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Desenvolvimento de protocolo de avaliação, por determinação de escore, das alterações encontradas nas doenças articulares em equinos e sua correlação com evolução após tratamento / Development of a score protocol for articular diseases evaluation in horses and its correlation with post therapy resultsMarilene Machado Silva 26 June 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo classificar, em tabelas de pontuação, as lesões articulares encontradas em equinos submetidos à artroscopia e correlacionar os escores com sua evolução após tratamento. Foram analisadas, de forma prospectiva, articulações tibiotársicas e metacarpo/metatarsofalangeanas de equinos de esporte encaminhados ao HOVET-USP. Cada articulação foi pontuada em tabelas de escore relacionadas a anamnese, e exames físico, ultrassonográfico, radiográfico e artroscópico. As pontuações foram somadas, determinando-se um escore por exame para cada articulação. A pontuação das imagens radiográficas e artroscópicas foram realizadas por estudo encoberto de três e quatro avaliadores, respectivamente. O proprietário ou médico veterinário responsável pelo animal respondeu a questionário relacionado à evolução do quadro e este foi correlacionado aos escores alcançados pela articulação, determinando-se o prognóstico para os escores. Foram avaliadas 78 articulações tibiotársicas e 48 metacarpo/metatarsofalangeanas. As pontuações mais frequentes na anamnese(>50%) foram as relacionadas ao início do quadro ou animais encaminhados por achados radiográficos ao exame pré-venda. Ao exame físico mais de 50% das articulações apresentaram claudicação, positividade ao teste de flexão, diminuição do ângulo máximo de flexão articular e aumento de temperatura articular externa. No exame radiográfico as alterações mais frequentes foram o aumento de volume de partes moles (37,4%) a presença de esclerose (40%) e osteólise do osso subcondral (67%), e fragmentos osteocondrais únicos evidentes (47,3%) com medidas abaixo de 5mm (30%). A ultrassonografia demonstrou alterações mais frequentes relacionadas ao líquido sinovial segundo seu aspecto, com predominância de material amorfo (33,1%) e quantidade aumentada em até a metade do volume fisiológico (40%), além da irregularidade do osso subcondral (41,3%). A presença de vasos sanguíneos evidentes (65,8%), do aumento volume e na quantidade das vilosidades da membrana sinovial (50%) e na presença de fibrilação (75,8%), fissuras (54,2%) e erosão superficial (70%) da cartilagem foram as alterações mais encontradas ao exame artroscópico, onde observaram-se, também, os fragmentos osteocondrais únicos (61,7%) e fixados ao local da lesão (86,7%). Os valores médios do escore radiográfico foram maiores (p=0,05) para as lesões palmares/plantares dos boletos (11,33±5,03) e para as articulações tibiotársicas (11,27±4,32) do que para as lesões dorsais dos boletos (9,18±3,5). As lesões nos boletos, dorsais (7,16±4,83) ou palmares/plantares (8,33±5,27) obtiveram médias de escore maiores (p=0,011) ao exame ultrassonográfico do que as tibiotársicas (5,65±3,36) e o inverso aconteceu na artroscopia com a média das tibiotársicas (12,96±6,22) superiores (p<0,001) às dos boletos (8,51±3,61) lesões dorsais ou lesões palmares/plantares (7,26±2,77). Houve concordância entre os avaliadores do exame radiográfico para as articulações tibiotársicas, e boletos com lesão dorsal e palmar/plantar. Mas apenas nas metacarpo/metatarsofalangeanas dorsais e palmares/plantares entre os avaliadores da artroscopia. A regressão logística mostrou que os escores relacionados à anamnese (1,178), exame ultrassonográfico (1,193) e artroscópico (1,213) determinam a chance de insatisfação do proprietário (acurácia de 80%). E sugere a utilização de calculadora para a obtenção da chance de insatisfação do proprietário para novos