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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relation noyau actif et histoire de la formation d'étoiles dans les radio galaxies distantes / AGN and star formation history in high redshift radio galaxies

Drouart, Guillaume 04 October 2013 (has links)
Les radio galaxies sont les candidats préférentiels pour comprendre la formation et l'évolution des galaxies sur une grande échelle de temps. Observées jusqu'à z>5 en raison de leur brillance, elles sont abritées par des galaxies elliptiques géantes. L'émission radio révèle la présence d'un trou noir supermassif. Un tore de poussière entourant le noyau actif de galaxie (AGN) agit comme un coronographe naturel permettant alors l'étude de la galaxie hôte. L'objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer l'évolution de la composante stellaire en présence d'un AGN. La décomposition est faite à partir de la distribution spectrale d'énergie (SED) de l'UV au submillimétrique en utilisant le code d'évolution de galaxies PEGASE.3 et un code d' AGN, les deux modélisant l'émission de la poussière par transfert radiatif.En premier lieu, nous présentons le projet HeRGE, 70 radio galaxies observées avec Herschel, qui permet de mesurer leurs luminosités totales infrarouges, comparables à celles des ULIRG. Une décomposition de la luminosité infrarouge entre l'émission AGN et un modèle de starburst est proposée pour l'ensemble de l'échantillon. Ces luminosités élevées sont interprétées en termes de taux d'accrétion et de formation d'étoiles, favorisant la croissance du trou noir par rapport à la galaxie hôte.En second lieu, l'orientation du jet par rapport au tore est contrainte à partir de l'infrarouge moyen et du rapport des émissions radio des lobes (isotrope, 500MHz) et du coeur (anisotrope, 20GHz). Ces observations en accord avec le modèle d'unification permettent d'évaluer le facteur d'absorption Av, l'inclinaison du tore et de contraindre le facteur de Lorentz.Une sélection de 12 radio galaxies observées de l'UV au sub-mm est analysée avec PEGASE.3 et un modèle d'AGN. Une seule composante stellaire est insuffisante. Seules deux composantes (une évoluée et massive, et une jeune issue d'un starburst) permettent un ajustement significatif de la SED complète. La composante évoluée est très massive (environ 10^12 msun) formée sur une courte période de temps (<10^9 ans). La composante jeune (<4.10^7 ans), moins massive (environ 10^11 msun), confirme un processus épisodique de croissance par sursauts. Ces résultats sont des contraintes fortes pour les modèles de formation de galaxies. La relation avec le noyau actif reste encore à préciser. Les projets d'observations complémentaires, optique et mm, permettront de confirmer ces résultats. / Powerful radio galaxies are excellent candidates for investigating and ultimately understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. These beacons are now observed out to z>5 and are commonly associated with the massive early-type galaxies observed in the local universe. While the radio emission reveals the presence of a supermassive black hole, a dusty parsec-scale torus acts like a natural coronograph, making it easier to study the properties of the host galaxy. The aim of this PhD thesis is to characterise the nature and evolution of the stellar population and the relationship between the stellar population and the active galactic nucleus (AGN). To reach our scientific goals, we use the galaxy evolution code, PEGASE, combined with a AGN model which both consider the radiative transfer of the UV, optical, and IR photons through dust. To begin, we present the HeRGE project consisting of 70 radio galaxies which have been observed with Herschel. These IR observations allow us to calculate the total infrared luminosities and reveal that our sample belongs to the ULIRG regime. We decompose the infrared SED into an AGN and starburst components using observational templates. Converted into accretion and star formation rate, their relative luminosities indicate that the black holes are growing proportionally faster than are the host galaxies.In addition, we constrain the configuration of the jet and torus by combining the results from mid-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED), and the radio emission from the lobes (isotropic at 500MHz) and the core (anisotropic at 20GHz). In agreement with the unified scheme, these observations allow us to estimate the absorption Av, the inclination of the torus, and provides a constraint on the Lorentz factor for the radio jet.A subsample of 12 radio galaxies observed from the UV to sub-mm is also analysed with PEGASE.3 and an AGN torus model. While one stellar component is clearly insufficient to fit the observations, two stellar components are necessary to successfully reproduce the SED (one evolved and massive, about 10^12 msun, formed over a reasonably short time, <1Gyr at high redshift; and a much younger component, <40Myr, that is also less massive, about 10^11 msun. Such a star formation history suggests rapid growth at high redshift of longer duration followed much by another period of rapid, stochastic growth.These results put strong constraints on galaxy formation models. Unfortunately, the crudeness of some of our data and theoretical understanding the IR emission from AGN, means that the relation of the galaxy to its AGN is still not well constrained. Additional observations at optical through millimeter wavelengths are needed to extend our findings.

