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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Völkerfreundschaft nach Bedarf : Ausländische Arbeitskräfte in der Wahrnehmung von Staat und Bevölkerung der DDR / Peoples’ Friendship as Required : Foreign Workers in the Perception of GDR State and People

Rabenschlag, Ann-Judith January 2014 (has links)
The claim to successfully have eliminated racism and xenophobia in socialist Germany was crucial for the GDR’s demarcation against the Federal Republic and for GDR’s political self-conception. According to the state party SED, both the GDR’s government and its people met with all members of the working class, regardless their ethnicity or culture, in the spirit of Völkerfreundschaft – the peoples’ friendship. In the early 1960s, suffering from a lack of work power, the GDR began to recruit foreign workers, and continued to do so up until German reunification. When workers arrived from Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, the propositions of antiracism and peoples’ friendship were tested in practice. Following a discourse-analytical approach this study analyzes how the ideal of Völkerfreundschaft was reproduced, exploited and altered both by citizens communicating with the state and within party-loyal circles. It examines when, why and by whom ethnicity was downplayed in favor of common class affiliation, and under which circumstances it regained importance. While latest research on foreigners in the GDR has focused on diagnosing the discrepancy between ideological claims and reality this study goes beyond such an approach and analyzes how this discrepancy was dealt with – both by state authorities, the state-owned factories and ordinary people – in everyday life.   This study is a contribution to migration research, as well as to everyday-life-history and history of mentality in the GDR.

Modelagem hidrossedimentológica de grandes bacias com o apoio de dados in situ e sensoriamento remoto

Fagundes, Hugo de Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
A utilização de modelos hidrossedimentológicos em grandes escalas é escassa, principalmente devido à falta de dados observados, necessários nas etapas de calibração e validação. Nesse contexto, foi realizada a simulação hidrossedimentológica com o modelo MGB-SED e avaliada a dinâmica espaço-temporal dos sedimentos em suspensão na bacia hidrográfica do rio Doce, localizada nos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo, que drena uma área de cerca de 86.715 km². Além disso, foi investigada a aplicabilidade de dados observados de concentração de sedimentos em suspensão (CSS), turbidez, sólidos suspensos totais (SST) e reflectância espectral de superfície na calibração e validação de modelos hidrossedimentológicos de grandes bacias. O modelo MGB-SED é resultante do acoplamento de um módulo de sedimentos ao modelo hidrológico de grandes bacias MGBIPH. O MGB-SED é um modelo empírico-conceitual, distribuído, discretizado em minibacias e que utiliza o conceito de Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica (URHs). Nas URHs são gerados os volumes de água e de sedimentos (calculado a partir da equação MUSLE) que serão propagados nos trechos de rio. A propagação do escoamento é feita por meio da equação de Muskingum-Cunge. O transporte de sedimentos é realizado por meio da equação de difusãoadvecção para materiais que estão em suspensão (argila e silte) e por meio da equação da continuidade dos sedimentos para a carga de fundo (areia). Foram estabelecidos quatorze experimentos para a calibração e validação do modelo MGB-SED com os dados observados. Os resultados mostraram que mesmo usando os valores padrão, o modelo MGB-SED apresentou resultados satisfatórios, com coeficiente de correlação acima de 0,50 para mais de 60% das estações de CSS, colaborando para a compreensão da dinâmica dos sedimentos na bacia. Os experimentos indicaram que os resultados podem ser melhorados ao: (i) aumentar o número sub-bacias; (ii) combinar métricas que representem a correlação, o viés e a amplitude de variação; (iii) utilizar o logaritmo da CSS ao invés da CSS diretamente; (iv) utilizar uma concentração de base; e (v) utilizar um intervalo de busca dos parâmetros calibráveis menor. A aplicação do modelo na bacia do rio Doce, da forma realizada, não permitiu representar sempre os grandes picos de CSS. A utilização do modelo permitiu identificar alguns padrões e comportamentos na bacia como o fato de que no período seco a principal fonte de sedimentos não é as encostas, mas sim os canais. A análise dos diferentes tipos de dados indica que os rios que mais contribuem com a carga de sedimentos para o rio Doce são o Caratinga, o Suaçuí Grande e o Guandu. / The use of erosion and sediment transport model at large scales is scarce, mainly due the lack of observed data, necessary in calibration and validation steps. In this context, erosion and sediment transport simulation was carried out using the MGB-SED model and the spatialtemporal dynamics of suspended sediment in the Doce river basin were evaluated. In addition, we investigated the applicability of observed suspended sediment concentration (SSC), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS) and surface spectral reflectance in the calibration and validation of erosion and sediment transport models for large river basins. The MGB-SED model is the result of the coupling of a sediment module to the large-scale hydrological model MGB-IPH. The MGB-SED is an empirical-conceptual, distributed model that uses a catchmentbased discretization and the hydrological response units (HRU) approach. In the HRUs, volumes of water and sediments (estimated by MUSLE equation) that will be routed in river reaches are generated. Flow routing is performed using a Muskingum-Cunge equation. Sediment transport is performed using a diffusion-advection equation for materials that are suspended (silt and clay) and performed using a sediment continuity equation for bed load (sand). Fourteen experiments to calibration and validation of the MGB-SED model using the observed data were established. Results showed that even using standard values, the MGBSED model presented satisfactory results, with correlations coefficient above 0.50 for more than 60% of the CSS gauges, collaborating to understand the sediment dynamics in the basin. Experiments indicated that results can be improved by: (i) increasing the number of sub-basin; (ii) combine metrics that represent the correlation, the bias, and the amplitude variation; (iii) use the logarithm of SSC instead of SSC directly; (iv) using a background concentration; and (v) use a smaller search interval of calibrated parameters. The application of the model in Doce river basin, in the way it was done, did not allowed to always represent the large SSC peaks. The use of the model allowed to identify some patterns and behaviors in the basin such as the fact that in the dry period the main source of sediments is not slopes but channels. The analysis of the different types of data indicates that the rivers that contribute most for the Doce river sediment load are Caratinga, Suaçuí Grande and Guandu.