casos. Assim, concluiu-se que, as tabelas para normatização e pontuação aplicadas possibilitaram a determinação de escores para os exames realizados de forma satisfatória. Permitindo correlaciona-los com a chance de insatisfação frente o resultado atingido após o tratamento. / This study aimed to classify joint damage in horses undergoing arthroscopy, using a scoring matrix, and correlating scores with post-treatment recovery. We prospectively analyzed tibiotarsal and metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal joints of athletic horses referred for arthroscopy to the Veterinary Hospital of the University of São Paulo. Each joint was ranked based on anamnesis-related scoring tables, as well as physical, ultrasound, radiographic and arthroscopic examinations. Scores were summarized to determine a ranking for each joint examined. Three and four blind assessors performed scoring of radiographic and arthroscopic images, respectively. The animals owner or responsible veterinarian answered a report related to the disease progression and this was correlated to the joint assessment score, determining a prognosis for joint scores. Seventy-eight tibiotarsal joints and 48 metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal were evaluated. The most common anamnesis scores (> 50%) were related to the onset of symptoms or pre-purchase radiographic findings. During physical examination, over 50% of the joints induced lameness, positive results to flexion tests, reduced joint maximum flexion angles and increased superficial joint temperature. During radiographic examination, frequently noticed alterations were increased volume of soft tissues (37.4%), the presence of sclerosis (40%), osteolysis of the subchondral bone (67%), and evident osteochondral fragments (47.3%) measuring below 5mm (30%). Ultrasonography showed more frequent changes related to synovial fluid according to appearance, with a predominance of amorphous material (33.1%) and increases of up to half in physiological volume (40%) amount, in addition to irregularity of the subchondral bone (41.3 %). Most-found alterations noticed during arthroscopic examination were the presence of apparent blood vessels (65.8%), increased volume and quantity of synovial membrane villi (50%), the presence of cartilage fibrillation (75.8%), fissures (54.2%), cartilage surface erosion (70%), unique (61.7%) and non-displaced osteochondral fragments (86.7%). The mean values of radiographic scores were higher (p = 0.05) for lesions of the fetlock palmar/plantar (11.33 ± 5.03) and tibiotarsal joints (11.27 ± 4.32) than for dorsal fetlock (9.18 ± 3.5). Lesions in the fetlock, dorsal (7.16 ± 4.83) or palmar/plantar (8.33 ± 5.27) had higher mean scores (p = 0.011) during ultrasound examination than the tibiotarsal (5.65 ± 3.36), while the reverse was observed in arthroscopy with the tibiotarsal average higher (12.96 ± 6.22, p <0.001) than fetlock dorsal (8.51 ± 3.61) or palmar/plantar lesions (7.26 ± 2.77). There was general agreement among radiographic examination evaluators for tibiotarsal joints, and dorsal and palmar fetlock lesions. However, arthroscopy evaluators agreed only on metacarpal/metatarsophalangeal, dorsal and palmar/plantar. Logical regression showed that the scores related to anamnesis (1,178), ultrasonography (1,193) and arthroscopy (1,213) correlated to the owners dissatisfaction (80% accuracy), and suggests the use of a score calculator for obtaining the chance of dissatisfied owners for new cases. Thus, it was concluded that, the tables and classifications proposed for anamnesis, physical, radiographic, ultrasonographic and arthroscopic examination enabled a useful score determination allowing correlation between the joint score and owners dissatisfaction with the outcome of arthroscopic treatment of non-infectious joint diseases in horses.
