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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studying the contribution of urban areas to fine sediment and associated element contents in a river bed

David, Telse 16 October 2012 (has links)
Urban wet weather discharge impairs the receiving water and sediment quality. Among other factors, particulate matter plays a role. It increases the suspended sediment load of the receiving water and may thus enhance the clogging of the bed sediment which serves as an important river habitat. This thesis investigates how much urban areas may contribute to the fine sediment and associated element load which is retarded by the bed sediment. It is based on an extensive field study. The study area was the Bode River, a mid-sized stream in Central Germany. About 10 km upstream of the river mouth, the sampling campaign took place close to Staßfurt, a town of 20’000. During the sampling campaign, the intrusion of fine sediment into the bed sediment was captured by sediment traps. Furthermore three possible sources of this fine sediment were sampled. Within the Town of Staßfurt, we sampled urban wet weather discharge at three sites to capture urban areas. As second source naturally occurring fine sediment was considered. Therefore we took sediment cores upstream of the Town of Staßfurt. As third source, the impact of the upstream catchment was captured by taking suspended sediment samples. For all sample types, particle-bound element contents were determined to establish element patterns of the receptor and the source sites. The rationale thereby is that the element pattern at the receptor sites results from the element patterns of the sources. Consequently the contribution of the sources can be calculated by mixing models. In the study area, particulate matter from urban areas is distinct from river borne fine sediment due to elevated copper, zinc, nitrogen and phosphorus contents. We conducted an in-depth analysis of this element pattern by a cluster analysis. It revealed that the particle-bound element pattern is source specific whereby nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon are related to sewage and behave differently than most metals such as copper which mainly originate from surface runoff. The degree to which element patterns agree from site to site is limited by the variability encountered within sample sets from individual sites. Thereby the variability of the element pattern depends on the complexity of the catchment. The contribution of urban areas to fine sediment and associated elements which were captured by sediment traps was calculated by a mixing model. Based on this mixing model, about 10% of the fine sediment originate from urban areas. Thereby the impact of the Town of Staßfurt could not be detected leading to the conclusion that upstream urban areas contribute most. Because of the elevated content of e.g. copper and zinc, urban areas contribute up to 40% and thus disproportionally high to particle-associated copper and zinc load. The source apportionment of the fine sediment is little influenced by the elements considered in the mixing model. Different element patterns showed that the median contribution of urban areas ranges from 0 – 20%. This lies within the interquartile range of the initial mixing model. Another result of the measurement campaign ist that sediment traps over-estimated the anthropogenic impact because they did not resemble the surrounding bed sediment. When they were exposed, they were completely free from fine sediment and hence served as sink of suspended sediment. During the sampling campaign, one source was not directly taken into account. It was possible, though, to delineate this source by nonnegative matrix factorization. Within the Town of Staßfurt, a soda ash production site discharges into the Bode River. The nonnegative matrix factorization uncovered that the soda ash production site is a major source of particulate matter and contributes up to 30% of the fine sediment captured by the traps downstream of the Town of Staßfurt. This source dilutes most element contents as it mainly consists of carbonates. This was revealed by studying the element binding according to the BCR extraction scheme. This thesis shows that urban areas may be a major source of particulate matter and especially associated elements retarded by the bed sediment. It shows that the element contents form a viable pattern to calculate how much urban areas contribute to fine sediment by mixing models. The thesis further shows that nonnegative matrix factorization is a viable tool to delineate such a distinct source as soda ash production site. / Misch- und Regenwasserentlastungen beeinträchtigen die Qualität von Vorflutgewässern. Unter anderem gelangt Feinsediment während Entlastungsereignissen in Vorflutgewässer. Dieses erhöht die Fracht an suspendiertem Sediment und verstärkt die Kolmatierung der Gewässersohle. Damit ist das hyporheische Interstitial, das ein wichtiges Fließgewässerhabitat ist, vom Eintrag von Feinsediment betroffen. Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie sehr urbane Flächen zur Feinsedimentfracht und zur Fracht von partikulär gebundenen Elementen beitragen können, die im Bettsediment zurückgehalten werden. Sie beruht auf einer umfangreichen Messkampagne. Das Untersuchungsgebiet dafür war die Bode, ein mittelgroßer Fluss in Mitteldeutschland. Etwa 10 km flussaufwärts der Mündung fand die Messkampagne nahe der Kleinstadt Staßfurt statt. Im Rahmen dieser Messkampagne haben wir den Eintrag von Feinsediment in das Bettsediment durch Sedimentkörbe erfasst. Drei Quellen dieses Feinsediments haben wir berücksichtigt. In Staßfurt wurden eine Regen- und zwei Mischwassereinleitungen beprobt, um urbane Flächen zu erfassen. Als zweite Quelle wurde natürlich vorkommendes Feinsediment berücksichtigt. Dafür haben wir Sedimentkerne flussaufwärts von Staßfurt genommen. Als dritte Quelle haben wir das stromaufwärts liegende Einzugsgebiet erfasst, indem wir das suspendierte Sediment beprobt haben. Für alle Proben wurde der Elementgehalt bestimmt, um das Elementmuster des Feinsediments, das ins Bettsediment eingetragen wurde, und der Quellen zu ermitteln. Der Grund für diese Messstrategie war, dass das Elementmuster des Feinsediments in den Körben aus den Elementmustern der Quellen, Regen- bzw. Mischwassereinleitungen, natürlich vorkommendes Feinsediment und suspendiertes Sediment aus dem Einzugsgebiet, resultieren sollte. Damit ist es möglich, den Beitrag über Mischungsmodelle zu berechnen. Im Untersuchungsgebiet unterscheidet sich das Feinsediment, das von urbanen Flächen stammt, von dem flussbürtigen Feinsediment aufgrund erhöhter Kupfer-, Zink-, Stickstoff- und Phosphorgehalte. Wir haben das Elementmuster der urbanen Flächen mit einer Clusteranalyse genauer untersucht. Dies ergab, dass das partikulär gebundene Elementmuster quellenspezifisch ist, wobei sich Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kohlenstoff Abwasser zuordnen lassen, während die meisten Metalle wie Kupfer und Zink hauptsächlich aus dem Oberflächenabfluss stammen. Das Maß, zu dem die Muster von Messpunkt zu Messpunkt übereinstimmen, wird durch die Variabilität beschränkt, die die Proben eines Messpunktes aufweisen. Diese Variabilität hängt dabei von der Komplexität des Einzugsgebiets ab. Über eine Mischungsrechnung konnten wir berechnen, wie viel urbane Flächen zur Fracht von Feinsediment und daran gebundenen Elementen in den Sedimentkörben beitrugen. Im Untersuchungsgebiet stammen etwa 10 % des Feinsediments, das durch die Sedimentkörbe aufgefangen wurde, von urbanen Flächen. Der Beitrag der Stadt Staßfurt konnte dabei aber nicht von dem Beitrag weiter flussaufwärts gelegener urbaner Gebiete getrennt werden. Daraus folgt, dass weiter stromaufwärts liegende Gebiete mehr beitragen als Staßfurt. Wegen des erhöhten Gehalts an z.B. Kupfer und Zink tragen urbane Flächen ca. 40 % und damit überproportional hoch zur partikulär gebundenen Kupfer- und Zinkfracht bei. Für die Berechung des Quellenbeitrags zum Feinsediment spielt es keine große Rolle, welche Elemente in der Mischungsrechnung berücksichtigt werden. Verschiedene Elementmuster ergeben, dass der Medianbeitrag urbaner Flächen zwischen 0 und 20 % liegt. Dies entspricht dem Interquartilsabstand der ursprünglichen Mischungsrechnung. Ein weiteres Resultat der Untersuchungen ist, dass die Sedimentkörbe den anthropogenen Einfluss überschätzten, weil sie das umgebende Bettsediment nicht exakt abbildeten und als Falle funktionierten. Innerhalb Staßfurts gibt es ein Sodawerk, das seine Produktionsabwässer in die Bode einleitet. Während der Messkampagne wurde diese Quelle nicht direkt erfasst. Es war trotzdem möglich, diese Quelle durch nicht-negative Matrix-Faktorisierung zu identifizieren. Die nicht-negative Matrix-Faktorisierung ergab, dass das Abwasser des Sodawerks eine Hauptquelle des Feinsediments der Bode ist. Bis zu 30 % des Feinsediments in den Sedimentkörben flussabwärts von Staßfurt lassen sich dem Sodawerk zuordnen. Dieses Feinsediment besteht hauptsächlich aus Karbonaten und verdünnt die meisten Elementgehalte. Dies wurde deutlich, indem die Elementbindungen nach dem BCR Extraktionsschema untersucht wurden. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Relevanz, die urbane Flächen als Quelle von Feinsediment und daran gebundener Elementfracht haben, die ins Interstitial eingetragen werden. Sie zeigt, dass die Elementgehalte ein Muster bilden, mit dem es möglich ist, über eine Mischungsrechnung zu klären, wie viel urbane Flächen zum Feinsediment beitragen. Die Arbeit zeigt ferner, dass nicht-negative Matrix-Faktorisierung ermöglicht, eine so charakteristische Quelle wie ein Sodawerk zu identifizieren.

