained for the variable mother religious practice versus score of TACE (Tolerance, Annoyed,Cut Down e Eye-Opener) (X²: 5.60, p=0.01). Statistically significant association was observed between the covariate T-ACE and production of CAR (Cortisol Awaking Response) and circadian rhythm versus sex of the child (F: 9.26, p=0.003). Significant differences were also observed in the analysis of cortisol levels as a function of maternal risk for FASD for the test analysis of variance (t-tests) of cortisol after awakening versus \"negative CID\" and \"positive CID\" (International Clasification of Diseases) (t:-2.659; p=0.01) and cortisol at 30 minutes after awakening versus alcohol use during pregnancy (t:-2.03, p=0.05). In relation to cortisol levels due to the use of alcohol during pregnancy, significant differences were obtained for cortisol at 30 minutes after awakening versus alcohol use during pregnancy (t:-2.03, p=0.05). Significant differences (p<0.01) were found for variables: - cortisol levels as a function of maternal risk for FASD; - alcohol during pregnancy versus score of AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test); - alcohol in pregnancy versus T-ACE; - cortisol levels after awakening versus cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening; - cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening versus cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening and cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening versus score of AUDIT. Analyses of alcohol during pregnancy versus mother diagnose CID (harmful use or dependence), and cortisol levels after awakening versus score of T-ACE showed significance (p=0.01). The analyses of cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening; cortisol levels after awakening versus AUDIT-total; cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening versus score of T-ACE were significant (respectively, p=0.03, p=0.04 and p=0.05). Regarding the assessment of sleep quality in children with prenatal exposure to alcohol by sex, significance was obtained for resistance to going to bed for female children (p=0.01) and through the analysis of correlation was observed significant results for anxiety sleep versus salivary cortisol levels at 23 hours (p=0.01) and score of mother SRQ total versus respiratory sleep disorder (p=0.02). DISCUSSION: An association was found between alcohol use during pregnancy and salivary cortisol in children of women who consumed alcohol during pregnancy, however other variables inherent to mothers could act in the development of the HPA and the production of cortisol in preadolescence. CONCLUSION: These results can contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology underlying the clinical manifestations of children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and to establish a prevention plan to ensure that pregnant women do not consume alcohol during pregnancy.

Respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais de recém-nascidos pré-termos submetidos a duas técnicas de banho de imersão: ensaio clínico cruzado / Physiological and behavioral responses of preterm newborn underwent to two immersion baths techniques: cross-over clinical trial

