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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung der Mikroorganismen im sauren Grubenwasser des ehemaligen Uranbergwerks Königstein

Zirnstein, Isabel 20 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Beim Bergbau werden bestehende Ökosysteme in großem Maße beeinflusst. Im ehemaligen Uranbergwerk Königstein (Sachsen) wurde die Umwelt durch den Einsatz von chemischen Säuren zur Lösung des Urans aus dem Erz (Laugung) in Folge der Verschiebung des pH-Wertes zusätzlich belastet. Durch diesen Prozess entstand eine Umgebung, die einen niedrigen pH-Wert und hohe Konzentrationen an gelösten Schwermetall-Ionen aufweist. Die komplexe mikrobielle Lebensgemeinschaft verschob sich daraufhin, indem sich bevorzugt säuretolerante und Schwermetall-tolerante Mikroorganismen durchsetzten. Diese Mikroorganismen wurden durch die Flutung der unter Tage Schächte im Jahr 2010 in ihrer Zusammensetzung erneut beeinflusst. In dieser Arbeit wurde die mikrobielle Biozönose nach Flutung der unter Tage Schächte des ehemaligen Uranbergwerkes Königstein charakterisiert und mit den Ergebnissen der mikrobiellen Diversität vor dem Flutungsprozess verglichen. Hierfür kam ein breites Spektrum an Methoden zum Einsatz, das klassische mikrobiologische Methoden und molekularbiologische Techniken umfasste. Die Analysen erfolgten dabei über mehrere Jahre hinweg, um die Variabilität der mikrobiellen Population im Grubenwasser planktonisch und im Biofilm zu erfassen.

Charakterisierung der Mikroorganismen im sauren Grubenwasser des ehemaligen Uranbergwerks Königstein

Zirnstein, Isabel 29 June 2015 (has links)
Beim Bergbau werden bestehende Ökosysteme in großem Maße beeinflusst. Im ehemaligen Uranbergwerk Königstein (Sachsen) wurde die Umwelt durch den Einsatz von chemischen Säuren zur Lösung des Urans aus dem Erz (Laugung) in Folge der Verschiebung des pH-Wertes zusätzlich belastet. Durch diesen Prozess entstand eine Umgebung, die einen niedrigen pH-Wert und hohe Konzentrationen an gelösten Schwermetall-Ionen aufweist. Die komplexe mikrobielle Lebensgemeinschaft verschob sich daraufhin, indem sich bevorzugt säuretolerante und Schwermetall-tolerante Mikroorganismen durchsetzten. Diese Mikroorganismen wurden durch die Flutung der unter Tage Schächte im Jahr 2010 in ihrer Zusammensetzung erneut beeinflusst. In dieser Arbeit wurde die mikrobielle Biozönose nach Flutung der unter Tage Schächte des ehemaligen Uranbergwerkes Königstein charakterisiert und mit den Ergebnissen der mikrobiellen Diversität vor dem Flutungsprozess verglichen. Hierfür kam ein breites Spektrum an Methoden zum Einsatz, das klassische mikrobiologische Methoden und molekularbiologische Techniken umfasste. Die Analysen erfolgten dabei über mehrere Jahre hinweg, um die Variabilität der mikrobiellen Population im Grubenwasser planktonisch und im Biofilm zu erfassen.

Physiological properties of new species of Acidithiobacillus isolated from abandoned Tin mine in Ha Thuong, Thai Nguyen province: Research article

