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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obtenção, cultivo e expansão de células-tronco do saco vitelino de suínos domésticos (Sus scrofa) / Obtainment, cultivation and expansion of stem cells from the yolk sac of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)

Bruno Machado Bertassoli 18 December 2012 (has links)
Anexos fetais como cordão umbilical, membrana amniótica e líquido amniótico foram recentemente sugeridos como fontes ideais de diferentes linhagens de células-tronco, devido à natureza não invasiva do procedimento de isolamento, a grande massa de tecido para colheita de células com alta eficiência e os potenciais de diferenciação. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar morfologicamente as membranas extraembrionárias através de microscopia de luz e imunohistoquímica e analisar as células oriundas do saco vitelino suíno visando caracterizar qual seu potencial como possível fonte de células-tronco pluripotentes, para futuro uso na terapia regenerativa. Para a imunohistoquímica das membranas, as membranas foram processadas pelas técnicas rotineiras de histologia e em seguida os blocos foram cortados sequencialmente e colocados em laminas previamente silanizadas, o protocolo de imunohistoquímica foi o convencional utilizando os seguintes anti-corpos: Citoqueratina e VEGF. Foram feitos ensaios de concentração e viabilidade celular, avaliação do crescimento celular, caracterização por citometria de fluxo utilizando anticorpos específicos (CD105, NANOG, CD45 e Oct-3/4) e caracterização por imunohistoquímica utilizando os seguintes anti-corpo: CD90, CD105, CD117, Vimentina, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulina, Citoqueratina e PCNA. O saco vitelino situava-se na porção ventral do embrião, próximo ao cordão umbilical, se mostrando como uma estrutura pequena, contendo poucos vasos e com coloração amarelada, este também apresentou como uma estrutura trilaminar (endoderma, mesênquima e mesotélio), onde a endoderme possuía um epitélio simples cubico, o mesênquima possuindo uma grande quantidade de tecido conjuntivo e o mesotélio contendo células achatadas. O amnio mostrou-se ligado intimamente ao embrião, sendo a primeira membrana fetal considerando a ordem embrião/útero, possuía forma oval e coloração transparente, histologicamente esta membrana é composta por 2 camadas distintas, um epitélio simples pavimentoso e um mesênquima contendo uma substancia amorfa com pouca quantidade de células. A membrana coriônica mostrou-se pouco rugosa e a membrana alantóidea como uma estrutura em forma de meia lua, possuindo uma intensa vascularização, conforme a evolução da gestação fica quase impossível à percepção das duas, formando a membrana córioalantoidea. O córion é constituído por uma camada de células arredondadas, dispostas em formato linear, já o alantoide é caracterizado por seu mesênquima amorfo com uma quantidade pequena de células. Em relação a imunohistoquima todas as membranas expressaram os marcadores VEGF e Citoqueratina. As celulas do saco vitelino mostraram aderência ao plástico e possuindo uma morfologia fusiforme, semelhante a fibroblastos, estas atingiram a confluência de 70% em aproximadamente 20 dias, estas celulas foram mantidas ate a passagem 4, onde posteriormente ocorreu morte celular. Estas celulas possuíam imunofenoipagem semelhante as celulas-tronco mesênquimais e hematopoiéticas, expressando marcadores como CD105, CD90, CD117, Vimentina, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulina, Citoqueratina, Nanog e PCNA. Do estudo realizado pode-se concluir que: existem células especificas em cada membrana extraembrionária, e que as celulas oriundas do saco vitelino possuem características semelhantes as celulas-tronco mesênquimais e embrionárias, sendo considerada uma ferramenta importante para futuros estudos experimentais de terapia celular na medicina veterinária regenerativa. / Fetal attachments as umbilical cord, amnion and amniotic fluid have recently been suggested as ideal sources of different strains of stem cells, due to the noninvasive nature of the isolation procedure, the large mass of tissue to harvest cells with high efficiency and potential differentiation. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze morphologically membranes extraembryonic by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry and analyze the cells from the yolk sac to characterize this cells as to potential as a possible source of pluripotent stem cells for future use in regenerative therapy. For immunohistochemistry, the membranes were processed by routine histological techniques, and then the blocks were cut sequentially and placed on silanized slides previously, the protocol was the immunohistochemistry conventional using the following antibodies: Cytokeratin and VEGF. Trials were made for concentration and cell viability, cell growth evaluation, and the characterization by flow cytometry using specific antibodies (CD105, NANOG, CD45 and Oct-3/4) and characterization by immunohistochemistry using the following antibody: CD90, CD105, CD117, vimentin, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, beta tubulin, Cytokeratin and PCNA. The yolk sac stood in the ventral portion of the embryo near the umbilical cord, proving how a structure small, few vessels and with yellowed, this also presented as a trilaminar structure (endoderm, mesenchyme and mesothelium), where the endoderm had a simple cubic epithelium, the mesenchyme with a large amount of connective tissue and the mesothelium with flattened cells. The amnio shown to be deeply linked to the embryo, being the first membrane fetal considering the order embryo/uterus, and had oval-shaped transparent coloring, histologically this membrane is composed of two distinct layers, a simple squamous epithelium and mesenchyme containing an amorphous substance with a small amount of cells. The chorionic membrane showed little wrinkles and alantoic membrane structure as a crescent-shaped, having an intense vascularization, and the evolution of the pregnancy is almost impossible the perception of the two, forming the membrane chorioallantoid. The corium is constituted by a layer of round cells, arranged in linear format, as the allantois is characterized by its mesenchyme amorphous with a small amount of cells. Relative to immunohistochemical all membranes expressing VEGF and cytokeratin markers. The yolk sac cells showed adherence to plastic and a spindle-like morphology, similar to fibroblasts, they reached confluence of 70% in about 20 days, these cells were maintained until passage 4, where later cell death occurred. These cells had similar imunofenoipagem the mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic cells expressing markers such as CD105, CD90, CD117, vimentin, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulin, Cytokeratin, Nanog and PCNA. From the study it can be concluded that: there are specific cells in each extraembrionária membrane, and that the cells derived from the yolk sac have characteristics similar to mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic, and being considered an important tool for future experimental studies of cell therapy in medicine veterinary regenerative.

