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The Spatial Ecology of Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) in Southwest FloridaSatter, Christopher Blake 23 January 2023 (has links)
Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are among the world's most destructive mammalian invasive species, and mitigating farther range expansion will require a thorough understanding of movement behavior, diel activity patterns, space use, and resource selection. Currently, limited empirical evidence is available on the ecology of wild pigs in Southwest Florida. Therefore, I examined how wild pigs behaviorally modified their movements and diel activity patterns in response to individual and environmental covariates. I investigated space use dynamics (e.g., home range size and seasonal variation) and evaluated how individual and environmental variation influenced home range size. Next, I determined how fine-scale movement patterns and resource selection of wild pigs are affected by temperature and time of day, and how those resources changed at broad and fine-scales, given their availability. I found that as temperature increased, the probability of foraging increased while the probability of traveling decreased. Foraging behavior occurred predominately between 8:00 and 17:00, and traveling behavior occurred predominately between 18:00 and 7:00, thereby indicating wild pigs were cathemeral. Home range size ranged from 2.6 to 35.8 km2 and averaged 13.0 km2 (n=16). Finally, home range size increased as the proportion of pasture increased and decreased as the proportion of wetlands increased, indicating that resources in agricultural areas were more diffuse than in natural habitats. At the broad (i.e., home range selection) and fine-scale (i.e., within home range) wild pigs selected for wetlands, forests, and pastures. Wild pig movement tended to be tortuous in forested and cropland habitats, but more directed in pasture habitats. Slower movements (i.e., smaller steps) and more directed (i.e., fewer turning) steps were observed during warmer temperatures, particularly avoiding croplands when temperatures were warmer. Wild pigs avoided wetland habitats during dusk and night hours and cropland habitats during dawn hours. Wild pigs selected for forested habitats during night and dawn hours, possibly in response to human activity. In addition, I found that wild pigs were less likely to step into a location with a daily temperature of 35.7°C than 16.1 C°. Wild pigs were less likely to choose warmer locations and more likely to select intermediate temperatures, thus avoiding locations with extremely low or high daily temperatures. Also, I found that wild pigs were more likely to select home ranges nearer to wetlands, forests, and pastures, while avoiding areas near cropland habitats. However, within their home ranges they were more likely to select habitats farther from croplands, forests, and wetlands. My findings reinforce the importance of wetlands, forests and pastures to wild pig selection of home ranges, where they likely utilize these landcover types for thermoregulation (e.g. forests and wetlands) and for foraging resources (e.g. pastures). Within their home ranges wild pigs may avoid forests and wetlands due to perceived predation risk being higher in those habitats, thus causing wild pigs to forgo higher quality resources to reduce risk. These results contribute information useful to wildlife managers to better predict which landcover types provide refuge (e.g., wetlands and forests) or potential movement corridors (e.g., pasture and cropland habitats) for wild pigs. In Southwest Florida, wild pigs have broad inter-individual variation in home range size, are strongly regulated by temperature, and are largely dependent on wetlands and forests to meet their energetic demands. / Doctor of Philosophy / Wild pigs are one of the world's most destructive invasive species. Although, hunters often oppose efforts to reduce wild pig populations, agricultural and natural resource managers support reduction efforts because they cause major economic and ecological damage. In addition, wild pigs carry a plethora of diseases and pose direct health risks to livestock, wildlife, and humans. Therefore, a better understanding of how environmental and landscape factors influence wild pig movements and space use is of broad interest to multiple stakeholder groups. I found that wild pigs mostly foraged during daytime and traveled at night, indicative of irregular activity patterns. Home range size averaged 13.0 km2 across 16 individuals and tended to increase as the proportion of pasture habitat increased and decreased as herbaceous wetlands increased. This indicated that resources were more abundant in natural habitats. Wild pigs preferred wetlands, forests, and pastures, and avoided croplands. However, they were more likely to forage in forests and croplands, and travel in pastures. Wild pigs avoided wetlands during dusk and night hours and croplands at dawn, while selecting forests during night and dawn hours. Wild pigs tended to move slower with less turning during warmer temperatures, particularly avoiding croplands when temperatures were hot. In general, wild pigs avoided locations with extremely low or high daily temperatures. I found wild pigs were more likely to select home ranges nearer to wetlands, forests, and pastures, while avoiding areas near cropland habitats. Wild pigs likely utilized these landcover types for thermoregulation (e.g. forests and wetlands) and for foraging resources (e.g. pastures), while avoiding open areas (e.g. croplands) due to a lack of shade. However, within their home ranges they were more likely to select habitats farther from croplands, forests, and wetlands, possibly because they perceived these areas to have higher predation risk. I highlight differences in space use among individuals and identify habitat types that are most likely to meet energetic demands. By understanding how environmental factors (e.g., habitat type and temperature) influence home range movement behaviors of wild pigs, land managers can focus on scale-dependent population control efforts. My results will aid land managers in better predicting which landcover types are providing refuge (e.g., wetlands and forests) or serving as potential movement corridors (e.g., pasture and cropland habitats).
