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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sur le front intérieur : les ménagères québécoises de la seconde guerre mondiale : rationnement et récupération

St-Onge, Mélissa January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Idéologie diglossique et violence symbolique dans une école primaire haïtienne : une étude de cas

Romain, Guylène January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

New Challenge in Octupolar Architecturs for Nonlinear Optic (NLO) / Nouveau challenge dans la conception d’architecture moléculaire pour l’optique non-linéaire (ONL)

Ayhan, Mehmet Menaf 10 September 2012 (has links)
La conception de molécules pour l’optique non linéaires (ONL) est devenue un centre de recherche de pointe pour les télécommunications, les technologies de l'information et le stockage de données optiques. Les molécules dipolaires substituées par des groupes donneur-accepteur ont été les chromophores les plus étudiés pour l’ONL. Cependant les molécules dipolaires diverses limitations telles que leur transparence optique, leur faible stabilité thermique et leur tendance à adopter un alignement antiparallèle à l'état solide. Récemment, une nouvelle classe de matériaux est apparue basé sur des symétries octupolaire qui ne possède pas de dipôle permanent, pour les applications ONL. Au niveau structural, la structure générique idéale pour des molécules tridimensionnelles avec une distribution de charges octupolaire est un cube avec des charges opposées alternées à chaque angle. À ce jour, aucune molécule représentant le cube vrai (déformé) avec huit charges alternées aux sommets et délocalisation des charges complètes entre les plans supérieurs et inférieurs n’a été décrite. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des complexes de lanthanides III à partir de phthalocyanines de type ABAB présentant en alternance des groupes donneurs et accepteurs d'électrons ont été synthétisés représentant le premier réel octupole. Ces structures ont été caractérisé par UV-NIR, X-Ray et présentent les plus élevés hyperpolarisabilité quadratique jamais enregistré pour des molécules octupolaires. En outre, ce travail a été étendu à divers type de double-decker de lanthanides homoleptiques non-octupolaire basé sur des phthalocyanines AB3, A4, B4, T4. Il a été observé que ces complexes présentent aussi des mesures d’hyperpolarisabilité quadratique élevés, mais inferieur a celles trouvé pour la série de complexes Ln (ABAB)2 octupolaire, comme prévu. / The design of nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules has become a focus of current research in telecommunications, information technologies and optical data storage. Donor-acceptor substituted dipolar molecules have been the most investigated NLO chromophores. Dipolar molecules, however, have several limitations such as low optical transparency, low thermal stability and their strong tendency to adopt anti-parallel packing in the solid state. Recently, a new class of materials based on octupolar symmetries, which lack permanent dipole moments, has been proposed for NLO applications. At a structural level, it can be shown that the basic template for 3D octupolar molecules comes to a cube with alternating charges at the corners such as donor and acceptor substituent. Despite all the various structures reported, it is worth noting that no molecules actually representing the “real” octupolar cube have been obtained so far. In this thesis, we showed that the real octupolar cube can be demonstrated by lanthanide III complexes based on ABAB type phthalocyanine featuring alternating electron donor and electron acceptor groups. These structures are characterized by UV-NIR, X-Ray and exhibit highest quadratic hyperpolarizability ever reported for an octupolar molecule. Moreover, this work was extended to nonoctupolar lanthanide homoleptic double-decker complexes based on AB3, A4, B4, T4 type phthalocyanines. It was observed that these molecules present a quite large quadratic hyperpolarizability too, but smaller than the one obtained for the Ln(ABAB)2 series, as expected. / Doğrusal olmayan optic (NLO) özellik gösteren moleküllerin tasarımı telekomünikasyon, bilgi teknolojileri ve optic very depolama alanlarında güncel bir araştırma konusudur. Alıcı-verici grup bağlı iki kutuplu moleküller en çok araştırılmış NLO malzemeleridirler. Ancak, iki kutuplu moleküllerin düşük optic şeffaflık, düşük termal kararlılık ve katı halde parallel olmayan yığılmaları gibi çeşitli sınırlamaları vardır. Son zamanlarda, kalıcı dipol momentleri olmayan octupolar simetriye dayalı, yeni bir malzeme sınıfı NLO uygulamaları için ileri sürülmüştür. Yapısal olarak bu 3D octupolar moleküller için temel şablon, köşelerinde alıcı verici grupları içeren bir olarak gösterilir. Yapılan tüm çalışmalara ragmen, bugüne kadar gerçek küpü temsil edebilen bir yapı elde edilememiştir. Bu tezde, biz bu octupolar küpün electron alıcı ve verici grupları içeren ABAB tipi halkalı yapıya dayalı lantanid kompleksleri ile ortaya konabilecğini gösterdik. Bu yapılar UV-NIR ve X-Ray ile yapıları aydınlatıldı ve bugüne kadarki en yüksek 2. dereceden NLO değerleri elde edildi. Ayrıca, bu çalışma, çeşitli octupole olmayan AB3, A4, B4 ve T4 tipi lantanit çift katlı ftalosiyaninler sentezlenerek genişletildi. Ve oktupol olmayan moleküllerin 2. Dereceden NLO değerleri oldukça büyük ama beklendiği gibi oktupol Ln(ABAB)2 daha küçük olduğu gözlendi.

