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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Osäkerhet vid översvämningskartering av vattendrag : En kunskapsöversikt och tillämpning på MIKE 11 / Uncertainty in flood inundation modeling of watercourses : A research overview and application to MIKE 11

Björkman, Elin January 2014 (has links)
På grund av osäkerheter i indata, parametrar och modellstruktur kan det finnas stora osäkerheter i översvämningskarteringar. Trots detta sker oftast ingen osäkerhetsanalys vid översvämningskarteringar i praktiken vilket gör att beslutsfattare och andra användare kan uppfatta resultaten som mer korrekta än vad de egentligen är. En orsak till att osäkerhetsanalys ännu inte blivit en vedertagen del i översvämningskarteringar kan vara att modellerare på konsultbyråer och myndigheter inte har tillräcklig kunskap om ämnet. Att tillgången på data kan vara begränsad underlättar inte heller vid osäkerhetsanalyser. Dessutom saknas exempel på hur osäkerheter kan analyseras i MIKE 11, vilket är en av de vanligaste modellerna som används vid översvämningskarteringar på konsultbyråer. Syftet med examensarbetet var tvåfaldigt. Det första var att ge en generell kunskapsöverblick över aktuell forskning om osäkerheter och osäkerhetsanalys vid översvämningskarteringar för att öka kunskapen hos konsulter och beslutsfattare. Det andra syftet var att med ett exempel visa hur osäkerheter kan uppskattas i en översvämningskartering skapad i MIKE 11 då det finns begränsad tillgång på data. En litteraturstudie visade att det ofta finns stora osäkerheter i flödesberäkningar och den geometriska beskrivningen och att det finns väldigt många sätt att analysera dessa på. Några av metoderna som används är Monte Carlo simuleringar, Oskarpa mängder, Scenarioanalys, Bayesiansk kalibrering och Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation, GLUE. En fallstudie gjordes där en hydraulisk modell av Kungsbackaån skapades med MIKE 11. Den metod som var praktiskt genomförbar att använda för att uppskatta osäkerheterna i detta arbete var scenarioanalys. Totalt utfördes 36 olika modellsimuleringar där kalibreringsflöde, Mannings tal och scenarioflöde varierades. Scenarioanalys ger inte någon exakt beräkning av osäkerheterna utan endast en subjektiv uppskattning. Resultatet av scenarioanalysen visade att då havsnivån i Kungsbackafjorden var 0,92 m skiljde de simulerada vattennivåerna som mest med 1,3 m för 100-årsflödet och med 0,41 m för beräknat högsta flöde, BHF. Även osäkerheterna i utbredningen för de två flödena undersöktes och visade sig vara som störst i flacka områden trots att osäkerheten i vattennivåerna var mindre där. / Due to uncertainty in data, parameters and model structure, there may be large uncertainties in flood inundation models. Despite of this, uncertainty analysis is still rarely used by practitioners when creating flood maps. A reason why uncertainty analysis has not yet become customary in flood inundation modeling may be due to a lack of knowledge. Low availability of data can sometimes also make it more difficult to do an uncertainty analysis. Moreover, no examples exist of how uncertainties can be analyzed in MIKE 11, which is one of the most common models used in flood mapping at consultant agencies. The aim of this study was twofold. Firstly, to provide a general overview of current research on uncertainty and uncertainty analysis for flood inundation modeling. This in order to increase knowledge among consultants and decision makers. Secondly, to give an example of how uncertainties can be estimated in a flood inundation model created in MIKE 11 when there is limited access to data. The research overview showed that there is often considerable uncertainty in the discharge calculations and geometrical description in hydraulic models, and that there are many different ways to analyze the uncertainties. Some methods that are often used are Monte Carlo simulations, fuzzy sets, scenario analysis, Bayesian calibration and Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation, GLUE. A case study was performed in which a hydraulic model was built for the River Kungsbackaån in MIKE 11. A scenario analysis was carried out to show the uncertainties in the hydraulic model. Overall, 36 different model runs were made in which the calibration discharge, Manning's number and design flow were varied. Scenario analysis cannot provide a precise estimate of the uncertainty, it can only give a subjective estimate. The results of the scenario analysis showed that when the sea level in Kungsbackafjorden was 0,92 m the simulated water levels differed at most by 1,3 m for the 100-year discharge and by 0,41 m for the calculated maximum flow. Also, the flood extent of the two discharges were investigated. The greatest uncertainty in the extent was found in the flat areas even though the uncertainty in water levels was smaller there.