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Estado de saúde e seus efeitos sobre rendimentos do trabalhoGarcia, Esther Grizende 20 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-26T20:15:21Z
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esthergrizendegarcia.pdf: 2061658 bytes, checksum: 362dbb4c657f5be1883e9421ad02ba40 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-27T11:32:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-20 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a relação entre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos e seus rendimentos provenientes do trabalho. Indivíduos doentes podem perder produtividade em sua atividade profissional, podem necessitar se ausentar do trabalho por um período, ou até mesmo deixar de trabalhar. O estudo é realizado para o Brasil, utilizando os dados da PNAD de 2003 e 2008, que contêm o suplemento de saúde. Para a pesquisa foram selecionados apenas os indivíduos do gênero masculino com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. São criadas as variáveis estado de saúde e nível socioeconômico, a partir da Análise do Componente Principal (PCA). Para a investigação, utiliza-se o método Propensity Score Matching (Escore de Propensão). Os indivíduos não saudáveis (grupo de tratamento) estão pareados com um subgrupo de indivíduos saudáveis (grupo de controle) a fim de obter atributos semelhantes de ambos os grupos, em que a única característica que os diferenciam é a condição de saúde. O estudo utiliza três tipos de pareamento: Vizinho Mais Próximo (Nearest Neighbor Matching), Pareamento por Raio (Radius Matching) e Pareamento por Kernel. Em seguida, utiliza-se o modelo minceriano para mensurar o retorno salarial. Os resultados da pesquisa demostram que o estado de saúde é relevante para explicar rendimentos do trabalho principal. Considerando os três métodos de pareamento, os indivíduos não saudáveis auferem em torno de 13,2% a 21% a menos que os indivíduos saudáveis. Esse efeito é corroborado quando os resultados são estimados pela combinação do método de pareamento com regressão linear, indivíduos não saudáveis auferem, em média, rendimentos entre 11,75% e 15,9% menores que os rendimentos de indivíduos saudáveis. / This study aims to investigate the relationship between the health status of individuals and their income from work. Ill patients may lose productivity in their professional activity, they may need to be absent from work for a period, or even stop working. The study is conducted for Brazil, using the PNAD data of 2003 and 2008, which contain the health supplement. For the research were selected only male subjects aged between 18 and 65 years. The variables health and socioeconomic status, from the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are created. For research, we use the propensity score matching method (Score Propensity). Non-healthy individuals (treatment group) are matched with a subset of healthy individuals (control group) to obtain similar attributes of both groups, wherein the unique feature that distinguish them is the health condition. The study uses three types of pairing: Nearest Neighbor (Nearest Neighbor Matching), pairing by Radius (Radius Matching) and pairing by Kernel. Then you use the mincerian model to measure the wage returns. The survey results demonstrate that the health status is relevant to explain income of the main job. The survey results show that, considering the three methods of matching, unhealthy individuals earn 13.2% to 21% less than healthy individuals. This effect is higher considering the regression model combined with matching, unhealthy individuals earn, on average, around 11.75% and 15.9% lower than the healthy individuals.
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Etologia de Polistes simillimus Zikán, 1951 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)Grazinoli, Danielle Jenevain 21 February 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-22T11:58:40Z
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daniellejenevaingrazinoli.pdf: 116900788 bytes, checksum: ebf6f21d877089b7e807cfcc5c418016 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-07T19:20:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