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Managing wild boar - Considerations for wild boar management based on game biology data / Schwarzwildbewirtschaftung – Überlegungen zur Schwarzwildbewirtschaftung begründet auf wildbiologischen DatenKeuling, Oliver 13 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
To prevent economic problems by high wild boar populations, an effective and biologically based wild boar management has to be established. A lot of wild boar research has been done in the last decades. However, game managers were not able to incorporate this knowledge into the development of effective management strategies. Thus, furthermore studies have to be accomplished to expand wild boar science and management.
This thesis, based on a radiotelemetric study in southwestern Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania, presents research results on wild boar space use patterns, dispersal, grouping patterns and divisions. For all these measures I examined the influence of age classes and environmental factors affecting behavioural patterns (e.g. hunting, seasonal resources, seasonal requirements). Finally, I discussed efficiency and amount of hunting pressure of different hunting methods.
The wild boar groups divided temporarily in 12.3 % of all observed localisations. We defined four types of divisions: short-term local, short-term extensive, long-term extensive and final division. The small home range sizes did not differ between age classes or group types with a slight tendency for larger home ranges of yearlings, especially in summer. The shift of summer home ranges was stronger in yearlings than in adults. Three space use patterns occurred in summer: field sows, commuters and forest sows. Only 15 % of all shot animals were shot outside their mothers’ home range, only one fourth of these “dispersed” animals were females. Males were shot at larger distances than females. Diurnal activity was positively influenced by daytime length, nutritional needs and fewer disturbances. Due to this reasons an impact of hunting was not clearly detectable. Hunting did influence activity and space use only in moderate intensities. Single hunt from hides is the dominating and an efficient hunting method. The sustainable harvest rate was not exhausted.
The small home ranges and low, male biased, dispersal rates denote strong site fidelity in all age and reproductive classes within female wild boar. The short distances and low dispersal rates, even within males, might be affected by all year round equably distributed high abundance of resources. Changed space use patterns in summer are mainly influenced by changed food availability. Although hunting was often presumed to be responsible for behavioural changes, little direct influences were observed in this study. The results reflect an interaction between habitat types, season, and nutritional needs on most behavioural patterns. Sound nutritional conditions and year-round low hunting pressure might be responsible for similar seasonal home ranges. Group fluctuations, occurrence of sub-groups as well as temporary and final divisions seem to be common behavioural patterns within wild boar groups, depending on age classes, reproduction, and seasonal nutritional supplies. Wild boar groups react flexible on several seasonal internal and extrinsic factors. The omnivore wild boar is enabled easily to adapt to various environments. Its wide eco-ethological plasticity enables the species to colonize new habitats and enlarge its distribution.
All over Europe hunting rates seem to be lower than reproduction of wild boar. To reduce populations and thus, damages, supplemental feeding should be reduced and hunting rates have to be increased especially for females, as all age classes of females are highly reproductive. Hunting management is the most important tool for disease and damage control. As all hunting methods caused similar and negligible disturbances in this study, efficiency should get top priority. The combination of different hunting methods is necessary for reduction on comprehensive areas. / Ziele
Um ökonomische Probleme durch Schwarzwild zu vermeiden, muss eine effektive und biologisch fundierte Schwarzwildbewirtschaftung etabliert werden. Die Schwarzwildforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark entwickelt. Trotzdem konnten viele Erkenntnisse nicht in eine effektive Bewirtschaftung umgesetzt werden. Daher sind Untersuchungen zur Erweiterung des Wissens um das Schwarzwild weiterhin wichtig.
Diese These, basierend auf einer radiotelemetrischen Studie im südwestlichen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, präsentiert Ergebnisse zu Raumnutzung, Ausbreitung, Rottenverhalten und –teilungen. Für all diese Verhaltensmuster wurden Einflüsse der Altersklassen und anderer Faktoren wie Bejagung, saisonale Ressourcen und Bedürfnisse untersucht. Abschließend werden Effektivität und Störungseinfluss verschiedener Bejagungsmethoden diskutiert.