Konfirmationen då och nu : en studie av konfirmationens förändrade betydelse från fornkyrkan till Svenska kyrkan idag

Nordqvist, Carolina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats behandlar konfirmationens förändring i den evangelisk-lutherska Svenska kyrkan.  Konfirmationen har sina grunder från fornkyrkan. Sedan dess har denna tradition utvecklats, från att vara ett sakrament till att bli en ceremoni inom Svenska kyrkan. Följande frågeställningar har behandlats: Hur skiljer sig konfirmationen då från nu? Vad står konfirmationen för idag till skillnad från då Sverige var dominerat av ett statskyrkosystem och ett mer enhetligt, kristet land? Konfirmationen är en religiös handling. Har denna betydelse glömts bort och ersatts av något annat? Är det bara en tradition som har levt kvar utan sin religiösa mening? Är konfirmationen en del av den svenska kulturen?</p><p>Antalet konfirmander har successivt minskat och Svenska kyrkan arbetar för att öka deltagarantalet. Svenska Kyrkan har utvecklats från att vara en nationell kyrka till att bli en självständig kyrka vid sidan av staten. Sammanfattningsvis går det att säga att relationen mellan stat, kyrka och individ har förändrats sedan 1800-talet och framåt. Flera förändringar har påverkat konfirmationens position inom Svenska kyrkan: bland annat att folkskolan infördes, att det är frivilligt att gå ur Svenska kyrkan och att konfirmera sig samt kyrkan och statens skilsmässa från varandra. Parallellt med att förhållandet mellan kyrka och stat har förändrats har även relationen mellan människor och kyrkan förändrats.</p>

Konfirmationen då och nu : en studie av konfirmationens förändrade betydelse från fornkyrkan till Svenska kyrkan idag