daniellejenevaingrazinoli.pdf: 116900788 bytes, checksum: ebf6f21d877089b7e807cfcc5c418016 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T19:20:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-21 / A espécie de vespa social Polistes simillimus Zikán, 1951 possui urna ampla distribuição pelo território brasileiro, porém existem poucas informações sobre sua organização social. Parte dessa carência pode ser investigada através de um estudo etológico. Desta forma, o presente trabalho visou buscar o aprofundamento acerca dos comportamentos básicos apresentados pela espécie, assim como aspectos de sua organização social e hierárquica. Para a elaboração do etograrna básico da espécie e classificação dos atos comportamentais foram conduzidas 37 horas de filmagens em colônias em pós-emergência do ciclo biológico da colônia. A avaliação da hierarquia de dominância, da posição no ninho e da freqüência comportamental das fêmeas dominantes e subordinadas, foi realizada com base em 40 horas de registros em quatro colônias em pré-emergência. O repertório comportamental de P. simillimus apresentou 43 atos comportamentais, incluindo o registro inédito de três comportamentos. As tarefas individuais tiveram uma maior porcentagem (46,52%) em comparação com as demais: grupo 27,90%), parcionada (13,95%) e time (6,98%), sugerindo que a espécie estudada apresenta uma baixa complexidade na divisão e organização de trabalho. A hierarquia de dominância se manifesta em uma estrutura do tipo linear, onde a primeira fêmea do rank é responsável pela maior parte das interações de dominância. A fêmea dominante foi registrada na maior parte do tempo na frente do favo, enquanto que as subordinadas permaneceram mais tempo fora da colônia. Os atos comportamentais diretamente ligados às atividade de dominância e subordinação demonstraram-se diferentes significativamente entre fêmeas dominantes e subordinadas. Os resultados encontrados nesse estudo revelam que a organização social de P. simillimus, durante a fase de pré-emergência, se assemelha muito a estrutura social apresentada pelas demais espécies de Polistes estudadas. Desta forma, estudos mais aprofundados devem ser conduzidos durante a fase de pós-emergência, cujo crescimento populacional e físico do ninho poderão acarretar a presença de mais de uma fêmea dominante. / The species of social wasp Polistes simillimus Zikan, 1951 has a wide distribuition throughout Brazil, but there is little information avaliable about its social organization. Part of this deficiency can be made good by an ethological study. In that way the present work sought to deepen the understanding of the basic behaviour of the species as well as its social and hierarchial organization. In order to elaborate the basic ethogran of the species and to classify its behavioural aspects 37 hours of recordings were made in the post-emergence phase of the biological cycle of the colony. The evaluation of the dominance hierarchy, of the position in the nest and of the behavioural frequency of dominant and subordinate females was developed in 40 hours of registers in the colony in the pre-emergence phase.The behavioural repertory of P, simillimus showed 43 behavioural acts including the unknown register of three behaviours. The individual tasks had a greater percentage (46,52%) than in the other categories: group (27,90%), partioning (13,95%) and team (6,98%), suggesting that the species studied has a low degree of complexity in the division and organization of work. The hierarchy of dominance shows itself in a structure of the linear type, where the highest female of the ranking is responsible for most of the dominance interactions. The dominant female was registered on the front of the honeycomb during most of the time, while the subordinates spent more time outside of the colony. The behavioural traits directly linked to the activities of the dominance and subordination exhibited significant differences between the dominant and subordinate females. The results encountered in this study revealed that the social organization of P. similliinus during the pre-emergence phase was very similar to the social structure exhibited by the other species of Polistes studied. Accordingly, studies in greater depth should be carried out in the post-emergence phase, in which the growth of the population and of the nest could involve the presence of more than one dominant female.
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An Investigation of the Relationship of Self Concept to Selected Communication Skills of Choral ConductorsSimons, Stephen Paul 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between selected measures of self concept as perceived by a group of choral conductors, their eye dependency on score, and the measures of expressive voice. The problems were (1) to determine the degree of perceived self concept of a selected group of choral music teachers through measures of (a) total self, (b) physical self, (c) moral-ethical self, (d) personal self, (e) family self, and (f) social self? (2) to assess eye dependency on score of the same teachers; (3) to assess the aspect of expressive voice through measures of (a) pitch levels of modulation, (b) speech flow, and (c) voice energy level; and (4) to examine the relationship between the measures of self concept, eye dependency on score and expressive voice.
