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Nutritional analysis of school meals in some Saskatoon elementary schoolsGougeon, Laura Andres Rossi 05 September 2008
Canadian scientific literature lacks quantitative information on school meals, which, in Can-ada, are not regulated by law and do not have any national nutritional standard. Nutritional stan-dards and guidelines are essential in evaluation and monitoring studies to maintainor im-proveschool meals quality. This research looked at the nutritional quality of meals served by some elementary schools running a school meal program administered by CHEP Good Food Inc., a non-profit organization, in Saskatoon, SK. Data collected from 1997 until 2006 were combined to those collected in the 2007/08 school-year. Lunches were compared to 1/3 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), and breakfasts and snacks, to ¼ DRI. Using one-sample t-tests and ANOVA, p< 0.05, we evaluated nutrients that were suggested to be below the standard. Sas-katchewans food-based standards were also used to evaluate food group content according to the Canadas Food Guide to Healthy Eating. On-site observations in selected schools shed light on childrens choices and plate waste. Focus groups with selected nutrition coordinators (NC) provided insight into their practices. Overall, lunches and breakfasts had a good nutrient profile but were low mainly in energy, vitamin E, potassium, and, in some years, folate and calcium, particularly for 9-13 year-olds. Findings suggested that snacks seem to be below the DRI stan-dards, but they can be an opportunity for nutrition education. We observed no clear or significant trend across the years. All meals offered good amounts of fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy products. Plate waste was low and related to NCs practices. Analysis of the interviews exposed some possible explanations for the quantitative results and allowed some recommendations. Findings from this study provide support for future establishment of school meals nutritional standards and for possible changes and improvements of the program, and will enrich knowledge regarding school meals.
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Nutritional analysis of school meals in some Saskatoon elementary schoolsGougeon, Laura Andres Rossi 05 September 2008 (has links)
Canadian scientific literature lacks quantitative information on school meals, which, in Can-ada, are not regulated by law and do not have any national nutritional standard. Nutritional stan-dards and guidelines are essential in evaluation and monitoring studies to maintainor im-proveschool meals quality. This research looked at the nutritional quality of meals served by some elementary schools running a school meal program administered by CHEP Good Food Inc., a non-profit organization, in Saskatoon, SK. Data collected from 1997 until 2006 were combined to those collected in the 2007/08 school-year. Lunches were compared to 1/3 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), and breakfasts and snacks, to ¼ DRI. Using one-sample t-tests and ANOVA, p< 0.05, we evaluated nutrients that were suggested to be below the standard. Sas-katchewans food-based standards were also used to evaluate food group content according to the Canadas Food Guide to Healthy Eating. On-site observations in selected schools shed light on childrens choices and plate waste. Focus groups with selected nutrition coordinators (NC) provided insight into their practices. Overall, lunches and breakfasts had a good nutrient profile but were low mainly in energy, vitamin E, potassium, and, in some years, folate and calcium, particularly for 9-13 year-olds. Findings suggested that snacks seem to be below the DRI stan-dards, but they can be an opportunity for nutrition education. We observed no clear or significant trend across the years. All meals offered good amounts of fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy products. Plate waste was low and related to NCs practices. Analysis of the interviews exposed some possible explanations for the quantitative results and allowed some recommendations. Findings from this study provide support for future establishment of school meals nutritional standards and for possible changes and improvements of the program, and will enrich knowledge regarding school meals.
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Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių 16-18 metų moksleivių gyvenimo kokybė / The quality of life of 16-18 year old athletic and non-athletic schoolchildrenZablackaitė, Sigita 15 May 2006 (has links)
Lately the biggest part of the studies of the quality of life is conducted in order to determine morbidity or the factors of the environment. The studies conducted in Lithuania are oriented to causal analysis of health factors’ influence to the quality of life, and in analyzing scientific literature the studies of healthy schoolchildren’s quality of life were not found.
The aim. To determine the attitude of athletic and non-athletic schoolchildren aged 16-18 to their health, physical activity, and the quality of life.
Methods. 300 schoolchildren (146 girls and 154 boys) of higher classes with different physical activity were studied. 200 of them were non-athletic (114 girls and 86 boys) and 100 took part in sports (32 girls and 68 boys) in sports schools (73), clubs (23), and independently (4). The age of the subjects was from 16 to 18 years, average age 17,1±0,4. The anonymous questionnaire, which was made according to A. Zaborskis’, J. Makari (2001) and S. Gradeckiene (2002) questionnaires for assessing the quality of life, was used in the survey. The questionnaire consisted of 57 questions designed to assess health and physical activity, external, interpersonal and personal quality of life.