Patricia de Freitas 28 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: a revisão de literatura aponta que os recém-nascidos submetidos ao banho de imersão produzem menor variação térmica pós-banho comparado aos submetidos ao banho com esponja. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde vem capacitando profissionais que atuam em unidades de internação neonatal para implementar o Método Mãe Canguru e, entre outras práticas, recomenda que o recém-nascido pré-termo (RNPT) e com baixo peso seja submetido ao banho de imersão envolto em cueiro ou lençol, sugerindo mudança da prática hegemônica do banho com esponja ou banho de imersão convencional. No entanto, a técnica de banho de imersão recomendada carece de evidências científicas quanto a sua segurança em relação às repercussões na estabilidade da temperatura corporal (T), frequência cardíaca (FC), cortisol salivar (CS) e comportamental em RNPT. Hipótese: os RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envoltos em lençol (BIE) apresentam respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais similares aos submetidos à técnica de banho de imersão convencional (BIC), nos primeiros 20 minutos pós-banho. Objetivo: avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais de RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envolto em lençol (BIE) e banho de imersão convencional (BIC). Método: ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado com amostra composta por 43 RNPT, internados na Unidade Neonatal de um hospital escola da cidade de São Paulo. Os RNPT foram alocados no grupo A ou B, seguindo uma lista de randomização gerada pelo software R que foi envelopada e mantida com os auxiliares da pesquisa responsáveis pelos banhos dos RNPT. A randomização definiu a técnica do primeiro banho que o RN seria submetido. Somente após análise dos dados foi aberto o envelope da randomização sendo identificado que no grupo A, o primeiro banho foi o BIC (intervenção controle) e no grupo B, o BIE (intervenção experimental). A técnica do BIE seguiu a técnica recomendada no Manual Atenção Humanizada ao Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso: Método Mãe-Canguru, publicada pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram utilizadas filmadoras para obter os valores da FC e da SatO2 registradas pelo monitor cardíaco instalado nos RNPT e para captar imagens das reações comportamentais antes e após os banhos. As temperaturas axilares foram aferidas com termômetro digital e amostras de saliva foram coletadas com esponja oftálmica (Merocel)®, refrigeradas e processada pelo teste Elisa. As filmagens do estado comportamental 10 minutos pré e 10 e 20 minutos pós-banho foram analisadas utilizando o instrumento de avaliação do sono-vigília validado por Brandon e Holditch-Davis. Os dados foram registrados em formulário próprio e armazenados em planilha Microsoft Excel. A análise estatística foi realizada com os programas Minitab, versão 16.1 e SPSS, versão 20. Além da análise descritiva das variáveis numéricas para obtenção de medidas de tendência central e dispersão e frequências absoluta e relativa, foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher; o teste T pareado, ANOVA e Modelos Generalizados Lineares na análise dos dados. Resultados: As temperaturas axilares médias dos RNPT pré-BIC e pré-BIE foram, respectivamente, 36,695°C e 36,667°C, p = 0,329. No 10° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias das temperaturas axilares foram, respectivamente, 36,533°C e 36,535°C, p = 0,944. No 20° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias da temperatura axilar foram 36,626°C e 36,628°C, p = 0,663. Houve queda na temperatura axilar no 10° minuto pós-banho, independente do tipo de banho realizado (p <0,001). A hipótese de que o BIE é equivalente ao BIC em relação à variação da temperatura axilar foi confirmada. Houve redução significante nos valores das FC no 10° e 20° minutos pós-BIC e BIE comparados aos valores pré-banho, independente do tipo de banho (p<0,001). Ocorreu aumento gradativo dos valores médios de SatO2 no 10º e 20° minutos após os banhos sem diferenças significantes nos valores pré-banhos, p = 0,969. A concentração do cortisol salivar aumentou após o banho em ambos os grupos, p = 0,001, entretanto não ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos, ou seja, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentaram após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p = 0,797. O percentual de tempo em estado sono ativo aumentou após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p<0,001, ou seja, houve mudança significativa no comportamento do recém-nascido, sem diferenças entre os banhos, p = 0,425. Conclusão: Tanto os RNPT que receberam BIC quanto os que receberam BIE apresentaram queda na temperatura corporal no 10° minuto pós-banho com aumento da temperatura corporal no 20° minuto pós-banho. Comparado aos achados da literatura, a redução da temperatura corporal foi menor que no banho com esponja. O BIE é equivalente ao BIC, portanto ambos são indicados aos RNPT. Convêm salientar o aumento dos custos do BIE em razão do consumo de lençol e da capacitação necessária da equipe de enfermagem nesta técnica de banho, sem prolongar o tempo médio dispendido no banho, visto que poderá reduzir a temperatura da água do banho e consequentemente causar queda na temperatura corporal do RN. / Introduction: the literature review shows that newborns underwent to immersion baths produce less post-bath thermal variation compared to those underwent to the sponge bath. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health has been qualifying working professionals in neonatal hospitalization units to implement the Kangaroo Mother Care and, among other practices, recommends that the preterm newborn infants (PNI) and underweight are underwent to the swaddle immersion bath wrapped in clothes or sheet, suggesting change of the hegemonic practice of sponge bath or conventional immersion bath. However, the immersion bath technique recommended requires more scientific evidence about its safety in relation to impact on the stability of body temperature (T), heart rate (HR), salivary cortisol (SC) and behavioral in PNI. Hypothesis: PNI underwent to swaddle immersion bath wrapped in sheet (SIB) have physiological and behavioral responses similar to those underwent to the conventional immersion bath technique (CIB), in the first 20 minutes post-bath. Objective: To evaluate the physiological and behavioral parameters of preterm newborn infants underwent to swaddle immersion bath in sheet (SIB) and conventional immersion bath (CIB). Method: Randomized crossover clinical trial with a sample of 43 preterm newborn infants in the neonatal unit of a university hospital in the city of Sao Paulo. PNI were allocated in the A or B groups, following a randomization list which was generated by the software R, which was enveloped and maintained with research assistants who were responsible for the baths of PNI. Randomization list defined the first bath technique that the newborn was underwent. The randomization envelope was only opened after data analysis being identified that in group A, the first bath was the CIB (control intervention) and group B, the SIB (experimental intervention). The SIB technique followed the technique recommended in the Humane Care Infant, Low Birth Weight: Kangaroo Mother Care Manual, published by the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Video cameras were used for the HR and SpO2 values recorded at heart monitor installed in the PNI and to capture images of behavioral responses before and after baths. Axillary temperatures were measured with a digital thermometer and saliva samples were collected with ophthalmic sponge (Merocel) ®, refrigerated and processed by the Elisa test. The video recorded of behavioral states of 10 minutes pre-baths and 10 and 20 minutes post-baths were analyzed using the sleep-wake assessment tool validated by Brandon and Holditch-Davis. Data were recorded and stored in the proper form in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab software, version 16.1 and SPSS, version 20. In addition to the descriptive analysis of numerical variables to obtain measures of central tendency, dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies, Chi-square tests were used and Fisher Exact, the paired T-test, ANOVA and Generalized Linear Models in the data analysis. Results: The mean axillary temperatures of PNI pre-CIB and SIB were respectively 36.695 °C and 36.667 °C, p = 0.329. At 10 minutes post-CIB and SIB, the mean axillary temperatures were, respectively, 36.533 ° C to 36.535 ° C, p = 0.944. At 20 minutes post- CIB and SIB, the average of axillary temperature were 36.626°C and 36.628 ° C, p = 0.663. There was a decrease in the axillary temperature at 10 minutes post-bath, regardless of the type performed bath (p < 0.001). The hypothesis that the SIB is equivalent to the CIB related to the variation in the axillary temperature was confirmed. There was a significant reduction in the HR values at the 10th and 20 th minutes after CIB and SIB compared to pre-bath values, regardless type of the bath (p< 0.001). There was a progressive rise on SpO2 mean values on the 10th and 20 th minutes after baths with no significant differences in pre-baths values, p = 0.969. The salivary cortisol concentrations increased after bathing in both groups, p = 0.001, however there were no differences between the groups, in other words, salivary cortisol levels increased after bathing, regardless of the type of bath, p = 0.797. The percentage of time in active sleep state increased after bathing, regardless of bath type, p <0.001, that is meaning there was significant change in newborn behavior, without differences between baths, p = 0.425. Conclusion: Both the PNI who received CIB, as those receiving SIB, had a decrease in body temperature in the 10th minute post bath followed by an increased body temperature at 20 minutes post-bath. Compared to previous studies, reduction of body temperature was lower than in the sponge bath. The SIB is equivalent to the CIB therefore both are recommended for preterm infants. It should be emphasized the increased in the SIB costs due to the bed sheet consumption and the required nursing staff training in this bath technique, without extending the average time spent in the bath, as it may reduce the temperature of the bath water, consequently causing body temperature drop on the newborn