Enhancing the adsorption capacity of copper in aqueous solution by citric acid modified sugarcane bagasse

Pham, Thi Thu, Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Nguyen, Manh Kha, Van der Brugge, Bart 07 January 2019 (has links)
This study investigated the chemical modification method by citric acid and its enhancement effect on the adsorption capacity of sugarcane bagasse (SB) for copper removal from aqueous solution. Characterization studies were performed by using Fourier transform infra red (FTIR), which showed the introduction of carboxylic group in the structure the modified sugarcane bagasse (MSB). Batch study revealed the influence of pH, time, initial concentration of metal ion on adsorption capacity. The data showed an extremely good fit to Langmuir isotherm model from which the maximum adsorption capacity estimated reached 28.17 mg/g at optimum pH 5.5. Fixed bed column study using the adsorbent MSB confirmed that the breakthrough curves of the adsorption processes were dependent on bed height, initial concentration and flow rate. Linear regression analysis of the data demonstrated that Yoon-Nelson kinetic models were appropriate to explain the breakthrough curves. / Nghiên cứu đã thực hiện biến tính hóa học vật liệu bã mía bằng acid citric và đánh giá khả năng hấp phụ ion Cu(II) trong nước của bã mía (SB) trước và sau biến tính axit citric. Khảo sát cấu trúc vật liệu thông qua phổ hồng ngoại FTIR cho thấy các nhóm chức carboxylic có khả năng hấp phụ kim loại xuất hiện trong vật liệu biến tính. Thí nghiệm mẻ đánh giá sự ảnh hưởng của pH, thời gian và nồng độ của vật liệu tự nhiên và biến tính đến khả năng hấp phụ ion Cu(II). Kết quả của thí nghiệm mẻ phù hợp với mô hình Langmuir với khả năng hấp phụ cực đại đạt 28,17 mg/g tại nồng độ pH tối ưu là 5,5. Kết quả thí nghiệm trên mô hình cột cho thấy đường cong thoát của quá trình hấp phụ của vật liệu biến tính và chưa biến tính phụ thuộc và chiều cao lớp vật liệu, nồng độ ion Cu(II) ban đầu và vận tốc dòng chảy qua cột. Các dữ liệu thu nhận được từ thực nghiệm phù hợp với mô hình động học Yoon-Nelson.

Applying diversity index and dominant species in research and selection of some indigenous plant species to absorb Pb, Zn