Results. The attitude of schoolchildren to their health determined that 55% of athletic and 63% of non-athletic schoolchildren evaluated it as good. Athletic schoolchildren were happier... [to full text]
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Moksleivių maitinimo Panevėžio miesto ir rajono mokyklose organizavimo vertinimas / Evaluation of the schoolchildrennutrition organization in Panevėžys city and district schoolsBuitvydaitė, Renata 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti ir įvertinti moksleivių maitinimą Panevėžio miesto ir rajono mokyklose.
• Ištirti moksleivių mitybos įpročius atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių, gyvenamąją vietą.
• Nustatyti moksleivių maitinimosi mokyklose būdus.
• Įvertinti moksleivių nuomonę apie mokyklų valgyklose teikiamo maisto asortimentą ir paslaugų kokybę.
• Pateikti pasiūlymus moksleivių mitybai pagerinti.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas 2004/2005 mokslo metais. Anketavimo būdu apklausta 981 devintos ir vienuoliktos klasės moksleiviai iš atsitiktiniu būdu atrinktų 7 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų, esančių Panevėžio apskrityje. Tyrimui buvo naudota 36 klausimų anoniminė anketa. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant SPSS 11 programos paketą.
Rezultatai. Beveik pusė (45 proc.) moksleivių nurodė, jog jie dažnai valgo vaisius. Žalias daržoves valgė mažesnė dalis moksleivių – 28,1 proc. 45 proc apklaustųjų teigė, kad sultis geria ne dažniau kaip kartą per savaitę. Iš pieno produktų dažniau vartojamas pienas, kefyras ir jogurtas (43,4proc.), varškė ir sūris (32,5 proc.) Kas antras (40,5 proc.) moksleivis teigia, jog juodą rupią duoną renkasi kasdien. Nemaža dalis moksleivių renkasi mažos maistinės vertės maisto produktus: dažnai valgo saldainių ir šokolado (53,4 proc.), sausainių, pyragaičių ir torto (31,7 proc.), traškučių (16,6 proc.), geria kokakolos ir kitų saldžiųjų gėrimų (23 proc.) moksleivių. Taip pat daug moksleivių mėgsta keptas bulves (20,4 proc.), renkasi baltą duoną ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the work. To investigate and evaluate schoolchildren nutrition in Panevėžys City and district schools.
• To explore schoolchildren nutrition habits considering their gender, age and living place.
• To identify ways of schoolchildren nutrition at school.
• To provide suggestions for schoolchildren nutrition improvement.
Research methodology. The research was done in 2004/2005. Using a questionnaire method have been questioned 981 schoolchildren of ninth and eleventh classes selected at random from 7 comprehensive schools of Penevėžys region. It was used for the research anonymous questionnaire with 36 questions in it. Statistical data analysis have been done using SPSS11 program packet.
Results. Almost half (45) of schoolchildren referred that they often eat fruits. Raw vegetables have eat lesser part of schoolchildren – 28,1 . 45 of respondents stated that they drink juice not more than once a week. From dairy products, more often used are milk, kefir, yoghurt (43,4), curd and cheese (32,5 ). Every other (40,5 ) schoolchild states that brown wholemeal bread they use every day. A fair part of schoolchildren select little nutrient value alimentary products: often schoolchildren eat sweets and chocolate (53,4 ), cookies, cakes (31,7 ), crisps (16,6 ), drink Coca-Cola and other sweet drinks (23 ). Also many schoolchildren like fried potatoes (20,4 ), choose white bread and French bread (67,8 ). Only every third schoolchild (32,4 ) state... [to full text]
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Spalvų įtakos 5 – 7 klasių mokinių vizualinei raiškai analizė / The influence of colours toward the visual expression of the schoolchildren of the 5th - 7th classPaplauskaitė, Gytė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Atsižvelgiant į šiuolaikinę ugdymo koncepciją buvo siekiama išanalizuoti spalvos poveikį mokinių vizualinei raiškai ir tuo būdu labiau sudominti menu mokinius. Tuo tikslu buvo surinkti ir apibendrinti įvairių šalių ir laikotarpių koloristų, menininkų, psichologų, filosofų ir mokslininkų spalvų teorijos darbai, atsispindintys spalvos ir šviesos prigimties aiškinimo, spalvos niuansų išgavimo, jų derinimo, spalvinių efektų panaudojimo ir poveikio žmogaus meniniam pasaulio