Naturbetesmarker & vildsvin : En kvalitativ studie om vildsvinsskador på naturbetesmark från markägarnas perspektiv / Pasturelands & wild boars : A qualitative study about wild boar damages on pasturelands from the landowners´ perspective

Johansson, Emil, Ågren, Jeanette January 2021 (has links)
Naturbetesmarker är ett av de artrikaste markslagen vi har, för att hålla dem öppna med betande djur finns ett miljöstöd från landsbygdsprogrammet utformat för att gynna den biologiska mångfalden. Vildsvinen (Sus Scrofa) har under de senaste årtiondena ökat markant, vilket har lett till stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för lantbruket genom skador på jordbruksmark. Av tidigare forskning kan vi se att skadorna inte påverkar den biologiska mångfalden negativt. Biologisk mångfald är en central del i det miljöstöd som lantbrukarna får för att hålla sina naturbetesmarker öppna. Men vad säger markägarna om vildsvinsproblematiken på naturbetesmark och hur ser de på framtiden? Studien utgår från markägarnas perspektiv, där vi undersöker hur markägarna upplever vildsvinsskador på deras naturbetesmarker och hur skadorna påverkar deras skötsel. Vi undersöker även hur markägarna upplever den rådgivning och stöd som de får från berörd myndighet samt vilka förändringar de vill se i vildsvinsförvaltningen. Vi valde i studien att använda oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, där sex markägare intervjuades. Resultatet i studien visar att markägarna upplever att det största problemet är att skadorna är tidskrävande och kostsamma att rätta till. Det framkom även kritik mot dagens utformning av miljöstödet och att trycket från vildsvinsstammen måste minska för att man ska orka att hålla sina marker öppna i framtiden. Slutsatsen är att det måste till ett större helhetsgrepp kring vildsvinsförvaltningen för att minska skadorna och mer individuell rådgivning för den enskilda markägaren. / Pasturelands is a land with high biodiversity, in order to keep them open with herbivores, there is environmental support from Landsbygdsprogrammet designed to benefit the biological diversity. Wild boars (Sus Scrofa) have increased markedly in recent decades, which has led to major economic consequences for agriculture and it´s land. From previous research, we can see that the damage does not adversely affect biodiversity. Biodiversity is a central part of the environmental support that the farmers receive to keep their pasturelands open. But what does landowners say about the problems with wild boar on pasturelands and how do they look on the future? The study is based on the landowners ‘perspective, we examine how landowners experience wild boar damage to their pasturelands and how the damage affects their management. We also examine how landowners experience the advice and support they receive from the authority and what changes they want to see in wild boar management. In the study, we choose to use qualitative research interviews, in which six landowners were interviewed. The result of the study show that landowners feel that the biggest problem is that the damage is time-consuming and costly to repair. There was also criticism of today´s design of environmental support and the pressure from the wild boar population must be reduced in order to keep their land open in the future. The conclusion is that there must be a greater holistic approach to wild management to reduce the damage and more individual advice for the individual landowner.

