Spelling suggestions: "subject:"seed"" "subject:"send""
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Relation noyau actif et histoire de la formation d'étoiles dans les radio galaxies distantesDrouart, Guillaume 04 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les radio galaxies sont les candidats préférentiels pour comprendre la formation et l'évolution des galaxies sur une grande échelle de temps. Observées jusqu'à z>5 en raison de leur brillance, elles sont abritées par des galaxies elliptiques géantes. L'émission radio révèle la présence d'un trou noir supermassif. Un tore de poussière entourant le noyau actif de galaxie (AGN) agit comme un coronographe naturel permettant alors l'étude de la galaxie hôte. L'objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer l'évolution de la composante stellaire en présence d'un AGN. La décomposition est faite à partir de la distribution spectrale d'énergie (SED) de l'UV au submillimétrique en utilisant le code d'évolution de galaxies PEGASE.3 et un code d' AGN, les deux modélisant l'émission de la poussière par transfert radiatif.En premier lieu, nous présentons le projet HeRGE, 70 radio galaxies observées avec Herschel, qui permet de mesurer leurs luminosités totales infrarouges, comparables à celles des ULIRG. Une décomposition de la luminosité infrarouge entre l'émission AGN et un modèle de starburst est proposée pour l'ensemble de l'échantillon. Ces luminosités élevées sont interprétées en termes de taux d'accrétion et de formation d'étoiles, favorisant la croissance du trou noir par rapport à la galaxie hôte.En second lieu, l'orientation du jet par rapport au tore est contrainte à partir de l'infrarouge moyen et du rapport des émissions radio des lobes (isotrope, 500MHz) et du coeur (anisotrope, 20GHz). Ces observations en accord avec le modèle d'unification permettent d'évaluer le facteur d'absorption Av, l'inclinaison du tore et de contraindre le facteur de Lorentz.Une sélection de 12 radio galaxies observées de l'UV au sub-mm est analysée avec PEGASE.3 et un modèle d'AGN. Une seule composante stellaire est insuffisante. Seules deux composantes (une évoluée et massive, et une jeune issue d'un starburst) permettent un ajustement significatif de la SED complète. La composante évoluée est très massive (environ 10^12 msun) formée sur une courte période de temps (<10^9 ans). La composante jeune (<4.10^7 ans), moins massive (environ 10^11 msun), confirme un processus épisodique de croissance par sursauts. Ces résultats sont des contraintes fortes pour les modèles de formation de galaxies. La relation avec le noyau actif reste encore à préciser. Les projets d'observations complémentaires, optique et mm, permettront de confirmer ces résultats.
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“It would be better,if some doctors were sent to workin the coal mines”The SED and the medical Intelligentsiabetween 1961 and 1981Wahl, Markus January 2013 (has links)
The relationship between the Socialist Unity Party [SED] and the medical intelligentsia in the German Democratic Republic [GDR] has often been described as one of the most problem-atic for the Republic‟s political vanguard. This thesis discusses this relationship for the two dec-ades after the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961. With the inability of East German workers to leave for West Germany after this event, the GDR was able to enforce their programme of so-cialist development in a new way. Doctors, despite being crucial for this socialist society and its legitimacy, were not excluded from the state‟s radical new policies. However, as files from the former state security apparatus, party and trade union make obvious, doctors were very success-ful in preventing both the ideological conditioning of their community and state interference in the composition of the medical elite. With the examination of the every-day life of the medical intelligentsia, especially in East German hospitals, this thesis contributes to the discussion about the difference between the claims of the socialist party and the realities faced in the healthcare sector. There were a variety of complex reasons for the increasing distance between the state‟s claim and reality, many of which will be analysed in the course of this work. This analysis is, em-bedded in a historical approach, outlined mainly by Mary Fulbrook, which sets the micro-level in the context of the macro-level, considering the correlation between the claim and ideology of the SED, their communication, mechanisms and policies reaching the boundaries of the social con-glomerate of doctors, as well as their reactions, career aspirations and pre-conditions. For the seventies, a whole section is dedicated to exploring the reasons that the medical intelligentsia was one of the main-clients of so-called „human trafficking gangs‟, enabling insight into their situa-tion and the attitude towards the socialist state, which led them to „vote with their feet‟. This the-sis demonstrates, especially for the sixties and seventies, that there is still much potential for fur-ther research, in to the case of the most ideologically unreliable social group in the GDR: the medical intelligentsia.