suvokimui raida. Palyginus įvairių autorių patektus spalvų ratus, spalvines sferas, kubus ir kitas spalvų figūras, buvo aptarti jų bendri ir specifiniai bruožai. Buvo pateikti spalvų derinimo pavyzdžiai, aptartas jų estetinis meninis poveikis. Pedagoginio eksperimento metu, trukusio 2007 – 2008 mokslo metus, siekta pateikti mokiniams įvairiapusišką, vaizdingą, lengvai suvokiamą spalvų derinimo iliustracinę medžiagą. Pamokų metu buvo pastebėta, kad vizualinė dailė siejasi ir su fizika, ir su akies sandarą nagrinėjančia biologija. Išstudijuota literatūra, atspindinti psichologinius 5 -7 klasių mokinių ypatumus, paauglystės laikotarpio vaikų intelektualinės ir emocinės brandos raiškos formas bei problemas. Surinkta medžiaga iš pedagogikos – psichologijos leidinių apie jaunesnių paauglių psichologinius ir vizualinės raiškos ypatumus, atskleidžianti, kaip produktyviau ir efektyviau panaudoti sukauptas žinias apie spalvų įtaką mokinių vizualinei raiškai, kurios pagalba bręstantys vaikai bando tiksliau išreikšti savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Considering today’s training conception the aim was to analyze the influence of colours toward the visual expression of the schoolchildren and raise their interest in art. Colours theory works of different country‘s and time’s colourist‘s, artist‘s, psychologist‘s, philosopher‘s and scientist’s were collected and summarized. Common and specific features of geometrical figures of different colours were discussed. Examples of combinations of colours were presented and aesthetic art influence was discussed. Different, pictures and understandable literature about compositions of colours was presented to schoolchildren during 2007-2008 year training experiment. Literature on psychology and visual expression of young people was analyzed. Additional information about compositions of colours and light was provided to the schoolchildren of the 5th - 7th class during the research. Completed tests and content analysis of art works of schoolchildren proved hypothesis that it is right to give to young people the knowledge about the colours because the schoolchildren of the 5th class were interested in contrasts and the schoolchildren of upper classes were interested in half-tones and indistinct colours.
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Bakalauro darbe analizuojami penktųjų klasių mokinių adaptacijos mokykloje ypatumai. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad įgyvendinant sėkmingą mokinių adaptavimąsi į mokyklos bendruomenę, galima ugdyti teigiamas emocijas bei keisti mokinių požiūrį į mokymąsi.
Tyrime dalyvavo 150 penktųjų klasių mokinių iš Vilniaus Gabijos gimnazijos, Šiaulių Gytarių vidurinės mokyklos ir Pakruojo „Žemynos“ pagrindinės mokyklos.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad dauguma mokinių teigiamai vertina naują dalykinio mokymo sistemą. Vis dėlto visuose miestuose yra penktokų, kuriems sunku adaptuotis prie didesnių reikalavimų, naujos aplinkos, naujų mokytojų, naujų draugų. Būdami mokykloje jie jaučia nerimą bei jaudulį, jaudinasi, kad ko nors nesuspės padaryti per pamokas.
Rezultatai rodo, kad mažo miestelio vaikams labiausiai patinka mokytis savo mokykloje. Bet deja, kaip ir visuose miestuose, tik pusė jų jaučiasi saugūs joje. Tai galima sieti ir su patyčiomis, kurios turi didelę įtaką vaiko socialiniam gyvenimui ir adaptacijai. Reikia atkreipti dėmesį ir į tai, kad vaikai savo klasėse nėra pakankamai draugiški. Pastebima tendencija, kad kuo didesnis miestas, tuo klasės draugai vieningesni ir draugiškesni kitiems.
Paaiškėjo, kad didžioji dauguma mokinių tėvų domisi kaip vaikams sekasi mokykloje, vaikai kartu su jais sprendžia iškilusias problemas ir jiems neabejotinai svarbus tėvų palaikymas. Tai turi didelę įtaką penktokų adaptacijai mokykloje. Pastebima tendencija, kad didesnių miestų vaikai mažiau bendrauja su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor's analysis the features of 5th grade schoolchildren’s adaptation at school. The hypothesis tells that the successful schoolchildren’s adaptation in school community can develop their positive emotions and change their attitudes to learning.
The study included 150 5th grade schoolchildren from Vilnius Gabijos gymnasium, Šiauliai Gytarių Secondary School and Pakruojis „Žemynos“ Secondary School.