Lehrjahre einer Partei: Die SED an der Bergakademie Freiberg in den 1950er Jahren

Triebel, Bertram 16 August 2011 (has links)
Die SED-Organisation an der Bergakademie Freiberg war in den 1950er Jahren eine Autorität mit Schwierigkeiten. Zum einen suchte sie nach einer optimalen Arbeitsstruktur. Zum anderen fehlten der Partei engagierte Genossen. Diese Schwierigkeiten nutzten Studenten und Wissenschaftler. Sie näherten sich der Partei oder distanzierten sich von ihr – je nachdem, wie sie ihre Ziele am besten verwirklichen konnten.

Automatiserad nätadministration med bash

Tengqvist, Edvard January 2020 (has links)
Managing large quantities of aging nodes can be as burdensome and daunting task to an administrator. This is the reality for operation administrators and technicians working with Telias older xDSL network where linecards in nodes behaves irreguarly after a long uptime, resulting in faulty connections for the customers. One of the tasks is simply to restart these linecards when a customer or a technician files a complaint if the uptime of the linecard is an issue. This project aims to solve this issue by using scripting to take inventory of the linecards in the nodes and the corresponding uptime for these linecards. By storing this information in a database one can then query the database about wich linecards that are in need of a restart, before the customer experiences any trouble. By automating some of these manual management tasks with scripting, one can free up more time for personnel to handle other duties, as well as saving resources and cost for maintenance. / Att administrera stora mängder utav åldrande noder kan vara en betungande och skrämmande uppgift. Detta är verkligheten för driftpersonalen och teknikerna som arbetar med Telias äldre xDSL-nätverk där linjekort i noder beter sig oregelbundet efter en lång upptid, något som resulterar i bristfälliga anslutningar för kunderna. En av uppgifterna är helt enkelt att starta om dessa linjekort när en kund eller tekniker lämnar in klagomål om upptiden för linjekortet är ett problem. Detta projekt har som mål att lösa denna problematik genom användandet av scripting för att inventera linjekorten och dess motsvarande upptid. Genom att lagra denna information i en databas kan en sedan fråga databasen angående vilka linjekort som är i behov av omstart, innan kunder upplever problem. Genom att automatisera vissa av dessa manuella administrativa sysslor genom script kan en frigöra tid för personalen att utföra andra sysslor samt att spara in resurser och kostnader för underhåll.

Srovnávací kineziologická analýza opačného sedu v hipoterapii u dvou plemen koní / Comparative analysis kinesiological opposite sitting in hippotherapy in two breeds of horses

Čapková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Title: Influence of race of horse and speed of it's walk on timing of muscles in hippotherapy Purposes: The goal of study is to find out if race of horse and speed of it's walk approaches muscles timing in the reverse sitting position. We also pretend quadrupedal locomotion activation. That would substantiate hippotherapy with sitting-unable children. : Methods: Surface Electromyography, physiotherapeutic screening Results: Muscles timing was different with selected races as well as with different speed of walk. Quadrupedal locomotion was certified. Keywords: hiporehabilitation, hippotherpy, reverse sitting, quadrupedal locomotion, race of a horse, surface electromyography

Návrh souboru průpravných cviků pro jezdce v jezdectví / A Proposal of a Training Exercise Set for Horseback Riders.