Découverte de nouvelles enzymes de dégradation des polysaccharides végétaux par métagénomique fonctionnelle / Discovery of new lignocellulases by functional metagenomics

Bastien-Uluis, Geraldine 08 June 2012 (has links)
Une approche de métagénomique fonctionnelle a été mise en œuvre afin d’étudier les arsenaux enzymatiques produits par les microbiotes intestinaux de termites phytophages et d’identifier de nouvelles enzymes impliquées dans l’hydrolyse des polysaccharides végétaux, notamment des hétéroxylanes. Le criblage à haut débit des banques métagénomiques constituées à partir de trois espèces de termites sur une gamme de substrats chromogéniques a permis d’identifier plusieurs centaines de clones à activité dépolymérisante (glucanase, xylanase, mannanase, arabinanase), ainsi que des clones exprimant des activités auxiliaires (α-L-arabinofuranosidases, β-D-xylosidases, cellobiose hydrolases). Un total de 42 clones métagénomiques a été séquencé, générant 1,5 Mpb d’ADN assemblé en 58 séquences contigües d’une taille moyenne de 37,8 Kbp. 63 nouvelles Glycoside Hydrolases (GH) ont été identifiées. Ces dernières représentent 19 familles de la classification CAZy, dont les familles GH3, GH8, GH10, GH11, GH43 et GH51. Enfin, huit nouvelles enzymes des familles GH43 et GH51 ont été produites chez E. coli et leurs propriétés biochimiques ont été étudiées. Ces enzymes présentent des activités α-L-arabinofuranosidase, β-D-xylosidase ou L-arabinanase / A functional metagenomics approach was used to reveal the enzymatic diversity present in the guts of biomass-feeding termites and to identify enzymes involved in the degradation of biomass components, notably heteroxylans. High-throughput screening of metagenomic libraries, created using three different termite species, was performed using a variety of chromogenic substrates. This allowed the discovery of hundreds of clones expressing targeted biomass-degrading activities (e.g. depolymerases such as glucanase, xylanase, mannanase arabinanase and auxiliary activities such as α-L-arabinofuranosidases, β-D-xylosidases and cellobiohydrolases). A total of 42 clones were selected for a DNA sequence analysis, thus generating 1.5 Mbp that were assembled into 58 contiguous sequences. 63 new Glycoside Hydrolases (GH) belonging to 19 different families of the CAZy classification were identified, including ones from families GH3, GH8, GH10, GH11, GH43 and GH51. Finally, eight new enzymes, from families GH43 and GH51, were produced in E. coli and their biochemical properties were studied. These enzymes display α-L-arabinofuranosidase, β-D-xylosidase or arabinanase activities

Morphosyntactic learning of french as a second language / L'apprentissage morphosyntaxique du français langue seconde