Ta, Thi Yen, Pham, Thi Mai Thao 07 January 2019 (has links)
The study was carried out at Dai Dong and Chi Dao communes, Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province. The biological diversity indexes and dominance index of species were used to identify native plant species which have the ability to absorb Pb and Zn. The results were verified by applying methods such as plant classification, quadrat cell counting, biological indicators and chemical analysis. Results showed that there are five species of plants with the highest dominant index calculated due to number of individuals in the study area including Bidens pilosa L (33.03%), Acroceras munroanum (8.14%), Commelina coelestis (7.83%), Carex capillacea (5.41%), Ipomoea aquatic (5.26%). Verified results showed that Bidens pilosa L, Acroceras munroanum, Commelina coelestis, Ipomoea aquatic can be used to treat Pb with the absorption concentration of 380 mg/kg, 288 mg/kg, 270 mg/kg, 223 mg/kg, respectively. Only Commelina coelestis can absorb Zn with the highest concentration of 73mg/kg. In summary, Pb absorption of dominant species in the study area is higher than the absorption of Zn. / Nghiên cứu được thực hiện tại hai xã Đại Đồng và xã Chỉ Đạo, huyện Văn Lâm, tỉnh Hưng Yên nhằm xác định một số loài thực vật bản địa có khả năng hấp thụ Pb, Zn bằng cách sử dụng chỉ số đa dạng sinh học và chỉ số ưu thế loài. Kết quả được kiểm chứng bằng các phương pháp như phân loại thực vật, đếm ô quadrat, sử dụng chỉ số sinh học và phân tích hóa học. Kết quả cho thấy có có năm loài thực vật có chỉ số ưu thế cao nhất tính theo số lượng cá thể trong khu vực nghiên cứu là: Đơn buốt (33,03 %), Cỏ lá tre (8,14 %), Thài lài (7,83 %), Kiết tóc (5,41 %), Rau muống (5,26 %). Kết quả phân tích kiểm chứng thấy Đơn buốt, Cỏ lá tre, Thài lài, Rau muống có khả năng xử lý Pb với giá trị lần lượt là 380 mg/kg, 288 mg/kg, 270 mg/kg, 223 mg/kg. Trong khi đó chỉ có Thài lài là có khả năng hấp thu Zn với giá trị cao nhất là 73 mg/kg. Nhìn chung khả năng hấp thu Pb của các loài ưu thế tại khu vực nghiên cứu cao hơn so với khả năng hấp thu Zn.

Geochemisches Verhalten umweltrelevanter Elemente in stillgelegten Polysulfiderzgruben am Beispiel der Grube „Himmelfahrt“ in Freiberg/Sachsen

Baacke, Delf 08 July 2009 (has links)
In bergmännisch geschaffenen Hohlräumen in Sulfiderzlagerstätten findet durch den Kontakt sauerstoffhaltiger Wässer mit den künstlich vergrößerten Reaktionsoberflächen resterzhaltigen Materials eine permanente, intensive Sulfidoxidation statt, die zu einer hohen Löslichkeit von Elementen führt. Beispielhaft wurde die polysulfidische Gangerz-Lagerstätte Freiberg untersucht. Geochemische Bedeutung besitzen hier die Elemente Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, Al und As. An wichtigen primären Mineralen wurde die Elementfreisetzung untersucht. Die Auswirkung der Elementmobilisation auf die Grundwasserqualität wurde verfolgt. Dabei konnte auf Besonderheiten der Grubenwässer stillgelegter Abbaue, der Stollnwässer und des Flutungswassers eingegangen werden. Die Aufnahme der Stofffrachten führt ebenso wie ihre selektive, partielle Präzipitation zu typischen, sulfatischen Grubenwässern. Die Fällungssedimente wurden mineralogisch und geochemisch charakterisiert. Die stillgelegte Sulfiderzgrube wurde als Quelle und Senke für direkt oder indirekt umweltrelevante Elemente beschrieben, deren im Wasser transportierte Stofffrachten insbesondere für Cd, Pb und As ökotoxikologisch von Bedeutung sind.