The sustainability assessment of energy policy in Nigeria : scenario planning and integrated modelling

Mbasuen, Timothy Sesugh January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel policy assessment tool that serves as a decision support framework for analysis of energy policy problems involving multilevel, multidimensional and multi-stakeholder complexity. This new approach, The Energy Policy Assessment Technique (E-PAT), integrates System Dynamics Simulation and Multi-Criteria Evaluation models into a unified assessment framework. The E-PAT doubles as a systems-thinking model and a multi-criteria evaluation archetype. The E-PAT is designed for assessing policy issues, particularly those relating to energy planning in a national context. It is a suitable tool for evaluation and selection of optimal policies from competing and conflicting alternatives. To test its robustness and practical application, a case study on energy policy evaluation in Nigeria is carried out with this tool. A model of the Nigerian energy economy was constructed, and three proposed government policies for Sustainable Energy Development were evaluated relative to a Business-As-Usual case. The evaluation process identified ‘best’ policy options according to stakeholder viewpoints. The original contribution of this research is the creation of an integrated, transparent and comprehensive assessment tool, and the development of measurable Energy Sustainability Indicators (ESI), to aid policymakers in diverse policy analysis. The new tool is intended to support assessment of energy policies in relation to impacts on the economy, society and environment.

Advanced Scenario Analysis: Tools for Enhancing Social Resiliency

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: The uncertainty of change inherent in issues such as climate change and regional growth has created a significant challenge for public decision makers trying to decide what adaptation actions are needed to respond to these possible changes. This challenge threatens the resiliency and thus the long term sustainability of our social-ecological systems. Using an empirical embedded case study approach to explore the application of advanced scenario analysis methods to regional growth visioning projects in two regions, this dissertation provides empirical evidence that for issues with high uncertainty, advanced scenario planning (ASP) methods are effective tools for helping decision makers to anticipate and prepare to adapt to change. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Environmental Design and Planning 2011

Utilizing archival data to assess historic changes in flood flow conveyance of the Mississippi River