In 12,3 % der Lokalisationen waren die Rotten vorübergehend getrennt. Wir haben vier Trennungstypen definiert: kurzzeitig-lokal, kurzzeitig-extensiv, langzeitig-extensiv und final. Die kleinen Streifgebietsgrößen unterschieden sich kaum zwischen Altersklassen und Rottentypen. Überläuferbachen zeigten eine leichte Tendenz zu größeren Sommerstreifgebieten und verlagerten die Sommerstreifgebiete stärker als Familienrotten. Drei Raumnutzungsmuster waren im Sommer offensichtlich: Feldsauen, Pendler und Waldsauen. Lediglich 15 % aller erlegten Tiere wurden außerhalb ihres Mutterstreifgebietes geschossen, nur ein Viertel dieser „abgewanderten“ Tiere waren weiblich. Keiler wurden in größeren Distanzen als Bachen erlegt. Tagaktivität wurde positiv von der Tageslichtlänge, Nahrungsbedarf und geringer Störung beeinflusst. Aufgrund dieser Faktoren war ein Einfluss durch Bejagung nicht klar erkennbar. Bejagung beeinflusste Aktivität und Raumnutzung nur moderat. Die dominierende Jagdart „Einzeljagd auf dem Ansitz“ war durchaus effektiv, dennoch wurde die nachhaltige Zuwachsrate nicht abgeschöpft.
Die kleinen Streifgebiete und niedrigen, keilerdominierten Abwanderungsraten deuten eine starke Standorttreue weiblichen Schwarzwildes in allen Altersklassen an. Die niedrige Abwanderung mit gleichzeitig geringen Distanzen, auch bei Keilern, dürfte durch ganzjährig gleichmäßig verteilte besonders günstige Ernährungsbedingungen beeinflusst sein. Unterschiedliche geänderte Raumnutzungsmuster werden vor allem durch unterschiedliche Nahrungsverfügbarkeiten beeinflusst. Obwohl oft Jagddruck als Hauptursache für Verhaltensänderungen angesehen wird, konnten in dieser Untersuchung nur ein geringer Einfluss der Jagd nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse reflektieren eine Interaktion zwischen Habitattypen, Jahreszeiten und Nahrungsbedarf auf die meisten Verhaltensmuster. Günstige Ernährungsbedingungen und ganzjährig gleichmäßig niedriger Jagddruck könnten für gleich bleibende saisonale Streifgebiete verantwortlich sein. Änderungen in der Rottenstruktur, Auftreten von Teilrotten sowie temporäre und finale Teilungen scheinen normale Verhaltensmuster beim Schwarzwild zu sein, abhängig von Altersklassen, Reproduktion und saisonalem Nahrungsangebot. Schwarzwildrotten reagieren flexibel auf diverse saisonale interne und externe Faktoren. Das omnivoren Schwarzwild ist befähigt, sich schnell an verschiedenste Umwelten anzupassen. Die große öko-ethologische Plastizität ermöglicht es dieser Art neue Lebensräume zu erschließen und sein Verbreitungsgebiet auszudehnen.
In ganz Europa scheinen die Jagdstrecken unter der Zuwachsrate des Schwarzwildes zu liegen. Um die Populationen, und damit die Schäden zu reduzieren, müssen Fütterungen reduziert und die Bejagung intensiviert werden. Dieses gilt insbesondere für die Bejagung von weiblichem Schwarzwild, da alle Altersklassen hohe Reproduktionsraten aufweisen. Jagdliche Bewirtschaftung ist das wichtigste Werkzeug zur Bekämpfung von Krankheiten und Wildschäden. Da alle Jagdmethoden in der vorliegenden Studie ähnlich geringe Störungen hervorrufen, sollte die Effektivität in den Vordergrund treten. Die Kombination verschiedener Jagdmethoden und Zusammenarbeit der Jäger ist zwingend erforderlich zur Reduktion der Schwarzwildpopulationen.
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Managing wild boar - Considerations for wild boar management based on game biology data: Grouping patterns, space use, dispersal, hunting impact, and hunting efficiencyKeuling, Oliver 01 June 2010 (has links)
To prevent economic problems by high wild boar populations, an effective and biologically based wild boar management has to be established. A lot of wild boar research has been done in the last decades. However, game managers were not able to incorporate this knowledge into the development of effective management strategies. Thus, furthermore studies have to be accomplished to expand wild boar science and management.
This thesis, based on a radiotelemetric study in southwestern Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania, presents research results on wild boar space use patterns, dispersal, grouping patterns and divisions. For all these measures I examined the influence of age classes and environmental factors affecting behavioural patterns (e.g. hunting, seasonal resources, seasonal requirements). Finally, I discussed efficiency and amount of hunting pressure of different hunting methods.