Use of Drop-nets for Wild Pig Damage and Disease Abatement

Gaskamp, Joshua Alden 14 March 2013 (has links)
Numerous trap designs have been used in efforts to capture wild pigs (Sus scrofa); however, drop-nets have never been examined as a potential tool for wild pig control. I implemented a 2-year study to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of an 18.3 x 18.3 m drop-net and a traditional corral trap for trapping wild pigs. In spring 2010, treatment units were randomly selected and multiple trap sites were identified on 4,047 ha in Love County, Oklahoma. Trap sites were baited with whole corn and monitored with infrared-triggered cameras during pre-construction and capture periods. Unique pigs using trap sites were identified 5 days prior to trap construction and used in mark-recapture calculations to determine trap effectiveness. Three hundred fifty-six pigs were captured in spring of 2010 and 2011. I documented maximum captures of 27 and 15 pigs with drop-nets and corral traps, respectively. I removed 86 and 49% of the unique pigs from treatment units during the course of the study using drop-nets and corral traps, respectively. Catch per unit effort was 1.9 and 2.3 h/pig for drop-nets and corral traps, respectively. Wild pigs did not appear to exhibit trap shyness around drop-nets, which often facilitated the capture of entire sounders in a single drop. Use of drop-nets also eliminated capture of non-target species. During my study, damage by wild pigs was reduced by 90% across the study area, verifying control reduces damage on native rangelands. Population monitoring for pseudorabies virus, brucellosis, and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome resulted in exposure rates of 24, 0.4, and 0.4%, respectively. Removal of wild pigs reduced rooting damage and probability of encountering pig borne diseases of importance to livestock and human health. My research confirms drop-nets can be an effective tool for removal of wild pigs.

Soil seed banks near rubbing trees indicate dispersal of plant species into forests by wild boar