Essai de théorisation de l'action psychique de la technique ostéopathique fonctionnelle en vue de contribuer à la compréhension du traumatisme du point de vue psychosomatique

Ropars, Chantal 17 December 2008 (has links)
L’ostéopathie fonctionnelle est connue pour son action mécanique de rééquilibration des différentes structures du corps, action qui vient en renfort d’un processus permanent d’autoréparation de l’organisme. « Retracer la lésion sans irriter » dénoue les tensions myofasciales et produit des effets psychiques moins connus mais capitaux dans la clinique des troubles post-traumatiques. La prise en charge par ostéopathie fonctionnelle de patients « tout-venants » d’un cabinet privé a servi de pré-recherche qualitative pour repérer les mécanismes psychiques à l’œuvre. Puis la recherche quantitative AIVIO (Aide Intensive aux Victimes par Ostéopathie) a permis une prise en charge prospective randomisée sur plusieurs thérapeutes de victimes d’accident de la voie publique (AVP) recrutées dans un hôpital sur critère d’Etat de Stress Post-traumatique (ESPT) et/ou douleur. Cette recherche a montré l’efficacité d’une telle prise en charge par des résultats cliniques satisfaisants et statistiquement significatifs selon divers questionnaires (MOS SF-36, PCLS, DES, PPAG, BECK 21) Les résultats hautement significatifs concernent la douleur, la vie sociale et la santé psychique pour les victimes d’AVP. La taille des cohortes n’a pas permis de conclure sur l’impact du point de vue biologique, notamment sur l’évolution des taux bas de cortisol, pathognomoniques d’ESPT. L’évolution psychosomatique des patients, montrant trois différents destins, confortent les hypothèses de départ : 1/ Certains troubles anxieux post-traumatiques pourraient être soulagés par le soin du corps lui-même. Eliminer le whiplash et autres tensions myofasciales semble parfois réguler l’irritation neurovégétative et les troubles anxieux. 2/ Le cadre du soin ostéopathique produirait, en plus du travail somatique, un retour tridimensionnel (lieu-temps-niveau de conscience) sur la mémoire épisodique du traumatisme et ses affects liés. La part psychique du traumatisme s’éliminerait par réminiscence du traumatisme dans un état dissociatif paisible ou pendant un moment de sommeil. En cas de résistance au relâchement myofascial, induire délicatement ce processus habituellement spontané et inconscient relancerait le processus d’autoréparation psychique et somatique. L’induction ne parviendrait pourtant pas à diminuer les résistances lorsqu’elles reposent sur la colère, l’angoisse d’origine infantile et sur des difficultés affectives ou socio-économiques majeures. 3/ Dans d’autres cas enfin, le traumatisme corporel donnerait une occasion et un support somatique pour exprimer d’autres souffrances psychonévrotiques. Le symptôme douloureux post-traumatique serait alors maintenu par tension myofasciale. L’écoute active serait parfois suffisante pour libérer cette souffrance somatisée, surtout quand on connaît les mécanismes de défense spécifiques des différentes personnalités psychonévrotiques. Sinon l’approche psychothérapeutique conjointe serait conseillée en cas de névrose plus marquée ou de décompensation d’assises narcissiques fragiles. Du point de vue psychosomatique, nous n’avons pas observé de pensée opératoire ni de refoulement de l’imaginaire. Le symptôme étant déterminé par conservation d’énergie mécanique du traumatisme, il n’est pas métaphorique et ne devrait donc pas être interprété.