Evolution von Antibiotikaresistenzen in aquatischen Ökosystemen

Seiler, Claudia 07 May 2018 (has links)
The rising number of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) may introduce to the post antibiotic era because they cause a loss of the therapeutic potential of antibiotics. For many years the important role of the natural environment as reservoir and dissemination pathway for ARB and responsible genes has been largely overlooked. However, especially aquatic ecosystems provide optimal conditions for the antibiotic resistance (AR) evolution: first, aquatic ecosystems are frequently affected by anthropogenic activities that cause multiple pollutions for example with heavy metals, that potentially cause co-selection of antibiotic- and heavy metal resistance. Second, aquatic ecosystems feature a dissemination pathway between human populations and natural environments via the urban water cycle. Water cycles between human associated environments (e.g. house holds and clinics) via waste water through waste water treatment plants into natural ecosystems (e.g. water bodies) and back as drinking water after purification. Third, ecosystem internal biotic interactions such as competition between bacteria and predation by the natural consumers seem to impact AR evolution sustainably. The present doctoral thesis focuses on the impact of abiotic and biotic factors on the proliferation of AR and responsible genes in natural aquatic environments, with special emphasis on (i) heavy metal driven co-selection of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance and (ii) on the impact of competition and predation on the evolution of AR. In order to quantify the risk of heavy metal driven co-selection for AR spread, I provide a first risk assessment based on literature values of environmental heavy metal loadings and related AR. Additionally, I developed a limit value named minimum co-selective concentration (MCC), which is the lowest concentration of a heavy metal that can potentially cause coselection in nature. It turned out that Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg, and Cd are suspected to be the main co-selecting heavy metals in the aquatic environment. I further investigated heavy metal driven co-selection of AR in a river ecosystem, the Western Bug River (Ukraine). I found indications for co-selection of resistance to five antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, amikacin, tobramycin, and cefepime) and two metals (Ni and Cd) caused by Ni- and Cd-levels. Both metals exceed their MCC for water samples and Cd additionally in sediments. As a second focal point the present work emphasis on ecological interactions effecting AR evolution. Currently three possible effects of ecological interactions on AR spread are discussed. First, environmental antibiotic levels are rather low, however they might favour ARB due to a competitive advantage. The reason is that even sublethal antibiotic levels reduce the growth of sensitive bacteria while resistant cells remain unaffected by the antibiotic action. Second, predation by protozoa is believed to impact conjugation between prey bacteria (and thus the transfer of DNA and potential resistance genes) by keeping bacteria in a growing stage that favours conjugation. Third, in order to escape predation by protozoa, bacteria evolved grazing defence mechanisms such as the formation of inedible biofilms, which can feedback on the evolution of AR. With an ordinary differential equation model, I tested the effect of low antibiotic levels and losses (e.g. due to predation) on the proliferation of ARB in a modelled planktonic system. In case that the model contains the mechanism that conjugation frequencies are highest during exponential growth, I found that (i) (grazing) losses enhance conjugation frequencies between bacteria and that (ii) medium levels of antibiotics and (grazing) losses favour resistant cells in the competition to sensitive bacteria. Biofilms are thought to be \'hot spots\' for conjugation but some plasmids have lower conjugation frequencies in biofilms compared to planktonic systems. As a first step, in order to discover predation effects on plasmid spread in plankton - biofilm systems I investigated grazing resistance of bacteria in grazing experiments. Both plankton and biofilm phenotypes were consumed, when exposed to their specialized grazer (either plankton-feeder or biofilmfeeder), whereas the other phenotype remained grazing-resistant and thus became the dominant prey type. Both predators together effectively control planktonic and biofilm prey. With regards to the spread of AR-genes via conjugation, I speculate that the feeding preference of the present predator can affect the invasion success of resistance plasmids in planktonic - biofilm systems. For dynamic systems, I assume that dynamics of predator and prey traits (plankton vs. biofilm-feeder and biofilm vs. planktonic prey) will lead to dynamics of conjugation frequencies in planktonic or biofilm bacteria. I assume that conjugation events are more frequent in the dominant prey type (plankton or biofilm). However, other factors such as pili-type of the plasmid (short and rigid pili, prefers conjugation in biofilms or long and flexible pili, prefers conjugation in plankton) might additionally influence plasmid invasion success in plankton - biofilm morphotypes.

Beneficial or hazardous? A comprehensive study of 24 elements from wild edible plants from Angola

Baumgärtel, Christin, Götzke, Linda, Weigand, Jan J., Neinhuis, Christoph, Panzo, Mazecana H. G., Afonso, Francisco, Lautenschläger, Thea 04 October 2024 (has links)
Angola suffers from a high child mortality rate and a prevalence of anemia due to malnutrition. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the mineral content of 43 wild edible plants. A total of 24 different elements (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, strontium, titanium, thallium, vanadium, zinc) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy to identify nutritional beneficial and hazardous plants. For the majority of studied species (31 of 43) data lack completely. For the remaining, only macronutrient contents are published yet, determining their (ultra)trace element and heavy metal contents for the first time. None of the examined plants pose a risk to human health due to low heavy metal contents, seasonality, and low amounts of consumed plant parts. Iron and zinc rich plant parts, such as fruits of Canarium schweinfurthii, or leaves of Crassocephalum rubens, Solanum americanum, and Piper umbellatum could help combating deficiency syndromes. The genus Landolphia shows to be an aluminum hyperaccumulator with aluminum contents >1000 mg/kg. Results of this study serve as a database for upcoming research. The nutritional value of edible plants is evaluated.

