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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Introduced plant invasion in small remnants of native vegetation /

Oppermann, Alison. January 1992 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M. Env. St.)--University of Adelaide, Mawson Graduate Centre for Environmental Studies, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-104).

The Distribution and Population Dynamics of the Golden Mouse (<em>Ochrotomys nuttalli</em>) at Its Southern Range Periphery

Smiley, Sarah A 22 February 2010 (has links)
This research assesses the status of the golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli) in Florida by taking a multi-pronged approach. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was used to understand the distribution of habitats and occurrence records for this species within the state. Presence-absence trapping occurred at 13 study sites to determine if historic southern periphery populations were still occupied, gauge if more central populations were being maintained, and document golden mice in previously unrecorded areas. In addition, surveys for O. nuttalli took place at regular intervals at the USF Ecological Research Area to understand how populations of this species fluctuate over time and ensure that individuals could be caught during the months when statewide trapping was occurring. Trapping data from all 14 sites were combined to determine a level of confidence for absences at each site which did not yield a golden mouse capture. Finally, I determined the relative abundance of golden mice relative to other small mammal species caught. Locality records for this species align closely with the distribution of hardwood-containing habitats in Florida. The distribution of O. nuttalli is not continuous across Florida and becomes increasingly patchy near the southern range periphery of this species. In south-central Florida, populations are restricted to regions where hardwoods extend south along one of three upland ridges. Golden mice were determined to be present in the vicinity of the southernmost historic sites on each of these ridges. Ochrotomys nuttalli were captured at six of the 13 sites surveyed. At the USF Ecological Research Area, O. nuttalli were captured in all months surveyed although abundances remained relatively low from October through January and then increased from February through May. At study sites which did not catch a golden mouse, 78.6 to 100% of the trapping periods which successfully caught a golden mouse had done so by the effort levels invested at these absent sites. Ochrotomys nuttalli was the fourth most abundant of 12 species captured, but several of the species caught less frequently than golden mice are non-native or too large to have their true abundance reflected by these trapping methods.

Whip-poor-will Prey Availability and Foraging Habitat: Implications for Management in Pitch Pine / Scrub Oak Barrens Habitats

Garlapow, Ross M 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Recently, the Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) has become focus of considerable conservation concerns as the result of evidence indicating significant population declines throughout its breeding range (Veit and Petersen 1993). The lack of quantitative data concerning much of this species natural history has delayed recovery efforts and is a fundamental shortcoming in forming effective conservation strategies. Current surveys show Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) / Scrub Oak (Quercus illicifolia) Barrens (PPSO) as habitat with high numbers of Whip-poor-wills relative to other forest types found throughout the northeastern United States (Cavanaugh in Cink 2002), so we focused our study in these habitats in an attempt to 1) identify habitat selection within PPSO, and 2) determine characteristics of PPSO that make it relatively high quality habitat. Our Study was conducted during the 2005 and 2006 breeding seasons at the Massachusetts Military Reservation on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. We used mist nets to capture adult Whip-poor-wills and affix radio-transmitters for locating individuals during night hours, using triangulation techniques. A kernel analysis of these locations was used to estimate the home range of each individual, where structural characteristics of vegetation was measured, for use in habitat selection analyses. Prey availability was estimated using captures from light traps (Leroy Koehn design, Georgetown, KY) with UV bulbs. Light traps were run on 12 different nights in each habitat during both years of the study. We assessed diet from fecal samples collected at day roost locations used by radio-marked individuals on a daily basis. Samples were dissected under a 22x stereoscope with prey fragments identified to the family when possible. Generalized Linear Mixed Models were used to model habitat selection from structural variables of the habitat collected at used and random locations within the home range, while a compositional analysis of habitat use was also done by comparing the amount of radio-locations in each habitat type to the total amount of that habitat found within the home range. A compositional analysis was also used to test for prey selection. Data from 15 Whip-poor-wills were used in our analyses. Univariate and multivariate statistics showed that there was no difference in vegetation structure between used and random sites. Ground cover was the best predictor of habitat use identified by the GLMM, but was still inefficient for determining habitat use. However, the compositional analysis of habitat use did show a preference of pitch pine – oak forests over pitch pine – scrub oak communities. The fecal analysis showed Whip-poor-wills preferred moths over scarab beetles, and “other” prey items which consisted mainly of beetles other than scarabs, along with neuropterans. Light trap captures showed prey was distributed equally among habitats at the MMR. Although our study did not show any strong relationships between vegetation structure and habitat selection, this may not be the case in habitats of lesser quality (i.e. not PPSO). The habitat preference rank from the compositional analysis directly correlated with the amount of ground cover found in each habitat, which is supporting evidence that ground cover may be an important factor in selecting habitat. Low amounts of ground cover may allow Whip-poor-wills to detect and capture prey more easily, as well as provide open area for an easy escape route from potential predators. Land management techniques such as prescribed burning that reduce understory are recommended treatments to increase habitat quality for Whip-poor-wills.