The study found that most 5th grade schoolchildren positively evaluate the new education system. However, there are some 5th grade schoolchildren in all cities who find it difficult to adapt to the higher requirements, new environment, new teachers and friends. Being in school, they feel the excitement and anxiety, also worry that they will not be in time during the lesson.
The results show that 5th grade schoolchildren, living in a small town, most like learning in their school. But unfortunately, as in all cities, only about half of them feel safe there. This can be attributed with a bullying. It has a significant impact on the child’s social life and adaptation. It should be said that children are not sufficiently friendly in their classes. There is a tendency that the bigger the city, the more classmates are united and friendly with others.
It appears that the vast majority of the schoolchildren’s parents are interested in how children are at school, children solve problems with their parents and they certainly need parental support. This has a significant impact on the of... [to full text]
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Incentivo dos pais e níveis de atividade física de escolares : um estudo de casoSilva, Naildo Santos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se há associação entre o incentivo dos pais (IP) com os níveis de atividade física (AF) dos escolares. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com método descritivo e correlacional tendo abordagem quantitativa e corte transversal. A amostra foi composta por escolares de 6 a 11 anos de idade. Os níveis de AF dos escolares foram avaliados através de acelerômetros. O IP foi avaliado por meio de perguntas. O nível socioeconômico foi avaliado por meio de questionário. Foram medidos a estatura, o peso, e o perímetro da cintura das crianças e seus respectivos pais. O Índice de massa corporal foi calculado posteriormente. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas e de frequência. Possíveis associações foram testadas através do teste de Quiquadrado de Pearson. Regressões logísticas foram utilizadas para verificar as associações entre a AF e o IP. Também foram verificadas a confiabilidade referente as perguntas do IP. Nossos resultados apontaram haver associação entre o IP intangível e a AF dos escolares. Cinquenta por cento das crianças cumpriram com as recomendações de AF. Houve uma baixa ocorrência de IP. Além disso, o incentivo intangível foi o mais reportado por aqueles que incentivavam seus filhos. Os meninos apresentaram maior probabilidade de receberem incentivo tangível e intangível dos pais e de praticar 60min de atividade física moderada/vigorosa (AFMV). As crianças de classe baixa apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de atingir os 60min de AFMV. Conforme a idade das crianças avança aumenta o IP, entretanto, a força de correlação observada entre as variáveis foi muito fraca. Os modelos de regressão revelaram que os escolares que recebiam IP, ser menino e ser de classe baixa tinham maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de AF quando comparados aos que não recebiam incentivo, as meninas e aos escolares que pertenciam a classe média. O IP mostrou-se influenciar nos níveis de AF dos escolares. Metade das crianças avaliadas praticam em média 60min de atividade física AFMV por dia, cumprindo assim com as recomendações de atividade física propostas pela OMS. De uma forma geral os pais pouco incentivam seus filhos(as) a praticarem atividade física, entretanto dos pais que incentivam houve uma maior ocorrência do incentivo intangível. Nosso estudo evidenciou que os meninos são mais incentivados que as meninas independentemente do tipo de incentivo e os pais. Observamos também que conforme a idade o IP aumenta. Nossos resultados corroboram com a literatura aonde as crianças de idade superior apresentam associações fracas com o incentivo. Ressaltamos a importância do IP para a prática de atividade física dos filhos uma vez que os nossos modelos de regressão revelaram haver associação entre o IP e a AFMV dos escolares. As crianças que recebiam IP apresentaram maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de atividade física quando comparadas aos seus pares que não recebiam incentivo. Conclui-se que o IP é um fator que pode influenciar nos níveis de AFMV dos escolares. Além disso outros fatores determinante como o nível socioeconômico e as barreiras merecem ser explorados para melhor compreender essa relação. / The objective of the present study was to verify if there is an association between the parents' incentive (PI) and the levels of physical activity (PA) of the students. It is a case study, with descriptive and correlational method having quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of students from 6 to 11 years of age. Schoolchildren's PA levels were assessed using accelerometers. PI was evaluated through questions. The socioeconomic level was evaluated through a questionnaire. The height, weight, and waist circumference of the children and their respective parents were measured. Body mass index was calculated later. Descriptive and frequency analyzes were used. Possible associations were tested using the Pearson Qui-square test. Logistic regressions were used to verify the associations between PA and PI. The reliability of the PI