Remo, Jonathan W. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The assessment of change in river systems requires reference conditions. However, most large navigable waterways in the United States and elsewhere around the world have a wealth of archival data because of past engineering projects and flood control efforts. For example, in the United States, large quantities of archival data are available for the Mississippi River System which can be used to assess historical baseline conditions and change. Maps, charts, surveys, structure-history databases, and other quantitative measurements stretch back 100 to as much as ~200 years. The purpose of his dissertation was to develop a robust methodology from which to use these archival data to establish historic reference conditions in order to quantify and assess the causes of change in flood levels. Since the early 19th century, the Middle and Lower Mississippi River (MMR and LMR) have been intensively modified for flood protection and commercial navigation. In order to quantify the effects of levee expansion, channel modification, and land-cover change upon flood stages, a 1-D unsteady flow model was developed for multiple historical reference conditions ("retro-models") for three large study reaches (225-315 km each): one along the MMR and two reaches along the LMR. For each reference condition, four 1-D unsteady-flow models were developed. These models include a calibrated model of actual conditions and three "scenario" models: 1) a model with levees of the next time step, 2) a model with the channel geometry of the next time step, and 3) a model with floodplain roughness (i.e., land cover) of the next time step. Comparison of the model for actual conditions and the scenario models provide a quantitative assessment of levee expansion, channel modification, and land-cover change on stage. Comparison of the modeling results for this investigation showed significant changes in stage for equal discharges between each of the modeled time steps. Changes in stage for the three modeled reaches ranged from -3.1 to 4.4 m. The largest changes in flood stage were found along the MMR. The largest decreases in flood levels were found along the LMR between Obion and Memphis, TN. These results confirm previous hydrologic analyses, but show stage-changes as continuous longitudinal profile and not just at gaging stations. Scenario modeling suggests that the majority (38 to 70%) of the changes in flood stage on the LMR and MMR study reaches can be attributed to changes in channel geometry and hydraulic roughness. Levees were the next largest contributor to changes in flood stage. For time steps with significant levee expansion, these structures increase stage up to 1.0 m. Observed changes in floodplain land cover were associated with little (or none) of the increase in flood stage. These result show changes in channel geometry and roughness related to river engineering tools employed for the facilitation of navigation and flood conveyance are the principal drivers of historic changes in flood stages along the LMR and MMR. The results from the 1-D scenario model assessment suggest wing dikes may broadly affect flow conveyance in two ways: (1) through direct interaction with flow and (2) indirectly by their effects on channel geometry and roughness. Direct effects of wing dikes on flood stage were assessed by constructing two 2-D hydrodynamic models: (1) a calibrated model of actual conditions (i.e., with wing dikes) and (2) a scenario model without wing dikes, for a heavily modified reach of the MMR. Comparison of the model of actual conditions and model without wing dikes revealed that direct effects of wing dikes increase stage, modestly by only 0.1 to 0.5 m, depending on discharge and location. Wing dikes also were shown to increase and decrease channel velocities. Local increases in flow velocities of up to 0.4 m/s were found along portions of the main channel. Decreases in flow velocity by as much as -2.0 m/s were found along the edge of the channel within the wing dike fields. The direct effects of wing dikes on flow conveyance also were observed to decrease with an increase in flow, a result that runs contrary to the total cumulative effects of wing dikes observed empirically. These results suggest that the indirect effects are the likely cause of the historic decreased in flood flow conveyance and large-scale increases in flood stages along portions of the MMR.

Modeling Frameworks for Supply Chain Analytics

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Supply chains are increasingly complex as companies branch out into newer products and markets. In many cases, multiple products with moderate differences in performance and price compete for the same unit of demand. Simultaneous occurrences of multiple scenarios (competitive, disruptive, regulatory, economic, etc.), coupled with business decisions (pricing, product introduction, etc.) can drastically change demand structures within a short period of time. Furthermore, product obsolescence and cannibalization are real concerns due to short product life cycles. Analytical tools that can handle this complexity are important to quantify the impact of business scenarios/decisions on supply chain performance. Traditional analysis methods struggle in this environment of large, complex datasets with hundreds of features becoming the norm in supply chains. We present an empirical analysis framework termed Scenario Trees that provides a novel representation for impulse and delayed scenario events and a direction for modeling multivariate constrained responses. Amongst potential learners, supervised learners and feature extraction strategies based on tree-based ensembles are employed to extract the most impactful scenarios and predict their outcome on metrics at different product hierarchies. These models are able to provide accurate predictions in modeling environments characterized by incomplete datasets due to product substitution, missing values, outliers, redundant features, mixed variables and nonlinear interaction effects. Graphical model summaries are generated to aid model understanding. Models in complex environments benefit from feature selection methods that extract non-redundant feature subsets from the data. Additional model simplification can be achieved by extracting specific levels/values that contribute to variable importance. We propose and evaluate new analytical methods to address this problem of feature value selection and study their comparative performance using simulated datasets. We show that supply chain surveillance can be structured as a feature value selection problem. For situations such as new product introduction, a bottom-up approach to scenario analysis is designed using an agent-based simulation and data mining framework. This simulation engine envelopes utility theory, discrete choice models and diffusion theory and acts as a test bed for enacting different business scenarios. We demonstrate the use of machine learning algorithms to analyze scenarios and generate graphical summaries to aid decision making. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Industrial Engineering 2012

Identificação de habilidades não técnicas e de fatores para a composição de cenários de treinamento : um estudo de caso em uma distribuidora de energia elétrica