Untersuchungen zu Einzel- und Kombinationswirkungen von ausgewählten anorganischen und organischen Schadstoffen beim Anbau verschiedener Pflanzenarten auf Rieselfeldboden

Dorn, Jana 11 May 1999 (has links)
Polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK), Polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCB) und Schwermetalle (SM) sind zusammen mit anderen Elementen und Verbindungen u.a. auch mit Nährstoffen als gemischte gewachsene Kontamination in ballungsraumtypischen Belastungsflächen (z.B. Rieselfelder) vorhanden und stellen bei einem Transfer in Nahrungs- und Futterpflanzen eine besondere Gefährdung für den Menschen dar. Bei Untersuchungen hinsichtlich ökosystemarer Konsequenzen dieser Substanzen wurden bisher vor allem Einzelstoffbetrachtungen angestellt bzw. mehrere Vertreter einer Stoffgruppe untersucht. Ursache für Ertragsdepressionen und Minderungen der mikrobiellen Aktivität auf hochbelasteten Flächen ist aber immer eine Komplexwirkung der verschiedenen Bodeninhaltsstoffe, so daß sich synergistische Effekte einstellen können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die kombinierte Wirkung ausgewählter PAK-, PCB- und SM-Vertreter (Benzo-a-pyren [ BaP] , 2,2?,5,5? Tetrachlorbiphenyl [ PCB 52] , Cadmium [ Cd] und Kupfer [ Cu] ) auf bodenmikrobiologische Parameter, Biomasseproduktion und Schadstoffaufnahme von Pflanzen im Gefäßversuch untersucht. Veränderungen von CO2-Freisetzung, Cellulosezersetzung, N-Mineralisierung und SM-Pflanzenverfügbarkeit in einem schwachbelasteten Rieselfeldboden (RefB) nach dessen Einzelstoff- bzw. Mischanreicherung mit den genannten Schadstoffen in Konzentrationen, wie sie in hochbelasteten Rieselfeldern vorliegen, werden dargestellt. Desweiteren erfolgt eine Auswertung der Daten zu Erträgen und Schadstoffgehalten der auf den Versuchsvarianten geprüften Pflanzen (Roggen, Mais und Kartoffeln). Wechselbeziehungen der Schadstoffe untereinander im Pfad ² Boden-Pflanze² werden diskutiert. Auf allen Cu-Anreicherungsvarianten von RefB reagierten die drei Versuchspflanzen mit Ertragsdepressionen. Als Ursache hierfür und für die Störungen der mikrobiellen Aktivität im Boden konnte Cu als Einzelstoff erkannt werden. Die Ertragsdepressionen gingen mit erhöhten Cu-Gehalten aber auch mit erhöhten Cd-Gehalten der Pflanzen einher. Zugeführtes Cu bewirkte eine Erhöhung der Pflanzenverfügbarkeit von Cd im Boden. PCB 52 bzw. (und) BaP verursachten bei ihrer gleichzeitigen Zufuhr mit Cu dessen Mobilisierung im Boden und erhöhten damit die Cu-Pflanzenaufnahme. Neben PCB 52 dem Boden gegebenes Cd führte zu höheren PCB 52-Gehalten im Pflanzensproß. Die kombinierte Anreicherung von RefB mit Cd, PCB 52 und BaP bewirkte noch höhere PCB 52- und auch höhere BaP-Pflanzengehalte. / Together with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and heavy metals (HM) other elements and compounds as well as nutrients are present in typical contaminated areas like sewage fields. They are found as mixed undisturbed contamination and the transfer of these pollutants into food or forage plants is dangerous for people. So far investigations of ecological effects of these substances are focused mainly on single agents or on some agents of the same chemical group. But in most cases the mixture of different chemical compounds in extremely contaminated fields cause synergistic effects resulting in yield reductions and decreases of microbiological activity. Therefore the aim of the present work is to study combined effects of selected PAH-, PCB- and HM- (benzo-a-pyren [ BaP] , 2,2?,5,5? tetrachlorbiphenyl [ PCB 52] , cadmium [ Cd] und copper [ Cu] ) on parameters of soil biology, biomass production and pollutant uptake by plants in pot experiments. Resulting changes of cellulose decomposition, CO2-release from soil, N-mineralization and availability for plants of heavy metals after separated and combined enrichment of weackly polluted sewage field soil (RefB) with said pollutants up to concentrations of extremely polluted sewage field soils are presented. Data of yields and pollutant contents of plants (rye, maize and potatoes) cultivated on experimental soils are summarised. Interactions of pollutants ² soil-plant² are discussed. Cultivated plants showed yield reductions on all treatments enriched with copper. In this context copper only produced the impairments of microbial activity in the soil and caused its phytotoxicity. The yield reductions were connected with higher copper contents and also higher cadmium contents of plants. Added copper led to increasing availability for plants of cadmium in the soil. PCB 52 or (and) BaP together enriched with copper produced a mobilization of copper in the soil and a higher copper uptake by plants. Added cadmium caused in addition to PCB 52 higher PCB 52 contents of plants. The combined enrichment of RefB with Cd, PCB 52 and BaP led to higher contents of PCB 52 and BaP in plants.