The wild boar groups divided temporarily in 12.3 % of all observed localisations. We defined four types of divisions: short-term local, short-term extensive, long-term extensive and final division. The small home range sizes did not differ between age classes or group types with a slight tendency for larger home ranges of yearlings, especially in summer. The shift of summer home ranges was stronger in yearlings than in adults. Three space use patterns occurred in summer: field sows, commuters and forest sows. Only 15 % of all shot animals were shot outside their mothers’ home range, only one fourth of these “dispersed” animals were females. Males were shot at larger distances than females. Diurnal activity was positively influenced by daytime length, nutritional needs and fewer disturbances. Due to this reasons an impact of hunting was not clearly detectable. Hunting did influence activity and space use only in moderate intensities. Single hunt from hides is the dominating and an efficient hunting method. The sustainable harvest rate was not exhausted.
The small home ranges and low, male biased, dispersal rates denote strong site fidelity in all age and reproductive classes within female wild boar. The short distances and low dispersal rates, even within males, might be affected by all year round equably distributed high abundance of resources. Changed space use patterns in summer are mainly influenced by changed food availability. Although hunting was often presumed to be responsible for behavioural changes, little direct influences were observed in this study. The results reflect an interaction between habitat types, season, and nutritional needs on most behavioural patterns. Sound nutritional conditions and year-round low hunting pressure might be responsible for similar seasonal home ranges. Group fluctuations, occurrence of sub-groups as well as temporary and final divisions seem to be common behavioural patterns within wild boar groups, depending on age classes, reproduction, and seasonal nutritional supplies. Wild boar groups react flexible on several seasonal internal and extrinsic factors. The omnivore wild boar is enabled easily to adapt to various environments. Its wide eco-ethological plasticity enables the species to colonize new habitats and enlarge its distribution.
All over Europe hunting rates seem to be lower than reproduction of wild boar. To reduce populations and thus, damages, supplemental feeding should be reduced and hunting rates have to be increased especially for females, as all age classes of females are highly reproductive. Hunting management is the most important tool for disease and damage control. As all hunting methods caused similar and negligible disturbances in this study, efficiency should get top priority. The combination of different hunting methods is necessary for reduction on comprehensive areas. / Ziele
Um ökonomische Probleme durch Schwarzwild zu vermeiden, muss eine effektive und biologisch fundierte Schwarzwildbewirtschaftung etabliert werden. Die Schwarzwildforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark entwickelt. Trotzdem konnten viele Erkenntnisse nicht in eine effektive Bewirtschaftung umgesetzt werden. Daher sind Untersuchungen zur Erweiterung des Wissens um das Schwarzwild weiterhin wichtig.
Diese These, basierend auf einer radiotelemetrischen Studie im südwestlichen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, präsentiert Ergebnisse zu Raumnutzung, Ausbreitung, Rottenverhalten und –teilungen. Für all diese Verhaltensmuster wurden Einflüsse der Altersklassen und anderer Faktoren wie Bejagung, saisonale Ressourcen und Bedürfnisse untersucht. Abschließend werden Effektivität und Störungseinfluss verschiedener Bejagungsmethoden diskutiert.
In 12,3 % der Lokalisationen waren die Rotten vorübergehend getrennt. Wir haben vier Trennungstypen definiert: kurzzeitig-lokal, kurzzeitig-extensiv, langzeitig-extensiv und final. Die kleinen Streifgebietsgrößen unterschieden sich kaum zwischen Altersklassen und Rottentypen. Überläuferbachen zeigten eine leichte Tendenz zu größeren Sommerstreifgebieten und verlagerten die Sommerstreifgebiete stärker als Familienrotten. Drei Raumnutzungsmuster waren im Sommer offensichtlich: Feldsauen, Pendler und Waldsauen. Lediglich 15 % aller erlegten Tiere wurden außerhalb ihres Mutterstreifgebietes geschossen, nur ein Viertel dieser „abgewanderten“ Tiere waren weiblich. Keiler wurden in größeren Distanzen als Bachen erlegt. Tagaktivität wurde positiv von der Tageslichtlänge, Nahrungsbedarf und geringer Störung beeinflusst. Aufgrund dieser Faktoren war ein Einfluss durch Bejagung nicht klar erkennbar. Bejagung beeinflusste Aktivität und Raumnutzung nur moderat. Die dominierende Jagdart „Einzeljagd auf dem Ansitz“ war durchaus effektiv, dennoch wurde die nachhaltige Zuwachsrate nicht abgeschöpft.