Heinken, Thilo, Schmidt, Marcus, Oheimb, Goddert von, Kriebitzsch, Wolf-Ulrich, Ellenberg, Hermann January 2006 (has links)
Current knowledge about processes that generate long-distance dispersal of plants is still limited despite its importance for persistence of populations and colonization of new potential habitats. Today wild large mammals are presumed to be important vectors for long-distance transport of diaspores within and between European temperate forest patches, and in particular wild boars recently came into focus. Here we use a specific habit of wild boar, i.e. wallowing in mud and subsequent rubbing against trees, to evaluate epizoic dispersal of vascular plant diaspores. We present soil seed bank data from 27 rubbing trees versus 27 control trees from seven forest areas in Germany. The mean number of viable seeds and the plant species number were higher in soil samples near rubbing trees compared with control trees. Ten of the 20 most frequent species were more frequent, and many species exclusively appeared in the soil samples near rubbing trees. The large number of plant species and seeds – approximated > 1000 per tree – in the soils near rubbing trees is difficult to explain unless the majority were dispersed by wild boar. Hooked and bristly diaspores, i.e. those adapted to epizoochory, were more frequent, above that many species with unspecialised diaspores occurred exclusively near rubbing trees. Different to plant species closely tied to forest species which occur both in forest and open vegetation, and non-forest species were more frequent near rubbing trees compared with controls. These findings are consistent with previous studies on diaspore loads in the coats and hooves of shot wild boars. However, our method allows to identify the transport of diaspores from the open landscape into forest stands where they might especially emerge after disturbance, and a clustered distribution of epizoochorically dispersed seeds. Moreover, accumulation of seeds of wetness indicators near rubbing trees demonstrates directed dispersal of plant species inhabiting wet places between remote wallows. / Das aktuelle Wissen über Prozesse, die zur Fernausbreitung von Pflanzen führen, ist trotz ihrer Bedeutung für das Überleben von Populationen und die Besiedlung neuer potenzieller Habitate noch immer sehr begrenzt. Wildlebende Großsäuger sind heutzutage vermutlich wichtige Vektoren für den Ferntransport von Diasporen innerhalb und zwischen den einzelnen Waldflächen in Mitteleuropa, und speziell das Wildschwein (Sus scrofa L.) spielt dabei offenbar eine herausragende Rolle. Wir nutzen hier ein spezifisches Verhalten des Wildschweins – Suhlen im Schlamm und nachfolgendes Scheuern an sogenannten Malbäumen – um die epizoochore Ausbreitung von Gefäßpflanzen-Diasporen einzuschätzen. Dargestellt werden die Ergebnisse von Samenbank-Untersuchungen von 27 Malbäumen im Vergleich zu 27 Kontrollbäumen aus sieben Waldgebieten in Deutschland. Sowohl die mittlere Zahl lebensfähiger Samen als auch die Artenzahl waren höher in Bodenproben neben Malbäumen. Zehn der 20 in der Samenbank verbreitetsten Pflanzenarten hatten hier ihren Schwerpunkt, und viele Arten kamen ausschließlich in den neben Malbäumen gewonnenen Proben vor. Die große Zahl von Pflanzenarten und Samen – zumindest > 1000 pro Baum – im Boden an Malbäumen lässt sich nur durch die Aktivität der Wildschweine erklären. Mit Haken oder Borsten ausgestattete, d.h. an Epizoochorie angepasste Diasporen waren häufiger, aber auch viele Arten mit unspezialisierten Diasporen kamen ausschließlich in der Samenbank bei Malbäumen vor. Anders als weitgehend an Wald gebundene Pflanzenarten waren solche, die sowohl im Wald und im Offenland vorkommen, sowie nicht im Wald vorkommende Arten häufiger neben Malbäumen als neben Kontrollbäumen. Diese Befunde stimmen mit denen früherer Untersuchungen von Diasporenladungen im Fell und in den Hufen geschossener Wildschweine überein. Unsere Methode erlaubt darüber hinaus aber die Identifizierung des Diasporentransports aus dem Offenland in die Waldbestände, wo sie insbesondere nach Störungen keimen dürften, sowie einer ungleichmäßigen Verteilung epizoochor ausgebreiteter Diasporen. Außerdem zeigt die Akkumulation von Samen von Nässezeigern neben den Malbäumen eine gezielte Ausbreitung nasse Standorte bewohnender Pflanzenarten zwischen entfernt gelegenen Suhlen.