Nordqvist, Carolina January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar konfirmationens förändring i den evangelisk-lutherska Svenska kyrkan.  Konfirmationen har sina grunder från fornkyrkan. Sedan dess har denna tradition utvecklats, från att vara ett sakrament till att bli en ceremoni inom Svenska kyrkan. Följande frågeställningar har behandlats: Hur skiljer sig konfirmationen då från nu? Vad står konfirmationen för idag till skillnad från då Sverige var dominerat av ett statskyrkosystem och ett mer enhetligt, kristet land? Konfirmationen är en religiös handling. Har denna betydelse glömts bort och ersatts av något annat? Är det bara en tradition som har levt kvar utan sin religiösa mening? Är konfirmationen en del av den svenska kulturen? Antalet konfirmander har successivt minskat och Svenska kyrkan arbetar för att öka deltagarantalet. Svenska Kyrkan har utvecklats från att vara en nationell kyrka till att bli en självständig kyrka vid sidan av staten. Sammanfattningsvis går det att säga att relationen mellan stat, kyrka och individ har förändrats sedan 1800-talet och framåt. Flera förändringar har påverkat konfirmationens position inom Svenska kyrkan: bland annat att folkskolan infördes, att det är frivilligt att gå ur Svenska kyrkan och att konfirmera sig samt kyrkan och statens skilsmässa från varandra. Parallellt med att förhållandet mellan kyrka och stat har förändrats har även relationen mellan människor och kyrkan förändrats.

兒少保護緊急安置個案處遇之研究 / A Study of the Urgent Ensconced Treat ment in Children and Teenage Protection