Die kleinen Streifgebiete und niedrigen, keilerdominierten Abwanderungsraten deuten eine starke Standorttreue weiblichen Schwarzwildes in allen Altersklassen an. Die niedrige Abwanderung mit gleichzeitig geringen Distanzen, auch bei Keilern, dürfte durch ganzjährig gleichmäßig verteilte besonders günstige Ernährungsbedingungen beeinflusst sein. Unterschiedliche geänderte Raumnutzungsmuster werden vor allem durch unterschiedliche Nahrungsverfügbarkeiten beeinflusst. Obwohl oft Jagddruck als Hauptursache für Verhaltensänderungen angesehen wird, konnten in dieser Untersuchung nur ein geringer Einfluss der Jagd nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse reflektieren eine Interaktion zwischen Habitattypen, Jahreszeiten und Nahrungsbedarf auf die meisten Verhaltensmuster. Günstige Ernährungsbedingungen und ganzjährig gleichmäßig niedriger Jagddruck könnten für gleich bleibende saisonale Streifgebiete verantwortlich sein. Änderungen in der Rottenstruktur, Auftreten von Teilrotten sowie temporäre und finale Teilungen scheinen normale Verhaltensmuster beim Schwarzwild zu sein, abhängig von Altersklassen, Reproduktion und saisonalem Nahrungsangebot. Schwarzwildrotten reagieren flexibel auf diverse saisonale interne und externe Faktoren. Das omnivoren Schwarzwild ist befähigt, sich schnell an verschiedenste Umwelten anzupassen. Die große öko-ethologische Plastizität ermöglicht es dieser Art neue Lebensräume zu erschließen und sein Verbreitungsgebiet auszudehnen.
In ganz Europa scheinen die Jagdstrecken unter der Zuwachsrate des Schwarzwildes zu liegen. Um die Populationen, und damit die Schäden zu reduzieren, müssen Fütterungen reduziert und die Bejagung intensiviert werden. Dieses gilt insbesondere für die Bejagung von weiblichem Schwarzwild, da alle Altersklassen hohe Reproduktionsraten aufweisen. Jagdliche Bewirtschaftung ist das wichtigste Werkzeug zur Bekämpfung von Krankheiten und Wildschäden. Da alle Jagdmethoden in der vorliegenden Studie ähnlich geringe Störungen hervorrufen, sollte die Effektivität in den Vordergrund treten. Die Kombination verschiedener Jagdmethoden und Zusammenarbeit der Jäger ist zwingend erforderlich zur Reduktion der Schwarzwildpopulationen.
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Volně žijící herbivoři jako vektor šíření druhů v opuštěné krajině / Free-ranging herbivores as a dispersal vector for species in abandoned landscapeLepková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Endozoochory is an important part of plant-animal relationship. In model area of the Doupov Mountains large herbivore mammals, such as red deer, sika deer and wild boar, act as effective seed dispersers. Out of 282 dung samples 29 719 seedlings of 91 species emerged. The most common species was Urtica dioica (80 % of all seedlings). The amount of seeds in dung as well as species composition were highly dependent on dispersing animal, both showed strong seasonality and differences between two studied localities. Frequency of species in dung did not correspond to their frequency in vegetation suggesting strong preferences of herbivores as predators. However more research is needed to test this hypothesis. Given very high time demands for samples processing beforehand the emergence experiment, the influence of concentration by washing through on seedling emergence and species composition was tested. According to preliminary results more seedlings and species emerge from concentrated samples. However, concentration has no effect on emergence of U. dioica as the most common species. Concentration of samples by running water is recommended for faster emergence in greenhouse conditions. Preliminary results also suggest that the approximation of number of seedlings/species on weight of dry mass is not...