Alpha-class Glutathione Transferases from Pig: a Comparative Study

Fedulova, Natalia January 2011 (has links)
Glutathione transferases (GSTs, EC possess multiple functions and have potential applications in biotechnology. This thesis contributes to knowledge about glutathione transferases from Sus scrofa (pig). The study is needed for better understanding of biochemical processes in this species and is desirable for drug development, for food industry research and in medicine. A primary role of GSTs is detoxication of electrophilic compounds. Our study presents porcine GST A1-1 as a detoxication enzyme expressed in many tissues, in particular adipose tissue, liver and pituitary gland. Based on comparison of activity and expression profiles, this enzyme can be expected to function in vivo similarly to human GST A2-2 (Paper II). In addition to its protective function, human GST A3-3 is an efficient steroid isomerase and contributes to the biosynthesis of steroid hormones in vivo. We characterized a porcine enzyme, pGST A2-2, displaying high steroid-isomerase activity and resembling hGST A3-3 in other properties as well. High levels of pGST A2-2 expression were found in ovary, testis and liver. The properties of porcine enzyme strengthen the notion that particular GSTs play an important role in steroidogenesis (Paper I). Combination of time-dependent and enzyme concentration-dependent losses of activity as well as the choice of the organic solvent for substrates were found to cause irreproducibility of activity measurements of GSTs. Enzyme adsorption to surfaces was found to be the main explanation of high variability of activity values of porcine GST A2-2 and human Alpha-class GSTs reported in the literature. Several approaches to improved functional comparison of highly active GSTs were proposed (Paper III). / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 733

Características físicas e químicas da água e características reprodutivas do curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes, 1836) no rio Mogi-Guaçu, SP, Brasil

Ramos, Roseli Ormanezi 18 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1766.pdf: 1563147 bytes, checksum: 4671c7281ddcabcf80f87f855997d502 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-18 / Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência da sazonalidade na qualidade da água entre a Barragem de Cachoeira de Emas e a Foz do rio Jaguari-Mirim no rio Mogi-Guaçu, no período de abril de 2003 a setembro de 2004. As variáveis mensuradas foram: temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, transparência, condutividade elétrica, pH, alcalinidade, dureza, nitrato, fósforo total, fosfato inorgânico, fosfato total, nitrito, silicato, amônia e também precipitação pluviométrica. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) apontou os principais indicadores de qualidade de água que permitiram a avaliação da situação da qualidade do rio Mogi-Guaçu nos pontos amostrados. Os resultados indicam influência da sazonalidade na qualidade da água entre os dois pontos amostrados, em função da pluviosidade na dinâmica das variáveis limnológicas, em especial quanto ao aporte e diluição de nutrientes no sistema.

Influência do pH e da temperatura sobre os efeitos do cobre no sangue e fígado de curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa, (STEINDACHNER, 1881).