陸鷊�, Pei-wen Hsu January 1994 (has links)
現階段的兒童少年保護工作中,社會工作專業的介入都與法令的執行及公權力角色息息相關,強制性的工作乃是依據兒童及少年保護的相關立法規定而進行強制性的介入。在兒童及少年保護工作中,以緊急安置對兒童及少年的家庭、親子關係及相關權益有最直接的影響,而事實上,在強制性的介入中,家庭弁鄋熊�估及處遇工作是一項整合修復兒童及少年個人與家庭的重要過程,並確保兒童少年及其家庭二方的權益皆能受到保障。本研究係針對屏東縣91年至94年間處理的78件兒童少年緊急安置案件,採量化的文件分析法及質性的深度訪談蒐集研究資料,希望透過本研究檢視過去緊急安置的處遇方式,並提出未來在兒童及少年保護過程中緊急安置發展方向的建議。研究者以家庭處遇的觀點來探討兒童及少年在經過緊急安置及提供受虐者與施虐者必要的輔導後,家庭維繫或家庭重整對兒童及少年權益的影響。研究者透過個案處遇記錄及與執行兒少保護實務的工作人員訪談,針對屏東縣在執行兒童及少年保護工作的緊急安置處遇提出下列研究成果與建議:1.目前兒童及少年保護的工作模式,大致仍以提供兒童及少年最佳安全環境為主要目的,緊急安置對案主權益的維護,與後續的家庭評估與處遇有重要的相關,是以加強專業網絡的建構及提昇專業人員知能才能有效執行法令對兒童及少年的保護;2.治本的辦法則為加強社會教育強化父母對子女的責任觀念;3.若評估家庭弁鄐w無法重建,?維護兒童及少年的權益,替代性的服務是必要的處遇觀念,讓兒童及少年有機會重新出發建立新的生活能力。 / Presently, the involvement of professional social work is related closely with the execution of laws and the gov ern ment when we talk about the protection of children and teenagers. Forceful modes are based on the laws of children and teenagers protection. However, what influences the relati on and rights of children and teenagers is crisis interven tion and placement. In fact, the evaluation of family fu nction and family treat ment is an important processof int egrating th econnection of individual and family in forceful mode. It can also guarantee the rights of both child ren and family. This research is based on 78 cases of teenagers’ crisis i ntervention and pl acement in Pintung County fro m 2002 to 2005. It is a quantified document analysis and a qualified deep interview as well . The purpose of this article is to discuss the way o f the urgent ensconced treatment in the past, and give advices to improve the quality of children and teenage protection in the future. This article uses the view of family treat ment approach to discuss the in fluence of victims, offenders, and fa mily in children and teenagers urgent ensconced treatment. Based on the individual reco rds and interview with workers who work with children and teenagers, there are some conclusions and suggestions to urgent ensconced treat ment of children and teenagers protection in Pintung county as following: 1. At present , the main goal o f the children and teenagers protection is still providing the safest circu mstances. The way o f crisis int ervention and placement has strong connection with guarantee of client s’ rights and family evaluation in the future. To improve the function of child ren andteenagers protection more efficiently, we should strengthen the professional netwo rk and elevate the knowledge of professional workers. 2. The best way to solve the problem is to enhance parent s’ responsibility to their children. 