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Desvio da proporção sexual por meio da suplementação de fêmeas suínas com ácido ascórbico e sua influência na resposta à seleção /Morato, Fernanda Maria de Almeida Celestino. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: A possibilidade de desviar a proporção de sexos ao nascimento em suínos poderá contribuir para o incremento do progresso genético e produtividade. Uma possibilidade para obter esse desvio seria por processos diferenciais de transporte dos espermatozóides X e Y no trato reprodutivo da fêmea. Entre estes fatores que pode influenciar neste transporte está o pH uterino. Constituiu objetivo do presente trabalho avaliar um possível desvio na proporção sexual ao nascimento pela administração de vitamina C oral em matrizes suínas. Em uma primeira fase, 15 porcas foram tratadas com 10 g de vitamina C por dia durante 7 dias após o desmame, neste período, receberam inseminações artificiais e 16 porcas não receberam tratamento (controle). As matrizes que receberam a vitamina C produziram 45,20% de fêmeas e o grupo controle produziu 47,40% de fêmeas (P>0,05). Na segunda fase do experimento, 49 matrizes foram tratadas com 24g de vitamina C por dia por 7 dias e outras 63 matrizes não receberam tratamento (controle), todas as porcas foram inseminadas. As matrizes que receberam a vitamina C produziram 53,10% de fêmeas e as matrizes do grupo controle pariram 45,24% de fêmeas (P<0,05). / Abstract: The possibility of deviation of the sexes at birth will contribute for the genetic progress and productivity. A possible way to get this deviation would be by the differences on the transport of the X or Y spermatozoa inside the female reproductive tract. The pH is a factor affecting this transport. The purpose of this work was to evaluate a possible deviation of sexes at birth after the supplementation of sows with ascorbic acid. In a first work, 15 sows were supplemented with 10g of ascorbic acid for seven days (treated group), and they were artificial inseminated. Other 16 sows were not supplemented (control group). The treated sows gave birth to 45.20% of females and the control group, 47.40% of females (P>0.05). In a second work, 47 sows were supplemented with 24g of ascorbic acid (treated group) and other 63 sow were not supplemented (control group). All the sows were artificial inseminated. The treated sows gave birth to 53.10% of females and the control group, 45.24% of females (P<0.05). / Orientadora: Vera Fernanda Martins Hossepian de Lima / Coorientadora: Lucia Galvão de Albuquerque / Banca: Humberto Tonhati / Banca: Robson Carlos Antunes / Mestre
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Effective contact of cattle and feral swine facilitating potential foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission in southern Texas, USA rangelandDe La Garza, Guadalupe Ray, III 15 May 2009 (has links)
For the second study, a web-based survey was developed and distributed to all
members of four major health education organizations. A total of 1,925 HEs’ completed
the survey and 1,607 responses were utilized in the final analysis. This study indicated
that participants had deficient knowledge and unfavorable attitudes toward the CDCproposed
genomic competencies.
In the third study, a theoretical model was developed to predict HEs’ likelihood to
incorporate genomic competencies into their practice. Using techniques from Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM), the model was tested with the same data of the second study.
Findings supported the proposed theoretical model. While genomic knowledge,
attitudes, and self-efficacy were significantly associated with HEs’ likelihood to
incorporate genomic competencies into their practice, attitudes was the strongest
predictor of likelihood.
In summary, these studies indicated that participating HEs had deficient genomic
knowledge, unfavorable attitudes toward a set of CDC-proposed genomic competencies,
and low likelihood to adopt genomic competencies into health promotion. Relevant
training should be developed and advocated. As the SEM analysis results indicated the
survey findings supported the proposed theoretical model, which can be utilized to steer
future training for HEs. statistics, 2) unadjusted inferential statistics, 3) stratified analysis, and 4) multivariable
My investigation produced results in accord with generally accepted notions in
addition to significant findings that interestingly counter current preconceptions. Intraspecies
contact was more common than inter-species, with indirect contact occurring
more frequently than direct. Direct contact between species occurred extremely rarely.
The most important factors that influenced the rate of contact for both species were
water, winter, and cultivated fields.
Information regarding probability of infectious agent survival and transfer will be
used in the future to advance current epidemiological models, including geographicautomata
(Ward et al. 2007: In Press) and cellular automata models (Doran and Laffan
2005) to better understand and manage integrated domestic cattle and free-ranging
wildlife populations. Such modeling provides essential and necessary knowledge for
developing prevention, detection, response, and recovery strategies – employed in
advance, during, and after a disease outbreak, respectively.
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Deux enquêtes épidémiologiques mises en place dans les forêts de Brotonne et de Mauny, en Normandie, ont montré que la tuberculose à Mycobacterium bovis était présente à des pourcentages de prévalence importants chez les cerfs élaphes (Cervus elaphus) et les sangliers (Sus scrofa). La souche de M. bovis isolée est la même que celle qui circule dans les élevages bovins voisins depuis au moins 1995. Les sensibilité, spécificité et valeurs prédictives de l'examen nécropsique en tant qu'outil diagnostique indiquent qu'il peut être utilisé pour suivre la maladie dans les populations de cerfs élaphes où la tuberculose bovine est bien installée. La différence du cadre lésionnel entre les cerfs et les sangliers suggère que le cerf joue un rôle plus important dans la dissémination de l'infection. Un modèle déterministe montre qu'une stratégie de lutte fondée sur l'éradication des cerfs élaphes et sur un ramassage exhaustif de viscères permettrait d'obtenir une disparition de l'infection.