Carrasco-Ortiz, Haydee 27 July 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour but d'étudier l'apprentissage morphosyntaxique du français comme langue seconde (L2). Elle cherche à examiner l'hypothèse proposée par certains modèles linguistiques et neurocognitifs selon laquelle les difficultés observées chez des bilingues tardifs à maitriser les connaissances morphosyntaxiques en L2 peuvent s'expliquer par un échec lors de la représentation mentale et le traitement de l'information morphosyntaxique, en comparaison avec les locuteurs natifs. Ainsi, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse utilisent des mesures électrophysiologiques afin de déterminer si ces difficultés sont associées (a) à la réalisation phonologique des inflexions morphologiques de la langue cible et (b) à l'interférence de la langue maternelle (L1). Les résultats démontrent que les apprenants tardifs sont capables d'acquérir des représentations morphosyntaxiques similaires à celle des locuteurs natifs. Nous avons également montré que l'information phonologique comprise dans les inflexions morphologiques joue un rôle important dans l'apprentissage morphosyntaxique en L2. Ces résultats nous ont permis de conclure que la capacité des apprenants bilingues à traiter l'information morphosyntaxique en L2 est moins influencée par la L1 à un niveau avancé d'apprentissage, tout en restant affectée par les propriétés morphosyntaxiques de la langue cible. De plus, ces résultats plaident en faveur des modèles linguistiques et neurocognitifs qui postulent que le traitement morphosyntaxique chez les bilingues avancés implique les même processus cognitifs que ceux des locuteurs natifs. / This thesis investigates morphosyntactic learning in adult second language (L2) learners of French. It examines the assumption posited by linguistic and neurocognitive models according to which L2 learners' difficulty in fully mastering morphosyntactic knowledge is due to a failure to mentally represent and process morphosyntactic information in a native-like manner. The series of experiments presented in this thesis use ERPs to investigate whether the difficulties that late L2 learners encounter in processing morphosyntactic agreement can be explained by (a) the phonological realization of inflectional morphology in the target language and (b) interference from the learners' native language (L1). The findings demonstrate that late L2 learners can achieve native-like processing of morphosyntactic knowledge at high levels of proficiency, regardless of the status of the morphosyntactic system in their L1. In addition, we provide evidence that phonological information contained in inflectional morphology plays an important role in the acquisition and processing of morphosyntactic agreement in L2. It is thus argued that L2 learners' processing of morphosyntactic agreement is less influenced by the L1 at high levels of proficiency, while still being potentially affected by the specific morphosyntactic properties of the target language. These findings give further support to linguistic and neurocognitive models positing that morphosyntactic processing in adult L2 learners involves mental representations and cognitive mechanisms similar to those used by native speakers.

Réception de l’œuvre de Kateb Yacine dans les champs littéraire, intellectuel et éditorial parisiens de 1947 à 1958. / Reception of the work of Kateb Yacine in literary, intellectual and editorial fields, 1947-1958

Bennair, Hakima 18 February 2010 (has links)
Éditer l’œuvre d’un poète « indigène », à l’heure de l’Algérie française, nécessite un changement des schèmes de perception de la société française, mais plus encore, écrire en français une œuvre qui se veut affranchie et libératrice demande un effort et sans doute un choix politique particuliers. Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’œuvre de Kateb Yacine qui s’énonce dans et par l’histoire, s’inscrit dans un champ littéraire et intellectuel français en restructuration. Les maisons d’édition optent pour des stratégies éditoriales influencées par des intellectuels désireux de changer la société et créateurs de nouvelles philosophies de vie : le Personnalisme, l’Existentialisme. Des figures cristallisent cette puissance fondatrice : Mounier, Sartre, Jeanson, Senghor, Césaire, Fanon. Le rôle et l’évolution de la revue Esprit, média et réceptacle intellectuel, sont exemplaires et participent grandement à faire évoluer les politiques et la société française. Les liens qui unissent Esprit et la maison du Seuil favorisent à diffuser ces idées. La lutte anti-colonialiste, qui trouve ses sources dans les idées philosophiques et, en fin de compte, dans l’expérience de la Résistance, oriente le champ intellectuel et pousse à des positionnements intellectuels tranchés. Cette histoire conditionne la réception de son œuvre aujourd’hui. La lecture de l’œuvre, particulièrement Nedjma, se fait au carrefour d’enjeux culturels et politiques : illustration de la francophonie, reconnaissance d’une partie de la jeunesse française issue de l’immigration maghrébine. Elle apparaît dans les programmes du Français. / Editing the work of a “native” poet , when Algeria was a French colony, requires a change in the perception habits of the French society, but furthermore, writing in French a piece which is intended to be emancipated and liberating demands a particular effort and definitely a particular political choice. In the aftermath of World War II, Kateb Yacine’s work which enunciates itself in and by history, is in line with a French literary and intellectual field in reconstruction. Publishing companies choose editorial strategies influenced by intellectuals desirous to change the society and creators of new life philosophies: Personalism, Existentialism. Some writers crystallize this founding power: Mounier, Sartre, Jeanson, Senghor, Césaire, Fanon. The role and the evolution of the magazine Esprit, an intellectual media and receptacle, are exemplary and take great part in the evolution of French society and politics. The union between Esprit and Seuil editions helps spreading these ideas. The fight against colonialism, which finds its sources in philosophical ideas, and, ultimately, in the experience of the Resistance, directs the intellectual field and compels clear-cut intellectual positions. This history conditions the reception of his work today. The reading of the work, particularly Nedjma, cannot be separated from political and cultural issues: illustration of the French-speaking world, acknowledgement of a part of the French young people coming from the North African immigration. It appears in the programming of French lessons.