3. If fami ly function could not be rebuilt, alternative service would b e a necessary to ensure children and teenagers’ rights. It can give them a chance to develop their social ability as well. / 目錄 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………i 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………ii 誌謝………………………………………………………………………iii 目錄………………………………………………………………………iv 表目錄 ………………………………………………………………… viii 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………x 第 一 章 緒 論 …………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景………………………………………………… 2 第二節 研究動機 ……………………………………………3 第三節 研究目的 ……………………………………………4 第四節 名詞界定 ……………………………………………5 第 二 章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………… 8 第一節 兒童及少年保護緊急安置的概念 ……………………8 第二節 兒童及少年保護、福利相關法規 ……………………9 第三節 受虐類型……………………………………………… 9 第四節 兒童及少年保護服務處遇模式 ……………………11 第五節 家庭維繫與家庭重整 ………………………………11 第六節 過去相關研究 ………………………………………13 第 三 章 研究方法 …………………………………………………… 15 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………… 15 第二節 研究假設…………………………………………… 16 第三節 研究變項定義……………………………………… 17 第四節 研究流程…………………………………………… 21 第五節 資料蒐集…………………………………………… 21 第六節 信度與效度………………………………………… 22 第七節 資料分析方法……………………………………… 23 第 四 章 兒少保護緊急安置的個案紀錄分析 …………………… 25 第一節 受虐者與施虐者…………………………………… 25 第二節 受虐類型…………………………………………… 31 第三節 緊急安置…………………………………………… 32 第四節 受虐者與施虐者處遇……………………………… 32 第五節 家庭處遇… …………………………………………33 第六節 受虐者基本特質與受虐原因交叉分析…………… 34 第七節 討論…………………………………………………… 49 第 五 章 緊急安置處遇社工員的質性訪談分析………………… 51 第一節 緊急安置的處遇及意義 ……………………………… 51 第二節 安置資源及公、私部門合作機制………………… 54 第三節 年幼及特殊需求的兒少安置……………………… 56 第四節 處遇計畫的評估與擬定…………………………… 58 第五節 緊急安置的期限…………………………………… 59 第六節 緊急安置的法令完善性…………………………… 60 第七節 緊急安置處遇司法處遇的探討…………………… 61 第八節 研究結果討論……………………………………… 63 第 六 章 結論與研究建議…………………………………………… 69 第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 69 第二節 研究的建議…………………………………………… 70 第三節 研究的限制…………………………………………… 71 參考書目………………………………………………………………… 72 附錄一 臺閩地區兒童及少年保護執行概況表………………… 75 附錄二 兒童及少年福利法……………………………………… 76 附錄三 兒童及少年福利法施行細則…………………………… 89 附錄四 屏東縣兒童及少年虐待暨被疏忽研判指標…………… 92 附錄五 屏東縣強制性親職教育處遇評估表…………………… 100 附錄六 家庭暴力與兒童少年保護事件通報表…………………… 103 附錄七 訪談同意書……………………………………………… 105 附錄八 訪談大綱…………………………………………………… 106 附錄九 訪談人員基本資料……………………………………… 107 圖表目錄 圖 1 兒少保護緊急安置處遇研究架構…………………………… 16 表 1 1990-2005年有關兒少保護處遇博碩士論文篇數…………… 14 表 1.1 1990-2005年相關重要兒少保護處遇的研究者及研究項目…… 14 表 2 受虐原因分析…………………………………………………… 28 表 2.1 受虐主基本資料分析…………………………………………… 29 表 2.2 施虐者身份與施虐原因分析…………………………………… 30 表 3 受虐類型分析………………………………………………… 31 表 4 緊急安置方式分析…………………………………………… 32 表 5 受虐者與施虐者處遇分析………………………………… 33 表 6 家庭處遇分析……………………………………………… 34 表 7 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析表………………… 36 表 7.1 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析表(續)………………… 36 表 8 通報來源及受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 37 表 8.1 通報來源及受虐原因交叉分析(續)…………………………… 38 表 9 家庭類型與受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 39 表 9.1 家庭類型與受虐原因交叉分析(續)………………………… 39 表 10 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析………………………… 40 表 10.1 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析(續)……………… 41 表 11 施虐者教育程度與受虐原因交叉分析………………………… 42 表 12 施虐者年齡與受虐原因交叉分析……………………………… 43 表 12.1 施虐者年齡與受虐原因交叉分析(續)…………………… 43 表 13 施虐者身份與受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 44 表 13.1 施虐者身份與受虐原因交叉分析(續)……………………… 45 表 14 施虐者教育程度與受虐類型交叉分析表…………………… 46 表 15 施虐者年齡與受虐類型交叉分析表……………………… 47 表 15.1 施虐者年齡與受虐類型交叉分析表(續)…………………… 47 表 16 施虐者身份與受虐類型交叉分析………………………… 48 表 16.1 施虐者身份與受虐類型交叉分析(續)……………………… 48