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Evaluating histological methods for assessing hair fibre degradationWilson, Andrew S., Dodson, Hilary I., Janaway, Robert C., Pollard, A. Mark, Tobin, Desmond J. January 2010 (has links)
The hair shaft has increasing importance in bioarchaeology, since it is now possible to retrieve detailed biomolecular information on recent life history using individual fibres (e.g., on diet, drug use and DNA). Data on hair condition is an important cornerstone to ensuring that reliable information is obtained. The following study defines morphological features of degradative change in human terminal scalp hair using different microscopy techniques. Evidence of degradative change is translated into a ranked histology for assessing hair sample condition. The approach is applied to samples of cut modern scalp hair subjected to degradation under soil burial/simulated grave conditions.
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Estrutura genômica de uma população de suínos base Landrace / Genomic structure of admixed Landrace pig populationJoaquim, Letícia Borges [UNESP] 22 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LETÍCIA BORGES JOAQUIM null (leticiajoaquim@gmail.com) on 2016-03-18T19:56:09Z
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joaquim_lb_me_jabo.pdf: 1246720 bytes, checksum: 72c61040420200f71667f56d8d424fec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T12:39:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
joaquim_lb_me_jabo.pdf: 1246720 bytes, checksum: 72c61040420200f71667f56d8d424fec (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os painéis de marcadores de alta densidade têm demonstrado a sua funcionalidade nos estudos de estrutura da população e conservação genética. Esses painéis permitem avaliar similaridades no padrão do desequilíbrio de ligação em toda população, assim como informações sobre parentesco da população. Segmentos de homozigose são utilizados como indicativo da estrutura da população e fornecem informações sobre o histórico demográfico e eventos de endogamia da mesma. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a estrutura genômica de uma linhagem sintética base Landrace por meio de (i) análises de desequilíbrio de ligação; (ii) estimação do coeficiente de endogamia utilizando dados genômicos e de pedigree; (iii) análise do número e tamanho de segmentos de homozigose e (iv) determinação da estratificação da população. Foram utilizados registros de 300 fêmeas e 25 machos de uma linhagem fêmea sintética base Landrace genotipados com o painel Illumina PorcineSNP60 v2 BeadChip. A edição dos dados foi realizada no programa PLINK v.1.9 para remoção de marcadores SNPs (“Single Nucleotide Polymorphism”) que falharam em mais de 10% das amostras (“call rate”) e amostras que falharam em mais de 10% dos marcadores. A extensão do desequilíbrio de ligação foi avaliada entre todos os pares SNPs adjacentes presentes nos cromossomos autossômicos por meio da medida r2. O coeficiente de endogamia foi calculado usando registros de pedigree e de dados genômicos. Os segmentos de homozigose foram detectados para os cromossomos autossômicos com o programa computacional PLINK v.1.9, considerando pelo menos 50 SNPs homozigotos dentro de tamanho mínimo de 1.000 Kb por animal, permitindo um SNP heterozigoto e um SNP faltante/perdido dentro de uma janela de 50 SNPs. Os segmentos de homozigose detectados foram utilizados para cálculo do coeficiente de endogamia genômica e como indicativo do histórico da população. A estratificação da população foi avaliada utilizando análises de componentes principais e pelo modelo de ancestralidade por metodologia bayesiana aplicado no programa STRUCTURE. Na análise de ancestralidade foram testados valores de K (número de “clusters”) variando de um a oito usando período de burn-in de 1.000 iterações e Cadeia de Markov e Monte Carlo de 10.000 iterações. As análises foram repetidas dez vezes para cada K e a determinação do melhor número para K foi estimada utilizando a estatística Delta K. O valor médio de r² encontrado para todos os SNPs adjacentes que estão a uma distância menor que 100 Kb foi de 0,291 ± 0,312. Os coeficientes de endogamia médios obtidos a partir dos segmentos de homozigose e de registros de pedigree foram de 0,119 e 0,00011, respectivamente. A baixa correlação (r<0,04) encontrada entre os coeficientes de endogamia pode ser explicada pelo efeito de recombinação gênica sobre aqueles estimados a partir dos segmentos de homozigose que não é considerada nas estimativas obtidas à partir de registros de pedigree e devido aos erros de identificação dos animais no pedigree. A identificação de um grande número de longos segmentos de homozigose pode ser indicativa de endogamia recente na população estudada. O estudo da estratificação da amostra indicou que a mesma estaria dividida em duas populações (k=2), sendo que a separação pode ser explicada pelo cruzamento entre as raças ocidentais e orientais utilizadas na formação da linhagem. Os dados de genotipagem permitiram concluir que a população estudada possui endogamia recente, sugerindo-se que seja priorizado acasalamento entre indivíduos menos aparentados para assegurar a manutenção da diversidade genética. / High-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels have been used in genomic studies, such as population structure and conservation genetic studies. These panels allow to assess similarities in