Nguyen, Tuyet Anh, Nguyen, Thi Thuy Tuyen, Duong, Thi Thuy, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Ho, Cuong Tu 09 December 2015 (has links)
Acidophilic bacteria are able to tolerate acidic environment and also contribute to the lowering of environmental pH value, implying potential applications in metal-leaching technology extracting metals from tailings and electronic wastes. In this study, we conducted a sampling campaign in abandoned Tin mine in Ha Thuong, Thai Nguyen province, to isolate acidophilic bacteria and to study physiological characteristics of the isolated bacteria. As a result, two acidophilic bacteria were successfully isolated and identification by 16S rDNA gene sequences showed that the two bacteria are similar to Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (98% and 94 % of similarity, respectively). Both strains are tolerant of pH in the range of 3 and have the ability to grow optimally at temperatures of 30°C. / Vi khuẩn ưa axit có ý nghĩa ứng dụng trong công nghệ tách rút kim loại từ quặng đuôi và ngay cả từ rác thải linh kiện điện tử. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đã tiến hành thu mẫu ở mỏ thiếc bỏ hoang ở Hà Thượng, Thái Nguyên nhằm phân lập được nhóm vi khuẩn ưa axit và qua đó nghiên cứu một số đặc điểm sinh lý của vi khuẩn này. Kết quả chúng tôi đã phân lập được hai chủng vi khuẩn ưa axit. Định dạng bằng nhận diện trình tự gen 16S rADN cho thấy hai vi khuẩn này có độ tương đồng là 98% với vi khuẩn Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans và 94% Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Cả hai chủng vi khuẩn đều có tính chịu pH trong khoảng 3 và có khả năng sinh trưởng tối ưu ở nhiệt độ 30oC.

Microarrays for the scalable production of metabolically relevant tumour spheroids: a tool for modulating chemosensitivity traits

Hardelauf, Heike, Frimat, Jean-Philippe, Stewart, Joanna D., Schormann, Wiebke, Chiang, Ya-Yu, Lampen, Peter, Franzke, Joachim, Hengstler, Jan G., Cadenas, Cristina, Kunz-Schughart, Leoni A., West, Jonathan 02 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We report the use of thin film poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) prints for the arrayed mass production of highly uniform 3-D human HT29 colon carcinoma spheroids. The spheroids have an organotypic density and, as determined by 3-axis imaging, were genuinely spherical. Critically, the array density impacts growth kinetics and can be tuned to produce spheroids ranging in diameter from 200 to 550 µm. The diffusive limit of competition for media occurred with a pitch of ≥1250 µm and was used for the optimal array-based culture of large, viable spheroids. During sustained culture mass transfer gradients surrounding and within the spheroids are established, and lead to growth cessation, altered expression patterns and the formation of a central secondary necrosis. These features reflect the microenvironment of avascularised tumours, making the array format well suited for the production of model tumours with defined sizes and thus defined spatio-temporal pathophysiological gradients. Experimental windows, before and after the onset of hypoxia, were identified and used with an enzyme activity-based viability assay to measure the chemosensitivity towards irinotecan. Compared to monolayer cultures, a marked reduction in the drug efficacy towards the different spheroid culture states was observed and attributed to cell cycle arrest, the 3-D character, scale and/or hypoxia factors. In summary, spheroid culture using the array format has great potential to support drug discovery and development, as well as tumour biology research. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Quantifizierung saurer Lewis- und Brønsted-Zentren auf Festkörperoberflächen