Modelagem hidrossedimentológica de grandes bacias com o apoio de dados in situ e sensoriamento remoto

Fagundes, Hugo de Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
A utilização de modelos hidrossedimentológicos em grandes escalas é escassa, principalmente devido à falta de dados observados, necessários nas etapas de calibração e validação. Nesse contexto, foi realizada a simulação hidrossedimentológica com o modelo MGB-SED e avaliada a dinâmica espaço-temporal dos sedimentos em suspensão na bacia hidrográfica do rio Doce, localizada nos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo, que drena uma área de cerca de 86.715 km². Além disso, foi investigada a aplicabilidade de dados observados de concentração de sedimentos em suspensão (CSS), turbidez, sólidos suspensos totais (SST) e reflectância espectral de superfície na calibração e validação de modelos hidrossedimentológicos de grandes bacias. O modelo MGB-SED é resultante do acoplamento de um módulo de sedimentos ao modelo hidrológico de grandes bacias MGBIPH. O MGB-SED é um modelo empírico-conceitual, distribuído, discretizado em minibacias e que utiliza o conceito de Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica (URHs). Nas URHs são gerados os volumes de água e de sedimentos (calculado a partir da equação MUSLE) que serão propagados nos trechos de rio. A propagação do escoamento é feita por meio da equação de Muskingum-Cunge. O transporte de sedimentos é realizado por meio da equação de difusãoadvecção para materiais que estão em suspensão (argila e silte) e por meio da equação da continuidade dos sedimentos para a carga de fundo (areia). Foram estabelecidos quatorze experimentos para a calibração e validação do modelo MGB-SED com os dados observados. Os resultados mostraram que mesmo usando os valores padrão, o modelo MGB-SED apresentou resultados satisfatórios, com coeficiente de correlação acima de 0,50 para mais de 60% das estações de CSS, colaborando para a compreensão da dinâmica dos sedimentos na bacia. Os experimentos indicaram que os resultados podem ser melhorados ao: (i) aumentar o número sub-bacias; (ii) combinar métricas que representem a correlação, o viés e a amplitude de variação; (iii) utilizar o logaritmo da CSS ao invés da CSS diretamente; (iv) utilizar uma concentração de base; e (v) utilizar um intervalo de busca dos parâmetros calibráveis menor. A aplicação do modelo na bacia do rio Doce, da forma realizada, não permitiu representar sempre os grandes picos de CSS. A utilização do modelo permitiu identificar alguns padrões e comportamentos na bacia como o fato de que no período seco a principal fonte de sedimentos não é as encostas, mas sim os canais. A análise dos diferentes tipos de dados indica que os rios que mais contribuem com a carga de sedimentos para o rio Doce são o Caratinga, o Suaçuí Grande e o Guandu. / The use of erosion and sediment transport model at large scales is scarce, mainly due the lack of observed data, necessary in calibration and validation steps. In this context, erosion and sediment transport simulation was carried out using the MGB-SED model and the spatialtemporal dynamics of suspended sediment in the Doce river basin were evaluated. In addition, we investigated the applicability of observed suspended sediment concentration (SSC), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS) and surface spectral reflectance in the calibration and validation of erosion and sediment transport models for large river basins. The MGB-SED model is the result of the coupling of a sediment module to the large-scale hydrological model MGB-IPH. The MGB-SED is an empirical-conceptual, distributed model that uses a catchmentbased discretization and the hydrological response units (HRU) approach. In the HRUs, volumes of water and sediments (estimated by MUSLE equation) that will be routed in river reaches are generated. Flow routing is performed using a Muskingum-Cunge equation. Sediment transport is performed using a diffusion-advection equation for materials that are suspended (silt and clay) and performed using a sediment continuity equation for bed load (sand). Fourteen experiments to calibration and validation of the MGB-SED model using the observed data were established. Results showed that even using standard values, the MGBSED model presented satisfactory results, with correlations coefficient above 0.50 for more than 60% of the CSS gauges, collaborating to understand the sediment dynamics in the basin. Experiments indicated that results can be improved by: (i) increasing the number of sub-basin; (ii) combine metrics that represent the correlation, the bias, and the amplitude variation; (iii) use the logarithm of SSC instead of SSC directly; (iv) using a background concentration; and (v) use a smaller search interval of calibrated parameters. The application of the model in Doce river basin, in the way it was done, did not allowed to always represent the large SSC peaks. The use of the model allowed to identify some patterns and behaviors in the basin such as the fact that in the dry period the main source of sediments is not slopes but channels. The analysis of the different types of data indicates that the rivers that contribute most for the Doce river sediment load are Caratinga, Suaçuí Grande and Guandu.

Modelagem hidrossedimentológica de grandes bacias com o apoio de dados in situ e sensoriamento remoto