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Produits de matrices aléatoires :exposants de Lyapunov pour des matrices aléatoires suivant une mesure de Gibbs, théorèmes limites pour des produits au sens max-plusMerlet, Glenn 06 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
On appelle suite récurrente stochastique (SRS) dirigée par une suite de matrices aléatoires une suite de variables aléatoires telles que le terme de rang n+1 est obtenu en multipliant celui de rang n par la enième matrice. Cette thèse porte sur le comportement asymptotique de telles suites. Dans la première partie, les matrices sont inversibles et on donne un critère de séparation des exposants de Lyapunov quand la suite de matrices suit une mesure de Gibbs sur un sous-shift de type fini. Dans la seconde partie, les produits se font au sens max-plus. On montre que le comportement des SRS au premier ordre est essentiellement déterminé par celui de certains blocs diagonaux et que la propriété de perte de mémoire, qui assure la stabilité des SRS, est générique. Si une suite de matrices (ou d'applications topicales) aléatoires est i.i.d. et a la propriété de perte de mémoire, alors les SRS qu'elle dirige vérifient des théorèmes limites. Ce résultat est obtenu par la méthode du trou spectral.
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Změny prahu tlakově-algické citlivosti svalu v závislosti na kloubní konfiguraci - centrované vs. decentrované postavení / Joint configuration changes pressure pain threshold-centered and decentered positionJevič, Filip January 2011 (has links)
The term "joint centration" is recently perceived primarily in its biomechanical context. This paper suggests a possible neurophysiological point of view and examines the effect of centered or decentered position on pressure pain treshold (PPT) of three muscles (m. temporalis, m. tibialis anterior, m. interosseus dorsalis I) in sitting and lying position, researched on healthy volunteers. PPT was measured in four randomly ordered positions with 49 people (21 women, 28 men). Significantly higher PPT was detected in all three muscles (p=0,001; 0,0016; 0,00009). In percent the PPT change resembles some of studies working with therapeutical techniques (mobilization, joint manipulation, exercise). Influence of higher postural position (sitting compared to lying down) on PPT was not proved. Cenetered joint position increases the PPT of healthy young adults compared to decentered position. This newly proved fact opens further possibilities of conceiving the key physiotherapeutical notion of "joint centration".
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Vztah fyzické zdatnosti a studijního prospěchu žáků ZŠ / Primary school students' physical competence in relation to their study resultsZaplatílková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
Name Relation between physical fitness and study results of primary school students Goal The goal of the thesis is to examine physical fitness of primary school students, compare it with their study results, and see if there is any relatioship between these two variables. Methods Physical fitness is tested with tests and norms of Unifittest (6-60) (Měkota, Kovář, 2002) and study results are generated with questionnaires. The answers are then matched with Unifittest's results of each student. Results are processed with the help of statistical methods. Results The results of Unifittest (6- 60) showed above-average or well above-average level of fitness with 89 % of individuals. Only 11 % of participants reached the average score. The best performance was detected with girls of the 9 ͭ ͪ grade and boys of the 7 ͭ ͪ grade. Spearman correlation coefficient showed a medium-strong relation between the Unifittest (6- 60) results and grades from Czech language, foreign language, and mathematics in 2 categories. 6 ͭ ͪ grade girls had the correlation rₛ= 0,51 and 8 ͭ ͪ grade girls rₛ= 0,56. Other categories showed very weak correlation relation. Keywords Unifittest, physical fitness, studying, youth, sit-ups, pull-ups, long jump, Cooper test
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Gemeindegeschichte Als Vergleichende Geschichte: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in East GermanyHall, Bruce W. 01 June 1998 (has links) (PDF)
From 1945 until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) endured the hardships of existing as a religious organization under a Communist regime. An evaluation of the LDS Church within the category of general and minority religions, which serves as a microcosmic evaluation of religion in the GDR, constitutes one part of this study. The uniqueness of the LDS Church and its experience - especially its American ties, ironically earlier a liability and later an asset - make it a candidate for a more independent evaluation, and the second part of this study. The social aspect of religion in the GDR, as it related to those of faith - including the lives of LDS members, constitutes the final aspect of this study. The Leipzig branch of the LDS Church, upon which most of this reserach is based, serves as an example of religious conformity, while proving itself socially, politically, and culturally unique. By placing the LDS Church in the context of religion in general, as well as examinng the atypical experience of the Leipzig branch, a greater understanding can be had of the religious, political and social life within the former German Democratic Republic.