Hemmann, Felix Terence 24 February 2015 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit war die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Quantifizierung saurer Zentren auf Festkörperoberflächen mittels 15N-Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie von adsorbierten Pyridinmolekülen. Die 15N-Festkörper-NMR von adsorbiertem Pyridin ermöglicht die Unterscheidung verschiedener Arten von sauren Zentren, wie Lewis- und Brønsted-Zentren. Die Bestimmung der Art und der Konzentration auftretender saurer Zentren ist entscheidend, um die katalytische Aktivität fester Katalysatoren in einer Reaktion zu verstehen. Da 15N-NMR-Messungen zumeist zeitaufwendig sind, wurde in dieser Arbeit eine zeitoptimierte Messroutine entwickelt, die auf der Messung von 15N-Einzelpuls-Spektren mit kurzen Pulswiederholzeiten beruht. Um diese Spektren quantitativ auswerten zu können, müssen die detektierten NMR-Signale bezüglich ihrer T1-Relaxation korrigiert werden. Zudem treten in 15N-Einzelpuls-NMR-Spektren oft starke Störungen der Basislinie auf. Zur Unterdrückung dieser Störsignale wurde die EASY-Methode entwickelt, die auf der Messung von zwei schnell aufeinander folgenden Spektren basiert. Mittels dieser Methode können auftretende Störsignale in quantitativen 15N-NMR-Spektren unterdrückt werden. Die entwickelte zeitoptimierte Quantifizierungsmethode wurde an zwei Probenserien von festen Säuren getestet; zum einen an Aluminiumhydroxidfluoriden, als Vertreter von Verbindungen mit stark sauren Zentren, und zum anderen an hydroxylierten Magnesiumfluoriden, als Vertreter schwach saurer Verbindungen. Der Vergleich mit anderen quantitativen Methoden zeigte, dass die 15N-Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie von adsorbiertem Pyridin hervorragend für die Quantifizierung saurer Zentren geeignet ist und Einblicke in die katalytische Aktivität fester Katalysatoren ermöglicht. / The aim of the present dissertation was to develop a method for the quantification of acidic sites on solid surfaces by 15N solid-state NMR with pyridine as probe molecule. 15N NMR of adsorbed pyridine allows to distinguish different types of acidic sites like Lewis and Brønsted sites. The determination of the kind and concentrations of occurring acidic sites is crucial to understand the catalytic activity of a solid catalyst in a reaction.15N NMR measurements are often time-consuming. Hence, a time-optimized NMR quantification procedure was developed which uses 15N single pulse spectra with short pulse repetition delays. For quantitative analysis of these spectra, occurring signals were corrected according to their T1 relaxation. Furthermore, often strong baseline disturbances are observed in single pulse spectra. For the suppression of these disturbances, the EASY method was developed. The EASY method uses two successive scans to obtain quantitative NMR spectra, in which baseline disturbances are suppressed. The developed time-optimized method for the quantification of acidic sites was applied on two series of samples. One series of aluminum hydroxide fluorides as representatives of catalysts with strong acid sites and one series of hydroxylated magnesium fluorides as representatives of weak acidic catalysts. The comparison with other quantitative methods shows that 15N solid-state NMR of adsorbed pyridine is an excellent method for the quantification of acidic sites, because insights in the catalytic activity of a catalyst can be gained.

Vanadiumdotierte Metalloxide und -oxofluoride als Katalysatoren in selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen

Scheurell, Kerstin 17 January 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden unter Anwendung unterschiedlicher Präparationstechniken vanadiumdotierte Metalloxide bzw. –oxofluoride synthetisiert, umfassend charakterisiert und in katalytischen, selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen (ODH von Propan und Methanoloxidation) getestet. Die Festkörper- und oberflächenchemischen Eigenschaften wurden generell mittels CHN-Analyse, ICP-OES, XRD, Raman-, FTIR-, MAS-NMR- und ESR-Spektroskopie, Py-PAS, TPD und Tieftemperatur-Stickstoffadsorption untersucht. Ergänzend kamen an ausgewählten Proben der temperaturprogrammierte Sauerstoffisotopenaustausch und Adsorptionsuntersuchungen von Methanol zum Einsatz. Als katalytische Testreaktionen dienten die oxidative Dehydrierung von Propan und die selektive Methanoloxidation. Unabhängig von der angewendeten Synthesemethode zeigte sich, dass die Festkörpereigenschaften sowohl durch den Vanadiumgehalt, als auch wesentlich durch die Art des Wirtsgitters beeinflusst werden. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass eine hohe Sauerstoffaustauschaktivität und das Vorhandensein Brønsted-saurer Zentren auf den Katalysatoroberflächen die Aktivierung der Edukte in den hier untersuchten katalytischen Reaktionen begünstigen. In Bezug auf die Selektivität zu den Zielprodukten Propen bzw. Formaldehyd sind diese Eigenschaften allerdings nachteilig, da an derartigen Zentren immer die Produkte der Totaloxidation (CO und CO2) gebildet werden. Besonders bemerkenswert ist das Verhalten der vanadiumdotierten Aluminiumoxofluoride. Diese Phasen wurden mit einer neuen Methode synthetisiert und enthalten fast ausschließlich Lewis-saure Zentren. Die Matrix wird zudem maßgeblich durch die Fluoridionen bestimmt, sodass die Sauerstoffmobilität und –austauschaktivität sehr gering sind. Dadurch reagieren sie, trotz einer relativ hohen katalytischen Aktivität, außerordentlich selektiv in den hier untersuchten selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen. / In this thesis, vanadium containing metal oxides and oxyfluorides were prepared, thoroughly characterised and tested as catalysts in selective oxidation reactions. Bulk and surface properties of all samples were studied by means of CHN-analysis, ICP-OES, XRD, Raman-, FTIR-, MAS-NMR- und ESR-spectroscopy, Py-PAS, TPD and BET-adsorption. Moreover, the oxygen isotope exchange behaviour and the methanol adsorption properties of selected samples were analysed in order to correlate the surface properties with the catalytic behaviour of the materials. Irrespective of the preparation technique applied, the properties of the solids strongly depend on the host lattice as well as on the vanadium content. It has been clearly revealed that a high oxygen exchange activity and the presence of Brønsted acid sites on the catalyst surface promote the activation of the educts in selective oxidation reactions. The enhanced activity, however, is generally accompanied by a low selectivity towards the desired products propylene and formaldehyde, respectively. The low selectivity is caused by the high concentration of catalytically active sites leading to the formation of carbon oxides as total oxidation products of propane and methanol. A very promising catalytic behaviour was observed with vanadium-doped aluminium oxyfluorides. The oxyfluorides were prepared by a new method and contain almost exclusively Lewis-acid sites. The matrix is mainly determined by the fluoride anions resulting in a reduced oxygen mobility and exchange activity. Hence, the vanadium-doped aluminium oxyfluorides exhibit a relatively high catalytic activity accompanied by an excellent selectivity in the oxidation reaction of propane and methanol.