Wachs, Priscila January 2011 (has links)
As habilidades não técnicas (HNT) complementam as habilidades técnicas, contribuindo para que o trabalho seja desempenhado de forma eficiente e segura. Sob a perspectiva da engenharia de resiliência (ER), o exercício das HNT não depende apenas da capacitação dos indivíduos, mas também do contexto organizacional. Esse trabalho aborda a capacitação baseada em cenários (CBC) como alternativa para a capacitação em HNT. A CBC apresenta cenários com problemas a serem solucionados pelos participantes, a partir de um contexto fidedigno ao encontrado na prática. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal identificar habilidades não técnicas e fatores para composição de cenários de treinamentos e como objetivos específicos: (a) identificar contribuições da organização do trabalho para o exercício das HNT; (b) identificar adaptações realizadas pelos eletricistas; (c) propor um programa de capacitação baseada em cenários com enfoque em habilidades não técnicas (HNT) de eletricistas que atuam em redes aéreas de distribuição. A aplicação prática do programa é ilustrada por meio de um estudo de caso em uma distribuidora de energia elétrica. O programa proposto é constituído por sete etapas: (0) Identificação das HNT; (1) Definição dos objetivos da capacitação; (2) Definição dos cenários de capacitação; (3) Definição do sistema de avaliação; (4) Refinamento da proposta para o programa de capacitação; (5) Capacitação dos instrutores; (6) Projeto Piloto; (7) Implantação da capacitação. / The non-technical skills (HNT) complement the technical skills, contributing to the work to be performed efficiently and safely. From the perspective of resilience engineering (RE), the exercise of HNT not only depends on the training of individuals, but also the organizational context. One of the methods used for such training is scenario-based training (CBC). The CBC presents scenarios with challenges to be addressed by participants, from a real context. This study has as main objective to identify electricians non technical skilss and to identify factores to composse the training scenarios. This studies also aim: (a) to identify organizational contributions for the non technical skills exercise; (b) to identify work adaptations; (c) to propose a scenario-based training program focusing non-technical skills. The practical implementation of the program is illustrated through a case study in an electricity distribution company. Seven steps compose the program: (0) Non-technical skills identification; (1) Definition of the training objectives; (2) Definition of training scenarios; (3) Definition of the evaluation system; (4) Refinement of the proposal for the training program;; (5) Trainer’s training; (6) Pilot Study; (7) Implementation.

Cenários para a indústria editorial brasileira nos próximos cinco anos

Lazzari, Alessandra de January 2012 (has links)
A indústria editorial brasileira está passando por um momento de transformações. A adoção de tecnologias digitais de leitura e de aprendizagem tende a alterar a estrutura e as operações da indústria, que já vem se modificando em função da concentração em determinados subsetores e da entrada de empresas internacionais no Brasil. Mudanças significativas já aconteceram na indústria editorial dos Estados Unidos devido ao crescimento das vendas de e-books, mas não está claro se essas mudanças serão repetidas aqui. Este trabalho busca identificar tendências e incertezas que podem influenciar o desenvolvimento de possíveis futuros e planejar cenários para a indústria editorial brasileira nos próximos 5 anos. Para isso, lança mão do método de planejamento de cenários Lógica Intuitiva – DSI (Schoemaker, 1995), cuja aplicação fez uso de dados coletados através de desk research, observação participativa e da técnica de análise de setores industriais Rede de Valor (Nalebuff & Brandenburger, 1996). Como resultado, são identificadas as tendências e incertezas a serem monitoradas e são descritos dois cenários possíveis para essa indústria. / The Brazilian Book Industry is crossing a time of changes. The adoption of digital reading and learning technologies tends to change the structure of the industry and its operations. The industry is already being modified by concentration and entrance of international players in the Brazilian Market. Significant changes has taken place in the United States Book Industry due to the growth of e-books sales, however it is not clear if they will repeat their role in Brazil. This work aims to identify trends and uncertainties that may influence the development of possible futures and to plan scenarios for the Brazilian Book Industry. To reach these objectives, it uses the method developed by Paul Schoemaker (1995), whose application made use of data collected by desk research, participant observation and industry analysis based on Value Net technique (Nalebuff & Brandenburger, 1996). As results, it identifies trends and uncertainties to monitor and describes two scenarios for this Industry.