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Effect of Network OFF Times on Web Browsing QoE / Effect of Network OFF Times on Web Browsing QoERajasekaran, Arunkumar, Cherry, Velanginichakravarthy January 2013 (has links)
The web user usually expects a better Quality of Service (QoS) from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for the best Quality of Experience (QoE). User satisfaction and feedback is one of the most important factors for the service providers to determine their QoS and improve the network performance. Service providers are more interested in QoE to provide a better service to their users to maintain their customers in the competitive market. Since there is no much study work conducted in the QoE on web browsing, only a few studies are available for getting user feedbacks. So the ISP is facing a difficulty in the assessment of the user experience in the real time network. Network level performance can be measured by the ISP for QoS and user feedback can be measured for QoE. There is no study available on relating both the QoS and QoE. Relating the network level performance and the user perception is a difficult task for the service providers. In this study we have correlated both the network level traffic performance and user experience. In our experiment the user QoE is tested by applying various off times applied to some specific packets. Our main aim is to evaluate the network level performance and correlate it with the user feedback. Later, on focusing the network level performance network traffic is analyzed for different sessions with off times applied in DNS response, Base file response and Object response. We have discussed in the results by correlating the different sessions of off times that we applied and user feedback MOS. We have also discussed the relation of the network off time in the network with the number of requests sent from client to server and the number of flag bits like SYN & ACK, FIN & ACK and RST flags between the client and server. In this study we also discussed about the user feedback and how the user suffers on varying long response time. Finally, we conclude from our results about the major factor that affects the user feedback and the user interest in using the service again. / chakri PH: +918008316269
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Systematic Overview of Savings versus Quality for H.264/SVC / Systematisk översikt över besparingar kontra kvalitet för H.264/SVC.Varisetty, Tilak, Edara, Praveen January 2012 (has links)
The demand for efficient video coding techniques has increased in the recent past, resulting in the evolution of various video compression techniques. SVC (Scalable video coding) is the recent amendment of H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding), which adds a new dimension by providing the possibility of encoding a video stream into a combination of different sub streams that are scalable in areas corresponding to spatial resolution, temporal resolution and quality. Introduction of the scalability aspect is an effective video coding technique in a network scenario where the client can decode the sub stream depending on the available bandwidth in the network. A graceful degradation in the video quality is expected when any of the spatial, temporal or the quality layer is removed. Still the amount of degradation in video quality has to be measured in terms of Quality of Experience (QoE) from the user’s perspective. To measure the degradation in video quality, video streams consisting of different spatial and temporal layers have been extracted and efforts have been put to remove each layer starting from a higher dependency layer or the Enhancement layer and ending up with the lowest dependency layer or the Base layer. Extraction of a temporally downsampled layer had challenges with frame interpolation and to overcome this, temporal interpolation was employed. Similarly, a spatial downsampled layer has been upsampled in the spatial domain in order to compare with the original stream. Later, an objective video quality assessment has been made by comparing the extracted substream containing fewer layers that are downsampled both spatially and temporally with the original stream containing all layers. The Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) were obtained from objective tool named Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality (PEVQ). The experiment is carried out for each layers and also for different test videos. Subjective tests were also performed to evaluate the user experience. The results provide recommendations to SVC capable router about the video quality available for each layer and hence the network transcoder can transmit a specific layer depending on the network conditions and capabilities of the decoding device. / Efterfrågan på effektiva video kodningstekniker har ökat under de senaste åren, vilket resulterar i utvecklingen av olika tekniker videokomprimering. SVC (Scalable Video Coding) är den senaste ändringen av H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding), vilket ger en ny dimension genom att möjligheten att koda en videoström till en kombination av olika sub strömmar som är skalbara i områden som motsvarar rumslig upplösning, tidsupplösning och kvalitet. Introduktion av skalbarhet aspekten är en effektiv video kodningsteknik i ett nätverk scenario där kunden kan avkoda sub strömmen beroende på den tillgängliga