La fabrique de la Lettonie soviétique : 1939-1949 : une soviétisation de temps de guerre / Making Soviet Latvia : 1939-1949 : sovietization at war

Denis, Juliette 27 January 2015 (has links)
La Lettonie est l’un des derniers pays indépendants à avoir été rattachés à l’Union soviétique. Elle n’est annexée qu’en 1940 – en conséquence de la définition des « sphères d’intérêts » soviétiques issue du Pacte Ribbentrop-Molotov, tout autant que de la menaçante puissante allemande en Europe. Elle connaît une soviétisation originale, contrastée, violente, profondément liée aux circonstances de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L’invasion, puis l’occupation allemande interviennent un an à peine après l’annexion. La vision d’une collaboration de masse, les potentiels de résistance décuplés par le conflit, l’ampleur de la Shoah aussi sont autant de facteurs bouleversant considérablement le processus d’uniformisation avec le reste de l’URSS. En 1944, l’Armée rouge reconquiert une république qui lui est profondément hostile. Parallèlement, durant la guerre, l’URSS a formé les futurs cadres de la république restaurée.De 1939 à 1949, le processus d’homogénéisation se dissout dans une éternelle guerre et sortie de guerre, marquée notamment par la guérilla antisoviétique, et les mesures d’abord tâtonnantes, puis radicales prises par le régime stalinien. Ma thèse suit un cadre chronologique, afin de cerner les ruptures et les tragédies qui marquent l’espace et ses populations. Mais certaines continuités se dégagent, malgré les immenses fractures temporelles, rapides et incessantes de cette époque. A travers la mobilité institutionnelle et humaine, en croisant histoire politique et histoire sociale, étude de l’administration, de la répression et des mouvements de population, se dégage la singularité d’une république « occidentale » de l’Union. / Latvia was one of the last independent countries to be forcibly become a “Soviet Republic”. It was annexed only in 1940, as a consequence of the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, as well as the growing German threat in Europe. The sovietization that occurred afterwards was uncommon and violent. The German invasion and occupation of Latvia occurred a year after the annexation. During the war, the Soviet leaders elaborated an image of a “rebel” territory (because of the collaboration with the German occupiers, the Holocaust, and the growing anti-Soviet resistance movement). In 1944, the Red Army recovered an hostile and quite illegitimate republic. As the same time, most of the future leaders of the Soviet Latvian republic had been formed in non-occupied Russia.From 1939 to 1949, the homogenization process came along with a never-ending war and “aftermath of war”. This period was particularly characterized by the anti-Soviet guerilla, and by the changing Soviet politics towards “a new territory” (from hesitation to radicalization). The PhD dissertation follows the chronological frames of those changes, in order to insist on the huge breaks and tragedies that reached the territory and its people. Thanks to the analysis of the institutional and human motilities, thanks to the methods of both political and social history, I focus on three main dimensions: the constant turn-over in the “cadres” of the Republic, the specificities of the Stalinist repression, and the population displacements. Those aspects draw the peculiarities of the “Soviet Western borderland”.