Intergenericidade e encenação argumentativa na construção de sentidos em anúncios publicitários / Intergenericity and argumentative scenario in the construction of meanings of advertisements

Oliveira, Edelyne Nunes Diniz de January 2012 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, Edelyne Nunes Diniz de. Intergenericidade e encenação argumentativa na construção de sentidos em anúncios publicitários. 2012. 163f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-13T12:49:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_endoliveira.pdf: 5455204 bytes, checksum: 19e197499909665135b857b0e9ee8c16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-13T13:41:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_endoliveira.pdf: 5455204 bytes, checksum: 19e197499909665135b857b0e9ee8c16 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-13T13:41:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_endoliveira.pdf: 5455204 bytes, checksum: 19e197499909665135b857b0e9ee8c16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Na pós-modernidade, a importância dos gêneros promocionais nas práticas discursivas humanas reflete no comportamento consumista e nos posicionamentos ideológicos do público. Mas, o que está por trás dos textos promocionais? Neste trabalho, analisamos a interação entre o fenômeno da intergenericidade e a encenação argumentativa como estratégia textual-discursiva na construção de sentidos dos anúncios publicitários e dos propósitos comunicativos dos anunciantes para produzir efeitos de sentidos no leitor. Utilizamos a metodologia qualitativa, pautada na descrição detalhada dos dados e na sua interpretação, com incursões quantitativas. O suporte teórico subdivide-se entre duas áreas de estudo para orientar a discussão teórica e a performance da análise: a Linguística Aplicada, a qual adotamos a proposta teórico-metodológica de Charles Bazerman (2006), acerca dos níveis e técnicas de intertextualidade para analisar a intergenericidade, e a Análise Semiolinguística do Discurso, proposta de Patrick Charaudeau (2008), acerca da encenação argumentativa para investigar como o dispositivo argumentativo opera “em cena”, no texto. A partir da identificação das categorias trabalhadas, analisamos a sua relação com a construção de sentidos nos anúncios. Analisamos uma amostra composta por 30 textos, de anúncios publicitários impressos, publicados em revista, outdoor e panfleto. Constatamos que a interação entre as duas categorias ocorre da seguinte forma: a intergenericidade está ligada ao aspecto estrutural e modal construído no gênero anúncio, enquanto a encenação argumentativa lida com o discurso que está por trás do texto, opera com os aspectos textual-discursivos. Os anunciantes usam tipos reconhecíveis de gêneros textuais (intergêneros) como estratégia para a composição estrutural do anúncio e para respaldar o seu discurso nos propósitos comunicativos do intergênero a que está vinculado. A encenação argumentativa se articula estrategicamente com os argumentos discursivos do intergênero subutilizado, ou, ancora-se aos traços genéricos do intergênero, ao fazer remissões à sua forma composicional, à temática e ao estilo, para ser inferido, reconhecido e ter seus sentidos compreendidos pelo leitor. Para construir uma cena argumentativa, o dispositivo argumentativo se vale das técnicas de representação intertextual usadas no anúncio para lançar uma proposta ao leitor e manipular sentidos em suas mensagens, relacionando a imagem do produto à fixação da sua marca no mercado, e então construir efeitos particulares a respeito do que o produto anunciado oferece e da credibilidade da marca no mercado. Os efeitos de sentidos mais recorrentes nos anúncios foram: valor de verdade, de ética e hedônico (fragrâncias e sabores). Juntas as categorias analisadas se complementam para construir efeitos de sentidos, implícitos ou explícitos, num jogo de leitura dinâmica, entre enunciados, imagens e estrutura intergenérica, para elucidar os propósitos comunicativos específicos construídos nos anúncios e interesses ideológicos dos anunciantes. Em suma, esses efeitos despertam a atenção do leitor para a conivência de aceitação ideológica do produto e/ou da marca, pois tocam em aspectos sensíveis ao leitor, desde as necessidades básicas de consumo até aos desígnios ideológicos de busca de poder, de status social, suscitam nas pessoas o dever de consumir e de ter para ser.