Population Dynamics And Environmental Factors Influencing Herbs In Intact And Degraded Florida Rosemary Scrub

Stephens, Elizabeth 01 January 2013 (has links)
Species have complex and contextual relationships with their environment; both the relative contributions of life-history stages to population growth and the effect of environmental factors on each stage can be different among co-existing species. Timing and extent of reproduction, survival, and mortality determine population growth, species distributions, and assemblage patterns. I evaluate the role of habitat (intact, degraded) and microsite (shrub, leaf litter, bare sand) on population dynamics of Florida scrub herbs. Isolated overgrown shrubs and extensive bare sand areas in degraded scrub were expected to decrease seed predation, reduce competition of herbs with shrubs, and provide larger habitat for recruitment. I provide evidence that habitat and microsite variation influenced demography of five endemic and two common native species through effects on seed removal, emergence, and establishment. Habitat and species affected seed removal: endemic species with large seeds were removed in higher frequency in degraded habitat, likely by vertebrates, while species with small seeds were removed in higher frequency in intact habitat, by invertebrates. There was no evidence of differences in individual seed production between habitats for the two common species, C. fasciculata and B. angustifolia. Invertebrates were primarily responsible for seed removal of both species, although peak season of removal and microsite varied with species. Removal of seeds, emergence, and establishment increased with seed density. Matrix modeling indicated that population growth of C. fasciculata was greater in degraded habitat and greatest in litter microsites, and population growth of B. angustifolia was similar between habitats and greatest in bare sand. Contrasting responses among species to environmental factors in intact and degraded scrub indicated that natural disturbances are not ecologically equivalent to anthropogenic iv disturbances. Idiosyncratic species dynamics in common environments suggest that understanding relationships between life-history traits and environmental conditions will be required to facilitate restoration

Juvenile Ornamentation: Its Evolution, Genetic Basis, And Variation Across Habitats

Tringali, Angela 01 January 2013 (has links)
Ornamental traits are considered honest advertisements of fitness, and their evolution is usually explained in terms of sexual selection. This explanation remains unsatisfactory in some instances, for example, juvenile birds whose plumage is molted prior to adulthood and breeding. I first evaluate whether juvenile plumage reflectance signals dominance status in the Federally Threatened Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) using a combination of observational and experimental methods. Then I estimate the heritability, non-genetic maternal and environmental effects, and strength of selection on juvenile plumage reflectance using archived feather samples and a pedigree constructed from historical nest records. Finally, I compare plumage reflectance and its use as a signal between a wildland and suburban population of scrubjays. I conclude that plumage reflectance is a signal of dominance, and that social selection can also drive the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. In this species, plumage reflectance is heritable and influenced by maternal effects, but environmental effects are inconsequential. Although this trait appears to have an important function, only mean brightness and female hue are associated with lifetime reproductive success. Plumage reflectance was more UV-shifted in the suburban birds, but there is no reason to believe that urbanization decreases the value of this plumage as a signal. However, these plumage differences may facilitate dispersal from suburban areas, contributing to the decline of suburban populations.