Carvalho, Cleoni dos Santos 20 March 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_doutorado_cleoni_santos_carvalho.pdf: 1593052 bytes, checksum: 54ecf221a0707b5f706385205ef8b616 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-03-20 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Considering that the pollutants in fish and other animals begin at enzymatic levels, and may alter the cell function and structure, the main goal of the present study was to analyze the influence of the water pH and temperature on the copper effects in liver and blood of the freshwater fish, Prochilodus scrofa via hematological, morphological and enzymatic analysis. Juveniles specimens of P. scrofa acclimated to 20 and 30ºC were exposed to copper (acute exposure) in static systems at water pH 4.5 and 8.0 to determine the 96h-LC50. Them groups of fish were exposed to 96h-LC50 in the same water conditions for hematological analysis, determination of activity of regulatory and associated glycolitic enzymes from liver and blood in vivo and in vitro and liver morphological analysis. Groups of fish acclimated at 20 and 30ºC were kept a water pH 7.0 and serve as control for the controls groups pH 4.5 and 8.0. The 96h-LC50 were calculated as 98 ± 0.9 and 16 ± 0.2 µgCu.L-1 respectively at pH 4.5 e 8.0 a 20ºC and 88 ± 0.8 e 14 ± 0.5 µgCu.L-1 em pH 4.5 e 8.0 a 30ºC. The change in water pH caused na increase in the hematocrit (Hct) in both water pH and temperatures, reduction of hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) at water pH 4.5 at 20 and 30ºc and an increase in the number of erythrocytes (RBC) at pH 4.5 at 30ºC (p<0.05). Copper exposure caused an increase in [Hb] and RBC at 20ºC in both pHs and a reduction in the [Hb] at pH 4.5 and RBC at pH 8.0 a 30ºC. In vivo studies showed an increase in the plasma glucose concentration of the control group pH 4.5 and in fish exposed to copper in pH 4.5 at 30ºC (p<0.05). Hepatic glycogen concentration was higher at 20ºC (p<0.05). The activity of PFK enzyme in liver was reduced in the control group pH4.5 at 20ºC and increased after copper exposure. In vitro studies showed high influence of temperature on the regulatory enzymes. The activity of HK, PFK, PK, LDH and G6PHD was reduced in the control groups at 30ºC. After copper exposure the activity of these enzymes increased reaching values similar of the controls pH 7.0. In the erythrocit the increase of enzyme activity after copper exposure was more evident in the HK and PFK enzymes. Copper accumulation in liver was higher at 20ºC however, the metallothionein induction that was isolated using DEAE-Sepharoese and identified by SDS-PAGE, was more evident in fish exposed to low copper concentration in water but pH 8.0 (LC50-96h at water pH8.0). Liver histopathologies (hyperemia, cytoplasmic vacuolization, cellular and nuclear degeneration, focal necrosis and melanomacrophages) in P. scrofa was more related to the changes in water pH than copper exposure. These results evidenced that the changes in hematology and in the enzyme activities in response to pH and copper in the environment are complex. However, it is possible to conclude that: 1) the anaerobic metabolism prevailed in liver in fish acclimated to 20ºC, in vivo, while, in vitro, the enzyme activity was kept without change, except for HK and PK that increased their activity. The activity decrease of the regulatory and associated enzymes suggest the use of glycolitic via for energy at 30ºC; 2) copper decrease the activity of these enzymes in both temperatures; 3) the activities of regulatory enzymes at 20ºC, in the erythrocit from control groups, in vivo, suggest the mobilization of glucose. Copper addition in it showed activity stimulation in low pH (PFK) and inhibition in high pH (PFK) suggesting that in this pH the energy probably come from lactate produced by the LDH; 4) in the erythrocit, at 20ºC, the pH and copper effect suggest that the aerobic metabolism was stimulated at low pH and that the anaerobic metabolism was stimulated at high pH; it was evidenced by the increase of PFK and LDH activities, respectively; 5) the energetic demand at high temperature was maintained by the activity of PFK and LDH in the control groups and in the presence of copper prevailed the anaerobe at low pH and the aerobe at high pH; 6) the increase of metallothionein concentration suggests an increase of metabolism with the increase of temperature