Entwicklung molekularer Werkzeuge zur Erforschung des Lipidstoffwechsels

Pinkert, Thomas 11 July 2017 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden fluoreszierende Sphingomyelin-Analoga zu Studium der sauren Sphingomyelinase (ASM) synthetisiert. Ausgehend von L-Serin wurde ein Sphingosin-Derivat mit natürlicher Stereochemie dargestellt. Anschließend wurde mittels Phosphorodichloridat-Chemie eine Aminoethylphosphat-Gruppe installiert. Zweifache Fluoreszenzmarkierung ergab Sonden mit der Fähigkeit zu Förster-Resonanzenergietransfer (FRET). Diese wurden als Substrate der ASM akzeptiert und erlaubten die Verfolgung der Enzymaktivität in vitro. Durch die Analyse der photophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Fluorophore wurde das allgemeine Konzept der Phasentrennungs-gestützten Signalverstärkung (PS) abgeleitet. Dieses Konzept wurde erfolgreich bestätigt durch die Synthese einer 30-mal leistungsfähigeren zweiten Generation der FRET-Sonde. Ein homogener Assay wurde entwickelt, der die Quantifizierung der ASM-Aktivität erlaubte. Unter Verwendung von gereinigter rekombinanter humaner ASM, HeLa-Zelllysaten oder Lysaten von murinen embryonalen Fibroblasten (MEFs) als Enzymquelle wurde ausschließlich unter den von der ASM bevorzugten Bedingungen eine vollständige und spezifische Hydrolyse der Sonde beobachtet. Des Weiteren erlaubte die Sonde die Detektion relativer Unterschiede der Aktivität der ASM in kultivierten MEFs mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit Zweiphotonenanregung (2PE). / Fluorescent sphingomyelin analogues have been synthesized to probe the acid sphingomyelinase (ASM). Starting from L-serine, a sphingosine with natural stereochemistry was synthesized. Subsequently, phosphorodichloridate chemistry was used to install an aminoethyl phosphate moiety. Dual fluorescent labeling afforded probes capable of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). They were recognized as substrates of ASM and allowed for monitoring of the enzyme’s activity in vitro. Through analysis of the fluorophores’ photophysical properties, the general concept of partition aided amplification of a FRET probe’s signal (PS) was developed. This concept was successfully confirmed by the synthesis of a second-generation probe with 30-fold improved response. A homogenous assay was developed, which allowed for a quantitation of ASM activity. Using either purified recombinant human ASM, or lysates of HeLa cells or mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) as an enzyme source, complete and specific cleavage was observed exclusively under conditions preferred by ASM. Furthermore, the probe enabled the detection of relative levels of ASM activity in cultivated MEFs using fluorescence microscopy with two-photon excitation (2PE).

Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of novel iron oxidizing bacteria of the genus “Ferrovum“ / Charakterisierung von neuartigen eisenoxidierenden Bakterien der Gattung „Ferrovum” auf Genom- und Transkriptomebene

Ullrich, Sophie 30 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Acidophilic iron oxidizing bacteria of the betaproteobacterial genus “Ferrovum” are ubiquitously distributed in acid mine drainage (AMD) habitats worldwide. Since their isolation and maintenance in the laboratory has proved to be extremely difficult, members of this genus are not accessible to a “classical” microbiological characterization with exception of the designated type strain “Ferrovum myxofaciens” P3G. The present study reports the characterization of “Ferrovum” strains at genome and transcriptome level. “Ferrovum” sp. JA12, “Ferrovum” sp. PN-J185 and “F. myxofaciens” Z-31 represent the iron oxidizers of the mixed cultures JA12, PN-J185 and Z-31. The mixed cultures were derived from the mine water treatment plant Tzschelln close to the lignite mining site in Nochten (Lusatia, Germany). The mixed cultures also contain a heterotrophic strain of the genus Acidiphilium. The genome analysis of Acidiphilium sp. JA12-A1, the heterotrophic contamination of the mixed culture JA12, indicates an interspecies carbon and phosphate transfer between Acidiphilium and “Ferrovum” in the mixed culture, and possibly also in their natural habitat. The comparison of the inferred metabolic potentials of four “Ferrovum” strains and the analysis of their phylogenetic relationships suggest the existence of two subgroups within the genus “Ferrovum” (i.e. the operational taxonomic units OTU-1 and OUT-2) harboring characteristic metabolic profiles. OTU-1 includes the “F. myxofaciens” strains P3G and Z-31, which are predicted to be motile and diazotrophic, and to have a higher acid tolerance than OTU-2. The latter includes two closely related proposed species represented by the strains JA12 and PN-J185, which appear to lack the abilities of motility, chemotaxis and molecular nitrogen fixation. Instead, both OTU-2 strains harbor the potential to use urea as alternative nitrogen source to ammonium, and even nitrate in case of the JA12-like species. The analysis of the genome architectures of the four “Ferrovum” strains suggests that horizontal gene transfer and loss of metabolic genes, accompanied by genome reduction, have contributed to the evolution of the OTUs. A trial transcriptome study of “Ferrovum” sp. JA12 supports the ferrous iron oxidation model inferred from its genome sequence, and reveals the potential relevance of several hypothetical proteins in ferrous iron oxidation. Although the inferred models in “Ferrovum” spp. share common features with the acidophilic iron oxidizers of the Acidithiobacillia, it appears to be more similar to the neutrophilic iron oxidizers Mariprofundus ferrooxydans (“Zetaproteobacteria”) and Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (Betaproteobacteria). These findings suggest a common origin of ferrous iron oxidation in the Beta- and “Zetaproteobacteria”, while the acidophilic lifestyle of “Ferrovum” spp. may have been acquired later, allowing them to also colonize acid mine drainage habitats.

Microarrays for the scalable production of metabolically relevant tumour spheroids: a tool for modulating chemosensitivity traits

Hardelauf, Heike, Frimat, Jean-Philippe, Stewart, Joanna D., Schormann, Wiebke, Chiang, Ya-Yu, Lampen, Peter, Franzke, Joachim, Hengstler, Jan G., Cadenas, Cristina, Kunz-Schughart, Leoni A., West, Jonathan January 2011 (has links)
We report the use of thin film poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) prints for the arrayed mass production of highly uniform 3-D human HT29 colon carcinoma spheroids. The spheroids have an organotypic density and, as determined by 3-axis imaging, were genuinely spherical. Critically, the array density impacts growth kinetics and can be tuned to produce spheroids ranging in diameter from 200 to 550 µm. The diffusive limit of competition for media occurred with a pitch of ≥1250 µm and was used for the optimal array-based culture of large, viable spheroids. During sustained culture mass transfer gradients surrounding and within the spheroids are established, and lead to growth cessation, altered expression patterns and the formation of a central secondary necrosis. These features reflect the microenvironment of avascularised tumours, making the array format well suited for the production of model tumours with defined sizes and thus defined spatio-temporal pathophysiological gradients. Experimental windows, before and after the onset of hypoxia, were identified and used with an enzyme activity-based viability assay to measure the chemosensitivity towards irinotecan. Compared to monolayer cultures, a marked reduction in the drug efficacy towards the different spheroid culture states was observed and attributed to cell cycle arrest, the 3-D character, scale and/or hypoxia factors. In summary, spheroid culture using the array format has great potential to support drug discovery and development, as well as tumour biology research. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of novel iron oxidizing bacteria of the genus “Ferrovum“