KNOBOVÁ, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on compiling a set of exercises which should serve beginner riders as training, muscle-developing and stretching exercises. The work may be divided into three basic parts. Compilation of exercises with respect to the theoretical knowledge of a rider's movements on a horse. Choice of a suitable group of contenders for the experiment and testing their physical abilities with a set of motoric tests. Check-out measuring of changes in movement abilities after fourteen weeks of checking the efficiency of the proposed set of exercises. The project also contains the horseback riding theory and the theory of developing and stretching particular muscle groups. In the final part of the thesis the gathered data are presented in charts and their values, after their statistic evaluation, transfered into graphs.

Informelle Konfliktbewältigung. Die Geschichte der Eingabe in der DDR

Mühlberg, Felix 07 December 1999 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird zunächst aus der Perspektive der Staats- und Parteiführung untersucht, welche Rolle die Eingabe für ihr Verständnis von Verwaltung, Recht und Demokratie spielte. Dieser Frage wird in der Arbeit vor allem anhand der Geschichte der Eingabengesetzgebung und der in diesem Zusammenhang geführten Diskurse nachgegangen. Hierbei ist es besonders interessant herauszufinden, inwiefern die Eingabe als Mittel der Konfliktregulierung zwischen Regierung und Bürgern funktionierte und worin ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bestanden. Aus der Perspektive der Bürger hingegen hatten Eingaben andere Funktionen. Sie wurden eingesetzt, um Alltagsprobleme zu lösen, um das Nichteinverstandensein mit Entscheidungen der Verwaltung oder der Regierung zu bekunden, um über Mißstände in der Gesellschaft zu informieren, um Behörden in Bewegung zu setzen, um Sonderzuteilungen zu ergattern oder einfach nur, um Streß abzubauen. Bei der sozialhistorischen Untersuchung der Eingaben liegt der Schwerpunkt einerseits bei ihrer rechtlichen Konstruktion und Wirkung, und zum anderen bei ihrer kulturellen Verankerung. So lassen sich anhand der Eingaben die Vorstellungen von Normen, Werten und Moralvorstellungen sowohl der Eingabenschreiber, als auch der Entscheidungsträger herausarbeiten. Zum anderen ist die Eingabe selbst nicht nur als ein Rechtsmittel, sondern vor allem als ein kulturell es Instrument zur Konfliktbewältigung interessant.

Elektromyografická analýza rozdílů v provedení vybraných cviků na gymnastickém koni a na koni v kroku / Elektromyographic analysis of differences in selected excercises on pommel horse and riding horse

Pyšková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Author: Bc. et Bc. Barbora Pyšková Title: Elektromyographic analysis of differences in selected excercises on pommel horse and riding horse Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to measure the activity of selected muscles, expressed as the percentage value of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), during excercises performed by both males and females probands. The effect of treatment (on pommel horse vs riding horse) and proband sex on muscle activity was tested. Methods: Maximal voluntary contraction of each muscle (eight in total) was electromyographically measured in each proband, using the test according to Janda. These values were used as a standard to which the values obtained by excercising on pommel horse and riding horse were related. The values were averages of three repeated measurements. The effect of studied factors was tested by analysis of variance. Results: The tested hypotheses were confirmed. The muscle activity during excercises was statistically significantly affected by the factors studied, therefore the variation in measured values is not random. Muscle activity tended to be higher on riding horse than on pommel horse, and in females compared to males. Key words: horse riding, pommel horse, EMG, electromyography, hipotherapy, correct horse sit

Vliv plemene koně a typu terénu na aktivaci břišních svalů v hipoterapii / Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy

Fraňková, Věra January 2016 (has links)
Title: Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy. Purposes: The aim of the study is to find out if horse breed and type of terrain approaches muscle activation in the position of unassisted sitting Methods: The study is of intraindividual character and incudes theoretical and practical part. The activation of abdominal muscles was measured by using surface electromyography and kinematic analysis. Results: There was differance between muscle activation with a different type of terrain. Horse breed does not influence a muscle activation but the individual biomechanic of each horse. Key words: hippotherapy, hipporehabilitation, horse breed, activation of abdominal muscles, unassisted seat, therapeutic horseback riding, electromyography

Vliv plemene koně a typu terénu na aktivaci břišních svalů v hipoterapii / Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy

Fraňková, Věra January 2015 (has links)
Title: Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy. Purposes: The aim of the study is to find out if horse breed and type of terrain approaches muscle activation in the position of unassisted sitting Methods: The study is of intraindividual character and incudes theoretical and practical part. The activation of abdominal muscles was measured by using surface electromyography and kinematic analysis. Results: There was differance between muscle activation with a different type of terrain. Horse breed does not influence a muscle activation but the individual biomechanic of each horse. Key words: hippotherapy, hipporehabilitation, horse breed, activation of abdominal muscles, unassisted seat, therapeutic horseback riding, electromyography

Diagnosticabilité modulaire appliquée au Diagnostic en ligne des Systèmes Embarqués Logiques / Modular diagnosability applied to on line Diagnosis of Digital Embedded System

Saddem, Ramla 10 December 2012 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus utilisés pour contrôler les systèmes complexes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons aux systèmes embarqués critiques utilisés pour la commande de systèmes de transport comme les systèmes ferroviaires. Le but de ce travail est de permettre la conception de systèmes tolérants aux fautes pour le contrôle-commande des systèmes de transport. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche de modélisation des systèmes embarqués temporisés pour le diagnostic de leurs fautes. Elle est basée sur une décomposition structurelle du système et sur une extension de la diagnosticabilité modulaire au contexte des systèmes temporisés. On distingue deux approches de base pour le diagnostic de fautes des SED, une approche basée sur les diagnostiqueurs et une approche basée sur les signatures temporelles causales (STC). La principale limite de l’approche diagnostiqueur réside dans la gestion de l’explosion combinatoire. Dans ce travail, notre verrou principal est de combattre cette limite. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode basée sur l’ingénierie par les modèles pour le diagnostic des systèmes embarqués critiques. D’autre part, la limite majeure de l’approche STC est la garantie de la cohérence d’une base de STC. Un deuxième niveau de difficulté réside dans l’interprétation des événements en entrée du système de diagnostic dans le cadre de l’hypothèse de défaillances multiples. Dans ce travail, nous proposons deux méthodes différentes pour la vérification de la cohérence d’une base de STC et nous proposons un algorithme d’interprétation basé sur le concept de monde qui garantit la correction du diagnostic / Today, embedded systems are increasingly used to control complex systems. In this thesis, we are interested in critical embedded systems used for the control of transport systems such as railway systems. The aim of this work is to enable the design of fault-tolerant systems for the control of transport systems. We propose a new timed embedded systems modeling approach to diagnose their faults. It is based on decomposition of the system and structural extension of diagnosability context of modular timed systems. In DES, there are two basic approaches for diagnosis: diagnoser based approach and chronicles (Causal Temporal Signature (CTS)) based approach. The major limitation of diagnoser approaches rely in the management of the combinatorial explosion related to the formalism of automata. In this work, our main lock is to combat this limit. We propose new engineering models based method for the diagnosis of critical embedded systems. On the other hand, the major limitation of chronicles approach is first to be able to guaranty the consistency of a database. A second level of difficulty is in interpreting some sequences of events at the input of the diagnostic system under the hypothesis of multiple failures. In this work, we propose two different methods to verify the consistency of a set of CTS and we propose an interpretation algorithm based on a concept of worlds which guarantees the correct diagnosis

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