that increased the synthesis of this protein and the higher accumulation of copper at 20ºC may evidence higher copper excretion in fish acclimated to 30ºC; 7) the more frequent changes in the hepatic tissue found in all experiments showed low specificity of lesions as most of them occurred in response to change in water pH. / Considerando que o efeito de poluentes em peixes e outros organismos se iniciam nos níveis enzimáticos podendo alterar a função das células e sua estrutura, o presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência do pH e temperatura da água sobre os efeitos do cobre no fígado e sangue de Prochilodus scrofa através das análises hematológica, morfológica e enzimática. Exemplares jovens foram expostos (96 h) ao cobre dissolvido na água, em pH 4,5 e 8,0 a 20 e 300C. A CL50-96h para o cobre a 20 oC foi determinada como 98 ± 0,9 µg.L-1 em pH 4,5 e 16 ± 0,2 µg.L-1 em pH 8,0. A 30 oC, CL50-96 h foi 88 ± 0,8 µg.L-1 em pH 4,5 e 14 ± 0,5 µg.L-1 em pH 8,0. Um grupo de animais foi mantido em pH 7,0 para avaliarmos apenas o efeito do pH. A mudança do pH da água causou aumento no hematócrito (Hct) em ambos os pHs e temperaturas, houve redução na concentração de hemoglobina ([Hb])em água com pH 4,5 a 20 e 30 oC e aumento no número de eritrócitos (RBC) em pH 4,5 a 30 oC (p < 0,05). A exposição ao cobre causou aumento na [Hb] e RBC a 20 oC em ambos pHs e uma diminuição na [Hb] em pH 4,5 e RBC em pH 8,0 a 30 oC. Nos estudos in vivo, a concentração de glicose plasmática aumentou em pH 4,5 nos grupos controle e na presença do cobre em pH 4,5 a 30 oC (p,0,05). A concentração de glicogênio hepático foi maior a 20 oC (p<0,05). A atividade da PFK do fígado diminuiu nos grupos controles pH 4,5 a 20 oC e aumentou após a exposição ao cobre. Os estudos in vitro mostraram influência da temperatura e pH da água na atividade das enzimas regulatórias. A atividade das enzimas HK, PFK, PK, LDH e G6PDH diminuiu nos grupos controles em a 30 oC . Após a exposição ao cobre a atividade destas enzimas aumentou alcançando valores próximos ao controle pH 7,0. Na solução de eritrócitos o aumento na atividade da enzimas foi mais evidente na HK e PFK. Em relação as duas temperaturas o acúmulo de cobre foi maior na temperatura de 20 oC, entretanto, a indução da metalotionina (MT) isolada por DEAE-Sepharose e identificada por eletroforese em SDS-PAGE, foi mais evidente em peixes expostos a menor concentração de cobre em água com pH 8,0 (CL50 96h em água com pH 8,0). As alterações histopatológicas (hiperemia, vacuolização citoplasmática, degeneração celular e nuclear, necrose focal e aumento de melanomacrófagos) em P. scrofa foram relacionadas com a mudança do pH da água do que a exposição ao cobre. Estes resultados indicam que as mudanças na hematologia e na atividade de enzimas em resposta à variação do pH e presença do cobre no ambiente aquático são complexas. Entretanto, é possível concluir que: 1) o metabolismo anaeróbio prevaleceu no fígado de peixes aclimatados a 20 oC, in vivo, enquanto que, in vitro, a atividade das enzimas foi mantida sem alteração, exceto para a HK e PK que aumentaram a atividade. O aumento da atividade das enzimas regulatórias e associadas sugerem o uso da via glicolítica a 30 oC.; 2) o cobre diminuiu a atividade destas enzimas em ambas temperaturas; 3) a atividade das enzimas regulatórias a 20 oC, na solução de eritrócitos dos grupos controle, in vivo, sugere preferência pelo metabolismo aeróbio. A adição do cobre estimulou a atividade da PFK em pH baixo e inibiu em pH alto sugerindo que neste pH a energia provavelmente provém do lactato formado pela LDH; 4) na solução de eritrócitos, a 20 oC, o cobre e o pH estimularam o metabolismo aeróbio em pH baixo e o metabolismo anaeróbio em pH alto, os quais foram evidenciados pelo aumento da atividade da PFK e da LDH, respectivamente; 5) a demanda de energia em altas temperaturas foi mantida pela atividade da PFK e LDH nos grupos controle e na presença de cobre prevaleceu o metabolismo anaeróbio em pH baixo e o metabolismo aeróbio em pH alto; 6) o aumento da concentração de MT sugere aumento do metabolismo com o aumento da temperatura que aumentou a síntese desta proteína e o maior acúmulo de cobre a 20 oC evidencia maior excreção de cobre nos peixes aclimatados a 30 oC; 7) as mudanças mais freqüentes no tecido hepático observadas em todos os tratamentos mostrou que as lesões ocorreram em resposta à mudança do pH da água.