La réaction de stress physiologique à la violence au travail

Bergeron, Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est l’étude de la relation entre la violence en milieu de travail et le profil de sécrétion diurne du cortisol salivaire et le rôle modérateur exercé par le centre de contrôle interne sur cette relation. Les données ont été recueillies dans le cadre du projet SALVEO mené au Canada par l’Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (ERTSM) entre 2009 et 2012. L’échantillon de participants est composé de 391 employés de 34 établissements québécois du secteur secondaire et tertiaire. Un nombre total de 3771 échantillons de salive ont été prélevés durant cinq occasions de la journée (réveil, 30 min après le réveil, 14h00, 16h00 et au coucher) répétés à trois moments de la semaine (mardi, jeudi et dimanche). Des modèles de régression multiniveaux ont été effectués sur les mesures de cortisol salivaire à chaque occasion de la journée au niveau 1, les travailleurs au niveau 2 et les établissements au niveau 3. En contrôlant pour les variables susceptibles d’influencer la concentration de cortisol salivaire telles que le sexe, l’âge, l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC), la consommation de tabac, la consommation d’alcool, l’activité physique, l’utilisation de médicaments, la saison d’échantillonnage et certains problèmes de santé, les résultats ont révelé des variations significatives dans la concentration de cortisol salivaire. En effet, les travailleurs vivant un niveau élevé de conflits interpersonnels présentaient un niveau de cortisol salivaire significativement plus faible à 16h00 et au coucher. Cependant, le niveau de harcèlement physique et sexuel n’influençait pas significativement la concentration de cortisol salivaire. Le centre de contrôle interne modérait la relation entre le niveau de conflits interpersonnels et la concentration de cortisol salivaire. Le centre de contrôle interne donne une indication sur la capacité du travailleur à gérer une situation de stress. Plus les conflits interpersonnels étaient élevés et plus la concentration de cortisol salivaire au coucher était forte pour les hommes avec un centre de contrôle interne élevé, comparativement à ceux exprimant un centre de contrôle interne faible et pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon. Ces résultats suggèrent que les conflits interpersonnels sont une source de stress associée à des variations significatives de concentration de cortisol salivaire. Les organisations devraient encourager le développement de pratiques de gestion en ressources humaines misant sur la résolution des conflits interpersonnels de leurs membres. Ces pratiques de RH contribueraient à prévenir les problèmes de santé associés à la violence au travail. / The main goal of the thesis was to study the relationship between violence at work and salivary cortisol variation. Specifically, we assessed the moderation effect of internal locus of control on the relationship between sexual and physical harassment and interpersonal conflicts at work with variations in salivary cortisol concentrations. Questionnaire data and saliva samples for cortisol analysis were collected on 391 day-shift workers employed in Canadian workplaces. Workers provided five saliva samples a day (awaking, 30 min after awaking, 2 p.m., 4 p.m., bedtime) repeated 3 times (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday) on a week. Data was collected during the SALVEO Canadian study by the Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (ERTSM) throughout 2009 - 2012. Multilevel regression models were performed from cortisol measurements at each occasion within a day at level-1, workers at level-2 and workplace at level-3. Controlling for sex, age, body mass index (IMC), tobacco, alcohol, physical activity, medication, sampling season and health problems, results revealed significant variations in salivary cortisol concentration between sample, workers and workplace. Workers with high interpersonal conflicts have a lower salivary cortisol concentration at 4 p.m. and bedtime. Results revealed no significant relationship between sexual and physical harassment at work and salivary cortisol. Internal locus of control moderated the relationship between interpersonal conflicts and salivary cortisol variation. Higher interpersonal conflicts are associated with higher salivary cortisol concentration at bedtime for men with a strong internal locus of control than for men with low internal locus of control and for all workers. Overall, results suggest the interpersonal conflicts are a chronic stress significantly associate with salivary cortisol variation during a working day. Organisations should encourage the development of human resources management practices focusing on resolving interpersonal conflicts of their members. These HR practices help to prevent health problems associated with violence at work.

« Étude du lien entre les comportements non verbaux émis par de jeunes hommes soumis à un test de stress (TSST) et leur niveau de stress physiologique : influence des expériences passées de maltraitance »

Dufour, Pierre 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Monitorage des mesures physiologiques et des comportements répétitifs associés au stress chez les enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme

Dufour, Marie-Michèle 04 1900 (has links)
Le trouble du spectre de l’autisme se caractérise par la présence de difficultés au plan de la communication sociale et par la présence de comportements répétitifs et d’intérêts restreints (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Les enfants ayant un TSA présentent plusieurs difficultés concomitantes qui les rendent plus susceptibles de vivre des niveaux de stress élevés, comme des déficits dans la sphère de la communication, de la socialisation et des fonctions exécutives, ainsi que la présence de particularités sensorielles (Groden et al., 1994, 2005). Malgré que ces enfants soient plus à risque de vivre du stress, plusieurs enjeux méthodologiques rendent difficile sa mesure et plus particulièrement chez ceux qui sont non verbaux. Pour ces raisons, le recours aux mesures physiologiques pour évaluer le stress auprès de cette clientèle est d’une grande pertinence. Par contre, les sensibilités sensorielles de ces enfants pourraient les rendre plus susceptibles de ne pas tolérer ces mesures. Le premier article de cette thèse vise donc à évaluer l’efficacité de l’intervention comportementale renforcement différentiel d’autres comportements (differential reinforcement of other behavior; DRO) pour augmenter la tolérance au port d’une ceinture cardiaque chez deux enfants non verbaux ayant un TSA. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que cette intervention a été efficace pour amener ces enfants à augmenter leur tolérance au port du dispositif cardiaque. Un autre aspect qui a reçu beaucoup d’attention dans les dernières années est l’implication du stress dans l’explication des comportements répétitifs et stéréotypés chez les personnes ayant un TSA. Les résultats des études antérieures sont contradictoires (de Vaan et al., 2018; Gabriels et al., 2013; Hutt et al., 1975; Lydon et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015) et ont principalement utilisé des mesures indirectes des comportements répétitifs. Pour cette raison, le deuxième article de cet ouvrage vise à évaluer le lien entre le cortisol salivaire, le rythme cardiaque et des mesures d’observations directes de la stéréotypie chez quatre enfants minimalement verbaux ayant un TSA. Les résultats montrent que le cortisol et le rythme cardiaque sont significativement liés à la stéréotypie globale et motrice, sans que ces liens soient observés avec la stéréotypie vocale. Finalement, mesurer directement les comportements stéréotypés demande beaucoup de ressources, ce qui pourrait expliquer la prépondérance des mesures indirectes dans les études. Comme pour l’évaluation du stress, il importe de réfléchir aux méthodes alternatives abordables et accessibles qui pourraient améliorer la mesure de ces comportements. Le troisième article de cette thèse a évalué l’efficacité d’un algorithme d’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans la reconnaissance de la stéréotypie vocale chez des enfants ayant un TSA. Les résultats démontrent que la performance de l’algorithme est supérieure à la reconnaissance due au hasard. Bien que des recherches futures soient nécessaires pour augmenter l’efficacité de cette méthode, l’IA représente une technologie novatrice ayant le potentiel d’améliorer significativement les méthodes actuellement utilisées pour mesurer la stéréotypie. En conclusion, le présent ouvrage explore différentes avenues novatrices pour mieux comprendre et de monitorer la stéréotypie chez les enfants ayant un TSA. / Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by the presence of difficulties in social communication and the presence of repetitive behaviors and restricted interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Children with ASD have several concurrent difficulties, such as deficits in communication, socialization, and executive function, as well as the presence of sensory peculiarities that make them more likely to experience high levels of stress (Groden et al., 2005). Although these children are at increased risk for stress, a number of methodological issues make it difficult to measure, particularly in non-verbal children. For these reasons, the use of physiological measures to assess stress among this group is highly relevant. On the other hand, the sensory sensitivities of these children could potentially make them more likely to be intolerant to these measures. Therefore, the first study in this thesis aims to evaluate the effectiveness of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) to increase compliance with wearing a heart rate monitor in two non-verbal children with ASD. The results obtained portray that this intervention was effective in getting these children to increase their compliance to wearing a cardiac device. Another aspect that has received much attention in recent years is the involvement of stress in explaining repetitive behaviors in individuals with ASD. However, the results of previous studies have been producing contradictory results (de Vaan et al., 2018; Gabriels et al., 2013; Hutt et al., 1975; Lydon et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015), and have mainly been using indirect measures of stereotypy. For this reason, the second study in this thesis aims to evaluate the relationship between salivary cortisol, heart rate, and direct observational measures of stereotypy in four minimally verbal children with ASD. The results show that cortisol and heart rate are significantly related to global and motor stereotypy, but not to vocal stereotypy. Finally, measuring stereotypy requires a lot of resources, which could explain the preponderance of indirect measuring in studies on stress. As with the measurement of stress, it is important to consider affordable and alternative methods that could improve the measurement of these behaviors, and therefore the third study evaluated the effectiveness of an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm in the recognition of vocal stereotypy in children with ASD. The results show that the performance of the algorithm is superior to recognition due to chance. Although future research is needed to increase the effectiveness of this method, AI represents an innovative technology with the potential to significantly improve the methods currently used to measure vocal stereotypy. In conclusion, this thesis explores different innovative methods to better understand and monitor stereotypy in children with ASD.

Sommes-nous de bons juges de notre stress? Marqueurs subjectifs et physiologiques de stress chez de jeunes adultes se disant ‘zen’ versus très stressés

Leclaire, Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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