bandbredden i nätverket. En elegant nedbrytning i videokvaliteten förväntas när någon av den rumsliga, tidsmässiga eller kvaliteten skiktet avlägsnas. Fortfarande mängden nedbrytning i videokvalitet måste mätas i termer "Quality of Experience" (QoE) från användarens perspektiv. För att mäta försämring i video-kvalitet, har videoströmmar består av olika rumsliga och tidsmässiga skikt hämtats och ansträngningar har lagts för att ta bort varje lager från ett högre beroende lager eller förbättrande lagret och slutar upp med den lägsta beroendet lagret eller basen skikt. Extraktion av ett tidsmässigt nedsamplas lager hade problem med ram interpolation och för att övervinna detta, var temporal interpolering används. På liknande sätt har en rumslig nedsamplas skikt har uppsamplas i rumsdomänen för att jämföra med den ursprungliga strömmen. Senare har en objektiv videokvalitet bedömning gjorts genom att jämföra den extraherade underströmmen med färre lager som nedsamplade både rumsligt och tidsmässigt med den ursprungliga strömmen innehållande alla lager. De genomsnittliga yttrande poäng (MOS) erhölls från objektivt verktyg som heter Perceptuell utvärdering av Videokvalitet (PEVQ). Experimentet utförs för varje skikt och även för olika test video. Subjektiva tester utfördes också för att utvärdera användarupplevelsen. Resultaten ger rekommendationer till SVC kapabel router om videokvaliteten för varje lager och därmed nätverket kodomvandlaren kan överföra ett visst lager beroende på nätverksförhållanden och kapacitet avkodnings anordningen. / Tilak Varisetty, 518, Gamlainfartsvägen, Annebo, Karlskrona -37141, Mobil: 0723060131
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Novel approaches to the diagnosis and management of severe acute pancreatitisMiranda, Charles Joseph January 2016 (has links)
Severe Acute Pancreatitis (SAP) is the rapid onset of inflammation within the pancreatic organ. Unlike the milder form of this illness, SAP is associated with a high mortality and morbidity. No significant reduction in the outcomes of this disease has been made since the implementation of organ supportive management over two decades ago. This is due to difficulties in distinguishing between the milder form of the disease in the early period of the onset of symptoms when clinical intervention is most likely to prevent complications and death. Clinical equipoise exists in the management of one of these complications, namely Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) as the conventional management of surgery runs contrary to published evidence showing early abdominal surgery deteriorates clinical outcomes. Aims: Validation of the potential use of the Early Warning Score (EWS) as a predictor of SAP. Evaluation of the evidence for recombinant human protein C (Xigris™) in the early treatment of SAP. Determination of the safety profile of Xigris™ when given early in SAP. To determine if surgical management of ACS in SAP is of significant benefit compared to conventional management alone. Methods: Four studies were performed: A prospective observational study assessing the median EWS of patients admitted with acute pancreatitis; a systematic review of published evidence reporting the use of Xigris™ in SAP; a prospective cohort study using a 24 hour infusion of Xigris™ early in patients diagnosed with SAP and a pilot randomized controlled trial of targeted decompression in patients with ACS complicating SAP. Results: The highest EWS values for 130 patients with acute pancreatitis within the first 3 days of admission were not shown to have significant sensitivity and specificity in predicting an unfavourable outcome. A review of the published literature between from January 1985 to January 2011 supported the further investigation of Xigris™ as a treatment for SAP. No significant adverse events or differences in outcomes were evident in 19 patients who received a 24-hour infusion of Xigris™ early in SAP compared to matched historical controls. 22 patients were screened for the development of ACS. No patient developed ACS and consequently no randomization to either treatment arm was possible. Conclusion: With the recent advent of an updated classification system for the severity of acute pancreatitis, further prospective evaluation of the use of EWS in clinical practice is warranted. The results of the Phase 1 clinical trial of Xigris™ didnot reveal significant safety issues that might preclude the further investigation of Xigris™ as a specific therapy early in the onset of SAP. The absence of ACS inpatients with SAP lends support to a theory that ACS may be an epiphenomenon in the course of SAP.
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Sexscener med filmmusik av kvinnliga kompositörer : En undersökning av filmmusik i sexscener i fyra moderna västerländska filmer, där USA är ett av produktionsländernaNeplokh, Vassili January 2016 (has links)
I detta arbete analyseras filmmusiken, skriven av kvinnliga kompositörer, som spelas i sexscener i fyra moderna spelfilmer där USA är ett av produktionsländerna. Vassili Neplokhs analysmetod består av fem musikaliska parametrar. Författaren sammanställer även forskning som berör ämnet inom bland annat musikpsykologi och utökar en redan fungerande metod med fler parametrar som grundar sig i musikpsykologi. Avslutningsvis jämförs studiens resultat med resultat av en tidigare utförd undersökning av manliga kompositörers filmmusik i sexscener.