Essays on Multistage Stochastic Programming applied to Asset Liability Management

Oliveira, Alan Delgado de January 2018 (has links)
A incerteza é um elemento fundamental da realidade. Então, torna-se natural a busca por métodos que nos permitam representar o desconhecido em termos matemáticos. Esses problemas originam uma grande classe de programas probabilísticos reconhecidos como modelos de programação estocástica. Eles são mais realísticos que os modelos determinísticos, e tem por objetivo incorporar a incerteza em suas definições. Essa tese aborda os problemas probabilísticos da classe de problemas de multi-estágio com incerteza e com restrições probabilísticas e com restrições probabilísticas conjuntas. Inicialmente, nós propomos um modelo de administração de ativos e passivos multi-estágio estocástico para a indústria de fundos de pensão brasileira. Nosso modelo é formalizado em conformidade com a leis e políticas brasileiras. A seguir, dada a relevância dos dados de entrada para esses modelos de otimização, tornamos nossa atenção às diferentes técnicas de amostragem. Elas compõem o processo de discretização desses modelos estocásticos Nós verificamos como as diferentes metodologias de amostragem impactam a solução final e a alocação do portfólio, destacando boas opções para modelos de administração de ativos e passivos. Finalmente, nós propomos um “framework” para a geração de árvores de cenário e otimização de modelos com incerteza multi-estágio. Baseados na tranformação de Knuth, nós geramos a árvore de cenários considerando a representação filho-esqueda, irmão-direita o que torna a simulação mais eficiente em termos de tempo e de número de cenários. Nós também formalizamos uma reformulação do modelo de administração de ativos e passivos baseada na abordagem extensiva implícita para o modelo de otimização. Essa técnica é projetada pela definição de um processo de filtragem com “bundles”; e codifciada com o auxílio de uma linguagem de modelagem algébrica. A eficiência dessa metodologia é testada em um modelo de administração de ativos e passivos com incerteza com restrições probabilísticas conjuntas. Nosso framework torna possível encontrar a solução ótima para árvores com um número razoável de cenários. / Uncertainty is a key element of reality. Thus, it becomes natural that the search for methods allows us to represent the unknown in mathematical terms. These problems originate a large class of probabilistic programs recognized as stochastic programming models. They are more realistic than deterministic ones, and their aim is to incorporate uncertainty into their definitions. This dissertation approaches the probabilistic problem class of multistage stochastic problems with chance constraints and joint-chance constraints. Initially, we propose a multistage stochastic asset liability management (ALM) model for a Brazilian pension fund industry. Our model is formalized in compliance with the Brazilian laws and policies. Next, given the relevance of the input parameters for these optimization models, we turn our attention to different sampling models, which compose the discretization process of these stochastic models. We check how these different sampling methodologies impact on the final solution and the portfolio allocation, outlining good options for ALM models. Finally, we propose a framework for the scenario-tree generation and optimization of multistage stochastic programming problems. Relying on the Knuth transform, we generate the scenario trees, taking advantage of the left-child, right-sibling representation, which makes the simulation more efficient in terms of time and the number of scenarios. We also formalize an ALM model reformulation based on implicit extensive form for the optimization model. This technique is designed by the definition of a filtration process with bundles, and coded with the support of an algebraic modeling language. The efficiency of this methodology is tested in a multistage stochastic ALM model with joint-chance constraints. Our framework makes it possible to reach the optimal solution for trees with a reasonable number of scenarios.

Páginas de sociabilidade feminina: Sensibilidade musical no Rio de Janeiro Oitocentista / Female sociability pages: Musical sensitivity in Rio de Janeiro nineteenth century / Pages de sociabilité féminine: Sensibilité musicale à Rio de Janeiro du XIXe siècle