Demographic Consequences Of Managing For Florida Scrub-jays (aphelocoma Coerulescens) On An Isolated Preserve.

Lyon, Casey 01 January 2007 (has links)
Many species naturally occupy discrete habitat patches within a mosaic of habitats that vary in quality. The Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is endemic to Florida scrub, a habitat that is naturally patchy and greatly reduced in area over recent decades owing to development and urbanization. Because of this habitat loss, future management of Florida scrub-jays will focus on smaller, fragmented tracts of land. My study examines such a tract, Lyonia Preserve, southwest Volusia County, FL. This preserve was unoccupied by scrub-jays prior to habitat restoration. The preserve is now frequently managed exclusively for scrub-jays as a habitat island surrounded by development. Management of the preserve includes roller chopping, root raking, timbering, and "oak stripping" where islands of oak patches are left intact while the rest of the area is roller chopped. I investigate what, if any, demographic consequences may be associated with the habitat management and the spatial setting of the preserve. I used population data collected in this area since 1992 to examine population growth and responses to habitat restoration within the preserve and habitat destruction outside the preserve. I mapped territories and measured survival and recruitment of scrub-jays, and dispersal into and out of the study area, for two and a half years. Since restoration, the population has shown logistic growth, with the area supporting higher than average densities of scrub-jay family groups. Observed density of the population and territory size varied between study years. Breeder survival values were positively related to territory size and significantly lower during periods of highest observed density. However, recruitment (yearling production) showed no relationship to territory size. Dispersal to isolated habitat patches was observed; likewise, several failed dispersal events were noted. No immigration into the study area was observed; however these data may be underrepresented since not all scrub-jays in and outside of the preserve were banded, and data collection was limited during the initial colonization period. High densities inside the preserve may therefore be both a result of frequent habitat management in the form of mechanical treatment as well as crowding of individuals due to outside habitat destruction. The results indicate that carrying capacity of habitat for scrub-jays may be raised by frequent, mechanical management; however, if the area is isolated, management may result in high densities and negative demographic consequences, e.g., reduced breeder survival. Negative effects of management may be avoided by subjecting smaller areas to mechanical treatment with increased time between treatments. Land managed for Florida scrub-jays should be contiguous or connected with other scrub habitats so that surplus birds from the managed areas have a refuge and do not contribute to increased densities. Regulatory officials should use caution when allowing for "take" of scrub-jay habitat as the effects may extend beyond the local habitat being destroyed.