questions was also checked. Our results showed an association between the intangible PI and the PA of the students. Fifty percent of the children complied with the recommendations of PA. There was a low occurrence of PI. In addition, the intangible incentive was the most reported by those who encouraged their children. Boys were more likely to receive tangible and intangible encouragement from their parents and to practice 60 minutes of moderate / vigorous physical activity (MVP). Low-grade children were more likely to achieve 60 min MPV. As the age of children progresses, PI increases, however, the correlation force observed between the variables was very weak. The regression models revealed that schoolchildren who received PI, being a boy and being low-class had a higher prevalence of complying with the recommendations of PA when compared to those who received no incentive, girls and schoolchildren belonging to the middle class. The PI was shown to influence the students' PH levels. Half of the evaluated children practice on average 60min of MPV physical activity per day, thus fulfilling the recommendations of physical activity proposed by the WHO. In general, the parents do not encourage their children to practice physical activity, however, from the parents who encourage it, there is a greater occurrence of the intangible incentive. Our study showed that boys are more encouraged than girls regardless of the type of incentive and the parents. We also observe that according to age the PI increases. Our results corroborate with the literature where children of older age present weak associations with the incentive. We emphasize the importance of PI for the physical activity of the children since our regression models revealed an association between PI and MVP of schoolchildren. Children who received PI had a higher prevalence of complying with physical activity recommendations when compared to their peers who received no incentive. It is concluded that PI is a factor that can influence the levels of MVP of schoolchildren. In addition other determining factors such as socioeconomic status and barriers deserve to be explored to better understand this relationship.
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Postura corporal ao sentar e transportar material escolarRitter, Alexandre Luis da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Crianças e adolescentes permanecem sentados por longo período durante as aulas e transportam materiais escolares em mochilas e pastas. A preocupação com a postura corporal adotada pelos alunos durante a execução dessas tarefas escolares é imprescindível para que se encontrem alternativas capazes de lhes proporcionar mais conforto. Baseado na premissa de que a postura pode ser entendida como a forma de a pessoa pensar, sentir e agir corporalmente considerou-se importante avaliá-la de uma maneira mais ampla, considerando diferentes variáveis e suas possíveis inter-relações. É com base nisso que se constitui o objetivo do presente estudo: o de analisar diferentes fatores que possam exercer influência sobre a maneira como sentam em sala de aula e como transportam seu material escolar os escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de Porto Alegre-RS. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal no qual foram avaliadas a postura ortostática nos planos sagital e ântero-posterior, a postura dinâmica na posição sentada para escrever em sala de aula, a adequação do mobiliário escolar à estatura dos escolares, a amplitude de movimento da coluna e das articulações coxo-femural, do joelho e do tornozelo, a dor nas costas em sala de aula e o meio e a forma de transportar o material escolar, bem como o seu peso. A amostra constituiu-se de 430 crianças e adolescentes matriculados em oito escolas municipais e mostrou-se representativa da população estudada. Para o tratamento estatístico das variáveis foi utilizada a análise de frequência, os testes t pareado e não-pareado, a análise de variância e o teste do chi-quadrado. Na posição sentada, observou-se que os participantes, meninos e meninas, de forma semelhante, utilizam pouco os critérios biomecânicos para esta ação e que o posicionamento neutro da pelve foi, entre outros critérios, o menos utilizado. O mobiliário das escolas mostrou-se inadequado para a grande maioria dos participantes. Apesar dessas características da posição sentada, não foi observada associação com dor nas costas em sala de aula, presente em 28,9% dos participantes. Sobre o transporte do material escolar, observou-se que os participantes utilizam majoritariamente a mochila nas costas com apoio sobre os dois ombros para a realização dessa tarefa, não havendo diferença entre meninos e meninas ou entre as faixas etárias. Foi observado também que o peso médio do material escolar foi de 5,46% do peso corporal, sendo que 8,5% dos participantes transportavam mais de 10% do peso corporal. Não foi observada associação da variável transporte do material escolar com a dor nas costas em sala de aula, tampouco houve correlação com os ângulos das curvas da coluna. A característica da postura ortostática dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino apresentou predominância de anteriorização dos pontos anatômicos em relação ao fio de prumo. Observou-se ainda que as médias das amplitudes de movimento da coluna e das articulações