Barbosa, Everton Vieira [UNESP] 05 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Everton Barbosa (semusico@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-01T18:00:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Barbosa, Everton Vieira.pdf: 3208344 bytes, checksum: 96ada751c04bdd21a216c4950065a305 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-02T19:17:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 barbosa_ev_me_assis.pdf: 3208344 bytes, checksum: 96ada751c04bdd21a216c4950065a305 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-02T19:17:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 barbosa_ev_me_assis.pdf: 3208344 bytes, checksum: 96ada751c04bdd21a216c4950065a305 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-05 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Au milieu du XIXe siècle, la ville de Rio de Janeiro, siège de la Cour Impériale, a été le scène d'une intense circulation des périodiques imprimés. Dans ce contexte, une femme a fondé le périodique O Jornal das Senhoras (1852 - 1855) dont l'objectif était l'émancipation morale et l'amélioration sociale femelle, par l'éducation. Différent d'autres périodiques, organisées par les hommes, ce journal a été dirigé par les femmes - Joanna Paula Manso de Noronha (1819-1875), Violante Atabalipa Ximenes Bivar e Vellasco (1817-1875) et Gervasia Nunezia Pires dos Santos Neves (1824-1872) - et destiné le public féminin, permettant un dialogue direct entre eux. En plus de publient leur sentiments et sensations, pratiques et expériences, elles ont également rapporté leurs goûts et choix, les coutumes et les espaces de sociabilité fréquentés. Parmi ces espaces, elles ont visité les établissement de la mode, la beauté, les librairies, les cafés, les dîners, les danses, les musées, les parcs, les clubs de loisirs, les théâtres et les sociétés musicales. Attentif à les sites où la musique a été entendu, exécuté et ressenti, ces femmes ont également rapporté dans les pages de périodique les sonorités qu'elles ont été témoins, jetant une scène musicale de Rio imprimé. En ce sens, le présent travail vise à identifier la scène musicale de Rio dans la perspective du O Jornal das Senhoras (1852 - 1855). / Na metade do século XIX, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, sede da Corte Imperial, foi o palco de uma intensa circulação de impressos periódicos. Neste contexto, uma mulher fundou o periódico O Jornal das Senhoras (1852-1855) cujo objetivo foi a emancipação moral e melhoramento social feminino, por meio da educação. Diferente dos demais periódicos, organizados por homens, este jornal foi dirigido por mulheres – Joanna Paula Manso de Noronha (1819-1875), Violante Atabalipa Ximenes de Bivar e Vellasco (1817-1875) e Gervasia Nunezia Pires dos Santos Neves (1824-1872) - e destinado ao público feminino, possibilitando um diálogo direto entre elas. Além de publicarem seus sentimentos e sensações, práticas e experiências, elas também relataram seus gostos e escolhas, os costumes e os espaços de sociabilidade frequentados. Dentre estes espaços, elas visitaram os estabelecimentos de modas, de beleza, as livrarias, os cafés, os jantares, os bailes, os museus, os parques, os clubes de lazeres, os teatros e as sociedades musicais. Atentas aos locais onde a música foi ouvida, executada e sentida, estas mulheres também relataram nas páginas do periódico as sonoridades que presenciaram, moldando um cenário musical carioca impresso. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar o cenário musical carioca sob a ótica do O Jornal das Senhoras¬¬ (1852-1855). / In the mid-nineteenth century, the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Imperial Court base, was the scenario of an intense circulation of printed periodicals. In this context, a woman founded the periodic O Jornal das Senhoras (1852-1855) whose objective was the moral emancipation and female social improvement, through education. Differently from others periodicals, which were run by men, this newspaper was run by women - Joanna Paula Manso de Noronha (1819-1875), Violante Atabalipa Ximenes Bivar e Vellasco (1817-1875) and Gervasia Nunezia Pires dos Santos Neves (1824-1872) - and it was designed to reach a female public, offering them a direct dialogue among other women. Besides publishing their feelings and sensations, practices and experiences, they also expressed their tastes and choices, costumes and the sociability spaces frequented. Among these places, they visited fashion and beauty establishments, book stores, coffee shops, dinners, balls, museums, parks, recreational clubs, theaters and musical societies. Attentive to places where music had been listened to, played at and felt, these women also reported in the pages of the periodic the sonorities they came across, shaping the printed carioca musical scenario. Therefore, the current study aims to identify the carioca musical scenario through O Jornal das Senhoras (1852-1855) views. / FAPESP: 2013/15555-8

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