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Kernkraft in der DDR: Zwischen nationaler Industriepolitik und sozialistischer Zusammenarbeit 1963 - 1990Abele, Johannes 22 December 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung S. 7:
„ „Zeitbombe ‚Tschernobyl-Nord‘“ – so lautete 1990 eine Schlagzeile des Spiegel in einem Artikel über das Kernkraftwerk Greifswald. Die Kernkraftwerke der DDR standen nach dem Fall der Mauer im Zentrum der öffentlichen Kritik. In der Presse richtete sich gegen sie nicht nur der Vorwurf mangelnder Sicherheit, sondern sie dienten gleichsam als Paradebeispiel für die Funktionsmängel sozialistischer Staaten insgesamt. So fand das politische und wirtschaftliche Scheitern der DDR scheinbar seine technische Entsprechung in der unzureichenden Bewältigung der Probleme von Risikotechnologie... ”
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»Die Kader entscheiden alles ...«: Kaderpolitik und Kaderentwicklung in der zentralen Staatsverwaltung der SBZ und der frühen DDR: (1945 - 1952)Boyer, Christoph 01 June 2022 (has links)
„... die Entstehung der neuen Elite speziell in der Wirtschaftsverwaltung der SBZ/DDR während der formativen Phase des zweiten deutschen Staates zwischen 1945 und 1961 zum Gegenstand ...” [... aus der Einleitung]
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Frivilliga avnoteringar av aktier – en probleminventering : En analys av förutsättningarna för att avnotera aktier från reglerade marknader / Voluntary delisting of shares – an identification of possible issues : An analysis of the conditions for delisting shares from regulated marketsRüdén, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Völkerfreundschaft nach Bedarf : Ausländische Arbeitskräfte in der Wahrnehmung von Staat und Bevölkerung der DDR / Peoples' Friendship as Required : Foreign Workers in the Perception of GDR State and PeopleRabenschlag, Ann-Judith January 2014 (has links)
The claim to successfully have eliminated racism and xenophobia in socialist Germany was crucial for the GDR’s demarcation against the Federal Republic and for GDR’s political self-conception. According to the state party SED, both the GDR’s government and its people met with all members of the working class, regardless their ethnicity or culture, in the spirit of Völkerfreundschaft – the peoples’ friendship. In the early 1960s, suffering from a lack of work power, the GDR began to recruit foreign workers, and continued to do so up until German reunification. When workers arrived from Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, the propositions of antiracism and peoples’ friendship were tested in practice. Following a discourse-analytical approach this study analyzes how the ideal of Völkerfreundschaft was dealt with and how it was exploited and altered both by citizens communicating with the state and within party-loyal circles. It examines when, why and by whom ethnicity was downplayed in favor of common class affiliation, and under which circumstances it regained importance. While latest research on foreigners in the GDR has focused on diagnosing the discrepancy between ideological claims and reality this study goes beyond such an approach and analyzes how this discrepancy was dealt with – both by state authorities, the state-owned factories and ordinary people – in everyday life. This study is a contribution to migration research, as well as to everyday-life-history and history of mentality in the GDR.
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