Associação entre desempenho técnico e funcional com propriedades biomecânicas do quadril de bailarinas clássicas no movimento développé à la seconde / Relationship between technical and functional performance with biomechanical properties in classical ballet dancers during the développé à la seconde movement

Metzen, Fernanda January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O ballet clássico é uma técnica de dança cujo desempenho está relacionado com demandas específicas tanto na capacidade de produção de força muscular como na flexibilidade. Estas repetidas solicitações biomecânicas conduzem a adaptações crônicas musculoesqueléticas. O quadril é uma das articulações exigidas nestes aspectos, visto que os movimentos do ballet clássico precisam ser realizados na máxima amplitude de movimento, principalmente durante sua flexão (FLX), extensão (EXT), abdução (ABD) e rotação externa (RE). Em praticantes de ballet clássico, a avaliação biomecânica do quadril é objeto de um maior número de investigações no seu aspecto relacionado às lesões, sendo menor o número de produções científicas que a examinaram sob a ótica do desempenho. Ainda mais incomuns são as pesquisas que incluem como uma variável de interesse a morfologia da musculatura envolvida nos movimentos. O desempenho dos bailarinos pode ser avaliado sob os aspectos técnico e funcional. O aspecto técnico diz respeito à capacidade de realizar um gesto específico da modalidade de acordo com um padrão ideal, na visão de especialistas da área. O aspecto funcional é aquele avaliado por medidas objetivas de quantidade de movimento, como a amplitude alcançada pelo quadril no mesmo gesto do ballet clássico. Neste sentido, alguns estudos avaliam o desempenho técnico enfatizando questões qualitativas e subjetivas, como a estética. Quanto à avaliação do desempenho funcional de gestos específicos da modalidade com ênfase no quadril, o en dehors parece ser o movimento mais investigado. A escassez de conhecimento acerca da relação entre variáveis biomecânicas (e.g. força e amplitude de movimento - ADM) e morfológicas (e.g. espessura muscular - EM) com o desempenho técnico e funcional no ballet clássico representa um hiato importante no conhecimento que liga a prática à ciência na área da dança. OBJETIVO: Assim, este estudo objetiva verificar a associação entre desempenho técnico, funcional absoluto e funcional relativo com variáveis biomecânicas do quadril de bailarinas clássicas durante o movimento de développé à la seconde. METODOLOGIA: Esta pesquisa de desenho transversal de associação, contou com uma amostra de 21 bailarinas (19,6 ± 3,6 anos; 55,5 ± 7,1Kg; 162,5 ± 6,0cm). A coleta foi constituída pelas seguintes avaliações: (1) antropometria e dados relacionados ao tempo de prática; (2) ADM’s do quadril através de cinemetria e discos de rotação; (3) capacidade de produção de força das musculaturas do quadril obtida por dinamometria isométrica manual; (4) espessura dos músculos glúteo médio e glúteo máximo por ultrassonografia; (5) desempenho técnico através de uma planilha de pontuação preenchida por cinco experts; e (6) desempenhos funcional absoluto e funcional relativo através do ângulo articular máximo do quadril no movimento développé à la seconde. Todos os dados coletados foram quantitativos. Na análise estatística, primeiramente foi aplicado o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para testar a normalidade da distribuição de todos os dados. Foram aplicados testes de correlação entre os desempenhos técnico, funcional absoluto e funcional relativo com cada uma das demais variáveis (ADM passiva e ativa, EM, torque, ADM ativa de rotação externa com discos de rotação, idade e tempo de ballet). Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson foi utilizado nos dados paramétricos e o Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman nos dados não paramétricos. Cada avaliação de desempenho (desempenho técnico, funcional absoluto e funcional relativo) foi submetida a uma análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla com as quatro variáveis que previamente apresentaram os maiores valores de correlação. RESULTADOS: O desempenho técnico apresentou maiores correlações com a ADM passiva de FLX (r = 0,44), ADM ativa de FLX (r = 0,41), torque de EXT (r = 0,47) e torque de FLX (r = 0,55). O desempenho funcional absoluto apresentou maiores correlações com a ADM passiva de RE (r = 0,72), ADM ativa de FLX (r = 0,50), torque de EXT (r = 0,57) e torque de FLX (r = 0,67). Os valores de correlação do desempenho funcional relativo foram maiores com a ADM passiva de RE, (r = 0,48), ADM ativa de FLX (r = 0,48), torque de FLX, (r = 0,56) e torque EXT (r = 0,49). A Regressão Linear Múltipla demonstrou uma associação de 56% (R2 = 0,557) entre as variáveis desempenho técnico e torque flexor, e de 17% (R2 = 0,728) entre o desempenho técnico e a ADM ativa de FLX. Para as variáveis desempenho funcional absoluto e torque flexor, a associação foi de 67% (R2 = 0,673). Já o desempenho funcional absoluto e ADM ativa de FLX mostraram associação de 11% (R2 = 0,783). Por fim, o desempenho funcional relativo revelou associação de 56% (R2 = 0,562) com o torque flexor e 15% (R2 = 0,716) com a ADM ativa de FLX. CONCLUSÃO: O torque flexor e amplitude de movimento de flexão de quadril são as variáveis biomecânicas mais fortemente associadas ao desempenho técnico, funcional absoluto e funcional relativo no