Ullrich, Sophie 30 May 2016 (has links)
Acidophilic iron oxidizing bacteria of the betaproteobacterial genus “Ferrovum” are ubiquitously distributed in acid mine drainage (AMD) habitats worldwide. Since their isolation and maintenance in the laboratory has proved to be extremely difficult, members of this genus are not accessible to a “classical” microbiological characterization with exception of the designated type strain “Ferrovum myxofaciens” P3G. The present study reports the characterization of “Ferrovum” strains at genome and transcriptome level. “Ferrovum” sp. JA12, “Ferrovum” sp. PN-J185 and “F. myxofaciens” Z-31 represent the iron oxidizers of the mixed cultures JA12, PN-J185 and Z-31. The mixed cultures were derived from the mine water treatment plant Tzschelln close to the lignite mining site in Nochten (Lusatia, Germany). The mixed cultures also contain a heterotrophic strain of the genus Acidiphilium. The genome analysis of Acidiphilium sp. JA12-A1, the heterotrophic contamination of the mixed culture JA12, indicates an interspecies carbon and phosphate transfer between Acidiphilium and “Ferrovum” in the mixed culture, and possibly also in their natural habitat. The comparison of the inferred metabolic potentials of four “Ferrovum” strains and the analysis of their phylogenetic relationships suggest the existence of two subgroups within the genus “Ferrovum” (i.e. the operational taxonomic units OTU-1 and OUT-2) harboring characteristic metabolic profiles. OTU-1 includes the “F. myxofaciens” strains P3G and Z-31, which are predicted to be motile and diazotrophic, and to have a higher acid tolerance than OTU-2. The latter includes two closely related proposed species represented by the strains JA12 and PN-J185, which appear to lack the abilities of motility, chemotaxis and molecular nitrogen fixation. Instead, both OTU-2 strains harbor the potential to use urea as alternative nitrogen source to ammonium, and even nitrate in case of the JA12-like species. The analysis of the genome architectures of the four “Ferrovum” strains suggests that horizontal gene transfer and loss of metabolic genes, accompanied by genome reduction, have contributed to the evolution of the OTUs. A trial transcriptome study of “Ferrovum” sp. JA12 supports the ferrous iron oxidation model inferred from its genome sequence, and reveals the potential relevance of several hypothetical proteins in ferrous iron oxidation. Although the inferred models in “Ferrovum” spp. share common features with the acidophilic iron oxidizers of the Acidithiobacillia, it appears to be more similar to the neutrophilic iron oxidizers Mariprofundus ferrooxydans (“Zetaproteobacteria”) and Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (Betaproteobacteria). These findings suggest a common origin of ferrous iron oxidation in the Beta- and “Zetaproteobacteria”, while the acidophilic lifestyle of “Ferrovum” spp. may have been acquired later, allowing them to also colonize acid mine drainage habitats.:EIDESSTATTLICHE ERKLÄRUNG ... 2 CONTENT ... 4 SUMMARY ... 9 CHAPTER I ... 11 ORIGIN AND MICROBIOLOGY OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE ... 11 ACIDOPHILIC IRON OXIDIZING BACTERIA OF THE GENUS “FERROVUM” ... 12 APPLICATION OF OMICS-BASED APPROACHES TO CHARACTERIZE ACIDOPHILES ... 14 AIMS OF THE PRESENT WORK ... 15 CHAPTER II ... 17 ABSTRACT ... 18 INTRODUCTION ... 18 METHODS ... 19 GENOME PROJECT HISTORY ... 19 GROWTH CONDITIONS AND GENOMIC DNA PREPARATION ... 20 GENOME SEQUENCING AND ASSEMBLY ... 20 GENOME ANNOTATION ... 21 RESULTS ... 21 CLASSIFICATION AND FEATURES ... 21 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 24 INSIGHTS FROM THE GENOME SEQUENCE ... 24 COMPARATIVE GENOMICS ... 28 CONCLUSIONS ... 30 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 32 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 32 CHAPTER III ... 33 ABSTRACT ... 34 INTRODUCTION ... 34 METHODS ... 36 ORIGIN AND CULTIVATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAIN JA12 ... 36 GENOME SEQUENCING, ASSEMBLY AND ANNOTATION ... 37 VISUALIZATION OF THE NEARLY COMPLETE GENOME ... 