Manganese uptake, transport, and toxicity in two varieties of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) as affected by mycorrhizae: from the cellular to the organismic level / Aufnahme, Transport und Toxizität von Mangan in zwei Varietäten der Douglasie (Pseudotsuga menziesii) unter dem Einfluß von Mykorrhizen: von der zellulären bis zur organismischen Ebene

Ducic, Tanja 06 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Festlegung von Radionukliden und Arsen in Feuchtgebieten an Bergbaualtstandorten – Ein Beitrag zur Passiven Wasserreinigung

Dienemann, Holger 11 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Abstrom von Uranbergbauobjekten (Sachsen, Deutschland) wurden Uran, Radium-226 und Arsen in unterschiedlichen Feuchtgebieten untersucht. Dabei wurden Wasser (vor¬wiegend neutrale bis leicht basische pH-Werte), Sedimente und im Wasser befindlicher Bestandesabfall (CPOM) beprobt. Zur Klärung der Genese der Urangehalte im Sediment erfolgten Untersuchungen an Pb-Isotopen. Sie zeigen u. a., dass das Uran in den obersten Zentimetern des Sediments (organische Auflage) aus der wässrigen Phase und nicht von ca. 300 Millionen Jahre alten Erzteilchen stammt. Für die Verlagerung von Radionukliden und Arsen aus dem Wasserkörper in das Sediment wird ein neuer Weg aufgezeigt. Eine Fixierung dieser Stoffe an Bestandesabfällen (plant litter) ist möglich. Allochthoner Bestandesabfall (Blätter, Früchte, Zweige von Alnus spec. und Quercus spec.) weist nach Kontakt mit kontaminiertem Wasser (ca. 100 - 300 µgU L-1) Urangehalte von 50 - 2.000 µgU g-1 auf. Im Vergleich zu Uran sind Ra-226 und Arsen labiler am Bestandesabfall gebunden. Für die Genese der Gehalte in den subhydrischen Auflagen sind die Herkunft des (autochthonen bzw. allochthonen) Bestandesabfalls und der Abbau eine entscheidende Rolle. Sedimente aus leicht abbaubaren Bestandesabfällen (z.B. Lemna spec., Algen) weisen im Vergleich mit allochthonen Bestandesabfällen (von Bäumen) deutlich geringere Urangehalte auf. Exemplarisch wurde für einen aus allochthonen Bestandesabfällen bestehenden Sedimentkern mittels Cs-137-Bestimmung eine maximale Uranfestlegung von 1 – 2 g m-² a-1 ermittelt. Neben allochthonem Bestandesabfall führen Eisen- und Manganhydroxide, die unmittelbar an den Sickerwasseraustrittstellen ausfallen, bei relativ geringen Arsen- und Radiumkon¬zentrationen im Wasser zu hohen Arsen- bzw. Radiumgehalten im Sediment (As ≤ 5 mg g-1; Ra-226 ≤ 25 Bq g-1). Unter reduktiven Bedingungen werden Ra-226 und Arsen jedoch leicht freigesetzt. Ausgehend von den Untersuchungsergebnissen wird eine mögliche Anordnung für eine naturnahe passive Sickerwasserbehandlung vorgeschlagen.

Einfluss der Schwermetalle Zink, Cadmium und Blei auf Wachstum und Nährstoffaufnahme von Acacia saligna, Casuarina equisetifolia und Cupressus sempervirens / Influence of heavymetals Zinc, Cadmium and lead on growth and uptake of Acacia saligna, Casuarina equisetifolia und Cupressus sempervirens

Aly, Ragaa Aly Taha 16 May 2002 (has links)
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