coxo-femural e joelho são adequadas para a permanência na posição sentada. Os resultados obtidos apontam para o entendimento de que conhecer as características posturais dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino é imprescindível na formulação de políticas de promoção de saúde, quer seja na inclusão de conteúdos específicos no Plano Político Pedagógico da escola, quer seja na adequada seleção de mesas, cadeiras e livros didáticos. Além disso, devem-se levar em conta as características da cultura local e, nesse sentido, o envolvimento de toda comunidade escolar – professores, direção, serviços, funcionários, pais e familiares – deve ser uma meta a ser atingida, a fim de que os alunos tenham o melhor aproveitamento possível na vida escolar. / Children and teenagers remain seated for a long period of time during classes and carry their school stuff in backpacks and bags. The concern about the body posture students hold when doing such activities is indispensable for finding ways of providing them more comfort. Based on the premise that posture may be understood as the way a person thinks, feels, and acts using his/her body, it is relevant that posture be evaluated in a broader way in which different variables and their possible interrelations are taken into account. Based on that, this study aimed at analyzing the different factors that may influence the way students from the municipal elementary education network in Porto Alegre - RS remain seated in classroom and carry their school stuff. In this cross-sectional observational study the following aspects were evaluated: the orthostatic posture in sagital and anterior-posterior planes; the dynamic posture while sitting and writing at the school desk; how the school chairs and desks match with the students’ anthropometrics; the range of motion of the spine and hips, knees, and ankles joints; back pain in the sitting position in classroom; and the way students carry their stuff to school and the role its weight plays in it. The sample of this study was representative of the population and comprised 430 children and teenagers from eight municipal schools. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were frequency analysis, the paired and independent samples t-tests, the chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. In the sitting position, the observed results showed that boys and girls similarly lack in using the biomechanics principles, and that the pelvis neutral position is the less employed among these principles. Furniture in the schools was inappropriate for the majority of the participants. Despite this attested characteristics for the sitting position, no association with back pain could be observed in classroom, although 28.9% of the students suffered from it. As regards to carrying the school stuff, students mostly wear backpacks, with no differences in use between boys and girls and among their ages. The average weight carried by the participants corresponded to 5.46% of their body weight, and 8.5% of these students usually carried more than 10% of their body weight. No association could be verified between the act of carrying the school stuff and back pain in classroom. Also, no correlation could be established with the spine physiological curves of the participants. In orthostatic posture, the observed results showed that most of the students from the municipal elementary education network were anterior deviated in relation to the plumb line. Moreover, it was verified that the mean range of motion of the spine and the hips and knees joints was adequate for holding a proper sitting position. Such results suggest that knowing postural characteristics of the schoolchildren from the municipal elementary education network is highly recommended when dealing with health promotion politics, both for including this specific knowledge in the school Political-Pedagogical Project and for choosing the appropriate classroom furniture and textbooks. In this sense, local cultural characteristics must also be taken into account, and this means that the involvement of the whole school community – teachers, school managers, supervisors, employees, parents and relatives – is a target to be achieved for students to get the best benefits from their school years.
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Incentivo dos pais e níveis de atividade física de escolares : um estudo de casoSilva, Naildo Santos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se há associação entre o incentivo dos pais (IP) com os níveis de atividade física (AF) dos escolares. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com método descritivo e correlacional tendo abordagem quantitativa e corte transversal. A amostra foi composta por escolares de 6 a 11 anos de idade. Os níveis de AF dos escolares foram avaliados através de acelerômetros. O IP foi avaliado por meio de perguntas. O nível socioeconômico foi avaliado por meio de questionário. Foram medidos a estatura, o peso, e o perímetro da cintura das crianças e seus respectivos pais. O Índice de massa corporal foi calculado posteriormente. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas e de frequência. Possíveis associações foram testadas através do teste de Quiquadrado de Pearson. Regressões logísticas foram utilizadas para verificar as associações entre a AF e o IP. Também foram verificadas a confiabilidade referente as perguntas do IP. Nossos resultados apontaram haver associação entre o IP intangível e a AF dos escolares. Cinquenta por cento das crianças cumpriram com as recomendações de AF. Houve uma baixa ocorrência de IP. Além disso, o incentivo intangível foi o mais reportado por aqueles que incentivavam seus filhos. Os meninos apresentaram maior probabilidade de receberem incentivo tangível e intangível dos pais e de praticar 60min de atividade física moderada/vigorosa (AFMV). As crianças de classe baixa apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de atingir os 60min de AFMV. Conforme a idade das crianças avança aumenta o IP, entretanto, a força de correlação observada entre as variáveis foi muito fraca. Os modelos de regressão revelaram que os escolares que recebiam IP, ser menino e ser de classe baixa tinham maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de AF quando comparados aos que não recebiam incentivo, as meninas e aos escolares que pertenciam a classe média. O IP mostrou-se influenciar nos níveis de AF dos escolares. Metade das crianças avaliadas praticam em média 60min de atividade física AFMV por dia, cumprindo assim com as recomendações de atividade física propostas pela OMS. De uma forma geral os pais pouco incentivam seus filhos(as) a praticarem atividade física, entretanto dos pais que incentivam houve uma maior ocorrência do incentivo intangível. Nosso estudo evidenciou que os meninos são mais incentivados que as meninas independentemente do tipo de incentivo e os pais. Observamos também que conforme a idade o IP aumenta. Nossos resultados corroboram com a literatura aonde as crianças de idade superior apresentam associações fracas com o incentivo. Ressaltamos a importância do IP para a prática de atividade física dos filhos uma vez que os nossos modelos de regressão revelaram haver associação entre o IP e a AFMV dos escolares. As crianças que recebiam IP apresentaram maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de atividade física quando comparadas aos seus pares que não recebiam incentivo. Conclui-se que o IP é um fator que pode influenciar nos níveis de AFMV dos escolares. Além disso outros fatores determinante como o nível socioeconômico e as barreiras merecem ser explorados para melhor compreender essa relação. / The objective of the present study was to verify if there is an association between the parents' incentive (PI) and the levels of physical activity (PA) of the students. It is a case study, with descriptive and correlational method having quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of students from 6 to 11 years of age. Schoolchildren's PA levels were assessed using accelerometers. PI was evaluated through questions. The socioeconomic level was evaluated through a questionnaire. The height, weight, and waist circumference of the children and their respective parents were measured. Body mass index was calculated later. Descriptive and frequency analyzes were used. Possible associations were tested using the Pearson Qui-square test. Logistic regressions were used to verify the associations between PA and PI. The reliability of the PI questions was also checked. Our results showed an association between the intangible PI and the PA of the students. Fifty percent of the children complied with the recommendations of PA. There was a low occurrence of PI. In addition, the intangible incentive was the most reported by those who encouraged their children. Boys were more likely to receive tangible and intangible encouragement from their parents and to practice 60 minutes of moderate / vigorous physical activity (MVP). Low-grade children were more likely to achieve 60 min MPV. As the age of children progresses, PI increases, however, the correlation force observed between the variables was very weak. The regression models revealed that schoolchildren who received PI, being a boy and being low-class had a higher prevalence of complying with the recommendations of PA when compared to those who received no incentive, girls and schoolchildren belonging to the middle class. The PI was shown to influence the students' PH levels. Half of the evaluated children practice on average 60min of MPV physical activity per day, thus fulfilling the recommendations of physical activity proposed by the WHO. In general, the parents do not encourage their children to practice physical activity, however, from the parents who encourage it, there is a greater occurrence of the intangible incentive. Our study showed that boys are more encouraged than girls regardless of the type of incentive and the parents. We also observe that according to age the PI increases. Our results corroborate with the literature where children of older age present weak associations with the incentive. We emphasize the importance of PI for the physical activity of the children since our regression models revealed an association between PI and MVP of schoolchildren. Children who received PI had a higher prevalence of complying with physical activity recommendations when compared to their peers who received no incentive. It is concluded that PI is a factor that can influence the levels of MVP of schoolchildren. In addition other determining factors such as socioeconomic status and barriers deserve to be explored to better understand this relationship.