Självmedvetande hos djur och metoder för att mäta detta : en litteraturstudie / Self-awareness in animals and methods of measurement for this : a literature study

Uher, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Self-awareness is a complex of abilities where empathy, theory of mind (ToM) and episodic memory are attributed to a higher level. Developed for demonstrating mirror self-recognition (MSR) in chimpanzees, mirror mark test has later been commonly used to demonstrate self-awareness in animals. Self-awareness is vital in issues about animal welfare, therefore examining methods of measurement for self-awareness is relevant for improving our understanding of this welfare. Pigs make suitable candidates by representing a species of great economic importance and because knowledge about how animals experience their life and their welfare has great ethical relevance. Consequently, the aim of this study is to illustrate self-awareness in animals and methods of measurement for this, using pigs as an illustrative example. To accomplish this research was conducted using Web of Science. When mirror mark test was applied on cleaner wrasse it was concluded that it passed the test but its relation to self-awareness and ToM was denied. In Pigs knowledge about the MSR is lacking, however they have showed more complex abilities like episodic-like memory and tactical deception, the latter being related to ToM. Cleaner wrasse here represents a species possessing a morphological disability in the mirror mark test, contributing to interpretation difficulties of its demonstrated behavior. Consequently, using the test as a standardized test for self-awareness is being questioned. A gradual perspective on self-awareness can entail better knowledge about which cognitive abilities are shared among species and possibly contribute to more justifiable assessments concerning the welfare of pigs and other farm animals.

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Multi-Scale Habitat Selection in an Invasive Generalist

Paolini, Kelsey Elizabeth 04 May 2018 (has links)
Spatiotemporal dynamics of resource availability can produce markedly different patterns of landscape utilization which necessitates studying habitat selection across biologically relevant extents. Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are a prolifically expanding, generalist species and researchers have yet to understand fundamental drivers of space use in agricultural landscapes within the United States. To study multi-scale habitat selection patterns, I deployed 13 GPS collars on feral pigs within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. I estimated resource selection using mixed-effects models to determine how feral pigs responded to changes in forage availability and incorporated those results with autocorrelated kernel density home range estimates. My results indicated season-specific habitat functional responses to changes in agricultural phenology and illustrated the interdependencies of landscape composition, hierarchical habitat selection, and habitat functional responses. These results indicate fundamental drivers of feral pig spatial distributions in an agricultural landscape which I used to predict habitat use to direct feral pig management.

Zoogeografía y ecología evolutiva del jabalí (Sus scrofa) y las liebres (Lepus spp.) en el noroeste de África

Soria-Boix, Carmen 14 May 2021 (has links)
Debido a las singulares características del noroeste de África, esta zona constituye un lugar de estudio interesante para entender cómo los cambios que se producen en el entorno pueden afectar a la distribución de las especies y a su historia evolutiva. Para ello es importante integrar varias herramientas para el estudio de la diversidad faunística. El estudio de las especies desde el punto de vista de la ecología evolutiva y la zoogeografía, junto a la realización de análisis moleculares, sirve tanto para entender por qué las especies han llegado a ser como son en la actualidad, como para entender los procesos evolutivos de cada especie. Esto se puede aplicar, por ejemplo, a la hora de tomar medidas correctas para proteger a una especie que se encuentre amenazada. Para esta tesis los animales seleccionados fueron el jabalí (Sus scrofa) y las liebres (Lepus spp.). Para los análisis del jabalí usamos ADN mitocondrial (citocromo b y región control). Los árboles filogenéticos bayesianos y los networks mostraron una estrecha relación entre los ejemplares de ambos continentes, e incluso a algunos ejemplares africanos compartiendo un haplotipo que es común en ejemplares de Europa. De los árboles filogenéticos también se obtuvieron los tiempos de divergencia, que dieron más datos de cuándo debieron de ocurrir aproximadamente estos acontecimientos. Respecto a las liebres, en el noroeste de África actualmente se considera que está presente la liebre del cabo (Lepus capensis); al sur del área de estudio está presente la liebre de la sabana africana (Lepus victoriae). En este trabajo nos adentramos en el análisis de la ecología evolutiva de las liebres con ayuda de análisis moleculares. Estudiamos la posible presencia de otras especies distintas a las mencionadas, y de especies crípticas en el área de estudio, teniendo en cuenta las presiones evolutivas que han podido ocasiones que la diversidad existente haya pasado desapercibida hasta la actualidad.

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