38 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 39 PREDICTION OF MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS ... 39 NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE ACCESSION NUMBER ... 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ... 39 PHYLOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAIN JA12 ... 39 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 40 NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION AND BIOMASS PRODUCTION ... 44 Carbon dioxide fixation ... 44 Central carbon metabolism ... 45 Nitrogen ... 47 Phosphate ... 49 Sulfate ... 50 ENERGY METABOLISM ... 50 Ferrous iron oxidation ... 50 Other redox reactions connected to the quinol pool ... 54 Predicted formate dehydrogenase ... 55 STRATEGIES TO ADAPT TO ACIDIC ENVIRONMENTS, HIGH METAL LOADS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS ... 55 Acidic environment ... 55 Strategies to cope with high metal and metalloid loads ... 58 Oxidative stress ... 59 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER ... 60 CONCLUSIONS ... 61 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 62 AUTHORS\' CONTRIBUTIONS ... 62 CHAPTER IV ... 63 ABSTRACT ... 64 INTRODUCTION ... 64 METHODS ... 66 ORIGIN AND CULTIVATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAINS PN-J185 AND Z-31 ... 66 GENOME SEQUENCING, ASSEMBLY AND ANNOTATION ... 66 PREDICTION OF MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS ... 67 COMPARATIVE GENOMICS ... 68 Phylogenomic analysis ... 68 Assignment of protein-coding genes to the COG classification ... 68 Identification of orthologous proteins ... 68 Comparison and analysis of genome architectures ... 69 RESULTS ... 69 GENERAL GENOME FEATURES AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF THE FOUR “FERROVUM” STRAINS ... 69 COMPARISON OF INFERRED METABOLIC TRAITS ... 71 Identification of core genes and flexible genes ... 71 Comparison of the central metabolism ... 74 Central carbon metabolism ... 74 Nitrogen metabolism ... 77 Energy metabolism ... 78 Cell mobility and chemotaxis ... 78 Diversity of predicted stress tolerance mechanisms ... 78 Maintaining the intracellular pH homeostasis ... 78 Coping with high metal loads ... 79 Oxidative stress management ... 79 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL DRIVING FORCES OF GENOME EVOLUTION ... 80 Prediction of mobile genetic elements ... 81 Linking the differences in the predicted metabolic profiles to the genome architectures ... 82 Gene cluster associated with flagella formation and chemotaxis in “F. myxofaciens” ... 84 Gene clusters associated with the utilization of alternative nitrogen sources ... 86 Gene cluster associated with carboxysome formation in “F. myxofaciens” and OTU-2 strain JA12 ... 87 Putative genomic islands in the OTU-strain JA12 ... 89 CRISPR/Cas in “F. myxofaciens” Z-31: a defense mechanism against foreign DNA ... 91 DISCUSSION ... 92 THE COMPARISON OF THEIR METABOLIC PROFILES INDICATES THE EXISTENCE OF OTU- AND STRAIN-SPECIFIC FEATURES ... 92 GENOME EVOLUTION OF THE “FERROVUM” STRAINS APPEARS TO BE DRIVEN BY HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER AND GENOME REDUCTION ... 94 Horizontal gene transfer ... 94 Mechanisms of genome reduction ... 95 CONCLUDING REMARKS ... 98 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 98 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 98 CHAPTER V ... 99 ABSTRACT ... 100 INTRODUCTION ... 100 METHODS ... 102 CULTIVATION OF THE “FERROVUM”-CONTAINING MIXED CULTURE JA12 ... 102 Up-scaling of pre-cultures for the transcriptome study ... 103 Experimental setup of the transcriptome study ... 103 Cell harvest from large culture volumes ... 106 EXTRACTION OF TOTAL RNA ... 106 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND SEQUENCING ... 107 DATA ANALYSIS ... 107 Processing of raw data ... 107 Quantification of gene expression levels ... 108 Functional analysis ... 108 RESULTS ... 108 CULTIVATION OF THE MIXED CULTURE JA12 IN THE MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 108 Growth monitoring ... 108 Microbial composition ... 