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Postura corporal ao sentar e transportar material escolarRitter, Alexandre Luis da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Crianças e adolescentes permanecem sentados por longo período durante as aulas e transportam materiais escolares em mochilas e pastas. A preocupação com a postura corporal adotada pelos alunos durante a execução dessas tarefas escolares é imprescindível para que se encontrem alternativas capazes de lhes proporcionar mais conforto. Baseado na premissa de que a postura pode ser entendida como a forma de a pessoa pensar, sentir e agir corporalmente considerou-se importante avaliá-la de uma maneira mais ampla, considerando diferentes variáveis e suas possíveis inter-relações. É com base nisso que se constitui o objetivo do presente estudo: o de analisar diferentes fatores que possam exercer influência sobre a maneira como sentam em sala de aula e como transportam seu material escolar os escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de Porto Alegre-RS. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal no qual foram avaliadas a postura ortostática nos planos sagital e ântero-posterior, a postura dinâmica na posição sentada para escrever em sala de aula, a adequação do mobiliário escolar à estatura dos escolares, a amplitude de movimento da coluna e das articulações coxo-femural, do joelho e do tornozelo, a dor nas costas em sala de aula e o meio e a forma de transportar o material escolar, bem como o seu peso. A amostra constituiu-se de 430 crianças e adolescentes matriculados em oito escolas municipais e mostrou-se representativa da população estudada. Para o tratamento estatístico das variáveis foi utilizada a análise de frequência, os testes t pareado e não-pareado, a análise de variância e o teste do chi-quadrado. Na posição sentada, observou-se que os participantes, meninos e meninas, de forma semelhante, utilizam pouco os critérios biomecânicos para esta ação e que o posicionamento neutro da pelve foi, entre outros critérios, o menos utilizado. O mobiliário das escolas mostrou-se inadequado para a grande maioria dos participantes. Apesar dessas características da posição sentada, não foi observada associação com dor nas costas em sala de aula, presente em 28,9% dos participantes. Sobre o transporte do material escolar, observou-se que os participantes utilizam majoritariamente a mochila nas costas com apoio sobre os dois ombros para a realização dessa tarefa, não havendo diferença entre meninos e meninas ou entre as faixas etárias. Foi observado também que o peso médio do material escolar foi de 5,46% do peso corporal, sendo que 8,5% dos participantes transportavam mais de 10% do peso corporal. Não foi observada associação da variável transporte do material escolar com a dor nas costas em sala de aula, tampouco houve correlação com os ângulos das curvas da coluna. A característica da postura ortostática dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino apresentou predominância de anteriorização dos pontos anatômicos em relação ao fio de prumo. Observou-se ainda que as médias das amplitudes de movimento da coluna e das articulações coxo-femural e joelho são adequadas para a permanência na posição sentada. Os resultados obtidos apontam para o entendimento de que conhecer as características posturais dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino é imprescindível na formulação de políticas de promoção de saúde, quer seja na inclusão de conteúdos específicos no Plano Político Pedagógico da escola, quer seja na adequada seleção de mesas, cadeiras e livros didáticos. Além disso, devem-se levar em conta as características da cultura local e, nesse sentido, o envolvimento de toda comunidade escolar – professores, direção, serviços, funcionários, pais e familiares – deve ser uma meta a ser atingida, a fim de que os alunos tenham o melhor aproveitamento possível na vida escolar. / Children and teenagers remain seated for a long period of time during classes and carry their school stuff in backpacks and bags. The concern about the body posture students hold when doing such activities is indispensable for finding ways of providing them more comfort. Based on the premise that posture may be understood as the way a person thinks, feels, and acts using his/her body, it is relevant that posture be evaluated in a broader way in which different variables and their possible interrelations are taken into account. Based on that, this study aimed at analyzing the different factors that may influence the way students from the municipal elementary education network in Porto Alegre - RS remain seated in classroom and carry their school stuff. In this cross-sectional observational study the following aspects were evaluated: the orthostatic posture in sagital and anterior-posterior planes; the dynamic posture while sitting and writing at the school desk; how the school chairs and desks match with the students’ anthropometrics; the range of motion of the spine and hips, knees, and ankles joints; back pain in the sitting position in classroom; and the way students carry their stuff to school and the role its weight plays in it. The sample of this study was representative of the population and comprised 430 children and teenagers from eight municipal schools. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were frequency analysis, the paired and independent samples t-tests, the chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. In the sitting position, the observed results showed that boys and girls similarly lack in using the biomechanics principles, and that the pelvis neutral position is the less employed among these principles. Furniture in the schools was inappropriate for the majority of the participants. Despite this attested characteristics for the sitting position, no association with back pain could be observed in classroom, although 28.9% of the students suffered from it. As regards to carrying the school stuff, students mostly wear backpacks, with no differences in use between boys and girls and among their ages. The average weight carried by the participants corresponded to 5.46% of their body weight, and 8.5% of these students usually carried more than 10% of their body weight. No association could be verified between the act of carrying the school stuff and back pain in classroom. Also, no correlation could be established with the spine physiological curves of the participants. In orthostatic posture, the observed results showed that most of the students from the municipal elementary education network were anterior deviated in relation to the plumb line. Moreover, it was verified that the mean range of motion of the spine and the hips and knees joints was adequate for holding a proper sitting position. Such results suggest that knowing postural characteristics of the schoolchildren from the municipal elementary education network is highly recommended when dealing with health promotion politics, both for including this specific knowledge in the school Political-Pedagogical Project and for choosing the appropriate classroom furniture and textbooks. In this sense, local cultural characteristics must also be taken into account, and this means that the involvement of the whole school community – teachers, school managers, supervisors, employees, parents and relatives – is a target to be achieved for students to get the best benefits from their school years.
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