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Kreditbedömningar och Data Warehouse : En studie om riktlinjer för insamling, transformering och inladdning av kreditbedömningsinformation i Data WarehouseAhl, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Studien har handlat om att ta fram riktlinjer för hur extrahering, transformering och inladdning (ETL) av kreditbedömningsinformation bör göras när det kommer till att införa ett Data Warehouse (DW). Ett kvalitativt angreppssätt har använts med både en fallstudie och en intervjustudie, där fallstudien genomfördes med Asitis AB som är en systemleverantör förfinans- och reskontrafinansiering (factoring) för att undersöka potentiella affärsmöjligheter med ett DW med kreditbedömningsinformation. Intervjustudien användes för att samla in värdefull information från individer inom alla berörda problemområden, och användes sedan i fallstudien. Resultatet var både framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar för ETL-processen med kreditbedömningsinformation som kan fungera som stöd för organisationer med detta behov. Det har visat sig att ETL-processen för kreditbedömningsinformation utgör ett område med stor potential för affärsmöjligheter, där det krävs hög kompetens, domänkunskap, proaktivitet och juridisk kunskap vid genomförande av ETL-processen.
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Epidémiologie des lymphoproliférations survenant après transplantation rénale / Epidemiology of lymphoproliferations occurring after kidney transplantationCaillard, Sophie 21 May 2012 (has links)
Les lymphoproliférations survenant après transplantation sont une situation rare mais préoccupante car mettant en jeu la survie des patients. Ces hémopathies ont des caractéristiques épidémiologiques et physio-pathologiques qui les distinguent des lymphomes du sujet immunocompétent. Nous nous sommes intéressé à l’analyse des facteurs de risque associés aux lymphomes post-greffe et à la recherche de facteurs pronostiques de survie des patients par l’analyse détaillée des registres américain et français de patients transplantés rénaux. Le Registre Français des lymphomes survenant après transplantation rénale a permis de recenser tous les cas de syndromes lymphoprolifératifs se développant chez des patients adultes survenant entre le 1er janvier 1998 et le 31 décembre 2007. Tous les centres français de Transplantation rénale ont participé. Nous avons recensé 500 cas de lymphomes sur une période de 10 ans. Les différentes analyses de cette base de données ont donné lieu à la publication d’une analyse intermédiaire sur les 230 premiers cas, à une publication consacrée à l’incidence et aux facteurs de risque de développement des lymphomes surla cohorte complète et à une publication concernant les facteurs pronostiques de décès des patients porteurs d’une lymphoprolifération avec établissement d’un score de risque spécifique de cette population. D’autre part, cette base de données unique au monde représente un support intéressant pour le développement de travaux de recherche: étude de l’origine des cellules tumorales, étude des facteurs de susceptibilité pharmacogénétique au développement des lymphoprolifération post-greffe, étude des microRNA de l’EBV dans les lymphomes post-greffe. / Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) are a rare but serious complication occurring after kidney transplantation. Features of PTLD are specific and different of those of immunocompetent patients. We studied incidence, risk factors for development of PTLD and prognostic factors of patients with PTLD using two databases: American and French. The French Registry of PTLD enrolled all adult patients with PTLD occurring between the 1st January 1998 and the 31st December 2007 from all transplant centers in France. Five hundred patients were included in the Registry. This enables us to analyse first the incidence and risk factors of PTLD and second the risk factors of kidney recipients’ survival. We constructed a new prognostic score specific of transplant patients. Finally, the French Registry gave us the opportunity to support others research projects: determination of the origin of tumoral cells, analysis of pharmacogenetic factors associated with the risk of developing PTLD, study of EBV microRNA in lymphoproliferations.
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