111 RNA SEQUENCING (RNA-SEQ) ... 112 FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIZATION OF EXPRESSED GENES ... 113 Functional assignment of highly expressed genes ... 117 Functional assignment of poorly expressed genes ... 121 COMPARISON OF EXPRESSION LEVELS OF GENES PREDICTED TO BE INVOLVED IN OXIDATIVE STRESS MANAGEMENT ... 122 DISCUSSION ... 124 METABOLIC PATHWAYS RELEVANT UNDER CULTURE CONDITIONS MIMICKING THE NATURAL CONDITIONS IN THE MINE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ... 125 Novel insights into the energy metabolism of “Ferrovum” sp. JA12 ... 125 Insights from poorly expressed genes ... 126 VARIATION OF GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS UNDER THE DIFFERENT CONDITIONS ... 128 EVALUATION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP INVOLVING THE MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 129 CONCLUDING REMARKS: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRESENT TRANSCRIPTOME STUDY ... 130 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 131 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 131 CHAPTER VI ... 133 ABSTRACT ... 133 EXTENDED INSIGHTS INTO THE FERROUS IRON OXIDATION IN BETAPROTEOBACTERIA ... 133 MECHANISMS OF PHYLOGENETIC AND METABOLIC DIVERSIFICATION WITHIN THE GENUS “FERROVUM” ... 136 INFERRED ROLES OF “FERROVUM” SPP. IN THE MICROBIAL NETWORK OF THE MINE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ... 138 PERSPECTIVES ... 143 REFERENCES ... 145 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ... 170 DATA DVD ... 170 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER III ... 171 NUCLEOTIDE ACCESSION NUMBERS ... 171 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 171 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 173 NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION ... 174 Carbon metabolism ... 174 FERROUS IRON OXIDATION ... 176 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER ... 179 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER IV ... 180 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 180 ASSIGNMENT OF PROTEIN-CODING GENES TO THE COG CLASSIFICATION ... 180 COMPARISON OF THE CENTRAL METABOLISM ... 181 Predicted metabolic potential of the four “Ferrovum” strains ... 181 Genes predicted to be involved in the central metabolism, energy metabolism, cell motility and stress management in the four “Ferrovum” strains ... 183 PREDICTED MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS IN THE GENOMES OF THE FOUR “FERROVUM” STRAINS ... 184 THE FLAGELLA AND CHEMOTAXIS GENE CLUSTER ... 184 THE UREASE GENE CLUSTER ... 185 THE CARBOXYSOME GENE CLUSTER ... 186 PUTATIVE GENOMIC ISLANDS IN “FERROVUM” SP. JA12 ... 187 Gene content of the genomic islands ... 187 Flanking sites of the putative genomic islands 1 and 2 ... 188 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER V ... 189 ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE LABFORS 5 MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 189 INVESTIGATION OF THE MICROBIAL COMPOSITION IN THE IRON OXIDIZING MIXED CULTURE JA12 ... 192 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA OF THE TRANSCRIPTOME DATA ANALYSIS ... 193 RNA-Seq statistics ... 193 Expression strength of protein-coding genes ... 194 Expression of genes involved in carboxysome formation ... 197 Expression of a ribosomal proteins-encoding gene cluster ... 199 Expression of a gene cluster presumably involved in ferrous iron oxidation ... 202 Lowest expressed genes ... 205 Expression of genes predicted to be involved in oxidative stress response ... 206 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 208 COLLEAGUES ... 208 ERFOLGSTEAM “JUNGE FRAUEN AN DIE SPITZE” (“YOUNG WOMEN TO THE TOP“) ... 208 FAMILY AND FRIENDS ... 209 FUNDING ... 209 CURRICULUM VITAE ... 210 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ... 212 RESEARCH ARTICLES ... 212 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ... 212 ORAL PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS ... 213

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