Fagundes, Hugo de Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
A utilização de modelos hidrossedimentológicos em grandes escalas é escassa, principalmente devido à falta de dados observados, necessários nas etapas de calibração e validação. Nesse contexto, foi realizada a simulação hidrossedimentológica com o modelo MGB-SED e avaliada a dinâmica espaço-temporal dos sedimentos em suspensão na bacia hidrográfica do rio Doce, localizada nos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo, que drena uma área de cerca de 86.715 km². Além disso, foi investigada a aplicabilidade de dados observados de concentração de sedimentos em suspensão (CSS), turbidez, sólidos suspensos totais (SST) e reflectância espectral de superfície na calibração e validação de modelos hidrossedimentológicos de grandes bacias. O modelo MGB-SED é resultante do acoplamento de um módulo de sedimentos ao modelo hidrológico de grandes bacias MGBIPH. O MGB-SED é um modelo empírico-conceitual, distribuído, discretizado em minibacias e que utiliza o conceito de Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica (URHs). Nas URHs são gerados os volumes de água e de sedimentos (calculado a partir da equação MUSLE) que serão propagados nos trechos de rio. A propagação do escoamento é feita por meio da equação de Muskingum-Cunge. O transporte de sedimentos é realizado por meio da equação de difusãoadvecção para materiais que estão em suspensão (argila e silte) e por meio da equação da continuidade dos sedimentos para a carga de fundo (areia). Foram estabelecidos quatorze experimentos para a calibração e validação do modelo MGB-SED com os dados observados. Os resultados mostraram que mesmo usando os valores padrão, o modelo MGB-SED apresentou resultados satisfatórios, com coeficiente de correlação acima de 0,50 para mais de 60% das estações de CSS, colaborando para a compreensão da dinâmica dos sedimentos na bacia. Os experimentos indicaram que os resultados podem ser melhorados ao: (i) aumentar o número sub-bacias; (ii) combinar métricas que representem a correlação, o viés e a amplitude de variação; (iii) utilizar o logaritmo da CSS ao invés da CSS diretamente; (iv) utilizar uma concentração de base; e (v) utilizar um intervalo de busca dos parâmetros calibráveis menor. A aplicação do modelo na bacia do rio Doce, da forma realizada, não permitiu representar sempre os grandes picos de CSS. A utilização do modelo permitiu identificar alguns padrões e comportamentos na bacia como o fato de que no período seco a principal fonte de sedimentos não é as encostas, mas sim os canais. A análise dos diferentes tipos de dados indica que os rios que mais contribuem com a carga de sedimentos para o rio Doce são o Caratinga, o Suaçuí Grande e o Guandu. / The use of erosion and sediment transport model at large scales is scarce, mainly due the lack of observed data, necessary in calibration and validation steps. In this context, erosion and sediment transport simulation was carried out using the MGB-SED model and the spatialtemporal dynamics of suspended sediment in the Doce river basin were evaluated. In addition, we investigated the applicability of observed suspended sediment concentration (SSC), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS) and surface spectral reflectance in the calibration and validation of erosion and sediment transport models for large river basins. The MGB-SED model is the result of the coupling of a sediment module to the large-scale hydrological model MGB-IPH. The MGB-SED is an empirical-conceptual, distributed model that uses a catchmentbased discretization and the hydrological response units (HRU) approach. In the HRUs, volumes of water and sediments (estimated by MUSLE equation) that will be routed in river reaches are generated. Flow routing is performed using a Muskingum-Cunge equation. Sediment transport is performed using a diffusion-advection equation for materials that are suspended (silt and clay) and performed using a sediment continuity equation for bed load (sand). Fourteen experiments to calibration and validation of the MGB-SED model using the observed data were established. Results showed that even using standard values, the MGBSED model presented satisfactory results, with correlations coefficient above 0.50 for more than 60% of the CSS gauges, collaborating to understand the sediment dynamics in the basin. Experiments indicated that results can be improved by: (i) increasing the number of sub-basin; (ii) combine metrics that represent the correlation, the bias, and the amplitude variation; (iii) use the logarithm of SSC instead of SSC directly; (iv) using a background concentration; and (v) use a smaller search interval of calibrated parameters. The application of the model in Doce river basin, in the way it was done, did not allowed to always represent the large SSC peaks. The use of the model allowed to identify some patterns and behaviors in the basin such as the fact that in the dry period the main source of sediments is not slopes but channels. The analysis of the different types of data indicates that the rivers that contribute most for the Doce river sediment load are Caratinga, Suaçuí Grande and Guandu.

How did East Germany's Media represent Iran between 1949 and 1989?