movimento de développé à la seconde do ballet clássico. Presume-se que a inclusão de um treinamento específico dessas duas variáveis – torque flexor e amplitude de flexão de quadril - pode contribuir significativamente para aprimorar a execução dos movimentos específicos na articulação do quadril exigidos pelo ballet clássico. / INTRODUCTION: Classical ballet is a dance modality whose performance is related to the specific demands of muscle strength capacity and flexibility. These repeated biomechanical demands lead to chronic musculoskeletal adaptations. The hip is one of the joints required in these biomechanical aspects, as ballet movements are performed at maximum range of motion, especially during flexion (FLX), extension (EXT), abduction (ABD) and external rotation (ER). In classical ballet practitioners, a biomechanical evaluation of the hip is the object of a greater number of investigations related to joint injuries. A smaller number of scientific productions has evaluated the hip by a performance’s perspective. Even more unusual are surveys that include the morphology of the muscles involved in the movements as a variable of interest. Dancer’s performance can be evaluated under technical and functional aspects. The technical aspect is related to the dancer’s ability to execute a specific gesture of classical ballet according to an ideal standard, in the view of specialists of the area. The functional aspect is evaluated by objective measures of the movement, such as the range of motion (ROM) reached by the hip joint in the same gesture of the classic ballet. In this sense, some studies evaluate technical performance emphasizing qualitative and subjective issues, such as aesthetics. Regarding the evaluation of the functional performance of classical ballet’s specific gestures with emphasis in the hip, the most investigated movement seems to be the en dehors. The lack of information on the relationship between biomechanical variables (e.g., strength and ROM) and morphological (e.g., muscle thickness - MS) with technical and functional performance in classical ballet represents an important hiatus on the existent knowledge. PURPOSE: This study aimed at verifying the association between technical performance, absolute and relative functional performances to biomechanical variables of the hip of classical ballet dancers during the développé à la seconde movement. METHODOLOGY: This associative cross-sectional study had a sample of 21 dancers (19.6 ± 3.6 years, 55.5 ± 7.1 kg, 162.5 ± 6.0 cm). The data extraction consisted of the following evaluations: (1) anthropometry and data related to years of experience; (2) hip’s ROM through kinematics and rotating discs; (3) strength capacity of hip musculature obtained by hand-held dynamometry; (4) gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles thickness (MT) by ultrasonography; (5) technical performance through a score sheet completed by five experts; and (6) absolute and relative functional performances of the hip joint maximum angle during the développé à la seconde movement. All the collected data were quantitative. In relation to the statistical analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk was first applied to test the data normality distribution. After that, correlation tests were applied between the technical performance, absolute and relative functional performances with all the variables (passive and active ROM, MT, torque, active ER ROM with rotational discs, age and ballet experience). Pearson's Correlation Coefficient was used in the parametric data and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient in non-parametric data. Technical, absolute and relative functional performances were submitted to a Multiple Linear Regression analysis with the four variables that previously presented the highest correlation values. RESULTS: Technical performance showed higher correlations with the passive FLX ROM (r = 0.44), active FLX ROM (r = 0.41), EXT torque (r = 0.47) and FLX torque (r = 0.55). Absolute functional performance showed higher correlations with passive ER ROM (r = 0.72), active FLX ROM (r = 0.50), EXT torque (r = 0.57) and FLX torque (r = 0.67). Correlation values of the relative functional performance were higher with the passive ER ROM (r = 0.48), active FLX ROM (r = 0.48), FLX torque, (r = 0.56), and EXT torque (r = 0.49). Multiple Linear Regression showed a 56% association (R2 = 0.557) between the technical performance and flexor torque and 17% (R2 = 0.728) between the technical performance and the active FLX ROM. The association was 67% (R2 = 0.673) between absolute functional performance and flexor torque, whereas the absolute functional performance and the active FLX ROM showed an association of 11% (R2 = 0.783). Finally, there was an association of 56% (R2 = 0.562) between relative functional performance FLX torque and 15% (R2 = 0.716) with active FLX ROM, respectively. CONCLUSION: The hip FLX torque and hip flexion ROM were the biomechanical variables with the strongest associations with the different performances (technical, absolute and relative functional) during the développé à la seconde movement. The inclusion of a specific training of these two variables - FLX torque and hip flexion ROM - might significantly contribute in improving the execution of the specific hip joint movements required by classical ballet for this specific classical ballet movement.