Hatching Asynchrony Occurs As A Byproduct Of Maintaining Egg Viability

Aldredge, Robert 01 January 2008 (has links)
For many organisms, embryonic development begins directly after an egg (ovum) has been fertilized by sperm; however, some organisms delay the onset of embryonic development until conditions are favorable for raising young. This delayed onset of development could occur by delaying implantation of fertilized ovum on the uterine wall, as seen in many mammals. Birds delay embryonic development by laying a set of fertilized ova over a period of consecutive days. These fertilized ova are protected from the ambient environment by an exterior shell, and it is in this shell outside of the female s body that embryonic development occurs, but only when females initiate incubation. The number of fertilized ova (eggs) that can be laid by a single female in a single clutch varies among and within bird species, and understanding this variation remains a vital, unanswered question in ornithology. A latitudinal gradient in clutch size is widely recognized, but the reason for this pattern is unclear. Some birds lay relatively large clutches over many days, thus we should expect that eggs could withstand fairly long exposure to ambient temperature and remain viable. However, recent evidence suggests that egg viability declines with increased exposure to ambient temperatures. The egg viability hypothesis predicts that eggs will fail to hatch if exposed to warm ambient temperatures for prolonged periods. I conducted a natural experiment to determine whether egg viability can explain site-specific variation in hatching failure. Hatching failure is higher in a suburban population of Florida Scrub-Jays than it is in a wildland population, possibly because suburban scrub-jays lay larger clutches. Scrub-jays, like many bird species, lay one egg per day and begin incubation with the last-laid egg, thus first-laid eggs in the larger suburban clutches should be exposed to the warm ambient temperatures of sub-tropical Florida longer than first-laid eggs in the smaller clutches typical of the wildland population. As predicted, I found hatching failure is higher in first-laid eggs in the suburbs, and these eggs experience increased exposure to warm ambient temperatures. At both sites, females appear to begin incubation earlier in the laying period as ambient temperatures increase seasonally, possibly to minimize exposure to warm ambient temperatures and minimize hatching failure in first-laid eggs. However, early onset of incubation causes eggs to hatch asynchronously ( > 24 hours between the first and last-hatched egg), and hatching asynchrony increases within-brood size-asymmetries, which leads to an increased frequency of brood reduction (the nonrandom loss of last-hatched young because of starvation). Thus, a tradeoff may exist between beginning incubation earlier in the laying period to minimize hatching failure in first-laid eggs and delaying the onset of incubation to minimize hatching asynchrony and brood reduction. This tradeoff can have profound effects on avian clutch sizes, and may potentially explain the widely known negative relationship between latitude and clutch size.

Effects of mechanical habitat disturbance on the diversity and network structure of plant-bee interaction networks in Central Florida

Carman, Karlie 01 January 2014 (has links)
Ecological interactions within a community shape the structure of ecosystems and influence ecosystem function. Plant-pollinator interactions exist as mutualistic exchange networks that may collapse as habitat loss occurs, thereby threatening the overall health of an ecosystem. Understanding the impacts of human-mediated habitat disturbance on ecological interactions is therefore crucial for conservation efforts. Archbold Biological Station (ABS) in Venus, Florida contains over 2000 hectares of protected Florida scrub habitat nested within a human-dominated environment that is threatened by anthropogenic habitat disturbance. In past studies, over 113 bee species and 157 associated host plants, many endemic to the Lake Wales Ridge, have been found on ABS property, providing an understanding of this system's plant-bee network. Using those data as a baseline, this study investigated the effects of varying levels of mechanical habitat disturbance intensity on the diversity and network structure of plant-bee interaction networks. Flowering plant abundance, richness, diversity, and composition as well as bee abundance and composition were significantly different across mechanical habitat disturbance levels. Interactions between bees and flowering plants also differed with varying disturbance intensity. From these results, it is clear that plants, bees and interactions between them are impacted by mechanical habitat disturbance in this system. This project informs management efforts not only for natural systems with the threat of alteration, but also for agricultural systems, many of which heavily rely on flower visitation by bee pollinators. This research also contributes to the growing field of interaction ecology by increasing understanding of habitat alteration effects on a valuable ecological interaction and ultimately ecosystem function.

Där solen aldrig skiner : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av tillgång till dagsljus och hur det kan påverka patientsäkerheten. / Where the sun never shines : A qualitative interview study on scrub nurses' perceptions of access to daylight and how it can affect patient safety.