Klusener, Edgar January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines how the press of the erstwhile German Democratic Republic represented Iran in the years from 1949 – the year of the GDR’s formation – until 1989, the last complete year before its demise on 3 October 1990. The study focuses on key events in Iranian history such as the overthrow of the Mossadegh government in 1953, the White Revolution, the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Iran-Iraq war. It will be shown that although news and articles were based on selected facts, they still presented a picture of Iran that was at best distorted, the distortions and misrepresentations amounting to what could be described as 'factual fiction'. Furthermore, clear evidence will be provided that economical and political relations with Iran were a primary concern of the GDR’s leadership, and thus also of the GDR’s press and have therefore dominated the reporting on Iran. Whatever ideological concerns there may have been, they were hardly ever allowed to get in the way of amicable relations with the Shah or later with the Islamic Republic. Only in periods where the two countries enjoyed less amicable or poor relations, was the press free to critically report events in Iran and to openly support the cause of the SED’s communist Iranian sister party, the Tudeh. Despite East Germany’s diametric ideological environment and despite the fundamentally different role that the GDR’s political system had assigned to the press and to journalism, East Germany’s press was as reliant on the input of the global news agencies as any Western media. The at times almost complete reliance on Western news agencies as sources for news on Iran challenged more than just the hermeneutic hegemony the SED and the GDR’s press wanted to establish. After all, which news and information were made available by the news agencies to the media in both East and West was primarily determined by the business interests of said agencies. The study makes a contribution to three fields: Modern Iranian history, (East-) German history and media studies. The most valid findings were certainly made in the latter.

Att avnotera aktier : - En studie av förutsättningarna för att genomföra en avnotering av aktier i enlighet med svensk rätt, särskilt i relation till skyddet av minoritetsaktieägarnas intressen / Delisting of Shares : - A study of the requirements to conduct a full delisting of shares in accordance with Swedish law, particularly in relation to the protection of the minority shareholders’ interests

Westberg, Wilhelm January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Hippocampal Neurogenesis In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Like Mice

Ma, Xiaoxing 10 1900 (has links)
<p> G93A SODI mice (G93A mice) are a transgenic model over-expressing a mutant human Cu/Zn-SOD gene, and are a model for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a predominantly motor neurodegenerative disease. Hippocampal neurogenesis in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of dentate gyms (DG) occurs throughout the life. It is regulated by many pathological and physiological processes. There is controversy with respect to the basal level of hippocampal neurogenesis and its response to exercise in neurodegenerative diseases and their mouse models. Little information regarding hippocampal neurogenesis is available in G93A mice. The present study was designed to study the impact of treadmill exercise and sex differences on hippocampal neurogenesis in this model. In addition, potential molecular mechanisms regulating hippocampal neurogenesis including growth factors (BDNF and IGFl) and oxidative stress (SOD2, catalase, 8-0Hdg, and 3-NT) were also addressed in the study. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to label newly generated cells. G93A and wild type (WT) mice were subjected to treadmill exercise (EX) or a sedentary (SEO) lifestyle. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect BrdU labeled newly proliferating cells, surviving cells, and their phenotype, as well as for determination of oxidative stress. BDNF and IGFl mRNA expression was assessed by in situ hybridization. Results showed that (1) G93A mice had an elevated basal level of hippocampal neurogenesis for both cell survival and neuronal differentiation, a growth factor (BDNF mRNA), and an oxidative stress marker (NT), as compared to wild type sedentary mice. (2) Treadmill running did not show any further effect on hippocampal neurogenesis, growth factors, oxidative stress, and antioxidant enzymes in G93A mice, while treadmill running promoted hippocampal neurogenes1s and expression of the growth factor (BDNF mRNA), and lowered oxidative stress (8-0Hdg) in WT mice. (3) There also were sex differences in hippocampal neurogenesis in G93A mice, whereby male G93A mice had a significant higher level of cell proliferation but a lower level of survival than female G93A mice. (4) The DG BDNF mRNA was associated with cell survival and neuronal differentiation in sedentary G93A mice, suggesting that BDNF is associated with a higher basal level of hippocampal neurogenesis in G93A mice. We conclude that G93A mice are more permissive in the context of hippocampal neurogenesis, which is associated with elevated DG BDNF mRNA expression. Running did not have impact on hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF mRNA expression in G93A mice, probably due to a 'ceiling effect' of the already heightened basal levels of hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF mRNA in this model. In addition, sex differences also affect hippocampal neurogenes1s, but the further study is needed to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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