the patterns of linkage disequilibrium across populations and to estimate relatedness between populations. Runs of homozygosity are used as indicative of population structure and it provides information about demographic history and recent inbreeding. The aim of this study was to describe the genomic structure of a synthetic Landrace line by (i) linkage disequilibrium (LD) analyses; (ii) inbreeding estimates through pedigree and genomic data; (iii) analysing the number and length of runs of homozygosity (ROH); and (iv) determination of population structure. A total of 300 females and 25 males from synthetic Landrace line were genotyped using Illumina PorcineSNP60 v2 BeadChip. Data editing was performed using PLINK v.1.9. The SNPs and samples with a call rate lower than 0.90 were excluded from the data set. Only the autosomal chromosomes were considered for LD an ROH analyses. The LD between all pairs of SNPs were measured by the means of the genotype correlation coefficient (r²) and it determined the decay of LD with physical distance. The coefficient of inbreeding was calculated using genomic and pedigree data. ROH were detected using PLINK v.1.9 considering the follow parameters: a minimum ROH of 50 SNPs with a minimum length of 1000 (Kb), one heterozygous SNP and one missing SNP were allowed within the sliding window of 50 SNPs. The individual genomic inbreeding and population history were identified from estimated ROH. The population structure was evaluated using principal component analysis and Bayesian admixture model. The number of clusters (K) was tested from two to eight considering a burning period of 1,000 followed by 10,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo repetitions and replicated ten times for each K. The best K was estimated using the Delta K statistic. For all SNPs adjacent less than 100 kilobase (kb) apart, the average r2 was 0.291 ± 0.312. The average inbreeding coefficient, calculated by ROH and pedigree analyses, were 0.119 and 0.00011, respectively. The low correlation between the inbreeding coefficients can be justified by the genetic recombination effect over those estimated from runs of homozygosity that were no considered on the estimates from the traditional pedigree. The high number of long ROH is an evidence of recent inbreeding in this population. The population structure analysis revealed K=2 was the best number of clusters and separation. This result can be explained by the crossbreeding between the Eastern and Western breeds used in the formation of the line. The genotyping data helped confirm that the inbreeding in the studied population is recent, which suggests that mating between individuals less related occurred to ensure the maintenance of genetic diversity.
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Desvio da proporção sexual por meio da suplementação de fêmeas suínas com ácido ascórbico e sua influência na resposta à seleçãoMorato, Fernanda Maria de Almeida Celestino [UNESP] 25 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:54:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
morato_fmac_me_jabo.pdf: 242497 bytes, checksum: 70af022940bd579884fe9c06d84bdbdd (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A possibilidade de desviar a proporção de sexos ao nascimento em suínos poderá contribuir para o incremento do progresso genético e produtividade. Uma possibilidade para obter esse desvio seria por processos diferenciais de transporte dos espermatozóides X e Y no trato reprodutivo da fêmea. Entre estes fatores que pode influenciar neste transporte está o pH uterino. Constituiu objetivo do presente trabalho avaliar um possível desvio na proporção sexual ao nascimento pela administração de vitamina C oral em matrizes suínas. Em uma primeira fase, 15 porcas foram tratadas com 10 g de vitamina C por dia durante 7 dias após o desmame, neste período, receberam inseminações artificiais e 16 porcas não receberam tratamento (controle). As matrizes que receberam a vitamina C produziram 45,20% de fêmeas e o grupo controle produziu 47,40% de fêmeas (P>0,05). Na segunda fase do experimento, 49 matrizes foram tratadas com 24g de vitamina C por dia por 7 dias e outras 63 matrizes não receberam tratamento (controle), todas as porcas foram inseminadas. As matrizes que receberam a vitamina C produziram 53,10% de fêmeas e as matrizes do grupo controle pariram 45,24% de fêmeas (P<0,05). / The possibility of deviation of the sexes at birth will contribute for the genetic progress and productivity. A possible way to get this deviation would be by the differences on the transport of the X or Y spermatozoa inside the female reproductive tract. The pH is a factor affecting this transport. The purpose of this work was to evaluate a possible deviation of sexes at birth after the supplementation of sows with ascorbic acid. In a first work, 15 sows were supplemented with 10g of ascorbic acid for seven days (treated group), and they were artificial inseminated. Other 16 sows were not supplemented (control group). The treated sows gave birth to 45.20% of females and the control group, 47.40% of females (P>0.05). In a second work, 47 sows were supplemented with 24g of ascorbic acid (treated group) and other 63 sow were not supplemented (control group). All the sows were artificial inseminated. The treated sows gave birth to 53.10% of females and the control group, 45.24% of females (P<0.05).
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