Wyon, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagsljuset är en stor del av vår vardag, då det ger oss ljus och energi. Forskning visar att för lite tillgång till dagsljus kan påverka individen negativt. Studien har för avsikt att undersöka om det kan påverka operationssjuksköterskorna och patientsäkerheten.Syfte: Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av tillgång till dagsljus under arbetstid och hur det kan påverka patientsäkerheten.Metod: Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer användes, där sex intervjuer hölls, som kunde generera svar gentemot syftet. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys.Resultat: Operationssjuksköterskorna upplevde att tillgången till dagsljus var minimal och att det gjorde dem tröttare. De upplevde inte att det påverkade patientsäkerheten negativt, då de samlade krafter och såg till att god kvalitet av patientsäkerheten hölls. Detta dock på bekostnad av operationssjuksköterskornas psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Slutsats: Operationssjuksköterskorna upplevde att tillgången till dagsljus på arbetsplatsen var mycket begränsad. Trots begränsad åtkomst av dagsljus upplevde operationssjuksköterskorna inte att det påverkade patientsäkerheten negativt. Däremot påverkade det operationssjuksköterskornas välmående och deras energi efter arbetspassen. / Background: Daylight is a big part of our everyday lives because it gives us light and energy. Decreased exposure to this light source has been proven to impact individuals negatively. This study wants to examine whether lowered exposure impacts scrub nurses and patient safety.Aim: The aim is to describe scrub nurses’ experiences with access to daylight during working hours and how it might affect patient safety.Method: This study used qualitative semi-structured interviews, where six interviews were conducted that could answer the aim. The interviews were analyzed through qualitative manifest content analysis.Result: The scrub nurses experienced that the exposure to daylight was minimal, which made them more fatigued. They did not experience that it impacted patient safety negatively because they gathered their strength and made sure that the quality of patient safety was good. The scrub nurses' thought it was at the cost of their health.Conclusion: Scrub nurses experienced that the access to daylight at the workplace was very limited. Even though access to daylight was limited, the scrub nurses did not experience it negatively impacting patient safety. Though, it affected the scrub nurses’ well-being and their energy after their shift was over.

Landcover Change And Population Dynamics Of Florida Scrub-jays And Florida Grasshopper Sparrows

Breininger, David 01 January 2009 (has links)
I confronted empirical habitat data (1994-2004) and population data (1988-2005) with ecological theory on habitat dynamics, recruitment, survival, and dispersal to develop predictive relationships between landcover variation and population dynamics. I focus on Florida Scrub-Jays, although one chapter presents a model for the potential influence of habitat restoration on viability of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow. Both species are unique to Florida landscapes that are dominated by shrubs and grasses and maintained by frequent fires. Both species are declining, even in protected areas, despite their protected status. I mapped habitat for both species using grid polygon cells to quantify population potential and habitat quality. A grid cell was the average territory size and the landcover unit in which habitat-specific recruitment and survival occurred. I measured habitat-specific recruitment and survival of Florida Scrub-Jays from 1988-2008. Data analyses included multistate analysis, which was developed for capture-recapture data but is useful for analyzing many ecological processes, such as habitat change. I relied on publications by other investigators for empirical Florida Grasshopper Sparrow data. The amount of potential habitat was greatly underestimated by landcover mapping not specific to Florida Scrub-Jays. Overlaying east central Florida with grid polygons was an efficient method to map potential habitat and monitor habitat quality directly related to recruitment, survival, and management needs. Most habitats for both species were degraded by anthropogenic reductions in fire frequency. Degradation occurred across large areas. Florida Scrub-Jay recruitment and survival were most influenced by shrub height states. Multistate modeling of shrub heights showed that state transitions were influenced by vegetation composition, edges, and habitat management. Measured population declines of 4% per year corroborated habitat-specific modeling predictions. Habitat quality improved over the study period but not enough to recover precariously small populations. The degree of landcover fragmentation influenced mean Florida Scrub-Jay dispersal distances but not the number of occupied territories between natal and breeding territories. There was little exchange between populations, which were usually further apart than mean dispersal distances. Florida Scrub-Jays bred or delayed breeding depending on age, sex, and breeding opportunities. I show an urgent need also for Florida Grasshopper Sparrow habitat restoration given that the endangered bird has declined to only two sizeable populations and there is a high likelihood for continued large decline. A major effect of habitat fragmentation identified in this dissertation that should apply to many organisms in disturbance prone systems is that fragmentation disrupts natural processes, reducing habitat quality across large areas. Humans have managed wildland fire for > 40,000 years, so it should be possible to manage habitat for many endangered species that make Florida's biodiversity unique. This dissertation provides methods to quantify landscape units into potential source and sink territories and provides a basis for applying adaptive management to reach population and conservation goals.

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