L’acquisition du genre grammatical, en français langue maternelle et langue seconde chez des enfants de 5 à 11 ans : perspectives développementale et computationnelle. / The acquisition of french grammatical gender in first ant second language for children aged from 5 to 11 : didactic and computational applications

Marchal, Harmony 27 January 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’acquisition du genre grammatical français langue maternelle et langue seconde. Dans une perspective développementale, nous cherchons à décrire la manière dont de jeunes enfants, scolarisés en France et au Luxembourg, déterminent le genre des noms en se fondant sur les indices infra-lexicaux portés par les noms. Notre préoccupation consiste à examiner le type de connaissances acquises et les mécanismes sous-jacents à cette acquisition en langue maternelle, mais aussi lors de l’apprentissage du français langue seconde au niveau de l’école primaire au Luxembourg. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’extraction des connaissances de genre n’est pas fondée uniquement sur la valeur prédictive des terminaisons mais que les informations morphologiques portées par certaines terminaisons, les suffixes, interviennent aussi dans le processus d’acquisition du genre. En effet, la diversité d’informations portées par cette unité (sémantiques, lexicales et de genre) peut rendre cette unité plus « saillante » parmi l’ensemble des régularités pouvant être extraites. Trois expériences ont permis de mettre en évidence que la détermination du genre fondée sur les indices formels dépend effectivement d’autres facteurs, tels que la nature des terminaisons. Par ailleurs, une série de simulations informatiques a été conduite apportant des données complémentaires aux résultats expérimentaux. L’ensemble de ces données apportent des informations utiles pour l’apprentissage et l’enseignement précoce du française langue seconde au niveau de l’école primaire. / This research concerns the acquisition of the French grammatical gender in first and second language. From a developmental perspective, we tempt to describe the way of young children being sent to school in France and Luxembourg determine the gender of names, by using the infra-lexical cues carried by these. Our concern consists in examining the kind of knowledge acquired and the mechanisms underlying this acquisition for the mother tongue and also during the learning of French as a second language at the primary school in Luxembourg. We hypothesize that the extraction of gender knowledge is not only dependent on the predictive value of endings but that morphological information carried by certain endings, suffixes, also intervenes in the process of gender acquisition. Indeed, the range of information carried by this unit (semantic, lexical and of gender) can make this unit more "striking" among all the regularities being able to be extracted. Three experiments allowed to bring to light that the determination of gender based on formal cues depends effectively on other factors, such as the nature of endings. Besides, a series of computational simulations was driven, bringing additional data to the experimental results. All these data brings useful information to the learning and the early teaching of French as a second language at the primary school.

Sociologie de la Résistance dans le Gard, le Vaucluse et les Bouches-du-Rhône / Sociology of the Resistance in the Gard, the Vaucluse and the Bouches-du-Rhône

Andréo, Marilyne 19 December 2018 (has links)
A partir de trois départements, analyse sociologique des résistants: origine géographique et sociale des résistants, situation familiale, professionnelle pendant la guerre, âge à l'engagement, dans quelle organisation, actions, victime ou non de représailles, médailles, ce qu'ils sont devenus après la guerre (profession, rôle politique ou dans une association). / With 3 departments, sociological analyse of the résistants : geographical origin and social origin of the resistants, familial situation, professional situation during the war, the age when they joigned the Resistance, their organisation, their actions, their sacrifice for the liberation or not, medals, what they became after the conflict (profession, political action, participation on an association).

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